Thursday, July 17, 2014


Fresh thread.


JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread

stronghunter said...

Hi Judy!

Congratulations on the feather.

JudyEddy said...

Hey back at ya Shirley I got news that I didn't want Yep they think it is Shingles I am trying to get in contact with a internal med dr that is approved on my insurance waiting for call backk My dr did call in a prescription for me for it but recommends to be double checked Two dr looked at it when I was there and they both say they think it is that on back following nerve ending to breast area and they were surprised I am not in a lot of pain

YET maybe

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judy. Sorry to see that the doctor believes you have shingles. I hope you are spared the pain that goes with this condition.

JudyEddy said...

I haven't gotten a feather in a long time either

I wish they would call me back
I called my insurance and they sent me a list of dr in email so I called one and to make the appt and they said they would call me back saying that they may not me in my network of insurance carrier Geezer I told her I just got the list from my insurance co and they are top of the list
so here I sit and wait
and also they sent my prescription electronically to Walmart and to the wrong one so I had to call them back and made them change in it my files the wright one to send it to

stronghunter said...

No fun dealing with insurance companies, Judy. Hope they will take good care of you.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and JUDYE.

I made the local paper with the Dragon Boat Team.
Front page and 2nd page pictures in colour!!!
Nelson Star is the name of the paper!

JANET loved your post with dishes, horses, family, uncle and TOM helping. You DO have a full life.
Blessed Be Friend. It amazes me your energy. Blessed Be.

I can at least ask for a picture of a Birthday Lemon Merringue Pie since only a tiny winy small piece of pound cake was shared yesterday and a certain Momster snorted because she set us up for a fight over it!!! MISS LOLLY that would be you.

Sorry LAUREL had a flood.
That sounds funny a flood in Texas!!!

I am going to the BIG RACES in Penticton too now!!!
So August in Vernon, three weeks later September races in Penticton!!!
Someone issue me a certificate for Mental Examination! I am certifiable I am sure!!!

Fire smoke from Banff is thick! Skies are orange.
Also fires north of us!
So far it is away from here but the smoke keeps me from riding my bicycle. Too hot and exehertion would make me suck in bad air.
God Keep all those who have worst respiratory ailments, than me, safe and sound. I hope they stay indoors.

God Bless Us All

Hoda said...

Oh nooooooooo JUDYE!
So very sorry.
I hope it is something they can manage for you.
Is there a cure for shingles?
I know nothing about it.
Praying for your comfort and well being.

stronghunter said...

Yesterday was a busy one for me. I took Hunter to camp, then to an appointment. Then I went to play bridge with my friends.

Have been worried about Hunter because I have had trouble getting him to eat. Yesterday, he had a few bites of ice cream for breakfast. Then he refused to take anything except a small package of crackers with him to camp.

He says he has no appetite because he's taking ADHD medication while he's going to camp.

I hit the grocery store and picked up some foods I thought might be tempting and left them where he could find them. this morning, he had chips and salsa for breakfast. Strange breakfast, yes, but better than nothing.

This morning I packed his lunch. (He had been doing it earlier in the week.) I packed grapes, a sandwich, pudding, and some crackers. I told him that grapes are good on a hot day when you don't feel hungry. We will see.

stronghunter said...

Wow, it seems that I missed lots of stuff by not reading the posts yesterday.

Belated happy birthday to you, Judie.

Happy birthday to Jack.

I did see Hoda's infamous picture on FB yesterday. Loved it! Hmm, did you inhale???

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the call over Judy and for your belated B-day feather!

Sorry about the shingles - only reason I had even thought of it is that hubby just finished up with some. If this could be a second dose of shingles in your adult life the pain is not there as much - more so an itching. If you have been diagnosed and received some meds, why are you going to another dr?

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - has the controlled burning gotten somewhat out of control?
My one friends from High Level, Alberta has some great pics on FB.
Is this the same burning?

Mema Jo said...

B.C. wildfire roundup: evacuation orders and alerts

Lolly said...

Jack and I got our shingles shots just this year! Not something to have. So sorry Judy! Brother in law Dan had it....very painful! Shots used to be very expensive, several hundred dollars, but on medicare now just $25.

Pies are made and waiting to put on the meringue.

Laurel reported they have had 8 inches of rain and still coming down. We have had a sprinkle. Laurel got our share. Waaaaa! However, this will help a few lakes. It will not end the drought but put a little dent in it. Here it is 1:20 and only 75. Laurel had 66 earlier.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I hope it was mainly the heat that made Hunter not hungry.
Hopefully he does drink a lot of gator aid if he isn't eating much.
Glad you had a bridge day!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and JudyE for collecting a feather.

JudyE, if the drs. didn't explain, shingles is the herpes zoster virus- chicken pox virus that goes dormant and settles in the spinal cord. The location of symptoms corresponds to the nerve in the spinal cord. My symptoms were on the left side of my face and left inside mouth. Medication works well. I did not have much pain just itching. Once this is over, get a prevention shot.

Of course, when I heard herpes (and inside my mouth) I nearly fainted -- how the heck was I going to explain THAT to Darth?lol

Judie said...


Lolly, hope he liked his birthday gift and we all know he will love his pie. Yum!

Sorry Laurel has a flood. Hope it is resolved quickly.

Shirley, I can understand your concern for Hunter about not being hungry. May be the heat.

Judie said...

Ah, so Hoda made the news. Why are we NOT surprised. Yes, Nelson Star seems ever so appropriate! Now she's off to the races. Will she be riding a black stallion?

Must rouse Jufie from his afternoon nap and send him along to Nelson. Someone has got to get Hoda under control! lol

stronghunter said...


Hunter ate the grapes and the pudding. He gave the crackers to a friend. Heat may have something to do with his lack of appetite.

Janet said...

wow oh wowee.
FIRST OFF, (where to begin?????)
JUDYE: light and healing sent. sorry sis. that stinks. I hope they get you on the meds pronto!!!

HODA: I do have a very busy life. And I am loving every minute of family keeps me hoppin!

aND HODA, it seems my black stallion is with you...I wondered where he went...seems I misplaced him and my glasses. Well, my glasses have turned up at Chelsea's house (one of the kids got them tangled in their headphone cord????????????????) and now, my stallion, who had gone missing, is AWOL in Canada!
Go figure!!!!!

Alas and alak, I smell the evil JUFIE in all of this......

Seriously, its been a crazy day. I had a client have an emotional break.....I found out another client of mine, she is 84 and quite ill has been in the hospital....breaks my heart. So for the moment I am having a cup of coffee and just unwinding.

I hear the jackhammer going in the back yard, Tom is breaking up rocks to make a rock path.

I went to Lowes and got some more stain for the deck.

I will check in later.

HUgs and love to all.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judy for the call over.

It seems that I forgot to check in this morning - sorry!! My morning routine is in a period of adjustment since I am now back to 2 dogs that need to be taken outside to go to the bathroom in the morning and then get their breakfast and then maybe go back outside (with dachshunds, it's food in, food out!!) With no fenced yard, it takes more than just opening the door, plus Jenni must have lived all on one floor b/c she does not do stairs at all.

By the time I got "the girls" situated and then replied to a few emails, it was time to get dressed and head out the door to my nail appointment and getting onto the blog completely slipped my mind!

Hoda, LOVE the high school photo - Egyptian gangster, LOL!!!

Judy, sorry about the shingles diagnosis; you're very fortunate to not have any pain.

Shirley, I would be worried about Hunter as well - not normal for a growing boy his age not to have a ravenous appetite.

Lolly, happy birthday to Jack!! Sorry to hear about Laurel's house getting water inside - been there, done that!

Jenni continues to be fabulous! After my nail appointment, I decided to see how she would deal with having her ears cleaned, her teeth brushed, and getting a bath. She didn't fight me on any of it!! Just stood in the laundry tub and sat on the washer while I did her ears and teeth. She is going to need a dental cleaning at the vet - lots of tartar in there that the toothbrush wouldn't clean off.

Just got home from a dermatologist appointment - the doctor removed a "suspicious mole" that he said would eventually become malignant if not removed. Took about 3 minutes - no stitches - easy peasy! I go back next Thursday to have 2 small basal cell carcinomas removed - one on my leg and one on my chest. Again, no stitches needed.

Need to rustle up some food for people and pets and then head to the grocery store. Later!

JudyEddy said...

back home with pills and a cream ointment to apply every 3 hours and its greasy so I am sitting here topless letting it absorb in LOL

She wants me to go see someone to makes sure that is what it is She is OBGYN dr and both said shingles but she wants someone who deals with it to say that is it for certain
So I will make a appt
and I didn't know you could get the shot after a outbreak I will go to walgreens and get it once it is cleared up

Jordyn is in her room playing she is understanding that oma doesn't want to go to the park right now

my back does ache but I thought that was from overdoing at work the dr says may be the shingles


JudyEddy said...

JUVIE on launch pad

JudyEddy said...

Does anyone have any idea being you have had it how long it will take to clear up??? just a average guess since I just started the pills today I will be able to get a second does in tonight Every 8 hours is the pill and the cream every 3 hours
The ointment seems to have stopped the itch

JudyEddy said...

the pills say to take for 7 days but there are refills on it

JudyEddy said...

I told Jordyn she could buy something while we were at Walmart and she could pick out what she wanted She had a choice Rio 2 movie, a toy of sort but you will never guess what she picked out

a back pack for school Tinkerbell one

Judie said...

Been awhile JudyE but think it was about two weeks. What a nice decision to get a backpack. Ask if we can now refer to her as Tinkerbell.

Sandi, you are about to give Hoda and Janet a run for their sneakers with all that activity.

It's all good. I burn calories just reading about you three.

Mema Jo said...

Quiet evening on here.........
Not too much going on.........
Getting ready to close down...

My procedure tomorrow is now set for
1:30pm.... Probably take no more then an hour if that long....

I'll probably be up early and come on to say hello

Judie said...

I see you were here Jo. Watching Midsomer Murders although reruns.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow and waiting to make sure you are home and resting. Jufie, of course, will be standing guard in case of any OR antics.

Sandperson is packed and ready to depart. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers A'Plenty, Jo....we'll be with you every step of the way

Prayers for Wellness All Around,
and surely for Peace in the World

RED Friday, right around the corner....
God Bless Our Military,

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Happy Birthday, Jack! Hope this was a Marvy and Jolly Day !

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥




Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Prayers go with you JO as you go through your procedure.
Love and Light to you Friend.

Deb lives in High Level JO but I am not up to date on the Forest Fire situation up there...Thank you for your link that you sent about BC forest fires...

I think the Banff Fire is still a controlled fire and while it looks awful it really is what nature does to renew and refresh itself. Some seeds need high temperatures to germinate...
The smoke however is a bit tough to take.

Stay safe everyone.

Blessed Be.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends! Nest looks and sounds MT.

Tennis is at 7:30 this morning - either that or wait til 10am to play (2 courts were booked for 8-10 and 2 courts for 9-11 by the time my friends went online to reserve a court). It gets too hot by noon so 4 of us elected to play from 7:30-9am.

Beautiful weather day yesterday - turned off the AC and opened the windows. Hope I can leave the house open today.

Judy, hope the back pain from the shingles doesn't get any worse.

I sure hope Kay gets back on the blog soon - prayers for her.

And big time prayers for you today, Jo as you get your biopsy done! We will all be there with you in spirit!!

Have a good day all!

Janet said...

good RED FRIDAY morning!

JO: am thinking of you today...

Rain today. That's fine by me. Fridays find me tired and lazy anyway.

Stained a bit last night. Ran out to Chelsea's to get my glasses. Thankful to have them back.

LOL. You call crack me up. A run for my sneakers. I am not in competition with any one, save but maybe myself. On occasion. ALl I can say is, put on your tennie runners and let's rock!!!!

My gal pals have left VA BEACH this a.m. and are heading towards Florida to spend time there with family and friends. A week from today, they will be here. :)

Thankful for the rain today as things are quite dry.

Thankful for a quiet morning...thankful for each of you.

Just thankful.

Have a beautiful day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
My big day and I am so ready to get this behind me... Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts and concerns.
Jenny should be in touch with you all either with a comment here or a phone call once procedure is over. Maybe around 3 or 4:00. Judie I gave her your number.

grannyblt said...

Morning all

Prayers a plenty for Jo and her procedure

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grannyblt said...

My delete. didn't proofread and it needed to be LOL

Sorry to hear about your Shingles JudyE. My daughter had it in college, then again, a milder case, a couple of years ago On her back. Lasted a couple of weeks.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, thoughts and prayers (and Jufie) with you today. Thank you for giving Jenni mu number.

Hope everyone has the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

I have an hour to get myself ready
before I leave. Oldest daughter has
arrived to escort me! lol

I'll get word to you soon.

Hoda said...

Good morning

Surrounding MEMA JO with love and prayers.
JUDIE let us know as soon as you hear from JENNY please.

Blessed Be it all...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The brats were just doing some major fighting over the food.

Judie said...

Will do Hoda. I expect that arrangement is because I would not see/read comments on FB. Jo was, as always, thinking of her friends.

JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon Eagle buds been sleeping (benadrl coma) and been on the phone trying to get a appt to be seen and yep after calling lots lots of # I got a appt for 340 I didn't know most dr offices are closed on Fri did you.

Not picking Jordyn up today because of this mess

JudyEddy said...

JO you will be on my mind today

glo said...

I just want to say that I still follow much of what happens with the folks and our eagle family. I really couldn't see the cam well this year but Judy E has been awesome with sharing photos on FB. Prayers for the needs I know about here and faith in His answer for even the ones I don't know about.

Vicky and i are trying to choose a time in Mid to late Oct for a visit out that way. Old friends to see. New friends to meet. mtbr when dates are set.

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Howdeeeeee! Yesterday was glorious and last night we were exhausted! Wonderful birthday for Jack. Thanks for all the bd wishes!

This morning it was off to the dentist. They examined the tooth (with crown) did not see anything. Did an xray and still did not find anything. Did nothing and just going to watch it. It is not hurting iike it did last week. Just one of those things that can not be explained. This is good for the ol pocket book!! ☺

Came home and worked in the yard. It was 66 this morning. Now up to 76. Wonderful wonderful weather!! We never did get rain...maybe a tenth of an inch. Laurel got 10 inches!!! Flash flooding all over north TX. Storm just sat on them! Well, dern, couldn't she have shared?

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Jenny just called with a Jo update.

Jo is in recovery and there is a possibility she will be able to go home later today/tonight. A sample was successfully obtained for analysis. Jenny will call again to let me know the status.

Prayers for Jo and her family.

NCSuzan said...

Thank you Judie for relaying Jenny's message. More prayers.

grannyblt said...

Judie, thanks for letting us know.

grannyblt said...

Lolly, I have the exact same tale to tell. I was at the dentist Tues. it hasn't hurt since Sunday. The dentist gave me an RX for antibiotics in case it goes bad while he is on vacation next week.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE Thanks for the update

got to head out for 340 apt

OOPS just got home and saw I didn't post the above

I go back to the dr on Fri for a recheck on this
she said its a severe case and is surprised I am not in excruciating pain And I will def get the shot after this is over
She wants to run blood work I will call them on MON to see if the insurance will pay for lab work not connected to the disease I went in for- I don't think so She put as the diagnosis to the blood work as obese and I know how insurance co's work not wanting to pay for unnecessary things

JudyEddy said...

She gave me a dr note for 3 days off and if I want more to call but she said I could if I wanted

I stopped by work to give them the note They didn't want to touch it LOL said no problem and that I would probably need more that 3 days I sure can clear a room when you say shingles

JudyEddy said...

gotta head to Angie for my Bday dinner etc

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all :)

Went to Larry's last weekend..he is still recovering. Nice to see him. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Busy week here..son and gkids on the way..just called to say car overheated..will wait for another call..they are only 20 mins away.

Larry will visit next week..then I will get a weekend to myself. End of July I am going to visit Michael and Laura for 4 days.

Prayers for those in need. .and Happy Birthday to Judie and Jack.

Sure hope Jo can come home tonight.

glo said...

ty Judie

Mema Jo said...

Just sent you an Momster email
Thank you Judie for getting the word
out when Jenny called.
Everything went very well. Jaw hurts a little.
I was discharged - came home - have eaten some dinner plus an ice cream cone.. Now my feet are going up since the Dr said REST. I really do feel great and don't remember any of the procedure - that is good. Now to wait a week for the results - but I'm not going to worry any - I'm sure they will get me fixed-up now that they know where it is and will soon know how to treat it.
Love you all dearly and I sure had you all on my mind when I went under.... Love, Peace, Light ♥

I may BBL this evening - if not I'll see you in the morning light.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

My delete Needed to edit


***Jufie did well by me today..
She made sure I had exceptional health care people around me at all times........... ************* ♥

grannyblt said...

Right back atch Jo. Take it easy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the email, Judie. Very nice that Jo is home and the procedure went well.

Might not get back on this evening. Kathryn should be home soon, and I am still using her computer.

Lolly said...

Jo, so very happy things went well today. Love your attitude! You are certainly in our prayers!

Did a lot of work in the yard. Such a beautiful day for July! It felt like fall. Now going to heat leftovers for dinner.

Judie said...

Welcome home Jo (:

Rest well tonight. If you can't sleep, mysteries are on.

Jufie reports that you were very well-behaved and the medical team was supercalifragilsticsuperaledocious.

magpie said...

Wonderful....Judie's post, and Jo's follow-up posts....

Jo, your Strength, Faith and
Outlook enlightens me beyond

God Bless You, and That Health Care Team, and ALL Your Family...

(( GENTLE HUGS )) xoxo

magpie said...

JudyE, you are a strong sick person with your "disease" - follow the doctor's orders to a T,
That's a Command, Not a Recommendation !!!
Best Wishes on your Treatment and Recovery...Steady as She Goes

Paula, thanks, always good to get a Larry AND a Paula update......

Lovins' and Hugs, Friends, Each
and Every One Of You


magpie said...

On this date in, I think, 1889 or something like that, a town in West Virginia, Rockport...over on the Western part of the state, had a
Cloudburst: 19 inches of rain in just a very few that puts a whole new meaning to
Cloudburst !!

Hope Laurel's weather her cloudbursts okay, Lolly, whew, these things can be a mess

magpie said...

Must disappear now,
those old Bandits of mine:
Time and Energy, are whalloping me right now....

Prayers for Recovery and Comfort and
Encouraging Results for Jo...
and for all our Many Needs here...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Janet said...

good evening to one and all.

JUDYE: no Bueno!!!!!!! bad shingles. go away! I am glad the doctor gave you a note. take off all of the time that you need. you always go above and beyond the call of duty where that place is concerned you are truly ill and need to rest and get over it.

JO: so glad the procedure went well.

everyone else, whew! hello.

its been a busy day. had a great day at work. tom and I had lunch out together today. we haven't done that in a long time.

after work I ran errands and came home.

we have been working on the hot tub. got it back find it has a leak in the heater unit. grrrrrrrrrrr.

today has felt like late sept or early oct here. cloudy rainiy and quite cool. the cooler days have been nice BUT now my POOL is down to 77 degrees. last week it was 90.

I think warmer weather is on the way.

looking forward to the next 4 days off. gonna do some cleaning and getting ready for my gal pals.

if the weather holds, I will have a drum circle here tomorrow night...we shall see..........

good night to one and all. SED

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Kathryn got home just a little while ago. She worked late, then went to Keshia's apartment to pick up some things Keshia needs to go home from the hospital tomorrow.

Kathryn and Hunter are heading to West Virginia for a baby shower tomorrow, and I will be on stand-by if Keshia needs something. One of their other friends is supposed to take her home from the hospital, so everything should be okay.

stronghunter said...

Judy, I do remember a teacher across the hall who still had spots on his face from the shingles when he came back to school. I do not know how long he took to recover, though. It sounds like Walmart will be happy to let you stay home and recover. Surely, insurance will cover your lab work.

Judie said...

Sandperson is packed up and ready to depart. Will make an extended visit to Jo and Jufie will be nearby throughout the night - standing guard.

So funny JudyE, shingles is not contagious but milk the time off for all you can.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all and especially our Jo.

Mema Jo said...

tee hee Judy
Shingles is private not public
People should really get the KNOW
Like Judie says - MILK IT! You need a stayhome vacation... ♥

Mema Jo said...

JUDIE I just watched Gently - good
story - could smack his arrogant i mature side kick =- glad he got knocked out!

You are right - I am wide awake
I'll be watching reruns I think.

JudyEddy said...

The dr said I am contagious but to only people that are susceptible and they would have to touch my bilsters etc and when I google it before I went it also said that on several pages """ Shingles is only contagious is if you've never had chickenpox. In this case, someone with shingles can pass the varicella-zoster virus to you, because you don't already have it in your body. Transmission Methods. Close, personal contact with open blisters passes the shingles virus from one person to another."" This comes up when you google and then there are links to others pages
But I asked to stay with the dr because it the every three ours applying the cream and she said keep it clean and dry At our walmart there isn't a day you don't come home sweaty from the air not working properly that is why I thought it was heat rash My bra at times is damp from sweat at work when I get home so can't keep dry while sweating at work LOL
also it is uncomfortable to wear cloths over it bra big time

It really was funny they way they acted One said run Judy don't walk LOL I will have to go back to pick another tube of this cream I can just see their faces if they see me

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Hope you feel well enough to enjoy a break from work, Judy.

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

I will be closing down my PC soon.
Really Really need to say again


Love to all ♥ and Goodnight ♥

Mema Jo said...




Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Thanks to HODA, both for the phone call and for her fine medical reportage`!

Recover is slow, but sure. Eileen spent the week cleaning my house, stocking the pantry and preparing easy to reheat meals for the fridge and freezer. She's heading home to MI. Julie is back on duty, but I'm able to do most things for myself and can stay alone at night now. Hallelujah ! Thanks to those of you who worried and prayed and I do apologize for the gap in word on what was up with me. I was as sick as I've ever been and just OUT OF IT due to the pain and the necessary procedures.

Will have to do some massive reading back for I know I've missed a lot. Two things I've picked up on are that JO's latest procedure was successful and that SANDI and family are enjoying the company of a darling little weeny dog, Jenni Sue! Both of those news items are uplifting !

Love and prayers for all !!!


grannyblt said...

Welcome back, Kay

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay and all my eagle friends!

Kay, it's so wonderful to see you feeling well enough to get back on the blog!!! I have really missed you!! I knew something was up when you didn't respond right away to the email I sent with Jenni's photo. I hope your recovery continues smoothly. Was this an isolated thing or do you have to worry about a recurrence? It sounds awful!

Jo, your positive mindset is amazing - and so important in dealing with whatever treatments you have to go through next. Prayers continue for you big time!

Judy, prayers for you that those shingles aren't too painful - they sure were when my mom got them!

Paula, glad to hear that Larry is feeling OK and is able to enjoy his summer!

Big tennis event this AM that I am in charge of so not much time to chat this morning. Have a great day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
So happy happy that our nest is filling up again now that Kay is here.
Hello there Lynne! Thought I would make that cup of coffee and join you early birds during the 6 am hour. Yesterday I really didn't have a good cup of coffee - so
now I am enjoying it.
Deck is wet - must have had a shower last evening.

Mema Jo said...

I always look for your early comment, Sandi! Have a good one =
Loved your pic of your newest nail job! BTW - is your home's landscape getting that facelift yet?

Now I am going to savor my coffee ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. There's no place like home. Mema Jo is doing great with this journey called life, as she always does. Kay has left us a nice message and doing better. Judy is on an unexpected leave from work. Vinegar helps to relieve itch and pain Judy. You will smell like a salad but you will feel better seriously. Dealt with shingles myself about 3 yrs or so ago. Make it a good day.

Janet said...

good morning to one and all.

my plan for the day was to wake at my own pace; no alarm clock and so far so good. have a headache though. time for acupuncture. the nerve pain started back yesterday...made an appointment. it isn't til Tuesday, but I can make it til then. relief is on the way!

raining this morning. will have to check the weather for the evening report. drum circle just might not happen.

tomorrow doesn't look like a boat day either.

such odd weather for july!

KAY: good to hear from you and welcome home. hope you continue to recover smoothly.

JUDY I agee. take off all the time you need. When I had mono some years ago...circa 2002 I think, right after tom's dad passed, so Olivia was little... my boss was MORE than happy to give me all the time I needed, and even asked for a note from the doc toreturn to make sure I didn't spread it.

So good morning to all. Make it a super day. Blessings, light and love to all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

I return to find that Jo watched a program that surely matched her need - Gently, JudyE has shingles because she's in a relationship with a dolphin, Janet is into sadomasichism with needles stuck into her. Good grief.

Jo, hope the day goes well for you.

Kay, welcome home. Take care and may the healing be faster than expected.

JudyE, take all the staycation you want. Gosh, you just never know which customers might not be immune. lol

Very nice to read that Larry is able to enjoy the summer. Have a fun weekend Paula.

Hope the tennis event was super-terrific Sandi.

Shirley, enjoy being just Shirley today.

Hi Glo! Did I read correctly that you might be planning a visit East later this year? If so, that would be so fun.

Okay, time for more coffee. BBL

Judie said...

Adult in nest eating a fish breakfast. Might be Shep.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning and HELLO KAY welcome back you were missed

I think it I used vinegar it would wash away the cream that they are having me use every three hours

The nest is MT at the moment

Kay said...

Many thanks for the warm "welcome back", dear Eagle Buds !!!

SANDI, I will see the OhioHealth surgeon in charge sometime early in August. I am wondering about recurrence since the offending scar tissue is still there, so that will be The Big Question. Meantime I'm stronger every day---just took a little walk outdoors and know there is no way for me to take Penny out for the exercise she needs. So, she's enjoying the TLC at Julie's house for a while.

JUDYE, I cringed when I read about your having Shingles. I had them all round my left eye and I have some scarring to show for it. The doc sent me to my ophthalmologist who handled me as if I had leprosy ! Since then I've had the vaccine to prevent recurrence and I strongly recommend you do the same !

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Taking it easy in my recliner.

Glad you got your coffee this morning, Jo.

Had an interesting experience with my neighbor's dogs yesterday: Hunter took Luna for a morning walk. Just as he arrived home and opened the front door, there was a commotion on the porch. Two dogs dragging leashes appeared right in the doorway. I really thought they were going to be in the house before I could get there.

Fortunately, it was just Pam's two rambunctious dogs coming over to greet Luna. Last time they greeted Luna, they pulled Pam's daughter right along with them. She ended up on the ground and in tears. (She's an adult.) Pam just let them go this time.

These dogs are kind of medium-large and are plenty strong, but not dangerous--except to anyone trying to restrain them with a leash.

We have been wondering why they walk the dogs around to the gate instead of just letting them out the back door to the fenced yard. It seems that the daughter has two cats in the back part of the house and they do not take the dogs through there. I would not want to have to deal with that, especially if I'd just put up a fence.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Worked in the yard this morning. Would you believe it is 79? Loving this weather! We enlarged an island in an area where grass does not grow because it is too shady. Looks great!

Kay, welcome back!!! Wishing you a quick recovery! You have been missed!

Mema Jo said...

Family came for dinner and have not departed. Good to have company!

Keeping an ear out for Michael's return. I don't have flight itinerary
so unsure when to expect him.

New season starting for Cedar Cove 8:00 TV show - always watched last year - It's Hallmark so has lots of commercials I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

I have felt very normal today

Sprinkling outside now and
really cooling down for the evening.

Thinking of Megan and Market tomorrow

Tomorrow is gs, Joseph's 11th birthday! They don't stay young too long these days........

Mema Jo said...

Probably from stress some of my muscles across my back and in my
ribs are aching. Yesterday it was my
jaws that ached. Small price to pay for a successful biopsy... lol

Going in the room and sit in my recliner for a while!

BBL this evening.

Hoda said...

It is a big thing you went through JO.
Awaiting results is also HUGE.
Be patient with yourself.
Glad you have visitors.
Safe arrival to MICHAEL.

Good day here. Slightly cooler. The fires are still on.
We got some rain but not much.
Two lightning strikes up the Valley.
Fire can be seen from highway.
No evacuation orders however.

stronghunter said...

Yes, a small price to pay for a successful biopsy, Jo, but I hope your aches and pains are gone and you sleep soundly tonight.

Judie said...

Evnin all!

Jo, I also suspect the aches are from muscle tension to include the jaw. So happy family is there and am also waiting to know Michael is safely back home. Relax please. Sandperson just literally flew out the door and is on the way with a personalized bag of Special Order Jo Sleepy Dust. Jufie will be watching over you tonight.

Hoda, hoping the fires and smoke are calming down. Are the dragon boaters able to go out on the lake? Are you having to stay inside your flat? Have you heard from family? Prayers they are safe

Andy, how's Kubby doing?

Lolly, sounds like a nice solution to the no-grass area. How's Laurel flooded home?

Judie said...

Continued thoughts for Kay's improving health.

Sandperson has departed. Special missions tonight. Jufie is on "Jo" patrol.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

They are still working on the two fires in the Slocan.
I have gone out and gone about my normal activities, dragon boating, yes we went out on the lake. One of the racing teams from Nelson is in Kelowna. They placed first in five hundred meters and second( by two seconds) in the 250 race.
There are fires there too but they seem to be safe.
Susan and David are still States Side.
They fly into Calgary Tuesday.
I am praying for the sake of Susan's health, that the Banff fire is under control by then. I told her about it.

Thank you for asking.
Tuesday when I head up to a Kamloops I will drive in the Slocan Valley. Hopefully they have these two out by then.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

I slept very well once I got to sleep but I was up around 6:15 and just went ahead and turned my coffee pot on....... I'm not really sleepy

Hope the drum circle at Janet's goes well - Should have put my name in !

Watched some Hallmark this evening.
Movie was lighthearted and I enjoyed it.

Mema Jo said...

Michael is safely home - he called when he got in around 9:00. Said he would be out tomorrow after church and a friend's wedding. He sounded very good!

Mema Jo said...

Well, let me get this pc closed down

Goodnight and God Blessings to all ♥

Bring on the sandman's dusting
and it's ok that Jufie stands guard.

Love to all ♥

Janet said...

good evening all.

drum circle was very small, two very close pals came over. had several last min cancelations, but all was well each of you was included in the healing portion...

always for your highest and greatest good.

Tom got the hot tub semi working. it has a glitch still, working on it.

have a quandary. please do not mention on facebook.

so the big boss, Christine, from Massage Envy calls me today.

I already suspected this call would come.

massage envy is opening their own massage school...and I have been invited to be a teacher.

I am to go to a meeting Wednesday to discuss pay and such.

I was more interested in the evening job, as it would allow me all day to home school Olivia, but both tom and Olivia have nixed that.

I don't know about the day job...they will have part time and full time instructors.

I will just have to see.

so many considerations to make.

JUDIE: yes I do love to have acupuncture needles in me. it doesn't really hurt, and relieves the nerve pain and such, so its good and iusually take such a lovely nap while I am there!!!!


grand daughter is spending the night.

it is late and we are supposed to go out on the boat tomorrow.

SED my dear sweet friends

Lolly said...

I am closing down too. Read some this evening. I am ready for bed and have been playing with Skippi. Trying to tire her out. She is waking us up too early in the morning. LOL We have a laser pointer. She has been chasing the red dot all around. Poor baby!!

Have not talked with Laurel about the carpet. Assume the carpet people are taking care of it. They did say they were getting a lot of calls. 10 inches of rain in a short time period will do it!

Thinking of Michael an family. They flew to NYC this morning. Michael is there through Tues but Ash and Zach are going to be there all week. Wonder who will wear down first, Ash or Zach. Staying at a great hotel with pool on the roof. Zach is excited as well he should be, I would! They are going to see Aladin.

Heading to the pillow which I now share with Miss Skippita. She like to sleep in the dent between the pillow and the head board. She allows me a little pillow! Kind of her!

Nite alll! SED!!

Oh, almost forgot. MARGY....loved the postcard, the envelope and Jack's card. Even before Jack opened the card I remarked on the envelope. We laughed at the card! Loved it! Thank you!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Have caught up a bit here--SO glad that Jo is home, feeling good, and the biopsy was successful. God is good!

Judy, hope you are feeling better, now that you have anti-itch cream. I think it varies from person to person how long the Shingles lasts. Mine was more than 2 weeks. Don't remember exactly how long, though.

Kay, so glad to see you back here!
Hope you feel better and better with each new day!

Good to see you here, too, Glo!
You have been missed! Hope you are able to visit back east!

Margy, the old time bandit has hit here at my house, too! Seems like time just flies by some days!
Good to see you here for a visit!

Ken is doing well. He has a dental appt. on Monday so they can match the tooth color of the new bridge to his newly-whitened teeth. Then, he goes in on Thursday to have the new bridge put in. We leave Friday morning to fly to Colorado and meet the kids at a timeshare in Vail. Can't wait!!

Yesterday we met Ken's friend Chuck for breakfast, now that he's back from Montana. He's getting some treatment for his lower back, and we're hoping it will give him some relief. Later yesterday I went shopping for new walking shoes, and got a pair of Nikes. They feel great, but the right shoe squeaks. Tried on 2 different right shoes, and they both squeaked, but the shoes feel great. I took them anyway. If it gets worse, I may exchange them if I can. Can't figure this one out!

Well, need to go hit the hay. SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this rainy Sunday morning in Bethany Beach. Jenni was the first one up this morning at 6am - I guess she's falling into mine and Bella's sleep schedule after all. We are seeing more and more of her personality each day; she is adjusting well.

Jo, glad to hear that Michael is safely home and will visit today.

Judy, hope you're doing OK.

Kay, hopefully each day finds you with more strength so you can get your Penny back soon. It's good that she feels comfortable at Julie's and gets along with Malcolm.

Judie, any update from Darth about the moving decision??

Janet, sounds like a tough decision - juggling being a massage instructor and a Livvy instructor. Good luck figuring it out.

The Member-Guest event went very well yesterday; the weather was cool and a little overcast, the tennis was competitive, everyone had a great time, and I stayed under budget!

I have been reading Unbroken - it tells the story of Louie Zamperini who just died at age 94. Great book! I'm not normally a non-fiction or a history (WWII) buff but I am really enjoying it.

Have a great day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good damp Sunday morning to all ♥
Must have rained again through the night. First cup of coffee down the hatch and the birds and critters are

Janet - I am sure you are going to wrestle with your decision making for your future. I know you will have family support no matter what you decide.

Andy - Now with that squeak you can't be sneaking up on anyone! lol
Have a beautiful time in CO with family.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandi - happy for you that yesterday's tennis went well. Didn't take Jenni long to adjust to your schedule.

Yesterday was a fried egg/cheese sandwich for breakfast - just had a craving for one. I think it is back to my Life cereal this morning.

I'll BBL - enjoy your Sunday ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning SANDIE, JO and all other Eagle Buds as you sign on today !!!

SANDI, so good to hear Jenni is adjusting well---dogs are resilient and latch on quickly when the right love is shown to them ! Kudos on the successful tennis event !!!

JO, my first cup o' Jo is down the hatch, too. Coffee didn't taste good til' Thursday and I'm glad to have my morning "friend" back with me ! Happy to know Michael is back and will be visiting later today !

ANDY, hope that squeaky sneaker adjusts to your gait and quiets down for you. I know the store will take them back if need be, however. Eileen wore a new pair of Nike's on our June trip to CO and realized by the time she returned to MI that they were not for her. The store gladly took them back even though she told them about the week plus of wear and sold her another brand.

JANET, like JO, I wish you well in this latest momentous decision. The family support will help guide the way !

Wish me luck. This afternoon I'm going to Otterbein with "the kids" for a production of "Dames at Sea"---the reviews are great. They invited me for lunch, too, but I declined. A three hour outing away from home will be quite enough---and I'm hoping it's not too much. I have to stay up and about in order to gain strength and the play will keep my mind off my ills.

May not be back til' tomorrow so love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Morning Kay
Enjoy your day
I know what you mean about 3 hrs worth of entertainment
Recliner will be welcomed when you get home, I'm Sure.... ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, nice that Jenni is adjusting so quickly.

Kay, enjoy your day. Sounds fun.

Jo, glad you are back to enjoying your "cup a Jo." Give Michael our thanks and a hug, please.

Hoda, thank you for the update. Congrats to the Nelson team in 2nd place. Hopefully the smoke will have cleared by the time Susan arrives.

Andy, have a great time in CO.

Janet, do what will make you feel good about who you are and what you do at the end of the day.

Headed for a little coffee and the paper.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Kay, so happy you are feeling up to an outing. Surely, though tired afterwards, it will be good for you!

Just finished my coffee and reading the paper. Time to eat a bite and get to church.

Have a great Sunday! I have nothing on the agenda for today. Hee hee hee!

Judie said...

Oh yes you do have an agenda today Lolly. Have you forgotten? Skippi's play time?

Off to the Sunday farmer's market. Maybe some tomatoes (ours are slow this year) and peaches.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

It is still uncomfortable to put cloths on

NatureNut said...

Happy, Healthy Sunday to Everyone. Had to pop on quickly while &^#$* 'puter is still online. Been messing w/it since late last week. IE just wouldn't stay on, so we were using Google Chrome which was only on my user side, Duh. I had dwnloaded it 3 years ago under Blog pic posting recommendation. Wanted to get something for Fubby's side, so downloaded Firefox. It worked, but then quit working on my side. Really wanted Google, so uninstalled it from my side & tried to reinstall. What a mess! Whole bunch of addon programs tried to sneak in w/it. Still trying to uninstall them & had to get rid of Google. Keep searching HP, MS, etc. on web and NO phone #s! I'm not ready to sit here much longer for an online Chat!!!
That's enough of that!
Dear JudyE, hope you are better soon. My daughter got that about a year ago. It was on forehead, near an eye. She did get some meds from Dr. I guess I'm lucky~~~chicken pox was one I didn't catch!
Jo, glad your biopsy is over and many prayers for a good result.
Kay, good to see you back and prayers for your health!
Andy, don't forget to have Ken tell Dentists, "lots of cement!" Hope his bridge lasts longer than mine did. I may have killed it off by eating peanuts! Figured you could chew anything!

We have a mystery plant growing all by itself in a small bed next to garage. It's bloomed!!!Maybe the birds brought seeds last fall. Look like "common sunflower" , but exactly like Black-eyed Susans we have at Park!!!!If I can ever get back into Nook, will try to put a couple pics.(What's more ironic is that I bought a BES this year that is huge, in a deck pot, has different leaves and hasn't bloomed yet!
Also trying to be patient w/tiny garage kittens. I don't know if I can socialize them. They can run and jump, hide under cars and sometimes hiss at you! Some need meds for closed eyes---not easy to catch. They will soon probably be weaned and eat real food. Wish I knew someone that needed barn cats. Hate to split them~~~~they are so cute together. Attacking tails (anyone's) is the newest game!
Later, if the Internet Gods let me ☺
Have a great day ♥

Mema Jo said...


Judie: TONIGHT: Don't miss the Series 2 finale of "Endeavour", airing at 9pm on Masterpiece!


Judie said...

Afternoon all.

Thank you Jo for the reminder. I'll be watching. I think it was last night that the final episode of the original Morse aired - the one where he died. So cool that Lewis now has his own series.

Poor Loweeeda. Really sorry about the #$$##computer. Hope it gets fixed soon. Darth uses IE and I use Google Chrome. Ah, mystery flowers. Birds are certainly better at planting then I am.

Having an ear of corn and some sliced heirloom tomatoes for dinner. Darth has another concert. Light fare at 5:30.

Nest has been MT each time I checked today. Guess our babies are almost on their own.


Mema Jo said...

Lazy afternoon - Murder she wrote on most of the time. In between dozing-- this getting up at 6 or 7 in the morning makes me a good candidate for pm Panda naps....

Hubby going down to get Michael - dinner and laundry is his plan once he gets here. I think he has had Jet Lag also today.

Mema Jo said...

Nest has been MT each time I have checked but the Eagle Cam FB peeps said that ...... 2:45 Juvie on the nest. I can hear both of them calling out but only saw one. Posted by Terri.

Perhaps they will become visible at dinner time - remembering that the 4:30 hour had been popular.

Off to make myself presentable - Sill some soreness but Tylenol is helping........ BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Well, I've successfully managed to do a hold on our mail and a vacation hold on our newspaper!
For some reason, the password we had for our newspaper account must have only been good for about 5 minutes. Took a while to locate our account and get a new password.

Was exploring on last night, and found that I had a message from someone. Seems that my Dad's mom and most of her siblings were given to an orphanage near Two Rivers, MI! No wonder the trail has been so hard to follow! Ah, what a challenge!
Gotta put on my Sherlock hat, I guess. No wonder "Mimi" never would talk about her immediate family, although she wrote letters to me that were 43 pages long! (They required sending in several numbered envelopes.)

Loretta, hope you can get the &^#$* computer straightened out! Don't think there's much that matches that level of frustration.
Glad the kitties are doing well, but hope you can catch the ones that need eye drops! Now THERE'S a challenge!

Kay, so good to see you here! Glad that coffee is tasting better to you now. Prayers for continued improvement! Enjoy your day.

Well, gotta go get busy around here. Need to "bulldoze" the place so we don't come home to a cluttered mess after vacation.
Have a great day, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...




paula eagleholic said...

Juvie in the nest eat ing

Mema Jo said...

Visitor in nest again

glo said...

Hope everyone has had a good day. I spend much more time out and about than I did when I had my Dex. its strange but it's also good for me. Yes Vicky and I are trying to put a trip east together in mid October. Pretty much just need her boss's approval.

Judie said...

Well, Jo and I may be the only ones left standing after tonight's Endeavor. Cliffhanger for sure.

Glo, it would be wonderful for you to be able to visit. Make those plans.

Sandperson is packed and ready for take off. Will be visiting Jo, and Kay, and JudyE, and Hoda first. Everyone else prepare for the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

grannyblt said...

I watched Endeavor, cliffhanger for sure.

SED to all

Mema Jo said...


Well Judie - how the heck are we going to sleep on that one???????

I am so out of sorts over that

perhaps you can copy/paste


Mema Jo said...

Glad you are right there with us, Lynne....

Janet said...

good evening.

The Livvy Instructor is not difficult, SANDI. With Tom home from 9 to 1 daily, he can handle 2 hours of instruction without a hitch. I have planned to handle the 2 hours in the afternoon.

I am just going to see what they are offering. I KNOW I am NOT up for a full time 8 to 5 teaching position 5 days a week. I am too spoiled for that.

Especially with a 45 mile one way drive.

Tom and Livvy nixed the night hours from 7 to 10 p.m. In my mind, that would have been perfect. I would have been home all day to be with them, work from 7 to 10 and be able to sleep in. But that's not happening. Must keep the family happy.

hmmmmmm. So they will have part time teachers as needed.... so I will look at one of those. If they don't fit, well I have a job that I love and hours and days that are perfect.

But it was an honor that they called ME. Not vice versa!

We have had a busy day.

Drum Circle was small but nice last night. We had the hot tub going, sort of. Need another part....we bought one Saturday, the heater was leaking . $300 later a new heater for it. Now it seems another connected part fried and so it only heats when the jets are on. So must fix that.

We went out on the boat today. It was very cloudy this morning, I wasn't really certain it would be a boat day, but turned out quite nice. The kids had a blast.

I am tired so gonna do some mind numbingly silly game and then head to the pillows. Hope everyone has a great night sleep, those who are unwell, feel better. :) Good night

Lynne2 said...

hello all!

Praying for Kay, Larry, Judy, Mema Jo on health issues.

For Janet on jobs.

For Loretta and her &^$&))*#@

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, Steve just got Unbroken from the library. I'll try to read it if there is time before it has to be returned. No renewals...the waiting list is long!

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for my recliner
I feel fine
Michael spending the night.. good
to have him home - beautiful scenery
in Guatemala from his pictures.

Tomorrow is a Jenny day - up early for coffee and her visit!

Goodnight to all and God bless you
I ♥ Us ♥

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed. Dreading going to work tomorrow. It's been busier than it ever has and there is a lot of stress and a lot of unhappy employees right now. Someone is no doubt going to pop a cork at any time. I've never seen it like this in my time there.


have a good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Good evening! Lynne, so very sorry about the stress at work. What a shame! Can you lighten it up?

Had a great pleasant surprise. My sister called and they were pulling into the RV park that is very close by. Had no idea they were coming by here. So...we went and picked them up and had them over for hamburgers. They got to meet, play and love on Ms Skippita! About 3 weeks ago they headed to CO for a RV rally and were going via New Mexico. They had lots of plans. Well, they had RV problems, serious problems and have been in NM all this time. They are repaired and heading home, but instead of going the way the crow flies they are sticking with major highways. Therefore they came through here. Yea! Had fun and it was a perfect day as we had no plans EXCEPT for play time with Skippi. (Get that, Judie?)☺

That time of night once again. Have this habit of sleeping!!

Night all!

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. Wanted to say a quick good night. God bless. SED. :)

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - the sun has returned here in Bethany. Yesterday was cloudy, drizzly off and on, and chilly! Felt like October, not July! Nest looks and sounds MT.

Lynne, workplace drama - don't miss that! Good luck! I finished Unbroken last night; Denny is still reading it. We have 2 Kindles now since I have the one I bought for Mom - when I download a book, it's on both Kindles so we can read the same book at the same time.

Loretta, don't know what I would do without my laptop - sorry to hear you are having so many problems with yours.

Kay, hope you enjoyed the play and weren't too worn out afterwards.

Judy, how are you feeling?

Prayers for all, especially for Jo, Larry, Kay, and Judy. Have a great day all - tennis for me at 8am.

Sandi said...

At least 1 kid is in the nest - the other may just be out of sight. I think there was a food drop - I didn't see it, just heard commotion.

WVJerry said...

New thread started.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...