Thursday, October 16, 2008


Fresh thread.


1 – 200 of 215   Newer›   Newest»
magpie said...

* Thanks, Steve, I'll go try to get the others...*

magpie said...

But I think we're all going back to bed...

z z z z z

Red said...

Good morning Megan, Wanda and Margie. No live feed. Getting to be an early morning custom. I guess Spidey has it reserved.

MITS said...

thanks, Magpie and Steve

MITS said...

good morning everyone!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all my fine unfeathered friends!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom has to have a scope to his stomach today, thought it was 8:30. Got up and ready and looked at the appt. paper and it is 1. Can't have any coffee or anything. He is not happy.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

One more day till we head to S-town!! Yeah! God is just so good to us.

MITS said...

Good Morning, Sissy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My seeester can't get onto the blog now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Seester said eagle at BWO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She said she misses you all! :)

MITS said...


MITS said...

ok, we will take my sister out of the corner and put yours in

MITS said...


Patchy fog this morning. Partly sunny with a slight chance of rain this morning...then mostly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon. Highs in the mid 70s. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 40s. North winds 10 to 15 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph.
Partly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Saturday Night
Mostly clear. Lows in the mid 30s.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am back!!! Bad computer!! BAD!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---MEGAN---WANDA--MARGIE--RED---HELEN----SISSY--& BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---It certainly looks like rain this am---but it will be over & the weekend will be just GLORIOUS!!!---LIFE IS GOOD for all EAGLE LOVERS!!-----Now we need a way to make sure the HOST & HOSTESS----LIBERTY & BELLE stay home & greet their GUESTS!!!!!!!-----WISH I COULD BE THERE TOO!!----(more than you know)ENJOY FOLKS!! -- Yeah---LIFE IS GOOD!!! & STEVEN--"LIVE" IS GOOD TOO!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I think my work program is interfering with the blog. We all know which one of them has to go!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanksgiving dinner in PA!! Get the gun!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sure is a pretty bird at BWO.

glo said...

Hi Folks. Looking forward to a special day. I can hear the excitement building for the weekend in lots of posts. Weather really looks ideal.

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---That one o'clock appt. is a BUMMER!!---will be hard on you too! ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---It is supposed to be ideal weather too!---I WILL BE THERE NEXT YEAR!!!---

normabyrd said...

Anyone having trouble with the ATLANTA CAM?----

MITS said...

no problems here, Norma

normabyrd said...

Wondered why SLEEPING BEAUTY 'MAGPIE' had not said GOOD MORNING---Reread!!---She is not with the program this am---She is getting (as JIM would say) some ZZZZS!!---

normabyrd said...

Thanks HELEN!!---Must be my computer!!---It had been working fine----until??? ho!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Right Norma!! If I were him, I would go back to bed, but once he is up, he is up!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Gosh Mits, you got all the turkeys!! Save one for me!

normabyrd said...

EAGLE at BWO!---

MITS said...

yep, wrapping him up now, Sissy....stamped BUTTERBALL on his head:)

normabyrd said...

REMEMBER KIDS!!!!to check PA turkey season dates!!!----Would not want to visit you all at the "BIG HOUSE"!!!!!---I had to remind MAGPIE yesterday!! ho!

MITS said...

orangutans are goofing off at the zoo

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am watching em too Mits. Just what I need, another camera in my life!! Sharon gets a kick out of it because I used to give her a hard time about watching the eagles and pandas!!

normabyrd said...

I see the 'LITTLE PRINCE' roaming around -- paying no attention to a Big Ball in his area!!!--HE IS STILL TOPS!!!!!

MITS said...

yep, it is like spidey, catching you in his nest....:)

MITS said...

Sissy my fav is when they put the sheets on their heads and run around.

MITS said...

screaming eagle at BWO

MITS said...

little prince and I were only seperated by glass ysterday, he came right up to me, very unusual...must have thought I had snacks

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh Mits, I bet that was a beautiful sight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He was telling you to tell me hello!

MITS said...

yes, your right, he did mention you:) They all have beautiful eyes. the red pandas were out and about yesterday, and they are awesome...all the animals were out on the trail ysterday, and the zoo is decorated for Halloweens' Boo at the Zoo...they do a fantastic job

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

See Mits, I would go to jail for sure, cause I would have to try to get to him!! He might tear me to shreds but I would have to try to hug him!!

MITS said...

you would not go to jail, but you would certainly go to the hospital

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But wouldn't it be awesome to show the scars that our very own Tai Shan left on you?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Exactly Sis!! How sweet, look at these sweet little scars!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tai is munching on some bamboo this morning!! He is so beautiful!

MITS said...

ahhh, we are talking major scars..just don't do it when I am on duty:)

MITS said...

panda play time

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wonder why the SD panda cam is not as good as Atlanta and NZ? Memphis is good too but I have always had a terrible picture on the SD cam.

MITS said...

eagle just came back at BWO

MITS said...

good question, Sissy

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

panda rasslin!

MITS said...

hey DEB, when you come on, the Bonnaire Beach Cam is working again after OMAR.... still no underwater cam though:(

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Lots to do today. I have to mow, take dogs to the vet's kennel and finish packing. I leave at 7 tomorrow morning, have to decide if I want to go to Omaha tonight or early in the morning.

Thanks for the Bonaire update!

hedgie said...

Haven't read thru' comments live feed again, huh?
Looks like a damp, foggy day at Finney's.

hedgie said...

Speaking of zoos....heard that part of MD's budget cuts include not opening the zoo on some days...that's a bummer. Okay, MArylanders, head to NZ!!! Sure that it's better anyway!

hedgie said...

Can I get a link too the Bonaire cam, please? Don't think I've heard about it! TY!

MITS said...

on its way, Lynn

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun has 2 handfuls and 2 feetfuls with that youngun!

deb said...

I e-mailed them and asked about the underwater cam. I hope they answer!

magpie said...

Good Morning for the Second Time though I never formally said it earlier...was sleep-typing I guess.

* Safe Travel Wishes for all those on their journey, and those getting ready to start. Hope everything goes without a Hitch !


magpie said...


Haven't seen T-Bird on here this morning, is she still having computer problems?

...Sigh... Dreamin' is Believin'.


magpie said...

My computer did its Windows Updates and then said "Windows is shutting down" and it never did. Had to unplug the computer...
It is What it Is...

MITS: Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day at the Zoo yesterday, I enjoyed your reports...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

T-Bird is at work this morning, Magpie!

magpie said...

Weather forecasts sound GREAT.
My grandson is going to Bedford Village (In Pa.) on a school field trip Friday, so it looks good for his day too !

I can't get Maine Cam to open. Anyone else ?

Am I missing something, or is MEMA JO missing this morning ?

MITS said...

I could not get it open, this a.m. either, Margy....Jo is always a late coming on, she stays to to late:).

deb said...

Hummer update:
Oct 15, 2008: She's just been doing a little work each morning. I think she's just staking her claim until she's ready. I haven't seen her much for the last couple days (maybe due to the Santa Ana Winds). I'll update when she gets serious.

magpie said...

Pelican Harbor looks Beautiful this morning, empty but Beautiful...

magpie said...

Thanks Double E-S - I hope it goes FAST for her....

I have grocery shopping duty this morning with my 90-year old Nanny from the Past...

Be back Quite a Bit Later.

Good Morning to Everyone, too many of you to record all the names!
Just leave it at this: All My Eagle Buds !
HO !

TTFN xoxoxo

magpie said...

I don't think my Pelican Harbor link took, let me try again:

Pelican Harbor

magpie said...


Mason was just wheeled in for surgery, but the prep will take a while before the actual operation begin. Sylvia says for everybody to do their "bajiggety", (I guess that means love, light, prayers and energy.) The operation will last an hour and a half, (translate to HT, hospital time,) 3 hours is my estimate.

Sylvia and Mason arrived at the hospital 6:00 this morning and she did get her favorite ambulance drivers, BJ and J. Apparently he keeps an eye on "his" patients and noticed Mason was going, maybe Sylvia had something to do with that? hmmmmm.

Keep you posted. Love Sylvia, Brian and Mason

...end of post...
This is a Big Day for those folks.
Big Prayers to all of them: Mason, doctors, nurses, everyone!

hedgie said...

Thanks, HElen!
Margy....we don't want Lolly to be traveling WITHOUT a hitch...LOL...they are towing their trailer!!!

magpie said...

PS That was posted on the site at 9:40 this morning,
ref: Mason


magpie said...


You're Sharp !

BTW, all , New Alzheimer's Awareness postal stamp will be "unveiled" out Friday...

magpie said...

... ON </b Friday....

Mema Jo said...

Hello! I am in and need to go right back out..... Headed to get my eyes dilated just to see what is behind
these eyeballs of mine......

If I can see when hubby brings me home I will be back on......


hedgie said...

Gloomy day here...a little breeze...leaves are comin' down...argh! Rain in forecast.
Maybe I should stay home Sat. and blow leaves...NOT!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, call me when you get back. You dictate and I will transcribe what you want to say if you can't see! :)

MITS said...

if you want to visit the nest sometime tomorrow, when you fet into town and before dinner, please e-mail Mary

Sure. Please send a list of names, as best you can, to Mary Danno at and then come on over

that was a message from Steve, I know my sister and I would like to visit, because it will be crazy on Saturday

MITS said...

EYE will SEE you later, Jo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits is on top of her game today! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

deb said...

Answer from Bonaire!


For sure we will put the camera again in het water, but like you know this is hurricane time in the Caribbean.
The camera was a project for a test situation for a customer.
We demonstrate that it was possible to do it. Know the camera will be for the pleasure of many people in the world only.
Because of that we are thinking about a construction where we have a few sponsors for the camera, that way will be for us more easy to keep the camera on the internet.

Thanks for watching it.

Best regards

Jorge Walter Ferrón, CEO
Breathe it BV Information and Communication Technology

MITS said...

thanks, Deb, nice when they answer:)

MITS said...

morning, Paula, how is the cheesecake business going?

magpie said...


magpie said...


hedgie said...

How nice of the Bonaire guy to answer you, Deb. His English isn't too bad!
Candy...if you get on the did the newlyweds fare in the hurricane? Hope they are safe.
Got "run" off St. Croix one time due to a hurricane...but that was a military evac...don't know whether the authorities sent all visitors off island or not.
Bye, Margy....have fun!

deb said...

Hoodie at Finny.

movin said...



There's another goodly update on the progress of Nethy.



MITS said...

RE: my earlier post

thank very much, Helen.

Could you guess an approximate # of people and cars?

thanks again,

please let Mary know if you are stopping by.

deb said...

I would love to stop by, but don't think I will make it in time on Friday.

MITS said...

Thursday, October 16
Everything is going very well, and we have bit of a lull until the next major developmental milestone. Lun Lun continues to take great care of her cub, and he continues to thrive under her care. He is steadily putting on weight, and his coat is becoming thicker. Both Yang Yang and Mei Lan are doing just fine as well. I guess you can say all is normal in the giant panda building.

The cub weighed 1891 grams yesterday, a gain of 70.6 grams over the last 24 hours.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

MITS said...

you might want to e-mail her just in case, Deb:)

normabyrd said...

SORRY----I have been on phone most of am---club stuff---MORNIN' HEDGIE---MAGPIE (again)---DEB--JO---& BEAUTIFUL PAULA!!---if i missed any one---just yell!!

normabyrd said...

DEB!---JUST READ YOUR NOTE FROM THE DIVERS!!---ho!---I think I LOVE YOU!!!---not as much as I do STEVEN!!---ho!---NEED THAT LIVE FEED!!!-----

deb said...

I sent in my name, and replied to your e-mail. I didn't notice it was from yahoo mail until I had sent it out. Off to take dogs and do a few last minute errands.


deb said...

Maine is back up, but it is in black and white. Night cam must still be on.

normabyrd said...

MARGIE!!---You are going to have many 'STARS' in your crown!!!!--COOL!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN JIM!!!---Thanks for the update on NETHY!!---I look forward to that every day!---How's the smoke & fire doing in your area??

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It sure is black and cloudy in Finney!!

MITS said...

I think once the time changes we will see very little of that site.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I know, that is a shame too!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Now that is a good pic at SD!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Panda love in Atlanta!!

normabyrd said...

SCOTT SHALAWAY---Writes a column published in many papers, etc.---SUNDAY he discussed KEEPING ONE FEEDER OUT FOR HUMMERS YEAR ROUND!!
try googling Dr. Shalaway's name---hopefully you can find this column!!---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Panda naps everywhere!! (Wish I was a panda)

normabyrd said...

SISSY---One reason we don't see ZZ much --- they don't show her half as often as they do SU LIN!!!---I have seen ZZ several times & she is a BLAST!!---those little black legs move so fast --- even she can't keep up with them!!---She a'movin' all the time!!!---more than "CLINICALLY CUTE"---she want to grab her & SQUEEZE HER--SHE IS ADORABLE-PLUS!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO!!

paula eagleholic said...

What did he bring? Something dark colored!

paula eagleholic said...

MIts - one done, one to go!

normabyrd said...

WHOA PAULA!!---This one isn't sitting on the side!!---BEAUTIFUL!!---

MITS said...

just put AC on for awile...85, but it is going down

Carol_in_WV said...

Hey, eagle lovers! I had a few free minutes and thought I'd jump on and say "Hi". I guess everyone is getting excited about this weekend. I'm definitely going to be at the Saturday dinner, but am not sure what time I will get to Shepherdstown - but hopefully it will be before the Open House is over.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Carol, I just popped in too, for a moment. Glad you are still planning to come to Open House. We are so a bunch of school girls.

MITS said...

looks like Tai has some goodies in a pan

paula eagleholic said...

C U later folks...

MITS said...

so long, Paula

Mema Jo said...

Oh Brother!
So much to do on emails that it was
NOT RIGHT for my electric to go out just because Verizon trucks were down at the end of my street.

Mema Jo said...

MY Jennifer just called and said she had a Bald Eagle Encounter
She was crossing bridge from MD into WV and one flew right across the bridge in
front of her. Said no traffic was on the bridge & good thing cause she knew she swerved.

NatureNut said...

Got home from Dr. while ago, had some lunch & now I need a Panda Nap! but got stuff to do too.Wish the House Fairy would come..LOL
No Live cam today so far, because I'm off to see it!

Had a couple showers but just cloudy & warm here now.
Have good PM....BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good News Published for a change



SSG Ryan - Praying for
you a safe journey

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonderful news, Mema Jo!

hedgie said...

Wonderful news, Jo!! Wow...two pieces of good news at once...can we stand it????
Attention Social Security folks...COLA for 2009 is 5.8%!!!

MITS said...

great news, Jo

Mema Jo said...

Newest Update for Mason

It's done!!!! Dr. Aarabi came with a big smile on his face, thanked Sylvia for the goat cheese pate' and then said Mason is in recovery and doing fine.
They will do a cat scan tonight and determine whether they can remove the shunt that drains the spinal fluid. If his pressure is good than out it comes, that would be awesome! Sylvia is going to make some goat cheese pates' and I'm going to get me a big ol' large steak and cheeese sub.

Love to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

The previous remark is the 3rd
piece of good news!!

I guess Bluefield gals started all this Good News!

deb said...

I am back home, check out Denali today, it is breathtaking!!


deb said...

Here is another view that just came on this year:

K2 Aviation

hedgie said...

Jo, betcha' almost anything that Jennifer saw one of OUR eagles!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow!! Great news all around!! How wonderful!!

T-Bird said...

good evening everyone

T-Bird said...

how is everyone?

Mema Jo said...

Hey T-Bird - How goes it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I am going to go ahead and apologize to everyone in advance for this weekend. Tomorrow is my quit date for smoking! Also, November 12 I am having surgery at UVA in Charlottesville and the plastic surgeon will not touch me if I am smoking, so I have to quit. PLEASE PRAY HARD FOR ME!

T-Bird said...

Don't worry Sharon, we forgive you!!!

hedgie said...

Sharon, you can DO IT!!!! We all have faith in you and will support you!! Plastic surgery, step up from a poop-shoot facial??

Mema Jo said...

Don't Worry! Be Happy!

I'll get the cane if you act up!

T-Bird said...

Hi Mema Jo-still having problems with my computer-it took me a long time to answer. :)

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma! How's everything w/ you?
Great views of Denali, Deb.

Red said...

Sharon, if I can quit anybody can. I had smoked for 55 years and all it took was the new drug Chantix. You might want to get some. Your doctor will have to give a prescription though and it cost as much as cigarettes but is worth it.
I have been smoke free for over a year now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Red, I am going to use patches. I quit with those once and didn't smoke for 6 1/2 years.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Can me and Mattie come and crash with ya'll if she gets too evil?

I know she can do it. She has done it before. I have so much faith in her this time!!

deb said...

Great news, Jo and Sharon!! I am always happy to support anyone who quits smoking, Sharon.

Red said...

whatever works. I tried nicorette gum, patches and another drug. Chantix was the only one that worked for me.

NatureNut said...

Didn't get a Panda Nap, but Atlanta is! Baby laying under LL's chin on her foreleg, yawning & stretching. So CUTE--I just want to HUG it!! Maybe when we're all together, we can hatch a plan for a friendly assault on Atlanta!!!
Jo, great news for Sgt. Ryan!!!
And maybe Lynn's right & your daughter did see an NCTC eagle, They'll never wear their name tags!!LOL
Hi there T-Bird! Hope you and Buddy are coming Sat. Love to meet you (& everyone else!)
Missed seeing Margy on here last night---thought she might have become waterlogged if it was water pistol night!

hedgie said...

Sharon, I used Wellbutrin and Nicoderm CQ patches, and it wasn't bad. Did they prescribe anything??

magpie said...

I'm back from a busy morning and afternoon, just catching up on the Posts:

We must get our last-minute cards in before November 1

Also, MEMA Which Bridge from Md into WV - 340? I-81? Rt 11N? Uh, did I miss any ?? Route 480 from Sharpsburg ? I'm all aflutter about that news! xoxo



magpie said...

Hen Party at Pix PA...note that the head colors are not so brilliant, and no beards!

magpie said...

Guess I hollered too loud and all the turkeys went away....

magpie said...

Magnificent sound of falling rain at Maine Eagle Cam....

WOW ! Hope I didn't holler too loud and chase everyone off the nest....

Pand Nap ? Who Said Panda Nap??

I'm In ! Thanks for the Great Idea !!


deb said...

Front yard is mowed and so is half of the back yard, took a short break and now it is time to finish. I wish it would be the last time, but promised freeze didn't happen.

T-Bird said...

I need to be mowing my lawn too Deb-maybe this weekend. :)

Mema Jo said...

I just finished a spaghetti dinner with son, his son and his son's daughter! Alexis is playing Sissy
and keeps saying
He's so cute Oh He's so cute!!!!
She is 3 almost 4 & loves pandas!!

I'll be back when company leaves...

Mema Jo said...

I was away from the computer and looks like Alexis typed you all a non-readable message. But here is a
message you will enjoy
WHOO HOO Lolly & Jack just pulled into Falling Waters Camp site.
Jack is going to have a beer & Lolly is going to have a glass of wine. Their trip has been great - just very long days. I am sending their names over to NCTC so they can visit before coming to dinner.
OK DEB & ANNE Waiting till tomorrow for your calls!

Costume Lady said...


deb said...

Lawn mowing is done for another week. Just a few loose ends to finish up and I am ready to go!!

floralgirl said...

Yay!! Almost time to get the party started...
Glad for your good news about Ryan, Jo:)

deb said...

Yeah, for Lolly and Jeff!!

MITS said...

raccoons at pix

deb said...

I see I gave Lolly a new husband. I am glad Lolly and JACK made it ok!

MITS said...

we will sit Jeff next to Bob, Deb:)

deb said...

sounds good, I hope I don't do that this weekend!

MITS said...

a friend of ours got divorced and is dating a guy named Don......hubby and I don't like him, so when we talk about him we call him of these days it is going to slip out

deb said...

for some reason last weekend, I called Roger, Doug. At least, as soon as it came out of my mouth, I corrected myself. I don't know why, never did it before, but I did it 3 times. :(

deb said...

Time for Survivor, BBL!

Mema Jo said...

Lots of raccoons still at PA woods

deb said...

There was an osprey on Survivor!!

MITS said...

where are they filming, have never watched that show.

magpie said...

All 93% of that Big Moon sure looks nice here in Berkeley County!

magpie said...

I am happy to report that I found the Advantix film I need for my "old-fashioned" camera. Gives me more time to find out from the experts what's a good digital camera to get, I am ready to be taking some pictures this week-end, but I promise, no eating pictures! Except CHEESECAKE EATING PICTURES !

deb said...

It is being filmed in Africa this year. Suitcase and camera bag are by the door. I will take them out in awhile, so I am ready to go as soon as I get up in the morning. 3 AM will come early!

magpie said...

...Do you need any WAKE-UP Calls, DEB???

I might still be up by then, gonna sleep all day so might have to stay up late to do that!

Or do you have three or four alarm clocks set....


MITS said...

get some rest, Deb:)..see you tomorrow:)

hedgie said...

Good rest and safe trip, Deb! See you tomorrow evening!
Did you see where Lolly and Jack got in today? They made excellent time!

Costume Lady said...

3 AM? I can't even get up to go to the bathroom at 3AM, much less the airport!

Costume Lady said...

Deb, take a nap as soon as you get to your hotel. A PANDA NAP!

Costume Lady said...

Binoculars, too, Deb.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

They also showed a Bald Eagle for a few moments on Survivor. Didn't know there were eagles in the jungle.

NatureNut said...

Good trip Deb. I could never get up at 3!! Would have to stay up!

ER is on....

MITS said...

CSI is getting way to easy....had it all figured out by 9:25p.m.

deb said...

I will only set one alarm, that will get me up. I have my binoculars, camera, laptop, etc. for Paula, clothes, maps, phone numbers. I can't think of what I may have missed, so I think I am good to go. I considered going to Omaha tonight, but I wouldn't sleep in a motel anyway, so I may as well get a little sleep here.

Costume Lady said...

Enjoy your flight and drive to Shepherdstown. See you tomorrow night, Deb.

Costume Lady said...

This has been a STEAMY day and I am tired, so, off to bed with me.

PRAYERS FOR ALL...and especially for our traveling buddies.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You know, really, it is unbelievable what bonds we have developed on here that people would travel from all over the country to meet with each other and hopefully see our lovely 2 eagles. Blows my mind when I think about it.

Mema Jo said...

Safe journey Deb - anxious to see you

I suppose we will next hear from Anne

Calling it a day..


Good Night Everyone..
Prayers for all....

Mema Jo said...

Right On, Sharon!

magpie said...

** Good Night Sweet Folks **

Prayers on the Wing...
for Peace, Wellness, Comfort, Joy, Serenity, Safe Travels,
all our Military, and our Precious Country.


deb said...

I am off to bed, see some of you tomorrow!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

My house runneth over with cheesecake!

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels, Deb!

magpie said...

That's Great, find time for so many important things!

Does your Mother like Cheese Cake? We won't object if there is one slice removed out of all your creations !

Someone needs to test drive them !


hedgie said...

Ready to call it a day, gang. Hope everyone sleeps well tonight....and tomorrow for Margy! Fun times starting soon--can't wait!
Peace and prayers and blessings for all.

glo said...

I really hope that you all do get to see the eagles. I know you will all enjoy meeting and spending time with each other. My trip last year ranks high in special memories.

magpie said...

DEAR GLO: I hope the Live Feed is up over the Week-End, so you can see some of what WE hope to see. Wish you could be here too, I would like to meet person....xoxo

magpie said...

Might as well try to get the Split over with...

Let's see what happens....

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 215   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...