Wednesday, February 24, 2010


New thread.


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Ragdoll said...

Good Night, Magpie! Sleep well.

Hedgie, that is so funny. Have not had the laptop trick pulled on me yet. You have to laugh about it.
I have to share that one with my teacher friends. LOL

Ragdoll said...

Hey, we split. I'm all alone over here.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You are never alone on here. Somebody is always lurking! :)

hedgie said...

Well, fine, fowl friends, I am heading for the bubbles with a book. Sleep well. Hope the bad weather leaves every one of us alone!!! Peace, love and prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon are you home? in Bedford?

Mema Jo said...

NatureNut Love your cardinal avatar.

Mema Jo said...

I am heading down the hallway as soon as I check out some cams So in case I don't return....

Good Night All
Many prayers for all being said
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am home in Bedford, Mema Jo and my Mattie is with me! Figured with the snow in Bluefield, they would be out of school the rest of the week so . . .

Ragdoll said...

Well it's been nice spending time will everyone. It's past my bedtime so it's off to bed I go. Sleep well my new eagle friends. Prayers for all. peaceful dreams.

Your right Sharon, this is the perfect place.


Costume Lady said...

I didn't know it was so late. Watching the olympics makes time fly!
GG finally got her dental appointment out of the way:)
Discussed Friday night dinner and she said it would be up to the rest of the family as to what we will have. I'm not sure she realizes that I have to cook in advance of going to her house. It'll all work out...always does:)


PA Nana said...

Just stopping in to wish all a good night and prayers for those with the back problems. I have the same issues but they tell me there's nothing more to do except maybe a fusion and I'm not convinced that's the way to go without some guarantee.

So I'll give you my prayers for a good outcome with the backs.

I saw that Suzanne was one again today and I missed her. Someone please tell her "hello" for me? I'll be watching for her.

Ragdoll if you have pics of your cats that you can attach to an eamil, my addy is on the momsters site. I don't know how to put them on the blog either but I have some pics of my kitties. Suzanne has a nice kitty, Queen of Sheba I think is her name.

Well, best go check my emails and fb and turn in early. The Olympics are keeping me up too late.

Catch you all tomorrow; God willing and the snow stays away from the power lines.

God bless

Mema Jo said...

ok Sharon Thanks for letting me know
Mattie Jane you have fun but keep up with your school work! Love ya gals!
loL (hugs) ♥

Lolly said...

Nite all! Think I am going to read. Haven't read for several evenings.

Sweet dreams.

Early birds....check on Lady Blackwater!!! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Jo's pic from yesterday shows 2 eggs. I'll try to get a good look tomorrow...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
I'm just dragging in from school. Glad we got out early tonight, 'cause I'm tired! It was raining lightly when we got out of class--nothing heavy.
My new class is going to be interesting as can be--all about medical lab tests.
Had the teacher, Mr. Velasco, for 2 other classes. He's really nice. There are only 4 of us in the class!

Shirley, I'm SOOOOO glad that Luna's surgery is being done by the specialist!--AND that they're putting in a prosthetic! She's far too pretty to be wearing an eye patch! Need to try to find pictures of our daughter's 2 bassets-- Copper and Sam. They both think that our GD Courtney, and GGD Sierra are litter mates! What a bunch of rascals they are!
On the weekend, you can often find all 4 of them in a big pile on the floor, taking a panda nap.

Hey, Sharon--totally cool that you have Mattie there with you!!

Oh--before I forget, let me tell you what works on my computer when I get the "As the Egg Turns" white circular arrow on my cam screen. I go down to the 'pause' button at the lower left of the cam screen, hit it to make the screen pause, and immediately hit the 'play' arrow that replaced it. Nine times out of ten, the circling arrows disappear, and the live cam is working! Worth a try, anyway.

Ragdoll, you are in my prayers for a good outcome!

Well, would love to chat longer, but am really tired tonight. Think I'm gonna hit the hay. Prayers being said for everyone. The night light is on, the porch light will see you coming, and the eye scanner is enabled. Sleep tight, pillow surfers, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Love you guys! :o]

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Yes, Ragdoll, the kid put an open laptop in my in-box. I had to laugh, too, but I told him I had to have a printed document.

stronghunter said...

My 39-year-old son tells me that teen-aged boys have no sense, and that he knows this is true because he was one.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn calls Luna her Polly Princess. She prefers the warm or air-conditioned house, depending on the season. She also likes to sleep in. Every other dog I ever had was up at the crack of dawn, weekend or not.

When Luna stayed over with me for a few days, I came downstairs to put her outdoors for her morning bathroom time before I went to work. She looked at me as if to say, "You want me to do what? I really want to sleep in for an hour or two." She was sweet about it, though, and went out when I insisted.

stronghunter said...

And then there was the kid who could not find the Roman numeral keys on the keyboard. Really.

stronghunter said...

Here's sweet Luna relaxing in a sunbeam.

stronghunter said...

I had a little concerning event with my mammagram yesterday. They found new calcifications. They told me that I need to come back in 6 months rather than a year. I know it's not too unusual, but a little concerning for a cancer survivor.

stronghunter said...

Must get ready for work. BBL!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---MORNIN' SHIRLEY!---We are expecting the BIG 'S' here today!--I still have quite a few inches on the ground!---It is a balmy 28°--dark skies!---most WV schools are closed or 2 hr delay---GOOD MORNIN' SUZANNE!!---have truly missed you!! RAGDOLL--prayers for your back--no more basement work--WOW! LOWREEDA---You have made my day!---AWESOME CARDNIAL!---I have a 'bush' of them!!---CAN'T TOP MOTHER NATURE!!----WISHING EVERYONE A GLORIOUS DAY!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHIRLEY---If a student give you another computer!---give it to me--i need a new one! ho!
Have a fun day!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
31° and calm right now. We have dodged the precip, not even a raindrop here. Now we await the wind...

floralgirl said...

Eagle up off eggs, flew out, other eagle flew in.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---We missed the rain too!--so we are waiting for either S--WIND or what ever comes our way!!
Thought about screaming this am--'BRING IT ON--I'M ROUGH & TOUGH & HARD TO GET ALONG WITH'---ho!

not really--i am a scaredy cat..

normabyrd said...

thanks--cool daffodils!

Costume Lady said...

MEGAN, good to see you this morning. Feeling better? Have your seed order in?

normabyrd said...

BELLE is still moving fluff around the nest!----I was most sure we would see a hatched egg at BWE!---Maybe today!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!---Enjoying your new COMPUTER?---WVNPR---SUCH BAD WEATHER!----you don't want to listen...pray they are wrong---

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, I thought those geese were going to land in the sycamore tree!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN--I'm sorry--didn't realize you weren't feeling good!---will keep you in my thoughts---you are just TOO COOL to feel bad! -- take care--

Costume Lady said...

Norma, I think we may have escaped the bad weather here in Martinsburg.
Yes, I am enjoying this 'puter so much. I wish I could get ALL MOMSTERS one. I will when I win the Lottery (I don't even play).

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

Have W/CTR today!--later----

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagleland Norma, Megan and Wanda and ALL Eaglelanders.

Can anyone tell me why on the live feed. It just keeps spinning for me? You all know I use to watch it.

Megan I have had you in my prayers...I do hope you feel a little better. Also praying for PROTECTION FOR YOU GH.

wvgal_dana said...

Andrea I read back see what you said about circles on live feed. It does go away but the counter is not counting. Still NOT LIVE for me.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Sunshine here and not too windy yet.
Had a mild panic attack---turned on TV and no pic. Sound ok. Unplugged it for about 10 min. and all was fine. Whew---it's only 18 mos. old!
Shirley, try not to worry. I know that's easier said than done, but if they were concerned they would have ordered an ultrasound and CT, etc.!! And you've got Momster Power on your side!!

hedgie said...

Sorry, Dana, can't give you any advice. It usually doesn't work for me, either. Some say to keep clicking on the words Conservation cam or whatever it says above the screen.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Lynn-Hedgie ( :
At some point yesterday Nilla said I should have gotten hold of some of the other Momsters to come eat with us others.

How is the sunroom roof doing?

wvgal_dana said...

Right now I am using the bathroom light. Trying to trick Little Man so I can be on computer for awhile. Before he wakes and I have to let him out and feed him. lol

It worked one other day too tee hee.

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone. I woke up this AM to snow again! They expect 4 in today and 4 more tonight :( I really thought we were finished.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Phyrfly (me other self lol) I don't want you to share any of it with us here ok ( :

Mits said...

Good Thursday a.m. everyone....

Mits said...

update from BWE.....

Weather Note
The big snow is going to miss us, but we will have strong winds on Thursday and Friday, which might cause power problems.

As of this morning, neither egg showed clear signs of hatching.

Mits said...

Weather for nest.....
Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of snow this afternoon. Breezy with highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds around 10 mph... increasing to 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent.

Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of snow showers. Windy with lows in the mid 20s. West winds 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
Cloudy with a 20 percent chance of snow showers. Windy with highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
Friday Night
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Gusts up to 35 mph in the evening.

FuzzleMT said...

Good Morning to ALL!
I haven't had any problems with the Live Cam - until yesterday. I was so frustrated. (I recall some of you have had problems all along.) So in desperation, I opened Mozilla - prefer IE so never use - and my live cam is working very well today! Might be worth a shot to try Mozilla? Blackwater, NBG all work fine on IE - go figure!

hedgie said...

Dana, don't know what you are referring to about eating with you.
Oh, yes, Dana2---don't ever put your email addy on blog!! If you want to get it to someone in particular, you can reach them through their blog if they have one, or let me know and I'll send it to someone for you!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Mits ty for the weather...Guess I'll need to cover LM's ramp with cover and hold her down!

Hi Irene does Mozilla take over all of IE if I down it? Did you just go and google Mozilla?

FuzzleMT said...

Didn't mean to mislead anyone. I see I am signed in to my Google account and my blog login didn't show. I am FuzzleMA and my avatar is the grizzly.

hedgie said...

Hi ya', Mits. Forecast not sounding too worrisome. TY!
Hello, Irene---welcome.

hedgie said...

Thanks for clarifying,MuzzleMA!!!

FuzzleMT said...

Dana, I have both Mozilla and IE open on my desktop - downsized on three open screens - Shepherdstown Cam is ALWAYS open and is today on Mozilla. The Blackwater Cam where I hope to see a little eaglet hatching is open in IE. Blog open in the other window.

wvgal_dana said...

I love it when Suzanne has been in. I don't seem to be there when it happens but I love seeing the NAME and her comments....(((Hugs)))

Mits said...

I followed the advice from the Outdoor Channel Help section at the top of their page....I uninstalled adode, then reinstalled it, then I went and installed IE8, and live feed has been working fine for me

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FuzzleMT said...

Mits, I'm going to try that!

wvgal_dana said...

My delete dumb thing wouldn't putit in then come back and it's in twice...blogger cop.

Mits said...

from outdoor channel help section.....

How come I'm not seeing any video play?
You need to have the latest Adobe Flash Player installed. Click here to get it:

If you have the latest Adobe Flash Player, it's possible that it's corrupted. This is easily fixed by uninstalling it and then reinstalling it.

Another thing to try is using a different browser. There's Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, Safari 4, Opera 10, etc. Note that Internet Explorer 6 is not a supported browser, although it might work in some cases.

Mits said...

eggs in view BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Which #'er Adobe do you now have Mits?

hedgie said...

I want a laptop! This netbook just doesn't have enough RAM to do anything. I can't even get email open on it now. So PC is up, too. Stoopid to have to have 2 puters running. ARGH!

Mits said...

the link that OC gave to install it was adobe flash 10, just go to the help section on OC and it has the link right there.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Nest looks pretty this morning hard to tell the fluff from the feathers at times. Nest cup so deep...

BWE has some nice little pine sprigs and dried leaves and things, making ready for the nursery ☺

Mits said...

wild wind up at the Maine eagle nest...

magpie said...

saw that Mits, Maine looks like it is getting clobbered with the wind

I was up during the night several times checking Valmont Owl nest...
their forum comments indicate some concerns....owls away from the eggs for long periods, and then when there, they are not roosting like they normally do
hoping for the best there....
also some concern about one of the adult owls...

ceil said...

Good morning all. Have not been here for a few days. Get busy and forget that I have not checked in.
Megan sure hope you are feeling better. Spring is coming want you well.

magpie said...

I can hear more than I can see at the live feed for NCTC -
love to hear the birds there
I watch for a tee tiny while then switch it off and just watch still cam
I know what my problems are here and am just learning to live with it

Was glad to see Megan check in this morning
and always good to see everyone...♥
beautiful sunshine on Eagle Shoulders at our nest

TTFN I be quiet today, my avatar says it so ! ☺

Best wishes for a good day for everyone...

Dana Gray said...

Sorry, work got in the way of me being on-line :)

Morning wvgal_dana--I guess I really could be your mini-me LOL I Dana2 LOL, and did I put my email addy somewhere I shouldn't have.

hedgie said...

I nicknamed you Dana2, Phyrfly!! I thought I saw where you mentioned something about your address---so was just cautioning you....sometimes there are trolls who could take advantage!! Maybe it was someone else who mentioned posting it....

hedgie said... was Diann--PA Nana--who mentioned email!! Sorry, PHyrfly!

hedgie said...

Margy, we don't ever want you to stop being a Magpie!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Windy Morning Without any New S..W! Whoo Hoo! Love the sunshine!

Good to see everyone here today
Our nest looks good as does BWE
Love the new sprigs of pine in BWE

The squirrel out on the deck has found the suet holder and is gnawing away on it. Time for a new one!

Mits said...

from channel 9 news in Washington D.C....

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A new Web site is up and running to remind people that letting everyone know their whereabouts could leave them vulnerable to those with less-than-friendly intentions.

The site, called Please Rob Me, shows posts that appear on Twitter from a location-sharing service, Foursquare. Such services let people use their cell phones to alert friends to where they are.

Please Rob Me puts these posts into a long, chronological list it refers to as "Recent Empty Homes."

Although, some people choose to show their whereabouts only to approved buddies, plenty push very specific updates through public Twitter profiles that anyone can see.

The creators of Please Rob Me, based in the Netherlands, say people are sharing too much online without even realizing it.

Mema Jo said...

No activities planned for me today and
after reading the reminder that Mits published - I'm not going to be telling you where or when I am going.
That is a good practice to get into but knowing you are with friends it sometimes is hard to remember not to say too much. Emails to each other can take care of informing friends.

magpie said...

It's probably safe to post this


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...