Monday, July 21, 2014


New week thread.


WVJerry said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread.

WVJerry said...

Just want to check in and say good morning to all. Looks like I have been missing a lot on the Blog. My work should be getting back to a more normal schedule. Just to need to catch up on family and home things that have fallen behind.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread and the call over JERRY

I was typing this when I saw the alert

Good Morning Eagle buds

still miserable

called work they said if I miss three days which is today I need to put in for a LOA which I have just done till 26 and if I need extended I can call to extend it I still am not able to put on a bra or top with out hurting so hence NO work

Hoda said...

Good morning
Thank you

No work, with or without pay JUDYE?

grannyblt said...

Good morning everyone. Thank you for the new thread, thanks Jerry for the call over.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All !

Great to start a new week with a new thread.
Congrats on your feather Jerry - good to see you here.

Lynne - Hoping there is a peaceful day at your work meaning that everyone had a restful weekend and ready for a fresh start!

Looks like it could rain some here today. All my critters and birds were here in abundance this am hour

Waiting for Jenny to arrive

Mema Jo said...

Check out the 2 precious little ostriches

Janet said...

Thanks to JERRY for a call over.

Sending light and love, peace and well being to all, but especially LYNNE2 and her work issues. comfort and healing and love to JUDYE. so sorry sis. wish I could be there to help more....

slept well. think we are going out on our bicycles this morning. moving slowly though.

Beautiful morning.....much I want to do today.
Watched the wren family bringing their babies out of the nesting box earlier. They were flitting about, soo cute!

Hope everyone has a lovely day.
Hugs and love to all!

Mema Jo said...

Both were in nest - bunch food -
Only one visible now

JudyEddy said...

I have 192 hours of sick pay and also has short term and long term disability I am going to try to go to work Sat A little hard to go to work when it hurts to wear cloths

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept late this morning. Skippita was was a good kitty. Going to do more work in the yard today. Yea!

Yes, do hope Lynne has a better day at work. I hate work stress but have it no more! Yea!

Sorry about the rash, Judy. Not good when it hurts to wear clothes.

Have a great day! I am off to get with it!!

Mema Jo said...

Judy - stay home - find a small project to do - and relax ♥
You will probably just prolong the agony if you dress properly. Take care of yourself first and foremost!

JudyEddy said...

adult is in

JudyEddy said...

poof and camera shakes

JudyEddy said...

juvie is eatin something in middle of nest

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Congrats Jerry on the new feather but made me wonder - do we have a Dadster version on the feather? lol

JudyE, please don't start down the martyr road. You have plenty of leave. Use it and heal. Stress has always been implicated in reactivation of chicken pox. Job = stress!

We have been having computer problems today so am taking a quick minute to catch up. Once again, Microsoft Windows is trying charge us several hundred dollars to "fix" the problem. We already paid for a contract. Wonder if Mr. Gates knows what his marketing people are doing?

Oh, no decision on the move yet.

Been extra lazy today. Mostly reading a mystery story. Overcast and gloomy.


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

As predicted, the outing yesterday took a little wind outta my sails, but the musical was really good and I'm glad I went.

Have managed a load of wash and pared two bouquets down to one nice one---can't believe how long flowers last these days !

JO, thinking of you and Jenny today and loved reading about Michael's visit ! So many of us have great kids, don't we ? Julie and Seth came by to see what condition my condition was in. After cookies and ice cream sandwiches they went on their way.

JUDYE, take all that sick leave you need for this ailment. You'll only irritate the Shingles by putting on abrasive clothing.

JUDIE, sic Jufie on Bill Gates and his underlings ! They aren't playing fair !

LOLLY, glad you had an unexpected, but sweet visit with your sis !

Love and prayers for all !!!


Mema Jo said...

Have you checked these out recently?

JudyEddy said...

adult in

JudyEddy said...

both adult are in

JudyEddy said...

poof one don't know if other is in the NHZ

grannyblt said...

Almost evening all.

Jo, I downloaded the Explore app on my mini iPad , so I can check out all of their cams easily.

A little frustrated here. I have to drive to the Pittsburgh airport to pick up my brother today. His flight has been delayed 2 times. It is an hour and a half drive one way. At this rate I'll be on the road until 11. I guess he isn't having any fun either. Thank goodness for cell phones.

Sandi said...

Hi all -thanks Steve for the new thread and Jerry for the call over.

Judy, 192 hours = 24 work days!! Stay home and heal!!

Kay, good to hear that you are doing well!

After tennis, I had a lazy day - took both dogs for a walk, then sat outside on the balcony and read a book. It was sunny but temps were only in the upper 70s - a great day to be outside.

Jenni is acting like she has lived here all her life - what an easy-going dog!

I will check in with everyone in the early morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Congrats on the feather Jerry.

Judy..sorry you are uncomfortable. .take the sick days.

Jo glad you are feeling better and that Michael is home.

Had fun with the gkids this weekend...we swam, built sand castles, fished, crabbed, campfire and made smores. Miss them already.

Larry coming down wedsnesday and Thursday. :)

Judie said...

Few minutes after the fact but Midsomer is one I have not seen Jo. Check it out if you haven't already.

Judie said...

Turns out I had "seen" most of this Midsomer but suspect I previously slept through most. Oh well.

Will try to catch up tomorrow but must also forage for food - human and feline.

Sandperson is packed and ready to leave with a very large satchel of sleepy dust.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

good evening to all.

JUDYE: I won't rehash, everyone here has said it quite work! get well. use that sick leave. I assure you Walmart WILL survive without you and they are right, you MIGHT take even longer to heal IF you don't take this time now....

Sooo sorry sis that you are feeling so awful!!!!!!

.what a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

the highlight, talking on the phone to Rebecca, of Tuatha Dea.
Got some more info on the video shoot. Need to reserve a hotel room now. I know what to bring and am very excited.

I don't feel like I got squat done today...but looking around, I did.

Felt as if I were running hither and yon...but I did get the spare room ready for company and some basic cleaning.

I have a bit more to do tomorrow, but....all in good time.

we did go bike riding, but in the evening.

went to the orthodontist today. livvy is ready for braces, our pockets aren't....but, she is. so in the next few months, here we go.

I hope you all have pleasant dream....good night!

Mema Jo said...

Today was good! No discomfort as it was during the last 2-3 days as it was right after the procedure. Blessed be!

I had seen that one, Judie.
Watched Major Crimes and Longmire.

No plans to go anywhere tomorrow.
I'll be waiting for a call from Soon to be granny, Jenny about her future grandchild's sonogram.... Can't wait for her excitement and that of Aaron and Val - if the baby obliges for a good picture.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe some rain tomorrow - but none today. It was a little Humid.

Lynne - hope you have your brother and are now home!

We had a lot of visitors in our nest today - The juvies and the Adults.
Good to see them making use of the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down for the day


Goodnight to all! ♥

Lolly said...

Glad you had a good day, Jo!

It was HOT here today, 97! Yucky! But we got a little done outside. Will take pictures tomorrow. We waited til evening to get the work done.

Going to read for a while.

Nite all! SED!

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Not exactly caught up but see important news on this thread....

Glad Jo feels better, and Kay also,
and sorry that JudyE feels worse
Ditto Ditto Ditto, JudyE: take your time, rest, heal, be in as much comfort as you can muster....

My "Florida Family" is visiting this week and part of next, they arrived Sunday....
my daughter and her father
aka James's Mother and his Grampy....

We'll be coming and going there and there, so Hello! And See Ya'
Around as time allows.

Prayers for Wellness,
All Around!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Good Gracious me!
I think I was a bit too active today.
Left at 7:00AM and returned a bit past 8:00 PM!
Enjoyed it very much.

Rode my bicycle for three hours
Did volunteer work
Visited over a birthday lunch
Visited with a friend from Whistler visiting Nelson.
Went for a walk in the park
Went to yoga
Went to Dragon Boat Practice

I leave tomorrow so I can meet Susan Wednesday.
I do not have energy to pack.
Too tired to sleep.
Worried about driving the Trans Canada.
Have not done so since 2003!!!
I really should go out more often!!!
Except there is so much to do here who has time to go anywhere else.
Edward and the twins are now States Side.
God Bless Them All.

Good night
God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks and sounds MT this morning.

Jo, glad you felt better yesterday.

Hoda, safe travels today! About the twins, is this the first time the family has seen them in person? How old are they now?

Lynne, hope you arrived home safely with your brother.

Margy, enjoy your family.

Prayers continue for Jo, Larry, Kay, and Judy.

Tennis for me at 8am and then Miss Jenni makes her first visit to meet her new doctor. Fingers crossed that she is as healthy as she looks and acts.

Cam just shook - someone must have either landed in or taken off from the tree. I hear eagle cries - sounds like a hungry kid calling for breakfast.

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Good morning SANDI
Yes I hope vet visit brings a report of good health to Jenni.

Only one from the family was invited to meet the plane at JFK.
I could not go.
Carol went. She is closest to Ed and was very hurt by the separation.
She sent beautiful pictures.
She will stay a week.
She had not seen Ed since 2005.
I hope this brings healing to the rift.

Thank you for good travel wishes.

Enjoy the day everyone.
Will check in from Kamloops.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all.

Should have reported in when we got home at 11 last night. No traffic to airport, but such a long day of waiting for my brother. He could have driven in the time he was en route with the delay problems. I was just thankful the weather was good. I am not used to driving at night these days, especially on unfamiliar roads
I guess HODA had a much bigger day. I could never keep up with her. Is your upcoming trip to meet up with your sister?
Better get the coffee going. Have a days worth of things for brother to do before he leaves for the next leg of his trip.
Hope everyone has a great day.

Hoda said...

The trip today is to meet a Susan and David for supper tomorrow in a town called Kamloops.
7 hours away...
But think of how far she has journeyed away from the brink of death back to health cancer gone. Blessed Be
Seven hours seems nothing.
I will spread seven going and seven returning on a three day journey.
Glad you and your brother made it home safely.

Don't worry. My day yesterday was even too busy for me!!! LOL

Janet said...

good morning.

beautiful here. sun is up and it feels like summer again.

Not a lot of time this morning
Have to leave shortly for acupuncture.

Have a great morning. Will check in later

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥
Had coffee, newspaper, cheese omelet and a piece of jelly toast. Very good start for this morning!

Safe journey Hoda

Lynne I also don't care to drive at night however; since cataract surgery the astigmatism is gone and not much glare from oncoming headlights. Enjoy your time with your brother.

DIL turns 50 today! She should have a great day! I know 50 was scary for me..... You start thinking that at least 1/2 of your life has passed you.

Mema Jo said...

red tailed hawk has become a regular visitor in the yard each morning. He
just sits in the pine tree on on the tree stump surveying the yard.

The other day a rabbit attached 2-3 big black birds who came down after his apple. Really funny to see them scatter!

Mema Jo said...

Forecasting some TS today - this afternoon. Right now it's 69° but should go up into the high 80's.
Michael and daughter's family down at the beach for the week... I'm not sure when I'll get back down... We shall see - perhaps off-season.

Enough chabberboxing - TTUL today ♥

Mema Jo said...

Received notification that the Fishing string tangled on the female loon has been removed YEAH !

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Nest is MT

Mema Jo said...

Megan on FB :

An early morning adventure took us to Megan Webber's farm this morning to shoot the cover of Valley Homes & Style magazine. Flowering plants EVERYWHERE! Amazing place that's all abuzz with hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and much more. It was a good visit and we hope to get back over to watch the hummingbirds again.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

JO, I love your chabberboxing !!!

HODA, wishing you smooth, easy and safe travel ! What a wonderful reason to "hit the road" !

SANDI, can't wait to hear what the vet says about the adorable Jenni !

LYNNE1, so glad you're safely home with your brother and happy to hear you have much lined up for him to do.

JUDYE, I hope you're feeling better today. Prayers !

MARGY, glad Jame's Mom and Grandpa are visiting---I know it means a lot of fun in store for you !

This ol' gal is stronger today than yesterday. If the trend continues I'll take my Penny back by Friday or Saturday. I miss her so.

Love and Prayers for all !!!


Kay said...

Oh, and JO, thanks for the MEGAN news ! How I'd love to see her place !

Mema Jo said...

New Tricks TIME

Judie said...

Good grief!

Arrived home from foraging to find a frantic message from the RCMP asking if I could help get some woman under control. Seems this person-of-interest was seen driving around looking for some fun. lol

Hope Hoda has had a pleasant drive and will enjoy time with Susan and David.

Wonder if she will also see Edward and the twins? Don't recall her saying so.

Judie said...

Now for catching up.

Jo, thanks for the good news about the loon. Not sure but did you go to Megan's? If so, I can only imagine how lovely it looks. Hope she doesn't forget about us when she's famous for her flowers. What a wonderful reward for all of her hard work.

Kay, I predict that you will feel better and better once you and Penny are together again.

Speaking of pups, hope Jenni had a good checkup.

Lynne, hope the visit with your brother was lovely.

Headed to put my feets up before heading to the scullery. Easy tonight. Grilled steaks and corn.


Sandi said...

Jenni got an excellent report from the vet! He IS concerned about her teeth and gums - her gums are infected. For now, she's on antibiotics until she can get an appt. for a dental cleaning. I have to wait to schedule the cleaning until after the blood test results are in, which should be tomorrow afternoon.

Mema Jo said...

argyGood early evening to all ♥

Good news, Sandi for Jenni

Judie - NO that was my FB report about the magazine concerning Megan.
I have not been out of my home since I came back from Hospital on Friday. Well - I have been out on the deck. I have felt good but the humidity or as I am told the Barometric pressure is playing with my asthma.

Margy I hope you are enjoying your family time and especially that James is doing well with his special visitors.

Mema Jo said...

Today Prince George celebrates his
First Birthday. He is one beautiful little boy!

Mema Jo said...


Good News To Share

#13 Great Grandchild will be a BOY

Congratulations to Aaron and Val
on their sonogram today

I am a Happy Happy Mema ♥


Judie said...

Congratulations on another wonderful addition to The Family Lennox and to Mema's collection.

Back from the scullery. Not much of interest on t.v. May finish my book. There is some sort of documentary on Al Capone. May watch some of that.

Glad that Jenni is in good health except the teeth part. She'll be perfect after her cleaning.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Today was Wally world day...then dinner and a walk for Nick and least tonight he didn't roll in anything. .I had to bathe him after last night's walk..he rolled in something nasty.

Congrats to Aaron and Val..a boy soon to be. What is her due date Jo?

One of Michael's childhood friends just had a little girl..they waited until she was born to find out boy or girl..almost unheard of in this day and age.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay..glad you are feeling stronger.

Safe travels and enjoy, Hoda.

Glad Jenni had a good checkup.

Enjoy your company Margy.

paula eagleholic said...

Got to go get a few chores done tonight...bbl.

Judie said...

Sandperson is packing a satchel and will be on the way soon. Bringing special attention to those who are healing. He's also going to head to Shirley's to see where she's been.

Eyes are sleepy so going to read a bit more and dent the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

whew. good evening to all!

JUDYE & KAY: feel better! get stronger!

MEMA JO: congrats!

busy day. I went this morning and had acupuncture. was out like a light in a short time and woke 90 min later.

on the way home I got some flea stuff for my son's cat. unfortunately, he has allowed her to get flea ridden. soooo, she is feeling better. she's a tiny little thing!

tom stained the deck floor that was remaining. when i got home, we, tom, Olivia and i worked on the remaining inside rails. we finished too!

i cleaned the pool and then relaxed a bit.

dinner was a brisket, fried cabbage, noodles, gravey and cantaloupe.

in the morning i go to that meeting to see what i think of this teaching job they are offering to me...we shall see. then work massage envy 1 to 4.

kids will be over to swim.

hope everyone has a peaceful night rest.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a special day -
wishing we had seen Shirley today....

Goodnight to all ♥


Lolly said...

Hi guys! Sorry, have not been on all day. Got outside early as it has been so hot. Then got busy during the hear of the day doing some Lollypaloozing. Cleaned three drawers! Yep, they collect everything! Got back outside this evening.

Did read through the posts and it sounds like everyone is keeping busy except Hoda. She does nothing. Poor soul. No adventures of any kind! Tsk tsk! (Love you, Hoda). LOL

It is nearing bedtime and Skippi is terrorizing the house! She does settle down nicely at bedtime, thank goodness. We do have to distract her when we go to bed. Can not let her see us wiggle our toes! She is still sleeping on my pillow. When we start stirring in the mornings she purrs so loudly!!! And wants lots of loving! We are enjoying her so much!

Nite all! God bless! SED

Hoda said...

I am in Kamloops.
It is desert!
They warn me of rattle snakes!!!
Oh for God's sake.
I see ads this has orchards and winery's.
I do NOT see how!!!
Orchards don't grow in deserts!!!

Good trip.
Saw some wild life.
Saw some glaciers.
Pretty scenery in the Kootenay.

Very crowded in these here parts.
Very hot too... Over a hundred!!!
I swear it is desert! No wonder with those temperatures.

Congratulations JO.

God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks and sounds MT.

Congrats Jo, on #13 great grandchild!!

Hoda, enjoy your time in "the desert!"

Kay, hope today finds you feeling stronger - I'm sure Penny will be happy to be home, even though she is enjoying her Malcolm time.

No tennis for me this morning - will hit the beach with some friends this afternoon.

Have agreat day! Almost every morning, I have to go back and add the space between the words "a" and "great." From now on, I declare that agreat is all one word, just like goodorming! :)

Mema Jo said...

I agreed that if it is agreat
goodorming why try to fix it and make it better ! I like the 'red lines' before publishing ♥ lol

Mema Jo said...

On FB Lori says this is the last day of clinicals for her! I keep looking at my calendar and thinking of this very long rode she has come down - remembering her radio voice early am hours. Her determination is remarkable ♥

Janet said...

good morning to one and all

just a quick hello I need to make myself appear human...before heading out for the day. the head / hair looks a bit like medusa these days as I have let my hair grow....

have a fabulous day!!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Poor Hoda. Given her almost totally sedentary lifestyle, she finally gets a vacation and ends up in the desert. lol Hoda, ask for assistance if you see palm trees and a pool of water in the distance.

Sandi, have fun at the beach.

Jo, bet you're out on the deck with your critter friends. Enjoy. Today is going to be miserable.

Janet, congrats on the deck completion, pool cleaning, and hope the meeting goes according to what you want for yourself.

Kay, feel even better today.

Time for me to finish my coffee and head out to get my "do" done.

Where is Shirley? Starting to fret.

magpie said...

Hardly Seems Fair:

I jump on here and Discover:

A Brand, Spanking New Thread!

See Ya' Over There !

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...