Thursday, June 28, 2007

More News

Here's the latest on the eagle delisting from the Post.

Also, check out my Children and Nature Journal blog here, and if you like it, please spread the word.


MITS said...

thanks, Steven, for the info:)

Mema Jo said...

Excellent information on your blog Steve - Need to take the time to read it all Yes, I'll spread the word!

Hi Mits - Thanks for the heads-up on the new thread. Good thing I do read before I blog......... lol

Mema Jo said...

I am watching the woodpecker site -
Just saw the mother feed one of the young. Interesting!

Mema Jo said...

Still 3 eggs and 2 peeps in the BB nest

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVEN!!!---Watched the signing on CNN & EAGLET EXPERT, NYE!!--Quite a story---Have already told everyone about the program!!!!!---PROUD OF YOU!!!---CONGRATS MITS!!! ---No. 1 today!!!----MAGGIE probably already knows that!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

A63 fledged and is back on the nest again. He landed down in the patio area, flew up to the bowl, and is back on his perch!

MITS said...


MITS said...

He looks strong:).

paula eagleholic said...

He just took off again!!

Mema Jo said...

Getting a few rain drops here in the valley. Just a few! Not so hot today though.

MITS said...

Thank you, Norm:).

carolinabeachmom said...

Limuw was just stitting on his perch. I heard what sounded like a parent calling him and he called back, flapped his wings and was OFF and into the sky. This was around 2:28p, EST Hooray! hooray!

Costume Lady said...

#63 really screamed his head off before he took off. Beautiful sight.

Mema Jo said...

There is no stopping Limuw now

paula eagleholic said...

I lucked out and got it on video :)

Fledging at Santa Cruz

Mema Jo said...

I wish his parents would come now and reward him with his fish!

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks as if he is realy off for good this time. Now maybe he can get some eats and some love from his parent.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Paula My mouth is still hanging open!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so glad that baby finally fledged. I haven't been able to watch it (tugs at my heart just to read the blog). Now I will have to watch it to make sure he comes back.

normabyrd said...

I have been reading the discussion on IWS since lunch---THE DISCUSSION ALL DAY has been ABOUT #63---They announced that there had been 1 EAGLE in his area this a.m. (their time)----NOTHING BUT PICS & VIDEOS, ETC. about the little WING FLAPPER!!! Everyone is snapping his pic---He may not have FLEDGED---But he certainly has been KING for a day!!!---GREAT PICS & VIDEOS!!

Mema Jo said...



normabyrd said...

DARN!!!--Have watched all afternoon & just as I am writing about his BIG DAY in the DISCUSSION ROOM----WOW!!!---MAY HE SOAR FOREVER!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Great video of the fledge, Paula. Looked just like Spunky trying to prepare himself for his fledge.

Mema Jo said...

And now the anticipation of
the return of Limuw

normabyrd said...

p.s.--now i can clean my house knowing he is enjoying the "friendly" skies----go #63!!!

carolinabeachmom said...


normabyrd said...

SHARON---Do you already have the VIDEO???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know Jo, that is what I'm thinking!

Mema Jo said...

Thank goodness the video was on when he fledged! Guess we won't see the TH fledgings - and I do think they were about to happen.

Limuw's fledging just makes my
heart fill up with joy!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Now we can all relax and just watch to see if and when he returns. I could shout for joy; he had me so worried. All is right with the world.

Good job Paula in getting the video.

Costume Lady said...

What a special person you are to share that sight with us on video. We can watch it as often as we like now. THANK YOU!

Costume Lady said...

Go back a ways--Paula has a link.

Costume Lady said...

It's at 2:33pm

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Daddy BB is in the nest
I still see 3 eggs...

Well, we will get to see the 2 Kents and the Puget Sound fledgings if we're lucky.

Going to take a break.... BBL

Jill said...

Give Limuw a couple of hours, I think he went off to find a nice all you can eat fish buffet. LOL. Of course I watch and watch, then I lay down and poof, he's gone. Oh well, glad he fledged

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon, great news about SC fledging... i watched your video Paula and he seemed to go down not up??? lol I have Puget Sound up and aparent is in the nest also, is the kid ok its just laying there??? The kid looks so much bigger than the parent right now... Oh its up now and looking over the edge of nest...Perhaps parent coaxing it to fly..

NillaWafer said...

What abeautiful sight to see the adult eagle in the nest this long... and its right at the camera looking around.. just beautiful!!! Oh the kid is laying back

NillaWafer said...

News is calling for bad thunderstorms here tonight again... Puget Sound adult eagle n kid still in the nest and its been well over and hour... some wing practice and preening going on by both..

NillaWafer said...

4:00 pm parent flew out of nest at PS kid laying in nest as if to say where ya going mom/dad ???????

Mema Jo said...

Would someone else check out the SC nest -

NillaWafer said...

BB is off nest and 2 babies visable other 3 eggs not hatched that i can see.... Kent kids are up setting on edge beside each other ... PS is on the edge perched.. perhaps the parent that flew off calling to it...

NillaWafer said...

Yes your right Joooooooooo he is setting up on the branch!!!

Mema Jo said...

There is a GREAT video of Limuw's return to the nest over on IWS

He jumps up and down like a crazy kid who just conquered the world....

NillaWafer said...

He is in the nest of the nest resting now.. Sure wish he had a big fish for

NillaWafer said...

Ooops i ment middle of the nest darn fingers ...

MITS said...

#63 resting in the nest now.

NillaWafer said...

Puget is still on the edge of the nest perched... It so reminds me of "OUR" Spunky setting there..

Mema Jo said...

I wish parents would bring him his
reward for such a great flight!!


Mema Jo said...

When his sister CRUZ took her first flight last year it took her a week to make it back to the nest - I never ever expected to see him come back within the same hour he took off. Makes for a peaceful sleep!!!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i was reading about Balawat the baby and i laughed about them brushing his teeth.. he seems to really like it.. Have yet to see the Clouded Leopards on cam.. Oh my Sc is up and being vocal... Over on a far branch calling...

NillaWafer said...

Flapping wingssss... Thank Heavens the wind really is not blowing that hard today out there at Sc... Oh that poor baby is really calling his parents...

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time BBL

NillaWafer said...

Look at Norfolk cam... its focused on 1 of the kids on a branch...

NillaWafer said...

#63 is perched out on the higher branch.... Someone check out Norfolk cam please the kid is being vocal and could be it is stuck in the fork of the branches???? Hope not but wing looks like its in a strange position...

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - I think the wings are out because eaglet is hot

paula eagleholic said...

He just turned around...

paula eagleholic said...

I posted all the videos on my blog, but they don't seem to be showing up on there for me...there are 2 more videos on youtube of fledging....access my previous link and you should be able to see the others..... C U LATER!!

NillaWafer said...

Yes i think your right Paula... Thanks Just strange he is perched in that fork in the tree.. Now has both wings spread out... #63 was very vocal once again and is preening..

sandyshaw said...

Hello, all

I've been busy helping Tom get ready for surgery and representing various members of the extended family at an auction of family things.

If you like, you're welcome to gather here on the 14th for brunch. Maybe Jo's grandchildren's brothers can supply something to eat and drink. Or I can provide a simple brunch, or buy sandwiches from somewhere. I have parking, and I'm easy to find. Jo, the wood duck camera is stuck. Thanks for reminding us about the woodpeckers.

Mits, it looks like a panda is in the old birth den. Could it be?

sandyshaw said...

I'm so glad to see Nilla and Dana back on the blog, along with all the new folks. I hope 'this. means you're both in good health

NillaWafer said...

Hi Sandy, good to see you, i came by your house last weekend and saw you setting at the window in your lkitchen, but it was rather late and didnt stop.. I spoke with Dana earlier today she was kind of having arough day since therapy... I just found out i am working from 9 am til 3 pm on the 14th, nomally i dont work on saturday but someone took i cant come unless its after 3 pm for dinner.. sigh!!! #63 is really vocal... Sandy will be alot going on this weekend with the street fest.. may see you then hope to get over there...

NillaWafer said...

6:19 pm #63 just took off

Anne-Marie said...

Hi all, I have been watching off and on all day and trying to find the top of my desk. As soon as I got busy off goes 63. Wow. I seem to miss everything. Back to work.

NillaWafer said...

Up date on Harrisburg Falcons :6/28/2007 :: Fledgling Update
The green-banded male fledgling was found dead near Capitol Park on Sunday, June 24th. The cause of death was likely the young bird striking glass panels located between the park and a downtown mall. Such panels and large windows have proven to be the most significant mortality factor for raptors in urbam settings. The red-banded female seems content to spend time at the ledge, waiting for food drops. The yellow-banded male and blue-banded female are fully engaged in flight and hunting lessons given by the adults.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you so much Paula for catching the fledging of #63 part 1 and his return part 2.

As Nilla said today was therapy and as each Tues and Thurs they are rough. Dr. was astounded at what goals I've reached. Never seen him smile but Ed and me did today. He did say this is too painful doing it with medication. I said "you're telling me"! So again he is going to try one. I'll get it tomorrow then over weekend I will try taking it an hour before I do my home therapy to see if my system will handle it.
I do have a good therapist. She feels badly too. I tell her don't look at the tear just hole my leg there the full time. Two or three weeks from now "Lori" that's her name you won't even be seeing me anymore my dear. It will be all over and complete.
I am thankful for this chair so I can see the webcams and not be stuck in bed. ( :+

wvgal_dana said...

Mits what is the link for the woodpecker please ty

Anne-Marie said...

Hang in there Dana, your doing great. Its get easier Honest!

MITS said...

DANA you have mail

MITS said...

NILLA Bala is wonderful, he loves to train, and, Mei has been in and out of the birthing den alot the last couple of weeks. As much as I do love the pandas, the sloth bears are much more engaging with people

paula eagleholic said...

I heard there is a panda watch going on at the San Diego zoo, also. Did anyone else hear that?

I checked the blog and the videos are there of Limuw fledging.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I think dinner is going to be around 5 or 6, so you should be good to go.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, thanks for putting the videos at our fingertips. Been quite a day for the IWS forum.
I was trying to read SD Zoo forum but I couldn't find about any panda watch
other then they are hoping! Where did you see it...

sandyshaw said...

Jo, I posted a note at about 6:00. Also, I checked the San Diego site, and it said that their pandas bred naturally a few weeks ago. MTBR

paula eagleholic said...

I heard it on the Puleston site....

Mema Jo said...

You might know that I just watered the potted plants on the porch and it is now a very nice shower coming down.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra - I thought it was back in April that they bred naturally.
Anyway- Yes The Wood Duck is Stuck!

Sandra - Will you be going over to the nest on the 14th? Will you be free to come up for dinner at the Clarion around 6?

Sandra - What street is in that picture of yours?

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Sandra have you husband still in prayer.

Thank you Mits for the woodpecker site. Hee hee popping in and out of the hole in the tree.

Just checking if dinner is July 14 at 5 or 6 pm will that allow Norma and Suzanne to come. I was recalling something one time about driving home at night for some.

wvgal_dana said...

That time is fine with me and Nilla you should be able to come then. Hope Norma can too.

sandyshaw said...

Jo, that's German St. where the Stone Soup is, and the juice shop. In my earlier note I suggested that we meet here for brunch, to be catered by the Stone Soup and Juice Bar enterprises. I have parking, and I'm easy to find. Also I have bathrooms. I think we can mingle more easily here than in a restaurant.

Mema Jo said...

Norma should be staying in Shepherdstown - plus we can transport her! You know what I mean, Mits????
Norma's last trip to the nest was when Mits and I made sure she was in the right lane and headed in the right dirrection!!! lol

Plans are being firmed up with Sharon and should soon be in place. The email will go out to all with times and places by the beginning of next week. Sharon mention already that a 6:00 dinner would be good.

Jill said...

Jo if you send an email out next week don't expect a response from me, I will be out of town. Whatever you guys decide is fine with me, I will make it work. I may have internet access but just in case, I will be gone until Thursday night sometime.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra- I have mentioned to Sharon about Brunch at your place. But then after the nest visit we'll need dinner - that is where the Rumsey Tavern comes into play.
Brunch to me could be whatever time Sharon gets into town - We have to play that with a little flexibility.
But your offer is very generous! Be in touch.........

Mema Jo said...


Jill I was going to hand in your name to NCTC whether I heard from you or not... I just knew you wouldn't miss it AND DON'T FORGET TO

MITS said...

ROFLMBO...JO, but Norma would not get in the right lane:):):)

floralgirl said...

You better watch it, Norma might get you with that cane...

Mema Jo said...

MEGAN Where did you tell me you had Saturday market until 1:00?

Mema Jo said...

I think Megan said Charles Town on Sat and Shepherdstown on Sunday....

floralgirl said...

Saturday til noon in Charlestown.

Mema Jo said...

What do you think you will be able to do Saturday as far as your presence with the Momsters?

Costume Lady said...

Just stopped in to tell you all GOOD NIGHT. It's been a long, hot day.

wvgal_dana said...

Sidney sure is flapping his wings and jumping across the nest.

floralgirl said...

Not sure yet...possibly cut flowers Sat. am for Sunday so I can go to dinner Sat. night.

carolinabeachmom said...

Are you ladies still on here chatting? I just thought I'd see if anyone was up yet and here you all are.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent back in nest in SC

Mema Jo said...


Parent in the Santa Cruz nest

But Limuw isn't home

carolinabeachmom said...

Limuw's parent is sitting on the nest just looking around. No A063 tho.

Mema Jo said...

Megan that is great!!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

I'd like to wring that parent's neck; scaring us so. Oh well, all is ok now.

Mema Jo said...

Best feeling right now is that nothing had happened to the parent.

wvgal_dana said...

Parent brought food in

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo. you said that right!

carolinabeachmom said...

It kind of looks like the parent in now waiting on Limuw for supper. I think I noticed a lot of feathers in the nest earlier. Maybe they had a bird for lunch?

carolinabeachmom said...

It sure looks like SC has another bird that it is defeathering.

MITS said...

Your right, Megan, forgot about Norma's cane....

Mema Jo said...

The parent (think it is Mom) is plucking a bird now.. This is the 1st food in the nest for sometime. I think she is going to go ahead & eat whether Limuw comes or not. He shouldn't be too far away.....

carolinabeachmom said...

Whatever it is, she keeps picking at it and spitting it out.

MITS said...

look at the SC eagle plucking that bird lol........

Mema Jo said...

She best 'duck' when she sees him coming! Hasn't had too many practices at landing yet

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS With all the talk of Norma's came. I think we should all get together and have it gold plated! :)

Mema Jo said...

She better not eat all the white meat!

carolinabeachmom said...

Mama just left. Did anyone see if she took the food with her. I don't see it in the nest. Saw her fly off, but didn't catch if she had anything in her mouth,

Mema Jo said...

OK I missed something

Where did parent go

Did she take the bird with her

carolinabeachmom said...

JO The parent went stage left off the nest, but I couldn't see if she had food. I don't think I see anything in nest. Maybe she is taking it to Limuw.

MITS said...

Maybe she thought he was coming and took off, yeah don't think he is too good at the landing yet....Candy it is a beautiful cane with an eagles' head.

Mema Jo said...

Was reading IWS forum - Candy she did take the food in her talons when she flew off. Comments over there think she may be going to take food to Limuw wherever he is.

This has been a long day.........

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, now we have the case of the missing parent and dinner. AND the screen keeps going black.

carolinabeachmom said...

MITS We could gold plate everything ut the eagle head! :) It must be beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm glad to hear the IWS forum think she is taking the food to Limuw.

Late enough for me niters tc everyone.

carolinabeachmom said...

I couldn't believe that you were still up. I even had a nap in between. I think I am going to call it a night You'll have to carry on.
Peaceful sleep to you. Tomorrow is a new day. Maybe we'll get a glimpse of more fledging and see SC nest with both parent and eaglet in it. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Good morning Suzanne!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good night Jo, Mits and Dana. BBT

Mema Jo said...

Good night Candy and Dana

Jill said...

Okay Jo, didn't know if you remembered or not, just didn't want to get left out. Of course the camera will be with me. Weather permitting I am stopping at Blackwater Sunday on the way east. Hopefully, I can get some decent pics for everybody. Not as good as Bob's but something.

My work time is almost up, I can sleep all night. YAY. Cooled off here but not a lot of rain. Storm went thru earlier, hopefully Megan got a little bit since it was south of here.

floralgirl said...

OK, I'm out of here too. nite all, got to get up early to cut flowers.Lovely breeze outside now, nice sleeping weather.

movin said...


So, it was a 'starve him until he fledges' thing afterall.

I just opened the SC site a few minutes ago and saw K26, the mother, eating something juicy on the ledge above the nest bottom, and she was looking off to the left as though that's where Limuw is.

I didn't see her leave, so I don't know if she carried food with her when she did...probably did though.

Glad it ended happily.


Mema Jo said...

Good night Jill and Megan!

Hello Jim - Yep, she took the food with her.. They hope to find Limuw!

Paula - You're bad - scaring all those Limuw followers with comments
Was that the island fox?

lol too too funny!!!

Mema Jo said...

Adult is back on the nest 11:35pm
I think it is the same one with the same bird to eat

movin said...

Hi again, yes, I see the adult now, my cam went black for a while.

I checked the fledging video of Paula's and then the morning feeding by the Mom...both are great, informative and very interesting.

I guess they figured out he was getting too weak to fledge without a good meal, and it worked.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Eagleland
Stay safe Limuw
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne
It's Friday but it's still

movin said...


Guess, I'll look at some more video on the Islands site...thanks, Paula for the great trio on your site.


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, There are island fox on Santa Cruz. You can occasionally hear them barking on the was barking tonight...

Didn't mean to scare anyone! LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Night all, good morning Suz!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, AND A GOOD FRIDAY MORNING TO YOU, SUZANNE. I'm headed to bed and you are getting up

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Mits, about the time you were going to bed at 1250, I was probably scooping the litter boxes. Do that after giving the kids their breakfast, so yup, was up. Ungodly hour, isn't it? To be getting up, that is, it's fine for hitting the hey!
Morning Jo and Paula, and Jo DARN
still have a blue cam! I just hope we get to see them on the 14th. In person, so to speak.
Nice night out, almost full white moon, when you can see it through the clouds. Hit rain in Lucketts, so filled up my car this morning i the rain. That's always fun. NOT.
73 at my house, 74 here and spritzing, and no moon anymore. May try to go back and read blogs if I have time.
Mr and Mrs Finland are both in the nest getting soaked! It's really raining there. Sun is shining in Germany, babies are standing around their nest. There are also 3 falcons on the ledge up by the nest box.
All have a great Friday! We made it to FRIDAY!!!!! YAA HOO!! And tomorrow I'm FINALLY getting my hair cut! No kids to vet... mom to hairdresser day! Yaa Hoo again. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Looks like the rain stopped in Finland. Mom off chicks, and one just woke up and looked at her, then put his head back down. Falcon ledge is MT, and 1 osprey in BW.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. A BIG YOOHOO FOR IT BEING FRIDAY! I love working a job that Friday actually means something!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. Yes, nice when your workweek is 5 days, not 7!

Suzanne said...

Kent chicks are awake, parent in tree. Looks just as overcast there as it is here!

Suzanne said...

OMG, there is only 1 Kestral left! There were 3 this morning, now only 1 and he's half out of the box. Bam, guess they fledged. The baby chicks cam is not updating.

Suzanne said...

Kent parent took off, and their cam 3 is still black. Timer on it appears to be a few hours slow. BW osprey still hanging around, on side of nest box. BW eagle and PA falcon MT, storks are napping, and Mrs B still on babies and eggs. Mom Finland is back with the kids. 1 owl in Benicia, and Puget Sound eaglet is doing wing flaps..well, no he's gone. Well I'll be darned! I don't see him.

Suzanne said...

Oh, yes I do, he's on the very far bottom right. Phew. Thought he had fledged, and I dind't even think he was branching yet!

Suzanne said...

Well, the Kestral nest is MT, they all fledged this morning. I'll send pics to Jo for momsters.

Costume Lady said...

Suz, did you get to see Limuw fledge yesterday? It was so exciting (my first experience). I hadn't been watching that site very often, but just happened to be watching when he took off!

Your visit sure has created a lot of excitement with us. Really looking forward to it!

sunny said...

Good Friday Morning to everyone! I've been reading through the blogs when I get a chance, and I was wondering if I could maybe join you for dinner on the 14th? I wouldn't do the whole day thing, because Saturday is 'play day with hubby - kayaking this time of year" But if we're close by, I would love to join you for dinner and meet everyone! I was at the original nest visit last year, where I met a few.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Morning, Sunny. Wanda, no didn't see 63 fledge yesterday, but was reading about it on the blog. I'm so glad he finally did it! Sunny, we'd love to have you for dinner! The more the merrier! All eaglet momsters are more than welcome!!! Think Jo's working on lunch and/or dinner plans, so have no clue what those plans are at the moment.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My visit has caused quite a stir, more than I ever expected. I am so excited about getting to come and meet everybody and hopefully get to meet Liberty and Belle too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And - absolutely, the more the merrier!

movin said...


I looked in at S. Cruz this morning, and both parents were feeding and making noises on the nest, but no Limuw...

Both parents kept looking off to the left, and finally each picked up a piece of fish and flew off leftward to where Limuw must be.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---RAINY DAY IN WV---Guess everyone has been doing the "RAIN DANCE"---Hope MEGAN is getting this!!!---We share our rain MEGAN!! ho!---Not sure (other than SUZANNE) who is up & who just went to bed!!!---JUST READ---IWS DISCUSSIONS----Says that #63 is wearing a GPS UNIT---LITTLE BACK-PACK & DR. SHARPE & IWS CAN FOLLOW HIS MOVEMENTS TO BE SURE HE IS DOING OK---((WILL NOT RELEASE INFO ANY TIME SOON!!)-------WOW!! EAGLE BUDDIES---WE CAN ALL SLEEP BETTER----BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART----MAY GOD ALLOW HIM TO SOAR FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!!!

movin said...

I'm not sure if that's rain or heavy fog at Kent, but it's a-comin in.


normabyrd said...

HELLO SUZANNE---BLUEFIELD SHARON--WANDA---SUNNY & JIM!!---SUNNY please come & bring your husband---We (EAGLEMOMSTERS) want everyone "as they say in WV---"YOU'LL COME!!!--WOW--It is GREAT to meet the people you have been chatting with for months!!!----HEY JIM & ANNE-MARIE---What time does your plane land at DULLES????

movin said...

Hey, Norma,
It feels like my 'plane' has be parked at 'Dullus' for a good long time... Thanks for asking.


normabyrd said...

WHOA JIM!---You are a fast learner!!---We tend to say "a-comin in" in WV----

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all. yes its me this early in the morning. Usually I dont get going as early as Jim. You know its the girl stuff. Hot rollers, nylons and stuff. Jims a guy and just goes. I will read the blog after I get to work. Have a beautiful day. Enjoy your rain. We might get some about October. But its cooler, thank God. Be kind to each other will be back later. Anne-Marie

movin said...

Check out the eaglet flaking out in the nest at Norfolk..


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Suz I put the banding videos here where you can see them.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim, and Norma, and Anne-Marie. Did you all know the larger Kestral chicks fledged this morning? Yup, more kids have grown up and flown the coop. Won't be long, we'll all be having MT nest syndrome again.
Anne-Marie, how was your trip to the dentist? Aren't you the one that had to have a root canal? Hope it's healing well, for you!

paula eagleholic said...

I love it at VA when they zoom so close you can see the eagles eyes blinking!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----It seems to be "MT NEST" at too many sites!!---STILL have the "KENT TWINS"---But they certainly are ready to GO!!!---Had to check PA---MT now!---But the 1 female may be back!!!----MS. FIN & FIN CHICKS are beautiful this morning---The LITTLE CHICKS seem to grow taller when MAMMA is preparing food----They do that every time!!!---The sun shining on them, this time of day---makes their feathers glow!!!

movin said...

Morning, Suzanne,
Yes, about the Kestrels...I couldn't get to the other Kestrel cam this morning, scrolled down and the Iroquois box was completely empty!! Well, they looked about the same ages...and crowded in there.

Hey, I've got to get ready for work a little early today.
Talk to you this evening.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Jim, when are you going to head to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia?

Jim, do you leave anywhere near Placerville?

normabyrd said...

HI PAULA---I AGREE!!---VA has the best site---Weren't they judged the TOP SITE!!!----We will be there soon!!!---(hopefully)---There are so many " REBELS" in that nest---sometimes you can't count them!!!---I think they appear so mischievous too---when they zoom up close!!

Suzanne said...

Mrs B is off the eggs, what do you see? I think I only see the 2 chicks, anybody else?

Suzanne said...

Ok, looks like the chicks are laying on the eggs. See 2 chicks and 2 eggs, but I think the 3rd egg is totally under one of the chicks!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---SUZANNE!!!----Have you seen the STORKS NEST??----It's down level with a house window on the street!!!----I THOUGHT THEY WERE WAY UP HIGH!!!---YESTERDAY--6/28/07---They banded the CHICKS-------NAMELY---CHESS, MILA & GWEN!!!---I just couldn't believe it this a.m.!!!!!----With those legs---they can just step down & walk away!!---(i am exaggerating a wee bit)----WOW--I am in SHOCK!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---MS. BB is on nest now!!----4 BURROWING OWLS now---but the # changes by the min.----FUN TO WATCH!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, you scared me to death, I thought the nest had fallen! They're not street level! They're at the top of the tree level. That house is at least a 2 story house, and how lucky they are, they can probably see some of the nest from that room. At least from the top of the window, trees aare in the way otherwise. Phew, my heart is still pounding. I read about the banding of Chess, Mila, and Gwen. Also read where they can go totally immobile when there is a threat, didn't know that! Learn something everyday! They used to show this view around lunchtime every day (theirs, not ours, about 5ish here), and I think they're gonna keep it here now so we can see them flapping those wings!

normabyrd said...

The little "ATLANTA BEAUTY" now weighs 40 lbs.----It's hard to see her when she is not asleep!!!--LUN LUN loves to sleep too!!!---Maybe we should call her the "SLEEPING BEAUTY"----She certainly has the same "IMPISH" ways as does TAI!!!

Suzanne said...

Yes, those burrowing owls are cute, aren't they? Robyn, if you're out there, there is 1 owl in Benicia. Think that may be mom coming in every morning to spend the night.
Norma, I'm also watching the San Diego zoo panda cam. I can't get DC or Atlanta, butcan San Diego. They have different pandas and cams on all of them. Fun to watch them. right now BaiYun is laying on her back eating bamboo. But I've seen these guys do what you all have been talking about with Tai and the little Atlanta Beauty. Mai something, I forget.

sunny said...

New thread, folks. Let's move next door!

Suzanne said...

They just switched cams and pandas. Now Mai Sheng or Gao Gao is on. Also half laying ddown and eting bamboo.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Didn't mean to sound like "THE LITTLE RED HEN"----But I thought they were WAY HIGH up in the tree top!!----There just abut level with 2nd story floor!!!--SORRY!!!---

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...