Thursday, August 28, 2014


New thread.


Hoda said...

What time is too early to use a vacuum cleaner if you live in a flat?
I thought 4,5 are too early!
Is 6 still too early?
Garbage done. Recycling done. Kitchen cleaned and tidied. Bathroom done. Laundry done.
Wished I could vacuum.

Prayers go with you JO.
Love you.

SHAR post pictures of eagle release please.

Schools in BC are closed till further notice.
Very sad situation.
The BC Gov't just got fined AGAIN 2million dollars for violating contracts. The first time less than a year ago was 3 million dollars!!! They propose to pay each child 40$ per day for as long as school is out.
Talk is till after Thanksgiving!!! 12 October, around Colombus Day US calendar!!! What a mess!!!
Can we say dismantling public education and a students right to a free and quality education???
Shaking my head!!!

Judie said...

Good morning all.

As Jo mentioned she might need a hat I have taken the liberty of providing a hat for her as a gift from all of us.

Our gift is a baseball cap in white with the following inscription on the front: The Eagle Whisperer. It seemed so appropriate.

She should receive her new hat in a few days. I think she will be pleased.

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha ha
I got a feather!!!
He He He He!!!
Beat you JUDIE!!!

I will share though. I will let you have it after I finish my HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DANCE

Hoda said...

How so very sweet
Love you
Love our Eagle Whisperer.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE for the new thread.
Thank you JUDIE for the call over.

as LOLLY says WE will beat this.

Judie said...

Hoda, who fined the government? Why does that cause schools to be closed? This is my "stupid" morning as I don't understand.

As for vacuuming, well, it depends on how you feel about your neighbors. If you like them, wait until they are awake or away from their flat. If you don't like them, vacuuming anytime you wish.

Lolly, glad Jack is doing well and hope he continues to improve.

Need to begin my day. Coffee, make myself less scary, then out to do errands. BBL

Judie said...

Hoda, how 'bout we give the feather to Jo for her new cap?


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Testing, testing . . .

stronghunter said...

Wanted to make sure my messages actually post before I write anything.

Judie, how nice! I am sure Jo will love her hat.

stronghunter said...

Tried to post earlier and it did not work. I copied my message, but it seems to have disappeared.

Hunter is killing giant spiders and generally blowing things up in his new game "Insect Armageddon." It is a noisy battle.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Hoda. What a mess. So if the BC government gets fined, is the money not used to provide schooling?

Hoda said...

Yes indeedy
JUDIE is our classy lady.
Feather to JO for her new cap.

JUDIE, the BC gov't lost a court case end of school year summer 2014.
They were fined three million dollars.
They locked the teachers out and wrote a new law saying the same thing as the old law. They refused to negotiate while the case was infront of the courts.
Well the BC courts ruled on their appeal and fined them a further two million dollars for violating teachers contracts.
It is a maze. It is upsetting. Students are losing out while the gov't says they will appeal!
We are stuck with these idiots for another four years.
40$ per child to keep them home is not to their educational benefit. Not good use of my taxes either!!!
5 million dollars in fines is a waste too!!!
We, the collective, are not amused!!!
With an apology to HM EII

Hoda said...

No SHIRLEY the fines do not fund education.
The Gov't says they do not have money for education!
They have money for forty dollars a day per child. They have money for fines. They have money for private jets and fancy holidays. They do not have money for education. IDIOTS ALL!!
Sorry I will go meditate now and ask for forgiveness for calling people idiots, even though they truly are!!!

Hoda said...

is what I should have typed
Queen Elizabeth the Second!!!

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Hoda, the school situation reminds me of 1959 when desegregation closed schools. Teachers held classes in their homes, churches, libraries, etc. Perhaps the same idea is already being pondered. We, the students, survived.

Okay, I am really leaving this time. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. One hour away from watching the eagle release. Hoda, I promise there will be pictures. :)

I hope things are going okay for Mema Jo today.

I love us!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE and congrats to JUDIE on the feather!

Thinking of JO with love and prayers today and every day.

JUDIE, the Eagle Whisperer cap sounds absolutely perfect--you are a dear friend and we all appreciate you so much!

Thrilling to think of SHAR and SISSY watching the eagle release. Hoping for a report later.

HODA, all too often it is the students who suffer while the so called "adults" in charge do their wrangling. As for time of day for vacuuming when one lives in flats and in my case, condos, that are attached to other units. I believe 8am would be the late Emily Post's advice. That is the earliest any service companies or lawn services begins noisy work here. Personally I vac between 10am and 5pm--with respect for late sleepers and not wanting to provide unwelcome sound effects for those enjoying a cocktail hour, dinner, etc.. Of course, I'm not bustling around in order to get out for Dragon Boating, committee or community work like you are.

SHIRLEY, Hunter is a hoot ! And he thought your little electronic Scrabble game too noisy!?!

SANDI, glad to hear you like the new principle--that can make a huge difference in teacher satisfaction!

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ I had a very sound restful sleep.

Hoda - the same time my neighbors start the lawn mowers is when you can vacuum the flat unless you are on the first floor I guess you could start earlier. Keep on paddling and organizing festivals ♥

Sounds like Home Schools should start appearing!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...


I can't wait - you all are the Best
For sure you will receive a picture!

Yes, I need today's feather ,, lol

BBL today ♥

Hoda said...

Emily Post has spoken!
Thank you KAY.
10-5 it is!!!

Great to read your posts.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Awesome that there will be a picture.

SHAR waiting on the pictures today.

Off to dance, Pilates and early morning yoga class.
I just joined this group this week but do not remember if I told you.
Then noon yoga
Also evening yoga.
Volunteer time for the festival.
Volunteer time for Eco society
Maybe a massage if I can book one.

Praying and I will check in to hear JO news.
Also SHAR'S eagles

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, Judie, the hat sounds wonderful! Just perfect! Love it and a big thank you!

What a mess with the schools, Hoda! Children will suffer and that is not right. Those qualified can do the home schooling, but what about the multitudes who are not qualified! Those poor children!

Jack is out watering pots, guess I better get out and do my part. He is doing so well. Yea!

grannyblt said...

Good early afternoon all.

Judie, the hat sounds great. Thanks for doing this for us.

Beautiful day here, sunny and warm with a bit of a breeze. Hope everyone has a sunny day too.

grannyblt said...

And I forgot to check the box for email delivery.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is now doing "Rock Band." He is playing a guitar with a virtual band. Pretty noisy. Good thing we are not in a flat, Hoda.

Kathryn will be coming at some point to pick him up to go over to the school.

Tonight the math tutor comes.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

Thanks for the new thread
Steve and the call ober JUDIE

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

To be fair I did not call over JUDYE.
I just rushed to post to get the feather!!!
It was fun.
I love it that our MEMA JO has the feather now.
LOLLY AND JUDIE did the call over.
Prayers on going and continue.
Blessed Be

Hoda said...

It was a very good dance class.
Oh some Grans to Grans were there.
Some bicycle friends were there.
Some university Women Club were there.
Also some new friends to be were there.
I like doing things with community.

JudyEddy said...

I deleted the comment HODA after I realized I made the oopsee LOL

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn loves school and so far no homework being brought hope so I will pick her up today
I told Angie she will probably want to come to my house vs the park 92° out now with the heat index in the 100s but its up to her

She lost her first tooth this morning Long story short Angie tried once to pull it with a paper towel she sort of chickened out after she could get it out so she called Lori a friend and also has daughter that just slept over there Had her go to school and pull Jordyn tooth at school before start of school, The school had no issue and thought it cute and gave Jordyn a necklace shaped like a tooth to put her tooth in

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what is the going rate for the tooth fairy in 2014
I remember only a couple of dollars
But Angies friend Lori said they put a 20 under the pillow
Isn't that a little much I seem to remember change when I was little quarter etc

Lolly said...

Yes, $20 is a whole lot too much! A couple dollars should do it and no more than $5!!!

Lolly said...

I had something to say and now it has gone. Right out of my mind! Lol

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, that was a really awesome experience. The eaglet was found at the landfill in Dublin, VA and was almost lifeless. It had been poisoned (not intentionally) and Ed Clark with the Wildlife Center of Virginia said they could not disclose the poison yet because whatever it is, it is a big no-no to find in a landfill and the case is still under investigation. They nursed this eaglet back to health. They are pretty sure it is a female because of her size and attitude. :) They release them pointed away from the water so if the eaglet only goes a few hundred yards, it is easier to get it off the ground than retrieve it from the water. However, she did not need retrieving. I have posted some pics and a couple of videos on Facebook. I will try to get them on my blog page at some point today. I am back home and working.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Judie for Mema Jo's hat.

grannyblt said...

Tooth Fairy !! Whoa, $20 seems steep. I remember the 25 cent days. We collected silver dollars and our kids got a dollar. When my grandchildren were of that age, the parents all got together and came up with an amount that seemed fair but didn't break the budget.

Lolly said...

Lori posted a video on fb. She was on the air and age 27. It is fantastic and did you know she was called Monica? Interesting! A talented gal, our nurse Monica! Lol

Mema Jo said...

I have returned home - Chemo went well and they always give you a anti-
nausea drip to start! I got treated with an ice cream cone before coming home.

I am cooking a beautiful head of cabbage with potatoes and Ham for dinner. Some company is coming at 6.

FIVE BUCKS a tooth - who is kidding who even in 2014. Fifty years ago it was only a quarter!
Thirteen years ago it was a dollar. How can we teach the value of the dollar anymore. Hope Angie only puts a dollar under the pillow and one must remember that there are containers now for keepsakes in which to place all these baby teeth!

Mema Jo said...

Here is an email to me from Steve regarding the donations that Deb has set up through Friends of NCTC....
HI Jo,
I think this is a good idea. The organization of it is up to the Friends Group, and they are meeting in a week or so to discuss and make a decision. I think they are very interested, but we need to respect their decision making process. I asked Deb if she would throttle back a bit and give them time to discuss.


Hoda said...

Glad it went well JO. Blessed Be.

SHAR WOW WOW WOW!!! Terrific.

Pouring rain here.Hope it eases off before yoga class.

Sandi said...

Hi all - just have time to check the box and then head to the grocery store. Later!

Mema Jo said...

Look what I found inside the box on my porch

Whoo Hoo

Love It

Thank You Thank You

Mema Jo said...

I'll try to send out an email with
a larger picture.

Sandi said...

Jo, LOVE the hat - wear it proudly, even if you don't lose your hair from the chemo!!

Judie, what a wonderful gesture!!

Hoda, sorry to hear about the students in BC.

I am wiped out - thankfully I have 4 days to recuperate from my first 4 days of work! Headed to bed early - goodnight all!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe this is a better picture of my beautiful hat

Mema Jo said...

I sure will Sandi.

The Eagle Whisperer I am I am

Mema Jo said...

Test - new pic

Mema Jo said...

I haven't slowed down today so I think I will be out of here before
the sandman starts out.

Prayers for all your needs
Thanks for all the prayers being said for me. Tomorrow is another day of Chemo. I am feeling very well this evening.

Goodnight and sleep well ♥

Lynne2 said...

tip toe tip toe...scurry scurry scury

Judie said...

Jo, glad you like the hat. I think you should take it along tomorrow to show off.

Needing to get some sleep so headed for the pillows in a few.

Sandperson is almost packed and ready to depart.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's the weekend! :)

Judy, $20 for a tooth?????

Busy day here - tennis at 8am, getting my toes done at 11am, then we are headed to Dover to haggle with a car salesman. I hope to come home with a new Honda Pilot - stay tuned!

Prayers for all the needs on our blog, esp. for Jo! Have a great day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, Jufie is with you.

Sandi, hope the car-haggling goes well. No news on a foster family.

Shar, so glad you experienced the eagle release. Shirley and I sure did when we went to the Va. Center.

Shirley, hope Hunter enjoys his last few days of relative freedom.

Kay, how's Seth doing now that he's a bit more settled in?

Off for an errand mid-day. Sunshine and cool this morning.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I guess I will chime in on the tooth fairy. Andrew got close to $20 bucks for every tooth but the tooth fairy would leave money at Mommy and Daddy's, my house and Sissy and Tom's.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Out to mow! Had a sprinkle this morn but it is dry now. Hope we get rain!

So, THE QUEEN, now just scurries through without even a hi and how are you. I do believe it is time to dethrone her!!!

Jo, hope you have a little more energy today. Love your hat! Judie did good!

Later Gators! My lawn mower calleth.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JO, picturing you, lookin' good in the new hat! Prayers, always!

SANDI, hope the trip to Dover lands you in a good new ride!

JUDIE, Seth seems to be settling in smoothly--reports liking his classes and profs and especially happy with this years, handpicked, roommate. Thanks for thinking of him!

The tooth fairy inflation rate has me gasping in disbelief! ☺

These last few days of August truly are "the dog days of summer". Staying cool and surviving is the ticket.

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Sounds as though mostly all of you have busy days as you start the long
weekend. I am headed in for #3 Chemo.
I had a good night's rest.

I really do love my hat - I may even change from Mema Jo to Eagle Whisperer!

Need to shake a leg and get presentable - I'll come back on
mid afternoon. Love and prayers for you all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Wow, I will have to say that I remember 25 cents for a tooth. Twenty dollars seems like a lot. Might not be that much lying around the house or in the wallet when it's needed.

Quiet here right now. Hunter and Kathryn are off to some more back-to-school stuff. Kathryn made Hunter put on a matching shirt. His socks were his choice.

Love the hat, Jo! Made me smile. :) So thoughtful of you, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Hope that the #3 chemo goes well, Jo. So far, so good with the chemo.

JudyEddy said...

Hellooo eagle buds

Well the tooth fairy left a nice 5 bill and it has pixey dust sprayed on it I gave her a set of PJ with Frozen on it also I have been picking up stuff at work and keeping in the closet for gifts in the future for time like this or Christmas etc

JudyEddy said...

Lori who gave her the 20 her daughter at 6 same age as Jordyn has a Cell phone also and that is another subject that we disagree on She is to young for a phone and she proved it when she spent the night at Angie last week

Angie was doing laundry in the back part of the house and Chloe called her mom saying Angie wasn't home or she couldn't find her so Lori called Angie and told her what just had happened on the thrid time angie took the phone from her and kept it till the next day Little girl crying wolf she is to young for a phone but what can you do or say To each their own way to raise a kid

JudyEddy said...

Loris mom was fine with her taking the phone and was surprised that Chloe didn't have a hissy fit about her taking it

All is well that ends well so the saying goes

I am not getting Jordyn today
Angie has a surprise she didn't tell Jordyn about they are picking her up at school at 2 and heading out to see Izzy and her parents Jordyn best friend in the world moved three hours away so they are going to visit and it will be a surprise for Jordyn who hasn't a clue

Lolly said...

OMG, Judy! Way way too young for. Phone! Those parents have a lot to learn!!

Yard is mowed! I am clean! Hair needs to dry and then into town for errands.

Mema Jo said...

I am home - #3 chemo went well. I will find out next week if and when a
CT will be ordered to see if radiation is to be next. Wouldn't it be just wonderful if the Chemo got rid of the SPOT .

They always serve noon time sandwiches there from one of the good restaurants. Generous of them.

Mema Jo said...

Going to put my feet up for a little while. Hope everyone's day is going well.


Janet said...

good afternoon all.

believe it or not, I just got up about an hour ago.

yes it is Friday. yes, I normally work.

I felt awful yesterday but muddled thru. tom went to the funeral home last night to pay his respects to a member of his cousin's family (kids ride tom's bus). I laid on the sofa, went to bed @ 9. I overslept this morning. didn't wake til tom was leaving @ 6:20 still felt awful. could not shake it so called out sick. went back to bed and didn't wake up til tom woke me @ 12:30. I am still tired.

drinking some Gatorade and eating fruit trying to re-coup a bit.

sad part it, it is a beautiful day and I don't feel like doing squat.

we went to the frog dissection class yesterday. it went well overall. livvy thought it was pretty gross.

I thought it was fascinating. they are different than when I was in school. they now inject the deceased specimens with a polymer and it colors the different structures so they are easier to locate.

the class was in the studio of another home school parent who graciously opened her space up to us. there were 9 participants.

I am hoping everyone has a great day. love the hat JO. JUDIE did so well!!! we all love you, ya know.

I hope everyone has a great day, what's left of it. I will try to check in later.

love and hugs

Mema Jo said...

I refuse to comment on cell phones for underage children........ I see sooooooooo many upcoming problems for this youngster and her parents.

I am thankful that Jordyn has other friends and more sensible parents and grandmother

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Back from the neurologist. Really like the guy. Actually spoke with me as a real person rather than stare at a computer screen. Will have a sleep study in a few weeks. Nothing serious that I know of - a diagnostic test.

Jo, very glad the chemo went well today. Sandwich? Bet you would have been ecstatic had they offered an ice cream cone (or peanut butter pie). Very very nice to provide patients with some warm and fuzzies.

I don't think my words would be permissible on the blog regarding the $ amount for a lost tooth or the use of cell phones by young children. Neither is a good idea. JMHO

Beauteous day here. Sunshine and nice breeze.

Headed to put my feet up and then to the scullery.

Sandi said...

Hi all - must be a busy day for everyone. No posts since Judie's around 3pm.

Jo, glad today went well and you are feeling so good!

No new vehicle for me. As I posted on FB from the dealership, I hate new car shopping and I hate new car salesmen even more!! Enough said!

Headed to bed to read a book and de-stress after today. Oh yeah, my toes look very pretty - my pedicure was great!! I will see everyone in the AM.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I bet your neurologist doesn't know you live with a Sandman

Sandi - sure hope you find that new
car for which you are looking....

I am headed in to watch 9-11 TV


Hoda said...

So happy to read your post JO...I love MEMA JO as a do not change it to the eagle whisperer even though that you are for sure...

SANDI sorry about the car time spent and no car.

When I lost a tooth as a child I was given a glass of lemonade...when I immigrated to Canada I had twenty dollars which needed to last a week till my first cheque came I will join JO in the no comment section on inflation fro the tooth ferry...It is actually dangerous to issue cell phones to youngsters. Brian gets affected according to scientific studies fro the radiation and all...

JO nailed it JUDIE: does your neurologist know you live with a sandman???
Ha Ha Ha maybe you should not mention it as they might not release you with a redirect to another section of the hospital!!!

I Love Us

stronghunter said...

Well, my goodness, there's the Sandperson, and then there's Jufie. But then if anyone could explain them, our Judie could.

Lolly said...

I love it! Just really wonder what the neurologist would think! Maybe we should send the doctor some of Judie's posts.

Made a delicious dinner from a recipe on fb. Yummy! Now going to put my nose in a book.

Jo, hoping the chemo went well today. Have a great, relaxing weekend.

stronghunter said...

If the neurologist read all of our posts regarding Jufie and the Sandperson, there might be a serious problem.

Janet said...

good evening all. love the evening chuckles. :)

feeling more human this evening. made a dr. apt for Tuesday morning.

I have spent the evening organizing my coupons. I have determined my method was NOT working well, so I adopted Chelsea's. binder. pocketed files (aka baseball card pages) and dividers. I have been using a lot more coupons from online and such.

I am hoping everyone has a good night sleep. I m planning on giving the sandman a big hug and grabbing an extra handful of sleepy dust....SED

Judie said...

Okay, not one of you better tell my neurologist about the Sandperson OR Evil Jufie OR Dudley DoRight. Good grief, he will have me seen by a shrink who treats multiple personalities. lol

Sleep study is to determine if apnea is contributing to fatigue. No big deal. Oh, how's this for something surprising? I go for the sleep study, get wired up, have a private bedroom, a plasma tv, can read a book, until I fall asleep. Ha! Those people are going to have a really really long and boring night.

Sandi, hope the new car issue resolves quickly and you can get a new chariot soon.

Shirley, so nice that Kathryn had Hunter get himself somewhat coordinated. Was the shopping productive?

So, it is time for me to seek out my pillows. Sandperson is packed and ready to depart. All of my personalities are tired tonight. Nice we are synchronized.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I am now heading for the la la land
I will wait for Sandman - I may need to talk with him about sleep tests

I have said my prayers for all of us and our needs - May everyone rest
well and dream pleasant dreams.

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Oh, and please, no one mention a tooth fairy.


Hoda said...

Never worry!
No mention of any of the above!
We will just send him a note telling him if they do not treat you right we will come after them with our Eagle Canes. We will have in the Lead Our Eagle Whisperer.
That should put the fear of God in them and certify you at the same time!!!!
I promise I won't even mention you keep up bringing Nelson Brownies!!!
Love You.
Will Not visit you till after your psychological assessment is completed!!! Disguising yourself and on a daily basis try to convince us that you are making yourself less scary!!! Lots there for a psychologist and a neurologist

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I am so very grateful that chemo is going so well for you. Hopefully radiation will not be necessary.

Judie, also grateful for you thinking of Jo and for your generosity.

Where are the days of 200 comments on the blog? I miss them! Most everyone is on Facebook, myself included, but it does not hold the same intimacy and comraderie.

Shirley, so happy you are going to bowl again. Looking forward to hearing of your games and practices.

Miss Margie and Lynne2 and Paula.

Lifting up Jo and her family and all others in need.

NCSuzan said...

PS- Judie, have you had your Thyroid checked? Just a blood test. More hair in your brush? Put on a few pounds? Hair and skin dry? Symptoms sneak up on you and these are not all of them. Just a thought.

stronghunter said...

Yes, we are missing the days of 200 comments on the blog.

School shopping hasn't really been done yet. I think Hunter is scheduled to get some new shoes this weekend. Maybe I will find a few dollars for a couple of outfits. Funds have gone for Y Camp, a tutor, the vet, and such. And, if he makes the football team, there is a $100 fee.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am happy I'll be bowling again. It was nice to be invited. I had told the league secretary I would not be coming back. She has been very nice. I am never going to be a very good bowler. As my friend Martha said, we are "tryers." I want to keep trying.

stronghunter said...

As for Judie, I think a sensible neurologist would certainly recognize that she has a most wonderful imagination.

stronghunter said...

Sitting here listening to Luna snore. She is recovering from the surgery. I hope she will soon be free of the dreadful cone. She has a soft one. The hard plastic ones do not work for her. Because she is so low to the ground, it drags on the floor. When that happens she stops completely. Will not move. And she drools so much that the moisture collects and irritates her skin.

The soft cone is bad enough. She was stepping on it at times, so I got a clip and used it to make the cone a bit smaller. That helps, but the clip sometimes comes off. And, sometimes, Luna gets the whole danged thing off. It is a mess.

stronghunter said...

I am going to tell you good night and wish everyone SED. I will see you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Good Night
God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Just checking in and wishing everyone a good day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle fiends ... I mean my eagle FRIENDS! What a difference one little letter makes! :)

This morning we are headed to another auto dealership, hopefully to actually purchase a vehicle rather deal with slimy bait & switch tactics and sleazy salesman who lie. I do not want this purchase to consume my entire weekend!

Have a great day all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Not sure which one of me is here but it is someone.

NCSuzan, yes, had the thyroid checked because of the hair loss and weight gain. Numbers are normal. Had hoped that would be an explanation for two problems but alas...

Shirley, picturing Luna and feel so bad for her. How many more days with the collar? What is the vet's prognosis? Is Hunter at all excited to return to school? Finally, very happy you have decided to return to bowling.

Sandi, hope you get exactly the car you want, at a super friendly price, and you will have done with this project.

Hoda, momsters, Nelson brownies will be appreciated for my night in the sleep study. Resulting brain activity should give the techs something to ponder. lol

Hope Jo is feeling okay this morning. And, remember folks, the hat is from all of us. I just happened to find it online.

Off to find more coffee and the morning paper. One load of laundry on today's agenda then going to try a low-and-slow recipe for a roast - tonight's dinner. Hope I have a backup coupon for a take-out.

stronghunter said...


Not sure how long Luna will have to wear the cone, but probably for awhile yet. She will have to go back to have the stitches removed.

Hunter has gone to spend the night with his dad and Kathryn is at work. We are planning to have a few people over for crabs on Monday. Both Russian and Will will be bringing new girlfriends.

A question: How many crabs for 9 people? Will thinks 1/2 bushel, but Kathryn thinks a whole bushel.

stronghunter said...

That's Rus, not Russian. Auto correct at work again.

Judie said...

I think a full bushel because I'm on my way to Shirley's on Monday.


Janet said...

good Saturday morning! feeling fine and sassy this morning. what a difference 24 hours can make!!!! as dad would say its agrand morning, sun is shining (sort of), bees are buzzing and butter flies are makin' butter. lol.

groceries and grandkids on the agenda.

love and hugs to all!

grannyblt said...

Shirley, I rely on auto correct when I know I have hit the wrong key, but you certainly have to proof read.
My quip was going to be not to let that Russian eat any of my crabs. I haven't had crabs in the shell for years. I will pick up Judie and any others, but I need to know what time. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my beautiful friends~! A bushel of crabs should do it Shirley - You never know how hungry new girlfriends are and I'm sure Will and Russ want to make a good impression! Now here's the question - Will Kathryn be bringing a friend and where has your Suzie been hiding out?
Like Judie and others have said - we are all looking forward to your bowling stories and the new team sounds great !

Mema Jo said...

I also like my "Spell" feature especially for my typos. With this chemo my fingertips are very very tingly and fat and can type with lots of mistakes. I also hit the cap lock too often. Oh well, it could be worse.....

stronghunter said...

Would love for you to come, Judie.

Yes, I try to proofread. Sometimes I goof. I am using my phone.

Kathryn might invite Keshia, but I don't think there is a guy in her life right now besides Hunter. She would be cautious about that when Hunter is present.

Susan is invited, but she is off to climb another mountain. Says she can come Saturday, September 6. She is still seeing Vince.

stronghunter said...

Will be interesting bowling against my former teammates.

Judie said...

Lynne, I seem to recall the invitation to Shirley's crab fest said whenever we get there. lol

If anyone gets hungry on the way to Shirley's, I'll leave ribs and slaw out when I leave to head South.

Wow, I missed the switch for Shirley joining a different team. That should be both fun and interesting: As The Blog Rolls.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

SANDI, sorry you're in for another day of car shopping, hope this is the day it pays off.

JUDIE, those are distressing symptoms--hope the docs find the answer soon.

SHIRLEY, hmmmm, good, what a feast--I know we all wish we could be on hand. We could "vet" those new girlfriends, too ☺! Wishing you lots of luck with the new bowling team and season. Such leagues are not supposed to be for pro's, but for fun and fellowship.

JO, you rock! I love your positive attitude--essential for needed treatment and improved health!

Just another beat the heat day here--already at 87 and climbing.

Love and prayers for all !!!


JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch

caught up with the comment

seems all is ok

I hear some complaining about not so many comments WELL looks like they need to visit more and comment

I know I put my share of comments

and of course we are missing some people like DANA WANDA and a few just comment once in a blue moon and they know who they are
and with our eagle deserting us does seem to make a difference in the amount of comment

JudyEddy said...

I sure do miss Wanda comments about the goings on at the SK But I know she is so busy now doing everything as one which I know takes all her freee time
and LORI with school Maybe when the live feed comes back and the eagle come back we will have to drag them back to us

JudyEddy said...

Watching Buddy on the cam, he seems to be the only eagle that you pretty much guaranteed to see

JudyEddy said...

LOL watching Buddy and all a sudden they turned the camera and now we are watching people about 8 people are watching Buddy so now we are watching them almost time for me to go punch in

JudyEddy said...

I swear the camera operation is trying to get me dizzy
?They way he swings the camera back and forth fast in between the people and Buddy

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Have been out side. Surprised? LOL

Yes, miss some of the regulars. Sneaky Lynne, tip toes through but does not honor us with her presence.

Invited family over tomorrow, but Ash has an aunt and uncle in town and Joey has papers to grade. Laurel and the boys are coming! Mexican food on the menu. Monday is the holiday but Laurel likes to be home the day before school.

Sandi, hope you find your car! I am with you, hate car shopping. We do it every 10 years like it or not. LOL but, do love driving a new car!

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Have been out side. Surprised? LOL

Yes, miss some of the regulars. Sneaky Lynne, tip toes through but does not honor us with her presence.

Invited family over tomorrow, but Ash has an aunt and uncle in town and Joey has papers to grade. Laurel and the boys are coming! Mexican food on the menu. Monday is the holiday but Laurel likes to be home the day before school.

Sandi, hope you find your car! I am with you, hate car shopping. We do it every 10 years like it or not. LOL but, do love driving a new car!

Lolly said...

Scuse the double post. Had a mental hiccup!

Janet said...

good afternoon. groceries purchased and put away! I had just over $30 in coupons!!!! woo hoo!!!!!

the liquid sunshine has begun.

grands will be over in a couple hours. the peace and quiet shall cease!

I was hoping the weather would cooperate so they could swim, but if not, there are games and stuff to do...although none of it as fun as the pool.

not a lot going on. just thought i'd check in!!!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and did some advanced Christmas shopping Knowing Frozen stuff is hard to get so if I see it I will buy it bought some stuff need to take a picture and sen d to Angie I'm not certain if she has a couple of items Will take back if she does

we had a newbee visitor posted on MON blog

"""Rocky Lemuel Garcia has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

They're very cute ""

and that is all he wrote just thought I would pass along

maybe he was implying us LOL

hey I take a compliment anyway I can get it LOL just kidding

wow the nest is really fiilling up with weeds pretty soon we won't recognize it as a nest

JudyEddy said...

It is presently 93° Heat index 103° we do have some rain clouds building so maybe we will get some of Janets liquid sunshine Sure would be nice to cool it down with

Hoda said...

Good God Almighty!!!
I am still vertical and still breathing!!!
Went out for Dragon Boat Practice this morning.
The water was choppy.
Did alright for the early morning practice.
Then I got invited to stay for the second practice, race team. They were short as they needed a full compliment of the boat...the chop was a bit more. With me we made 19 paddlers and I could not say no.The races are a week out I went again...I survived...

Good day rain yet. It is supposed to happen later on today. We are off the water till Monday. I might rent a kayak on Monday for the long weekend morning practice...

All is good.
I need to hydrate and I got a CD book series from the library so I will go "read" for a while...

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon to all our Precious Eagle Pals! Last time I was on here, we had had a flood! The following Tuesday at the Park I decided to search through some gaps in the trees to see if the eagle's nest was still there. It was!!! At least probably most of it. There is so much foliage in the way, can't see a lot.
Daughter was here for a few days and will be back next week for a couple. We got to go out to dinner night before my yucky oral surgery. I never wanted to do it, and now I know why~~~~things are not as good as they were supposed to be. Keep having follow up appts., but not solving all the problems yet and I still need stitches out. (They forgot about that!)
Lolly, my sympathies go to Jack. I had that gum flap surgery with my periodontist about 20 years ago.
Glad your kitty is healing well.
One of my daughter's cats had to have surgery on the top of the femur bone in the hip. In maybe less than a year, he'll go for the other side. One of those ~~~~ ~~~~syndromes. Occurs mostly in males and no breed or genetic links found yet. The blood supply is much less to the femurs and they don't grow well. Tip of femur gets misshapen in the hip joint and cats have pain, can't climb, jump, walk well anymore. He is only 2 years old.
One of our outdoor yearling kitties is having back leg/hip bone problem of some sort also. A few weeks ago, he went to get fixed, but vet didn't know about other problems. He's so weak, I know I can pick him up, but he's very wise to the carriers! The zookeeper is NO help. He let the tiny kittens and their Mom, Panda, out of the garage and to my surprise, they are staying around. In a few weeks the kittens (all girls!!!) need to get trapped for their trips to the vet. So if anyone wants/needs sweet little outside cat, we've got them!
Congrats to Lori, on her newest occupation!
Prayers for Mema Jo, who is an inspiration to all ☺. Good Health Prayers also to Lauren and all others in need.
Love you~~~

Lolly said...

Good to hear from you Loweeeeeeeda! Know you enjoy having your daughter visit!

Watching football! Go Frogs! Rif Ram!

Lolly said...

Prays for your oral surgery! Nope, not fun!

JudyEddy said...

so happy you survived HODA

and LORETTA good new on the nest still there Enjoy dau visit and yuk on the oral surgery been there done that we feel for ya I had the gum flap also no picnic for JACK

we had storms move in and yep rain My neighbor lost is portable car port in the wind We still are in the red for storms but nothing now

JudyEddy said...

and its 82° and my AC has kicked off probably for the first time today Last elec bill was 186. the highest so far this summer

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

comment deleted my ooops Had my glasses off and misread it

JudyEddy said...

MNBound nest said that the male Romeo was in their nest this evening sure wish our couple would take the hint from them

JudyEddy said...

ok gonna see what I can find on the boob tube Mind numbing entertainment awaits me in my future

Judie said...

Good evening.

Lolly, enjoy the Laurel & grandsons time tomorrow.

JudyE, confused about your comment about Rocky Lemuel Garcia. Is that a FB thing?

Loweeeeda, so very sorry about the painful (and expensive) dental work. I do hope it is over soon and pain is gone and you are back to your very own self. It is good you had some Sherry time.

Hoda, you are such a show off. Dudley tells me you are the envy of Nelson and the goal of most residents is to keep up with you, or at least try to keep up. Good on ya girlfriend.

Judie said...

Sandperson is rattling the hall closet door to get in to pack a large satchel

Jufie is hovering near Mema Jo.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I get all the comments emailed to me and ROCKY made that comment on MON blog 4:51pm and I got it in email so that is how I know
Thought I would just mention it I clicked on his name and he has a google acct looks like a photo buff

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day and ready to hit the pillows

Prayers for all our needs
God Bless and keep you through the night

Goodnight ♥

Mema Jo said...

***Judy your Rocky comment also confused me. I checked our Monday blog at 4:51pm and like Judie I don't see anything.

Night ♥

JudyEddy said...

Here is a snip I just took of his comment and I just commented below it ODD that you all can't see it I took the snip to prove to myself I am not loosing it lol

JudyEddy said...

JO and JUDIE it is the last comment on that day or I should say right above my comment 451 todays date

Hoda said...

JUDYE I saw the comment when it was made and thought it odd at the time...could not understand what he was commenting about! You are not losing was and is there...
NOOOOOOOOOOO I have not had any brownies today either!!! LOL

Hoda said...

JUDYE I saw the comment when it was made and thought it odd at the time...could not understand what he was commenting about! You are not losing was and is there...
NOOOOOOOOOOO I have not had any brownies today either!!! LOL

Hoda said...

I did have a cup of coffee earlier today and see now I am stuttering...
Ha Ha Ha Ha...

JudyEddy said...

I will cancel the paddy wagon to come take me away That song is now in my head Their coming to take me away to funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time LOL
There comin to take me aways do you dare have it stuck in your head LOL

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

good evening.

everyone has just left. kids were fine. dogs were nuts. whimper whine....sheesh!

break in the moon shine (if the day stuff is liquid sunshine, is the nighttime stuff liquid moon shine?) inquiring minds.

heading to bed shortly. pillows need a good denting.

SED to all!

Hoda said...

JANET if you experience your moon shine in liquid form, as in you down it, I hear you will have no trouble denting those pillows!!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I wish my dogs understood the word weekend.

Put money down on a Honda Pilot yesterday but did not get to drive a vehicle home. I didn't like the colors of the 3 remaining 2014s left on the lot - black, white, dark gray. The general mgr. has agreed to our price point & will try to locate a 2014 with the features we want in a color I want from another dealership close by. If he can't get one, he will get a 2015 delivered from another dealership in a color I like and will sell it to us for the same price. They will deliver the vehicle to our house and we can sign the rest of the paperwork so we don't have to make another trip (the dealership is about 45 min. away). Should happen Tuesday or Wednesday after school.

Labor Day picnic at the tennis club I belong to is this afternoon.

Judy, I saw that comment from Rocky in my inbox and just sent it to my spam folder.

Jo, hope you're feeling OK today. Prayers continue for you.

I also miss reading comments from Wanda, Lynne, Margie, Dana, Lori. I wish life didn't get in the way of our blog, but it does.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sounds like you have a car, Judie! Just not in the drive way. What color?

Off to church soon and when I get home I have to get busy preparing food for tonight. We made homemade ice cream last night. Boys will like that!

Have a great Sunday!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, so glad you were able to make a deal and what seems to be a very good one at that. AND....drum roll....the color is?

Okay, went back and did see the Rocky post. Looks like spam.

Cheetahs are out in the afternoon sun.

Sunshine and supposed to be hot and humid today. Plan to make a quick visit to the market.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Janet said...

morning all. sunday dawns with a peek of sun and plenty of clouds.

just tom, me and the furbabies this morning. quiet day ahead.

HODA: lol. you caught the liquid "moonshine" part! felt like I made a funny! ;)

SANDI: I am so taking you shopping with us if we ever shop for a new car again (I despise shopping for vehicles!!!!!). I like your style!

hope everyone has a lovely day!

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Yes tell us the colour SANDI.
I do not trust car sales men.
It sounds almost too good to be true.
2015 for a price if a haggled down 2014?
Delivery at home? Is all this on paper with car specs as you wanted?
I will breathe a sigh if relief when the delivery happens.
I do trust yours and Denny's business savvy so will take comfort from that.

Happy labour day weekend every one.

BC kids will not be going back to school. The Gov't continues to not negotiate in good faith. The mediator walked out last evening. No home private schools can not pop up like they did in the Civil Rights Movement.
Gov't requires they be certified and they said they would not certify!!! Education who needs one anyway??? The rest of the world will educate their children but not BC!!! I am very upset.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Judy - sorry for the confusion - I didn't disbelieve you but I could not find per your directions on the MON blog 4:51pm - the 30th is the Thurs thread - someone must have removed his comment - I guess we are still "Cute".

Hoda said...

OK some good news for education in Canada!!!
Sarcastic tone here.
When I was still teaching, that is eleven years ago now, I had a huge on going argument as I insisted that the principle put it in writing that I am not allowed to give a zero to students who did not complete assignments, or failed to attend an exam.

After I got it in writing I assigned 1 to such cases and was still called on it. I then informed my principal that I will just give him a list of I completed assignments he was to assign a grade and initial it and I will not argue it further. I copied the Superintendent and the Chair of the Board.

Well in the news yesterday a teacher who was fired two years ago for doing the same was reinstated by Edmonton Public School Board as ordered by the courts. Retroactive pay called for, and full pension benefits on boards expense. They are required to cancel the no zero policy!

A 14 year battle!!!
Was it really worth it?
I call it harassment and pulling rank on teachers.
Now they take two years for teacher observation and want to decertify teachers every five years with teachers bearing the full cost of re certification!
Oh we love our teachers in a Canada!!!

OK I am off for the rest of the day... Sorry for venting!
Could I have lasted longer than 30 years of service had there not been such tactics???

Mema Jo said...

Jenny is visiting today - She had picnic with hubby's family yesterday.
Last evening our 2 son's and family were here and brought dinner. I just love it!

We haven't had any rain even though
it looks like it could...

Everyone enjoy your Sunday... ♥

Hoda said...

A list if uncompleted assignments is what I gave him.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. I am hoping from an awesome couple of days with Andrew, Kelsey, Sissy and Tom. We spent most of the day on the boat yesterday and saw several eagles and osprey. I don't get off the boat to get in the water, so I spent most of the time standing in the middle of the boat scanning the sky. I would spot a bird and show the others where and Andrew said "Mom, how do you do that? What kind of glasses are you wearing?" I said, Andrew honey, there is a reason I am called Eagle-Eyed Sharon. :)

Mema Jo said...

Good response to Andrew, Sharon.
Enjoy your time in the middle of the boat! Happy Andrew and Kelsey are with you.

It is raining big time here in the valley. Beautiful downpour. Good that the grass was just mowed yesterday.

It is being lazy Sunday - BBL

Lolly said...

Waiting for L and the boys. Cheese enchiladas and chile rellenos are made. Next cook the taco meat. Oh, Guacamole and cheese queso is also made. Delicious and fattening dinner tonight, tomorrow hamburgers, and then the diet starts. Going out with a bang. 8 lbs over where I want to be, so going to tackle it!!

Lolly said...

Rain????? What is rain???

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon! I had a couple Park eagle nest pics from after the storm that are now in the Nook. The previous pictures of the flooding water were mostly from the nest area. I still wish we could actually see the tree itself and if most of it is still there! Have to enlist some aid from a beaver or giraffe, I guess!
As you can imagine, we have lots of kitty tale/tail pics. The tiny kittens, born in Frank's Garage and now over 2 months old, have become master mini-mechanics. They were allowed outside and are sticking around. We can't find homes, yet, so guess they will be TNR for now.
I know some people don't like this speces, but I will post some pics if anyone wants to see them. ☺

JudyEddy said...

So sad just on the news the family of Joan Rivers was discussing taking her off life support she is in a medically induced coma right not
They don't know if they take her off the machines if she will make it 81 yrs old

JudyEddy said...

saw the eagle pics LORETTA I had to prove I was not a robot Funny this is the codes are people address like on side of house and mailbox Odd that is the first time like that not just random # or letters
and if you can post the kitten pic would love to see them

JudyEddy said...

Here is a sea eagle link they have bobble heads White bellied sea eagle in Sidney

Mema Jo said...

TV 9-11 for me - 2nd part of new show Breathless..... BBL

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Lots of loud thunder here.

We could use some rain.

The cook-out/crab feast has continued to grow. Will has bought extra food, and I have assigned Rus to bring corn, tomatoes, and beverages. I am not sure how many are coming. Several have said they will bring food.

We plan to start at 4:00, but some of Will's friends can't come until 7:00, so he will need to take care of them. It is a school/work night, and I want to have time to visit before people need to go home. Will and his friends can visit quietly in the backyard for as long as they wish.

Will and Stephanie are here finishing up the dinner they fixed for themselves. She seems nice. She is majoring in biochemistry at Mary Washington.

grannyblt said...

I just watched Breathless. Not so sure if I love it, but will watch next week to see how it ends.

Mema Jo said...

Watched Breathless - I'll watch again next Sunday - there are so many story lines to grasp the meaning
I can't even imagine how some of them
are going to end.......

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥



and thank you for your prayers as I also pray for all of your needs.


stronghunter said...

We have taken the cone off Luna and put a pair of shorts on her. They cover the stitches. She's wearing Liz Claiborne with a hole for her tail.

stronghunter said...

Interesting comments on Breathless. Have been pretty busy today, so I didn't watch.

Janet said...

good evening to all. watching the race. relaxing. its been a quiet day around here. spent time with hubby, loved it.
baked a cake, from scratch. chocolate with peanut butter filling and frosting with butter toasted almonds on the top.

have enjoyed the day. thankful.

HODA: education....teachers do not get to do what they signed up to do, at least here in Tennesee. too much paperwork, polictics and heart goes out to them for most of them signed on because they love children and want to educate the children, but find, when they get there, they spend a majority of their time doing other things. in addition, in my opinion, children are not taught manners, self discipline and respect any more and many of them feel entitled....makes for a bad situation for all.


anyway, calling it a night. pleasant dreams to all!

stronghunter said...

Interesting comments about education, Hoda. What was the reason they gave for prohibiting zeroes? I remember some discussion about not giving zeros, but we were never forbidden to give them. Kids are going to take advantage of any loophole they can find.

I did try to give plenty of opportunities for a student to redeem himself/herself, and I set things up so that I didn't have a bunch of students who had gotten themselves into a position in which it was mathematically impossible to pass, but there are limits.

Sometimes you just have to let them go down.

stronghunter said...

Love your response, Eagle-eyed Sharon!

stronghunter said...

Nice pictures, Loretta. I always enjoy your pictures.

Going to be a busy day tomorrow. Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Storm has finally gone on its way so I restarted the computer.

Been reading tonight.

Have not caught up and hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Sandperson is already on the way. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

L and family should be home by now! We stuffed ourselves and just had a fun visit! Tomorrow will be a quiet day.

Skippi enjoyed having the boys here! And, L really enjoyed loving on her. She is a social kitty, but not still for long!

Time to think about putting a dent in my pillow! Night all!


stronghunter said...

Can't sleep. Having tea. Need to get some of the guests to bring chairs. Going to be interesting, but I'm at the point in my life that I will just let my kids deal with it. Just need to keep that in mind.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this first day of September - happy Labor Day! Cloudy and drizzly here.

Janet, your assessment of teaching in public schools today is very accurate, IMO!

Hoda, we are encouraged not to give zeros but are not forbidden to give them.

As for the color of my new SUV, I truly do not know. How's that for a new car buying philosophy? There are 3 colors that I like equally - a dark metallic blue, a dark metallic cherry (burgundy, not fire engine red), and silver. I told the general manager whichever color he can get to the dealership the fastest is the one I'll buy. MTBR!

I'm not concerned that the deal won't happen - we are working with the COO of the dealership now, not a salesperson. Paul also told us on Saturday that his clients get valet service for the life of the vehicle. Whenever I need to take it to the dealership for work (as opposed to my local garage), they will pick up the vehicle and leave me a loaner - sweet!

Nothing on my agenda today, except enjoying watching the final batch of summer tourists leaving town. It will be quiet in South Bethany this afternoon ... and that's a good thing.

Have agreat day all. Enjoy your holiday plans with friends and family.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


JudyEddy said...

I only have one more work day tomorrow I am scheduled off on Wed because of the holiday pay Nice that I have three days in a row

Janet said...

good morning all

SANDI: I have dear friends who are teachers and we chat. and I look and see what had changed since I became a parent of school children (24 years ago) and now....but thanks.

well the sun is making a visit to us today. I have lots to do. planning to get outside a bit. invited the gks over for a swim early so we livvy and I can do school stuff in the p.m. matters not if they come over, but I know swim days are limited now....

hey, all of you who shop Walmart, I just learned something, and i'm usually the last to know, so if you already know this, sorry! they have a thing called savings catcher. if you have a Walmart online account, sign into it and type in savings catcher.

then you type in the # on the bottom of your receipt and the date (receipt must be 7 days old or less) and if there are any lower prices, they "refund" you the difference. per my daughter, it can be on a Walmart card, or other such way.

i'm trying it. a penny saved....

anyway, off and running to a great day!

light, love, hugs, and smiles to all! holding you close!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Labor Day to all My Friends ♥

Nothing special planned here for the day - Company could come and that is ok because I have plenty of hot dogs and a watermelon. That would be a picnic to me... Very humid - not good put there and getting warmer by the hour. 80° with 80% humidity - of course there is a chance of a thunderstorm.

Kay said...

Good Morning and Happy Labor Day, dear Eagle Buds !!!

Hope you're all taking a break from real labor and enjoying the last of our summer holidays.

JO, our weather/temps/humidity pretty much match yours. Hope you do get some company to help with the "dogs" and melon!

No special plans here. We've done our holiday bit. Today is return to campus day for Seth. Will be taking Penny Lou out for the necessities and that's about it!

I always enjoy reading the chatter twixt you teachers, active, retired and home schooling, too! Have had many teachers in the family over the years and even now with three college profs in the mix. The evolution of the profession in my lifetime alone has been an awesome thing---not always for the better, but I appreciate all the efforts to effect change that truly benefits students! One change we need to see is adequate compensation for what is one of the most important professions ever. That's my labor day soap boxing....

JANET, interesting Wally World info for those of you who frequent their stores! Hope you save lots of money!

JUDYE, glad you get 3 days off in a row, just like the rest of the world---different days, that's all. Enjoy!

SANDI, love all 3 of the colors you've requested! You found a great dealership! What service!

SHIRLEY, hope you got a few more zzz's after that tea. I have adopted the same "leave it to the kids" attitude. A little hard to give up the leadership role, but so much fun when the adjustment is made!

Love and prayers for all !!!


Kay said...

LORETTA, I love the pics and text in The Nook! Amazing view of the flooding in that area. I'd love to see pics of the "kitties"!♥

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Labor Day has dawned sunshiny with a bright blue sky and a few fluffy white clouds.

Will be headed South with a caravan of extra chairs for Shirley's par-tay. Seriously, hoping everyone there has a wonderful time.

Not much on the agenda for today. Prepared slaw and baked beans yesterday. Now only to bbq ribs for dinner. Reading another book.

JudyE, glad you get an extra day to enjoy.

Sandi, color options are lovely.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day with friends, family, or just doing what you feel like doing.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeee! Have been outside and thinking about venturing out again. Jack is in his shop. He is building a chess board for Jacob's 10 th birthday which is next Monday. Has been very expensive to make but will be a lifetime gift. It is beautiful. He bought a chess set to go with it and it will be stored inside. That was expensive too. The hinges alone cost $35. Will take pictures. Proud of Jack's work.

No plans here, either and that is why I am heading back outside.

Later Gaters! Happy Lazy Day according to Dagwood!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

Didn't get to log on at lunch
McD internet was down

was not a happy camper spent my lunch hour in my truck listening to tunes on the radio instead and cleaned up the truck while i was in it

boy the nest sure is bushy getting thicker and spreading out pretty soon it will be covered

not much on the agenda just watch the news etc


I will be watching

Judie said...

Golly gee! Sure hope there will be some food for me when I finally get to Shirley's partay. Not easy hauling a load of chairs down I95.

Headed to the scullery. Ribs have been on the grill and need to rotate them.


JudyEddy said...

Yes SIS that is the new program at Walmart 3
or you can scan your receipt with your I phone the little square thing on the bottom

And they are getting rid of ad match with this new program

I really don't trust the new program

you are telling me someone has keyed in everyone ad in our system in every state to compare prices

we will see I bet only major items are on it I know lots of folks do the ad match buy one and get one free I bet that isn't in the system

ok enough negativity I guess I know some customers are upset with the no ad match with the buy one get one they do make out with it at our store and Publix, Winn dixie always have buy one get one and we use our prices not theirs

JudyEddy said...

90° heat index 108° at 530 I am hibernating till fall

Janet said...

hey all. evening here. its been a busy day. gks swam for a bit. they went home. we watched to kill a mockingbird, then did our school stuff.

quiet evening ahead.

JUDYE:. what can you do? I certainly cannot and willnot look up every ad to see if there are prices that are better, and i'm pretty sure, no they cant catch every single thing, but computers are amazing things. so who knows. if I save, I save. if not, it isn't costing me anything.

one more day off. dr apt n the a.m. and then acupuncture.

hope everyone has a good evening!

Judie said...

Sandperson is packed and will soon depart.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day - including JudyE who got her truck cleaned out.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

funny LOL

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Hoping all is going well at Shirley's
and that the crabs were all eaten & that the backyard crew has gone home.

Here comes the sandman---


Goodnight to all ♥

Hoda said...

Still standing!
Dragon Boat practices were tough!
The a Penticton races will have over 2000 paddlers! That is huge! I do not know how I will do! Do not like it one bit actually. Too big for me.
One more practice before we go.

It is decidedly chilly this part of the world. I am sitting with a coat and wore one early morning and after dragon boating. Still no sox though!

Good night
God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. First day of real school - day 1 of 180.

Got a call around 1pm that my new Honda Pilot would be arriving in Salisbury by about 5pm. The dealership was only open til 6 so they would have to wait til today to bring it to me. We were anxious to see it so I said we would drive there to sign the paperwork and pick it up. Got a 2015 rather than a 2014 as expected and got a lower interest rate than what I was quoted on Saturday. It's a dark metallic blue with gray leather interior. Also sold my old Jeep Liberty yesterday, so a successful day!

Hoda, chilly sounds good - we are having a heat wave now that school is starting ... this weather!

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day and has a good day today.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

SANDI happy first day of School

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Party went well. We have lots of leftover crabs.

Just missed getting a picture of Hunter and Anthony. Can't go down to the street because there is a big group of kids down at the corner, and Hunter wouldn't be happy to have them see Grandma stalking him.

Hunter is wearing his new outfit: red shirt, black shorts trimmed in red, and red and black socks.

stronghunter said...

Things were lively last night with sessions of Guitar Hero going full blast and a couple of small children running around.

I got to visit with Rus's date, Debbie and Will's date, Stephanie. They seem quite nice. Of course, I had met Stephanie earlier.

Have to get ready for bowling soon.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Sandi. Supposed to be a heat wave here, too.

Janet said...

good morning to all and happy first day of school to everyone that that applies to!

SANDI: so pleased for you! saw the pix on facebook. new vehicle looks beautiful!

STRONGHUNTER: have a fantastic day bowling!

HODA: sorry you are chilly, sending warm hugs!

everyone have a lovely day!

stronghunter said...

Backyard crew--I don't know when they went home, Jo. They were quiet.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations on the new wheels, Sandi! What fun to drive a new car!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.


I LOVE US!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Well we almost made it to 200





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...