Friday, August 15, 2014


New thread.


magpie said...

Hallulejah, Steve, Thanks !!

Happy Red Friday to you...
we honor the Military by wearing RED on Friday....

Have a Good Day and a better Week-end !!


magpie said...

um, that would be Hallelujah! getting used to a new keyboard ☺

magpie said...

My friends: I cannot even pretend that I can catch up on Doins' right now.....

But the time will come, trust me !!!

My prayers do not depend on the computer....they're there everyday, anduring the day...

going out to Swinging Bridge today with high school gal pal....we KNOW there are RED Cardinal Flowers out there, what better way to Spend a RED Friday....

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

Just got back from attempting to go see the mermaids at Weeki Wachee but it was a bust rain and storms and lightening so we turned around and came home Gave it a try on radar it didn't look back WRONG Don't want the mermaids to get hit by lightening

magpie said...

spiffy little desktop but this ol' Magpie is going to take her time getting things going and set up.

Don't want to get into a Pickle

I managed to UNDO Spell Check, but this keyboard is horrible....might have to exchange it, and I cannot get internet time to stay correct....
It is NOT 0901 as the screen says.....
On little cyberspace thing at a time

Have a Marvy and JollyDay

God Bless our Military, and ALL of YOU....

xoxox ttfn xoxox ☺ ♥

See? I can make Alt symbols now :)

magpie said...

JudyE: I have a young nephew (38 yoa) who has Shingles...or had them, he's been in treatment for 10 days

magpie said...


(( Forever HUGS ))

I am sorry to read that George has crossed the Rainbow Bridge - but, what wonderful forever friends he is joining up with !!

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

I am getting nerve pains where the shingle lesions were what a PIA I have been taking Ibuprofen for it I did google it and the pain can be there for 3 months or more Not liking the results of the google

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the Friday thread and Margy for hollerin' at us.

Loretta, the pictures are amazing but scary, too. Thank you. How's Sherry doing these days?

Bet Margy is having fun at the Swinging Bridge. Beauteous day for an outing.

Lovely day here. Jo, hope the eye is just perfect - all the better to enjoy the lovely sunshine.

Been watching the Cheetah cubs and Pete's Pond.

Darth had an appointment this morning with a spine specialist. Diagnosis is stenosis. Given his health history, surgery was not recommended. Rather, physical therapy. He's going to try to get the same therapist I had for my ankle recovery. Wonderful lady.

JudyE, I was lucky. Shingles did not linger and recovery was somewhat quicker. Hang in there. It will go away.

Not much else going on here. BBL

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

What a wonderful day---

Thanks to STEVE for a shiny new thread...

S'wonderful, S'marvelous to see both MARGY and LORETTA back with us again. May all puter problems resolve and soon !

Back to the old thread to see what I've missed since yesterday....

Judie said...

Oh, so happy to see Margy came in with her new-to-her computer. Glad it's the keyboard. Thought for a minute she had been into the Bl. Mary's.

Kay said...

JO, hoping to hear the eye doc says TaTa, see you next year!

LOLLY, I can't think of many acquaintances who like snakes---hope you never lay eyes on that feller again---though he may be consuming some garden pests, who knows?

Here's hoping HODA is having a good day at the races and that LYNNE1 is spotting some fine birds at Lake Erie!

Penny and I are spending a lot of time outdoors today, temp now 72°. Going back to the 80's tomorrow.

Love and prayers for all!!!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Happy Red Friday!

Good to see both Loretta and Margy on here! I miss you when you're "scarce"!
Margy, enjoy Swinging Bridge with your gal pal!

Judy, when I had shingles it took a while for the nerve pain to disappear, but it finally did. Hang in there!

Well, I need to get busy around here before it gets really warm. It's supposed to get to 88 here today--*sigh*....

Have a great day, everyone! I ♥ us!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Yet another Friday and yard work is over. Really did not have much to mow down front as it is so hot and dry the grass is not growing....instead...dying!

Friendly local snake is no more. Jack discovered him on another pecan tree, quite dead. He came in touch with the electrical wires Jack has on the trees to keep the squirrels out. We think it was a rat snake. He had had a meal as there was a bulge. Possibly a bird from the tree? We do no have frogs or toads big enough to make the size bulge we saw. Anyway, I mowed very close to him without seeing him. I would have had a heart attack if I had noticed him while mowing so close to the tree.

Yea, so great to see our Margy back! Just not right when you are not here!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon on this fresh new thread from Steve - Thank you much.
Good to see you here Margy -
Question: why didn't you like spell check? It sure keeps me straight - especially with my typos.

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from the book sale. What a gorgeous day!!

Working on a recommendation letter for a special ed. teacher who transferred out of our school last year but wants to come back and we have a special ed. opening. Nice guy and a good teacher, but I hate writing recommendations - SO time consuming!!

Jo, how's the eye doing??



grannyblt said...

Late a afternoon/evening all

Home from our birding trip to Conneaut Harbor OH on the shores of Lake Erie. We saw a small variety of shorebirds this morning. The highlight was a red-necked Phalarope. Pretty bird that came within a few feet of us. There were at least 5 eagles sighted , but the were on the breakwater rocks too far away to see very clearly. The weather was beautiful if not downright cold when we left home in the early morning It warmed up nicely as the day progressed.

We stopped for a late lunch at Cracker Barrel, I had the trout, very good. Also the fried okra and pinto beans. I am getting my appetite ready to return to southern cooking.

Hope everyone had a nice day.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

got up before six: put a pot of brunswisk stew on (had chopped veggies night prior)...fed critters and eased on out of the house by 6:45. I picked up my colleague and offwe went. class started @ 8:15 and ended @ 5.

so far so good, pretty easy...almost feels as if it comes "naturally". I wasn't sure about feeling the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid, but its there....feels different than Reiki, subtle, but there.

Class is tomorrow, 8 to 5.

Another tanker truck blew up today, but down I65. This one was supposedly really bad. Driver died. I don't know any details as I really haven't watched the news.

JUDYE: hope you feel better more quickly than 3 months!!!!

calling it a n early night. I am tired...have been all day Going to bed earlier...

Good night all

Lolly said...

Do not think I mentioned that Camp Hawkwood starts tomorrow. We go get the boys mid day tomorrow and keep the until next Friday Have several activities planned!

Hoda said...

OK in Vernon!
You might as well get your laugh out now and get it over with!
Two events today both hilarious.
One on FB the other on blog only please.

My hotel is on 42 st.
Downtown is 30th st.

Had a delicious Indian supper.
Was walking back to hotel
Figured it is daylight and only 12 blocks or so!

A 40 something in an SUV tried to pick me up!!!
Ignored him for about a block turned around and said," would you like to see my police badge now or after I write down your plates?"
He took off so fast!!!
Good gracious God at almost 66 this is getting really boring!!!

I will be back after you all stop laughing and pick yourselves off the floor!!!

Mema Jo said...

Excited to hear Camp Hawkwood will be in progress this week. Looking forward to some pictures.
Hoda - you have been trained well and so happy you scared them off.
What an experience! Happy you are safe!
Good job Janet - and I hope tomorrow will go just as well for you.
Lynne - sounds like your day went very well - Cracker Barrel must have hit the spot so to speak.
Sandi - Just as a precaution I do go back to get Retina checked in 4 weeks.

Mema Jo said...

Time again to say

Goodnight to all ♥

I guess I'll wait on the Sandman...

Have a restful sleep... ♥

Judie said...

There is very little I can say about Hoda except that she is some kinda hottie. Awesome you are still getting propositions but ever so hilarious you impersonated an RCMP. Just too dadgummed funny. You go girl!

Will be awaiting Camp Hawkwood adventures. May the week be both fun and productive and may Miss Skippi survive.

Lynne, glad you had a good time birding.

Janet, good that class was productive and you enjoyed. Pulse things make me nervous. Last time I had general anesthesia, one of the "doctors" kept saying she couldn't find a pulse. Scary? Oh yes! Thought I had died and was amazed I could still hear them talking about me.

Sandi, I also do not enjoy recommendations. Just had a request from a student from three years ago. Remember the name but not the student. Had to decline.

Jo, hope you are sleeping by now. Sandperson left early to make a visit to your roost.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Oh, Hoda! Glad you are okay! No more walking the streets! You might have picked up a few bucks! Only kidding!!! Or maybe he knew about your brownies.

Good luck tomorrow!

Heading for the pillows! Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Good night.
We had a team meeting.
All is good.
We have a plan.
11:30 Eastern Time send me some good thoughts.
Two hours later
and again
Two hours later.
If we place well we will race Subday too!!!
Gods Bless

Janet said...

good morning.

Up and at em. well not yet. coffee first.

oh my! HODA HODA HODA! you are too much! good call! good thinking!

Yes, I am glad the class was productive. Wish I didn't have to be up QUITE so early, but I was asleep by 8:30 last night. So nto so bad today.

I think this craniosacral will be just a grand thing to do on its own or add to my current massages. It is certainly easier than the work I am currently doing. It will not of course, be for everyone, not a full session, but, the deeper work is wearing on my body and I know it.

I hope everyone has a great day....

:) Hugs and love

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all ♥

Hoda - I will be sending you good vibes as your race progresses. Best of everything to you and your team.

Chilly out there again this morning
Looks like a rainy week approaching
but temps aren't too high. Home humidity stays low.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoda, sending dragon boat positive thoughts all day today.

Hmmmm. Can't find Evil Jufie this morning. Wonder if she's in B.C. as part of Hoda's team plan?

Happy opening day, Lolly.

Jo, hope you are feeling reasonably well and got some restorative sleep.

Where's Shirley?

Janet, must be encouraging to be able to add new techniques to your massages. Are you and Olivia doing schooling on the weekends?

Laundry catch-up day. Nice weather. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yep, day one! Heading up to Denton to get me some boys! Skippi will be happy! Lots of attention!

Nothing on the agenda, maybe the dye our shirts! Also, have a craft planned and hamburgers and baked fries for dinner. Tomorrow church, the Jack and I have an event to attend, so the boys get pizza and I bought them a movie of their choice, The Lego Movie. Monday we go to Dallas to the Perot Museum. We have never been there.

Need to get moving! Gotta bathe a couple of paws! More fun. Will be happier when they start looking better! Front paw looks better, now for the back paw to look better. That infection was BAD!

Judie said...

Lolly, enjoy the day. When you have a second, please tell me what exactly was the diagnosis for Skippi. Always want to know what to look for.

Back to laundry room.

Mema Jo said...

Dragon Boat Results

59 minutes ago
We won our first race
500 meters
I survived still vertical
Still breathing!
I cried!!!
Emotions are high

Judie said...

Congratulations to Hoda and her dragon boat team. The momsters are proud.

Thank you Jo for the update.

Lolly said...

And, our Hoda is a paddling maniac! They won their second race, too! Yea!!!!!

Judie, Miss Skippita has a staph infection and e coli was also present. No idea why!!!! She has been indoors the whole time and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that she could have injured herself on. We really do not know what has caused this. Her infection was so bad it smelled. Smell is gone, foot is looking better especially the front one that was not as bad. We are just hoping she is not a kitty that get infection easily.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Hunter is with his dad and Kathryn has gone off to Charles Town with her friends. Luna is asking for a walk. She sounds so pitiful that I will have to give in and take her out.

Going to need replenish the sugar water in the hummingbird feeder. It has been very popular.

Good to see Margy posting. Will have to go back and find what Loretta has to say.

Glad to know that Skippi is getting better.

Mema Jo said...

Dragon Boat Results

Race Two
We won
Time 2:41
500 meters
A bit of a wind
Water was a bit rougher
Still Vertical
I am still breathing!
I love us!

Mema Jo said...

2 hours ago

Here is the over all standing.
We are the KRD
Our third race is at three.

Keep paddling..... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Dragon Boat Update

Placed third in our third race.
Choppy Waters
2:45 500 meters
Placed third over all for A division.
We are very pleased and proud.
Great team energy.
An honour and a privilege.

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. What a glorious day for Hoda and her team. Congratulations to our momster friend and her team. Well done!

Lolly, thank you for the information. As we will likely look into the Siamese Rescue it will help. They state that their rescues are not perfect and often come with baggage but everything to know to look for is helpful to the adopters and the care of the adoptees.

Off to search for something good on PBS/MPT. BBL

Hoda said...

Thank you ever so much for your cheering and support.
Our third place in A Division beat the first place of B Division.
When we were getting our ribbons it was pointed out be the organizers that the average age of our team was 65
The average age of the other A Division teams was forty something.
Just goes to show you!
We still gave them a run for their money!!!

Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Supper at 6:00 with the team!
Thirty minutes to go!
I can not stay awake!

Judie said...

Well, if any team can "show em" it is Hoda's team. Congratulations to you and to all your team members. Well done! Please convey our positive thoughts and support to the team, Hoda.

Sandperson is packing a satchel early tonight. Claims to be over-booked what with Hoda and her team.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Hoda!!

Mema Jo said...

Good show Hoda!

I watched a Hallmark movie - entertaining!

Goodnight to all ♥


Have a very restful sleep

Janet said...

late good evening to all.

first and foremost! CONGRATS TO HODA AND THE ENTIRE TEAM!!! excellent! most excellent!

JUDIE: Yes, it is very satisfying to have a new "tool" in my tool belt for massage. Craniosacral is something I've wanted to learn for a while AND this is the instructor with whom I've wanted to learn it. Bonus!

It is "right up my alley" if you will. Yesterday we learned most of the hand positions and such, today we worked with chakras.

I find that this naturally fits into what I already do. Almost as if I have done this before...

There are 12 of us in class, and there are quite a few who have never done any work of this kind. The instructor has figured out who I am..knows where I have teach, what I teach and confirmed that with me today. LOL. I have purposely stood back, as this is her class and I would not want to step on toes.

I really like her. She is quite respected within the community.

As for homeschooling, TN requires 4 days a week, 4 hours a day. Doesn't sound like a lot, but when it is one on one, you can cover a LOT. Some days will be longer if we run into something wefind a need to focus on.

All righty hoping everyone rests well. Class is 9 to 2 tomorrow.
SED to all!

Lolly said...

A great day! Boys in bed now. We did some crafts, played with the kitty, and watched a movie. Joseph helped with the Rosemary oven fries. He is such a sweetie. Jacob was great but not a helper!

They exhausted Skippi, which is very good. I get to sleep late!

Night all!

Way to go, Hoda! You and your team did fantastic! Woo woo!


Hoda said...

Hawkwood Camp is on!
So cool!
Skippi is better

MARGY was here!
Good to see you.

SANDI when does school start?

Will drive back to Nelson today.
Want to make it back in time for my Yoga Class.
Do I go back the ferry way and refuse to get on if they are too full. Be first in line for the following boat?
Me thinks perhaps it is a good idea.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Sounds like the big news yesterday was Hoda's dragon boat team. How exciting for you, Hoda!! I can picture the celebrating at the finish lines of your races! What a fun day for your whole team - congratulations on showing those younger women how to row!!

Nothing on my agenda for today - maybe trimming some shrubs and shaping things up before the big hardscaping project happens. Would like to finish the book I'm reading - Orphan Train. Has anyone read it? If not, I would recommend it.

Jo, hope you're feeling OK - prayers continue for you.

Lolly, enjoy those boys and all your Camp Hawkwood events!

Have agreat day all!

Sandi said...

Hoda, safe trip home!! School starts for me on 8/25 - one more week of "retirement!"

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

congratulations HODA

Janet said...

good morning. nice to sleep til 7

looking forward to the final day of class. will pick Olivia up from Chelsea's and then come home.

hope everyone has a wonderful day!

grannyblt said...

Good Morning eagle Momsters

Happy day for our indefatigable Hoda. Congratulations to you and your team.

Rainy night and next day or so around here. I can't say this has been a good summer weather wise. Too cool and wet. Not that I want Lolly's weather.

I check the still cam from time to time, but no signs of eagles there. I expect our eaglets are having great adventures on their own nowadays.

I hope our Jo is feeling fine and getting plenty of healing rest.

And wishing for a great day for all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Getting ready for my second cup of coffee. Cloudy day here.

Goodness, Hoda, I love reading of your adventures. I get tired just thinking about all of the things you do.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We have had a teeny tiny bit of rain this morning. Need more!!

Hoda, when we go to the beach we cross on a ferry. The boys love it. They get out of the car and watch for dolphin as the dolphins love swimming beside the ferry. Love being the first on, have a great view!

Need to eat a bite and then we leave for church.

Mema Jo said...

Good late Sunday morning to all ♥

I would have been here sooner but Sunday's newspaper is quite large!

Hoda - just get all 4 tires on that ferry for a safe passage! lol

Janet - always good to learn something new!

Lolly - may you have more rain then just a few drops. Rain is in our forecast for the best part of this week.

Waiting for Jennifer to stop by. She had a trip to Walmart first.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - you have an MT house like we have an MT nest! Enjoy the peace and quiet - takes a while to get used to!

Kay said...

Good Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

Wahoo ! HODA, we knew you had it in you and now we know the entire crew has what it takes ! Don't mess with a group of beautifully aging women !

LOLLY, happy news that you're getting at least a teeny bit o' rain. Prayers for more ! Joseph and Jacob are two very lucky fellers and I know you and Jack are enjoying every moment with them. Well, almost "every" ☺

JO, enjoy the Jennifer visit ! Aren't we lucky to have precious family members close by ? Mega prayers continue for you, dear friend !!!

Seth was here overnight and is now home finishing up his packing in prep for the return to school this evening. So glad he has that traumatic Freshman year out of the way and expect this second year to be Aces all the way.

OOOhhh, LYNNE1, a cool wet summer here, too, and I love it ! Some say we're in for a hot Sept/Oct, but don't know where they get their info. "They" also say we'll have another Arctic Blast winter. Guess I need to purchase a good ol' Farmer's Almanac !

SANDI, sounds like a perfect Sunday to me---a little gardening, a lot of reading ! Squeeze in all the relaxation you can before the 25th !

JANET, good luck with the final day of class !

Hi, SHIRLEY n' JUDYE, good to see you here, as always !

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

I wish to thank all of you for your daily prayers and warm thoughts for me. Also the cards in the mail and the snail mail sure do make my day. I do sleep well - in fact I slept later then usual this morning.
I must tell you that I have no discomfort whatsoever - I am so thankful for that. I go in Wed just to check out my blood work. Perhaps he will give me dates for the 2nd session of 3 days for chemo. I'll let you know ♥

Mema Jo said...

Such a beautifl day for Farmer's Market and Megan's colorful flowers.

Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Clouding up around here. Maybe some sprinkles. If we get more, I'll send some to Lolly.

Jo, very happy to know you are not in discomfort. The progress made in treatment and its after effects is amazing. I know the visit with Jenny was delightful.

Kay, wishing Seth an amazing second year. Newbie freshman always made me chuckle at their apprehension.

Been to Darth's garden to collect some tomatoes and corn. Then to Farmer's market. Now to put my feet up in imitation of Jo.

Cheetah cubs are adorable. Starting to make cat type noises and wobbling around their den.

Shirley, I can hear the quiet at your house all the way up here.


Sandi said...

Jo, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling OK!

Kay, best of luck to Seth as he starts his sophomore year of college. Will he be in a new dorm? Have a new roommate?

When you get a chance, please check out my blog. My latest post won't be nearly as special for any of you as it is for me, but I bet it will make you all smile!


Judie said...

Sandi, love the new squeeky toy. Best rendition of happy birthday I think I every heard. Beaueous baby.

Lolly said...

Jo, your post makes me smile! Continued prayers and much love sent your way!

Very happy here. After my morning post the rain came down!!! Electricity was off for about 45 minutes. We sat and played a game. It is a game of answering questions. Conversation starters. It was fun.

We did make it to church and it poured during church. The roof leaked at church and the electricity blinked once.

It is still sprinkling softly and we have had over three inches of rain. Can not tell you how happy it makes me. This rain will help the pecans finish filling out and we are in for a big crop this year! Yea! My whole yard has been lapping it up!!! :)

We have now tye died our camp shirts and boys did bandanas too. They sit til tomorrow when I was them.

Jack and I have a wedding shower to go to. It is also a dinner, so I have purchased a movie for the boys and we are getting them a pizza. Going to be an interesting party to go to, but let me tell you about the couple. Both Natalie and her fiancé are special. Natalie suffered brain damage at birth. She is a beautiful 23 year old. I have watched her grow up. She now lives independently in Fort Worth, where she rides the bus to the zoo where she is employed. Her fiancé works there, too. I just met him today for the first time. Do not know his story, but he let me know he is also a TCU fan! :). There party today is an auction where we bid on gifts to give them. Not sure how this is going to work. Will let you know. They are getting married at the Fort Worth zoo in Oct. reception will be there too. Their honeymoon will be Disney World. Natalie's parents are taking them. So very happy for this couple.

Lolly said...

Okay "their" not "there", and I plan to wash the shirts!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - the video is precious to say the least! Keepsake for sure! Was that Brian's "NANA" title?

Kay said...

SANDI, your granddaughter is beyond precious ! Absolutely adorable !!! Yes, Seth is in a different dorm this year, center of campus across one street from the old dorm and across another to the Student Union. He will be rooming with Jason, an honor student who took a special interest in Seth last year. They pal around with Jason's girl friend and several of her gal pals--a little gang of 6--all of them are in the band except for Seth and he is in the stands rooting for them at every football game. Jason won't arrive for another week, but Seth has to be there for Freshman Orientation Week in his role as New Student Mentor. Very proud of him ! Thanks to all who have wished him well ! He is truly a miracle and I'm convinced there is something out there that will fulfill him and sustain him in adulthood !

LOLLY, that rain is truly an answer to prayer ! Hallelujah ! Thanks for sharing a unique and wonderful love story ! I wish the young couple the best of everything. Here, too, making it personal, I do so hope there is a special young woman like that out there somewhere for Seth. ♥

JUDIE, as usual you're making me hungry ! Tomatoes, corn--what a glorious season this is for garden goodies !

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and I left my lap top at home today
I guess I was in a hirry to get to work to return the ladder I bought and forgot it
was a boring lunch with out it

also really ---up worked till 10 till 6 lost track of time so will have to take 50min off during the week during lunch

JudyEddy said...

Does one heart good to know that JO is not having any discomfort with the treatments .

Judie said...

Hoping to see that Hoda has safely ferried her way home. Perhaps she is finally so fatigued she is actually asleep.

Sandperson is packing a satchel and will depart to distribute sleepy dust. Says we need sleep as tomorrow is a Monday. So, prepare to be sleepy dusted.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Watched the final two Sign Sealed and Delivered That is one awesome show
Now I have nothing on the DVR to watch

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

All four tires were safely grounded on the ferry.
I was the second one to board and it was not full!
Actually had time to look at the scenery this time.
It is all good.
I am home.
Unloaded the car and headed out to yoga.
I will sleep well tonight.
Great class.
In three weeks time we head out to Penticton got a huge Dragon Boat Festival,
Not too sure about that one yet.
Train train train is what the next three weeks are about.

JO I am grateful you are doing well.

SANDI adorable does not quite describe your Little Miss Frejya. Blessed Be.

Very proud of SETH,KAY.
Wishing him a great Sophmore year.

Camp Hawkwood seems like a great deal of fun LOLLY. Do does your party!
Rain in Texas!!! YAY!!!

Unpack and do laundry is next on my program tonight...

Mema Jo said...

Happy to hear you are HOME, Hoda...

I watched the second part of the Masterpiece Theater - very very good

Time to call it a day

Goodnight and prayers for a sound sleep ♥

Lolly said...

Oh, what a day! An awesome day! First the rain, 3 inches, and electricity being out. We tye died our shirts and finished our Halloween crafts. After that we left the boys with pizza and a movie and went to the shower. What they did....the couple needs nothing in the way of household items. So this was a Disney auction. We could bid or buy outright. We bought them Mickey Mouse Ears...but one was a brides, white with tiny veil and the grooms, well not sure but made to look appropriate for a groom. Every item was something for the trip or souvenir. There was also a raffle but we did not win anything!! We tried! It was a lot of fun, and they are such a cute couple. Learned that he works not at the zoo, but at TCU.

Kay, I am sure Seth will find the perfect girl for him!!

Boys are in bed now and I will be soon. We leave early for Dallas and the Perot Museum.

Will I last the week? LOL

Night all! SED

stronghunter said...

Jumping on to say good night. SED everyone. Sleep well.

My eyes are tired.

Hoda said...

Good night
God a Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lots of teachers going back to work today - glad I'm not one of them!!

Hoda, there's no place like home, right?

Lolly, enjoy your day with the boys!

Jo, healing prayers for you - today and every day.

Tennis for me at 8, not sure what the rest of the day will bring.

Have agreat day everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hoda, glad the ferry ride was pleasant and you are home safely. Congratulations again to you and your team.

♪♫ Happy Birthday Candy ♪♫ Wishing you a wonderful day to begin another year.

Off to see the dentist this morning. Routine. Then a couple of errands.

Y'all behave yourselves and have a lovely morning.

Mema Jo said...






JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...