Wednesday, April 08, 2015


New thread.


Barbara said...

Oh, my! I'm the feathered one again? Those kids are getting big -- I think the new big sticks are to put up the rails on the crib. That giant white fish is something else and I wish they would share it with me for dinner...

mariadangeloart said...

I just heard about the youngest little eaglet. So sad....

JudyEddy said...

Welcome back Maria

JudyEddy said...


and the call over Maria

been out side cleaning the top of the car port of with the dropping of my lovely Australian pine tree
such a messy tree

JudyEddy said...

when I came in I didn't see the chicks so happy PAULA mentioned all the flugg being brought in Hide and seek we play now I guess good to see both of them now

mariadangeloart said...

I've been here off and on. Just very quietly! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my MRI adventure. I also tell myself that it went well and next time just don't be anxious.
My techie this time came on each time he was starting a new session & would say how long it was going to last. Never had someone do that much notification. Sharon Not sure what you mean about OPEN MRI - If it means you can see straight thru it then that's what I had. I wore the headphones but didn't request any music as I really don't think I would have been able to hear it. That is how I heard the techie so I'm glad I had them on. DRILL HAMMERS ringing for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Maria and Barbara...

Heading home, catch ya'll later.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad all went well JO...hoping for good results!

Lolly said...

Came in was dripping! Not quite up to sprinkling, just dripping.😜

See even more flugg was brought in. They must have found a great new source of flugg.

Glad all went well, Jo. I always have music, it helps drown out the noise.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Maria - good to see you and thanks
for the alert. A reminder that I LOVE you drawings.

Hi Barbara - what are you decorating with those beautiful feathers?

Thank you Steve - Fresh new thread is always welcomed.

Sandi said...

Hi all, home from the grocery store. What a cold, yucky day here in Bethany Beach!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Maria for the call over.

Jo, glad the MRI went well - now for the results! I'm sure you're anxious! And boy, do I love your new Elliot avatar - what a happy little boy!! Just too cute!

Shar, sometimes stepping back and letting our kids "take their licks" is harder to do than stepping in to help. But I agree with your decision to let Justin handle things himself, as long as he doesn't seem to be heading in a direction that's dangerous or harmful for him or for others.

Time to fix dinner. Later!

Mema Jo said...

Adult digging down into the egg cup
I think the sleeping little ones awoke thinking there was an earth

Mema Jo said...

My feet are going up for a bit


glo said...

Glad to read that MRI is done. Hope you get over that cold quickly too MeMa Jo Busy but good day here. Storm threat for us the next 36 hours or so. I will most likely learn how Patches deals with storms pretty soon. hage everyone. Glad it's been a good day at the nest. flug is good lol.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. I see it is getting dark at the nest. The wind is whipping.

grannyblt said...

Good evening all.

Spent the day with my birding neighbor for her birthday lunch. We had a great steak salad at a favorite restaurant. The food was good, but we had an invasion of ants coming down the wall onto our table. Guess we will think twice about that restaurant. Afterwards we drove to Moraine State park to check out the osprey nest and any migrating ducks. It started pouring rain, but we were lucky to see a huge flock of loons--over 100. no osprey however. A few grebes and buffleheads, also 3 turkeys, but not much else.
SED to all

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I'll catch up in the morning

Judie said...

Sandperson really has attitude tonight. Tossed sleepy dust into my eyes and I just recovered.

Headed to the pillows. Foraging on tomorrow's agenda.

Sandperson has apparently already departed.

Restful sleep for all, especially our Belle and Shep and the little ones.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on another rainy, cold morning.

We have 2 wiggly chicks and 1 parent trying to cover them. Looks like remnants of a fish breakfast. Both parents were in the nest when I opened the live cam but 1 has left - probably to get more grass, since the nest could use more of that! :)

Jo, big prayers for your doctor appointment this afternoon - wish it was this morning for your sake!

Nail appointment this morning, then I think I will get the insides of the downstairs windows washed - never did get a book started.

New appliances are at the store - waiting for the plumber to run the gas line before having them all installed.

Brian has been emailing or sending us a video almost daily lately with Freyja either saying a new word or doing a new "trick." I love when babies start acquiring language - it reminds me of the scene in the Miracle Worker where Helen Keller has her hand under the pump and Anne Sullivan spells water into her hand and she actually makes the connection. They're like little sponges - soaking everything up!

Have agreat day all!

DanaMo said...

Good morning from Naples!
I so wish I could just stay here and not go home except to pick up my puppies. I'm hoping that we will be able to get a 2-3 year plan into place.

I haven't mentioned my dad in a while. I know I don't get on often, but please continue to pray for him. He is in another round of chemo currently, and is having a great deal of problems with his blood counts. He has been going for transfusions almost weekly it seems. He is going again on Friday, and had chemo yesterday. On a good/bad news note he had a CT last Wednesday and it showed nothing new. The radiologist even thought that the tumor in his "belly" may have shrunk (this is directly under where his kidney used to be), but it also showed several fractures in his spine (old ones mostly) but, on new one. It's in his L4 and could just be a fracture, but could also be a small metastatic spot. If it is, it sounds like it could be treated with radiation. We will know more on Friday. So like I said, continued prayers are appreciated.

I haven't read back,but Sandi just posted to facebook. I am so shocked Sandi that you have 15 days of testing in your 44. I can only imagine how hard that is for your students. I mean seriously, they know that they aren't going to do well and that has got to just crush their ego. How awful to be put through that all for the sake of the state recording student data!! It just stinks. We had 1 week of testing and it was only in the morning. Bam, done. Our kids take the Stanford 10. That's it. (Back in my day it was the Iowa and only every other grade tested! My how things have changed).

Just seeing Jo had an MRI as well. I will keep you in my prayers. It might be a good day to use my rosary app on my run :)

Love the grandbaby pictures Sandi. So cool to be getting video daily. So much happens in such a short time!!

DanaMo said...

Oops...we will know more on Friday because he gets an MRI on Friday. Hopefully my doctor radiologist friend will look up the results and call me before the actual appt. with the oncologist.

DanaMo said...

Off for a run. I will try to check back later. Sorry I have been MIA.

Sandi said...

Both chicks being fed - looks like something of the mammal variety rather than fish. Parent is on the edge at 11. You can still see a size difference between the chicks. Since they're only 2 days apart but still different sizes, that may mean they're both the same sex. If #2 was a female and #1 a male, they could be closer in size. Just a thought.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Raining here and at the nest. Wonder if Belle and Shep need to invest in a super-size umbrella? Those little ones are getting to be not so little.

Looks as if Isla will not return to Scotland. I try to look each day and the new female seems to have settled in.

DanaMo, very sad to know your dad is again in treatment. Prayers for his comfort and stability.

Will have Jo in my thoughts.

Judie said...

Forgot to mention I will be out foraging today.

Have as good a day as possible.

stronghunter said...

Hello, everyone.

Thinking of Jo today.

I hope your foraging is successful, Judie. Still pretty wet out there today, so take care.

As I write, am instructing Hunter on how to wash the bathroom floor. His question: "So you put water in the bucket and then put soap in?" Yes, Hunter. Hot water. He is a smart boy. He can handle this. :) No one on here is to tell him I posted this. Ever. Thank you.

stronghunter said...

Also thinking of Dana and her father today. Hope it's a good one for both of them.

Wow, fifteen days of testing. That's fifteen days of frustration for many special ed kids, and fifteen days of missed instruction.

I got so upset when they pulled kids out of my English class to review them for a retake on a math test or whatever they'd failed. I was trying to prepare them for my final exam, but it wasn't an "official" state test, so it did not matter. Kid said, "Don't they know I need to pass my English class?" I understood, but could do nothing. (Except maybe give this child some extra help/consideration on my end.)

Once I was told to send a kid to do a re-take on a math test during my final exam. I requested that the student be allowed to take my exam during one of the other testing sessions where it would be quiet and supervised. Principal was fine with that, but the person in charge of testing was very annoyed with me.

Know I have fussed about this before, but geesh. The system has been overtaken by test mania. And, surely, the test-writing companies are benefiting big time.

DanaMo said...

I saw an Eagle, I saw an Eagle!!!!! OMGosh I was so excited!!! On my run, made my day, made my run!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Thursday morning to all on here or to be on here. Can't make up it's mind weather to rain or get sunny here, but has gotten a little cooler.

Parent is now feeding 2 big, healthy eaglets. Are they ever growing fast.

Hey there Shirley, DanaMo, Sandi. and Judie.

Shirley I hope that by now Hunter has that bathroom floor of yours sparkling clean. :)

DanaMo Sure hope your dad gets good news on this Friday. Prayers coming his way.

Jo, I have you in my thoughts and prayers for a great outcome from your
doctors appointment this afternoon.

Babies now huddling together in the egg cup while parent has a little snack for him/herself. and now back to feeding a few more pieces to eaglet. He must have been polite and let the other eaglet go first! :)

No sun shining on our nest this am,but hoping that this afternoon it will be brightly shining. Looks as if everyone is going to settle down for a little nap and peace and quiet.

I have been packing for our trip to Richmond, Va. to see Sophie, our one and only beautiful grand daughter. She and her mother, Shelly, are up visiting Shelly's mother for 2 1/2 weeks. So we didn't get down to Florida for Easter this year but will meet the two of them in Richmond for a few days. I just wish my son was with them, but he couldn't get off.

Both parents now back in news as the babies are settled down for a nap. Looks like the eagle that flew in brought some soft stuff for the nest.
Poof goes the first one.

Well need to get out and get some things for the trip yet, so you all have a wonderful day.

Barbara said...

The whole family is home. The eaglets are in the roosting area (doesn't seem right to call it the egg cup because it has been enlarged so much), Shep is at 4 just looking around, and Belle is cleaning house at 11. She's moving sticks around. As the babies are moving around more, is she making sure they don't fall off the edge?

stronghunter said...

Have a good day and enjoy your trip, Candy.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Barbara, Belle and Shep will continue bring in sticks to build up what we call the crib rail around the nest.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING I got up and out the door and forgot to say GM

DANAMO click on this link it is nest locater for fl you may see the nest in the are you are in

Fl nest locater we have lots

JudyEddy said...

at the bottom of the map is a zip code are to put in for small range searching

JudyEddy said...

I see nest is 47 and cloudy with high today 56 tomorrow 76

JudyEddy said...

are in your AREA is what the sentence should have said DANAMO I love that feature I wonder does each state have a nest locator ??????

going to head out for a bit chatcha later

paula eagleholic said...

Kids snoozing in the cup, Mom standing guard at the 10 spot

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Taking advantage of a lull twixt storms and enjoying catching up with all your doings.

Do enjoy that precious granddaughter, CANDY! Too bad your son won't be there, but his little one will warm your heart!

Wahoo! DANA the dynamo saw an eagle! Oh, happy day!

SHIRLEY, got a good little chuckle out of the bathroom cleaning lesson! Hope Hunter wound up with an A+!

Thanks to all "nest events reporters"!

Prayers and thoughts with JO and DANA's dad today and for any who are in need!


Mema Jo said...

From Deb: Fish - Food - Bedding Fun - Restorations - Highlights - April 8 2015 - NCTC Eagles

stronghunter said...

Well, not an A+, but better than last time, Kay. There is a learning curve here.

paula eagleholic said...

Loving those big ol' feeties! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Quickly I will say good morning to all before the clock strikes 12 noon.

Candy - Safe travels to Richmond and I don't need to tell you to enjoy your time with Sophie.
Sandi - get that gas line in! I know you are excited. I need to come visit one day this summer!
Shirley - I'll never tell - lol
Kay - happy the storm has passed and will stay away.
Dana - Prayers for your dad's healing.
Grannyblt - Sounds like you had a good day with your birder friend even with ants and downpours.
Judy - interesting map you gave Dana for FL - I think WV has something similar.
Judie - sad news concerning Isla not returning..... She certainly has the years and egg laying record.
Barbaara and Maria it is good to see your comments here on the blog.
Hi Sharon - Have a good one.

Good afternoon to all - I'll return early evening hour and thanks for prayers and positive thoughts. As I said I pray God will help me accept whatever I am told. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Paula, is there a granddaughter's 5th year b-day in the near future?
I remember when she was born - 5 years jut couldn't have gone by that quickly.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jo, next week she'll be 5. Heading to Eburg for the next weekend for the BD Party.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Squirrel for lunch. Poor George.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Parent just arrived with something with a long, furry tail - squirrel? Whole family is in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

These furry meals are a lot of work!

Sandi said...

Have caught up with comments since this morning.

Candy, how exciting to be hugging and kissing that granddaughter soon!

Shirley, it's probably a safe bet that Hunter will never read any of the comments that you make about him here on the blog! Mums the word!

Dana, prayers for healing for your dad.

Glo, how is Patches doing with housebreaking? Getting the hang of it?

Lolly, loved Joseph's trombone playing on FB!

Judy, have you done anything special and fun during your vacation?

As Shar said, squirrel is now being served at the Shepherdstown Eagle Diner! One parent has departed - I think it's Shep doing the feeding.

Have thrown all the lace valances from the living room and dining room windows into the washer. Just don't know if I want to risk messing my new nails up to wash windows.

stronghunter said...

Watching the feeding. They are growing so fast.

stronghunter said...

They are really grabbing that food.

stronghunter said...

Didn't really see the squirrel. That's okay.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

SANDI - Don't Mess Up The NAILS.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi..I say wait on the windows!

They are lovin' the lunch menu

Mema Jo said...

Lunch feeding is a riot

1 for you
and now
1 for you

Such a dedicated parent ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, it's Shep...digging in the bowl, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Brooding the chicklets now...what a good Dad ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep sure is a good dad. I was thinking this morning what a process I had to go through to accept Shep. I absolutely hated him at first - home wrecker, jerk, couldn't stand him. Boy am I glad time changes things, or maybe I changed?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Sharon, you weren't the only one! We all had to learn acceptance.

glo said...

Sandi Patches is doing great. I want to say she is housebroken, but I don't want to jinx it. Feels to good to be true. She is truly a great little dog and quickly making a lot of friends.

glo said...

add my name to members of the slow to accept Shep group but now think he is an awesome Dad

paula eagleholic said...

someone is back with another fish

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Food a-plenty.

NatureNut said...

Hello Everyone!
WOW!!! Fish just dropped in for lunch. Chicks look so large already!

I've amended my Animal Memorial Blog in honor of special little friends.

Day off. No appts., but have to make some! DUH
Healthy, Blessed day to all and best wishes to Jo on her tests ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Something just shook the heck out of the cam and caught the attention of both the babies.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep and Belle are fighting over a stick now. Looks like Belle is backing off and letting Shep take care of it. I remember with Lib, he would place it and she would immediately go change it. We may have to go for some marriage counseling.

Then we had a really healthy poop shoot, and a lot of it. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lordy, where did that big fish go LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Sharon knows :)

Poop shoot ;)

paula eagleholic said...

both parents in the nest...looks like Belle is doing the honors.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like they brought in more flugg and more fish....both parents helping now at the 3 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I think that was Shep at first now Belle is trying to take over :) She even fed Shep a bite :)

paula eagleholic said...

Now he is feeding them from a different fish. Sure have seen lots of 2 parent feedings this year.

Mema Jo said...

Hello to all ♥
I'd say I got a good report - not perfect but could have been worse.
Next week I get a PET scan to look
closer at an enlarged lymph node - this could just be enlarged due to an infection. Very happy my doc is being cautious.

Your prayers and thoughts has gotten me through all this and I'm sure they will continue for another week- You all ROCK

Sandi said...

Jo, I'd say that was good news. Bet that enlarged lymph node is just from the cold you've had lately. Thanks for letting us know.

Loved seeing both parents feeding the chicks - no lack of food for these 2!

My new feather pillows have been returned - no support at all when I laid my head on it! Maybe it's a sign that I'm not meant to have feather pillows. Have any of you tried those pillows that are advertised on TV as the best pillows ever? Wonder if they are as good as advertised? I know they're pricey but the pillows I just returned were pricey as well.

JudyEddy said...

good afternoon heading back out just wanted to say watching a quick tag team in flugg arrange I think more was brought in saw landing and moving of it

JudyEddy said...

Good news JO will keep you in thoughts and prayers as always
and SANDI I don't like feather pillows either I have a memory foam one cervical neck one from DR years years ago

JudyEddy said...

both adults just now looking in the same area just stanind kids snooqing and poof

JudyEddy said...

snoozing the kids are LOL and standing wow

JudyEddy said...

Carl birthday is today I got him some of his cognac
gotta get in gear to head to the gym and then the kids house

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I've been watching the Service Dog Project Great Dane cam. They got 4 new pups from The Netherlands today, probably about 2 or 3 months old. They are full of it. Of course, I am sure however many hours they were on a plane helped them get ready for their new home.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good report to me, Jo.

I do not think I would like the memory foam pillows, but I've never tried one. I like my pillows to be soft and fluffy, though they aren't filled with feathers.

Almost time for baseball practice.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

What a lot of goings on today.

Candy, safe trip and enjoy the visit with the grandchild and others.

Sandi, leave the windows. Put the clean curtains up and no one will be able to see any dirt.

Glo, very happy Patches has made such a quick adjustment and you have each other.

Shirley, I promise never to tell Hunter any of your comments; well, maybe I might ask his advice on wearing shorts. lol

I know I've missed many comments today. I apologize.

Foraging completed but not without some anxiety - very angry woman at the gas station. Pulled in behind me. I was waiting my turn. Began honking the car horn. When I pulled up to the pump, she furiously backed up, went to one of several newly vacated pumps and proceeded to scream at the man at the pump next to her. She was screaming in Spanish. He walked over to me and we could not figure out what was wrong. He didn't understand Spanish either. She got in her car after a few minutes and stormed away. The man was kind enough to stand near me until she had left. Strange. Sorry I didn't have a card for an anger management therapist. lol

MOST IMPORTANT: Jo has a good MRI report and I agree that the enlarged node could be from the virus. Prayers continue.

Okay, Toni the Lizard has been taken care of. One more sleep before her Mom gets home tomorrow night. Oh, as if the gas station incident were not enough, the stupid lizard bit my finger. lol

Feet going up before heading to the scullery. Splurging on chicken ala king tonight (cheating with store bought rotisserie).

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm not quite sure where Shep is wanting that limb to go but it almost looks like he wants it to stay up on side of the stump. Gotta keep those babies safe and build those crib rails up. So funny watching.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mema Jo, that is some pretty good news there. I love you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Too funny. He is still moving that limb. Oh my, now he is taking it by the babies. And then over the babies, kind of tapped one of their heads. Now, he and Belle are arguing about the stick again. That must be a primo stick. Now he is going back to where he just brought it from.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And there he goes moving it again. Make a decision, Mr. Shep.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, you are baby sitting a lizard???

Jo, hoping for normal news on your PET Scan!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home to hopefully burn the rest of the pine needles!

Judie said...

Hi Paula,

Yes, we're lizard sitting for the next door neighbors. A bit trickier than our four-legged critters.

Sure hope that new nest furniture gets arranged properly before night fall. lol

Sandi said...

Thanks everyone for encouraging me to be a slacker with the windows! However, I did get the insides of all living room and dining room windows washed and the clean valances back up. Judie, clean curtains over dirty windows doesn't work when you only have lace valances that cover the top portion of each window. Plus, my mom would NEVER allow me to do that! :) I wore rubber gloves and didn't damage one fingernail! Sorry about the lizard bite - maybe thought your finger was food?

Two eagle chicks huddled together in the egg cup with plenty of new fluffy grass - currently no adult in the nest but I'm sure one is close by.

Pets have been fed and I have Marie Callender pot pies to feed the people.

Judie said...

Sandi, I was encouraging you toward slothdom. I would have to clean the windows, also. Like you, I was trained old school.

As for the lizard - finger food? No. Lizard is a b__ch and glares at me.

Sandperson is packing and will be on the way soon.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...


Baseball practice was cold and rainy. The usual routine is that I take Hunter, then Kathryn arrives and, after I visit with her, I come home and get dinner ready. I really prefer to be home before dark. Does that mean I am getting old? I do remember that my mother, when she grew old, did not want me to venture out after sundown--in Huntersville, of all places. Not exactly a big city.

I need to say good night. But first, I will say that I am happy that Jo got a good report, and that Judie was not babysitting a dragon, for heaven's sake. Between the lizard and the angry woman, it was quite a day for our Judie. Maybe sometimes it is just as well we do not understand the language some people are speaking.

Glad you got the windows clean, Sandi.

SED. everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

glo said...

Happy for MeMa Jo's report. Sandy is sort of relaxing and sleeping well. Judie is doing lizard care. I made it through the storms and Patches is doing great. All is well. Time to call it a day. AOYP.

Mema Jo said...

Really had a thunderstorm earlier
Has moved on by now but I guess the nest got hit. More rain tomorrow but higher temps.

I am going to head on to la la land
I like a very firm pillow !

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

SANDI to answer your question I really did nothing special this week I did go to several parks nature ones and the cell phone towers to see the juvies they are still hanging around for the rest of the month will be gone next month but had a nice relaxing on the back porch swing most of the time Didn't do to much manual labor expect the past two day my neck is telling me about it also. I cleaned all the pine needle droppings from the top of carport from my Norfolk pine tree which I despise and if looks like its gonna get lots of pine cones I see little things on the ends The squirrels tear them up all over the place

Had a nice evening with family Watch GA with Angie good one

Jordyn Bday is this weekend I will be working and won't be doing the party gonna have it at a bouncy house for 2 hrs So I am getting a tiny cake for Jordyn for after school to surprise her and give her what I got her.

Hope everyone had a great day and loved the description of tug of stick with our royal couple they sure are a hoot to watch

DANA your dad is in my thoughts as well as our JO as always, as all of you are

GLO so happy that you have had success to the training

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Still cloudy here but at least it will be warmer today -into the 60s. Possible big storms this evening.

Prayers for Dana's dad and for Jo.

Not sure what I'll get into today.

Chicks appear to be alone in the middle of the nest, huddled together. A parent was feeding them when I first logged on about 30 minutes ago.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Parent in - feeding the chicks.

Sandi said...

Shep arrives with a fish. Belle takes off.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Babies are snuggled together and mom is having breakfast. Looks damp and rainy.

Loon nest looks lovely.

Damp and rainy on the menu here today although should be warmer. Cherry Blossom Festival events are now officially underway. Tourist season now officially underway.

Just going to putter around the homestead today. Odds and ends. Maybe some weekend food prep. and a Grisham book to read.

Prayers for Dana's dad.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

When I first looked at the nest, all four eagles were there. Now only the chicks. They are snuggled together and flopped at the moment.

Which Grisham book, Judie?

I need to finish up my taxes today. Have been putting it off. Hard to get excited when I know I will have to pay, but the papers are lying on the dining room table waiting for me.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Nothing but gray skies, do I see!
It's Red Friday - remembering all of our troops ♥

No plans for the day - I will check out Larry's loon cam - not sure that I saved the link.

Checking out the pandas in GA - play fight going on up on the tripod of logs. At least they have each other whereas Bao Bao has to make her own fun alone and does a great job of it. She is inside stripping her bamboo - with thunderstorms predicted I doubt she will be allowed to go outside.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Gray and dreary here on the Eastern Shore...waiting for the sun to come out!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah Taxes...have to tackle mine as well... I have to do is file an extension...

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, which Grisham book?

For anyone that likes Mary Higgins Clark, she has a new one out as well :)

paula eagleholic said...

I finally got all the piles of pine needles cleaned up and out of the yard last night...burned a little and put the rest in the recycle pile...boy am I feeling it today.

Heading to Larry's tonight for the weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Another food delivery.

paula eagleholic said...

Another fresh fish....placed right next to the kids in the cup

paula eagleholic said...

That's a long some of the others brought in the last couple of days

Mema Jo said...

Dern - those fishes are getting too close to our eaglets! Scary when they come in..........

I can't find my 70° weather yet today
Paula says it's not on the Eastern shore and Sandi agreed. WHO GOT IT?

Paula you do mean Rehoboth NOT MS for
the weekend - right?

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I see two eaglets and one adult and a multitude of fish in the nest just walked in the door and about ready to head out again Last day of vacation so I am gonna make it another outside day both eagle in nest now as I finish up this

JudyEddy said...

each adult is feeding it s own chick now one at 11 the other chick is in cup and adult is reaching from the launch pad area

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, fish placed next to the eaglets in the cup. Concerning, except that in all the years we have been watching, we have not ever seen an accident like the one that happened with the littlest one this time. I think we can feel okay.

Just wrote Hunter's list of chores in all cursive. He usually claims he can't read cursive. If he wants his Xbox . . . We will see. I have seen notes to him from the office written in cursive. "Grandma says she will pick you up at the regular time today." He figured that one out.

Eagle in. Stick moving.

Feeding. Looks like chick might have been trying to bite off some of that fish on its own.

Both parents feeding. Each one feeding a separate eaglet. I think the one at the top of the nest is getting some fish for itself.

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Can't find 70° here, JO. Hope to make it to 65°. Rain has subsided and the next two days should be ideal. Worst of the storm damaged missed my neck of the woods, but I feel for those less fortunate.

Aw, both parents in the nest and each feeding one of the darlings!

stronghunter said...

Just got a request to read the cursive for him. We will keep trying on that one. Kid needs to read this stuff.

stronghunter said...

One adult has poofed.

Mema Jo said...

Anyone on here that can give me the
Live Loon cam link. I can get the pages up and also his blog but ...

Judie if you see this perhaps you
can help me out......♥

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, hard to believe cursive in on it's last leg. We need to be able to read it even if we don't have to pen it that much anymore. Glad you're giving Hunter those exercises!

PAULA, have a great weekend!

SANDI, JO and JUDIE, I have the same kind of day ahead---free to chose from many options---so nice!

Hi JUDY, make the most of this last day of vacation!

One adult poofs and chicks with full craws head up to the other in the 11 spot!

Prayers for all in need!!!!


stronghunter said...

Yesterday, most of a bottle of Mr. Clean disappeared during the bathroom cleaning. Today, he's using Windex in a spray bottle. Maybe that will work better.

Big stick just came in to the nest.

Judie said...

Quick visit.

So sweet. Mom and Dad both feeding a chicklet.

My apology. Never type before having morning coffee. Meant to say John Sandford book. "Deadline" A Virgil Flowers.

Need to look for the new Mary Higgins Clark book.

Taxes? Well, Darth is in his counting house, counting all his money to include money headed to the IRS. LOL He gets a bit intense around tax time. Must prepare comfort food for tonight.

So glad that Kay's part of the country did not experience the severe storm weather of yesterday. So sorry for those who did.

Personal gain can be a powerful motivator, Shirley. Read list of chores written in cursive = do the chores = get the XBox. lol

Happy Red Friday.


Kay said...

JO, is this the one you're looking for? They have a history of laying eggs in May and hatching in June in MN.

stronghunter said...

I remember accompanying my father on a trip to the post office sometime in the evening of April 15 on one of those nights the post offices stayed open late for last-minute taxpayers. I will send my stuff online. I expect to get it out before the 15th. Really should go take care of it right now.

stronghunter said...

I think that's the one, Kay. Goes right to the loon cam I know about.

stronghunter said...

Will have to check out that John Sanford book, Judie. After I finish the tax stuff.

stronghunter said...

Bad tornado mess in Midwest.

Eagle pecking contest in our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, Jo, Rehoboth. Larry back from MS. Not sure when he'll go back...maybe a visit or two over the summer to check on the place.

Kay said...

Memories, Shirley! I remember those long April 15th lines of cars heading into the main P.O. in Tucson in my youth and into the P.O. just off Hwy. 33 and I-70 here in Columbus in the 70's. So happy we have electronic filing capability now. It took only about 10 days for my refund to hit my bank account last week. Yeah!!!

stronghunter said...

My mother was not too happy about the last-minute stuff. He filled out the forms. She checked the math. At least, that is what I recall.

Mema Jo said...

That is the link I am using--
I can get their blog and their FB page but I cannot connect to the Live Loon Cam and it should be up running per comments.
May I ask one or both of you to try using that link as to whether you get the live cam to come up? I am using Firefox and I know I have watched it for many many years in the past. THX

Sandi said...

Jo, Shirley's link to the loon cam worked for me, though the feed was slow to load.

I am having trouble keeping the live feed of our nest running right now. Have tried Chrome and Firefox and can't get the feed to stay up for more than a few seconds. Anyone else having trouble? It was running fine earlier.

Mema Jo said...

Has anyone else lost the still cam
It is telling me that it can't connect.
Going to cold boot computer

Lolly said...

Good morning! Tried to sleep late after going to bed in the wee hours, but Miss Skippita had other plans. She does very well letting us sleep, she sits and stares at us. However, when it is past the usual time, I start getting face kisses. If I dive under the covers she starts grooming my hair. Lol

Track meet was fun but Joseph did not do well. Poor planning on teachers and administrators. He had a band trip/contest at an amusement type park all day and then taken to the district track meet by the assistant band director. Crazy! But, we enjoyed it. Poor boy competed in triple jump, high jump, 100 meter hurdles, 300 meter hurdles, and was the anchor in the mile relay which was the last run about 10 PM. Wow! No wonder he never gains weight! Lol

Sandi said...

About tax refunds. My mom is getting state and federal refunds even though she only lived for a few months into 2014. Since they have her name on them, they have to be mailed to me, which usually takes 6 weeks.

Also, the accountant said our federal refund exceeds the amount that can be direct deposited, so we will have to wait 6 weeks for that check as well. If I had known we were going to get a refund, I would have gotten everything to the accountant a lot sooner!

Am trying to get motivated to work on the rest of the windows on the first floor today. So far, my motivation to work seems to have deserted me.

Mema Jo said...

Cold boot - I got my still cam back

I'll let you know if I lose the Live cam - I have a minute so far - lol

Now I am going to try and be patient for this Loon Cam to come up

Mema Jo said...

Deb's Link to 4/9 activity in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Can't help ya Sandi...mine is like that most of the time...sometimes on IE I'll get 10 minutes...

Mema Jo said...

Live feed up 15 min and still going

Somehow someway I am going to get that loon cam up/running. I remember have some trouble in the years past


stronghunter said...

Got the Loon Cam, Jo. Don't see or hear any loons at the moment, though.

stronghunter said...

I am on Firefox. I haven't had too much trouble with the live feed on our cam, either. At least not today.

Just found this:

Wood Duck Cam

stronghunter said...

Must get busy around here. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Just found new picture of Elliot

The Thinker

Mema Jo said...

Positive thoughts and prayers for Dana's dad today.

Sandi said...

Jo, personally I love the laughing Elliot photo - babies are not meant to look so serious!

There is a brightness outside my window - it's been a while but I do believe it is the return of the sun!

Oh, and my live feed has been running now for a little over an hour using Chrome - knock on wood!

Kay said...

JO, what a cute little guy---he has a very wise Churchillian look!

The loon cam comes right up for me and I have Firefox. All I see at present is rippling water. The nest looks to be ready for action.

Kay said...

Nap time here! Have a great afternoon and evening my friends!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have been running around like a tornado this morning. Ken & I are going with Sis-in-Law down to her timeshare in Escondido--The Welk Resort. We will come home Sunday morning. Emma's already at "Puppy Camp." Bro-in-Law is in Texas for a bowling tournament.

Jo, great report from your doctor about your MRI!! Prayers of thanks!

Shar, prayers for your situation, too.

DanaMo, prayers for your dad, too.

Paula, prayers for Studmuffin continue.

I'm so glad the eaglets are doing well. Trying to watch while running around and packing. Hope the parents build those crib rails higher!!

Will NOT be taking the laptop with us, but checkout time is 9 am, and we pick up Emma before noon on Sunday. Will check in here then. Have a great weekend!

I ♥ us!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...I saw it too! a little weak...but maybe 10 minutes worth of sun, LOL

Mema Jo said...

Me too Sandi

Laughing Elliot will be returning!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bull Durham just pecked the younger one into submission. Now it is rest time.

Sandi said...

That is one ugly mess of food in the nest!! Looks like possum is some of it, from the looks of that long, skinny tail!

Window washing is finished for today, took the dogs for a nice long walk. The temp has jumped to 67 with the sun out - have opened some doors and windows to let some fresh air in!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep has already taught one of the babies the art of rearranging fluff. That nest is a messy mess.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One of the babies is leaning over like it is going to do a poop shoot but didn't. I thought the parent was going to get splatted for sure.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hope I remember to never ask Belle and Shep to bring me supper. They bring in some nastiness.

One babe is at 3 o'clock in front of a parent and the other is at 10-11 o'clock sleeping. They are kind of plotzed. My what big feetsies they have.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, I see that possum tail!

Not much sun here but Larry said it's hot and sunny in Rehoboth!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep is feeding the babies and Belle is eating the mess.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo - it was just announced

Our Frontiers North photo contest ended last week and we are now in the judging process.

We want to congratulate Joanne Cahill and Gloria Kesslar for having the highest voted photos on Facebook! Joanne's photo (bear looking up) had 321 votes and Gloria's photo (blizzard bear) had a whopping 932 votes!

Mema Jo said...

Deb's video from the 9th

Nice Crops - Family Feeding - Crib Rails Renos - NCTC Daily Highlights - April 9 2015

Mema Jo said...

Hoping the rain storms don't come this evening! The egg cup looks deep and comfy!

Going into Jeopardy and then look for some interesting TV programs.

Take care and if I don't return -

Goodnight to all ♥

Janet said...

good evening to all! Friday. The beginning of my 4 day weekend.

its been a long and kind of crazy week.

not bad, just busy.

work has been good. we were completely booked today. makes for a fast day.

we had some really warm weather this week. a cold front came thru last night, brought rain and thunder and today it is much cooler. I believe the temps are recovering tomorrow.

with the nicer weather comes outside stuff: yard needs to be mowed and weed whacked. tom put the RV up on the block things tonight so he can grease the fittings underneath. he is also preparing to put in a landing to the pool deck. it will make walking up to the pool much easier. the slope it is on is rather steep and can be slippery. I have fallen down a couple of times....must be very careful. that will be fixed shortly.

tomorrow scout and seven go in for their annual injections.

Amelia, my oldest gd will be 9 on Tuesday. Chelsea has planned a surprise sleep over party for her tomorrow Olivia will be attending that.

no really big plans for the weekend, but I do look forward to four days of no alarm clock!

rest well tonight my friends!
light and hugs to all

Judie said...

Evening all.

Headed for the pillows with my book coming along.

Sandperson is packing up. Departing soon.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Yay Glo! 932 votes!

Very sleepy.

Taxes done and filed.

I accomplished something today.

SED. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Have been ready for the pillows since 6! Lol. We worked hard In the yard today and boy am I pooped!

Depending on the weather, we are going to Ft Worth tomorrow. Downtown streets are closed for the Arts Festival. Fun to see all the talented creations as well performances on 5 different stages.

Did not see the baby giraffe arrive in this world but watched the wobbly little guy at 45 minutes of age. What was really interesting was how the other giraffes were really showing interest in the new arrival!

Night all! SED!

DanaMo said...

Wow it's late for me. We just arrived at out overnight spot and I'm having chips and salsa with an Amstel before bed. Need to unwind.
I saw someone mentioned John Stanford books! Love the Prey series. Waiting for the next one. Just finished Harlen Coben's newest The Stranger" very good.

Anyone who watches the WCC puppies, the next litter is being born as I type. Two so far, both yellow, one male, one female. This litter half will be going to another service organization. The mom is from them and the dad is WCC's Stanleyfrom the honor litter.

DanaMo said...

Update already. First black one has been born, girl. Half the litter will go to the other organization, and half will be WCC's.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I can see the nest and it has only the eaglets in the cup out like a light Parents are in the nest

JudyEddy said...

about to walk out the door and parents still aren't in the nest Kids are starting to stir in the cup

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends.

Judy, have a good first day back to work!

Dana, how's your dad? Prayers continue for him. Safe travels home today.

Tennis for me this morning at 9 (indoors). Tennis club board meeting at 1pm to discuss the upcoming outdoor season.

Chicks are alone in the nest, huddled together in the center.

Have a great day all.

Sandi said...

Got a reminder in my inbox last night and still forgot to say something on the blog first thing this morning.

Happy birthday, Paula!!!

Parent in the nest - looks sunny and sounds windy there.

Sandi said...

OK, maybe it's time I started calling them eaglets instead of chicks. Just saw wingersizing for the first time!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Will be traveling to Culpeper today to meet up with my bowling friends Val and Julie. We will be joined by one of my old teaching buddies, Roseanna.

Yes, sunny and windy at the nest. One adult there. Eaglets are in the cup, snoozing. I can't tell what all is in the pantry,but there's lots of stuff there. I think some finny and some furry.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Paula!!!!

stronghunter said...

Taking the cue from Sandi and calling the youngsters eaglets.

stronghunter said...

Cute. When they aren't pecking each other, they are snuggling nicely together.

WVJerry said...

Good morning all. Watching one adult and the two chicks in a breezy nest. First real chance lately to watch Cam. After today I will have worked 24 of the last 28 days and about 215 hours. We can use the money so no complaints. I am leaving tomorrow for a short golf vacation with friends. Never done anything like it before so not sure how to act. Looks like I have missed a lot of growing of the young ones. Were names ever given to them?. Also Happy Birthday to Paula. Hope you have a great weekend. Hopefully I can check in on the Blog and Cam more in the future. Work should be back to full strength when I return. Just wanted to add our thoughts and prayers to everyone's.

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ Happy Birthday Paula ♪♫ Have a wonderful sunshiny day and a wonderful year to come.

Hi Jerry. Enjoy your golf outing.

Shirley, I won't mention to Darth that you've finished taxes. He might growl at me. Congratulations and enjoy lunch.

Dana, continued prayers for your Dad.

Sandi, enjoy tennis and hope the meeting is productive.

JudyE, hope the first day back to work is trouble-free.

Lolly, safe travel.

Looks like a pretty day. Sunshine and blue sky with puffy white cotton ball clouds.

Eaglets are sunbathing with an adult keeping watch.

Wishing everyone a great day.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, don't tell Darth, Judie.

I would not want him to growl at either one of us.

State of Virginia was annoyed with me because somehow I underpaid them. I guess they wanted quarterly taxes, but my program did not figure that in for last year. Well, Virginia can have their $13 penalty and go fix a pothole. I know where several are. Humph.

Hi, Jerry! Enjoy your golf outing.

All is well at then nest. Parent supervising sleeping youngsters. Wind continues to blow through the sycamore branches.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, that was a healthy poop shoot. I almost ducked.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Lovely scene at the nest, a parent close by two active eaglets basking in the sunlight. The wind does not seem to phase eagles.

DANA, thanks for the heads up on the puppies! Mom looks like she's too pooped to pop this morning and the puppies are snuggled up close, some nursing. So cute!! I've alerted a couple of friends who, like me, got hooked on the site last year. Lots of fun ahead as they mature. Prayers continue for your Dad--I've never taken him off my list!

SHIRLEY, sorry the State of VA is penalizing you. That was quick---didn't you file just yesterday? Enjoy your friendship time today!

JERRY, good luck on the golf course---this is a well deserve break for you!

JUDIE, love your description of the beautiful sky from your vantage point! Enjoy the day!

JUDY, hope your back to work day is easy peasy!

LOLLY, the day in Ft. Worth sounds wonderful--have fun!

SANDI, hope all the tennis plans fall into place and that you enjoy the process.

PAULA, glad you're with your studmuffin and hope this birthday is absolutely perfect from start to finish!

JO, where are you? I can't believe I'm here before you check in!

Prayers for all in need!!!


carolinabeachmom said...

Good Saturday morning to all eagle friends out there. Missed getting on here yesterday. :( Looks like all is well in the nest. As I came on, the eaglets were being fed. I wish someone would throw that fuzzy thing over the edge of the nest. Fish are much easier to eat.

Patent just flew off the nest leaving the two eaglets sitting in the egg cup looking around.

Looks like a sunny day there; cloudy and a little cooler here. Yesterday it was in the 80's.

Happy Birthday to you Paula. Hubby came home just in time to celebrate with you. :) Hope you have a wonderful day.

JudyE Hope you can get back into the swing of work again and all goes wekk today.

WVJerry Good for you going on a golfing trip. After working all those hours, you surely deserve some golf time. Have safe trip and enjoy!

Judie Would you please send some of that sun our way today? I would really appreciate it. It looks like 3 rainy days ahead next week for us. :(

Shirley You have a great time bowling with your friends today. That is one I haven't mastered. I am left handed and no one could ever help me learn. Whatever way I threw it, it was a gutter ball! :) I also saw some sibling tussling the other day in the nest.

Jo Great to hear that you got some good news from the doctor. Prayers are still coming your way.

Sandi Hope you have fun at your tennis game with friends This morning. I looked under my bed for a shoe yesterday, and lo and behold, there with my old tennis racket with plenty of dust on it. I think I will just keep doing my daily fast walking! :)

Eaglets still alone in nest. They are in about the 11 o'clock position; one just yawned. Must be nap time.

You all have a wonderful day today!!

Mema Jo said...


Enjoy your special day and may the

year ahead treat you extra well

Mema Jo said...

I am bringing over the comment on the OD cam - I am excited to help
spread the word about this Fund Raiser:

Friends of the National Conservation Training Center
Did you know that we help fund the eagle cam at the NCTC? Many of you know, we're currently raising funds to improve the camera and buy new equipment so that eagle-lovers and conservationists will have a much-improved view of the eagles in their nesting habitat. Our goal is to raise $5,000 to purchase new camera equipment, cabling, and employing local tree experts.

Thank you to all you who have made donations! With your help we're looking forward to much-better viewing next year!

If you're interested in contributing to our Eagle Cam Fund, please visit our website at Please choose Eagle Cam as your preference for your donation.

Mema Jo said...

Yesterday's video from Deb

Lolly said...

Good morning! Enjoying cool weather, unusual for April. Also, chance of rain today and all week. Hopefully we will get something!

🎉🎈Happy Birthday, Paula!🎈🎉. Enjoy your day!
Just saw two eaglets who are growing fast...alone in the nest!

WVJerry said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...