Monday, February 22, 2010


New thread.  Rain is coming...


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Mits said...


Mits said...

Mei Xiang is eating her morning goody bag of fruit

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Seems like all my cams are high maintenance anymore. Daniel's panda page doesn't refresh like it use to and I have a terrible time keeping our live feed going some times. It is hard to keep up with it and work.

Mits said...

my Daniel's page is still working it is the NZ cams that have not been working well the last week....

Mits said...

Sissy I sent you the panda cam from Thailand yesterday, did you get it???

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

More fluff!! Belle is busy this morning!

Mits said...

both eagles in nest, but now I can't access the live feed, it was fine a few minutes ago

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mits, I got that but I couldn't get the live cam up.

normabyrd said...

I can't get the nest!!---BLACK SCREEN!

Mits said...

hmm, that 's odd, it is a really good one,,,young cub with mom..

Mits said...

me neither, has some kind of error, number.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, maybe the NZ cams have been the problem. I just assumed it was Daniel's page.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex abd I getting ready to head on over for coffee and dog treats. I kind of fell fluish but am trying very hard to ignore that feeling. I have lots i want to do today.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Ya know, after looking at juvenile Golden Eagle pics, I am not sure that isn't what I saw Sunday. I will definitely have to go back down there and check it out. But, the guy from Pipestem said there were juvenile bald eagles.

ceil said...

Morning all. Cannot get live feed either. Get error message. Off to get tea then try again

ceil said...

Before i leave I don't like that sitemeter. Don't mind the ones that give count but don't like that it gives my location

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO & DEX!---I hope you don't feel flushed---Be careful kid!--sometimes one has to stop & listen!--ho!--WISHING YOU & DEX a wonderful day!---ENJOY!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL---running late---

Costume Lady said...

No fog here...might have been earlier. Birds are singing as if it was a Spring day:)

GEEK SQUAD GENE will be installing my new computer today, which means uninstalling this one. That means, I will lose all my personal blogs. I don't know how to save them!:(
So, if anyone wants to save a photo from any of them, you are welcome to do so. He's going to start in about 2 hours.

Costume Lady said...

Ceil, the sitemeter says I live in Frederick, Md. LOL

Ragdoll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...

chick all alone at CRC

Mits said...

mom is back at CRC

Ragdoll said...

Good morning to all!!!
I am having trouble getting the nest site up also. Just a black screen.

Costume Lady, I watched the "I Fell Like Flapping" video. I got a good laugh. It is so cute. So thank you for putting it up for us newbies and thank you Paula for making it.

hedgie said...

Wow, never heard that fog eats snow!! Yep, bring it on. Gotta say, tho', that except for piles from plow and shovel, most places have melted down to about a foot, so that is good. Like Norma, I will need gravel come spring.

Morning all!!

Having a worrisome morning....there is a deer out back just laying in the snow.....she has been there for an hour. I can see her chewing her cud....but SO highky unusual that I am really worried about her. All I can see is her head.

Ragdoll said...

OPPS sorry about the "1234". I was having a hard time opening up my account. It required something in the comment block. Didn't know it would go through. I am still learning.

Mits said...

hope she is just resting, Lynn

hedgie said...

Wanda, you shouldn't lose your blogs. They are stored on Google, not on oyur puter!!

Suzanne said...

Hi guys, bye guys. Just checking out the revolving map.

Is that NORMA on here? Hi Norma! Sure do miss talking to you!

Hi Mits, have a good one!

Love ya all. Bye

hedgie said...

Relief---went out to get the papers and guess I made enough noise with the door that she got up---and she wasn't alone! A yearling was tucked in there with her....think there must have been a drift spot that they nestled in to. Maybe they were just cold and tired. Glad they are on the move.

Mits said...

omg.....Hi Suzanne, bye Suzanne:)

Mits said...

glad they are on the move, Lynn

ceil said...

Is that our Suzanne? Hi. Good to see you.

Mits said...

yep that was "our" Suzanne:)

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, Do you usually get deer in your yard on a regular bases. Maybe she is pregnant and resting. My daughter use to have a female fox lay by her wood pile everyday. She wasn't even scared of us looking at her from the door and talking.

Suzanne said...

Hi everyone. I'm lurking. And yupper, this is "your" Suzanne. Nice to be here for a change. It's been a while. Not gonna write too much, though. Ya'll have a good day. I'm gonna lurk and work.

Mits said...

it is soooo good to see your name on here:)

Ragdoll said...

Oh, Hedgie I am so glad you know she is alright. How exciting for her to have her yearling. She must feel save in your yard. Our deer don't birth until later March or April.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hi Suzanne!! So good to "see" you!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for that info, Lynn. It is amazing how little I know about the workings of a computer, after using one for 3 or 4? years. All that I really know is that it brings me great pleasure and great friends. But, when it is not working right, brings me great stress and agravation!
Going to get out my Computer DUMMIES books now and see what I can learn.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, so glad I read back aways! SUZ, so glad to have you back, if only for a little while! We have all missed you sooo much! Is this going to be a permanent thing?

hedgie said...

OMG.....SUZ!!!! What a treat!! Good to see you on with us, even if just for a minute!! Don't work too hard, gal!

Yes, Ragdoll, I have deer all the time.
Haven't seen any yet that are obviously preggers, but it sure won't be long, I'm sure.

Ragdoll said...

Hi Suzanna, I am a newbie here. You sound like a very special person here. So I wanted to say Hello.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

They aren't gonna be able to find those eggs under all that fluff! Wiggle, wiggle, waddle, waddle!!

ceil said...

Yep our Suzanne is a keeper.
Wanda I have been on a computer since 1982 and even the dummies book doesn't help me. Even took a course at John Hopkins University for beginners. I was the only beginner. I use the computer to get enjoyment. Talking to you guys and seeing all the cams and information.

ceil said...

Lynn we are out Kevin's the one day and a deer laid at the end of their property for hours. I thought something was wrong but it was resting

Ragdoll said...

Here in Maine we don't get many deer in our yards. The occasional pass through and when winters are rough we will have them at our birdfeeders. It's a treat to see them. we have lots of woods for them to be happy in.

Mits said...

Ragdoll, we watch a cam in Gaylord and the deer come to the bird feeders there

Lolly said...

Just taking a peek in before I read the paper!

WOW!!! GOOD MORNING TO SUZ!!!!!! What a treat to have you peek in!

Well, it happened....we have snow of the ground. Excuse me for using that nasty word. Roofs are all white, ground is barly covered and it is still falling lightly.

So, does everyone have an "error" when opening the cam?

Mits said...

yes, Lolly, alot of us our getting the error

Lolly said...

Good morning, Mits! Went and took a peek at our tell all globe! Now I am going to go pour me a mug of coffee.

Will be back soon!

Mits said...

the penquins are out and about at the Baltimore zoo, and they are happy campers:)

Mits said...


Lolly said...

Forgot to say

WANDA you will NOT loose your blogs. They are out there in cyber space!!!

Now, I lost all email addresses and everything I had stored in Outlook. And, I may have lost my real address book with all addresses. That is my biggest loss.

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, do you have moose?? we watch a cam in Utah (which is now turned off for the season) at
A lady named Pook feeds them for a few months. Check out her photos, if you like moose!!

Mits said...

I got the live feed back up...

Costume Lady said...

I'm going to use a Flash-drive to save my addresses...I think that will work. I think I can log into Picasa on the new computer and still have my photos as long as I have my password? I have no business info that needs to be saved except for business cards and still have the CD that goes along with that...just need to re-install that. Don't think there is anything else that is that can't be replaced.
We just decided to move furniture around in here to give me more space. So, that is going to take awhile. This is a bigger job than I thought it would be:(

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Well, the turning globe thingy followed me to work and a different computer.

I think it is interesting, and our IP addresses are already out there, so it's just bouncing them back to us, I suppose.

Thanks for the update on the ice dancing. I really wanted to watch, but was too tired.

Mits said...

it always is, Wanda

Capt. Eagle said...

Hello ladies. This will be my last comment on my Tiger's old computer. I hope I don't keep her waiting too long to get back with you, her friends.
SUZ--Wanda told me you were on here and she was so happy to have you back. I'm happy you are back too--you are one of my eagle buddies too. You Gals are great!
See you on the new computer, Lord willing.

Mits said...

Good Luck, Capt:)

paula eagleholic said...

Don't get so worried about the globe, it's just a little more detailed than the cluster map that is already on there...

It's not sending out your IP address to anyone, or sending you emails.

There are worse things out there that track your habits!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to see Suz could pop in.

Wanda - you should still be able to keep your old computer up and running and transfer things at your leisure...

Ragdoll said...

Hedgie, We do have moose. Lots of Moose. My husband and I use to go in the woods further north and see how close we could get to the moose, with respect, of course. One day we walked right into 3 moose. Mom and yearling on the right of us and a male moose on the left. "It was rut season". We didn't want to get in HIS way, but there we were. I Had seen a video where if you are confronted by a moose, just raise your arm and hand like they are your racks and act like a submissive moose. Looking down on the ground and kind of bowing as you back up.. So there we are the both of us doing this until he walked by. If anyone ever saw us they would of locked us up in a loony bin. It's seemed to work. Were still alive. Then we followed them from a distance. They are so big/ugly and yet beautiful and cute.

hedgie said...

Thanks for that reassurance, Paula.

Hey, Capt. Gene!! Glad you are getting the Tiger all set up!! You are a good man!!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Paula, I think I am getting hysterical for nothing. It will all work out:)
Need some breakfast and then get to work!

Mema Jo said...

WOWSIE! Good morning all and Suzanne so good to know you are there lurking in case we need you! WHoo HOo! Made my day.

Mema Jo said...

Mason Update

Lolly said...

Okay, Ragdoll, you gave me my first giggle of the day. You painted a good picture and I can see it all now. Too funny!

When we were in Maine a few years ago, we never saw a moose. We went out every evening where we were told to go. Saw lots of tracks, never saw a moose! Have seen moose in Canada. We are heading up your way this next fall. Can hardly wait!

Snow is coming down harder now. This is unbelievable, our third snow and we usually do not get any!

I tell you, it must be my association with you guys!☺

Lolly said...

Capt Gene and Suzanne...both on the same morning. That makes for a good day!☺

Mits said...

incoming at nest

hedgie said...

Ragdoll, must have been a little scary, but certainly an encounter of a lifetime!! Have seen moose in upstate New York along the interstate, but that's my only experience. We don't have them im WV to my knowledge.

paula eagleholic said...

Dad feeding chick at CRC

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Ragdoll, bet you guys did look funny...

Ragdoll said...

Lolly, Fall is a beautiful season in Maine. I hope you see moose this time. If you hit near the Kennebunkport area let me know. We can meet up. I am a newbie, but by then you should get to know me better. Can never be too safe these days.

Hedgie, I have another Moose story I will see if I can type it up. During my next class. I'm at work.

Ragdoll said...

Paula, I saw your "I Feel Like Flapping" video. I loved it! It was a good laugh. Great Job!

paula eagleholic said...

Is Dunedin down?

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you enjoyed it Ragdoll. :)

Lolly said...

We had a wonderful trip to New England. It was Fall of 2007. We pulled out trailer up there and that is what we will do again. We stayed at a park in Bar Harbor. Loved Acadia! We first went to Vermont and NH. This time we will take a different route. Want to go up the coast of Maine. Then on our way home.....NCTC Open House!!!!

Mits said...

yes Paula it is Sparky is trying to get them to fix it....

Mits said...

this is a note i sent to the city folks in Parks and Recreation and IT this morning after nothing got accomplished yesterday.....i cc'd it to the mayor...


From: Sparky Jones

Date: February 23, 2010 5:19:01 AM EST

Subject: no power at the OspreyCam

I asked Dan Zucker, the web site developer, if he had any suggestions for our problem of lack of power at OspreyCam because the GFI keeps tripping it off.
He replied: The obvious idea to me is to hard wire the transformer and not use the GFI outlet. GFI will pop even if exposed to too much moisture. They could simply run the power in a conduit and hard wire it to the supply box......
Problem solved. You do not need a GFI for something like this. The normal breaker in the club should work fine.....

I just know that at this point many people have worked hard since last summer to get the OspreyCam up and running it was doing beautifully with lots of visitors. Now it is PrimeTime for the Ospreys and their very active chicks and essentially nobody has been able to see them since last week.

If we need to sub-contract an electrician to get the issue resolved quickly and safely, I'll cover the expense....let's just get it done. There is obviously nothing wrong with the camera but just to the power to it....
Thank you,
Sparky Jones

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits. I did see that note on the site dated the 20th....wasn't sure if it was running or not.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and they do have a note on the home page...I went right to the cam page and didn't see the note. Thanks, Mits.

paula eagleholic said...

They also have a page about Hoover....2/19...all is well :)

Ragdoll said...

WOW, I can finally get our nest up. I am never sure, but I think it is Belle on the nest

Costume Lady said...

NEW THREAD...COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Go, Sparky!!!

Well, watching skating from last night. While the Canadian pair had a very graceful, lovely performance, I still think ours had a much more energetic, athletic and inspiring performance. Oh, is what it is....scoring remains too subjective.

hedgie said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just got an email from PayPay saying that it was confirming a purchase for almost 300 dollars for a phone being shipped to someone in Maine! It was a spoof email, trying to get my personal info. I use PayPal to pay my electric bill, but that is pretty much it. It asked for me to send a report with all my info, SS#, etc. on this form.

I didn't do it and called PayPal, thank God! My checking account has taken a beating this week!!!!!

First AT&T took out an unauthorized payment and caused me to overdraw my account! Just got that fixed this morning and now someone else is trying to get my little tad of money!!

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

Trouble in momster land---bunch of us hhave gotten a phish-mail from PayPal....all the same message!!!!!

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while