Friday, July 25, 2014


TGIF thread.


Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Thank you Steve for a fresh sunshiny thread. Have a wonderful weekend.

Headed back to catch up.

JudyEddy said...



Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for this fresh new thread....... I'm sure with this weather that you are happy for it to be Friday!

Thanks Judie for the call over - Wear your feather proud!

No sightings of our Birds yet

Judie said...

Good morning on the sunshiny fresh side. Thank you Steve.

Lynne, a move to TX to be with family is beyond wonderful. Think of all the adventures you will have to share with us.

Prayers for T-Bird. Hope all will be okay.

Janet, have a terrific time with your gal pals and happy sissy is feeling better.

Sandi, glad the cottage tour went well and Jenni is fitting right in with both learning and playing.

Hoda, a cracked rib? Hmmm, been wresting with the RCMP again? lol Takes a few weeks to heal. You'll know what NOT to do, believe me.

Thanks JudyE. At least something makes me look good. How's the shingles?

Gosh, one week from day is Lori's graduation.

Off to seek more coffee and the newspaper. May do some Ancestry today. BBL

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from tennis! Beautiful day out there - sunny skies and low humidity!

Hoda, how is your rib feeling today? You're good at listening to your body so you won't overdo, right?

Lynne, great news about moving close to your daughter and her family!! Wow, Alaska to PA is as far apart as you could possibly be!

Prayers for Thelma's procedure today.


Mema Jo said...

If anyone needs Lori's address for snail mail - let me know

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds and many thanks to STEVE for the new thread !!!

JUDIE, congrats on the new feather in your cap !

LYNNE1, a move to TX with the added ingredient of lots of grandchild time sounds perfectly wonderful !

SHAR, praying for THELMA---modern medicine is awesome !

JANET, enjoy the gal pal time !

HODA, hope the doc comes up with a good solution for that rib cage discomfort !

SANDI, you can teach an old dog new tricks ! Glad Jenni is fitting in so well !

Julie n' Seth brought Penny over for a visit yesterday---she was glad to see me, but equally glad to leave for their home. Current plan is to leave her there until August 4th, the day Seth and I will return from a four day visit with Eileen in MI. This has been planned for a long time and I'm feeling more like it will happen with every passing day. Making good progress toward renewed health and vitality ! Thanks to all prayer partners !

JO, do you have the address for LORI at her parent's home ? That is her headquarters right now and I don't have that one. Thanks !

Love and prayers for all !


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

TGIF for sure. Been a rough week.

Mema Jo said...

3:30pm so many shadows in our nest BUT I think I see a Adult at about
3:00 position


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

still has something on beak

JudyEddy said...

she has a loose white feather on her shoulder

JudyEddy said...

she looks like she is enjoying the shade in the nest just sittin pretty

Mema Jo said...

Could be Shep (Almost called him LIB)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

JO I was thinkting the same thing maybe Shep thought I saw a spot of sort but hard to telll I did put tail feather pic on FB if anyone can id from that

glo said...

Good Afternoon everyone. So excited to say Vicky and I are planning to head over Shepherdstown way the weekend of Oct 18 and 19. I don't think we have any specific plans. Just to meet/visit with some great folks who also hopefully want to meet/visit with us. I am excited.

Mema Jo said...


Mark your calendars and make your plans to be in Shepherdstown in OCT...


Mema Jo said...

I think it was Belle in the nest, Judy

Taking meds and then FOOD

Judie said...

Good evening.

Oh wow and goody goody. Sheptown in Oct. to meet Glo and Vicky. Cannot think of a nicer reason to have a momster/dadster gathering. Countryside is beauteous that time of year.

Darth has departed for a concert.

Went today to order new spectacles. Lost my new pair about three weeks ago. Totally angry with myself - a $250 loss. Stuuuuuipd careless me.

Kay, good plan for Penny since you will be away. So much less troubling to know pets are well-cared for and happy.

Going to put my feet up for a little while. Check out tv schedule and finish my mystery book.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from kids house

I see the Live feed is kaput

Still is still working That is good

paula eagleholic said...

Lost my earlier comment.


Judie said...

Inspector Morse has concluded and Sandperson has departed with a large satchel of sleepy dust. Says he will check on those who have been absent today.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day
Hope that tomorrow has as wonderful weather as we did today

Goodnight to all ♥


I ♥ Us

Lolly said...

Lynne, really do not know a whole lot about schools near Dallas. Dallas schools are NOT good, but there are many school districts in the Dallas area, many smaller cities around. I'll speak to Laurel and see what she has heard.

Mowed today and worked I. The yard and then did nothing! Yard work took all my energy!

Learned tonight that a cousins wife, Flo Sims, starts chemo and radiation on Monday for brain cancer. She is the sweetest person, a retired teacher, a person of strong Christian faith. Asking for prayers for Flo.

Have not been on all day and saw that we had two blogs going all day. Shirley just said good nite on the last thread. Whoops!

Skippi is tearing around and attacking everything in sight. She is a hoot!

Major Lollypaloozing tomorrow to get ready for Sunday!

Nite all! SED!

Lolly said...

Went back to the old thread and told anyone who gets on there that they missed the new thread. LoL

Hoda said...

I heard JUDIE on new thread.
I thought I came here and checked the box.
I posted a few times.
Well old thread you say????
Watch who you are calling old Miss LOLLY!!!
I have no idea what happened.
I went to the doctor.
Rib not cracked.
Muscles in between torn!!!
I will use ointment.

Praying for THELMA and SHAR's friend via Andrew...

Missing PAULA.

I just got in from Market Fest. Eco Society made four thousand dollars.

Yay Nelson.

Goodnight and God Bless Us All.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. No live cam but nest looks MT on the still.

Tennis for me at 9am, then a tennis club board meeting, then grocery shopping, then we'll grab a burger in Bethany and head to the bandstand to listen to my favorite summer music group.

Prayers for all of the needs on our blog - Andrew's friend, Lolly's cousin-in-law, and especially Jo, Thelma, and Larry.

Have agreat day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Wahoo, something wonderful to plan for and look forward to. Health issues interfered with the last two gatherings---so hopeful that this time will break the jinx !

Mega prayers for all, especially the special requests from SHAR for Andrew's friend and THELMA, Andrew's friend, LOLLY's for her cousin-in-law and of course, JO and LARRY !

HODA, happy for answered prayer where your ribs are concerned ! May the ointment soon sooth the offended muscle tissue.

SANDI has a good plan for this fine Saturday--hope the rest of you do, too. Tonight Seth will be over for our Sat/Sun routine--it's been a while and I'm looking forward to it !

Will try to BBL..... Have been up for about 3 hours and feel the need for more restorative zzzz's.

Kay said...

Forgive me for not editing, for there are a couple of big typos in my last post. Guess I really do need more sleep !

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Just turned on the coffee pot -
I haven't opened the curtain yet to see who or what is waiting out on the deck.

One daughter will visit at dinner this evening with her delicious mac/cheese. We may even bake some fish sticks... lol ole times!

Mema Jo said...


Cheetah Cubs Birth

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Quiet Saturday. Kathryn took Hunter with her to work. I heard them rushing around this morning getting ready to go.

Need to go back and check the old thread.

A gathering in October sounds nice.

paula eagleholic said...

So my post from last night

Had a wonderful time with Larry. We went to our favorite spot a mile from the house. .the Hideaway Grill and had a great dinner.

Judy and Kay..glad you are feeling better.

Hoda. .hope your muscles heal soon.

Going dress shopping today. .wish me luck.

Judie said...

Good morning all.

Overcast here and humidity is returning. Yuk!

Jo, I was in the kitchen around dusk last night and what should appear before my very two eyes? Two velvet Bambi boys. Walked out on patio and they just looked and returned to eating the azaleas. Beauteous boys. Enjoy the Mac & Ch. I want some! Thank you for the Africam link.

Prayers for Flo and Thelma.

Sandi, sounds a fun day. Enjoy.

Kay, having Seth with you for a visit will do wonders for your healing. Enjoy.

Hope Paula will stop by with an update on Larry and herself.

Hope also that Shirley will check in today.

Safe travels for Andy and Kubby.

NOW FOR HODA. I am so happy there are not broken bones. I am happy there is ointment to help with discomfort. I am now more than ever convinced that Hoda's condition is the consequence of wrestling to escape the RMCP while on vacation. Saw a police report that officers tried to restrain a woman of her description while she kept racing toward the "palm trees and water" she saw in the desert-like conditions. There was also a conflicting report of an up close and personal hug-fest between this woman and RCMP officers.


Judie said...

Wishes granted.

Paula, glad all is well with you and Larry. Hope dress-shopping will be super successful

Enjoy your time today Shirley.


Mema Jo said...

#3 Cheetah cub born to MEG

Mema Jo said...

Meg has 4 cubs

Hoda said...


SHIRLEY you have been hacked.
Two messages from you.
No subject line
A link
Several of us are on this email.

Judie said...

Shirley, Hoda is correct. Your name/email is being used by someone else. I moved to spam and deleted. So sorry.

Sunshine has arrived along with humidity. Blah!


Hoda said...

Dragon Boated today.
Went to yoga today.
Making progress by movement.
It is all good.
Thank you for comments about torn rib cage muscles.

What did a I miss about LOLLY'S cousin? He was making progress I hope there was no relapse.

Feeling blessed.

Glad you had some PENNY time KAY.
Yes wishing you well with your plans.

My thoughts and prayers continue with JANET. WOW your plate is full.
Keeping you in the LIGHT.

A nap is in my future.

Love you all.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening, Eagle Buds! A Get-Together in October????? That would be wonderful, even if the eagles aren't around. We could visit their neighborhood!
Congrats to Lori!!!! I always said w/her other experience, we should hear her on radio or see her on TV w/an educational med show!!!!!
Hoda, glad you don't have broken ribs~~~hear that's a long recovery.
If you're having trouble getting around, you could always call RCMP for taxi service! ☺
Glad to hear Paula and Larry are having some good times and Kay is back from travels.
Congrats and Prayers for Mema Jo with #13 ggchild on the way!!!!♥
Prayers for Thelma's procedure.♥
I can't believe our internet (such that it is) hasn't crashed yet! So I better finish. Just have not felt like sitting on the phone w/"Peggy" to try and fix this thing! Supposed to be socializing kittens~~~~not working! hey can run like crazy now. Can't blame them~~~when the were held it was to put meds in their eyes. Nobody likes that! Wish I knew someone w/a barn!
Blessings to ALL

NatureNut said...

Good Golly! 4th of July is over! Gotta fix that----

JudyEddy said...

HEY when I was there in OCT We did see the royal pair remember

NatureNut said...

Judy, you're right! I forgot that was in Oct. They were flying in the sky!
Glad your shingles are better - how yucky was that?

I can't believe 'puter is still online!
Gotta go do din din~~~

JudyEddy said...

Tomorrow and Mon in Tampa they are testing Audi Self Driving cars They are closing the reverse lanes of a expressway for several hours
Wouldn't that be nice just to get in your car and program it where you want to go

JudyEddy said...

and Fl is one of only 3 states that are allowing it

JudyEddy said...

I went back to work today The dr said I was looking good and just continue my pills and cream and then I can get my shot in 30 days Yeah maybe I was just lucky no pain this time and don't want to risk next time My Dr said she should do a study on me being I didn't get pain with the shingles Said I must have a high tolerance for pain But I know I don't especially when my neck or back hurts OH and when the top of my feet hurt from them darn shoes LOL

JudyEddy said...

and she said mine was the worse case she has seen from back to front
When i do it I do it big Lol

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is over and our 2 daughters are headed home. Delicious food.
AND a banana creme pie is in the frig

I started cleaning my keyboard and lost my message - lol

Glad you are feeling better, Judy..

Loretta, we had Dell fix our pc's
auto downloads that kept coming and coming by phoning them and then they just hook right up to your pc and do the fix. Was simple that way......

Mema Jo said...

MT nest

Glo and Vicky's date to be here
in October is the weekend of the
17th. They will let us know more about their plans closer to the date

Mema Jo said...


live feed is



paula eagleholic said...

Yay! Found a dress at the second it :)

Glad the live feed is back a touch of rain today.

Think I'll get caught up on 24 tonight.

Lolly said...

HODA, can not call you old, as I am older!!

It is another cousin's wife I asked prayer for. Flo has brain cancer and she starts chemo and radiation on Monday. She is a sweetheart and about 74, I think.

House has been Lollypaloozed and Jack has gone for pizza. Need a run to the grosssssserie store tonight and then I am ready. Friends are bringing "tea" items, cookies, small sandwiches and such. I made scones from Chrissy's recipe. Need to get some strawberry jam and going to whip some cream. That sounds about right for tea. Really do not expect anyone to want hot tea. Will have iced tea, and lemon water as well as a pot of coffee.

Mema Jo said...

Hallmark Movie for me at 9:00

Then I will return to say Goodnight

stronghunter said...

Password is changed. I have had my account set up to require a password every day. I hope that takes care of things. I haven't sent anyone an email recently. Sorry you got messages.

stronghunter said...

Need to go to the grocery store.

grannyblt said...

The nest is MT as far as I can tell.

My question is why is PAULA buying a dress?

Hoda said...

Prayers for FLO LOLLY...

You must have misplaced my invitation for High Tea at the Ranch in Texas perhaps???
Sounds delicious.
Hot tea is good when it is hot outside it helps cool you down...

Not bad as I think you are like me, don't care much for shopping...never understood the concept of retail therapy I am afraid. LOL

Hoping to hear from SHAR about ANDREW'S friend...Is THELMA also resting?

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY.
It must be very tedious for you all this hacking on your computer...

JUDYE glad you are better. Continue to watch and observe what is...

I wished JANET would check in.

They shot a bear in Nelson as it swam across the lake and went into the fanciest hotel in town. People were eating at the Marina deck and it would not leave them alone and it became aggressive.
I wonder if it is the young cub we saw when we were Dragon Boating earlier the season??? Sad it was so beautiful.

As to Dancing with the RCMP...well I am not sure what to say...most of the good ones are already taken and so I will do a solo and salute the officers in Serge...

Hoda said...

I looked in my Crystal Bowl:
I see weddings in PAULA's future.
Engagements too.
Hence the dress? Perhaps?

grannyblt said...

I think Janet has out of town company.

JudyEddy said...

HODA Janet was on FB 4hrs ago with pictures of them on the pontoon boat today so they may still be out and about

Hoda said...



Cyber Space to MARGIE!!!
Ground Control to MAGPIE!!!


Did anyone go to Market today to see MEGAN's Flowers? I wished I could go there...

Lolly said...

Not buying the idea that hot drinks cool you off! Sorry Hoda! Hot drinks make me sweat more! Will turn the AC down some tomorrow. Will need it cooler with warm bodies in the house.

Owner of Weston Gardens came to the house today. They built our ponds and stream. They are going to clean the lower pond in a few weeks. Hee hee....I do believe our yard impressed him. Felt proud!

Hoda said...

I see you nicely ignored my reference to the where abouts of my invitation for High Tea At The Texas Ranch MISS LOLLY!!!

Janet said...

I'M HERE!!!!! hi all!!!

HODA: no more wrestling please! isn't there a momster rule about doing dangerous stunts that tear intercostal muscles????????
Feel better please!

Loved reading back.

A gathering in October. How exciting!!!

Its been busy around here this week Nancy & Chris arrived yesterday. Chris and I stayed up til almost midnight talking and enjoying some beverages.

She will begin chemo when she gets home. The tumor went from .9mm to 2.9 mm. It will eventually come back, but hopefully they can stop it for now.

She certainly isn't herself. She is tired a lot. I am concerned for my friend.

We did go out on the boat today as has been reported. Olviia attempted to ride the knee board, mildly successful. Nancy, Chris and I swam and enjoyed each others' company. Chris rested a lot.

We were out for about 4 hours and came home and everyone napped. I was in the pool napping, lol, on my float.

They went to spend the evening with Chris' sons and took Olivia with them. It is quiet. We have a shoot 'em up Clint Eastwood movie on the tube. Sigh. not exactly my favorite, but okay.

I am not a big movie buff anyway.

I hope everyone has a good evening. I suspect it will be a late one again sitting up and chatting into the night. Nottoo late I suppose as they want to go to the flea market early.

Tomorrow our SIL graduates with his 2 year college degree, so that is on the agenda...and then everyone is coming over here for a grill out.

((((hugs)))) to all!

Judie said...

Good evening.

First, I rather suspect Hoda did not have bruised muscles on her mind when she was dancing a jig with the RCMP. lol Glad you had a good day Miss Hoda. Sad, of course, about the bear. Likely just starving.

Janet, very sorry about Chris but so happy you are all having time together. Congratulations on the SIL graduation.

Hi Shirley. Sorry for all the password inconvenience. PIA for sure.

Hmmmm. Seems I also failed to receive my invitation to high tea at Hawkwood Ranch. Maybe our invitations got Lollypaloozed into a trash can. Have fun tomorrow Lolly.

Judie said...

Sandperson is trudging down the stairs with a satchel. Has instructions to try to find out why Paula bought a dress. May need to send Jufie on a mission.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Bear was not starving JUDIE.
Excellent Berry Crop this year.
Fruit is abundant in higher and lower elevations.
It is a mystery to the conservation officer who would have preferred to tranquilize him.
It was too aggressive and posed a threat to humans. He shot it!

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

You are always invited to my house! Come on over!!

Going to the grossssserie store at 8 on Sat.night is not bad. May have to take up that habit. I like to shop when the store is empty of customers. LOL

See that bad weather is headed your way. We have some cooler temps and possible rain coming this week.

Judie says the sandperson is out and about, so going to say good night.

Sweet dreams! SED!!!

Mema Jo said...

Movie is over and I am going to watch some news and hit the sack!

Happy to hear from most of our group
this evening.......

Goodnight to all ♥

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

nest is MT as far as I can tell

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends.

Judy, glad you were feeling well enough to go back to work so soon.

Janet, enjoy your gal pals!

Lolly, I missed who was coming but enjoy your company today. BTW, I drink hot tea every day of the year, any time of the day.

Full day here yesterday. Cloudy with rain in the forecast today so it should be a reading, napping, movie watching day today.

Special prayers for Jo, Larry, and Thelma and for all of the needs on the blog.

Have a good one!

Janet said...

good morning all.

Gal Pals, kid, have departed to the flea market, then to do the tourist thing on music row.

I was very tired, so I slept in. I need to do a bit of lollypaloozing around here to prep for the gathering this evening. lol.

if invitations are out there: my home is always open for company, just let me know you are coming, i'll pop in a pot of coffee/ pot of tea, hot or cold, and fluff the pillows. you are welcome. I don't know how to serve high tea (that sounds rather like something HODA would serve with her famous brownies), BUT I can do it mid-southern style! lol

everyone, have a fabulous day!!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Just passing through to say Hello, all is well, EXCEPT I do not have the time I would like to have right now to stay caught up with doins' amongst us...

I am fine, family is fine...

I see (by speedreading) many new causes for joy....and for encouragement, prayer..
I'll be keeping all these things in my prayers and thoughts

I'll be back around when I can be, but it is very intermittent right now for awhile...

Take Care !
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Slept until 9:00 - usually up around 7 or 8. Critters were waiting on the deck

It call for TS most of the day but
sky is beautiful and there is a gentle breeze.

Thinking of Megan and her flowers at Market - Wish I could go over

Everyone have a fantastic day

Enjoy your company Janet

Mema Jo said...

Margy - you must have heard Hoda
calling out for you yesterday..
Thanks for letting us know that all
is well......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Get those cards out in the mail tomorrow to Lori for her big day!

Mema Jo said...

Baby cheetahs are doing well with their mom - Check it out

Baby O's are so much fun to watch

Judie said...

Good morning!

Overcast again today.

Hi Margy. James the Wise time today? Hope so.

Oh my. Talk about "high" tea with Hoda. lol

MT nest. Buzzards at Pete's Pond. Ted the bear is improving but vets coming to check him out. Cheetah cubs so cute.

May try to make myself more presentable and go to the Sunday market.

Have a nice morning everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Finished watching all my episodes of onto the Good Wife..think it the Hallmark channel that is rerunning the entire series..I never saw the first year.

Cloudy here too..have to do my taxes today.

Ah yes..the dress..for Michaels wedding :)

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to Michael's this Thursday. Thursday night is a tasting for foods for the reception. Saturday is a wedding party beach day and cook out. Sunday is bridal shower..oops gotta get something for that! Will be home late Sunday eve.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I have been recording TGW reruns...

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Judie, sent you an email.

Ready for church, just need to eat a bite. Skippi will be imprisoned in our bedroom. Last time I had this group of ladies they talked me into leaving her out. However, I did see a few ladies sort of pull back from her. ???? I do not understand that but will respect their feelings.

The group is the ladies group from church, very close friends. It is a small church and we have been going there for 40 years. We are all in the 50 to 80 range, mostly 60's and have raised our children together. Today we are celebrating "0" birthdays. Usually have a Saturday brunch but decided to do something different and do a Sunday afternoon tea. Not really a tea, but have cookies and tiny sandwiches instead of brunch food. So that is the story and I am sticking to it!

I am sorry....but when it is over 100 outside and hot drink is just not inviting!!! LOL

See you this evening!

Judie said...

Ah, Paula's new dress and a wedding. Next weekend is going to be a most wonderful experience for everyone.

Thank you, Lolly.

Headed for the market in a few. BBL

NCSuzan said...

Good Sunday Morning!

My screen is full of windows! An empty nest, baby cheetahs and the Delta nest. Those juvies are branching and the parents are still bringing food of course. BaoBao is going to have a party on Tuesday. Love that little panda!
Went to pop some popcorn last night and the microwave had ants! It is a clean microwave and the only thing I could figure is that there must be a way for the ants to come in through the duct work. No problem. For sure making popcorn will take care of the little bugs. Not! I was so surprised that they were still crawling around.
Wish Margie would slow down and visit more often. Know she has had family lately and that deserves time.

Judie, yes I also wanted to know about Paula's dress!

Loved Hoda's prayer box.

Jo, if you have time will you send me Lori's address? I am so very excited for her and proud of her accomplishment.

Was going to the store but we are having storms and the humidity is such that breathing is difficult. Guess I will stay with the AC!

Take care. Keeping those in need lifted up to a higher power.

NCSuzan said...

I apologize for the huge paragraph. somehow I lost my formatting. (fat fingers)

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - email address coming to you now

I am sitting very quietly here - awaiting a short visit from GD and hubby with those 2 beautiful little boys you saw on FB......
No matter how I feel I will never refuse family company . lol

JudyEddy said...

JO if possible can you also send me the addy to our graduate gal

Mema Jo said...

Judy - sent address

Mema Jo said...

Company csame around noon - we had lunch and then had a great visit

Within the hour Jenny, Hubby and b-day gd, Rachael also came by. They
had eaten Chinese and they brought me my dinner for later. Hubby not fond of Chinese.

Time to put feet up for a few

Anxious for pics of wedding events for our Mother of the Groom. Happy times!

stronghunter said...


High tea? Well, we had tea parties for the seniors in English class--one of the end of the year activities. Not exactly high tea, but we tried to keep it British.

Checked the nest a bit ago. It was breezy and there were no eagles in sight. Expect they are down by the river.

Enjoy your Chinese food tonight, Jo. I had an urge for Chinese last night. Hunter's appetite has certainly returned, and he is particularly fond of Chinese food, so he ate well.

Glad you have plenty of widows on wildlife, Suzan.

stronghunter said...

Would appreciate it if you could send our graduate's address, Jo. Thank you.

stronghunter said...

Must head upstairs to vacuum my bedroom. There are bits of some kind of indescribable stuff in there. Comes from having a cat in the room. Some of it is cat food crumbs. Not sure about the rest.

Mema Jo said...

Sent it Shirley

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Forecast says storms headed our way around 8:00

I will return later ♥

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Afternoon was a success . After they left I hurried outside as I saw wilted plants! 101 will do that to plants! Came in, had a glass of wine and fell asleep! Lol

I made lemon water, iced tea, coffee and hot tea. What did they drink? Mostly the water!! One or two had iced tea, a few had cups of coffee, and no one had hot tea!

Now Laurel and the boys come tomorrow afternoon and stay until We'd AM. Yea!,

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Got one year of taxes done..have one more to go. Not a problem being late..refunds are due. Had to wait for estate stuff.

Did a bit of laundry too.
I battled ants in the kitchen yesterday.

paula eagleholic said...

No storms here yet.

Looks like our juvies will be gone soon :(

JudyEddy said...

I hear the rain at the nest

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

No Rain Yet - could start sometime before 2am

So I'm here to say Goodnight ♥
The entire week coming up looks like perfect weather!



I ♥ US ♥

Judie said...

Good morning!

Overcast again today.

Hi Margy. James the Wise time today? Hope so.

Oh my. Talk about "high" tea with Hoda. lol

MT nest. Buzzards at Pete's Pond. Ted the bear is improving but vets coming to check him out. Cheetah cubs so cute.

May try to make myself more presentable and go to the Sunday market.

Have a nice morning everyone.

Janet said...

good evening.

may I have lori's address? please and thank you.

its been a busy busy day. slept in, cleaned the house, hit the grocery, it was stinkin' hot, felt sick, cooled off, got dressed, went to graduation.....came home, grilled out, fed people, entertained people, and now,,,,,,,,sigh, ready for bed!

it was a lovely graduation. proud of my son in law.

in two years, we hope to attend his four year degree!!!!

had a bit of rain, but need more.

typical of this time of the year, very dry

good night and SED to all!

Lolly said...

It's that time again and I am ready! Yawning big time!

Excited to have Laurel and boys, a little concerned about Cosmo! Hmmm?? We shall see!

Uh oh! Someone is biting my toes! Oh that tickles! Why does she get wild when I am ready for bed?

Nite all! SED

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I'm borrowing Jen's laptop to let you know that all is well in Vail, CO. We went to Coors Stadium in Denver to watch a baseball game today. The Colorado Rockies played the Pittsburgh Pirates. We had a lot of fun, but Colorado lost the game. We left before the game ended to beat traffic, and had dinner at Mario's Pizza near the stadium. EXCELLENT pizza! The drive home took a while, but there was much less traffic than the trip there.

Not sure what we are doing tomorrow. Maybe just drive around and see some of the sights. Would like to see Buffalo Bill's gravesite, and a couple of other places. This whole area is absolutely gorgeous! Oh--Jen went running this morning, and saw a baby chipmunk on the edge of the trail. She said he was only 3" tall, and totally adorable. I saw a magpie yesterday, but he was too fast for me to get a picture. Margy, I'll try to get a pic for you before we go home!

I read back a bit, and have added some people to the prayer list. Have all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Lolly, glad your gathering at the house was a success! Guess you'll have to wear Skippi out before your bedtime so she gives you some peace at night. She sounds like a real sweetheart, though.

Shirley, hope that George feels much better soon. (Hope your checkbook does, too. Yikes!)

Judy, glad you're feeling better!
Hoda, hope your ribs are improving, too.

Well, I'm kinda tired, so think I will say goodnight. SED, all.
Goodnight, and God bless! I ♥ us!

Hoda said...

Good night
Love to all.
God Bless

Hoping to head out for a bike ride before it gets hot tomorrow.
Will check in afterwards.

Kay said...

Good Early Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

JO, I agree, family company lifts the spirits and helps with the blahs, always ! Those little boys are adorable ! Glad you were treated to some good Chinese fare--I love the stuff, too !

JANET, kudos to your SIL !

PAULA, glad you're progressing with the tax work--I can't imagine anything more tedious, but then I'm not the math whiz you are !

ANDY, happy news regarding your fabulous Colorado vacation ! Tourism there has been well supported by several Momsters this Spring and Summer.

LORI, wish we could all be there for your graduation ! Hope you have the great celebration you've earned.

JUDIE, I'm plumb cornfused ! You were preparing for Sunday Market at 11:41 pm on Sunday ??? Help me sort this out !

LOLLY, so in hopes that Cosmos fits right in and all goes well. Little Miss Toe Tickler is so young and may think the dogs are Aok, but what will they think of her? Have fun with Laurel and the boys!

Feeling better with every passing day and more optimistic than ever about the trip to MI.

Love and prayers for all !


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is MT - it looks breezy in Shepherdstown. Still muggy here - cool front comes through later today. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Tennis for me at 8am. Prayers specifically for Jo, Larry, and Thelma and for all the needs on the blog.

Have agreat day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

nest is MT at present time except for those fish scales

Janet said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...