Thursday, August 21, 2014


Fresh thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


stronghunter said...

Hi Sharon!!


Thanks, Steve.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


I think I have told you all before about the girl Andrew went to school with, Lauren, who has been in a struggle with heart issues. She got a virus a few years ago and it apparently attacked her heart. She is a school teacher. She has had a different kind of congestive heart failure and I think maybe 2 weeks ago she was put on the donor list. Well, today she is on her way to Duke University as they have her new heart waiting. I have never seen anyone like her. She gives constant praise to God for everything. She has a faith in God that I don't think I have ever witnessed before. She is 24 years old. I will update you as I know. Her name is Lauren Crews Brandon.

Judie said...

Blogger Dudley DoRight said...
Here I come to save the day
Dudley DoRight's on the way
Saving Hoda's on my plate
Then I'll ask her on a date

Hoda, stay calm and make no sudden moves. Use your dragon boat oar to keep the mad woman at bay. I will be there soon to save you my darling.


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Saw on the previous post that a gentleman named Dudley has come to Hoda's rescue. She should be okay now.

Hunter's outfit yesterday:

A camouflage shirt.
Bright yellow and black patterned shorts.
Bright blue socks.

It hurt my eyes. I said nothing.

The ground bees continue to thrive and threaten me every time I walk near their nest. Tommy has a new phone number. I will have to get it from Hunter.

Hummingbird battles continue by my backdoor. I have noticed that sometimes two will feed at the same time. One usually doesn't know how to access the sugar water. I think it must be a fledging with an adult trying to teach the young'un how to use the feeder.

Played bridge last night. Fun time with old friends.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Enjoy the feather Shar.

Wishing only the best for Andrew's friend.

Hi Shirley.

Hoda said...

Love you...
But seriously Dudley????
What kind of name is that?
Who names their child Dudley????
Pierre, Matthieu, even Georges would do!
But NO
Coach will die laughing!
No protection at all!!!
Cute outfit though.
Glad of the flag too!!

Hoda said...

Prayers SHAR!

SANDI asked a good question JO.
Did you start a new set?

stronghunter said...

Got Tommy's phone number and called him. Am hoping that he will soon rescue us from the bees. My bridge friend says they are worse than yellow jackets. They surely are persistent little devils. I think they are multiplying each day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

I'm not so sure I want to enter this new thread....... Hoda what kind of commotion are you starting today????
I don't know if I should ask Steve to get after Dudley or not - Dudley seems to know you well!

Prayers Sharon - May her new heart
be the answer from God.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - lol - Hunter does sound like an 'eye sore' BUT do his friends do the same type of mix-matching! Won't be so bad if they do

Good luck in getting rid of those nasty bees - would not want to get stung by them.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like a housefull, Sandi! Lots of veggies to feed that crew..perhaps
they will bring some of their own dishes! That would help. I am sure you are anxious to see your beautiful granddaughter!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, how is it going with the chemo? What kind of chemo are you getting? I think about you all the time. I love you much!

Mema Jo said...

I have a foot dr appointment later this morning - just a routine clipping - due to diabetes the insurance covers most of the charge.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - left you a PM on FB lol

Judie said...

Hoda, my energetic dragon boater, it is useless to pretend to all your blogger friends that my name is offensive. I will be there soon to save you from the evil coach. Then, we shall share some seaweed chips and sunflower seed water.

Judie said...

Before I head out to forage --

Shirley, Hunter's costumes are certainly colorful. We had a nest of bees underground some years ago. Used a water hose poked down the hole in the ground to flood them out. Not very scientific but it worked. Of course, there were many very angry bees.

Sandi, enjoy the family gathering. Hope everyone pitches in.

Jo, enjoy the clipping. Nice day to get out for a few minutes.

Speaking of which, I am about to get out to do some foraging. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I noticed that there is Green Weeds/grass growing in our nest due to no one visiting. :(

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to SHAR with congrats on the feather in her cap !

HODA, here is what Wikipedia has to say about your ardent admirer, aka a cartoon character:

"Dudley Do-Right is a dim-witted, but conscientious and cheerful Canadian Mountie who is always trying to catch his nemesis Snidely Whiplash, usually succeeding by pure luck or through the actions of his horse, named "Horse." A running gag throughout the series was Nell's great affection for Horse and her disregard of Dudley's unrequited interest in her.

Dudley Do-Right once made a cameo in a "Rocky and Bullwinkle Fan Club" segment, playing the hero in "She Can't Pay the Rent", a play staged by Boris Badenov. Rocky and Bullwinkle also appeared as cameo in an episode called "Mountie Bear".

In the standard intro, Dudley is seen mounted backward on his horse."

You be the judge as to just how helpful Dudley is going to be---his heart is in the right place at least !

SHAR, prayers for Lauren, such a remarkable person deserves a healthy heart. Many thanks and prayers go out to the donor and his/her family !

SANDI, you're winding up the summer with a grand finale---have fun with that houseful, especially little Freyja !

SHIRLEY, big giggle over Hunter's outfit ! He doesn't know that he's chosen protective clothing---motorists, etc. will see him coming a mile away ☺ !

JO, prayers as always and remember, we have a deal--you don't have to answer any questions you don't wish to ! We respect your privacy !

A cloudy day with the threat of rain, but I'll venture out to Kroger for supplies if at all possible.

Love and prayers for all !!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

I see we have a new blogger in disguise like JUFIE
I have always heard good things about Dudley Do right


stronghunter said...

Will need to head out and purchase some milk. We are going through about a gallon a day.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn has a meeting at work and doesn't expect to be home until about 9:00. The math tutor comes at 7:00. Maybe it will be a pizza night at our house.

Saw your picture on FB, Jo. Cute one.

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from tennis and just have time to check the box for the new thread.

Thanks Steve and thanks Shar for the call over.

Prayers for Andrew's friend Lauren as she gets her new heart, and prayers for the family of the donor who had to lose someone they love so that others can get a fresh start on life.

Shirley, can't say that I see very many 8th grade boys at my school dressed as you describe Hunter. Sounds like he marches to his own drum - nothin' wrong with that!

Lots to do before company arrives - later!

JudyEddy said...

HODA I hope you enjoy this I remember this so well

Dudley Do Right to the rescue

stronghunter said...

No, can't say that I have seen other boys dressing like Hunter has chosen to dress. Some of my friends are saying that it is a new trend. I don't know. There are worse trends out there.

stronghunter said...

Loved it, Judy!

Lolly said...

Howdeeee! Out early to mow and it was over fast. Joseph did a lot of the mowing!

And, I have been challenged to the ice bucket dump. Soooo, I am going to do it. Dreading this! Those on fb stay tuned, but be relieved I am not challenging any of you. Keeping it to family so they still love me.

Mema Jo said...

If Hunter proves himself a leader - you can bet your bottom dollar it will be a new trend! lol

Judie said...


Thank you JudyE. Sure was fun to watch ole Dudley again.

Anyone think Dudley will mistake Hoda for Nell?

Judie said...

OR, perhaps Nell is disguised as Hoda?

OR, perhaps Snidley Whiplash is disguised as Dudley.

Hmmm, Hoda seems to be headed for a vegetarian dilemma.

Ready! Set! Go Sandi.

Cannot imagine a gallon of milk a day but then I'm not a teenage trendsetter. lol

Feet going up.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - you and Jack did a great job with your ice bucket challenge - Especially love the way Joseph packed in that ice instead of swirling it around in the bucket! lol

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Joseph did a great job with the ice and he loved doing it. It really was not too bad. LOL Would hate to do it on a cool or cold day!

Off to Medieval Times this evening. Boys are getting restless. They are ready to go home tomorrow.

I do hope some of you receive this challenge. The hardest part was making and loading the video. Also, Jack wanted to email his to friends and it is too big to email.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Kay for your earlier comment about 'our deal' concerning information....It will usually be
after the fact - even day old some times. I really need your prayers and more prayers to get through this. I know that they are being offered and I really do Thank You! I believe in Prayer Power and just want this cancer spot to shrink so very small! Love you all so very much.

Lolly said...

It may go unspoken Jo, but you are always in our prayers. We love and treasure you!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm sorry. Didn't know there was a deal. I'll mind my business.


Hoda said...

You all must be getting into the brownies.

JO Respecting your decision of course. I have said it before.
I guess the question is a way to let you know I am thinking of you.

Thank you KAY for Wikipedia explanation. I missed that bit of Canadiana!!!

Lots got done today.
Feeling good about it.
More planned for tomorrow.

Market Fest tomorrow evening. The last one for the season. Fall is certainly in the sir!!!
It amazes me how one day it is 98 degrees and the next day signs of autumn appear!!!

glo said...

Good evening everyone. Prayers for the needs shared on here. Is it ok to say "Out dam spot' I think that is actually Biblical. I am getting excited about the trip to WV early Fall. My life has changed a lot since the passing of Dex. I don't stay home near as much now. It is good for me to get out and around people. I have also gone back to some volunteer work at the shelter. I know all are happy for the work on the nest cam next week.

Janet said...

good evening all. Welcome to Dudley. lol

Hoda's new Might take her mind off of dragon I think this Dudley will be the one falling out of the boat and such!!!!

Stronghunter: yanno, he hasn't pierced his tongue? his eyebrow? his nose? his bellybutton? take a deep breath. this too shall pass.

Its been another busy day. I had Peanut at the vet just before 7 a.m. Then went straight to work. worked. The day went very quickly. Then I headed to the bank to get some cash to give to the vet...picked up Olivia and went to get Miss Peanut who I very very upset!!!!

When we got home I set up a kennel down stairs with food, water, litter pan so she has a place to recover.

When I picked her up she hissed and spit at me. She rather blames me for all

Michael came home and she snuggled u to him. lol. I showed him how to give her the pain meds and we tightened the e collar as she kicked it off 4 times in the short time he was home.

She is one unhappy kitty cat. But she will be much happier when she is healed and not in heat any more.

After dinner, we went for a swim. Sure felt good as it was close to 100 today.

now I'm about ready to hit the bed. I have two more days of fully booked work, which is great. :) Then Sunday, take the boat out and do Jack's "real" birthday celebration.

I hope everyone gets a good night sleep. holding each of you close in my heart, my thoughts for healing, rest and comfort....

Thought for today: (someone shared this with me)

Embrace and love today.
It has been coming to you since the beginning of time.
You may have tomorrow, but you will never have today again.
Embrace its challenges, for they are your teachers.
Embrace the positive, for you deserve thatpositive.
Love today.
Love yourself.

Blessed Be.

Janet said...

PS just a thought. Strong hunter: invest in some GOOD DARK sun glasses! lol, to help you to deal with the "loud" outfits, lol! :)

Mema Jo said...

Good advice from Janet - sunglasses.
Also be grateful for piercings not requested! Shirley, 45 yrs ago I was embarrassed walking with my long haired son in the mall! I made it through that stage (secret is he still has his beautiful long curly hair) lol

Mema Jo said...

The cheetah cubs have an outside cam and when they are inside I can't see
them. They have to be cute as the dickens by now - just like kittens.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I love the tie dyes. It know it's a Hawkwood tradition.

Going to hit the hay early

Sleep well and dream peacefully

Goodnight to all
I love us ♥

Lolly said...

Night all! We had an awesome evening!


Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

The Dudley fellow is a few bricks short of a full load!
Where was he I wonder when God was handing out brains???
No suitor of mine!
First requirement someone must have a brain!!!
Laughing myself to my bed...

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, sounds like Camp Hawkwood was a hit but the counselors are ready for the campers to go home. What a great mom you are to clean Laurel's house when you return the boys.

Jo, I can recall being embarrassed to walk with Brian in a mall - dressed all in black, combat boots, dog chains from Pet Smart around his neck, blue hair, piercings. But he was an A/B student and wasn't a troublemaker in school. I knew his heart and knew he was just making a statement that he didn't want to "fit the mold." Look at him now - working for the US State Dept. as a foreign service officer. Choose your battles, right? PS - I love your son's beautiful long, curly hair!! :)

My house is full - Brian, Lynnis, Freyja, both of their dogs, Lynnis's sister and brother-in-law and their 2 girls, and Lynnis's mom AND dad. Last night I cooked for 9 adults and 2 kids, most of them vegetarians, one vegan, but everything was good.

No one had any idea that Lynnis's dad would be coming. He is a very strange person. Nice enough but strange. He's also extremely overweight so, once he got up the stairs to get into the house, I think this is where he will be for the duration. At 1am, I got up to go to the bathroom and I could still see lights downstairs in the living room and hear the TV on.

It is a gray, wet morning. We had very loud thunder and bright lightning and lots of rain around 4:30am. Don't think I'll be playing tennis at 8am. I hope the rain doesn't continue all day so the kids can go to the beach. I also hope Brian's 2 dogs are flea-free. Every time I felt Bella scratching herself in bed last night, I had visions of fleas in bed with us!

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning to all! RED FRIDAY!

feeling good this morning. sticky, steamy morning. it is august after all.

last night, after dinner, tom and I took a nice long swim/soak in the pool. what a lovely luxury.

work today. hopefully followed by a quiet evening.

checked on peanut just before bed. she is so pitiful. she, in her druggy state, seems to have forgiven me and was snuggling in my arms a bit. will check on her in a bit.

everyone have a great day! light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Last report Lauren was off the heart-lung machine and her brand new heart was beating away. :) Power of prayer is unbelievable.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle friends..

Sandi, I hope this will be a no flea visit. How long until Brian's next assignment? Will the family go with him? Enjoy your visitors and the last few days before you head back to work.

Lolly, it sounds as though your time with grandsons was good. I hope they don't outgrow wanting to spend time with you all.

Went to have my haircut earlier this week and was so busy catching up with hairdresser, I forgot I was thinking of a different style. Oh well, it was a good haircut. Off later to have car inspected.

Prayers and good thoughts for us all.

grannyblt said...

Good news about Lauren. Prayers continue

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are in the waking up process for Lauren and she is now breathing on her own. They are going to pull her vent tube shortly. God is good all the time.

Mema Jo said...

Morning - Not good

Please offer up prayers for my son Michael - Seizure this morning here at the house with me, his dad and brother. They have driven him to ER.

A year ago in July was his last one.Just need lots of prayers on here from all of you, my friends.

Mema Jo said...

Praying for Lauren's successful recovery! It is so wonderful what can be done in this day and age.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Michael, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Lauren.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, will definitely be praying for Michael and you and the family. Crap!

Hoda said...

Please Dear God Almighty lift MICHAEL in your healing power and bring comfort to his family and our precious MEMA JO.

Keeping MICHAEL in prayers JO.
Sorry it happened again.
Blessings it happened in US and not on his travels abroad.

Please keep us posted

JudyEddy said...

Will be keeping you and Michael in my thoughts and prayers Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way extra ones today
I also agree with Hoda so glad it happened here in instead abroad

Had a great afternoon and evening with family getting ready to head out the door going to Target and Kmart Looking for collared shirts that aren't thick and hot
Then will pick up Jordyn and do what she wants till we have to go to their house for dinner

I am thinking she will want to come here to the house yesterday was in the 100 heat index so hot we were the only ones on the playground and then we went in to the playworld to cool off

JudyEddy said...

SHAR so glad you got good news on Lauren hope this continues for her and her family

Without saying so daily I think of all of you and your family on the blog and wish you all the best there is to

Judie said...

Dearest Jo,

So very sorry that Michael suffered a seizure. May he recover and return to his family quickly. Prayers abound.

glo said...

Prayers for Michael and Lauren

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

JO, distressing news re:Michael. Will anxiously and prayerfully await further word.

SHAR, so glad Lauren is doing well--prayers continue during this critical post-transplant period.

SANDI, hope your household stays flealess and your hostessing continues to be flawless ! We were having the same kind of storm you've described from about 3 to 5 this a.m.. Penny wanted out of her crate and needed to snuggle til' it was over.

Love and prayers for all on this RED FRIDAY !


Hoda said...

Just got out of yoga.
Any news of Miracle MICHAEL?
Praying JO praying.
We are with you.

Mema Jo said...

Michael is home now here with us
They did release him as we suspected they would. Just a little tired and a bit disoriented - mainly resting

Thanks for your prayers - I think they worked well! ♥

Kay said...

JO, Hallelujah ! Resting at home with his dear Mom n' Dad has to be exactly what he needs. We never outgrow our need for the TLC only a family can give !

Now I can relax a bit and will see y'all here tomorrow !


Hoda said...

Blessed Be JO.
Glad MICHAEL has been released.
Resting is good.
I am sure they will try to find out what triggered it.
Medical advances benefit us all.

Glad LAUREN is doing well SHAR.
Keep us updated please.

stronghunter said...

So glad to see the good news about Michael!

Judie said...

Greatly relieved to know that Miracle Michael is home with you and Mr. Jo.

Sandperson will hover around this evening to make sure he gets lots of sleep.

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the info about Michael, Jo. I hope this was just a one time thing. Prayers continue.

Hoda said...

Continued Prayers of love and support to the Lennox Family.
It feels heavy today.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been a while since I was here last. I'm hoping everyone is well. Did see that Miracle Michael needs some prayers--consider it done!! Prayers will continue for Jo, too. Love you!!!

Shar, prayers indeed for Andrew's friend Lauren! God is good indeed!

Got a kick out of the Dudley Do-Right video! Haven't seen that in decades! LOL

It's been a quiet week here. We have had weather in the mid-80s, so not too bad. It's supposed to be about the same for the weekend, then heating up next week.

We talked to Jen earlier in the week, and we think we are going to plan on meeting in Pennsylvania for our "together" vacation next year! Ken is from Lancaster, and he has family living in New Holland, so we'll concentrate on that area. Might take a side trip to New York City, and try to see a baseball game at Yankee Stadium. MTBR....

Shirley, Ken and I have noticed teenagers out here in SoCal wearing mismatched socks and shoes, but clothing, not so much.
I agree, it could be worse! A blast from the past--it appears that fluorescent orange, green, and yellow may be a part of the new fall fashions. Seeing lots of those colors in the mall display windows. Well, Ken just returned home from being out and about, so I'd better go for now.
Hope everyone has a good evening!
I'll try to get back here after dinner. (Oh--nearly forgot to congratulate Lolly for surviving the ice bucket challenge! You go, girl!!) I ♥ us!!

Judie said...

Headed early to the pillows tonight.

Sandperson says to close your eyes and dream a little dream. Plans to be watching over Michael and Jo tonight.

Nightlight is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening.

a busy day is done. I am about to shower and get ready to dent the pillows.

work was good. stress was when I came home....nothing to do with homeschooling, all to do with having a teenager in the house!

this too shall pass.

grilled Cornish hens tonight. so yummy. I love them on the grill. I cut them open, put them on, sprinkle Lawry's seasoned salt on them and let them cook...use some wood chips for smoke flavor...

light and love, healing and comfort for all in need, but especially for miracle Michael and jo....

sweet dreams to all

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Hope that the Sandperson visits Hunter and Kathryn tonight. There have been a couple of nights of insomnia.

Well, it seems that I will be bowling again. Still need to find another team member. Haven't practiced all summer, so I need to go do that.

stronghunter said...

Cornish hens--that sounds good, Janet.

Yes, mismatched socks seem to be popular, Andy. Maybe Hunter is trying to start a new style. Maybe he is just being Hunter.

Time for me to wind things down. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home and alone!!!, we survived yet another year of Camp Hawkwood! Joseph proudly showed me all his t-shirts from camp, hanging in order in his closet. I guess we are doing something right and making good memories for the boys.

Now I have to tell you a story on us. I always make an iron on "Camp Hawkwood" decal. I didn't this year and Joseph asked for them this morning. So I made them and ironed on the boys. Then I did Jack's but made an error and ironed on the wrong one, I made it mirror image. No problem he said. Great guy! Then I ironed mine on...upside down. We laughed and laughed! Saying that is what camp Hawkwood does to us!

Jo, sorry Michael had another seizure. Prayers for him.

Sharon, prayers for Lauren. A new heart.....scary!

Heading to bed soon. I is tired! LOL

Nite all! SED

Hoda said...

Last Market Fest of the season.
Great success.
Everyone made buckets of money!
Nelson continues to amaze.

Doing well.

God Bless.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, I'm sorry to hear that Michael had a seizure yesterday, but glad that it was not so severe as to keep him in the hospital. So scary for him, and for you and Ed.

Shar, what a miracle for Lauren - a new life for her.

Lolly, love your Hawkwood iron-on story!! :)

Busy day here. The rain stopped yesterday and the skies cleared enough to go to the beach for the day. Then home for everyone to take showers and for some to take naps before going out to dinner. Freyja is such a beautiful and delightful baby (no bias here!!)

Not sure what's on today's agenda. Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Hoda said...

Good Morning.

Hoping MICHAEL had a good rested evening and tha JO KNOWS WE LOVE HER AND SHE IS IN OUR PRAYERS.

No bias at all of course SANDI

LOLLY hilarious story you and JACK are indeed BESTEST OF FRIENDS.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, how is Michael this morning? How are you this morning? Anxious to know all is okay.

Judie said...

Lolly, yet another wonderfully successful Camp Hawkwood. Enjoy an upside down weekend.

Cheetah cubs outside are too cute. When they are near the fence, their little feets and tails are visible.

Cloudy and overcast here. May venture out to the library today. Haven't gotten there yet.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday.

Mema Jo said...


Michael slept about 10 hours - 6pm to 4am and then did lie back down until 8am
Speech is rough but it is coming around now
I'm sure he will stay with us for a couple days to give himself time
Of course I am on pins and needles but the good Lord will guide me, I'm sure. Thank you and please continue your prayers for him. ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Quiet Saturday morning here. Luna has been to the vet to have her ears checked and a cyst looked at. She will need surgery on Tuesday to have the cyst removed. It's benign, but really messy and infected. Kathryn got a soft cone for her to wear. She does not function well with the regular ones.

I will need to get myself to the bowling place for some practice at some point.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Michael, Jo. I am so glad that he is staying with you for now.

stronghunter said...

Might venture out to the library myself, Judie. I have listened to all of my audio books. Not sure that I need more for now, since I won't be doing much driving for awhile. I prefer regular books or my Kindle when I am not in the car.

Used to shock my students by telling them I was reading a book while driving to school. Of course, I always explained I was listening. I didn't want to send the wrong message.

Judie said...

Shirley, did I miss something? Why won't you be driving for awhile? Are you just referring to not having to ferry Hunter around?

Judie said...

Definitely headed to the library later today. Placed holds on three books.

Jo, thank you for the update on Michael (and you). I'm sure you will encourage him to stay with you for several days and I hope he will do that.

stronghunter said...

Just referring to the fact that I won't be taking regular trips long enough to get into a book, Judie. Yes, I will be going to the bowling alley, grocery store, and such. I might get something short. If I get a long book, I get into it and then end up listening on the computer when I'd rather have the print version. I probably ought to just check out both audio copy and print copy at the same time.

stronghunter said...

I used to "read" at least a book or more a week when I was driving to Culpeper.

Lolly said...

Certainly is quiet around here! Miss my boys! Skippi misses them too! Joseph especially was great playing with her.

Laurel, Joey, and boys all start school Monday! Praying and wishing them a great school year. Interesting....Laurel went to Jacob's meet the teacher night without him as he was here. Explained it all to his new teacher who she really likes. Interesting thing is she is going to be teaching the teachers son in 6th grade. Uh oh! LOL

Laurel is already so tired. Hope she can rest up this weekend

Know you are worried about Michael, Jo, but sounds like he is improving. Glad he is staying with you for a few days.

Laurel listens to audio books all the time. She listens while walking, either outside or on the treadmill.

Doing laundry today. Have a lot of Lollypaloozing to do!

Sandi said...

Good rainy afternoon all.

Most of our company left today - just Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja are still here. That's fine with me!

Tried to move my Jeep earlier today so Lynnis's parents could get their car out - Jeep wouldn't start. Starter is shot!! This is the final fix - new vehicle shopping starts Monday. I need something that I can feel safe to drive without wondering what will break next and, with a 13-year old Jeep, I am always holding my breath.

I don't care what I drive - Denny loves the shopping and the negotiating. So I chose 4 SUVs that I like the look of - Ford Explorer, Nissan Pathfinder, Honda Pilot, Toyota 4Runner (all about the same size and price) - now it's up to Denny to make the final decision based on who will give us the best deal.

We have a wedding in Richmond in 2 weeks and were going to rent a car after the experience we had last August where we drove the Jeep to Myrtle Beach and it broke down both ways. Instead, I told Denny to make the new vehicle decision by the weekend of the wedding.

I really wanted to wait til we had Denny's van paid off in another year rather than having 2 vehicle payments, but ...

Jo, I hope Michael is feeling better as today goes on and he gets more rest; prayers continue for him.

About time for dinner, which involves deciding who to call for pizza! :)


JudyEddy said...

JO good to hear that he is somewhat improving the speech will come back
and I am so happy he is staying with you at the present time

Did the dr say anything about why it came back after a whole year??

the human body sure is a difficult thing to figure out

We finally got some rain after none for over a week made a difference in the heat today

82° presently feels like 87° sure is better that 110° feel like we ve having

JudyEddy said...

did you all see the little white flower that our nest is currently growing

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so sorry you are having jeep issues and have to get a new payment but a good safe ride and reliable one is a must today especially with traveling My truck is a 2004 keeping fingers crossed it last a long while

Janet said...

good evening all. where is everyone?

its been a busy day yet again.

SANDI; sorry about the vehicle issues. I despise vehicle shopping.

JO: glad Michael got some rest and is improving. Please rest as well.

I worked 9 to 3. Front desk was short staffed for a bit, so I did what I could to help them out.

Made home made pizzas for dinner.

well, bought the crusts and put goodies on them and baked.

Spent the last two hours prepping this coming week's school studies. done! whew!

had to get onto miss Olivia. we had a lazy bug this week. we set the record straight on that.

Peanut seems to be recovering. She isn't liking being cooped up, but thankfully Michael seems to have a good understanding as to why she needs to be kenneled. Thank goodness!

Am aggravated with our cable provider. The Titans game is on, but with all the goofy sports channels we have, not one stinkin' one is carrying THE RACE!!! argh! This does not please me! Please tell JUFIE to have have a chat with this folks...

Calling it a night!

Hugs, light, love to all!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

my delete....I hiccupped. sorry!

JudyEddy said...

so sorry about the race ODD I say
that is u UN American

JudyEddy said...

the above was for JANET

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Uh, Janet, not sure what exactly to tell Jufie. Titans = football. So, where's the race not being covered? Well, anyway, sending Jufie to help out.

Jo, sincerely hoping that Michael is continuing to improve. Sandperson is again going to be hovering around to make sure you both get lots of sleep and rest.

I did get to the library. So interesting. Gone are the days of wandering the stacks being shushed by uptight old ladies smelling of lavender.

Headed early to the pillows after reading a few pages.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Oh, almost forgot to ask if anyone noticed that neither Hoda nor Dudley have been here tonight? Hmmmmm....

JudyEddy said...

hey sis try online for the race

sort of ironic the race is at Bristol Tn the state she can't see it in TN

stronghunter said...


Wonder where Hoda and Dudley might be?

stronghunter said...

Got to the library, too. Yes, everything is computerized. I checked myself out on the self-checkout machine.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Lolly said...

Very lazy day after this last week. Did get the sheets and towels washed. Made up the beds. Miss Skippita enjoyed that. She loves bed making. Of course it adds a lot of time to the chore. Lol

Heading to pillows! Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to All ♥

Blessings and prayers for all

stronghunter said...

Enjoyed the video of Skippi playing on the sofa you posted on FB, Lolly. She can make a game out of anything, even sitting on the sofa.

Time for sleep. SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Hope each of you have a great Sun in no matter what you do

JudyEddy said...

ANDY I hope the earthquake that just happened hasn't affected you

JudyEddy said...

was in the NAPA area of CA

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. 4 dogs have been fed and Freyja just woke for the day. Cool and breezy this morning but sunny.

Brian will try to get my Jeep running this morning so I have a vehicle while Denny is shopping new SUVs.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning all.

tell the evil JUFIE just to be at her "evil-est" and to have a go at the AT&T Uverse folk! Comcast, Direct Tv, apparently all carried the race, but not AT&T. bologna I say!

hmmmm, maybe HODA made a batch of Brownies and she and DUDLEY are dragon boating out in the lake chowing down on brownies.....

SANDI: hope the jeep starts!!!

celebration of Jack's (GS) bday today. this involves boating, tubing, and nacho eating

its gonna be hot, so getting an early start to be done by the time the heat really kicks.

everyone, have a great day! ((((hugs)))) continued light, love, healing and smiles for all!

Hoda said...

Good morning
Prayers on going and continue.
Red Fish festival today.
The Kokanee Salmon are back.
Spawning underway.

Enjoy the offerings of the day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning - but where is the sun? Breezy and a cool 63° out there.

Lazy day
Thinking of Megan and Market

Wishing all of you a Super Sunday

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is 8/25/14 -

Maintenance trip up to the nest is scheduled for Aug 25.

stronghunter said...


Just saw the news about the earthquake in Northern California. Looks like it was a bad one. I think Andy is in the southern part of the state, Judy. Let's hope all is well for her.

stronghunter said...

Today seems like a good day to practice bowling. I hate to think I haven't practiced all summer.

JudyEddy said...

on lunch

gonna head to FB Am watching BUDDY just hanging out this afternoon

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

I think Andy is close to Anaheim but not sure. Hope she checks in today and all is okay.

Janet, Jufie is on it!

Been to the Sunday farmer's market. Tomatoes and corn.

Cool and overcast here.

Shirley, happy bowling practice. Time off is sometimes a good thing.

Have resorted to rolling up the orientals. Never experienced this kind of refusal to be trained. Sad. They know they are in deep doodoo and are hiding out to avoid my wrath.


Hoda said...

Sorry about the cat problems JUDIE.

Concerned about the safety of friends who live in California. I can not reach them by phone.

Glad to see JO's posts

YES on Camera checks tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Judie, so sorry about the carpet. I do hope they find foster homes for them soon. Not fun, I am sure.

Have some mopping to do but hard to get up from my chair. Came home and sat!

I am also hungry. Need to find something to eat. Ate too well when the boys were here. Need to cut back. Time to diet again. Not that I have gained a lot, but did gain some and want to loose it.

Andy, is south. I am sure she is okay. Worried about friends that have a winery in a cave. Hope the did not suffer damage.

Lolly said...

Friends son lives in SF, he has posted on fb so I am guessing he is okay. Jack has emailed Ash to check on the winery in Napa.

Sandi said...

House is MT again - it seems so quiet and I miss Freyja already!! I am going to be so sad when I only get to see that beautiful face in person about once a year. :(

Judie, I certainly understand pets that refuse to be housetrained - ugghh! Fortunately with dogs, you can use a gate to keep them in one room - not true with cats. As for rug clean-up, buy Nature's Miracle! Best stuff I have EVER used on dog pee! I'm sure you can get it at places like PetSmart, but I order it online from Amazon.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just want to let you know that all is OK at this roost. Heard about the earthquake in Napa, and guess there was quite a bit of damage and many injuries from it.
We have had 2 or 3 very minor quakes in So. Cal. in the last week or so, but didn't feel them here. Guess Calif. is shaking and baking! Only 83 here today, but Wednesday and Thursday are supposed to be in the low 90s.
Yuck. Oh, well, it is what it is.

Prayers continue for Miracle Michael and for Jo. Glad he's staying put for a few days.

Lolly, hope your friends with the winery are OK. Have you heard from them?

Also, I never heard whether anyone has gotten a message from Geula. With all the unrest over there, she's been in my prayers a lot lately. Has anyone heard from her?

Well, gotta go make lunch, so will head for the kitchen for inspiration. Have a super day, everyone! I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY glad you are safe Now I will remember you live in So CA

I like the shake and bake LOL

I know several times peeps have mentioned Guela no one has heard anything and its been a while since she was on FB

JudyEddy said...

we have big storms heading over the bay I can hear the boom boom pows big time

Mema Jo said...

Andy - I am so very happy to hear from you and to know you are safe! I need to remember SO CA

SANDI I saw the FB photos of
Freyja - she couldn't get more beautiful! ♥

Judie said...

Thanks Sandi but soiling is not the problem. They are using the orientals as scratching posts, instead of the ones provided for them. Water spray and other non-violent means of training have not been successful. We are not happy. Maybe you and Brian and Linnis can use Skype?

Andy, thanks so much for checking in. As JudyE said, now we will remember southern CA. Seems wine country took the bit hit. Hope no people were injured.

Assumed Guela was communicating via FB. Has not been on the blog for a very long time. Do hope she and her family are safe.


stronghunter said...


Bowling practice went well. I might not get another chance, so I did 6 games. I hope I can keep improving.

stronghunter said...

One thing I used to attract George to the scratching post was liquid catnip, Judie. Of course, it only works with cats that like catnip.

stronghunter said...

At one time, George decided that he would use the kitchen table leg as his scratching post. Just one particular leg. It looked like a beaver had been chewing on it. The vet said we should keep that leg even if we got rid of the table. Fortunately, I got him to use the scratching post instead, and we got rid of the whole table.

I do hope you are able to get those two kitties to a new home very soon, but in the meantime, maybe some catnip would help.

Janet said...

good evening all.

Glad everyone is okay,
JUDYE: such cute kittens!!!!
JUDIE: good luck with the scratching kitties!
SANDI: Miss Freja is such a beautiful girl!!!!

its been a busy day. went fairly smoothly.

MY excitement is that my buds posted the video from earlier in the month! It is on facebook of course, but I posted a link on my blog if anyone cares to peek!

nothing much going on. hope you all have a great evening!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening
I have two overnight guest this evening

As I was leaving earlier I had noticed something on my back porch Guess what???

two adorable little kittens

I had seen the mother earlier on the porch and did not think she had kittens Wrong I was I walked on the porch and just bent down picked them up and put in a cat carrier that was on the porch I had gotten from my neighbor from the last bout of strays round up So now they are in the bath tub in the carrier with the door open and towels down till morning
A lady is picking them up at my neighbors The one who feeds all the strays Funny he feeds them and they decided to move in on my porch He was gonna set a trap with food on my porch to see if we can get the mom tonight to go with the babies and the dad also we would love to get and I think that will take care of any stray now

The neat thing is with the kitties that they are so docile letting you pet them falling asleep on us not like strays Kathy things they are only maybe 4-5wks old The lady said they would be ok till she can get in the am

They are just so stinkin cute I have pictures on FB of them in the cage

JudyEddy said...

OH and JANET is in the yellow dress you can see her briefly in the video She failed to mention that LOL

JudyEddy said...

watching a tear jerker on Hallmark channel

Lolly said...

Miss Skippita can not be encouraged to use any of the scratching items we have given her. Thankfully she has not done a lot so scratching. She also has learned what no means! We have catnip growing inthe yard. Annie loved it, neighbor cats love it, Skippi has no interest at all. She loves the smell of vanilla! Maybe I should sprinkle that on things! Lol

Judie said...

Time for the Sandperson to depart and visit all of you.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening
Finished a TV show that will be continued for more episodes over 5 weeks. Too much like a Soap Opera
and not sure I will watch it again.

Geula does have a FB page BUT she hasn't been on it since way back like 2012 or earlier..... Most remarks are from us Momsters sending her birthday wishes.

Mema Jo said...

Our county's school buses should be rolling tomorrow. First day back makes summer seem so short!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley after 6 games practicing, I hope your arm is still limber in the morning. Here's hoping for a good season. Are you rolling on the same team?

Mema Jo said...

Janet I really enjoyed the Long Black Curl. Sounds like my grandson's style!

Mema Jo said...

Saying Goodnight to all ♥


God bless and keep you
Prayers for all needs

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Prayers

Wonderful Kokanee Salmon Festival.
It was full.
People were delightful
The weather held.

Several Meetings tomorrow for the Kootenay Spirit Festival. Yoga and Paddling too.

Weather should be in the mid seventies. Rather decent I would say.

Sleep well all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle fiends.

Well, summer is over for me. :( Buses won't be rolling but teachers will be in buildings, sitting through non-stop meetings when all they want to do is get their classrooms set up.

Judie, got it. I think I would prefer scratching on the rugs rather than peeing on them, but I guess both things ruin the rugs. I hope Audrey and Grace find new homes soon.

Andy, glad you and Ken are safe out there in So Cal.

Jo, how is Michael feeling? Prayers for him, and for you.

Time to check Facebook and then get started with my day. Oh BTW, I have 382 teaching days til retirement! :)

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


The kittens were so good not a peep out of them Mommy isn't in the trap she must be to smart for that sure was hoping we could get her

Janet said...

Good morning. Actually, if you look I am I the video about 5 times...and at one point you get a decent shot of the Tuatha Dea tat on my back.

You just kind of have to know where to look. lol.

Thanks Jo. They have their own thing going on Celtic Tribal Rock is how they define themselves.

My friend Chris is getting her mediport righ now. Sigh. Just talked to Nancy. Would love to be there to hug them both.

Day "off"...but not. Things to do. Always, things to do.

I was so tired last night when I made the coffee for the morning I forgot to ADD the coffee so I made a nice steaming pot of hot water this morning. We have a keruig is all I can say to that.

and did not tell you of my creature adventure yesterday. YIKES> I was sitting in the truck to go to the lake, felt something , looked down and a flippin WASP was crawling on my right breast. I nearly panicked. Tom flicked it off and I squished it. I about wet myself. Yikes!!!!!! What is it!!!! Go away critters!

Everyone have a wasp free day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning

Still Cam just had a Foot in our nest

Hope you all may be watching

stronghunter said...

Not getting an image on the still cam, Jo. Just a black screen.

stronghunter said...

Oh, now I see the nest with a plant growing in it.

stronghunter said...

My arm is fine this morning, Jo.

No, not on the same team. The team broke up. I am on a new team that just started up this season. Two ladies whose averages are not too much higher than mine wanted to put together a team. We should have quite a handicap. :) We still need a fourth. I called one of my bridge friends who had said she was interested in bowling, but she has her hands full right now as her husband is having serious surgery at the same time they are moving into a new house.

stronghunter said...

Have you seen anymore action at the nest, Jo?

stronghunter said...

I see your picture on FB, Jo, and I can tell by the current still cam image that the cam has been redirected. More of the nest is visible.

stronghunter said...

Glad you dealt with the wasp successfully, Janet. Scary.

Mema Jo said...





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...