Thursday, June 14, 2007


One wet eagle thread, photo by Suzanne.


normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN for the new thread!---I GUESS WE ALL HAVE BEEN REMEMBERING SPUNKY!!!---Bet you remembered she fledged on Flag Day too!!!!!----(you are an ole' softy too)---- (ho)---SMILES & TEARS!!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----THANKS GLO FOR HELPING US REMEMBER "SPUNKY"---- A BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE!!!---So many memories---I had forgotten how beautiful OUR NEST WAS----SUCH CLEAR pics of LIBERTY, BELLE & FAMILY!!!----"SPUNKY" was truly a gift from GOD!!!
p.s.---GLO--missed "country roads"!! ho!---KIDDIN' It is GREAT!!!--THANKS AGAIN!!

glo said...

Norma So glad you are up and running and safe and sound. Ya know I don't know where Country Roads went to be honest. When I reformatted the page it was all gone...I kind of miss it too actually.

OK well in addition to the Spunky Flag Day already linked near the end of the previous thread...I did want to give you a link to One More Beautiful site to commemorate this day.
America Why I Love Her

normabyrd said...

WOW!--WOW!---WOW!----"EAGLE BUDDIES"----I know I "wow" alot--ho!----BUT WATCH GLO'S---"AMERICAN WHY I LOVE HER"!!!!---It will take your breath away on this Flag Day-----THANKS GLO for sharing!!!--ENJOY EAGLE BUDDIES!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Glo and Normabyrd!!!!!!

normabyrd said...

HELLO--- JILL (life is tough in magistrate office)!! (ho)---SUZANNE & CANDY---You kids have mentioned so many GREAT sites this a.m.----Will never catch up!!---CANDY--How is life without school?? ho!!----SUZANNE---you are COOL--you can STARE DOWN those "little BRATS"---ho!!--OFF to see the OWLETS!!!

normabyrd said...

HEEEEEEELLLOO BLUEFIELD SHARON!!!---I hear you are coming to SHEPHERDSTOWN----SO MANY PEOPLE ARE WAITING TO MEET YOU!!!----SANDYSHAW lives on the "main drag" & she is lining up a PARADE!!!--SOUNDS like life is GOOD for you & ANDREW!!!---That's GREAT NEWS!!!---JILL'S son is going to school in BLUEFIELD this year---but think you know that!!!

glo said...

Hi Sharon....Ahhhh the memories... Brings tears to me eyes too. Its been quite a year since we celebrated this day. It was magical or woul dit be much better described as miraculous. Its wonderful to Celebrate such a special day ... what a gift Spunky was to us all...I don't think we will ever forget Flag Day 2006

movin said...

Good Morning, Friends of Spunky (and Mr In-between and Big Girl).

Running late owing to a headcold-like thing, old age and general laziness and it felt good staying that extra time in bed.

Have a great day AND
by the way, Steve has another thread started. If you hurry you could be first!


Mema Jo said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new threads, Steven. Guess I'll continue to use this one till they decide to go to the other thread.

Thanks for the heads up Normabyrd, and welcome back! We were all worried about you yesterday, you were AWOL.

Morning again Glo, and I liked the America presentation! Awesome!!

Morning, Sharon and Jim. Yup, Sharon, little did you know your words would end up being immortal! Jim, have a good day at work.

Wow, I see a falcon in PA!!! He's been hiding! Fnland osprey is paying attention to the little ones. She was just shading them with her wings out, awesome.

paula eagleholic said...

Suz, C'mon over!!

normabyrd said...

SANDY----I think I read that TOM is doing well since the tests---but you have to wait until Monday before you get the results---I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts & prayers---

normabyrd said...

HELP---I must be lost!---This is the 6/14/07 thread---STEVEN gave us THIS A.M. 9:23---Am I correct?-------PLEASE EDUCATE ME!!

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...