Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Some more pics

Just got these pictures from my friend Mark. Shows a rather crappy pic of the eagle we saw and a shot of me and my friend Pete looking at eagle perched in a beach tree.


Costume Lady said...

Pictures are so Beautiful--words just arent enough. Lets just sit and look. Thanks for sharing Steve.

Anne-Marie said...

Quick question and I had better get back to work. Isnt there swallow eggs under the bluebird? Or am I remembering wrong?

Costume Lady said...

You are so right Anne-Marie.
Don't know what will happen to them. In all this hot weather, they may have incubated themselves and hatch!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Beautiful pics Steve. Thanks for the new thread. Ok, I saw #63 go over the edbe flapping his wings and didn't hear any commotion for long enough time, that I want back to cleaning the house. I just come back and see the little Stinker sitting on his patio. Did he fledge or not. Does anyone know?

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

Thanks, Steven for new thread and pics,look cool and refreshing.

Anne-Marie said...

It seem to me that mama would hear the chicks peep even if they were way under.

carolinabeachmom said...

Another question, has anyone seen #63 parents yet today. I wonder if he has eaten? He keeps calling out, and now is settled into the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Anne Marie

A lot of questions floating around. If the eggs did hatch down under the others, could those birds get up through these birds and the nest?

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful cooling pics for such a hot day!
BB off nest - now what does everyone see?

Jill said...

I was just on the BB site, went away to check other cams and came back. It says I am not allowed on that site. WHAT??????????

Jill said...

Okay apparently I am alloed in now. 2 chicks, 3 eggs

carolinabeachmom said...


Did you ever get back on the BB site? There might be a lot of people viewing now with the new chicks. If you keep trying, sooner or later, you should get on.

carolinabeachmom said...


Glad to see you got it.

Anne-Marie said...

Ealier I saw two chicks and three eggs but now all I see is mama.

Jill said...

So what you are telling me is you guys are keeping me out of the site? LOL. I got in, only to see Mommas butt. Ohwell. Later maybe.

carolinabeachmom said...


I keep it on my screen to the side. When it says camera disabled, click here to resume viewing, that is what I do. I haven't had any trouble yet. That was I don't totally get off the site.

Mema Jo said...

I'm listening to Sweet Peeps or Limaw up on the branch in SC.

Paula has great videos over on the IWS forum and I hope she will bring them over to her site - If you're anxious to see them go on over to the IWS Discussion Forum for today's date

carolinabeachmom said...


I like tha name of Sweet Peeps! He has just been calling right along now. Do you suppose he can hear his parents? I wondered if he has had anything to eat all day. I haven't seen a parent there yet. I am starting to feel sorry for him, and I hope they haven't left him. Could that be possible?

carolinabeachmom said...

There are still 3 eggs in the BB nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm looking at the BB eggs. The top one looks like it has a little nick in it, or is it just a piece of the nest?

Mema Jo said...

The parents may refuse to feed him..that is what normally happens in order for his to take flight. Parents will come nearby with food & he will need to go to them. Our 3 eaglets last season seemed to be well fed and that technique not used by the parents. We'll see....Limaw seems to be a bit young for that to yet happen.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---Have #63 on full screen--ever since he returned---He has been calling & calling---At first for awhile--an EAGLE was answering---I FEEL SO SORRY FOR HIM!!---He keeps calling & even lies down----He has to be hungry!!!--I HAVE SPENT SO MUCH TIME WITH HIM TODAY--HE CALLS ME BY MY FIRST NAME---ho! ho!---wish we could help him!!!

Mema Jo said...

Too late for me to see the eggs..She is getting back on them. Oops! She must be feeding them. I saw a little wide mouth!
Now she is on them.....

Mema Jo said...

Get the fish out-Norma!

Remember when Jim suggested putting some frozen dinners up in our nest..

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I didn't know there were swallow eggs under the bluebird eggs?---When did that happen?---WHOA that's different---do they do that often???

normabyrd said...

JO---Feel so SORRY for him---If I thought Jim's suggestion worked---I would call & order a FISH to be DELIVERED!!! ho!----I felt he could hear the calling---Because I could!!---He hasn't tried to flap his wings for a while!!!!--Unless he just started----BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I am looking at the NY Kestrels - Didn't realize until Suzanne told me that there were 2 cams... Top one with the 4 chicks and then the lower one with the 3 older chicks!

Mema Jo said...

Limaw is still setting there - now he is preening his feathers...
Yes! I wish they would bring him a fish!!

normabyrd said...

JILL---You can see the BLUEBIRDS now----MOMMA BIRD isn't on the nest!!!--Wouldn't you love to see them in color?----BEAUTIFUL BIRDS!!

carolinabeachmom said...

I am so glad to hear the rest of you are worried about Sweet Peep too. It is driving me caazy. I haven't seen him eat all day.

normabyrd said...

JO----That answers another question----Couldn't' understand--We could see the "FLUFFY CHICKS"---Then I could see the older KESTRERLS-----Didn't figure there were 2 cams!!!----I need to ask more questions----Seems everyone knows more than I do!!!!

Mema Jo said...

The Bluebird's feathers sometimes look blue on the cam - only when the sunlight is just right, I guess. My daughter has the Eastern Bluebirds and they are so beautiful.

normabyrd said...

CANDY---I left him on all afternoon while doing some things around the house----He called all afternoon---I swear I was getting a stomach ache!!!!---Bet he isn't going to fly today!!--(HOPE HE MAKES A LIAR OUT OF ME)

normabyrd said...

JO--Check the color of those BLUEBIRDS on the BIRDHOUSE NETWORK-----They are so bright they seem to GLOW!!

normabyrd said...

AGENT #63 is standing on top of the nest---Not calling!!!---Maybe he has ORDERS not to leave the nest tonite----WORRY all nite!!

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Well I have tried yesterday and today to open http://www.saakai.fi/

for Finland even went to Beakspeak to no avail

Now you all are talking about BB and there is another nest I need to find lol

Sorry hi everyone (smile)

wvgal_dana said...

Norma don't you see those "fish sticks" lol

Mema Jo said...

Dana - email sent with both links.
See if they work for you.

wvgal_dana said...

OK will try had the Finland link sent but nope on that one :(

Mema Jo said...

Finally see an update of news on the FtStVrain cam:6/6/07 The young eagles have developed nicely and are exercising their wings in preparation for fledging, which should occur in the next two weeks. They are spending more and more time in the surrounding tree branches developing their footing. This is very important when it comes to landing. Typically they will frequent the nesting area for up to a month after fledging

Mema Jo said...

Dana Jim may have an answer for you about Finland link.. He said something last evening & I think it had to do with InternetExplorer...
Sorry I can't remember the details.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow ty Mema Jo got the Blue Bird site and someone has their mouth open for feeding time. Ho Norma little guy "big" jaws. lol

Still can't get through anyway Finland yet probably too busy.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo I went back in comments and read where Jim said he couldn't open it with Internet Explorer. Humm that shouldn't be. Guess I'll be playing around with that cause I'm sure someone is watching it with Internet Explorer.

I don't know how else to watch it eeeksss

MITS said...

DANA, I have IE and have no problems viewing it, might have something to do with Jims' AOL. GOOD LUCK.

Jill said...

I am using Explorer and I don't have a problem with Finland. I can't, however, get Norfolk right now. Anybody else?

Going to check on 63 see what he is doing. I am sure that if he gets hungry enough he will go find food. Kind of like when kids run away, they always come back when the get hungry. Mom is probably sitting just out of site with a great big fish. HE HE

Mema Jo said...

Norfolk has been down all afternoon for me.
Limaw is sitting here waiting for Mom & Dad to bring him food... He hasn't been taught how to find his own food yet.. One thing an eagle has is

BlueBird cam is showing a lot of blue on MrsBB right now.

MITS said...

Jill, I haven't been able to get on to watch VA since this a.m.

Mema Jo said...

Going in to watch a movie... BBL

Jill said...

I was on this morning too, glad to know it isn't just me.

Don't worry Mother Nature won't let the young man starve. He will figure it all out sometime soon.

Jill said...

Little big mouth just opened wide. Momma must have food. 3 eggs still there. Wanda, how long before we know if they are bad or not? If they were all supposed to hatch around the same time, I would say they are way behind. Will she have another brood or is this her second? Or do we know for sure?

carolinabeachmom said...

Please don't tell me that poor 63 has been sitting up there all this time! It seems like he has finally given up. I can't stand watching him suffer emotionally or hungrily. My heart goes out to him. He'll be in my prayers tonight that he flies tomorrow and gets food. Shame on those parents if they are sitting nearby with a fish dangling in front of him. Everyone, even animals, have their own time when they progress; can't be forced.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm out of here. I can't watch anymore. I know that he has to learn and that life in the wild is tough, but it makes me terribly sad to watch that poor eagle, who never had any brothers or sisters to be with him, to learn with him. That is the end of my sob story. You all have a peaceful night and get plenty of sleep. Tomorrow brings a new day. Good night all. Good morning Suzanne.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Mits and Jill I thought I should be able to view Finland with Internet Explorer. Especially since you two say you are.
I read where Jim couldn't so he went to using his AOL. Which I don't have.

I just keep on trying ty

Costume Lady said...

The BB eggs are viable up to 18 days after Mom starts incubating them, but it is unusual for them not to all hatch around the same time.
This is the second brood for the BB family. They often have a third brood.
When you see the bright blue color, that is Mr. B. Don't know why we can't see color in the bottom of the nest. Those eggs are a real pretty blue but don't show up.

I know it is Nature Taking it's Course with the SC eaglet, but it breaks my heart to see him standing there all alone with no siblings to explore with. What a lonely life he has led. Let's hope he gets "The Wind Beneath his Wings" tomorrow.

Jill said...

63 may not be alone. If you watch the upper left corner of the screen once in a while you will see a black speck, like a feather or something. Could be just leaves or something but maybe it is a parent.

Jill said...

Wanda, when were the eggs laid? I guess I missed that if you already told us.

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

The 1st egg was laid June 7 and then she laid one each day after that. She began incubating them the same day she laid the 5th one.

MITS said...

DANA, you have mail.

MITS said...

MR 63 said, if no one is going to bring food, I'll eat the bush.

Mema Jo said...

Limaw is down in the nest - can't tell if he in fact is picking at something to eat or what. I just came back on so I don't know what you all saw. I really think he is just doing his nestorations again.
Going over to IWS to find out...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone!! Just wanted to check in. Choose not to look at the Santa Cruz nest. Can't stand the heartache.

Anyway, on a much lighter note, I called today and made reservations at the Days Inn in Martinsburg for July 14. I am so excited that I am finally going to meet my best eagle buddies!!!

movin said...

Well, Good evening, everyone.

Only read some of the comments, so don't be surprised if I duplicate something....

A63 was really branching, perching on the topmost branch on the tree, plus this morning he was on one near the bottom of the screen. There is also a big branch just out of the frame towards the camera, and I suspect that is where he disappeared to earlier today.

He's hopped down now and appears to be looking for leftovers, but he doesn't look so hungry that he wasn't fed earlier today.

Both of the Catalina cams are working, but neither of them looks very good.

What's the word on our cam??

Swallow's eggs under the Blue Bird nest are history, sorry to say.

My Explorer 7 won't open the Finnish nestcam site...security issue probably, and I don't want to lower my security below the default level; however my AOL browser opens that nest with no delay..???? Trouble is I watch all my nests with Explorer, which has a lot advantages like full screen viewing.

Did I miss anything exciting today? Or, after reading Candy's and Sharon's comments, did I miss some tragic news about the Santa Cruz pair???


Mema Jo said...

We're excited on this end of town too. Guess we can firm up some plans now that we know more.. Guess it is nest visit - then dinner in town.
More will be revealed soon........

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like a plan to me.
Looking forward to another visit with our buddies.

Mema Jo said...

JIM Everyone is concerned about no feeding seen today at SC - Maybe last feeding was yesterday morning hour. So human emotions are entering the picture - However, it could be the push to have him fledge or we must remember an eagle can go for 2 days or so without eating. (Maybe it's different for an eaglet)

MITS said...

Jim, how come my IE7 opens it fine???

Jill said...

Hey Sharon, I can see the Days Inn sign from my house. About 8 blocks. I will be happy to come get you and take you to Shep. Or you can follow me if you want. July 14 right.

I check 63 earlier. It looked like somebody may be up in the corner near him. Looked like a feather up in the corner every once in a while.

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Wanda I am glad you told me about Mr B. I had asked earlier if he ever sits on the chicks or if he just brings in food?

Question: How many minutes from Martinsburg to Shepherdstown?

Mema Jo said...

Jill - Think it is a small bird that is usually seen around the SC nest.

Mema Jo said...

BB off eggs again -
Tell me what you see...

Mema Jo said...

I saw a chick fall down and go boom!

Mema Jo said...

He really is a cutie, isn't he!
Must be the 1st born.
I can see 2 eggs but I think the one chick is using the other as a pillow again.

movin said...

I was just looking at the Discussion site for Santa Cruz, and they don't seem to mention a feeding today; however Limuw did disappear from the screen for a while, so I suppose it's possible that an adult fed him while they were perched off-camera.

Also, he was very, very active this morning, so I'm sure he has been fed since Monday morning.

Maybe I will ask them a question on that blog... He's sitting on the top branch again.

Hard to believe the parents would stop feeding so early, and I doubt that something has happened to both of them.


movin said...

Mits, I don't have any idea why my Explorer doesn't open that nest site. It always opens the others I have visited.

Paula sent me a copy of her security settings in 'Internet Options' and I tried them even though she uses IE 6...didn't work, so I put them back to default.

If I knew of individual setting changes, I would try them, but I'm not lowering the overall level of security below the 'Medium' level.


Mema Jo said...

Well like they just said on the forum - Limaw had a very healthy poop shoot and so he can't be too bad off!
He may just be old enough to sit on that branch & sleep thru the night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, NCTC is 12.2 miles from Days Inn in Martinsburg (approximately 26 minutes, Yahoo map says).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jill, that would be great!

normabyrd said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Had to check on AGENT #63 one more time!!---He is on top branch & still calling----SEE WHAT TOMORROW BRINGS---Bet he will fledge tomorrow---

movin said...

Blood tests came back for A63, Limuw, and he is confirmed a boy eagle.


Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a day!

Good Night Everyone
Prayers being said for all
Peace to you & Yours

Good Morning Suzanne
I guess they didn't find the farmer up at the barn as far as fixing the cam!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Sometimes Mr. B babysits until Mrs. B gets back, but beside the little ones, not on them.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

**Limaw is now bedded down in the nest...

Jill said...

Takes me about 15 mins to get to Shep. Course I take the back streets etc. And I am sure yahoo, like most map programs had you driving 5 miles an hour backwards. LOL

Sharon, we can work out the details once we know what time we are meeting.

I am calling it a night or at least taking a nap. I am back on call starting at midnight until Friday midnight. NORMA, can I borrow that cane, I am not in the mood for a bunch of crap. Better yet, you just come on down and help me out. LOL

Mema Jo said...

He changed his mind - he is up and flapping away

I give up & will find out tomorrow just what went on...........
Good Night Again

Costume Lady said...

We had a very interesting day here on the BLOG.

Good Morning. As of last viewing, still only 2 BB babies.

Join you for COFFEE later.

movin said...

I posted a question on the Blog about A 63's feeding...let's see what happens.

OK, Good night, everyone, if you don't want to play anymore....


MITS said...

LOL, JIM, sorry we are all bailing out on you, have a good night. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Jill said...

Well that nap didn't last long. Norma-remember what I said about them staying under their rocks when it is hot? I forgot they also crawl out when the sun goes down. Thank heavens I only have 48 hours this week.

HEY SUZANNE-See you when the sun comes up.

Jill said...

Everybody appears to be sleeping except Fin osprey. She is up preening and babies are watching. Course it is like 8 am over there or later. Most cameras are too dark to see anything. Bluebird on the nest but hard to see.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Good morning, Jill. You still up? Man I have some lousy hours, but I think I like them better than yours! Morning, Jo, and everyone. Wanda will probably join us for coffee later.
Love the pics, Steven. That place looks really nice! Very quiet and peaceful! Cool that you can sit in a canoe and watch the eagles in the trees!
Warm night out, VERY humid at my place, but not so bad down here... at least yet. 78° at home, 79° at work. Gonna be a scorcher!
See they haven't fixed our cam yet. So DARN!!! Guess we'll miss the early AM visit again today. BUMMER. And on top of that, BW eagle cam is kaput...those lines must be contagous! But osprey cam is up, PA is up, oh, was sorry to hear about the green banded male. Geesh, I was hoping this year we wouldn't lose any, after all the losses from last year! Finland is up and looking good. Those chicks sure are getting big. Parent standing in nest with them now. Benicia owl cam streaming video has been turned off, but you can view the 30 sec refresh... nest MT at the moment, probably all out hunting. And the storks are taking their mid-morning nap, parent standing guard.
Ok, things to do. All have a great eagle day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

OMG, the egg is still there in the Finland nest. It's not even broken!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. I am getting ready to start my work day. Hope you have a good one.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. You have a good work day, too! At least you can stay inside, it's getting really muggy out.

Suzanne said...

Lunch time in Finland! Those chicks sure are getting big. They are 9 hours ahead of us, 2 hours ahead of the Stork family in Germany. Storks are snoozing, parent keeping an eye out, and Benicia is not updating, so maybe they've cut out the 30 sec cam too. Not stopped it, just limited the hours of it's use. Osprey and sod balls in BW nest, our cam and BW eagle kaput.

Suzanne said...

Benicia cam is back, someone is in the nest box. Osprey still in BW, storks waking up and moving around, nobody home in PA falconland, and Finland chicks are snoozing, parent keeping a watchful eye out.
S I G HHHHHHH sure do miss our cam!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, the larger Kestral chicks are doing wing flaps in the nest box!

MITS said...

GOOD A.M. EVERYONE Suzanne, Sharon is in the air-conditioning capitol of the country. Remember they get free lemonade if the temp hits 90° Just checked out the CT osprey nest and those guys are huge, now have some kind of plastic stick in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Mits, I am in Nature's Air Conditioned City, but the heat and humidity yesterday was awful. Might end up putting an air conditioner in my window before it is all said and done. I have 3 fans going now. More will be revealed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, are you joining our July 14 party?

MITS said...

Could not remember the exact slogan, but remembered the lemonade:).

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits! You're up early! Glad to see you. Think my early AM buddy, Wanda, is sleeping in this morning! Yes, I had forgotten about Sharon's Bluefield. Did you get lemonade yesterday, Sharon? You stand a very good chance of getting it today! Supposed to be 93 in my area! Plus humid, so that makes it even hotter!
Yes, Sharon, I am going to be among the Eaglet Momsters to welcome you to the Sycamore tree! Great that your're coming. Just hope Lib and Belle will be around!

Suzanne said...

Kent parent in tree, chicks still sleeping. Not quite daylight there yet. Lisa has a technical note on the eagle cam, they will work on it today. 2 ospreys in BW nest just hanging out. Finland chicks are sleeping, parent is snoozing standing up behind them. Storks are awake, 1 owl in Benicia, Mrs B on eggs and babies. Still dark, so don't know if we have more than 2 now, or not. Puget Sound eaglet awake and doing flaps, tiny baby Kestrals are awake and waiting for breakfast. Larger chicks cam is frozen. And that's all folks...

Suzanne said...

PugetSound eaglet is eating breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks are awake, parent is gone fishing. PugetSound still eating whatever parent brought. Finland chicks sound asleep. Two owlets in Benicia, Mrs. B still sleeping and keeping everyone covered, and baby kestrals are awake.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---LOTS of early risers this a.m.----JILL (with her gavel in her hand)--SUZANNE---SHARON--& MITS----I have been up for a while--can't get into #63's nest---Have tried several times---Has anyone else?---SUZANNE---Will be in & out this a.m.---10:00 meeting---GUESS you are really frustrated too!!!--We still have PURPLE RAIN!!---MS. FIN & the LITTLE FINS don't let us down---LOVE 'EM!---& THE "DRATTED" EGG!!!----ho!

normabyrd said...

MITS---The LEMONADE brings back memories----Remember that was the first message I ever sent to SHARON!!---Attended a meeting there many MOONS ago---& that's what I remember about the beautiful CITY OF BLUEFIELD!!---WONDER how she is going to bring all her WAX????---ho! ho!---OTHER GOOD MEMORIES!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, I was thinking about the wax this morning too! :) I do remember the lemonade question you asked early on!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Did you read the BARN OWLS' cam has had so MANY VIEWERS they have used up all their money---So cam may go off until they get more money!!---I GUESS we weren't the only group interested in the BARN OWLS----

Costume Lady said...

Just now getting my COFFEE. Hubby has blood work and CAT scan to be done today. He couldn't have food or coffee, so I waited till he left to have mine.

I, also, cannot get SC cam. Maybe the poor Eaglet ate the cam. He was so hungry!

MITS said...

Sharon is renting a U-HAUL, Norma. out for awhile BBL.

normabyrd said...

TOO BAD-- the FLUFFY KESTRELS can't do the "poop shoot"---There place might look a little better!!---I so ENJOY watching them----

normabyrd said...

HI WANDA!---You are such a kind person---waiting until later to drink your coffee!!---I keep hopping that maybe #63 is SOARING instead of sleeping on an MT stomach!!!----HE'S TOUGH!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----Did you read---PA FALCON (with green band) was killed SUN. nite--Flew into a pedestrian bridge----I AGREE WITH SUNNY---I'm glad our "3" were not banded---!!!

normabyrd said...

MITS---Do you get to see the "LITTLE PRINCE" this a.m.---Give the little "IMP" my LOVE!!!---I SMILE every time I think about him!---SUCH A JOY!!

normabyrd said...

MS. FIN looks so majestic standing there in the nest with the SLEEPING CHICKS----& the EGG!!---oops!! her head just went down---SLEEPING WHILE STANDING UP!!!---Mothers learn that early on!! ho!!

Costume Lady said...

Santa Cruz cam is back in operation. Eaglet just standing there looking into space. Something is in the nest; food maybe? Don't think it was there yesterday.

normabyrd said...

MT NEST at NORFOLK----RICHMOND HIGH-RISE FALCONS have "poo-pooed" too many times in the direction of the window---But I see at least 3 & maybe 4 today---"fluff balls"!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning All wonderful people

I did get Finland open this AM

Haven't gotten SC open use to probably too many people using nest site

bb need food and take meds

url for SC is still

all on one line ???

Suzanne said...

Morning, Normabyrd and CostumeLady!
Yes, Norma, read that about our falcon. So sad. Was hoping we wouldn't lose any this year. CostumeLady, didn't miss too much this morning, and our cam is still down, so we ALL missed the early AM visit!
Mrs B off the chicks and eggs. Still dark, can't tell if there are 2 or 3 chicks!

Suzanne said...

Well, she's back on them. Gonna have to go look at pic.

normabyrd said...

HEY SHARON!---Send us some of that "cool air"---It is 75° here now & you could almost cut the humidity with a knife!!---(that means we are "SWEATING" up here in the eastern panhandle)---ho!---Will go up into 90's!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN'DANA!!!!---GREAT to see the "PINK CAT" again!!!!--Happy you are feeling better!!!!---I have to go out---you get a pic--if you see #63!!---HE IS OUR "SPUNKY" for the day!!!!

wvgal_dana said...


I can't believe I'm here two days in a row. This chair is really helping the leg.

Finland is a beautiful nest. Love our cam watching.

movin said...


Good morning ...

you could be the first on the new thread if you hurry.


Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana. Glad you got into the site to view the Finland cam.
By looking at bluebird pics, I think we still have only 2 chicks and 3 eggs. Wanda, don't those other 3 eggs need to hatch very soon?

normabyrd said...

THANKS WANDA---I have been watching #63---He is doing some calling this a.m.---Have to go out!!!----You can fill me in on details!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...