My youngest daughter and I are driving, Deb. Usually takes me 14 hrs., but she claims we can do it in 12.....right!! Avoiding rush hour traffic at Indianapolis and St. Louis is the only way to make it that fast, and that means leaving at midnight, which we can't do because she worked a 12 until 7 this am and needs to sleep and get always wait til the last miute for that!
Good Afternoon glo, and hedgie. It is cold and cloudy out today,so i went to our and ordered some christmas cards.I can look out of my front window and it is raining out.The weather man said it will change over to snow later today.I am glad that you enjoy my photos.
Jo - when you get back to read things, wonderful clip of Christine, Elizabeth and Samantha! ♥ ♥ ♥ what a beautiful family !
Funny, I emailed a niece this morning and sent here the BWO site, told her it might be a "little while" before BWE is up and running. Voila! Somehow I missed Jim's note too..what great news this is!
Hedgie: Get Well prayers for you and pup, and Happy Traveling prayers too ! Remember us at the internet cafe and/or library: take the website addresses you need...xox
...cause we will go through Hedgie Withdrawal while you are away....need anything done at the home front while away? Take my phone number with you...okay? xo
So this week it is still illness problems, applicances and vehicle problems....good thing we have each other to commiserate with ! Red: Good luck with all that!
MITS Just checked ISS schedule...oh yeah! There are some very bright showings coming up! I see a few -4's in there, that's the highest magnitude I've seen so far. Thanks! Hope Paulleo is watching the Blog!
Watch for our celestial trio tonight again at sunset, South, South West....should be interesting to see how everything is changing positions. ☺
Lynn SAFE TRAVELS AND GOD SPEED..You WILL be missed but know you need some fun time. Hoping your antibiotics for FAST. Hope the chiropractor was able to give you some relief. Wish all good for doggie to get WELL FAST too!
Margy sorry for car problems. Glad you decided to use rental for your spend time with Grandson. HAPPY TRAVELS AROUND. Oh Margy I've been seeing the last couple of nights. The most beautiful sky loaded with stars and planets. Made me think of you. ( :
Paula your video was awesome. Thank you because I didn't get to see Belle in the nest moving that "LUMBER" around. Then her we are going to have a blast with this new cam and sound.
The poem was beautiful I have had it come in emails the last couple of years.
JO PRAYERS FOR EYES...and so so happy for both Ryan (nice video ty for sharing) and for Patrick...HOME HOME COM'N HOME!
Wanda so glad snake is over. Eeekks I found a snake skin in our building yesterday. Guess I'll be looking for him this summer. Also so glad GeeGee's meds got strength out. Happy your meats stayed frozen.
Jim sounds like you "love your car".
I also chose the name for our little Luney as "Fu Mei".
Red sorry about your dishwasher; hum thinking wasn't there a 2nd thing too. I do remember something about coming in three's you said.
Lolly wow 22" will you ever be able to have a lot of different cams up at one time!!! Christmas a LAP TOP....HAVE LAP TOP WILL TRAVEL lol Glad your dr. is caring for your wrist. Not something to take lightly. Those can be worse than breaks.
I think I mentioned on another thread about Daves, Glo's, Debs, Loretta's, Bob Quinn's, you too if I missed anyone. I have click on so many names to see such great pictures ty all.
Sharon I am glad you are feeling better. Please still take it easy.
Sissy keeping those feeties up while your working is the best thing for you to do. How is Tom?
Mattie is spending time with Mom..hope that goes well. Is Justin spending time there too?
Glo give Dex hugs for me...poor baby...ours just had his rabies shot too...he got extra huggies too and pampered.
Megan you work so hard. Praying for you hands this year again.
Oh yes pool was warmer than usual today...ahhh felt so good. Nice to exercise in.
Hi, Dave, yes, taking 70. I'll holler out as we go through Terre Haute!! Thanks, Margy...everything here under control. But have your number!! I am going to go through withdrawal, too!!!
THanks for missing me, Dana!! No, it was me and peppermint!!! Love it! But not crazy about Chick-fil-a! Thanks, Paula and Loretta. Just hope the weather holds! Glo, leaving in the morning for Warrenton, Mo...about 70 mi. NW of St. Louis. Mom and sis/b-i-l live about six miles from each other.
Well then that shoul dput you about 3 1/2 hours from me. Let me know if you want contact info to see some eagles and meet up. From me you can get on 74 east and head right back over to 70 east. Do have a great trip.
Back home and have rested eyes. Well the one was numb so it rested all by itself. I have your number Lynn - not sure when Luney's official name will be announced. Maybe not until the 100th day at the ceremony.If you look at Luney now you will flip
Getting ready to shove off from work & put stuff in car---heard a loud chorus from all the Canada geese bedding down on the pond for the night! We'll have to stay one night---would be like camping in the wilderness!! Oh well, home to TV noise and the welcome thundering of kitty feet playing chase!!LOL ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺
Thanks, Glo...would love to meet you, but momma is funny about me doing other things when I come...she thinks I should devote 100% to her...maybe another time!
Lynn hope you feel better. I know this summer when we went out to Oregon it was hard. I wanted to just go to sleep but did not want to spoil everyone else's vacation.
Lynn, hope you have a good time. My dad is the same way when I go to California. Luckily, he knows the trip in January is for my niece's wedding, so most of the time will be for her.
oh sure Lynn I totally understand not interupting your family visit. I was thinking maybe swinging 3 hours north on your way home and heading east from here 74 to 70. With all the wildlife you get to enjoy that is a long way out of your way even for eagles especially at the end of a trip.
Get well quick and enjoy your time with family. Be safe in your travels.
I have finally settled down from the FREEZER FIASCO. It was delivered around 2pm. Gene placed the frozen food into the new freezer as I handed it to him. It didn't take very long with us working together. It is wonderful to be able to SEE everything in the upright freezer (can't see anything but the top layer in the chest type!) I found my long-lost Corned Beef (2 of them). They were on the very bottom. Not to worry, Lynn, they aren't 10 years old...just 1 year. Going to put them both in the Crock Pot soon. Visited with GeeGee after work was done. She is MUCH better since we took her off Sertraline. She said she is sooo HABBY!
LYNN, have a wonderful and safe trip. Seems like everytime we go through Indianapolis, it takes two days to get through there.LOL We usually stop and shop a bit...a lot of shops that we enjoy.
Gotta STEAK in the oven---no turkey! Wanda, glad you could salvage your corned beef! Also glad to hear GeeGee is Habby! Paula, cats are great. Now that I see how they play, Binky, the older one, maybe should have jhad a playmate before. She used to be wild & crazy & sometimes grab & bite us, now they do that to each other!
Wanda when we went to Winchester today on I 81. Seen where just before the exit for Inwood. The grass just off to the right was all tore up from that accident they had. Didn't see anything in todays paper.
Dana, our paper seldom puts things that we are concerned about on their pages. It is filled with politics, commisioners and planning committee and all sorts of things that will cost the taxpayers more money! Don't know how they win all those awards that they brag about???
Thanks, Wanda. I'm all packed except for the last minutes cosmetics. And I am tired...cough med is making me drowsy, too. THink I'll head for a bath. BBL.
Good evening friends. I just watched Christmas at Rockefeller Center and now I am going to bed. Have to leave at 7 in the morning to head back to Charlottesville. I am hoping at least 1 drain will come out tomorrow but that will probably be the only one. It is going to be great to be free of those whenever the time comes. Becky is going to take me.
I hope everyone has a wonderful peaceful and restful night.
Nite Sharon! Know you will be happy when all drains are out. Keeping you in thought and prayer.
Jo, loved the video....until they cheered for the skins! LOL Beautiful girls! So "habby" for you that they are coming home.
Wanda!!! You are snakeless!!!! I am so "habby" for you!!!! Do you know what kind of snake it was?
We had our fall color this week and it has been wonderful, and now they are falling like crazy. Used to be that most leaves have fallen by Thanksgiving, now it goes into December. Global warming?
Going to Laurel's tomorrow. My baby is turning 36. Taking her dinner and cherry cheesecake pie. (Her request)
Then Friday going to Dallas to babysit Zach. I think Michael may tell me where we are going for my Christmas mystery trip. All I know is our flight leaves at 7 AM on the 19 and returning the 21 at 9 PM. He said "We will have 3 full days. I am still thinking NYC. We'll see!
Yeah....we did do something right. We have two wonderful, responsible adult kiddos. Michael and attorney and Laurel a teacher. Very proud of them. And, dying of suspence, wanting to know where we are going. He has never done anything like this. But, he said, "We will have time together, Mom." WOW! DIL is always there. Now I like her....but time with Michael. WOW! I am gonna cry!
So, how are you doing with your Christmas shopping, Wanda? I think I have the grandkids covered, just have a little more to do. Having a big dinner here next week...Thurs. When it is over I will be ready for Christmas.
The way I understood it was that Patrick was going to Germany to have Christmas with his family. I didn't take it to mean that they were coming back stateside. Jo...?????
Wanda it was a pretty darn long Baby black snake! Lynn is right about the return of the grandsons from Baghdad - oh how I wish it were both of them headed for the states. Wanda, Patrick will be over in Germany for another 2 years & that is where he is headed to celebrate Christmas. I see Elizabeth & Samantha almost every day on the web cam. Elizabeth has her 1st new tooth to show her dad and also will be able to crawl towards him! Samantha is counting the days for her dad to be home!
The Retina Specialist said that the 1st shot I received is showing some improvement - Received the 2nd shot today. I'll go back in 6 weeks to be evaluated and possibly a 3rd shot.
Lolly, if I were you, I'd be so excited about this surprise trip that I wouldn't be able to sleep!!! It does sound like NY...and it's such a special place to be at Christmastime. I would like to go to Gatlinburg, TN at this time of's supposed to be cool, too.
Lynn - I have the condition known as AMD Age Macular Degeneration. It was picked up by my optometrist & she sent me to the specialist. Most people don't realize they have it until the start to lose their center vision. In other words a blind spot or blurry vision in the center of something where you are looking.
Wanda: SSG Ryan (unmarried) is coming to Ft Stewart for 1 yr training and then to Ft Benning for, we hope, at least 3 years as a Drill SSG. His home is Catonsville - daughter Susan is his mom.
SGT Patrick is the father of 2 beautiful girls - Samantha 7 yrs & Elizabeth 6 mos. My granddaughter Christine is Patrick's wife & mother of his children MY GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER! They are stationed in Bamberg, Germany - be there another 2 years. Patrick is just on R&R Leave over Christmas. Samantha's b-day is Christmas Eve.
Jo, glad that the injections are helping. Have known several people w/ macular degeneration...years ago...when there was no treatment. Smart optometrist (like my grandpa!) to pick up on it. Got a long day ahead of me, so I'm turning in. Will miss you all terribly! Even if I find a puter to log-on to, I won't have time to read through all the look at cams! All be safe. Love to each of you.
Hedgie: I'll cut and paste important things off the Blog and save to a document for you when you return... news, sightings, new sites, etc. Bon Voyage ! Have Fun xo ♥
Well the third thing to break did it this morning. The coffee pot died. Luckly we still had an old one and dug it out. Could not survive without my coffee.
Wanda when you get back....Yes thank you I did...wasn't it something...I loved all the comments about it too...that stick to the nest was like getting a load of firewood for us lol
Sharon and Becky are headed to Charlottesville this morning. Hope the weather stays okay till they can get back home this evening and I really hope they can take some of those drains off of Sher. They are the most miserable part of all this now.
Morning all. Rainy day here in PA....snow mix predicted for later. This morning I have seen turkeys in PA, eagles at BWO and heard lots of crows in windy ME. I also heard a new sound at ME that sounded at first like a person sayin "hey", but then realized it must have been some kind of duck? or other animal. Does that sound like anything that any of you recognize? I have a busy day ahead will check in later. You all be good !!
Missed our pair, but glad they were here this morning!
I hear ya on the coffee, Red. My carafe broke awhile ago...and until I found a replacement, I had to resort to my "camping one-cupper". Did the job, though!
Thursday, December 4 You have waited 97 days to find out Lun Lun’s second cub’s name. We will only have to refer to him as “the cub” for three more days. On Monday, when he is 100 days old, we will find out which of the 12 names has been selected through the voting process. His name will be revealed at approximately 11:30 a.m. at Zoo Atlanta in the Grand Patio. This event is open to all Zoo visitors. The 100 Day Naming Celebration will include live performances by Chinese artists, refreshments, and an appearance by Zhu Zhu, Zoo Atlanta’s giant panda mascot.
During the cub’s first three months his eyes have opened; his fur has come in; his black markings have developed; teeth have erupted; and he has learned to scoot around. Now we will all look forward to him mastering walking, running, climbing, and, most importantly, going out in his habitat soon, so that you can see him when you visit the Zoo. Kate Roca Carnivore Keeper II
I don't know if you saw it, but there is a short update on Buddy today:
UPDATE: December 3, 2008 by Dr. Dave McRuer, Director of Veterinary Medicine at the Wildlife Center of Virginia
I had a look at 887 yesterday, and we have elected to do nothing with the beak at this time. We will likely be doing a more extensive dremmeling in two to three weeks.
Well, now I can say I have seen it all. We live in the city limits of Bluefield. There are woods on one side and the back of our house. Tom just looked out there and there are about 20 goats in the woods behind my house. Now that is wildlife I have never had in my yard before. What a hoot!!!
Sharon just got to Charlottesville. Will let ya'll know what they do when I know.
You have feral goats in your area, Sissy!?? They can be very damaging to the ecology.
They were introduced by the Spanish onto our Channel Islands as a food source for their navy ... Hawaii too, I believe. They multiplied to such a level and caused so much destruction that the States had to hunt and trap them out as much as they possibly could.
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»hi Steve Thanks for the new thread. Will go get the folks
My youngest daughter and I are driving, Deb. Usually takes me 14 hrs., but she claims we can do it in 12.....right!! Avoiding rush hour traffic at Indianapolis and St. Louis is the only way to make it that fast, and that means leaving at midnight, which we can't do because she worked a 12 until 7 this am and needs to sleep and get always wait til the last miute for that!
Hi, Glo! How's everything w/ you? Glimpses aren't in my spam, so after I get back I will "sign-up" again and see what happens!!
Good Afternoon glo, and hedgie.
It is cold and cloudy out today,so
i went to our and ordered some
christmas cards.I can look out of
my front window and it is raining
out.The weather man said it will
change over to snow later today.I
am glad that you enjoy my photos.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
hedgie are you taking I-70 if so
you will come through terre haute
and thats were i am 8 miles south
of I-70 take care and drive safe.
Howdy Everyone !
Jo - when you get back to read things, wonderful clip of Christine, Elizabeth and Samantha! ♥ ♥ ♥ what a beautiful family !
Funny, I emailed a niece this morning and sent here the BWO site, told her it might be a "little while" before BWE is up and running. Voila! Somehow I missed Jim's note too..what great news this is!
Hedgie: Get Well prayers for you and pup, and Happy Traveling prayers too ! Remember us at the internet cafe and/or library: take the website addresses you need...xox
...cause we will go through Hedgie Withdrawal while you are away....need anything done at the home front while away? Take my phone number with you...okay?
So this week it is still illness problems, applicances and vehicle problems....good thing we have each other to commiserate with !
Red: Good luck with all that!
I took a vacation day this week...sometimes do that to get some extra time with the still in shop, so Get Rental car, will travel !!
(What's a little extra dough at this point ??) :(
Great close-up Eagle pics, Deb - and, thanks for your greeting earlier ☺ ♥
Got it soon as I awoke from deep Panda Slumber...
MITS Just checked ISS schedule...oh yeah! There are some very bright showings coming up! I see a few -4's in there, that's the highest magnitude I've seen so far.
Hope Paulleo is watching the Blog!
Watch for our celestial trio tonight again at sunset, South, South West....should be interesting to see how everything is changing positions. ☺
So nice to see our cams up and running, the Birds have given us the slip so far today?
I'll be out for many hours soaking up some silliness, catch everyone later.
Hope it is a Great Evening for all...
xox ♥
Wow lots to remember on here from past comments!!
Lynn SAFE TRAVELS AND GOD SPEED..You WILL be missed but know you need some fun time. Hoping your antibiotics for FAST. Hope the chiropractor was able to give you some relief. Wish all good for doggie to get WELL FAST too!
Margy sorry for car problems. Glad you decided to use rental for your spend time with Grandson. HAPPY TRAVELS AROUND. Oh Margy I've been seeing the last couple of nights. The most beautiful sky loaded with stars and planets. Made me think of you. ( :
Paula your video was awesome. Thank you because I didn't get to see Belle in the nest moving that "LUMBER" around. Then her we are going to have a blast with this new cam and sound.
The poem was beautiful I have had it come in emails the last couple of years.
JO PRAYERS FOR EYES...and so so happy for both Ryan (nice video ty for sharing) and for Patrick...HOME HOME COM'N HOME!
Wanda so glad snake is over. Eeekks I found a snake skin in our building yesterday. Guess I'll be looking for him this summer. Also so glad GeeGee's meds got strength out. Happy your meats stayed frozen.
Jim sounds like you "love your car".
I also chose the name for our little Luney as "Fu Mei".
Red sorry about your dishwasher; hum thinking wasn't there a 2nd thing too. I do remember something about coming in three's you said.
Lolly wow 22" will you ever be able to have a lot of different cams up at one time!!! Christmas a LAP TOP....HAVE LAP TOP WILL TRAVEL lol Glad your dr. is caring for your wrist. Not something to take lightly. Those can be worse than breaks.
I think I mentioned on another thread about Daves, Glo's, Debs, Loretta's, Bob Quinn's, you too if I missed anyone. I have click on so many names to see such great pictures ty all.
Sharon I am glad you are feeling better. Please still take it easy.
Sissy keeping those feeties up while your working is the best thing for you to do. How is Tom?
Mattie is spending time with Mom..hope that goes well. Is Justin spending time there too?
Glo give Dex hugs for me...poor baby...ours just had his rabies shot too...he got extra huggies too and pampered.
Megan you work so hard. Praying for you hands this year again.
Oh yes pool was warmer than usual today...ahhh felt so good. Nice to exercise in.
Hi, Dave, yes, taking 70. I'll holler out as we go through Terre Haute!!
Thanks, Margy...everything here under control. But have your number!! I am going to go through withdrawal, too!!!
Dana, it was MArgy who saw the chiropractor!!! I saw Bowers!
Thanks for the new thread, Steve!
Thanks Lynn in all of that comment I knew I had to get something wrong. OK Margy hope the chiropractor helped you some.
Lynn you are going to be MISSED!!!
Now watch me get this one wrong lol
Was it Margy that was talking one day about Peppermint???
I usually don't get a milkshake...but got one at Chick-fil-a. It was the Peppermint with choc. was that ever good!!!!
Hedgie - have a safe trip and a great time!
Peppermint ice cream has been the subject around my family lately.
Well Hedgie I am in the process of getting snowed in. But I can't get snowed in today so this could get interesting.
I skimmed back quickly for like 3 pages of the Blog. Please tell me where you are going and when you are leaving etc.
I do wish you a wonderful trip/
Both eagles at BWE cam
Wow, didn't realize it was this late (was really working! LOL)
Guess our birds did not come by.
Lynn have a wonderful, safe trip!!!Hope you can give us an update now & then!
HELLO....great day at the zoo, all the animals out on the Asian Trail, and no people:)
have a safe trip, Lynn:)
Just went out & saw the celestrial trio! The 2 planets are further away from the moon tonight.
Hey our cam is still on!
so nice to see BWE up and running.
Cool that BWE eagles were in!
beautiful male and female on OKIE cam, they like coming in at the end of the day
THanks for missing me, Dana!! No, it was me and peppermint!!! Love it! But not crazy about Chick-fil-a!
Thanks, Paula and Loretta. Just hope the weather holds!
Glo, leaving in the morning for Warrenton, Mo...about 70 mi. NW of St. Louis. Mom and sis/b-i-l live about six miles from each other.
moose on the moose cam.
Well then that shoul dput you about 3 1/2 hours from me. Let me know if you want contact info to see some eagles and meet up. From me you can get on 74 east and head right back over to 70 east. Do have a great trip.
Luney is strecthed out on his back....lazy boy:)
he sleeps with his mouth open....hmmm reminds me of someone
Back home and have rested eyes. Well the one was numb so it rested all by itself.
I have your number Lynn - not sure when Luney's official name will be announced. Maybe not until the 100th day at the ceremony.If you look at Luney now you will flip
Dinner time
December 8th is 100 days, Jo
deer coming into view at PA, actually a buck
wow he ran like the wind when the raccons came on the scene, or, perhaps he heard something, racoon ran too
Getting ready to shove off from work & put stuff in car---heard a loud chorus from all the Canada geese bedding down on the pond for the night! We'll have to stay one night---would be like camping in the wilderness!!
Oh well, home to TV noise and the welcome thundering of kitty feet playing chase!!LOL ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺
Thanks, Glo...would love to meet you, but momma is funny about me doing other things when I come...she thinks I should devote 100% to her...maybe another time!
How are the 2 kitties getting along, Loretta?
eagle at Caltran cam
Lynn hope you feel better. I know this summer when we went out to Oregon it was hard. I wanted to just go to sleep but did not want to spoil everyone else's vacation.
Lynn, hope you have a good time. My dad is the same way when I go to California. Luckily, he knows the trip in January is for my niece's wedding, so most of the time will be for her.
nestorations at Caltran eagle cam
both eagles there now. Caltran
Aren't they pretty! We will get a good view of the nest when there are eaglets there.
Did you see the male grabbing her feathers?? How funny!
oh sure Lynn I totally understand not interupting your family visit. I was thinking maybe swinging 3 hours north on your way home and heading east from here 74 to 70. With all the wildlife you get to enjoy that is a long way out of your way even for eagles especially at the end of a trip.
Get well quick and enjoy your time with family. Be safe in your travels.
they are pretty:)
love the way they pick up the same stick and move it 5 different places
these eagles sure do not work long.
she is going to change everything now
I have finally settled down from the FREEZER FIASCO. It was delivered around 2pm. Gene placed the frozen food into the new freezer as I handed it to him. It didn't take very long with us working together. It is wonderful to be able to SEE everything in the upright freezer (can't see anything but the top layer in the chest type!) I found my long-lost Corned Beef (2 of them). They were on the very bottom. Not to worry, Lynn, they aren't 10 years old...just 1 year. Going to put them both in the Crock Pot soon.
Visited with GeeGee after work was done. She is MUCH better since we took her off Sertraline. She said she is sooo HABBY!
LYNN, have a wonderful and safe trip. Seems like everytime we go through Indianapolis, it takes two days to get through there.LOL We usually stop and shop a bit...a lot of shops that we enjoy.
Gotta STEAK in the oven---no turkey!
Wanda, glad you could salvage your corned beef! Also glad to hear GeeGee is Habby!
Paula, cats are great. Now that I see how they play, Binky, the older one, maybe should have jhad a playmate before. She used to be wild & crazy & sometimes grab & bite us, now they do that to each other!
Loretta so glad you cats are getting along now. Funny how they attack us but when they have a playmate. Their attention is diverted.
Glad GeeGee is HABBY...
Wanda when we went to Winchester today on I 81. Seen where just before the exit for Inwood. The grass just off to the right was all tore up from that accident they had. Didn't see anything in todays paper.
Deer on Snowman Cam...boy not eyes for the goose and snowman has a bakers cap on lol
Dana, our paper seldom puts things that we are concerned about on their pages. It is filled with politics, commisioners and planning committee and all sorts of things that will cost the taxpayers more money! Don't know how they win all those awards that they brag about???
Loretta, we need more photos of your kitties. Loved those photos of Bob's new kitten, Chloe. Or was that Timmy;);)
Thanks, Wanda. I'm all packed except for the last minutes cosmetics. And I am tired...cough med is making me drowsy, too. THink I'll head for a bath. BBL.
Good evening friends. I just watched Christmas at Rockefeller Center and now I am going to bed. Have to leave at 7 in the morning to head back to Charlottesville. I am hoping at least 1 drain will come out tomorrow but that will probably be the only one. It is going to be great to be free of those whenever the time comes. Becky is going to take me.
I hope everyone has a wonderful peaceful and restful night.
Prayers for a good trip and good outcome, SHARON.
Nite Sharon! Know you will be happy when all drains are out. Keeping you in thought and prayer.
Jo, loved the video....until they cheered for the skins! LOL Beautiful girls! So "habby" for you that they are coming home.
Wanda!!! You are snakeless!!!! I am so "habby" for you!!!! Do you know what kind of snake it was?
We had our fall color this week and it has been wonderful, and now they are falling like crazy. Used to be that most leaves have fallen by Thanksgiving, now it goes into December. Global warming?
Going to Laurel's tomorrow. My baby is turning 36. Taking her dinner and cherry cheesecake pie. (Her request)
Then Friday going to Dallas to babysit Zach. I think Michael may tell me where we are going for my Christmas mystery trip. All I know is our flight leaves at 7 AM on the 19 and returning the 21 at 9 PM. He said "We will have 3 full days. I am still thinking NYC. We'll see!
We are all excited for you, Lolly. What a wonderful son you have...aren't you ready to burst with pride? You know you must have done something right:)
Snake was a young black snake. EEEEWWW!
Jo must be bursting at the seams, waiting to hold the new baby. What a sweet family....glad they can stay here and not have to go back to Germany.
Yeah....we did do something right. We have two wonderful, responsible adult kiddos. Michael and attorney and Laurel a teacher. Very proud of them. And, dying of suspence, wanting to know where we are going. He has never done anything like this. But, he said, "We will have time together, Mom." WOW! DIL is always there. Now I like her....but time with Michael. WOW! I am gonna cry!
I know what you mean, Lolly. One on one with your offspring is so very special. You don't have to divide your attention.
So, how are you doing with your Christmas shopping, Wanda? I think I have the grandkids covered, just have a little more to do. Having a big dinner here next week...Thurs. When it is over I will be ready for Christmas.
The way I understood it was that Patrick was going to Germany to have Christmas with his family. I didn't take it to mean that they were coming back stateside. Jo...?????
Wanda it was a pretty darn long
Baby black snake!
Lynn is right about the return of
the grandsons from Baghdad - oh how I wish it were both of them headed for the states. Wanda, Patrick will be over in Germany for another 2 years & that is where he is headed to celebrate Christmas. I see Elizabeth & Samantha almost every day on the web cam. Elizabeth has her 1st new tooth to show her dad and also will be able to crawl towards him! Samantha is counting the days for her dad to be home!
Hope you have a safe trip tomorrow, Sharon and get a drain out!! G'Night.
The Retina Specialist said that the 1st shot I received is showing some improvement - Received the 2nd shot today. I'll go back in 6 weeks to be evaluated and possibly a 3rd shot.
Puppy cam has 2 humans in the pen
Each puppy is getting a very good
rub down!
Jo, guess I've missed something....what is wrong with your retina, dear friend? I thouoght you were dealing w/ something like glaucoma or cataracts!!!
Here is a follow-up story on the pelican that was rescued in the Quad Cities that Glo talked about awhile ago.
Rescued Pelican
Lolly, if I were you, I'd be so excited about this surprise trip that I wouldn't be able to sleep!!! It does sound like NY...and it's such a special place to be at Christmastime.
I would like to go to Gatlinburg, TN at this time of's supposed to be cool, too.
Jo, I'm glad the shot has helped improve your condition. Sounds like it was caught in time.
Now, enlighten me about which young man is coming home. Ryan or Patrick. Which one is the father of the two grandchildren?
Lynn - I have the condition known as
AMD Age Macular Degeneration. It was
picked up by my optometrist & she sent me to the specialist. Most people don't realize they have it until the start to lose their center vision. In other words a blind spot or blurry vision in the center of something where you are looking.
I am going to take my leave now. The events of the day has set me up for a good night's sleep. See you all in the morning.
Wanda: SSG Ryan (unmarried) is coming to Ft Stewart for 1 yr training and then to Ft Benning for, we hope, at least 3 years as a Drill SSG. His home is Catonsville - daughter Susan is his mom.
SGT Patrick is the father of 2 beautiful girls - Samantha 7 yrs &
Elizabeth 6 mos. My granddaughter Christine is Patrick's wife & mother of his children MY GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER! They are stationed in Bamberg, Germany - be there another 2 years. Patrick is just on R&R Leave over Christmas. Samantha's b-day is Christmas Eve.
Our Panda Boy is really growing.
I've had a busy day...
Time to close down...
Good Night everyone
Peaceful sleep and pleasant dreams
Prayers for all our blessings and all our needs...
((((hugs)))) ♥
Jo, glad that the injections are helping. Have known several people w/ macular degeneration...years ago...when there was no treatment.
Smart optometrist (like my grandpa!) to pick up on it.
Got a long day ahead of me, so I'm turning in. Will miss you all terribly! Even if I find a puter to log-on to, I won't have time to read through all the look at cams!
All be safe. Love to each of you.
Have a great time, Lynn.
gnite, all
Hugs to everyone
***gOOD NIGHT***
***MY fRIENDS***
Looking forward to a great Thursday and weekend beyond that.
G'night Jim....I am just following you out the door...
Sweeeet Dreams.
Peace, Love, and Prayers xo ♥
I'll cut and paste important things off the Blog and save to a document for you when you return...
news, sightings, new sites, etc.
Bon Voyage ! Have Fun xo ♥
Good morning eagle friends!! Waiting on an early morning visitor this morning, none yet though.
Spidey needs to get his house out of the way.
Our visitor is here!!!
Can only see the tail right now. Don't know who it is.
Spidey needs to get his house in order, because he will be evicted soon as that bucket truck is deployed :)
I think both are there now. Darn spidey!!!
Yep, it is both of them. Can't get a good pic of them though.
It seems like Spidey's web is extra big this morning.
Good morning Wanda!!
Belle is moving around like she may be doing nestorations. Can't see her head.
I like the zoom thing on this new live feed. But I can't save an image, don't know how or if you can.
I think she is gone now.
Sissy, you have to bring up the "still cam" and then SAVE AS.
One is still there...picture is getting a little better.
Good Morning Everyone
They both are still there!
Goodmorning Sissy and Wanda. I see we still have a visitor.
Morning looks like Lib hunkered down in the bowl...trying it on for size, maybe;)
Thought one was still in the back..but don't think so. By zooming in and moving around. Don't think that is feeties.
Good morning Dana. You sneaked in on me. lol
I don't have sound but got a great picture!
Must be Belle, doesn't look like Lib's feetsies.
Well the third thing to break did it this morning. The coffee pot died. Luckly we still had an old one and dug it out. Could not survive without my coffee.
Good Morning, Red...beautiful sight, isn't it?
Of our nest..I got the still cam up, the live I have up plus I have up the zoomed in.
Belle just flew back in wow!!!!!
She/he/they have been there for 30 minutes now. Nice wake-um-upper!
Both are there. Yes, Its beautiful.
Belle's had enough of this domestic stuff for now ;)
Fly out and another fly out now empty nest
Lib says..I'm outta here too!
poof! Gone now.
I hate to give it up but have a few things I need to do. I'll BBL.
back again!
Doing nestorations and now we have 2 again
Yep, Red, you have to have a coffee pot to belong to this COFFEE CLUB:)
Both back. What a treat this morning!!
Oh, thanks, Sissy...I was about to leave. Really getting busy now, aren't they?
Well Sissy looks like Red and Wanda left us. Just you and me gal lol and 2 beautiful EAGLES !
Glad you stayed Wanda
Gone to get more supplies.
Dana, did you get to see Paula's video of Belle placing that big, long branch in the nest? That one is a keeper!
Empty nest again.
Wanda when you get back....Yes thank you I did...wasn't it something...I loved all the comments about it too...that stick to the nest was like getting a load of firewood for us lol
Sorry Red glad you still had the old one. You said you was wondering what the 3rd thing would be. I can't remember....what was the 2nd thing?
Wow a lot of snow on the Snowman cam !!
Crows calling at Maine and gust of wind blows nest.
Feeder ready and filled at Okie Cam
Turkeys out in numbers at PA Deer Cam
Check RDHC Cam nothing yet
Donkeys few donkeys
Puppies not us yet (7:30AM PST) I'm just too early
BWO has an Eagle on Platform and Lisa wrote (which
may have aleady been in comments if so I missed it)
Nest Update
Note: The Eagle Cam is now live.
Also, we've seen eagles mating on the Osprey Cam platform,
although it's too early for eggs
Pic of eagles mating is on the BWO site. I know someone from our group made the mating comment. Also could have sent picture to Lisa.
The two deletes are mine. I was talking about the Maine Cam.
Dana, my three things were,
2 Garage door.
3.Now the coffee pot.
At least they are getting cheaper. lol
Also had to chase down the garbage truck this morning. They decided to come early and my trash can was not at the street.
How is everyone out in eagle land this morning?
Good morning the panda , Sissy
Hi Sissy. Love your Christmas Panda.
Good morning Helen. :)
hey there, Red:)
2 eagles BWO
Our two were here earlier making more nestorations. Also I see they have the photo posted on the Osprey cam page of the BW pair mating
Thank you, thank you very much!!
Sharon and Becky are headed to Charlottesville this morning. Hope the weather stays okay till they can get back home this evening and I really hope they can take some of those drains off of Sher. They are the most miserable part of all this now.
OMG!! Red, I really love yours. Where did you find that?
Morning all. Rainy day here in PA....snow mix predicted for later.
This morning I have seen turkeys in PA, eagles at BWO and heard lots of crows in windy ME. I also heard a new sound at ME that sounded at first like a person sayin "hey", but then realized it must have been some kind of duck? or other animal. Does that sound like anything that any of you recognize?
I have a busy day ahead will check in later. You all be good !!
Luney is trying to walk through a wall.
He is justa digging and not getting anywhere. I have done that before!!
Granny, people are under the nest talking all the can hear constuction going on and car doors and dogs.
2 moose on moose cam
Sissy, Thats from an advertisement for Christmas cards. Think I might buy some of those.
outside shot at Atlanta
Red, what happened to your pretty tree!!!
Still got it Mits. Just need a change sometimes.
I have looked everywhere for eagle or panda Christmas cards. Would you mind sharing with me what company the ad is for?
Morning, all.
Missed our pair, but glad they were here this morning!
I hear ya on the coffee, Red. My carafe broke awhile ago...and until I found a replacement, I had to resort to my "camping one-cupper". Did the job, though!
Sissy, just go on the NZ web site to their store, panda cards there, also I'll send you some sites thru e-mail.
Eagle Christmas Cards
Sissy, you have mail, sent you 3 sites:)
Thanks Mits and Red.
odd, Goggle is telling me that the live feed and still image of our cam is broken.
Sissy, you can Google Eagle or Panda Christmas cards. There are several out there.
goggle has straightened out the connection
I bet Luney feels like he is in a jungle in all that bamboo!!
eagle at BWE
might be the male...looks small
both are at BWE now
maybe eating???
Did ya'll see Luney? He took several steps. He can get a grip in the bamboo better than the bare floor. WOW!!!☺☺☻☻♥♥
Could be eating a small bird
How are you this fine morn??
I hope they adjust the BWE cam a bit when they get up there. Can't see all the nest right now.
Good morning, everyone. Two eagles at BWE is a great way to start up the computer!
2 eagles at BWE
Doesn't look like a fish
For some reason beakspeak isn't working for me this morning, but the old independent link I have from last year brought me straight to the blog.
I noticed that Lil Luney is getting stronger at the crawling by the minute, Sissy; but I completely missed the steps.
REd - I think they will. I think the juvies knocked it around last season
Hmmm, possum maybe? Look at the tail?
No, I think that's grass inthe nest...
And it does look like bird feet now.
Good Morning Eagleland Friends
Hair cut day for me - Shaggy Dog!
I see 3 moose on the cam & it looks as though they are getting snow covered
guess there is no way of knowing if this is the pair from last year, as Suz just said hope if it is the male has matured
Thursday, December 4
You have waited 97 days to find out Lun Lun’s second cub’s name. We will only have to refer to him as “the cub” for three more days. On Monday, when he is 100 days old, we will find out which of the 12 names has been selected through the voting process. His name will be revealed at approximately 11:30 a.m. at Zoo Atlanta in the Grand Patio. This event is open to all Zoo visitors. The 100 Day Naming Celebration will include live performances by Chinese artists, refreshments, and an appearance by Zhu Zhu, Zoo Atlanta’s giant panda mascot.
During the cub’s first three months his eyes have opened; his fur has come in; his black markings have developed; teeth have erupted; and he has learned to scoot around. Now we will all look forward to him mastering walking, running, climbing, and, most importantly, going out in his habitat soon, so that you can see him when you visit the Zoo.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II
I second that Red for the tree climber to adjust the cam.... I remember also that it was the juvies last year who moved it.
pretty couple are those eagles at BWE:)
playtime at NZ panda yard
I don't know if you saw it, but there is a short update on Buddy today:
UPDATE: December 3, 2008
by Dr. Dave McRuer, Director of Veterinary Medicine at the Wildlife Center of Virginia
I had a look at 887 yesterday, and we have elected to do nothing with the beak at this time. We will likely be doing a more extensive dremmeling in two to three weeks.
Thanks Jim - I think about him but forget to go to the site for any news.
Well I am through the emails
& checking all the cams one more time before leaving ...
Judging by; the tail on it and the fur, I think our BW eagle is enjoying a breakfast of Possum this morning.
If she would move we could see what's being eaten!
Both at BWE now
That might be him eating. Second eagle looks bigger!
On the other hand, the 'tail' might have been a stick, and the 'fur' might have been dark feathers....
The semicolon in the previous was a typo.
could be rat but have never seen an eagle eat a rat. Guess I haven't seen them eat a possum either. possum would be hard to lift.
Interesting news on the changes in cameras ... and enclosures ... you might have noticed at San Diego this week:
Moves in SD
Well, now I can say I have seen it all. We live in the city limits of Bluefield. There are woods on one side and the back of our house. Tom just looked out there and there are about 20 goats in the woods behind my house. Now that is wildlife I have never had in my yard before. What a hoot!!!
Sharon just got to Charlottesville. Will let ya'll know what they do when I know.
You have feral goats in your area, Sissy!?? They can be very damaging to the ecology.
They were introduced by the Spanish onto our Channel Islands as a food source for their navy ... Hawaii too, I believe. They multiplied to such a level and caused so much destruction that the States had to hunt and trap them out as much as they possibly could.
By the way, goats are very edible.
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