Monday, February 08, 2010


Fresh thread.


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---MARGY!--you get rest--& more rest!
PRAYERS EVERYONE in re: this coming SNOW!--our workers are exhausted!---I thank GOD that we have electric!--HAVE BEEN DOING A 'SNOW DANCE'----It is a COOL 16° here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!--'HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY'---RECEIVED MORNING PAPER TODAY!!!--WHOA!--(it takes so little to make me happy) -- TRY THINKING ---'HAPPY THOUGHTS' TODAY!! GIVE THANKS---& PRAYERS for all the folks who are working to get our life back!--REMEMBER TO SHARE! 'LIFE IS GOOD!!--GOD BLESS!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Its 12 and snowing. Time to bundle up and do a little shoveling and then head Dex and I over for coffee and dog treats. Will read log and catch ya on the other side.

Lynne2 said...

The birds will find them Shirley. My birds are calling relatives from 3 states away to come to the feeders, I even have a Carolina Wren at the seed feeder, something I have never seen! We have lots of them around but not at the feeders.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---MARGY!--you get rest--& more rest!
PRAYERS EVERYONE in re: this coming SNOW!--our workers are exhausted!---I thank GOD that we have electric!--HAVE BEEN DOING A 'SNOW DANCE'----It is a COOL 16° here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!--'HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY'---RECEIVED MORNING PAPER TODAY!!!--WHOA!--(it takes so little to make me happy) -- TRY THINKING ---'HAPPY THOUGHTS' TODAY!! GIVE THANKS---& PRAYERS for all the folks who are working to get our life back!--REMEMBER TO SHARE! 'LIFE IS GOOD!!--GOD BLESS!!

normabyrd said...

WHAT HAPPENED?????----i don't remember hitting the button TWICE!

stronghunter said...

Going to make a store run a bit later on. Will is here to watch Hunter. I think Will's scheduled to be at work at 2:00 this afternoon. I do hope he doesn't have weather problems.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO & DEX----Thinking of getting dressed & going to store--haven't been out for so long---but mail person was here yesterday---so guess I can get off the hill!---What's on your agenda after coffee?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LYNNE2 & SHIRLEY!!--I have had several birds!---(THINK MINE ARE FROM 5 STATES) ho!--Can't get to feeders!---snow is too high--must figure something out.....

Lynne2 said...

Norma, better get out while the gettin's good! Maybe you can find an inexpensive feeder that you can use closer to the house while you are out.

Lynne2 said...

Norma, better get out while the gettin's good! Maybe you can find an inexpensive feeder that you can use closer to the house while you are out.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGIE--MOVIN'JIM--SHIRLEY--MITS--MEGAN--WANDA--LYNN2 & CEIL!!----MEGAN--after you shoot the ground hog---DO YOU EAT THEM?--ho!---Lots of folks do!

Lynne2 said...

Lib and Belle in the nest cup

normabyrd said...

LYNNE2---See you are 'repeating yourself' too??

Lynne2 said...

WOW, it must be "DITTO" day on the blog!!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Does the KID have school today?---Most are closed in the Eastern Panhandle & here in HAMSHIRE too!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Who said Train at 7:51 a.m.? :)

Lynne2 said...

uh gee, I don't recall Sharon.....

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---I think you may have 'TRAIN ON THE BRAIN!---ho!---

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have been awake since about 7. I took T-bird to work because her car is still buried in the snow.

floralgirl said...

No we do not eat groundhog! ew...we throw them out in the field for the tv's
Norma, no school here, roads are a mess. I bet they won't go back to school til next week.
Off to the store, friend is taking us! hooray for fiends! bbl

normabyrd said...

plxPA---Lots of SNOW & small BIRDS!

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone. Getting ready for storm #2 :(

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---JUST giving you a hard time!---ho!--How are things at your place?---I have really been a slob since I have been SNOWED IN!--Just keep thinking this too shall end!---BUT WHEN??

Lynne2 said...

God help me I just heard a huge comotion out on the porch and I am afraid to look for fear the roof had caved.....

normabyrd said...

Please check LYNN2---pray you are wrong!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning all in Eagleland.

Reading some of the blog and scratching. Repeat and more repeat of same.

Lynne hope your floor didn't cave in.

Lolly said...

Uh, Oh! Does not sound good for Lynne's porch roof!

Good morning! Can you beleive I am up? Two hours before I got up yesterday. ha!

28 here this morning and my swamp is frozen. Actually, think I can go ice skating out on the bricks. We have a stream on the bricks from all the rain and it is frozen.

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Belle & Lib in the nest then poof.

Birds outside have been chirping with a TX drawl -- Lolly? Did you tell your birds we have seeds?

For all of you venturing out today, please be extra careful.

Roads are very slickery around here.

Off to get some coffee and read the NEWSPAPER! Yes, we have a newspaper this morning.

Can't believe it. I actually heard a TRAIN whistle just now.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, do you have kerosene yet? Gene said we can try to get up your road with a few cans. Let me know.

Lolly said...

Lynne, I thought that hawk looked rather scraggly, too. However, he did fly off okay. I am thinking that something was wrong for him to come so close and had not thought about him going after the left overs.????????

Lolly said...

Megan left for the store, Wanda. A friend is taking her. Surely she will get the fuel she needs when out.

Costume Lady said...

Phyrfly...I asked a few days ago, but don't think you read my question...are you from Morgantown?
I would imagine (if you are) that you have more snow than we.

Dana, can you get out of your neighborhood?

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda read a couple of comments back. Megan is being driven out by some friends. Maybe for kerosene.

Lolly said...

Time for me to read the paper. Birds with a Texas drawl, huh? Interesting!?????☺

Lynne2 said...

OK. roof is still up. Can't figure out what the crashing noise was. It was pretty loud. Possibly SHEETZ of ice sliding down from the main roof, under the snow where I can't see it onto the porch roof maybe....not a very comforting sound.

wvgal_dana said...

I just got ahold of drs. office nurse is going to ask him to prescribe the methrol does pack. Hope he gets in soon so I can go to a pharmacy.

hedgie said...

Morning, buds! Cannot believe that we are facing what we are facing.
Lynne....go check.....hoping it was just a snow slide OFF the roof.
Megan and SHirley, be careful on your store trips. you NEED to go out? Don't if not.
Sharon, is the prediction bad for you all, too?

Costume Lady said...

Judie and may forget how to teach if this snow doesn't soon let up;) ENJOY your days off...your students surely are!

normabyrd said...


that fine snow has started here already & it was not supposed to start until afternoon!---i am not dressed.......CURSES!--FOILED AGAIN!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, goodness, I hope Lynne lets us know soon what the noise was! So far, our weak porch roof is holding up.

Costume Lady said...

Norma, where would you go if you did get dressed? Can you get out if necessary?

Costume Lady said...

I have to agree with JIM'S earlier statement...looks like the egg cup is ready for another egg whenever Belle decides to use it. Hope it's not for a while!
I was thinking of emailing Steve about the bale of hay, but after thinking about it, hay would hold water, whereas sticks would not, so I guess we should let nature take care of itself...IT IS WHAT IT IS!

normabyrd said...


must get dressed!

movin said...

Good morning again, everyone.

Didn't get much sleep, but I'm pretty alert for now......

Hey, I think I see some color in the cams this morning, especially the still cam, which I haven't noticed before.

We are due some moderate rains for the next two-three days; so we aren't totally evading the weather this winter.



floralgirl said...

Waiting for friend to get here. Thanks, Wanda and Gene for the offer. Heading to Stown for kero- sure hope they have some.
I am so tired I could just lay down in a snow bank...

Costume Lady said...

Dana, doctor gave Gene a cream or ointment some years ago for is called BETAMETHASONE VALERATE CREAM.
It is wonderful! In the Summer, when I pick beans or squash, my elbows begin to itch (no rash, just agonizing itch) and that cream stops it withing a minute!
It has a steroid in it, so it can't be used but a few times a day...but one use takes care of my itch.

glo said...

Haven't even checked the nest yet. I think I will just let this one go by up there too. I can't help them or any of you either. Makes me cry.

Man I think I am getting pretty depressed this winter from here to there. I have my shoveling done and my birds are fed. Dex is walked and overall car wise we are snowed in and possibly could be for s few days unless someone comes by I can hire to plow or snow blow the driveway. Its just way too cold and too heavy for me to do more than walkway and paths for Dex. I have people food, dog food and birdseed. I can stay here til spring.

I am so worried about all of you though. I am glad Megan is headed for kerosene. I hope Mits has her meds, and Dana gets her script and back in early before the snow picks up. Some blood glucose strips for MeMa would be good and Lynne needs to keep herself and her doggy away from that roof area. Norma best be keeping herself inside and I do hope she has everything she needs but the paper. She can get to the news online. Some already have the day off and hoping maybe others can come home early or not have to go in at all.

OK so prayers for all of you and that special pair in the sycamore tree. I am glad its early Feb for them but it sounds like not a good week. I hate to say we have another storm in the forecast for the weekend. Doesn't bother me for us here actually, I just don't want it to head east next. OK wrote my book, where is my kleenex. :-(

hedgie said...

Sharon, you have mail!

Costume Lady said...

Megan, I think we have a few 5 gal. cans of kero for emergency use...but would be happy to let you have them if you can't find any. How about the BP station near you?

movin said...

There are several fresh pine fronds scattered in the BWE nest this A.M. ... to melt the snow?



normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---This is the same way & about the same time the snow started last time!

Lynne2 said...

3 eggs at NBG visible right now

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone. Belle (I think) just came in with a stick and maybe food, but I am not sure about that! Got Mattie's cat to the vet to get him neutered and the roads are awful! Tom will pick him up on his way home this evening. Reckon we better buckle down for another round!!!

floralgirl said...

The only place that sells it near us is Stown. If they have none, possibly Shawleys in Fairplay might.

floralgirl said...

Here's my ride...bbl

movin said...

I think BW lost power.



hedgie said...

Jim, before the snowfall, the color was really evident in the nest on the still cam....the fluff was really green, a nd the grasses on the gorund by the barn were a little bit colored, too. Live cam has never looked like it has color.

Dana Gray said...

Costume Lady...I work in Morgantown...we got a lot of snow, WVU was closed yesterday. It's been a long time since that has happened

movin said...

Boy, all that talk of staying up nights in the bad weather and the kerosene reminds me of the old days growing up outside of Del Mar.

Every time we had a storm in the late 40's, the power would go out everywhere in the back country....either a line down or transformer blown. I think they only had one line that ran through the area.

The kerosene lamps got a good workout back then. We also had a stove that probably could have run on kerosene, but we used another fuel oil in it.



movin said...

Eagle has landed in the nest.



hedgie said...

One poor deer out here all by herself....digging like crazy trying to find food....damn corn feeder not working.

Dana Gray said...

My husband and I were just talking about getting a generator pre-wired for the house so when power goes out we can start her up and the freezer, and furnace will be back on. Kerosene lamps kinda sound more fun.

paula eagleholic said...

Both were in the nest, looks like one took off

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - do you have a corn thrower?

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest

hedgie said...

Well, I am going to walk out to the mailbox....put my mail in and hope carrier comes through today. Wishing there will be newspapers, but have my doubts! Be back........I hope!

Lynne2 said...

oh boy, another's gonna be a long day. Still can't tell where it's coming from out there.

Dana Gray said...

Lynne2--could it be icicles falling?

Mits said...

Boo, I'm back from the store, very easy to get out of neighborhood, but what a surprise, Massachusetts Ave is a mess!!!!This is a main thoroughfare from Montgomery County to downtown DC....somebody forgot it, completely snow-covered, only 2 lanes as opposed to 4...yuck, if you don't have to go out...DON'T, prayers for all that we keep the electricity on.

Mits said...

BTW, got my meds, and some Mojito Mix, so I'm good to go;)

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - no more snow dancing! We don't need any more snow!

Megan - glad you got out with the neighbor!

paula eagleholic said...

Oooh, girl scout cookies are here!

hedgie said...

Oh Happy Day----newspapers!!!!!
Road has been plowed, too! Of course, driveway closed in at road---had to climb a small mountain!! Don't think I'll read my book today....back issues of paper came, too!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Enjoy, Lynn

hedgie said...

It has started here........argh. I HATE SNOW.

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

Maybe I should go on up to pharmacy and wait there. As least I'd be that far.

hedgie said...

Paula, the feeder has a timer that, when it works, spins out a quantity of corn. SIL has replaced battery and it still doesn't work---he was supposed to order a new one, but like everything with Charlie, who knows when?! Thinking of getting on Cabellas website and ordering it myself if I can figure out the right one!!

Norma, you were doing NO SNOW dances, right?????

wvgal_dana said...

bbl I pray he calls it in soon

Lolly said...

Norma is nice....she would not do and snow dances!!!

I may just have to stop watching the cam. I do not want to see another inch of snow on that nest!

Paper has a lot about your snow. I read it, but I was thinking "I know all about it...and could tell you more." ha!

Our temp is now 30 and bright sunshine. Paper said we will be right on the line on whether we have snow or rain Thursday.

stronghunter said...

Don't see snow here yet, but Kathryn said some has been seen where she's working--near Quantico.

normabyrd said...

I think I am going to go out & put bird feed on top of the frozen clumps of snow!!---I have CORN too for deer!!---but no way to get it to them!!---It appears that the sun may be trying to come out!!

movin said...

Well, if you put the live feed on full screen, you can see snow at Sheptown now.

I wonder why our pair are not protecting the egg cup....



Lynne2 said...

OK more crashing sounds...Phyrfly, that's exactly what it is! I went upstais and stuck my head out the bathroom window and sure enought HUGE icicles and chunks of ice are crashing down onto the porch roof from the roof above....not good.

Dana, please be careful when you go out.

Dana Gray said...

Icicles can really be dangerous.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jim, I do see some snowflakes when I put the live cam on full screen.

Lynne, please stay off that porch.

hedgie said...

Dana, think if you went on in to pharmacy, they would fill it faster!

Jim, nothing to protect now.....better to eat and work onnestorations, I think.

Norma, the deer will find the corn if you just throw it out....of course, the squirrels and birds will, too.

Lolly, PLEASE don't try to skate....we don't want you to fall!!!

Mema Jo said...

Morning All! I am closing the blinds and curtains - I don't even want to see that first flake. I think Norma was doing the "Stop Snow" Dance. I can't even remember the last I went out somewhere. Hubby is on his coffee run and son has been here to get snow blower to someone else' entrance.
Loved that Hawk video - really beautiful bird!
Train on the brain - Norma that said it all for Sharon!

Mema Jo said...

Geesh! Didn't close the drapes soon enough It is SNOWING now!

Mema Jo said...

So if it has started much earlier then they thought - It better STOP sooner then what they predict!

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of icicles, we just saw a Mockingbird sipping water from an icicle. How clever of him...tried to get a photo...don't know if it turned out. I have never seen a bird do that, too cute.

It is snowing here and it looks like it means business:(

stronghunter said...

Danged starlings have knocked open one of my suet feeders and are fighting over all of the suet that has fallen on the ground.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---some birds are eating the feed thrown on the snow drifts!!---BEAUTIFUL!!

hedgie said...

Mits, glad you made it out and BACK safely. Sounds like it was NOT fun. What's the plan for Jay?

stronghunter said...

Speaking of water for birds, I have read that they do not eat the snow and that they do need water at times like this. I put out a shallow pan of water, but of course it will freeze soon.

What do you all know about water for birds in the winter?

hedgie said...

Shirley, any emergency warning on your NOAA radio??? I got one last evening and nothing since......don't understand it. Screen message read WARNING and red light flashed until sometime during the night, but no longer.

hedgie said...

Really too bad about Rep. John Murtha---goes to show that no routine surgery is 100% safe (complications from gallbladder removal). He was 77.

Mits said...

Lynn, he will be back Friday night, God willing...:)

Mits said...

looks like a NEW THREAD IS UP:)

Mits said...


WV sUSAn said...

New thread Ladies and Gents

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...