Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday November 29

Mid week thread.

Saw both eagles on the nest last night.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagleland !

Sounds like Liberty & Belle are getting ready for their debut.

Thanks for the info, Steve. Us eagle-sighting-starved-momsters will take anything we can get!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and 7 days & counting !

Anonymous said...

2 eagles at Kent!

Anonymous said...

Busy, Busy w/ sticks this morning at Kent.

Suz, did you notice the time on their cam is wrong. It should be 7 there now, not 8.

Anonymous said...

She is laying down testing her nest bowl again...gotta get it just right!

Anonymous said...

Eagle gone at BW

Anonymous said...

Looks like she is leaving at Kent...yuppers, gone.

Anonymous said...

7 days till Momster's Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

I see him Suz!

Anonymous said...

He might be molting, Suz

Anonymous said...

His beak doesn't appear to be all black...looks like some yellow in there.

Anonymous said...

Ok, what's the url for the Blackwater Site???

Anonymous said...

Vicky all on one line

Anonymous said...

Isn't he cute!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eagleland

Yes I had caught up on the blog and then seen what Suzanne and Paula said. So straight to BW and boy does he ever have white on him.
I would have thought an owl because of the color without looking at the face. lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you ever so much Ms. Dana!

Anonymous said...

That's a nice pose

Anonymous said...

Well I do remember that Steve or someone said. That after they are as big as their parents. Then they loose feathers for other type of feathers to come in and they are then smaller than the parents.

I think we are getting a look at that.

We are experiencing something again that is awesome !

Anonymous said...

Dana, they molt a couple of times, can't remember if it's 3 times or not. MIght be 4 times.

Anonymous said...

Juvie all gone!

Anonymous said...

That was kewl!

Anonymous said...

your welcom Vicky did you get to see him?

Anonymous said...

Wonder how old he was?

Anonymous said...

Eagle in FL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

eagle in Kent real close

Anonymous said...

not kent florida

Anonymous said...

Beautiful closeup of FL eagle in nest...waiting for sticks?

Anonymous said...

Wow what a close up shot.. I think they got the nest deep enough now.

The way the beak is I think it is the female.

Anonymous said...

Getting sea sick watching FL cam!

Anonymous said...

Vicky florida is:

Anonymous said...

She just flew out she'll be back. They are moving cam in and out.

Anonymous said...

Off he/she went - readjusting cam now...

Anonymous said...

I think that was a hawk!

Anonymous said...

Vicky where? What nest were you at gal?

Mauley said...

Good Morning all, and I still havent had time to catch up with blog, but dear friends I am counting down the days as well to our Momster Christmas which is only 7 long days away. This last bout of the crude just about did me in, but thanks be to friends who prayed with clean hands and I am almost as good as new. Ending our semester here, and so busy with grades and finals. I was blessed to see the juvie at Kent. Thanks for the heads up. Hope to get back in the swing of blog after next week. I love you all. donna

Anonymous said...

I was at the Blackwater nest Dana!

Anonymous said...

Glad Lisa got back to you so fast Suzanne.

I have to say that is my "first" to see a juvie with so much white.
What an experience....

Mauley glad you are better.

Anonymous said...

Dana, you have mail!

Anonymous said...

I love windows XP I have 6 cams up whipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Just yell and I can go there hee hee

Anonymous said...

ok Vicky

Anonymous said...

Juvie is back at BW!

Anonymous said...

After reading original post from Steven, I feel like the next 7 days will be an eternity! I am watching the jeuvie at BW. I guess his feet is a dead giveaway for his ID.I never realized they looked like that.
By the way,
Good Morning So much activity on here these am hours. Hang in there, Mauley- the kids are counting on you!
Good Luck Mits! Very anxious to hear about your adventure to the zoo.

Anonymous said...

Vicky are you at BW ????? It is back !!

Anonymous said...

I forget when is it 4 or 5 yrs old that their beaks turn yellow?

Anonymous said...

What do you all think Spunky, MsInBetween and BigBoy look like?

Anonymous said...

Vicky you are right; if I hadn't seen its feet. Also with others looking on and Lisa saying it is a Juvie eagle. I too would have thought it to be a hawk.

Anonymous said...

That is what I thought about their beaks also Suzanne ty.

Just love to know how old this guy is?

Anonymous said...

Juvie is still at BW...just chillin'

Anonymous said...

I am chill'n too can't seem to go to any other cam while he is there at BW. lol

I feel like this may be a "once" in a life time scene live for me.

Anonymous said...

Gone again...

Anonymous said...

Ok ty Suzanne now I'm crying that is what ours babies will look like at age 2-3 years old.

Lord we love Spunky, MsInBetween and BigBoy. Take good care of them please.

Anonymous said...

Yup Suz, that's what it sounds like

Anonymous said...

That was really exciting to see the jeuvie. Thanks Suzanne for contacting Lisa & WOW what a quick reply.. Now for the panda girl..Update for yesterday is up on the site. Most interesting part of it is that:
We are looking forward to the cub becoming more active and mobile and expect Lun Lun and her cub to start playing together by the time the cub is four months old.

Anonymous said...

If they get that picture of Buta Buta any smaller on that page. We won't be able to see her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope this finds everybody doing well today. I am so anxious for December 6. NEST TIME!! There is no nest like the home nest!

Mauley, if you are still around, you have mail!

I missed the juvie.

Beautiful sunshine in Bluefield right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I could help with Buta's playing skills if they would just let me! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Vicky Vicky where did you go??

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, we are suppose to have a thunderstorm on Friday! Can't outguess the weather.
I keep switching back & forth to BW just in case the juvie comes back.

Anonymous said...

Lynda in FL has excellent shot of eagle in tree eating I think. Lot of movement with cam... Hope it isn't that windy but I think it is....
This is so cool................WOW

Anonymous said...

and not getting too dizzy...

Anonymous said...

Fantastic - Now cam has shot of both eagles in their tree....

I wish our cams could be like this!

Paula Sharon Dana are you there?

Anonymous said...

Showing both FL eagles in another tree I think...

Anonymous said...

Jo, Does your FL pic freeze up a lot when they are moving the cam around like that?

Anonymous said...

It froze - actually went off for a sec - then started right back up. Mits said whenever Lynda takes a picture, it does that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness- Cam has close up of both in the FL nest. I am just besides myself - I can't wait to see Liberty & Belle in the same pose.....

Anonymous said...

Wow Florida is beautiful !!

Look at those feathers moving with the breeze.

Anonymous said...

Dana & Paula I am so glad you are seeing this

Anonymous said...


Don't know where Vicky went to

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...