Friday, October 31, 2008


Pumpkin thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Costume Lady said...

How cute is that?
Eagle in our nest!

Costume Lady said...

Must be my lucky day!

Costume Lady said...

I haven't seen a live eagle in a while. Thanks to those who have been sending me images.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Happy Halloween. I am off for the day to a nice park to enjoy some hiking in the Indian summer weather we have here right now.

Costume Lady said...

Glo, no Indian Summer here today. It is 30°.

MITS said...

Good Morning and Happy Halloween again...thanks, Sharon and Steve

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can see both of them better now.

MITS said...

I see them:):)

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

Good morning Ladies! Beautiful in Central Illinois today!!!!

glo said...

Ha Ha Wanda Well if its 30 now then your Indian Summer is coming. We will send it along your way in a couple of days.

Just Vicky said...

Take that camera Glo!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Halloween!! Thanks Steve!

normabyrd said...

TRICK OR TREAT STEVEN!!!---Thanks for the PUMPKINS!!---You are a KID at heart!!!---ho!

ceil said...

Happy Halloween everyone. Thanks Steve for the nice Halloween picture.
Have a good Halloween. Off to give out cupcakes to the neighbors and friends.

MITS said...


Sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 30s. West winds 5 to 10 mph.
Sunny in the morning...then becoming partly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Saturday Night
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 30s. North winds around 5 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 50s. East winds around 5 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail

normabyrd said...



MITS said...

MORNING, CEIL...have a fun day....I need to get out and get some candy, if there is any left

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Helen...didn't know it was going to be that warm today. Nice day for buying costumes :)

normabyrd said...


Just Vicky said...

Top of the morning to you Ms. Norma!

MITS said...

Mei is eating her breakfast treats

glo said...

Vicky I have my camera and my GPS . Lets just hope when I say Take Me home it has a clue where I actually am LOL.

MITS said...

and Tai is waiting to go out

normabyrd said...

GLO---We are going to enjoy an INDIAN SUMMER here today & tomorrow!!----SUN shining on the leaves---takes one's breath away!

MITS said...

this has been a nice long visit:)

MITS said...

let the fun begin...they let Mei out...and she wants Tians' treats

glo said...

Thanks Norma I am looking forward to this. Haven't been to this particular spot in many a year. I hope the wind from last weekend hasn't taken all the color down in that area. I think there will be some in nice colr, and some on the ground. I love the sound of leaves rustling as you walk through them as well. Dex is going to be in charge of the GPS while we hike so I can do the camera work. We are both technically challenged so this should be good :).

Off for coffee and dog treats.

Looks like a beautiful day at the nest too. Enjoy.

normabyrd said...

CEIL!!---Wish I lived in your neighborhood!!-----You are so thoughtful!!---Don't forget to say BOO!----ho!

MITS said...

maybe our eagle is waiting for breakfast, been there for awhile:)

normabyrd said...

WHOA EAGLE WATCHERS!!!!----Wonder where our 'INDIANA DAVE' is????---I have missed him!!!

Costume Lady said...

GLO...give us a report on your hike when you get back. We like looking at photos too:)

floralgirl said...

Hello! Have a great day, the sun is shining brightly!!
Happy Halloween! MONSTER MASH
and TGIF!!! Workin' Man Blues

TGIF!! a href="

ceil said...

Norma I have a black shirt that has BOO in orange sparkles and my husband got me a pumpkin necklace that lights up. I am ready.

MITS said...

that sounds cute, Ceil:)

ceil said...

Megan nice songs.

MITS said...

both in nest.

MITS said...

Belle is sitting up so straight

MITS said...

well she was and she is poof

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I had to listen to the Monster Mash, which in turn led me to the Witch Doctor by Alvin and the Chipmunks. Got to stop this and work today, leaving for Ripley a little after noon!

MITS said...

Lib still at 12 o'clock

MITS said...

she's back:)

MITS said...

and she is supervising Lib's nest work

MITS said...

ok, he left:)

normabyrd said...

CEIL!!----Bet you look ADORABLE!!
Send us a pic!! ho!!

Red said...

Good Halloween morning everyone. May you all have a spooky day. :)

MITS said...


MITS said...

sure was a nice long visit by the eagles...:)

normabyrd said...

SHARON!!---I was singing the 'The MONSTER MASH & the just had to listen to the 'WITCH DOCTOR'!!! MEGAN certainly has good taste in music!!!---ho!----ENJOY YOUR VISIT TO RIPLEY!!----

normabyrd said...

WHOA RED!!!----Now that is SCARY!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY!!!---I think the Thurs. pic of "CC" is the BEST OF ALL!!---He is one HANDSOME CUB!!----

movin said...






normabyrd said...

There's a 'HERD' of turkeys at the PA site!!----

normabyrd said...


movin said...

Thanks, Norma. That's a world of turkey!



normabyrd said...

WOW!----DANA!!---There is a PACE of DONKEYS!!----I think they are doing the "MONSTER MASH"!!!----Bet you didn't realize DONKEYS can dance!!----ho! (time for a 2nd cup of 'SEATTLES BEST'!!)

movin said...

Lun Lun and Lil Lun are together in the den and are worth watching right now.

She may be going to bathe him.



normabyrd said...

ME SITE is calm!!---

normabyrd said...

ZZ is on camera at SD!----If you can catch her!!---She is always moving!!----LITTLE IMP!!

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. I am all caught up on mail, have fed the dogs and am ready for the day. When I walked into the computer room, an eagle flew out of the Maine nest. I rewound and it was there for some nestorations.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Halloween!

Thanks for the Holiday thread, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

I finally got to see Lib in the nest this morning before I left for work :):)

NatureNut said...


Put a couple Halloween pics on blog after some nature ones last night. Enjoy!!
Gotta get to work.....

normabyrd said...

DEB!!---You were born lucky--ho!---You seem to see an EAGLE every where!!----I watched that site & just saw a small breeze!!---Bet you look BEAUTIFUL!---NEW HAIR CUT!!----I will never catch up!!--email!!---I haven't been on a whole day for a while!!----Too many meetings!!----Things will settle down after the election!!

normabyrd said...

BOO! BOO!----

paula eagleholic said...

Cute pics, Nature

normabyrd said...

NATURENUT!---You have GREAT photos!!!----ENJOYED all of them!!

normabyrd said...

"CC" CUB is holding on to LUN LUN'S mouth & WIGGLING all around!----LUN LUN'S quiet days are numbered!!----ho!---CAN'T WAIT!!!!

deb said...

Not that lucky, Norma, I missed all of yesterday's visits and this morning's, too!

MITS said...

great pics, Loretta:)

MITS said...

hummer on her nest:)

Red said...

Does hummer have two eggs or three?

deb said...

It looks like two, Red. I hope it isn't three again.

MITS said...

Tai is in the yard right next to Mei...she is ignoring him.

Red said...

Kinda looke like 3 hummer eggs but one leaf is kinda in the way and can't quiet see.

MITS said...

I only see 2 eggs.

magpie said...

Hallowe'en Eewwiee in nest at BWO -
or an Eagle in a costume...

Good Morning everyone.

magpie said...

** Before I forget! **

Try to check out a beautiful trio of newborn Moon, Venus, and Jupiter tonight after Sunset...
Venus and the Moon in the West, Southwest, and Jupiter a little further East...should be spectacular if your skies are clear !

Is it too late to remind folks to throw a little red in with your Hallowe'en oranges and blacks ??


magpie said...

I think the Snowman Cam picked up a new decoration, a third pumpkin, but may be I wasn't paying attention to the picture before...

I think it is a Hallowe'en Turkey...

MITS said...

Think it is the goose dressed in a different costume for today, Margy

magpie said...

Wow !
Just checked out Deb's and Nature Nut's new photos....Great Stuff, beautiful wildlife and Crafty Hallowe'en decorations!

Thanks, Ladies....!

magpie said...

...uh, I think you are right, MITS ! My bird identification skills are failing me !
Maybe too much sleep ?? !!
(No such thing ! )

Time to put my morning thoughts together...back in a little bit..

So nice to "see" everyone !

xoxo TTFN

MITS said...

goose's outfit was changed from slicker to pumpkin around 8 this a.m.

MITS said...


The eggs were laid: October 29 & 31, 2008]

Red said...

Now I'll agree there's only two hummingbird eggs. I can see clearly now.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning all you goblins!
Great weather for tric/treating this evening. Just got candy yesterday & Mits you're right about very much left - at least not the kind that you would want any leftovers!

Loretta - thanks for the festive pics
Ceil - you can bring cupcakes to this lady anytime - pumpkin necklace or not! lol

Hope your weekend at Ripley turns out great! Glo I hope you see a lot of brilliant colored trees!

Mema Jo said...

Steve - thanks for the new thread and especially for the picture!

Hard to think of Nov 1 being tomorrow

deb said...

I put just a very short clip of the Maine eagle fly-in from earlier. That cam takes up a lot of MB, so I keep them really short.

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---"RIDERS OF THE POTOMAC EAGLE"--The wounded EAGLE--discovered by the POTOMAC EAGLE TRAIN is on the front page of our weekly paper!!---"when the train stopped & the DNR men disembarked--the EAGLE started to hop & run best he could---(they could tell he was injured)---when the men reached for him---he jumped between the men & began swimming across the river-& was winning the race---EAGLE became defensive & rolled over on his back with TALONS up!!--DNR threw coat over him & grabbed his feet!!--He was sent to a WILD LIFE CENTER OF VA---has had surgery!--check on condition of 'POTOMAC' BALD EAGLE -#08-2337-- call the Waynesboro, VA center at (540)942-9453!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Clouded leopard is very visible
Beautiful markings

normabyrd said...

Need to check DEB'S new pics!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---WHOA!---I think the markings on the CLOUDED LEOPARD ---remind me of a large snake markings---when they are out sunning!!---ho!

MITS said...

they have a pumpkin out for the sloth bears on cam 1A

MITS said...

Clouded is eating his bone:)

Mema Jo said...

Deb - you did capture a great fly in
up at ME. I really hope that this upcoming season works out for them.

MITS said...


Friday, October 31
Happy Halloween to all!

As the weather cools off here in Atlanta, Yang Yang and Mei Lan are able to spend the entire day outside in two separate habitats. They both seem to be enjoying their time eating and napping in the fresh air. We rotate who goes in which habitat almost every day, so that they can have a change in scenery and climbing structures. This also gives them the opportunity to encounter each other's smells, which is a great form of enrichment. Lun Lun, on the other hand, is still getting to enjoy the 70°- 75°F temperature range. We continue to maintain a warmer temperature in the dens that the cub and Lun Lun are in to make sure the cub stays warm. As he grows and his coat gets thicker we will adjust the den temperatures back to the normal range of 62°- 65°F.

The cub continues to thrive under Lun Lun’s care. He gained 101 grams in the last 24 hours, putting his weight at 2,783 grams.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II

magpie said...

Well, Eagle Buds, it is time for me to get ready to go to Morgan County for the grandson's Fall Party at his school, then pretty much straight to work after that. Might have a chance to check in before work....

Have fun this evening... I'll be manning the 911's in Berkeley County from 6 pm to 6 am....I would predict, it is going to be Craaaazy night.

Peace, Love, and Prayers, always.


deb said...

I am off to run errands, bbl!

Mema Jo said...

Getting some late lunch & then need to get outside for some sunshine!


movin said...

Well, I'm up again, have eaten something and taken my meds. I'm ready to battle the day!! Hahhaha.

Thanks for the update on Lil Lun, Mits. He weighs more than 6.1 Lbs. now. [:~D]

There is a brand new video at San Diego Zoo too. Tiger and cubs.

I see Bai Yun up and about, but so far they haven't focused on ZZ.



movin said...

I kinda thought the Hummingbird would lay her second egg today, and she has.....



movin said...

ZZ is napping of course, but check out her 'close-up' style and position for napping.

Looks like she could win the Olympic event.



movin said...

Eagle, probably the female, is on BWO nest chowing down on a large fish....



NatureNut said...

Just looked at CC Panda. LL gave him short bath and left & he's trying to scoot around!!Trying SO hard. Bless his heart.
Deb, your new pics are beautiful & love the ME video!
Maybe our still cam will stay on all weekend!!!If the goblins don't get it :>)

paula eagleholic said...

Incoming at BWO, thinks its and eewwiiee

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, it's not an eewwiiee...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the same one from the other day, with the half yellow beak

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie is cleaning out the nestovers.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie looking straight into the cam...wonder if he sees himself?

Costume Lady said...

I'm finally able to take a break...busy, busy, today (that is a good thing) :)
Just sold a costume to a young man who works at the Clarion...asked him if he ever heard of the Eaglet Momsters. He said, Oh, yah, there was a bunch of them in the Sebastion Room a couple of weeks ago..."they were havin a good time". Yup, that was us! :)

MITS said...

it was probably our waiter, Wanda:)

MITS said...

it is 72 out here right now:)

NatureNut said...

BWO has a Juvie, I think. White speckles on head & shoulders.
Is that the one??

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie still hanging out at BWO

magpie said...

I see the little rascal too...
How Nice !

Wonder how long he will "rule the roost "?

paula eagleholic said...

Sure is Nature

Wonder if that was OUR waiter!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow Wanda, would know that, she was at My table!

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll still watching?

Incoming Adult!!

magpie said...

Wanda would definitely remember "Michael" - he failed to bring the coveted French Onion Soup ! Maybe he bought an Onion Costume !

MITS said...

must be saying prayers he landed safely

magpie said...

Not very long - he exchanged posts for the Adult at BWO, big surprise....NOT !

magpie said...

Can anyone identify the chirping bird at Maine for me? I thought it was an Eagle but I think not...

I saw some NICE Red-Shouldered Hawks flying over in Morgan County, it's a wonder I didn't run off the road looking at them....and oh, yes, quite a collection of eewweiiees...


magpie said...

Beautiful sunlight images at Pix PA....
little bit of heaven shining down..

NatureNut said...

Adult eagle at BWO now.

magpie said...

I'm a little behind in keeping up with things so maybe you folks have seen this, I got it off the Puleston site:

Osprey at Pelican Harbor

Love to hear that bird sing... !

magpie said...

It was posted Oct 30 and I think that is the day the YouTube was made...

Costume Lady said...

The young man who bought the "Phantom of the Opera" costume was named Tony....I would surely have remembered MICHAEL...cute but not too bright! I wanted that French Onion Soup so badly. Do you think maybe he was afraid of us? :)
Got to get back to work. BBL

magpie said...

Loretta, sent you an email...One on Yahoo overnight, and one on the other email program...

magpie said...

I hear a lot of cheeping, but I have both Maine and Pelican Harbor up, so cannot tell which one it is from.

BWO went black on me...

* Remember, Venus, Moon and Jupiter tonight soon after sunset !

Look West, Southwest for the first two, and a little further East for Jupiter....

xo Time to fix chow for work shift...but I'm watching OUR NEST..

Red said...

And don't forget to set clocks back an hour before you go to bed tomorrow night. Daylight savings time ends Sunday morning at 2 AM.

Red said...

We can all get back that hour of sleep we lost in the spring.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Eagle back at BWO

magpie said...


Guess What! I happen to be working 6 pm Sat into 6 am Sunday, so's a 13-hour shift rather than a 12-hour shift !! Wah !

Oh, well, it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it !


magpie said...

But let's look on the BRIGHT SIDE !

We can see the Eagles one hour earlier in the mornings and expect to see them one hour earlier in the evening too...assuming they operate off daylight like we do !


MITS said...

and if the cam holds up:)

Red said...

Margy, I love your attitude. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

Catch ya'll much later...heading
home to hand out candy!

carolinabeachmom said...

A Happy Halloween to all of you out there!

carolinabeachmom said...

Had a very busy day at school with the field trip to the pumpkin patch and then our Halloween school party after that. It was also the end of the month and things had to be changed in the room to November and Thanksgiving before I could come home.

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally got my Halloween card sent to all and have been watching our nest for signs of life. I see they made two appearances so far today. Right now the one eagle is at BWO.

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle at BWO gone.

deb said...

Eagle back at BWO.

magpie said...

Hi Candy !

Perfect Name for Today !!

Glad it is your Friday ...


MITS said...

something is chewing on the mic up in Maine again.

MITS said...

2 eagles BWO

magpie said...

Well, it is tough to leave this Great Company.... but out the door I go! Have fun, all, catch you in the wee hours of the morning...


MITS said...

have a good night, Margy:)

deb said...

I hope you don't have too much spookiness tonight, Margie.

MITS said...

1 eagle at BWO, yelling

hedgie said...

Happy Halloween! Beautiful day...tricker treaters shouldn't get too cold tonight! Nothing worse for a kid than to have to wear a heavy coat over a costume!
Hmmm.... last Halloween with a full moon was in 1955, and it won't happen again until 2028.
Great conversations today! Everyone is in such a good mood...must be the sugar from the candy we are all in to!
Looks like nestorations are really progressing in our nest!

deb said...

Ooh, check the Talkeetna/McKinley cam.

K2Aviation/Denali Cam

Talkeetna Air Taxi cam

MITS said...

it really is a clear day there, Deb....

deb said...

Pretty soon they won't have much daylight at all. I don't think I would like the extremes of no sun/all sun.

deb said...

Was that big thermometer on the snowman cam before??

hedgie said...

Great new pics, Glo and Deb!
We haven't heard from Bob...........hope he didn't get lost leaving the Rumsey!!! Was hoping he would have some new pics to share with us from our big day!

MITS said...

yes, big thermometer has been there

MITS said...

he just keeps moving things around

deb said...

I am sure observant!

floralgirl said...

Frankenstein for President!!!

MITS said...

our guys should be flying in soon:)

MITS said...

lol...good one, Megan...

Mema Jo said...

PA Woods 2 deer at salt lick

deb said...

Yes, that was good, Megan. I watched a few more of them, too. Funny!

MITS said...

oh good, hubby is home early, he can answer the door and I can fix dinner:)

Costume Lady said...

I don't know if Lib and Belle are going to stop at the nest tonight or not...Lib stopped in the shop and bought her a Witch hat and she is madder than a hornet!!

MITS said...

oh dear, he is in big trouble.

carolinabeachmom said...

Funny Mits, that is what I wait for. I don't like to answer the door. My husband just sits under the house and hands out the candy.

Just got done with my sister's call

for the night. When she calls each night it is hard to get off.

EAGLE in our nest.

MITS said...


MITS said...

both are there..

carolinabeachmom said...


MITS said...

I don't see a witch's hat, Wanda

carolinabeachmom said...

Wow am I glad that I came back on. Ins't it nice to be able to see them on our cam again?

deb said...

She probably stomped on it!!

I just had my first trick or treaters. 2 little girls, 3 teenagers and one parent. All of them took candy, even the mother. Little girls were so cute!

deb said...

At least I got a quick glimpse of them, when the bell rang and when I got back.

carolinabeachmom said...

The witch's hat blew off in flight. Forgot to tie it on. lol

Costume Lady said...

No hat, she said she wouldn't wear it...I could hear them arguing all the way up Shepherdstown. Last I heard was "Are you trying to tell me something?"!!

hedgie said...

Missed the visit....boohoo!
Still cam was frozen...had to go all the way out and come back in to get it back to 16 min. ahead of time!!

carolinabeachmom said...

FINALLY got a Halloween pic to appear, and wouldn't you know, it is of a witch :)

MITS said...

hubby really enjoys answering the door...he engages the kids in conversation....and makes them laugh....glad he is here:)

Red said...

I'm not expecting any trick or treaters. I have a little candy left just in case. I live so far off the street we have not had anyone come in several years.

Mema Jo said...

She's a cute little witch Candy - just like the one that was at my door! She had a big hat also and as she went running to the next home - off blew the hat!

MITS said...

We don't get that many I said the other day....there is a big haunted house maze right around the corner from us.

MITS said...


happy halloween from paoli!

mason has been fighting a cold for a few days now, so he has been a wee bit less alert. mom and i DID get him to track us as we danced across his room, using jazz hands to get his attention.

on monday the folks at bryn mawr will start mase on the drugs if the schedule doesnt change.

please take your goblins, princesses, or in mason's case, insuance salesmen to see grams. that would make her halloween happy too.

and dont forget to vote on tuesday!!!!! --yes YOU know who you are! ;)

happy trickertreatin'


Mema Jo said...

Wanda - you're funny! lol
Love your witch's hat story!

Mema Jo said...

There is a beautiful Buck in the PA Woods.....

carolinabeachmom said...

Geez Mits you would think that would bring them right to your area.

Mema Jo said...

Also another large deer on the
Snowman Cam

MITS said...

the little ones, come now, Candy, but the bigger ones come later, after visiting the house

deb said...

Check out Belle's new hat:

Belle's hat

Mema Jo said...

Lots of candles left for Mason

Mason's Candles

Most of you are so diligent in keeping the candles lit with your thoughts! This upcoming week with new drugs - we can hope for the BEST!

Mema Jo said...

The Queen of the Sycamore Tree

Fantastic Deb - I loved it!

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Halloween All!!

Deb love Belle's Halloween Hat ( :

floralgirl said...

No trick or treaters here....
I love this movie... Young Frankenstein scene

MITS said...

perfect.....Deb...she is the Queen of the nest:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Wow DEB cool hat on Belle. More like a crown. That should stay on her.

deb said...

I looked for a Witches Hat, but there wasn't one. I like this one, very appropriate for Belle!

wvgal_dana said...

Want to thank all those wonderful Momsters and Dadsters that sent me emails checking on me. Goes to show just how special you are ( : ty.

MITS said...

split coming..

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...