Saturday, December 06, 2008


Weekend thread #1.


ceil said...

Thanks Steve. I will get the others.

ceil said...

Have a good day Margy with family.
Wanda and Gene hope you guys have something fun planned for today.
Sharon how is it going. Better I hope.

ceil said...

I think I lost everyone. I will go get some breakfast. BBL
Have a great day.

magpie said...

No - you didn't lose us Ceil: Never!

I was putting up an Eagle pic on yahoo...and will send it to you and Helen on other email..

Today is M&M day again, right?

Today is Blackpowder Hunting day at NCTC so - I guess our views could be kinda sparse. Heard one shot awhile ago... Loud !

That Eagle calling vocalizing was special wasn't it Sharon, good to See You !

Lolly will tell us soon where she is going with her son!

magpie said...

Mentioned on the other page about the Scottish Wildlife Trust site, and/or Webbroadcasting Corporation, was one of the two Osprey nest sites we were watching earlier this year. Lots of neat links. MIght try to post a blue link later, but here is the "URL" -

There is a ring-necked pheasant there again !

magpie said...

This time his tail is to the camera.
Wanda said the Blue Link shut her down, so I am not going to try that right now..

If you do go there, click on the right to see "Live Images" and there are about ten or so sites to check, including Santa One and Santa Two....I really enjoyed this site this morning, especially the bird feeder..

Well, I have to go.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone from CHILLY Pax River Park. Did not see any eagles at the nest on way into work (time clock--BOOOO!) Would like to just sit there all day.
Gonna go out & look around & fill the bird feeders---Brr...

magpie said...

Loretta, if you can open the site I just mentioned, you can help us ID some of the birds. And when those ducks waddle past, that it TOO funny...

xo Really, bye, back in a little while. Stay Warm, Loretta ! xoxo

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Everyone

Nice site Margy thank you...I'm enjoying all the birds flying in. Really a busy feeder.

wvgal_dana said...

Waddle Waddle went a duck lol

I didn't use blue link...I copied and paste the http into my address bar. Worked very well ty Margy.

Female mallard just went past.

wvgal_dana said...

Person just put more seed in the feeder!

wvgal_dana said...

There goes 4 duck male and female mallards.

wvgal_dana said...

Black cap chickadees, female. male finches. crow (blackbird).

wvgal_dana said...

I'm trying to figure out if the one is a grosbeak.

movin said...



A very happy Saturday to you.



wvgal_dana said...

Make sure when you do the cut and paste of the http you get the 2nd line Margy has there. Wow this is the site that Chrissy gave us one year. This bird feeder cam I can hear the ducks and birds HAS SOUND!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning JIM

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks STEVEN for the new thread on this FROSTY am!---CONGRATS! CEIL--Our #1 EAGLE MOM today--& every day!!!---MORNIN' CEIL---MAGPIE---NATURENUT---DANA & MOVIN'JIM!!!----WOW!!---"IT'S COLD OUTSIDE"----up to 19°---NATURENUT-----I need to refill some feeders too!!----The DEER are back--they had just moved to my shrubby on the other side of the house!!--ho!

normabyrd said...

Our nest is MT---but I can ear an EAGLE!!

normabyrd said...

ear---hear---YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!!!!!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...


Looks like I'll leave the feed on just to listen to our pair!

normabyrd said...

Gonna check last night's blog!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of pretty bird sounds today above the hummmmm

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

Our sound keeps cutting out...

movin said...

mORNING, Norma, Ceil, Magpie, Dana & NatureNut.

It's still dark and 49° here in So Cal, but it will get up to a torrid 73° in the P.M. according to the Weather Channel.

While you're at that Scottish feeder site, you might check on Nethy's reports... She seems to have found herself a happy hunting ground.



normabyrd said...

EAGLE at BWO site!

normabyrd said...

LUN LUN is lying on her side & "CC" BOY CUB---feeding & feeding!!----Good thing they don't have to pay his 'MILK BILL'----ho!----That 'LITTLE IMP' downs a few gallons!!!---ADORABLE---ADORABLE!!

deb said...

Good morning everyone. There is an eagle at Lake Washington on the Wildwatch page!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---How's your MOTHER?----Hope all's well!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---Thanks for info!

deb said...

Its gone now at LW.

paula eagleholic said...

Heard that gunshot!

magpie said...

He flew in to the platform at BWO now, Deb. Ha Ha.
Boy eagles are showing up everywhere ! xox

paula eagleholic said...

She's doing OK NOrma...working the program...a little bit of progress every day...going down to see her tomorrow! Thanks for asking.

More gunshots.

magpie said...

The nest at Lake Washington looks Good ! And I see some Poop Shoot in the middle of the nest?
A sure sign of homing, huh?


Deb, my computer is doing quite a lot better this morning, got some more work to do, though..

Thanks! xoxo ☺

normabyrd said...

MARGY---What are they hunting on the NCTC "GAME CENTER"---???

magpie said...

Oh funny Mallard on the platform in Scotland !

magpie said...

The little birds that look like chickadees are really zippy! Not sure what they really are.

Yes, those sure sound like muzzle-loader shots to me at NCTC- plus there were some regular gunshot sounds much earlier...
gun season for Bucks closes in local counties today.

magpie said...

Don't know if any of yu'uns has opened up Snowman 2 on the Scottish site, it is really nice for the holidays but not sure how computer friendly it is.

This morning I had that music, and all the bird sounds, it was quite festive.

magpie said...

Norma as far as I know, bucks and it might be doe season too, I am checking the DNR calendar now. Mema found the info out about the muzzleloading season, and selected dates, the next four Saturdays I think...I'l get back to you on it. I would think but don't know that it would be a controlled group coming in to hunt.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's a deer hunt, Norma. They have too many on the NCTC campus.

magpie said...

Female pheasant in Scotland I think...not sure but I think so.
Watch for the male, he is out of this world!

normabyrd said...

HEY! MAGPIE!!---Maybe there is a REVOLUTION at NCTC???

normabyrd said...

HEY! MAGPIE!!---Maybe there is a REVOLUTION at NCTC???

magpie said...

Dana it has been so long since I started watching that one, with the Ospreys last spring, - but Chrissy sure deserves a round of applause for sending it on!

magpie said...

I emailed it this morning when I realized it was still out there...I just had not checked it for a looooooooong time. Pays to work on cleaning up the computer in more ways than one !

Back in a few...

magpie said...

Just checked my Thayer's Bird Guide, yup - that was a female pheasant. Whoa!

Paula, good to hear about your mother....know she will be happy to see you.

Do you all think we are going to get some snow today and/or tomorrow?

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to everyone that is up this am. I had our School Christmas dinner, so I slept in this am. Have to go out and mail some things to my sister so her family can have Christmas, but had to stop here to see what was going on with all of you. Will be back later, All have a good day; missed talking this week, but have been fighting a cold or whatever it is that we have been plagued with down here, I won't send it up to you. :) Later gators.

normabyrd said...

I need to get my TRASH CAN back!!!

I watched the PUPPY VIDEO this am!!----SAD---

magpie said...

Since they are overseas birds, DANA, some might not be so easy for us to identify...but they are surely cousins to some of our birds, and the Mallards are definitely mallards, and the goldfinches, like ours.
In their winter colors.

They are five hours ahead of us in time, and later on maybe the reindeer will show up on the cam which has the picture of the dog that looks like the German shepherd. Those guys were Huge earlier before their sunrise.

magpie said...

I emailed Chrissy earlier about it, hope she is watching too !

magpie said...

BWE has picked up a glitch I think...was okay just a little while ago. :(

magpie said...

Cancel that last comment, it's normal now

magpie said...

Excuse my manners

Jim - thanks for the tip on Nethy !

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CANDY---Take it easy---that "stuff" is going around here too!---Friend has had a hard time getting over it!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta fly!

Gonna shop, shop, shop til I drop!


NatureNut said...

Checked the river & found one of the shortest great blue herons I've seen! Huddled in the cold---got his pic ☺

deb said...

Can't wait to see it, Loretta.

Both osprey are in CC.

deb said...

Margie, which box did you click to see the pheasants??

magpie said...

Deb - I'll put it up on an email...

going there now...

(after I see your blue heron )

magpie said...

I mean, later, after you post the pic...:)

NatureNut said...

Can only get home page of Web Broadcasting---no cams on this retarded 'puter. Oh well!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone in Eagle Land!!

I was reading the early early comments and am waiting for LOLLY to tell us what her Christmas surprise is going to be!
Atlanta Panda cam is on the outside &
I guess that is our ButaButa????

Red said...

I just ran across an amazing 7 year old little girl from Norway with such a wonderful singing voice that I have to share with everyone. I'm sure we'll hear more from this one. Her name is Celina Hristov


magpie said...

It's on the way now Deb via email.

Okay birdfeeder is dark now, and I saw some reindeer gathering (choose the German Shepherd picture folks)but the pic is a little grainy at the moment. If you want to try to Snowman 2 - beautiful resort scene with people, snow, and music!

Checking out for awhile, company coming soon, and this place is a wreck!

Enjoy your respective days.

Love, Magpie xox

magpie said...

Well, NatureNut, if you can open it up from home, you will enjoy it. And if you wake up at 3 am, you can open up the bird cam (choose the picture 3rd one in that looks like a mammal) and voila!

Like I said earlier, I am reluctrant to post a blue link if it is going to be a problem. But here is the website one more time:
(this is the main open up page)

Lolly must be sleeping was almost 3 am when she posted! Or she is teasing the you know what out of us !

xoxo TTFN

Mema Jo said...

Update on Mason
Mason did some great work at BMRH this past couple of days. He was all the buzz at the hospital yesterday. The big guy, Brian the nurse, asked Mason for thumbs up, got it, one finger, got it, peace sign, got it! George the OT, was getting him to reach out and when they move him from chair to therapy table he tries to grab hold of something. The big deal is he is not mimicking, he is responding to requests. We know he can hear and process and trying to get those muscles to respond. He's in there alright. He is in the "washout" period in the drug trials for another week and a half, then he will start the stimulation drugs for real. He could've been on the placebo for the past 2 weeks. My feeling is that the recent work is all him, but who knows.
Have a great weekend.
Love to all! Brian and Sylvia

Costume Lady said...

Margy, I couldn't see your PHEASANT. I still want to find that site! I saw a female pheasant on our way into town the other day and got a pic of her posted on Wild and Wonderful. Not very close I could do.

Costume Lady said...

I haven't see pheasants in the wild for many, many years. I feel fortunate to have seen a male near my Mom's yard and now a female close to my house. They are both beautiful birds.

Anne-Marie said...

Hurray for Mason...... Its going to take work but he is going to make it. I pray for his parents too.

sorry about that I was just so excited to read he is doing so well Hi everyone!

Anne-Marie said...

Wanda with all of the rice aroud us there are many pheasants in the fields.
I am waiting for the kids to get here. We are piling in cars to go up to get a Christmas tree this morning. The fog has settled in and it really feels like Christmas out there.

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like Mason is doing really well. He has a Lot of work ahead of him, but my feeling is that, in time, he will be himself, one day.
With the loving family and friends he has and so many prayers gong his way, how could he not have a good result?

Anne-Marie said...

Got to go , kids are here. Ho Ho HO...:)

Costume Lady said...

Anne-Marie, you are lucky to see those beautiful bird in numbers. I am sure there are spots around here where they abound, but none that I frequent.
Yes, wonderful report on Mason:):)

Costume Lady said...

RED...what a beautiful, talented little girl! She must be a BIG fan of Jennifer Holliday.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, you have left us hanging. Now, come on girl, you need to tell us where you are going!
Wherever it is, we need photos :):)

deb said...

Pheasants around here don't like their picture taken, Wanda, this time of year. They think you are going to shoot at them!

Mema Jo said...

Lord Blackwater in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Primo (I think) is on the moosecam

deb said...

Both eagles at BWE!

Mema Jo said...

Sleuth bear cam 1A
Walking around in the yard In fact he walked right OUT of the yard. lol

Mema Jo said...

Now he is walking around the yard
on cam 1B

Mema Jo said...

Need to get some lunch


Costume Lady said...

Deb, are the pheasants hunted a lot there?

Costume Lady said...

I need to get myself some breakfast. We have Dustin for the weekend. I fixed him two breakfasts this morning and gene one. Wan't hungry myself. The two of them have gone shopping to get my Christmas present. So now that I have a moment to myself...I will eat, brunch. Eggs, sausage and toast. My doctor would have a fit!! (but, doctor, I squeezed ALL the greese out of it!)

deb said...

Wanda, it is a huge thing here. There is a limit of 3 birds, male only, per day, no more than 15 birds total. It begins the third Saturday in October, ends first part of January. Usually starting on Thursday, the private jets start flying in. Here is a link on what was spent in 2007:

Pheasant $

deb said...

Snowing in Maine.

Costume Lady said...

DEB, that is unbelievable. Over 200 million pheasants harvested in a season. So I guess the answer to my question is, yes. But, mostly by out of towners.

Lolly said...

Hi guys!!!! Went to babysit last night in Dallas. When they got home Michael handed me a bag. It had a list of all the Broadway shows. I am going to New York! We will see a show Friday nite the 19th, tour and see the Rocketts Christmas show on Sat., also have time on Sunday to tour some more! Just me and Michael!!!!

Slept till 9:30 this morning...10:30 for you. Been putting lights on the tree.

deb said...

The chart had 78,000 from SD, 103,000 from out of state. The out of state people spend lots of money, the sporting goods stores love it. Hunting numbers were down this year--economy hits everywhere.

deb said...

Wanda, 2 million, not 200 million.

Lolly, that sounds wonderful! You are going to have so much fun. Any idea what show you will see yet?

Lolly said...

No, any suggestions anyone? Michael has already seen Lion King. I was thinking about Phantom of the Opera.

deb said...

My sisters and mom saw that, Lolly, and they all loved it. I just saw Wicked last Christmas and it was wonderful. That is about the extent of my knowledge.

magpie said...

Looks like the BWE Eagles had something feathery to eat...

Hope everyone is doing well. Step-daughter arrived a little while ago and I was able to show her some of the neat things that we are watching. The two Eagles were at BWE at the time, Primos was resting in the snow, and Snowman Cam was full of snow.

Cool, Lone, Momma Turkey at Pix PA - still lurking I think. I am pretty sure it is/was a hen, or maybe a jake....

magpie said...

Looks like a (cold) rain or mixture in Maine - now there is a dove party at Pix Pa.

Time for some chow...back in awhile.
Wanda's talking about it has made me hungry!


Costume Lady said...

DEB, I never was very good at math :) :)

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, I would love to see Phantom of the Opera, with Michael Crawford, but I don't think he does that role anymore. What other choices do you have?
I saw the Rockettes many years ago, as a teen on my Senior Trip to NYC. Tried to kick my legs up that high for a long time (I was a dancer) and couldn't even come close. I guess that is why I stopped dancing. Only dancing that I did after my lessons stopped was with Capt. Eagle. Made me feel like I was the best dancer in the world;)

magpie said...

Very Exciting news about your upcoming trip. Just people-watching will be a blast!

I saw your late night post but was determined that you would be the last one on for the night, so I just waited and waited 'til you posted your News !

Very Nice! xo ♥

magpie said...

The fat turkey is back at Pa.

Lolly said...

Oh, there is too much to choose from. Cirque du Soleil "Wintuk", Mamma Mia, Shrek The Musical, Mary Poppins, Young Frankenstein, in the Heights, Grease, The Little Mermaid, Tony n' Tina's Wedding, Fools in Love, Chicago, South Pacific, Jersey Boys, Stomp, Gypsy, Spamalot, as well as others. I am really leaning toward The Phantom.

deb said...

Look how long it took me to register 200 million! That would be a lot of birds. 2 million is still quite a few. You can always tell when the winters are favorable for the birds, which they have been for quite a few years now.

Lolly, Phanton is playing at the Majestic Theater, built in 1927--bet it is a beautiful theater.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang, Went out to buy lunch & no eagles at the nest then. Maybe they'll come by when I leave. Getting very cloudy here.

Was able to access G'daughter's wedding proofs for first time online today!Only 60 pages of 18 each!!!!I got to pg. 17 & will look at rest at home.

magpie said...

Oh, South Pacific! I always loved the song "Happy, Happy Happy Happy Talk," which the native woman sang to the American girl...

♥ ☺

Wanda - you and Gene are sooooo romantic! Perfect time of year for that!

snow on the ground and on the turkey in PA, and snow in the nest at Maine...


NatureNut said...

Have Eagle Scouts here today doing a project of building a bridge over a creek. Coworkers assissting said one boy wore shorts & another took his shoes off & went in the creek!!! DUH

NatureNut said...

Just looked back at comments----- Lolly, you lucky duck!!!! I only get to downtown DC when my daughter's in town about once a year! Your son is the greatest!! ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Loretta! That is an early Polar Bear Plunge! rrr

Wanda - Love the pheasant picture, yes, that is what was on that nest in Scotland this morning, at one time it was all puffy and round looking...

Now, homemade chicken noodle soup, ham and cheese sandwich, and some milk. How American is all that!


magpie said...

And then there is "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair"

How will you ever choose? And the Rockettes! You are in for a very special time...


Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I wouldn't go to see the Rockettes. They are so beautiful and talented, makes you feel insignificant and inferior(just kidding) :)

magpie said...

Nap time,
z z z

Mema Jo said...

I have been waiting since 3am this morning to hear the news from Lolly.
So much good stuff to choose from -
I vote for Phantom of the Opera - I know people who have gone back for the 3rd time just to see it again.
No matter what you pick - you'll love it! And since you took your high kicking Santa off - you still need to go to Radio City Music Hall and see some high kicking and beautiful beautiful costumes!

Mema Jo said...

All the pups went to a holiday party this afternoon after their baths.
They are such a social group.

Snowing in our Valley.
Nest looks dry.
Headed out to Mass shortly....

Red said...

I'll be watching Alabama Vs Florida playing for the SEC Championship now. Alabama is the underdog. ROLL TIDE!!

NatureNut said...

SNOW flurries here as I leave work!!! Getting dark, probably won't see our fab 2.
Later ☺ ☺

Lolly said...

All lights on the tree. Now to hang the ornaments. Don't have much time....going out to eat this evening. Have a cousin in town.

Jo, I am leaning strongly towards Phantom of the Opera. Never seen it and have heard so much. SIL has seen it several times with her daughters.

Lolly said...

No, Wanda....they will not make me feel inferior. I will be there with my good looking, successful son. Nothing could be as good as that!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I just think that Phantom of the Opera goes with NY!

Off to Mass
Out the door a little earlier then usual due to roads looking snow

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have seen Phantom of the Opera on broadway and it is awesome. I saw Miss Saigon the first time I went to NY and it was good too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

hello everyone hope you have a good night

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Lolly - New York sounds wonderful. I vote for Phantom and Mamma Mia!

I saw Phantom here in Baltimore.

Costume Lady said...

I think everyone was watching TV, MATTIE when you made your comment. It has been a good night. I have had my grandson this weekend and he keeps me laughing. He is near your age..14 and way taller than me.
Hope you are OK after your accident.

Costume Lady said...

Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't MATTIE commenting...maybe Sharon was commenting to MATTIE??

Costume Lady said...

I have never been able to see anything on the Momsters Email. I would love to see Mauley's family photo, which she shared with us. If anyone still has access to it, I would be vety HABBY if you could email it to me:):)

Lolly said...

Back from dinner out. very enjoyable evening. Thanks for the input on what to see. Phantom of the Opera is winning. Now I gotta start fretting on what to wear. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, you are so lucky to have a son who is taking time to give you such a wonderful trip...but then, he is lucky to have you as a Mother!

Lolly said...

Wanda..I just sent you an email with the picture.

Lolly said...

Thank you Wanda! He really is special...he was placed into my arms when he was 12 days old. We are so proud of him.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda, you have mail.

Costume Lady said...

Thank you Ladies...That is a picture that shouldn't be missed. I am so glad I asked for help in viewing it.

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening - Love the Christmas Hallmark TV shows.......

Wanda you are signed up for the daily digest emails from Momster...not the individual emails MAYBE that is why
you don't get the photos....????

paula eagleholic said...

I fixed that for her Jo, maybe that will make the difference.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - let us know if you start getting photos sent through Momster emails..... Thanks Paula.

Mema Jo said...

Our roads were sorta icy on our way home from Mass.. I could see that the I-70 West was hung up big time. Hope Helen, Ceil & Mary Margaret got home from the M&M gals safely.
Sharon I can see the snow on your street cam out there in Bluefield.
I'm sorry I missed you Sharon and Mattie when you were on earlier this evening! loLove ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am sitting here yawning big time.
Best go back to bed.....

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful sleep with pleasant dreams
Prayers for all our needs being said

((((hugs)))) ♥

Costume Lady said...

OK, Jo and Paula. I will let you know if I can see what I have been missing:)
It has been so frustrating, reading the email but not being able to see any photo that may come with it. I'm so excited to try the next Momster Mail.
Thanks for taking care of me.xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome, Wanda. Please let me know!

Gnite, all!

Costume Lady said...

Dustin has been killing me with kindness today...I wonder what he is up to?;) Love that kid! He does wear me out for some reason, so, now that he is in bed and asleep, I'm turning in too.


magpie said...

..and I am almost an hour behind the last posted good night...
I am just getting home from a wonderful evening with the Grandson. Maybe Sunday he and his Mom will have a reunion.

Saw a beautiful red fox on the back road coming out from his house.

movin said...

***GOOd NIGHT***



magpie said...

Sea Eagles are at Finney's at first light...

can't get a screen grab...Aarrgh !

magpie said...

Now I can...

magpie said...

Oh Man - Jim I just missed you, maybe you could have watched Finney's with me... :(

Costume Lady said...

This is not a good day for Eagle Watching. Both of our cams are disabled and Lord & Lady Baltimore are Looping. Luney is sound asleep, etc, etc.
Have a Blessed Day:)

Costume Lady said...

Fist time some of the Florida boys ever played in snow and Pat White has been at WVU for 4 years, and he has never played in snow. What a wonderful way to end his Senior year. GOOOOO Pat!!

movin said...






Costume Lady said...

BTW, Jo and Paula...I still can't view any photos, etc. on Momster Mail:(:(

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Jim..we have a cold morning here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown..29°. I'll bet you don't have it that cold very often.

movin said...

How are you doing, Wanda?



movin said...

It does freeze here, Wanda, but not too often near the coast. Back country valleys often do in winter.

When we had all the orange trees out here, it was always a big deal on the news, because the growers had to light smudge pots in the groves and keep watch through the night.

I think these days, wherever they have oranges ... and citrus generally ... they just spray them with water, which freezes on the surface and keeps the insides from freezing.



movin said...

I don't know what happened last night. It was supposed to get down to 48°, but the Weather Channel shows 61° now!!??



movin said...





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...