Friday, May 29, 2015


TGIF thread.


Lynne2 said...

WOO +HOOO thanks Steve!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Lori!!!

Lynne2 said...

Really worried about Lolly....I hope they didn't come home to a mess from all of this rain.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning

Thanks Steve for the fresh new Friday thread - Have a knockout weekend
Congrats Lynne on the feather and the recognition of being first!

I need to read older thread..

Lolly and Jack were last heard of when they were in their car and had a 45 min ride home
Have been up 19 hours after 3 hours of sleep! Can not sleep on plane. Going to get some kitty Loving . (These comments from PM on FB)

I have 2 ggd in the bedroom - they slept thru the nite well - Now what's for breakfast?

Mema Jo said...




JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

for got to check the box heading out the door

JudyEddy said...


~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Many thanks to STEVE for re-threading us and to the be-feathered LYNNE2 for the alert!

LORI, Happy Birthday!!! Hoping your every dream comes true--they should if the old truism "hard work pays off" has any validity at all!!!

JANET, your 14 year old was feted in style! That birthday cake looks good enough to eat!!!

JO, thanks for the LOLLY report! The jet lag when traveling from Europe to the USA is the ultimate zap. I can almost hear the gentle snoring at Hawkwood from here. Snoozing ggd at your house---how sweet it is!

JUDIE, thrilled with every Pain Free word you write!

We won't have our eaglets around for long. They are about to graduate to Juvie status!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lynne2 said...

Dorothy is one upset Falcon looking for her baby this morning.....banding day!!

Lynne2 said...

Baby back....

Dorothy is now reunited with the falcon chick everyone is calling "Fuzzy". We just saw an update on the Eagle chat page from "lizgreaves": 10:25 AM "This peregrine chick is banded and he’s going back to Mom & Dad. His sex is undetermined because he’s been slow in development – feathers and strength are at age 14 days – but he had no deformities and has a good change of catching up. He did have feather parasites so he was treated with medication to remove them. So that problem virtually gone."

JudyEddy said...


LOLLY HAS POSTED ON FACEBOOK ""Last night, after arriving home, we measured 7 inches in our rain gauge. Then this morning we measured 4.5 after last night's rain. Water is flowing down both sides of the house. Front patio standing in mud and water as is the brick around our house patio."""

so not to worry I am sure she will come to the blog shortly

JudyEddy said...

More on the page where she commented so

"""ike · Reply · 35 mins

Lolly Hendrick Ellis We have a lot of limbs to pick up. Also mud on extended patio, side walks and some landscaping. No serious damage but a lot of clean up. Can not mow, parts of years standing in water. Grass is high too. We had a lawn service scheduled but they could not mow.
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins

Lolly Hendrick Ellis Skippi was very happy to see us! Purred all evening! We slept 12 hours last night, 7 to 7! Lol. Skippi slept in my arms, some times purring and snuggling!
Like · Reply · 1 · 19 mins

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks, Judy, for bringing comments over.

Last night I was a zombie! Literally collapsed in bed at 7 and slept to 7 this morning! Michael called at 8:30. I told him I did not know where is dad was. Lol. He was in bed beside me. Went right back to sleep.

We returned to a big mess in the yard, only to wake up to a bigger mess this morning. Our house will never flood as the lawn slopes down to the road but we literally can not walk in our yard as it is like a swamp! Standing water everywhere. Mosquitoes are bad!

What a awesome trip! Everything went well and we have some fantastic memories.

Tons to do today. Groceries and pick up the mail as well as laundry. Want to get outside but it will have to wait and more rain coming! I do think God heard all the prayers for rain! :)

Have a great day!

Lynne2 said...

Glad to have you back Lolly!

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Lolly. Nice to know that your house is in good shape and not in danger of flooding.

Happy birthday, Lori. I hope this year brings you a wonderful nursing job. You deserve it.

JudyEddy said...

food drop a few mim ago one got it and other is watching

JudyEddy said...

another food drip and adult still there

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle buds.

Birthday Lori

Welcome home Lolly

Hope all are having a great day.

Judie said...

Good evening, all.

A belated thank you to Steve for the Friday thread.

Congrats to Lynne2 on her new feather.

Looks like two eaglets just getting ready for darkness. Nest is quiet.

Welcome home Lolly. Glad you had a wonderful trip. Weather will subside. All will be fine with the house and yard.

Spent most of the day in the scullery. Food ready for the weekend.

Now to put my feet up, watch some tv, and then to the pillows.

Sandperson is packing early again tonight. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

well well well, slow day today!

Heading off to read. Reading God, Guts, Grits and Gravy by Mike Huckabee and it's pretty good!

Recently read Just Alice. Really really good.

See ya all later!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a good day

Weekend is here for all your working people

Sandi - seems like months up months ago we started your count-down and
WOW - Almost Home!

Goodnight to all - SED and AOYP ♥

Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair and slept about an hour. Now ready for the shower and bed. Body adjusting to the time change!

I swept and swept the water on the brick today, but as fast as I swept it away it ran onto the brick from the yard. But, I did sweep away some of the mud.more rain expected tonight and tomorrow morning! We did gather up the tree limbs and branches from the yard. There is an area behind the shop that is not standing in water however it is like quicksand. Jack told me about it ,so of course I had to go walk on it. I started sinking and it scared me! I almost panicked!! Not good for the foundation of the shop!

Gotta get to bed! Night all! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, despite all the standing water and mud in your yard and gardens, I know you're thankful it has all stayed outside. Water outside resolves on its own - water inside doesn't.

Judie, how are the legs feeling?

Lynne2, how is your body feeling after that fall?

Jenni's digestive system seems to be pretty much back to normal - no recent messes to clean up in the house.

Women's pro tennis tournament starts here this week - we are only housing 1 official this year - he arrives this afternoon. We were supposed to have 3 officials staying here but things changed as of yesterday. Have made the bed in the downstairs bedroom but today I need to dust and vacuum in there and clean the bathroom. Also have the 3 bathrooms upstairs and our bedroom to clean this weekend, plus the never-ending laundry.

Have agreat day all!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Bright sunshine this morning. Muggy humid under a bright blue sky .Plan to stay in today and read.

Eaglets look fine this morning. Decorah also preparing to go out into the world. Loch of Lowes triplets are growing and the youngest is getting equal feedings. Loon babes should begin to arrive any day. Bear babies were out and playing earlier.

Sandi, enjoy the tournament this week and your guest. Legs are much improved. Walking without pain. Go back to vascular next week. Very happy Jenni seems to be better.

Wishing everyone a spectacular day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

All's well here, except for the pesky little tiny house fly that came in with us after our first walk of the day. He's too fast for me. Arrrrggghhhhh. Seth and Julie are out doing their Meals on Wheels thing and he will be with me for dinner/the evening and breakfast. My runner, Eileen is at the starting line for a 5K charity run about now and son, Lee, is heading back to NJ after a speaking engagement in Missouri. All my chicks accounted for!

JUDIE, thanks for the rundown on our creatures big n' small---seems all's well with them, too! Take care and stay pain free!

SANDI, I'm sure your tennis official guest will fine his lodging to be 5 Star! Yep, you're rounding third base now and headed for home. Get ready to slide! Glad Jenni is on the mend.

LOLLY, did your scrumptious Italian food add any pounds? Not to worry--keeping up with mud, water and "quick sand" will take em' off in a hurry! Too bad you came home to such a mess. I hope there is a bright side in that lakes and waterways are benefiting due to much needed rain.

LYNNE2, thanks for the reading tips!

JO, do you still have those lovely ggd's there? If so, enjoy---if no, enjoy the memories!

Prayers for all in need, including our dear eagle family who continue to amaze as they carry out Mother Nature's plans so perfectly!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I am getting a new Hot water heater this morning - Watch out for old water tank disposal. Thankful for having a son with a truck and the knowledge to install.
The other evening I had a young deer down at the weed line - I miss having more then one
sighting a season. Darn golf course and housing!

No plans for the day - other then a soaking bath!
Enjoy your day everyone - staying inside as Judie is
JUDYE - new album on Momsters for you to fill in June.
Lolly - stay out of the yard for a while or you may sink! I am sure your heart aches for
the rain to stop - too many of us doing rain dances, I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

If you can open this link - would you please vote for Operation Second Chance organization?
This is the group that has help Christine and Patrick to own a home in VA…

Voting is through 5/31 and we have fallen behind 47 votes. You can vote once a day

Hoping you can help out - we have it up on FB but sometimes requests aren't seen.

Please and thank you ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Close to another inch of rain over night! Yes, I can deal with our yard mess. It is NOTHING compared to lives lost and as well as home lost and homes damaged!

All the mud I swept away yesterday has been replaced by more! I wore a blister yesterday sweeping. Will wear gloves today! I figure it is easier to sweep away the mud while there is also standing water, otherwise we will be shoveling! Should say flowing water, not standing. Our acre slopes from the back to the front. Our immediate front yard is okay. Far front is standing in water! Water in back is another story. It is flowing out of the ground when it hits our house and then flows around the corner and down the flagstone path on the other side. However, the garden on the south side where the gazebo is, is standing in water. And, the front patio is holding water, it is a pool!

So hard to believe how we have gone from a drought to this! Interesting though, the largest lake in Texas, Lacke Buchanan, is still 30 ft below full. I have a cousin who lives on the lake and he has been keeping us up on their lake conditions.

Out to sweep!

Mema Jo said...

5:14pm Dinner in the nest

Adult is feeding one eaglet while the other is claiming the food and eating.

JudyEddy said...

the whole family is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

poof one

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Been busy today. Made it to one of Hunter's baseball games. They had a double-header against two different teams. They won the won the first, but barely lost the second.

Kay, I see a fly here, too. Not sure how it got in.

Thanks for all of the animal reports, Judie. I do not always get to visit them, but I am interested.

stronghunter said...

One parent in the nest.

Yikes! One eaglet is on the edge of the crib rail. Just sitting there.

stronghunter said...

Edge-hanger has come back in.

stronghunter said...

Parent is trying to get something from underneath other eaglet. Got pecked. Standoff.

stronghunter said...

Okay, the parent turned around, and the kid bit the parent's tail. Looks like a sullen teenager. Just lying there in the nest.

Judie said...

Good evening.

About the loons, hatching any day now. Possible pip reported. New flowers on the nest. Shasta Daisies, Jewel Weed, and Rocket something.

Ah, sullen teenagers. Shirley, perhaps a quick email to Shep and Belle on how to deal with sullen teens. You seem to have the knack. Glad Hunter's team won one of two.

Lolly, do hope the water soaks into the ground and any damage/cleanup is minimal. Perhaps the water now will help offset a drought later in the summer.

Jo and Kay, hope you both had a good day. Wonder what Sandi is doing with the tennis judge? Well, not one-on-one but for dinner and conversation.

Sandperson is wanting into the hall closet to get his satchel filled. Yet another early night.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

Saturday evening. HI everyone.
Its been busy. Yesterday was work and I came home, did what I needed to do and collapsed on the sofa. Finished reading one book and started another. Then dented the pillows.

Got up this morning. I took Olivia to get what she needed to be able to wear her new dress tomorrow. It is strapless so we needed a bra that was such. Then a couple grocery store stops and home.

I baked Michael's bday cake today as I had time. A Reese's peanut butter cheesecake on a brownie crust. Smells divine!

Nancy & Chris arrived. Tomorrow is Chris' son's wedding. They had a pre-wedding lunch today.

We've had a lovely afternoon visiting.

Now is quiet. Thinking about getting my shower in a bit. Then tomorrow, the wedding.

KAY: thank you for the compliment on the cake. Publix makes yummy cakes.
LOLLY: welcome home and glad all is well.
Hope everyone has a good evening.

Love n hugs to all!

Lolly said...

Sunshine predicted for upcoming days! Wahoo! We still have not turned on our AC to run full time. Still cool! Amazing! Water still flowing out of the backyard and on to the brick extension of the patio.

Funny story! Neighbors behind us have chickens and ducks. He has come to our house before when a chicken has escaped and was in our backyard. He has to get in his truck and drive around. Well, this morning he rang our doorbell. He said a duck was in our yard. How appropriate Jack replied! 😀. Rain has washed away soil and left holes for fowl to escape under the fence!

Heading to Denton tomorrow for church and Josephs's confirmation at Saint Andrews. Also a reception and a bar-b-que to go to following church. Will se you tomorrow. Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Another relaxing day in my life - I enjoy the leisure time

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...



Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Had a pleasant evening getting to know Alan, the tennis official staying here for the week. He drove from Youngstown, Ohio. Qualifying matches start today - 22 of them - and will continue tomorrow. The young ladies playing in these matches are competing for open slots in the main draw. Players who have accumulated enough points in other tournaments are already in the main draw and don't start playing until Tuesday, when the tournament actually begins.

Our eaglets look and sound hungry. Saw the cam shake a while ago and both looked up so I think a parent landed in the tree but no food was delivered. For a minute, they were fighting over a bit of something in the nest - tug of war.

Joe Biden's son Beau has died at age 46 from brain cancer - so very sad. When Biden was a US Senator from DE, apparently many loved him and many hated him (that was before we moved here). But Beau was the Attorney General here until 2012 and I thought he did an excellent job. He spent a lot of time traveling to schools to talk to the kids about internet safety. Whether people like Joe Biden or not, no one would wish for a man to lose 2 children in his lifetime - he lost his 1st wife and 1-year old daughter in a car accident back in the 70s. Again, how very sad.

Didn't get the upstairs cleaned yesterday so that still needs to be done and I'd like to watch some live tennis. Denny will be power washing the house now that the pollen is finished and I'm sure I'll be asked to help with that. There's one thing I won't be doing today and that's school work - I have pledged to bring no school work home ever again - what's left to do before June 11th will get done in school during these last 9 days.

Have agreat day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on the soon to be hot hot SUNDAY ♥
I had heard about Beau Biden's death = I wasn't aware of Joe's 1st wife & child. Sad

I was just out at the feeder and peanut pot and boy that sun is really coming down hard.
I sure wish one Sunday could be just warm and no humidity so that I could get to Market
and see Megan. Dark skies are headed in from the west - our electricity shut off for a brief time early early morning hour. We had to reset the fuses as my 02 cut off.

I guess I am now going over to monitor the voting for Operation Second Chance - it is
touch and go.

Hard to realize that the month of MAY is leaving and June will be here! We seem to have lot of birthdays and anniversaries in June.

Mema Jo said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Whew! Ken and I have been super, super busy, and we're dead on our butts! We've been helping our friends Jim and Darlene pack up stuff in their 2-car garage and move it into their new abode, a nice little mobile home. The garage was stuffed to the point that you couldn't walk into most of it. There was a small path leading to the washer & dryer, and the rest was full to the top! Now it's got more walking room, and all is packed and ready for the movers--well, a lot is not packed, but organized and ready for a huge garage sale! That stuff is going to a storage facility for now. They have to be completely out of the garage by June 5th. The apartment is almost empty except for one clothes closet and a bit of stuff in their attic storage space. Movers are coming again I think on Tuesday, and that should take care of clearing out the last of it.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, LORI!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIM!! Hope I haven't missed anyone else's day. I will have to try to read back and get caught up. We're going to be helping with the packing/moving again today for a while, so maybe later tonight I can get caught up if I can stay awake long enough.

Welcome back home, Lolly & Jack!! Glad there's no serious problems caused by the recent weather! Our kids in Providence Village, TX practically need a rowboat. They are also being overrun by frogs because of the huge "lake" behind their back yard. The "ribbits" at night are almost deafening!

Well, have a couple of bills to schedule for payment online, and then need to shower and get going, quickly. Feed Emma, and run! HAGD, everyone, and I will
hopefully BBL with an update. I ♥ us!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ Happy Birthday to Roadrunner Jim ♪♫ May the day be one to remember and the year ahead be even more so.

Janet, wishing a lovely day for the wedding. May there be no glitches.

Jo, weather here is also bright sunshine, blue sky, and sticky humid. Bet Shirley is the same. Staying in again today.

Sandi, hope all goes well with the qualifying matches. Are those all during the day or do you get to watch some at night? MOSTLY: good on you for resolving not to bring school work home again. You are seriously on your way to summer and a year of semi-retirement.

Andy, sure hope your friends' yard sale is hugely successful. Mobile homes don't have much extra room for unnecessary stuff. Happy the TX family is safe, frogs and all.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Black Water Refuge Osprey

Nest Update

Our volunteers at the Visitor Center (who can see the video monitor) say they don't see a chick yet, but the parents seem fidgety. We'll try to get some video this weekend if a chick appears.

NCSuzan said...

HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!!!! Hope today is the beginning of a fantastic year for you!

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone!

See our BIG chicklets are up in their corner of the nest. I guess that's part of Ducky still there.

Have had a green/brown thumb experience here at home. It's kinda funny, so I sent info/pics out in an email. I decided to add it to the Nook,too. Enjoy!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!


JO, thanks for the BWR Osprey update! Do you have a generator in case of a serious/lengthy power outage? Scary when the 02 is in jeopardy.

LORETTA, purty new pics in The Nook. Even the dreaded week is a thing of beauty!

ANDY, goos on you and your Kubby for helping friends with sizing down and moving! A true and loving friendship thing to do!

SANDI, glad you're enjoying your guest and hope you'll get in on some of the tournament! I'm deeply saddened by Joe Biden's latest loss--one of those times when we think life is just not fair.

JUDIE, hope you're having a pain free Sunday!

JUDY, good afternoon as I expect you'll soon be checking during your lunch break.

LOLLY, enough of that ducky weather for now, eh? Glad you proud grandparents made it back in time to help the family celebrate Joseph's confirmation.

Seth and I had our usual good time last night and this morning. We've now finished two of the three Bletchley episodes and JO, you're so right, I'm enjoying every tense moment of the tale!

Rained all night here, but is clearing and turning a few degrees cooler. Will drench myself in OFF and head to the band concert in the park this evening. My d.i.l.'s family gifted me with her late father's Rollator and it arrived a couple of days ago. It will make such outings very much easier for me! They included 3 canes and a couple of walking sticks so I'm ready for just about anything now!

Blessings on our Eagle Family and prayers for all in need!


Kay said...

ANDY, no goo is on you---but Good on you.......

Mema Jo said...

Checking in on our two birdies......... Both in center of the nest -- I don't think any food deliveries have been made today -- I'll need to check that out.
We have only had a few drops of rain - but now it is clouding up again.
Kay I have a humongous 02 tank - we thought about a generator this winter but didn't invest. Two of our children (local) do have generators in case we would have an
I just took a half-hour snooze - ready to go but not any place to venture off to...
May have dinner out..
Going to the "NOOK"

Mema Jo said...

Storm is at the nest

JudyEddy said...

adult came in thought a food drop but if it was they took it with them lol

JudyEddy said...

big clunk of cam housing
the eaglets sound like sirens lol one at bottom of stump and other is at 11 feetsie shousing

JudyEddy said...


~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Good evening....Good LAST DAY OF METEROLOGIC SPING evening!

Lynne2 said...

Thunder looming....small storm coming up from Shirley's way and more from the west. Daisy is securly hiding in the bathroom, poor baby.

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet just did a lo fly over from the right to the left talons off the nest all the way
waiting for them to discover the stump that they can go up it The one is always up on the bottom of it

Lolly said...

Hi all! What a fantastic day! Not only was it a day for confirmation for Joseph and 11 other 8th graders,but Joseph was asked to participate in the morning service. He read a prayer and then read the scripture. It was long and he did excellent! So very proud! After church there was a reception and then to the home of his best friend for a delicious barbeque lunch! Such nice things were said about Joseph! Can you tell I am swelling with pride!

Water has gone down on the front patio, but the garden on the south is still standing in water as is the far front. Then there is the back yard that still has water flowing out of the ground. What a mess!

Going to start planting some pots and do a little shoveling of mud off the side walk and flagstone path. Mosquitoes, too are a tremendous problem! But, sunshine all week!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, to answer your question about my back and the fall I took....well, 3 days ago there was another mishap! There was a rather large hole in the field that isn't easily noticed as it's covered in grass. I stepped right into it and really jarred my back. It's been very sore, and now I have pain and numbness running down my right leg. Not good! Will be stretching and doing PT exercises in the hopes that whatever is now pressing that nerve will GO AWAY!

Geez, I am such a calamity!

Kay, maybe you should send ME a walking stick! LOL! Glad you had a nice weekend and hope the concert is good this evening!

Sandi I hope you got to watch some live tennis today but as hot as it is, I rather think I'd be powerwashing in hopes of getting nice and wet!
VERY sad about Joe Biden's son. I'm not a huge fan of him as vice pres. but I sure do sympathize over his tremendous loss.

Andy, I want to have a yard sale too! I feel the need to seriously let go of so many things. Why do I have a tub of stuffed animals from childhood, or a tub of match books from years of collecting them? Too many knick knack too much STUFF. (this is my mother in laws fault!)

Lynne2 said...

Very proud of Joseph...saw the pics on FB! I suspect it might take several days for the water to go away but I'm sure glad the weather is improving!

JudyEddy said...

I was wondering what that glow coming from the blog was LOLLY it was you with the Grandmother pride glowing

LYNNE2 so sorry about the second fall Maybe you need bumper pads and a cane or walking stick to poke in front of you
and you know that someone will be very upset that the QUEEN broke the rule again Off with her head or a whipping with a wet noodle What will Jufie say LOL Hope you get relief soon

JudyEddy said...

I want to go and get a dipped cone from McD they are only 1.06 I can't resist LOL

JudyEddy said...

one eagle is snoozing on its side talons out the other is preening at the base of stump and ducky is also there

JudyEddy said...

Been watching them while surfing on tv Gonna go watch Bones I have many episodes I dvrd

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO power flicked, satelite is out, better shut down for now. It's a small but very intense storm coming at us.....


JudyEddy said...

stay safe LYNNE2

I am also getting rumbling in the distance
sea breeze meets land breeze storms Is our norm for June just getting earlier this year weather man say

Janet said...

good evening to all

LYNNE2: bubble wrap. I think after the noodle lashing you need to be wrapped in bubble wrap! feel better! :)

all is well here. its quiet for the moment. a very busy day. we made it to the wedding, every one dressed and manners on. it was lovely. the ceremony took exactly (I kid you not!) 2 min 10 sec. I've heard of speed dating, but speed marrying?????????

it was very pretty and well done. we were included in many pix as "extended family". very nice feeling.

glad to be home and in my pj's with my feet up. I am tired. I guess nancy and chris will be back in a bit.

one more day of visiting then they head back home.

hope everyone had a good day! hugs to all

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...


Been trying to vote, Jo. But they won't let me. I will try again in a bit.

Did a little in the vegetable garden today, but it was so hot. I planted my squash plant right in the middle so it will have plenty of room to grow.

Happy birthday, Jim!!

Please take good care of yourself Lynne2. No more falling. Please.

stronghunter said...

Finally was able to vote.

Now I am going to get between the sheets. So I will wish everyone SED.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

SANDI where are you ? you normally beat me on the blog in the am

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - happy June!

Judy, got waylaid this morning and didn't have time to post from home.

Lynne2, what Janet said ... bubble wrap for you!! Hope you've just pulled a muscle and didn't do any very serious damage.

Didn't get to watch any tennis matches yesterday - helping with power washing WAS refreshing on such a hot day!

Kids will be coming down the hallway any minute. Our math teacher is out today and my para texted this morning that she wasn't coming in - I doubt I will have a sub for her so I'll be scrambling to cover kids for all of the end of year tests going on in classrooms. Should be a fun day!

Have agreat one!

Mema Jo said...





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...