Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday November 3

New thread.

Remember the American Conservation Film Festival runs tomorrow and sunday at NCTC. Lots of great films to see.


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MITS said...

THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD, STEVEN! Sorry about your loss, Norma.

MITS said...

Eagles busy up in Maine, got to repair that nest from last weeks mini-hurricane.

glo said...

Hi All I have been watching the eagles in Maine. Hopefully the FRAPS I snapped will capture a couple of pictures. I haven't taken time to look. I am busy watching WITH My sound uP!!!

MITS said...

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY EAGLES UP IN MAINE! How can I take a pic at this site???

MITS said...

:):):)Suz, you and I had the same question?????? I don't know!!

glo said...

Suzanne I don't think there is a way without the FRAPS program. I snapped lots of stills too. I have to go see what I got. I also got one video of the one who took off towards the camera I think. I will send it around. Not sure if I send it your way if you can see it or not. Actually some time today see if you can see the BLOG where the fledges are again, speaking of Fraps and Videos. Once you get your computer going at home you have got to get the FRAPS program at least in the Free version which does the snap still ALL you want and the short FRAP videos too.

Steve Chase said...

Click on the link for more FIlm Fest info

MITS said...

Eagles all gone...everywhere:(:(:(

glo said...

OK Think I sent a picture of the Pair at Maine to all of you on here right now anyway. send it around to those I missed

wvgal_dana said...

See we got a new thread

Hi Good Morning Eaglelovers and Steve.

Checked my mail yes but Steven what I wanted wasn't in there :(

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Everyone Thanks for the ME eagle pic, Glo. Mits, thanks for George's pics...I hope he soon stays away from that nest before he becomes dinner. Suzanne I noticed that this weekend the Potomac Arts Festival is being held on the NCTC grounds. Any chance you are going to attend that plus the Film Festival?

wvgal_dana said...

I see no eagles at Maine or Kent now

wvgal_dana said...

I can't wait to see little "chubbie" crawling to Lun Lun then climbing all over her lol

This morning she was on her back and rolled over easily. Holding head up...that crawling is probably not too far off.

wvgal_dana said...

Which we could take pics there for Glo's pic site.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne since we can see "color" dab alittle paint on each of the sticks. Then we will know if they used them. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Tie ribbons thin on them that won't hurt the babies. In those colors then you can see if your sticks were used.

wvgal_dana said...

Of course if George is in there too as Sharon said. You might see your sticks with ribbons on them in George's nest lol

glo said...

Well Suzanne If you do get some sticks and they can read, and we see them in the Nest we will ALL know a winning picture when we see it.

Dana Anyone who wants to download Fraps and learn to take the screenshots CAN take pictures of Lun Lun and Buta Buta, that is exactly what that Baby Love picture is on there right now. You just have to take a chance and learn to do it. We are all going to want MORE of us to know to do this I think as the eagle Season progresses. We have last years fledges because Sharon chose to learn that program, and recorded them for us as she is the one up at that UnGodly hour. LOL Of course come to think of it, many many of us were UP early and stayed up as lante as we could to enjoy "our family". And if I remember correctly someone asctually spent wee morning hours watching for Lun Lun and Freida to birth their babies. Why not give it a try?

wvgal_dana said...

If I remember the Arts are suppose to be in the building that our table was set up in. The auditorium is there.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I was thinking about doing Fraps but I am not sure if my computer can take it.
I am still running Windows ME....have to buy another computer in order to get Windows XP. Not ready to spend that money yet. Not sure how much room "Fraps" will take up on my computer space.???

wvgal_dana said...

Can you send me the link for the fraps that you downloaded and also the free ones link. I go in and try to find out how much space they will need. Would want to do free one first to see if I can do it lol might not be as fast as you all are lol

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne I just sent email with info about the Potomac Arts Festival.
The list of the films being presented is very impressive! There is a lot of participation

wvgal_dana said...

I know what's for dinner tonight since it is cold out. Campbell's Tomato soup (just a bit of milk in it) and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Ed will be in seventh heaven.

Warm the enters

wvgal_dana said...

Just entering Romney to Shepherstown 1 hr 55 mins.

Just entering Chambersburg to Shepherstown 57 mins

Although I don't know who far from Romney or Chambersburg each of you live. That is just and est. and then you have to go to NCTC.

glo said...

Dana The link is

caution though Video files are huge, so yes maybe do nOT do the videos til you get more hard drive on another computer...

really I think I took out my laptop with the Fraps videos I was taking during the Flapping Memorial day weekend. BUT Still screenshots You could probably do fine with. They have a contact us on that link. Ask them about the Windows ME and how much space, if it will operate on your system etc.

Good luck

wvgal_dana said...

Pete's Pond is up

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls,

I see Doreen has told you all about our trip over to Africa today, not quite sure if I like the graphics of animal nature in the raw, but as WAVELIT is the only Africam that working at the moment, Pete's Pond is down again due to an electrical storm last night.
and we have watched our Pandas Mai and Tai being paraded infron of the TV cameras again with Brenda being so cutsie pie again,,, and our new little girl in Atlanta is growing so fast she will soon be up and walking.
Last night, or this moning at 3 am, I watched a TV prog about Ospreys on their journey from Marthers Vinyard right down to Cuba, and how they survived the journey, even though they had a lot of problems with Bald Eagles dive bombing them and taking there food, well needless to say, out of 3 of them, only one Osprey got there alive, sod but again its nature isnt it girls.
Hope all is well with you.


wvgal_dana said...

I love the sound of the "wild" when I'm living in civilization so to speak.

glo said...

Ok ,Dana You have mail

I am off to the Post Office

Mauley said...

Doreen, I don't know if I can watch the bamboons again. It broke my heart. Hello everyone. donna

wvgal_dana said...

Norma what times of the year are good so to see eagles?? Might have to wait till next year. Also do you know how much it cost?

Mauley said...

Crissy, it was awful wasn't it. donna

Mema Jo said...

Dana Eagle Train

Mauley said...

I miss the pink Kitty. Has anyone heard from Nilla???? donna

Mema Jo said...

Pete's Pond quickly
Beautiful large lepoard

Mauley said...

Mauley is well. I have a tender heart. I have a reverence for life like Albert Schweitzer, I suppose. I think everything has a right to live and a purpose on the earth or it wouldn't be here. I honor life, even if it is a snake, a snail, or spider. I know, gals, we talked about not going there. Now a roach is different. I don't know their purpose, but you gils know what I mean.

wvgal_dana said...

Leopard is beautiful and drinking along time.

Mauley said...

Mema Jo, I have missed something. Send link to Eagle Train. It would be a dream come true. thanks donna

wvgal_dana said...

Norma what month did you go when the eagles flew along the train?

MITS said...

Oh my, Jo, he is beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

That was worth a pic for sure. My quote for glo's pics "Can a leopard change his spots?"

MITS said...


Mauley said...

I must be blind,Dana. There was my pink kitty all along.

MITS said...

Jo, I just tried that link says page cannot be displayed?? Can you send it by e-mail, please.

MITS said...

That elephant is having a nice bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Let me check on my favorites that the link for the eagle train is working - then I'll send it to you Mits & Mauley.

I got so excited over seeing the large spotted cat that I spelled
Leopard incorrectly - Guess you all knew exactly what I meant.

Chrissy & Doreen - the crock incident with the baboons: I missed it and I am glad that I did in a way. My question is- you were watching Pete's Pond with Fatty the crocodile, weren't you?

MITS said...

Thanks, Suzanne, got it. This stuff never works in my search engine when I do it straight from the blog.....WOW LOOK AT ALL THE ELEPHANTS AT PETES'

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Need help those of you using Fraps select the start menu folder in which you want programs shortcuts. Which program did you all select???

MITS said...

AAAAWWW! look at that little elephant at Petes' Pond.

Mema Jo said...

Doreen Thank you so much for warning me about a Croc also being in the Wavelit pond. More suspense!

I am the one who called it a leopard - I saw the cheetah'a pic, but admit I didn't know the difference. Thanks again for keeping me 'in the know'.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I called it a :) leopard too. So you weren't alone lol

Is Pete's Pond down again ???

And is there only a black screen on Wavelit?

Mema Jo said...

Tai is up in the tree (with no leaves)

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi girls,
Just had Doreen panicing over the Matriachs new born elle at Petes Pond, the baby was struggling to get out of the water when mum told her to get out Fatty was aboutm but the little madam was playing mum and auntie up and I bet she gets a good telling off.

Well isnt it just the way,, we get a croc at Petes pond and then we find out there one at Wavelit as well, oh will our nerves stand it I say !!!!
I think I've aged 10 years today over it all.


Mema Jo said...

My Wavelit is down - Pete's is up but not showing anything right now.

wvgal_dana said...

BBL have to take out Fraps ME won't support it

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Norma pet,

Yes I have ME you see and it makes me have sleep problems, and TV is a great help when you cant sleep.

and its was 8degrees below freezing here again last night.

My two cats are 15 years old and they have found their kittenhood again, and driving me nuts.

3am in the morning here is 10pm with you I think Norma.

well its dinner time now so I will be back later I hope speak soon Take care


glo said...

Dana Sorry about the FRAPS..It would be great to have someone else be able to do this. I did however encourage you here to ASK them first about if it would run on ME...I am nOT at all familiar about that system. WEnt from 98 to 2000 to xp...missed that one completely. tell Santa you want a large hard drive and XP for Christmas LOL> Still will be plety of time to download it and learn it before eggs hatch

Chrissy Beahan said...

Mema jo.

Wavelit in Africa closed at 5pm there time so it will be down at midday with you I think, or so it says on the blurb pet


glo said...

NOTE If there is something on here today that I need to read, and it has the word,

Croc, eat ,Bamboon, etc...I will miss that as I just go right on by from that point.

So if it is important for me to know..please just email me that info or put it in a seperate post here. I just can't read that and won't be going there today. I just can't. OK Thanks

MITS said...


MITS said...

Some...HANKY PANKY..going on between 2 elephants at Petes' Pond.

Mema Jo said...

I hear ya, Glo

Mei is giving Tai a very hard frollic of a time!

Mema Jo said...

Please look at Tai on Cam 2

paula eagleholic said...

The Potomac Arts Festival is being held in conjunction w/ the Film Festival, they have juried craft artists on the NCTC grounds on Sat and Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

Tai went so high, the camera lost him in that tree.

glo said...

Mits You have mail

Thanks Mema Jo

Mema Jo said...

Mits - your hanky panky remark was described very well by Norma LOL

Told you to watch out for that
bull elephant!

Mema Jo said...

What you going to do with your
100 lbs of wax?

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta has a really warm soft pillow for her head now. Comfy!

Mema Jo said...

YEAH !! Tai is climbing down.
Hope he goes and joins him mom.

Mema Jo said...

I guess that Mei & Tai are waiting for their treats. Hope they soon come before they knock each other silly.

Mema Jo said...

All MT nest for the eagles.
I will return later - things to get done!

MITS said...

I guess, I'm just lucky, Norma:):):):)!

Mauley said...

Glo, I so sorry. Normabyrd, your Ray Harm plates are priceless. I have most of the songbird prints. I hope you enjoy your plates as much as I do my prints. donna

Mauley said...

Mits, you are a delight to us. donna

Mauley said...

Thanks mema Jo I got the link and it worked. donna

MITS said...

Thank You, Donna:):):)

glo said...

Mauley No its OK really, to each his own, its just too hard for me to read and enjoy...and I don't want to miss someting importan, that I needed to know

Pretty tenderhearted and down right supersinsitive at times too , and I haven't outgrown it Its just who I am.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checking in for a minute. I see our cam is still not up. Oh well, maybe Monday? I miss you guys. Will check back in later today or tomorrow sometime. Having a wonderful time!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Tian-Tian on cam #1...Mei and Tai on cam #2...all safe and sound and in for the night.

MITS said...

EAGLE IN MAINE..........

MITS said...


MITS said...

The moon is shing on the water up in Maine...but eagle has not come back...yet.

MITS said...

Well that has been really beautiful, watching the moon rise up in Maine, too bad the eagle did not stay longer.

Mema Jo said...

Good shot of Lun Lun and her baby girl!

MITS said...

Looks like a party going on at Petes' Pond.

MITS said...

Figures just as I say that they are leaving.

Mema Jo said...

Man! Look how big Buta Buta is.

MITS said...

Maybe we should start calling her TUBA-TUBA!!

Mema Jo said...

Either that or Buta Ball. She is so adorable - it will be so much fun watching her grow and develop.

I guess Tai is in the cubby hole tonight where his Mom can't get him.

MITS said...

Smart panda cub!!!

glo said...

OK suppertime at my house, but first wanted you to know the New Loop is loaded.
You are now voting for Photo of the Week the one top voted Photo will be saved to be enterd into the Photo of the Month contest. Voting is as for 3

READ directions please LOL. You have until Monday Night to choose the Top Photo for this past week. Thanks everyone.

Voting is here


Remember: Anyone is welcome to vote, but you can not vote for your own entry.

Just Vicky said...

Ok Lisa, what's the deal with brass monkeys on the porch??

paula eagleholic said...


It is cold outside! Did I hear someone mention brass monkey's earlier?

Took one dog for a walk. When I got back, I had to find my earmuffs to put on for the second walk! My ears were freezing.

Looked at the temp when I got back 10 minutes ago, and it is 32° here.

Just Vicky said...

Paula, thought you would be off to visit your son this weekend??

Just Vicky said...

Buta Buta Tuba Tuba is all alone sleeping like the baby she is!

paula eagleholic said...

In fact I am. Leaving here early in the morning to go visit the college kid in NJ! In fact, gotta go call him in a couple of minutes!

Just Vicky said...

Is he going to show you the campus?

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, it's a family day, they have all sorts of activities. Got to see most of the campus on our three prior visits.

Just Vicky said...

Well you have a good time Paula! Connect with your son!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Checking in one more time before I go to bed.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!! Love you all!

MITS said...


MITS said...

Fantastic sunrise at National Geographics..Petes' Pond!!!!!

MITS said...

If you are lurking..this is just awesome!!

glo said...

Hi everyobody. Found myself a project to work on since it was quiet early this evening, now its Hot chocolate time

paula eagleholic said...

Been connecting tonight, too. Just had a nice long phone call with him...Looks like everyone is watching TV or tucked in for the night..gonna call it one here too. Talk to ya'll tom night, have a great Saturday!

MITS said...

WOW!!!! That sunrise is awesome.

paula eagleholic said...

Pete's is beautiful, thanks Mits!

Mema Jo said...

Look at the sunrise at Pete's Pond

MITS said...

Kinda reminds me of Easter Sunrise. Looks like sun is going behind the clouds. They are getting up and we are going down:):). Cam guy is moving the cam away from the sun now. Looking at bird on the top of that tree stump.

MITS said...

Ok, name that bird.

MITS said...

Sounds like ducks around, can't keep sound up, might wake hubby.

Mema Jo said...

It's know as the Early Bird

MITS said...

ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD ONE, JO

MITS said...

Now some black-footed something or other are drinking some water.

MITS said...

That looks like a bent-tailed fox.

MITS said...

Poor thing looks stressed out.

Mema Jo said...

Mei is beating up on Tai again!

I wish she would settle down and go to sleep.......... Very Very Restless.

MITS said...

Some on should give that poor thing a valium...she is making me nervous. I've never seen her this bad. Its like she wants him to nurse, but maybe it hurts when he tries.

glo said...

If all goes well we should have a new Blogger showing up in here very soon

MITS said...

Ok Dr. Mits thinks it is a UTI or some sort of breast infection...this is not normal behavior for MEI...she likes to eat and sleep, or sleep and eat.

glo said...

Hi Kim You made it!!! Good for you

glo said...

Sounds like Mits Is diagnosing a urinary track infection on a Mama Panda

glo said...

I see you Kim Not sure how many are still in here, its late almost 11:30 on the east Coast

MITS said...


glo said...

Now all you need to do is type whatever you want to and hit login and won't have to fill the rest in unless you log out then you will need to know the info you typed in to get to your name in blue.

glo said...

LOL Well she got in here. Not sure where she went now though. Hopefully she is typing another message. LOL

glo said...

Kim Are you still in here? Mits Thanks for saying Hi to her. She'll be back if she's gone but it might not be tonight LOL.

glo said...

Well I'm not sure what happened with Kim but if we got this far tongith, we can get back here again, but it might have to wait. I am tired and getting ready to say good Night. I will BLOG at you all tomorrow. Sleep well.

glo said...

OK Kim You are very welcome!!!

MITS said...

Maybe I scared her off. Hi, Kim!! I won't be sooo loud. :):) I'm just extremely concerned about MEI, they are still running the cams at this late hour. I think they are concerned too.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome Kim I may be too late to catch you leaving. I'll look for you tomorrow.

I am exhausted from watching Mei and Tai. They are still going at it. Perhaps Mei's testosterone levels are beginning to rise and that is why she is restless... That's the reason for Tian Tian’s restlessness. WHAT EVER

Time to say Good Night All
& sweet dreams - Stay warm

MITS said...

Don't worry KIM We will get you up to speed. Jo and I have been watching Mei Xiang and her cub Tai Shan at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. They are a pair of Giant Pandas.

Mema Jo said...

Kim Mits, our panda expert, may be answering you as I write this. Mei is the mother panda of Tai, our precious 1 yr+ little boy at the DC Zoo. There are 2 cams that we watch.

If you want to email me, I'll send you links.....

Maybe tomorrow you could also join our Eaglet_Momsters group. All the links are in there also plus photos.
I don't want to get your head spinning with too much info. In
what state do you live.(timewise)

MITS said...

Going to say GOOD NIGHT TO YOU ALL! Temp here is 32°. Stay warm!!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Mei was settled down and now Tai is being a little pest...
Can't win. I need to go to bed......

MITS said...

Me too, I'm afraid someone is going to get hurt:(:(:(

movin said...

AH HA!! Not too likely anyone will beat me to saying "GOOD SATURDAY MORNING" this time.

I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the heck out of it....


glo said...

Good Morning all. Looks like the gals fromt he UK are in early our time LOL. Hope everyone is having and will have a Great saturday. i am sure those going to the Film Fest at NCTC are in for a treat.

glo said...

Lisa if you wait for the wind to blow hard enough, the leaves blow to your neighbors. LOL Just kidding...stay warm if you're going out to rake leaves. Mine and my neighbors are ALmost taken care of.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Welcome Lisa again good seeing you on here.
Good Morning all Eagle lovers

Lisa I just read an article in the paper. It said either mulch with mower or let the leaves lay. They are the best mulch for your ground. They are a natural (like in the forest) for making the soil better and also controlling bacterias.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All. We have some real early birds on here this morning..
Hi Lisa & Doreen. Glo, I got an email from Kim and sent her a good many links. Thanks for bringing her on here. Dana, I saw George in the nest around 9:30am. He better find a new house.
Hope Suzanne could sight Liberty & Belle today when she goes over to NCTC and give us a report.

Just Vicky said...

Good mid-morning! Is the Eaglet_Momster's going to have a table set up today at NCTC??

Mema Jo said...

No table - Suzanne is just going over to the Potomac Arts Festival and the Film Festival that Steve had on yesterday's blog.

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful sunset at Pete's Pond.

I will return later - Things to get done...

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! Beautiful sunset at Petes' Pond.

MITS said...

Fatty is on Petes' Pond now...first time I've seen him.

MITS said...

Mei still seems restless today. I watched her til well after midnight and she wore me out. Glad to see Tai is still around:).

Mema Jo said...

My thoughts exactly, Mits. First thing I did this morning was check out the DC cams.

MITS said...

The elephants or at the POND.

MITS said...

That baby elephant is so cute.

wvgal_dana said...

Back again I might need to win the WAX to take care of computer problems.

wvgal_dana said...

Wished they would show what all the splashing is about at Petes Pond

MITS said...

Its the elephants drinking at the POND.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sure of that Mits. Would like to see them doing it. Yesterday the big elephants were splashing. This wee little one got in the water beside of a big one splashing. All the big ones quite splashing and this little one took its trunk and just hit and hit the water lol splashing water. Like I'm a big elephant see what I can do. lol lol so cute

Just Vicky said...

Dana you have mail!

MITS said...

There was a huge herd of them there. when I was watching right before you posted.

glo said...

Hi Everyone. Got lots to do today so will be in and out. Thin I read Mits where Dana needs that wax you just won for 200 LOL.

Just Vicky said...

There's that busy busy Glo!

Just Vicky said...

Seems these waxers have forgotten about 2 needy travelers needing wax!

wvgal_dana said...

Got mail vicky now you got mail

hee hee

company bbl

Just Vicky said...

Cyber mailman working hard today!

MITS said...

Didn't know I got it...please somebody anybody take it!!!

Just Vicky said...

Oh Mits, you are too willing and easy! Put up a fight Girl!

glo said...

LOL Vicky OOOps sorry Vicky I just tried to get Mits to donate her wax to Dana who I think had a few problems yesterday with her computer when she tried to get the FRAPS program up and running to help us all this coming eagle Season. she thinks maybe wax will help her out WEll start stackin it up Ok OK LOL

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you did have a slip of memory! You're forgiven!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, I'm out of here for a bit! You tell I've been messing around with new pics!

Just Vicky said...

This would be my Thanksgiving table, you're all invited!

glo said...

Way too much excitement going on in here today LOL.

Guess everyone is busy doing something "hopefully fun " today.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Where is everyone today??? I watched the Maryland game..they was a squeaker. Fell asleep on the couch.ZZZZ! Lazy day for me. Going to check the cams now.

MITS said...

EAGLES AT MAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Thanks for clearing that up Mits! I got the point finally!

MITS said...

Going to Mass. BBL!!!

glo said...

I am SO -o-o-o- Bored!!!! I just might have to come up with another contest LOL.

Oh Speaking of contests , Did you remember to vote for Picture of the Week

The winner will be retired to wait for the Picture of the Month and the Prize.

You have til 6 pm Monday night to vote. Anyone can vote.

Please join in...its not as much fun at all without you!!! YES You!!!

You don't have to sign in, its on Blogger, you are already signed in. Just go there and hit comments, similar to here, and cast your vote. Ok Thanks .

Go here:


movin said...

How everybody be doing this fine Saturday??

I checked the conservation films Steve mentioned, and they all look great. Is anybody from this group attending?

I'm trying to play catch-up on stuff I let slide, and trying not to get too stressed in the process. Stress pretty much defeats the purpose of a great weekend, don't you think?

Anybody remember Dinah Washington?? She was really great...I took a date to see her in San Diego once, had a wonderful time. Anyway, I am listening to a CD of her ballads, everyone of them great.

Have a creatively restful weekend.


Just Vicky said...

Hi Jim! Less stress is best!

glo said...

Sounds like Sharon is having a pretty great weekend, and things are going excitingly well for Andrew too. What wonderful times for Mom and son to be shairng together.

Just Vicky said...

Lisa, it sounds like a beautiful place to have a house! I love trees! But I wouldn't want the raking job that comes with them!

Mema Jo said...



Nest in Sycamore is built up.

Liberty & Belle are in the tree for the night!

glo said...

Thanks Mema Jo I am very happy Suzanne got to see them, and for the report. She must be so very excited!!!

Just Vicky said...

Her eyes were to the skies, she saw our raptors fly! Hope Suzanne can come off her cloud long enough to tell us about it!

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne wouldn't be on here until Monday. She did get pictures today and will be posting them!

MITS said...

That's wonderful news...I'm so happy for she should go home and get her computer set up, so she doesn't miss anything.

MITS said...

So far, things look quieter at the zoo tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Just checked on them - wonder how long they will sleep?

MITS said...

All night, I hope, think he spent alot of time up in a tree today. Did see them this afternoon wrestling around a little. They have the ability to take her blood for tests, so maybe if she has an infection, they could start her on anti-biotics right away.

Mema Jo said...

I hope everyone is pleased with Suzanne's good news. I will check in just before saying good night...BBL

wvgal_dana said...

LATE REPORT Suzanne called me just got computer to run sorry.. Liberty and Belle where there setting on a right limb above the nest. Suzanne said that the nest has been built up very BIG

glo said...

Ok so I'm not sure who has had the most exciting day I would say it is either Suzanne or Sharon ...not necessarily anyone of us who has posted whatever we have posted on here today. Maybe tomorrow there will be some stories to shar, although yes my guess is it will be monday before we hear Suzannes stories.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Suzanne is a good candidate for the wet noodle lashing for not having that pc up & running at home. We could have seen those pics by now... and have heard the whole story. I am so anxious to see them and have our cam up & running

glo said...

Yep How about 2 wet noodle lashings One for Suzanne and the other one is for ummmlet me see now who else ocmes to mind here LOL...

glo said...

Remember that smart test sent around recently says it doesn't matter if its typed right...if a couple of letters are right you can read the words Just Fine LOL

MITS said...

Do we I have to slap her silly, so she gets that computer up? C'mon Suz, you've got to do it !!!!!

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...