Saturday, June 30, 2007


Heading up to CT for a couple days. Will keep checkin in.

New thread.


sunny said...

NOw what are the chances that I find the new thread 2 days in a row? Have a great trip, Steven! Good morning everyone! I'm having a hard time typing, because hubby brought home a new kitten last night, and she's runnng around on my desk right now!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' AGAIN EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---THANKS STEVEN for new thread!----ENJOY--ENJOY YOUR VISIT TO CONN.!!!!----WANDA---You want to bring you last message over---SORRY IT'S SO SAD!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---CONGRATS!!!!---YOU ARE #1 TODAY!!!!----Be careful or your little "visitor" will be running your HOUSE!!!---(ho)!----WHAT ARE YOU NAMING "KITTEN"?

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is lying on his grate----With his arm over his eyes!!!----Who wouldn't LOVE that ADORABLE IMP!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Our little BB babies are dead.
Mom & Dad were last seen Mid-Afternoon yesterday. I started watching the nest about 5pm and did so off and on all evening. No visits by either parent. You could see the babies getting weaker by the hour--knew they wouldn't last very long. The exposure was worse than the lack of food. They need the warmth of Mom.
At 11:15 last night, I saw a bird fly into the nest and back out so quickly that I couldn't tell what kind of bird it was.
We are speculating that it might have been the Swallow Pair that was trying to nest when the Bluebirds moved in and took over. These birds will fight to the death over nesting rights and I am assuming that is what happened. Don't know if they will keep the cam on the nest, but it will be interesting to see if another bird moves in. If so, they will remove the dead babies.
It is sad, but we are seeing nature as it is.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Sad about the BB babies, but in nature this happens far too often. PAULA love the Carriage House. we celebrated our son's 21st birthday there, while he was still at the Mount, and, that is where we hosted the rehersal dinner the night before Annie and Kevins' wedding...they did a great job.

MITS said...

June 26

Mei Xiang's progestins continue to be elevated. Stay tuned for more hormone analyses.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Very sad about the BB peeps but as Wanda says it is Nature. Safe trip to CT, Steve . I have a summer head cold - I didn't ask for it either!
I have the VA cam up and can see one juvie in the tree. Pleasant day outside. Sunny kittens are fun!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Mits

MITS said...

SORRY JO, I must have passed it along to you thru cyber-space:(.

Costume Lady said...

Those Summer head colds are the Pits! You have 2 weeks to get rid of it, so you will feel good for our gathering.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry, I missed you earlier.

Mema Jo said...

I really only have 1 week to get rid of it Wanda - grandson's wedding on the 7th! I really have to work at it

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MITS & JO!!!---WANDA---Thanks for telling us about the bluebirds---SORRY---Brought us JOY for a brief time!!!----JO--Hope you feel better soon!---BUMMER to have a cold in the summer!!---MITS keep us informed on MEI XIANG!!!---Wouldn't that be WONDERFUL!!!!!---Yesterday evening I watched TAI'S "baby pics"---Forgot what a handsome little "devil" he was!!!-----He certainly kept MOM running in circles!!--Ho!

Mema Jo said...

Keep us posted, Mits about Mei and possibly a new baby panda......

MITS said...

There was just a bird in the BB nest, took a pic, don't know if I got it.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the photo. Sure looked like a Bluebird.

Costume Lady said...

The photo looked like a male bluebird, but swallows also have a blue hue to their feathers. Hope it comes back and takes the babies away.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Norma, wanda, Jo, Mits, and Sunny. I had hoped there would be better news about the BB nest, but was saddened to hear the news. Nature sure has been tough this year on our feathered friends. At least they were together and are now flying high in the heavens with plenty of love and food.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

So sorry to hear about the baby bluebirds. Wrens will also wreck havoc on a bluebird nest. Happened to my neighbor.

Big fish for breakfast at CT osprey, 1 juvie still in VA, Kent chicks just hanging out. SC cam is down, probably for the weekend.

carolinabeachmom said...

I haven't seen Sunny on here since early this morning. I bet that new kitten is keeping her busy, besides bring her a lot of joy. You lucky duck, Sunny. I am allergic. Enjoy that new kitten.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry about the head cold Jo. Nothing is more miserable than a cold in the summer. Just take care of yourself and don't let it get away from you.

Mema Jo said...

Going to get that 2nd cup of coffee..
Hi There Paula & Candy..


Costume Lady said...

You are right about the wrens destroying a nest.
My Mother has 7 birdhouses and hopes each Springs that bluebirds will nest in each one of them. I have learned the love of bluebirds from her. She has had the nests destroyed by Sparrows, Swallows, Wrens and Snakes. Sparrows have been her worst enemy.

Costume Lady said...

I think today would be a good day to go to the beach and have a picnic. Lets go!

Robyn said...

Good morning Ladies,

Wanda so sry to hear of the BB nest I know how much you enjoyed those beautiful birds. It is hard when we get attached, I remember how I cried when the Maine eagle nest didn't survive their last storm.

Looks llke a nice weekend in store for us

sunny said...

Kittens are so much fun! THe 2 older cats don't think so yet, but they'll come around. I can't believe hubby called me from work yesterday and told us we HAD to take this kitten!

Sorry to hear about the bb's. I hadn't watched that nest. I mostly just watch the storks now, but I do cruise through Harrisburg, Kent, Norfolk, and BW at least once a day. Saw an adult eagle in BW nest last night! Now that I see these 3 huge storklets, I realize how underdeveloped poor little Hugo really was last year.

We're sticking close to home today, instead of kayaking, so we can keep an eye on the kitten. (Zoe? Alvin? we think female, butnot positive), so I'll check back in again later! Happy Saturday!

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm with you to the beach today Wanda, but I'm afraid it would be a bit crowded down here at this time. People are coming and leaving, but locals will be out today and tomorrow if they are off work.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA, weekends are stay in days for me unless someone else is driving. Traffic is really terrible.

Costume Lady said...

I HEARD THAT about the crowds and traffic down there. My daughter's In-Laws have a beach house down there in Carrolla (sp), I believe and she and her husband go down there in the Winter months.

Costume Lady said...

I'm hoping they will remove the babies--human or animal--the flies are begining to gather. I'd like to watch the nest to see if another bird moves in, but cant't watch what is enfolding now.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Corolla is up in the "High rent district" from up peons . Up there they live in castles and it is beautiful up there. Beautiful homea and scenery.

When we vacationed down here, it would be spring and fall and long before any development really took off. It was a lot nicer then, but progress moves things along. We have been living down here since July 1982.

carolinabeachmom said...

Another big BUG plopped into the NY kestral nest and they are all now on it. This is only the second time I have seen a huge bug in their box. I'm wondering if all the black remnants are from past eaten bugs.

sandyshaw said...

Hello eagle land. The wood duck camera is unstuck. So many eggs!

carolinabeachmom said...

Sandy, where are you watching the Wood Duck?


MITS said...

WANDA, I thought they were ants, coming into the nest, really am missing the Kent Forum being down.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon everyone.

Looking where to find the "wood duck cam" also????

I too kept looking for the return of the parents. Sad.....nature and life has ups and downs.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent in with eaglet at Pudget Sound.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am also looking for the woodpecker?

wvgal_dana said...


woodpecker on

Costume Lady said...

I think you are right; they are mainly ants. I hope whomever is in charge of this cam will remove the babies. Surely they know by now what has happened

Jill said...

I don't know Wanda, if the people that run the cameras work M-F, they may not check them on the weekends and it is a holiday weekend. Poor little guys. One looks like he has his wing across the other.

paula eagleholic said...

Not an eewwwiiee, but an ewwiieee spidey on the norfolk cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Parent on branch at Kent

sandyshaw said...

Wood Duck TX2 is on the Cornell University Birdhouse Network site.

sandyshaw said...

I hope that isn't a saw that is making so much noise at the woodpecker site. Everybody has ducked inside.

Mauley said...

Hi Everyone, Been way under the weather several weeks now, and have had 8 grandkids for 10 days. Hubby and I Alone today for first time in 5 weeks. Jo, you got that summer cold from my hubby who has had it for ten days now. Must be allergic to grandkids. I love kittens wish I had 299 but must settle for the 4 old ones I have who nobody wanted but me. Kittens are almost as good as grandkids. Cried over the bluebirds, too. Hope to post more and read blogs from this week and last to check up soon. Much love and prayers to all of you my dear dear friends. Donna (gran to eight)

paula eagleholic said...

CU all later - having a cookout, then going to watch the parade and fireworks. Early to bed, then up early for the market. Have a great evening and Sunday!

carolinabeachmom said...

Thank you Dana and Sandy for the woodpecker and wood duck sites. We have a pilated woodpecker in the woods behind our house that pops out for us to see from time to time.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Mauley,
So glad to see you back on. I hope you are feeling better. I would be bushed after having 8 grandkids for 10 days. That would sure take the wind out of my sales, and I don't even have grandchildren yet; just a Kindergarten class of 17 this year. Kids can keep you hopping. You and your hubby must be in 7th heaven now that you can relax together.

wvgal_dana said...

Mauley good to see you on. Don't think I could handle that many especially at one time. Your Blessed and THEIR Blessed.

Jo sure hope you get over your cold soon. Terrible having a summer one. What am I talk about terrible having one anytime.

Costume Lady said...

I can't watch my baby BBs any longer, so I thought I would check in on the Loon Cam. It has been turned off, but there is a photo of the X-Rayed egg and an update on LuLu and her parents. She is diving underwater for 15 seconds at a time for her food, but still eats food offered by Mom & Dad. They are teaching her how to fly, but she is not quite developed enough for that yet. They don't go to the nest anymore and that is why they turned the cam off.
They promised to turn it on again in the future. Really look forward to it!

Mema Jo said...

Ditto Wanda - I can't go there. Tried to find an email contact address to advise them of the condition - but could not locate one.
Wood duck is off her nest full of eggs. She trys her best to cover them when she leaves the nest.They say mid July for hatching.
I have just been laying low all day-I am now thinking it is allergies and not a head cold.. Took some Sudafed and head does feel better. I'm still lying low.

Mauley - your a glutton for punishment having so many of the grandkids at one time!!! I admire you if you can do it!

Mema Jo said...

Hoping to send an email thru Momsters to invite everyone that can to come on the 14th. I will also give times and places that Sharon is aware of.
I will be needing a list of your names to forward to NCTC ahead of time. Even if it is just a Maybe I'll Be At The Tree - I want to submit your name so you can come thru the gate.
Think I am going to lie down again.

Jill said...

Don't know that it will do any good but I found an address on the main page and sent them an email about the bluebirds. It is a government site so I doubt anybody will touch it til Monday.

movin said...

Hi, everybody. Hope you are having a great Saturday...I've been 'blowing zzz's' much of the morning, trying to get over that nasty 'work syndrome.'

Then I was checking for video's of Limuw's fledge day over in the IWS blog. I found this one of his 'second fledge' that I don't believe we have seen before (I hadn't). By the way, I think the first flight was purposeful and strong enough to qualify as a fledge anyway...just circled to the big branch to the right of the camera frame, but if his trajectory had continued from his take-off, he would have been gone, fledged.

But anyway, here's a clip of his second take-off. Enjoy it.

Limuw’s fledge


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for trying.... I just thought they could clean up the nest or turn off the cam for awhile.......

Mema Jo said...

Jim Don't forget that Paula has 3 take offs of Limuw for the other day.
Just click on her name.... They are great.

Mema Jo said...

I really am gong to clock out for awhile - Be Back Later....

Costume Lady said...

How thoughtful of you to do that. It never occured to me to even look for a contact. You'r probably right, they won't do anything till Monday (unless one of them is a true BB lover and goes out of his way to do something).

normabyrd said...

HELLO EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----GREAT to see MAULEY & SANDYSHAW---have missed you two!!-----JILL--I thought you would be at the BEACH by now!!---I think I talked with most of you "kids" this a.m.----JIM---I AGREE about #63's 1st flight!!!----ENJOYED viewing the flight again---Thanks----I am going to check on the WOOD DUCKS & WOODPECKERS!!---

normabyrd said...

MAULEY---WOW!!---You are a better GRANNY than I am----I LOVE MINE GRAND KIDS more than life itself---But I have 3 for 3 days & I need bed rest--ho!---NOT REALLY THAT BAD--BUT CLOSE!----YOUR ARE THE GREATEST!!!!!!

Jill said...

I backed out to the main site for the camera and explained to them that many people had come to love the little guys and that we were heart broken over looking at them now. (I laid it on pretty thick and heavy) I didn't ask them to clean the nest but to turn the camera off so that nobody else had to experience the gruesome site especially a poor unsuspecting child. Hopefully it will work.

Norma, we leave in the morning. Can't walk in my foyer right now, stuff is piling up. I am taking my laptop but don't know if I will be able to sign on. I am sure somewhere in the vicinity there is a wireless network I can tap into for a few seconds.

Costume Lady said...

Have a great time--you deserve after some of the experiences you've had this week. Travel mercies for you.

Mema Jo said...

Jill I think I found the email address for someone that can help with the BB cam. I'll give it a go.

Have a great time down at the OC...
I guess you'll spend some hours on 3rd street at the skate board!!!
I know my grandson (13 yrs old) like to live there when he goes down.
Have Fun!

normabyrd said...

JILL----Do nothing but ENJOY!---ENJOY!---ENJOY & get a great tan!!!

JO!---You certainly didn't clock out for very long!!!----Remember you have a wedding to go to soon!!!

Mema Jo said...

And a Momsters Reunion!!!
Whoo Hoo !
Are you coming over to stay at Lisa's?
I need to get you directions to Sharon's for lunch!!! I don't want you to go hungry!!
I am getting excited now!!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma I meant to say directions to Sandra's on the corner

Mema Jo said...

Paula Have a good day with Megan at market tomorrow! Hope the eagle merchandise goes well with the locals. It is their claim to fame!

normabyrd said...

JO---I know where SANDY lives---The beautiful house on the corner of GERMAN STREET----

Mema Jo said...

That is great, Norma. I have also been there once.

Mema Jo said...

I must say Good Night for now
& I pray to see you in the morning.
Peace be with you & yours
loLove, Jo

Mema Jo said...

One more thing The firework display just finished here in Middletown - Do you remember last year what our thoughts were about the battlefield fireworks display.

Time just flys by!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for emailing those in charge of the BB cam. It is my hope that they would remove the babies and leave the cam on so that we can watch what may happen next.

GOOD NIGHT TO YOU ALL--Have a blessed Sunday.

Jill said...

Jo, mine doesn't like that park, likes the one on up, I am not even sure what street it is on. I don't think it is as nice as Ocean Bowl but they like to street skate more than bowls so I guess it works for them.

Just talked to one of my co workers, apparently the full moon and cool air has taken it's toll, they are all coming out from the woodwork now. HEHE.

I can't wait to get to Blackwater tomorrow. I think the boys will enjoy it.

Hope they do something with the bluebirds soon. I will check in tomorrow evening sometime, if I can. I will be staying about one block from the OC Wi-Fi area so maybe I can get some service.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jo, I remember we were wondering what the eagles were thinking about the fireworks!

Good night, all!

Jill said...

New Thread Folks. I am headed east in about 45 minutes. Have a great holiday.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...