Friday, February 05, 2010


Snow, snow and more snow thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And here it is!

hedgie said...

Norma, read my post last night about 12:30 about penquins.

Margy, Carolyn heard from a friend that Glenwood Forest has been without power since 9 last night.

stronghunter said...

Roof collapse at Dulles. Sounds like some planes were damaged, so I guess that means it was where planes were stored rather than where people were gathered.

Lynne2 said...

damn, camera down

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed just went blue but cam back on...

stronghunter said...

Down only for a moment here. Back up now.

Lynne2 said...

back on

Lynne2 said...

well, my husband, my heavy heart and I are going to shovel...BBL

stronghunter said...

It is beautiful out there, but deadly.

I have bird craziness in my yard. Need to fill the feeders again.

stronghunter said...

Schools are going to be closed for awhile.

hedgie said...

One thing to remember is that snow is a good don't think we should completely give up HOPE about our egg......but, need to accept that things may not turn out the way we want.

Margy, 81 is impassable....

stronghunter said...

No one hurt in roof collapse at Dulles.

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE--We have 36 inches now--& IT IS STILL SNOWING!---I do remember we had snow like this in the 80s!!----So many birds!---I need to try to get some more food out!

hedgie said...

Wow, Shirley, didn't hear that about Dulles. Hope they have pictures soon.

Ceil, good to see you, girlfriend! I thought the same thing when Jack was talking about the bear cubs! Huh! We're smarter than he is!

ceil said...

Always read all the blog but did not read first this morning.
Lynn you saw the Hanna piece. They were great animals last night. Jo would have loved the owl monkey. Did you hear Hanna say that the bear sleeps through birth and when it wakes the bear is 3 months old?

stronghunter said...

What we are seeing now is pure instinct at work.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Normabyrd, do not go out there to feed the birds!

ceil said...

Lynn we posted at the same time. Sorry

stronghunter said...

Maybe we should send a link to the Lily cam to Mr. Hannah.

Mits said...

Jack Hanna, always seems like he is on the wacky weed;)

ceil said...

Shirley that is a good idea. Will see what I can do.
If anyone gets a chance try to see last nights show. He had on a very stange animal that was from the rhinercous family and the penquins

NatureNut said...

Heard on TV awhile ago that part of 66 E-bound was closed. I think they said Linden to Manassas. No one should be out there anyway!
I'm trying not to give up on Eggbert, but it's looking sad. Thank goodness there will be other eggs. After the storms, plz!!!!
I shoveled a trench on deck from side door back so I could at least try to throw bread crumbs toward where birds are coming!
Hard to take pics thru glass~~~ice balls stuck from the winds.

ceil said...

Mits there was a time he wasn't but lately he seems to be

Mits said...

yeah I used to enjoy him, but man, he is as jumpy as some of the are things in Baltimore?

ceil said...

Jim opened the back door and throw bread to the birds. Loretta we have a peregrin that comes to our alley. It was here yesterday. Too fast for pictures

ceil said...

Mits it is bad here. Plow has gone up our street several times but this is the worse I have seen it. Jim says it isn't.

Mits said...

we all remember the eagles in Tesoro, when the incubated 50+ days, it is pure instinct at times.I'm just glad to see Lib and Belle, have done everything I know how to get the cam up and running, even delted it and started from there, but not luck....

ceil said...

I am too talky this morning BBL

hedgie said...

Glad to hear that, Shirley. Lucky.

Mits said...

well, Ceil, think he is wrong:)and I will come up there and slap him silly.

stronghunter said...

I found Hanna's official website and a blog there, but I do not know if that's the most efficient way to get to him.

Jack Hanna

Costume Lady said...

Our birds are eating donuts this morning...hope they don't get a SUGAR HIGH:) They to have seeds in the feeders, but Capt. Gene thought he would give them a treat...says the sugar will give them energy. LOL

stronghunter said...

There were some people in the building at Dulles, but they were not hurt. Building has been evacuated.

I remember Jack Hanna from his days at the Columbus Zoo. We lived in Columbus for a number of years.

Costume Lady said...

Jack Hanna also LOOKS as though he has been wading through WACKY WEED:)

stronghunter said...

He is a bit hyper. That condition seems to run in the blood of many of the people who do what he does.

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, when we used to go to Chicago to the Halloween Costume Show, Columbus was alway our first stop for the night. Good restaurants and shopping on the west end:) Spent 3 days there one year.

stronghunter said...

I have watched Hanna on Larry King and thought that I would sincerely hope the man would never try to put one of those huge spiders on me!!

Costume Lady said...

Shirley, I think we are all getting a little hyper too. I have a knot in my tummy:(

stronghunter said...

Columbus is a good place. We spent some happy years there--1968-1980.

ceil said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

see you all over there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hedgie said...

You are NOT too talky, Ceil. So glad to hear you! I think that Jack Hanna puts on that act ALOT for Letterman, and somewhat for kids. I roar at the interaction between him and Dave! That striped animal from the rhino family was a tapir. Lovely animal. And that owl monkey was precious, too!

hedgie said...

That egg sandwich was really good---thank for the suggestion, Megan.

Going to get on PC and post some pics.

normabyrd said...

I think that SNOW is about up to my waist!!--I measured & it is---

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

New Riffe in the world, and not the one were were expecting last night!! Rachel, Tom's sister's daughter, had a baby boy, Alex, this morning by cesarean. Deidre, his brother's daughter, is still home and in labor, but it has slowed way down. These Riffe's come in bunches for sure!!! No news on condition of mother and baby yet. He is a little bit early, so we are praying!

Dana Gray said...

All is well here...made it to Summersville before the snow. We have about 10in here. I can't see the nest from my iPod I sure hope all is well. I remeber the last feb snow with the nest. If I remember rit it was the snow melt that caused the problem for the eggs. I am worried

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...