Wednesday, June 27, 2007

DC Event

Got this email today. This is a public event for all folks interested in bald eagles.

"The Endangered Species Program invites you and your families to attend an event at the Jefferson Memorial on Thursday, June 28, 10 am, announcing the delisting and recovery of the bald eagle.

Secretary Kempthorne will make the announcement, followed by remarks from several key partnering organizations. From 10:30 to 12 noon, booths staffed by WO Service programs and other agencies/organizations including the National Park Service, National Wildlife Federation, Environmental Defense, American Eagle Foundation, and Earth Conservation Corps will offer family activities. In the event of rain, the event will be moved to the Yates Auditorium at Main Interior.

This remarkable achievement is the culmination of many years of hard work and cooperative efforts with private and public landowners, States, Tribes, non-government organizations, and industry. Now, it is time to celebrate."

Also, one our our Shepherdstown eagles is currently on the front page of the US Fish and Wildlife Service website. Check it out here--which one is it? In addition, download the video, which is a compilation of video shot mostly here at NCTC.


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Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the information, Steve.
I'll need to look real hard at that pic in order to give you an answer!

Need to go alert the others.

Suzanne said...

Wow, very interesting, Steven. Thanks for posting. I'm with Jo, have to look real hard and compare with other pics I have. Can't see the tail too well, have to look at the neck and beak.
Jo, where did everybody go?

Suzanne said...

I see 2 distinct eggs and 2 distinct chicks at Mrs B's. Can't see anything else, so who knows if we have a new chick or not.

MITS said...

Thanks for the update, Steven, if I didn't have other appts. tomorrow I would head down there.

Suzanne said...

Mits, you have zoo this afternoon, don't you? Give our love to Tai.

MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Suzanne, I just got on the BB site and I think I saw 3 chicks now too.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle day. Stay cool. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

carolinabeachmom said...

BTW good eagle morning to Mits Jo, Suzanne, Jim WV-gal, Wanda, Sharon and whoever else I forgot.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have a safe trip Suzanne.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne- I waited and waited but no one came over... Glad you're here and now Mits and Candy are too.
That's enough to have a party!!

Candy - I am exhausted in trying to count those BB eggs & peeps! As I said earlier FOR SURE there are 2 peeps & 2 eggs! MTBR

carolinabeachmom said...

It is sure good to see WV-gal back on line at our blog. Glad the special chair is working for you.

I have been lurking around and checking on on A63. After yesterday, I couldn't be watching all the time. It killed me to see him all alone. I'm glad to hear Jim say that he can go 2 days without food.

carolinabeachmom said...

I have also been sitting here looking up the Days Inn in Martinsburg, but was wondering if Sharon was reserving a room for Fri, Sat, or what night. I also saw Jill say that she could ride with her or follow her in. So I have been sitting here stewing and thinking. When you all meet, when do you meet and for how long? I would really like to come up, but I would probably have to come up Friday, as it takes me about 5 and a half hours on a good day to just get to Winchester. Do you meet for the whole weekend?

carolinabeachmom said...


I looked when Suzanne said to and I could see two darker bodies and what looked like a lighter body; not an egg. I could very well be wrong tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

BB nest is open for observation

carolinabeachmom said...

I see 2 eggs and 2 bodies; each has a head on an egg. I guess Ms. B leaves them in the nest to keep the eggs warm. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

False alarm. I think I see a third egg.Chicks must have been lauing on top of it. :( Just call me the boy who cried wolf!

paula eagleholic said...

That looks like the video from the 2004 season.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Carolinabeachmom, I am leaving Bluefield early Saturday morning (around 5 a.m.) and spending Saturday night in Martinsburg.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It will take me about 5 hours to get there too!

carolinabeachmom said...

I have a son I could stay with maybe Friday night in Winchester or at the Days Inn. If I stayed with Josh, would come up Friday to his place and then come the short distance and meet you at the motel on Saturday or wherever. Jill said she can see the motel from her house. I don't like to travel the weekends around my area; Outer Banks, Virginia Beach, etc Too much traffic that I have to go through. I just wondered what time they all met; morning, after lunch, etc. and when they called it a day. Oh well, I think it would be a lot of fun. Time will tell. Thanks for answering me Sharon.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Sharon. We could do lunch and dinner!

paula eagleholic said...

What time are you leaving for home on Sunday? The Shepherdstown market runs from 8am-1pm on Sundays.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We could do lunch and dinner. I am not sure what time we would be leaving but could probably do the market first.

paula eagleholic said...

I think that is a picture of Liberty.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I was thinking the same thing - Lib!

NillaWafer said...

I have no doubt that is Belle in the picture... Her broad shoulders and fiesty Gona be ahot 1 out there today but storms and a cold front coming down from Canada will cool it off alittle here... HAVE AGREAT DAY, Nilla

Jill said...

I think Jo was waiting for a definite day before she made any plans. If we met for lunch and the others wanted to return home, those staying in Mburg could also go to dinner here in town somewhere. There are several ladies here also in different parts of town. And there may be some who can't go to the nest but could go to dinner later. Any ideas? I am open for anything. The Days Inn is very close to the mall and most of the good restaurants in town. Shoney's is next door and they have a breakfast buffet if the Days Inn doesn't do breakfast. Don't stay there so I dont' know.

Jill said...

As for the cane, I would send Norma in to get it back. They wouldn't mess with her> LOL

Mema Jo said...

Hello! I just got back from 4 hrs
running with Grandson.. Fun but Too Hot! I need to put my feet up awhile. Sharon's Trip
I am mainly trying to set up the nest visit time and then see if it's going to be a lunch or dinner (or both) and just where we could go for either/or.
Sharon had just advised me of her arrival time the other day - so I was taking it from there to get the word out for suggestions on our plans. I know pretty much who can make it but will put our plans over on email at momsters just so not to have anyone miss out on things.
I see a lot of suggestions on here - feel free to email me anything you want looked into (eating places). I'll run everything by all of you and let Sharon ok whatever we plan.

MITS said...

BW eagle cam is back online, and Lisa is pointing out a great Norfolk slideshow from the 23rd to the 25th. check it out.

Jill said...

I looked at the slide show the other day. It is good.

Mema Jo said...

I checked out the slide show AND OF COURSE - I can't get and slides to move! Only get 1 pic per date..
Did you do better then me, MITS ?

Mema Jo said...

Everyone that remembers Belle Baker and those of you who may meet her on the 14th - She says Hi! Misses You!

Mema Jo said...


IT HAS BEEN 100 degrees


wvgal_dana said...

Is anyone watching Santa Cruz? What is going on. I've had it up for a long time; sorry feel asleep, and windows media player is still showing it is running but bird not moving????

Mema Jo said...

Dana - the cam froze up & also they were going to try to move the cam back so there was more of the tree/patio in view. I am reading this from the IWS discussion forum. We don't know if K10 or K26 came in with any food yet.

Did you have a nice nap? I pass up on mine - I sometimes make the wrong decisions!!

wvgal_dana said...

I hear it now it is dark and thunder!!

Mema Jo said...

Now they are saying SC is back up
It may appear dark.. You may need to lighten it a bit.

I am looking at the BB 3 eggs

I am also looking at Puget Sound
Is that an adult up on the limb

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Dana & Jo... It is 102 degrees here but looking like a storm brewing in the sky... Ms B is off nest and 2 babies awake other eggs not hatched yet.. Kent is up and looking around.. Puget there is a parent on a higher branch perhaps trying to get the kid to fly.... Just announced on news big power outage in New York City...

MITS said...

Jo, I got to 15, then you can't go any further.

Mema Jo said...

In windows media player...view, enhancements,video settings - slide the bar to the right for brightness and contrast, then maximize the video pane to exit

Mema Jo said...

Hi There Nilla! Are you feeling well and staying out of this heat?

Jill said...

NO storm yet here, got cloudy and dark but sun is out now. 90.5 here. Has cooled a little

Mema Jo said...

MITS: If you go to the VA site under the cam - all the slideshows are listed. I clicked on them and got 1 pic each and on Lisa's link I got 1 slideshow date and 1 pic. This happened to Jim before on the VA site. I thought you may need to 'enter' to make them progress but that didn't work.

Mema Jo said...

SC Cam has zoomed out - you can see the patio! Whoo Hoo!

NillaWafer said...

I am feeling fit as a fiddle right now Jo thanks... I just made SC brighter and you are correct they did move it back.. great sight but wish parents would feed the kid... sighhhh.... Jill we certainly have had alot of murders here in Martinsburg, getting scary...sighhh again.. Yessss of course i remember Belle would be great to see her once again...

wvgal_dana said...

Hi ( : Nilla nice to see you again like everyone I've missed you all.

MITS said...

JO, followed your instructions, now I have a flashing rainbow at the bottom of SC.

wvgal_dana said...

#63 on the move again he is up

wvgal_dana said...

Make a wish Mits and get the gold then come back in. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Jill Shoney's serves the Breakfast bar until 2pm. It does have some hot vegs. and chicken on it. Then 2-4 a different buffett then 4 on the dinner buffett.

Mema Jo said...

I am losing faith that the last 3 BB eggs are going to hatch. I need to hear what Wanda thinks...

Sandra We miss you!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Need to go to an email BRB

wvgal_dana said...

QUESTION: Has anyone seen #63's parent/s flying around or by the nest. If so when; ie today, yesterday?

NillaWafer said...

We all love Duck Tape for odd reason's but check out this web site of kids who made there Prom dresses and suits out it... Its a contest they can win money... Alot of really outstanding workmanship into making these... go to and click on vote to see the pictures...

Mema Jo said...

Dana: Last recorded sighting of Limuw's parents was 25th 10am. But you must remember that the cam was froze - and everyone is hoping we all just missed them. That big boy is doing some very healthy poop shoots and looks like he could take off at any time from his branch. He is 11 weeks old this Friday - so it is that time!

normabyrd said...

HI EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----Have had #63 on since I came in about 2:45---I have seen those "poop shoots"---but HE hasn't really tried to fly-----I worry so about him---The little 'POOP'----MITS---Maybe we will have to go up & "SMACK HIM SILLY---ho! ho!---See you kids are planning for the BIG DAY!----DON'T FORGET THE "RUMNSEY TAVERN"---I thought that was our "HANG OUT"--???

wvgal_dana said...

I just looked back to re-check

Spunky fledge 1 day short of 12 weeks old.

As you said Mema Jo this is like our Spunky. Also could it be possible they are feeding at night.

wvgal_dana said...

Me too Norma gal I sent and email to Mema Jo and Jill.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Wednesday evening, Jo, Mits. WV_gal, Nilla, Jill and all others out there. I took some time out to grocery shopping this afternoon.

It sounds and looks like everything is pretty much the same; only 2 BB, SC63 still calling out to anyone who can hear him to bring him food or whatever.

It is nice to see the SC cam moved back and that also leads me to believe that he is being watched by people who can help him, if need be.

JO I followed your instructions and now have a pretty good pic of the nest and bird. I wish I had gotten a rainbow, so I could have found the pot of gold. :)

Jill said...

I am back. Nilla, its the drugs, they are getting really bad. Young people don't just die in their sleep, especially if they are fairly healthy. And the ones who are sick don't usually die in a known drug hangout. It is really scary out there. I see a lot more than most people because of my job. They are going to keep going until it is as bad as 85-86. I see it everyday downtown.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yuk, I am watching the NY Kestrels. Take a look. Parent just came in and dropped a big bug

carolinabeachmom said...

She is back again, Can't wait to see what happens to it. The poor chicks; was bigger than one of them, it seemed.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, it is gone now and so is the parent.

carolinabeachmom said...

I wished I had thought fast and saved a pic of it. It was ugly. It could also have been a black spider on the camera lens; I don't know.

normabyrd said...

I followed your instructions JO!!------I now have #63 in a XMAS TREE!!!---ho!--ho!---POOR LITTLE THING-------NEED to take "THE GREAT CANE" down to the nest & give him a SHOVE!!!-----GREAT to have DANA & NILLA back----Have missed you all?----Do you suppose SANDY has some one ill?----When was TOM to check back in w/Dr.??

Mema Jo said...

Norma Just got off the web site of Rumsey Tavern Talk about great minds!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma Surgery July 10 unless cancellation with surgeon he could go sooner. I mentioned her today -

Sandra If your out there just come in and say Hi for a minute

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Candy and Jill and of course all others...( :

Nilla I went to the website you listed for Prom dresses and the guys outfits made out of "duct tape". Awesome shows vote ends tomorrow. Wow neat oh......I did click on the vote to see them a couple was even listed as being on you tube I clicked it loved the pirates. lol Thanks for the website people it is a neat site...

Mema Jo said...

Very unusual for an eagle to eat or be brought food at night..

I am starting to feel sadness for him now! He is being so noisy - calling out!

NillaWafer said...

Well Jill as the sign says coming into West Virginia from Va & Md " Open For Business" thats exactly what it means for Drug dealers of the Tri State area....Norma lot of good memories at the Rumsey Tavern for us your right...

normabyrd said...

JO---That's what he did yesterday------He kept calling & calling!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I just found out something most or all of you knew....there are (2) two Jill's. Who is the Jill that told Sharon "I can see the Days Inn sign from my house"???

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo you know I know they don't feed at night..but I just had to hope for something.

Paula make another trip out there please and take fish fish and more fish with you.

Mema Jo said...

Dana - only 1 Jill recently on the blog - One of our newest Momsters!
She is talking with Nilla now - she is a Commissioner in Martinsburg..

Mema Jo said...

I hear Limuw calling out



NillaWafer said...

Is anyone else watching the Celebrety look alike show???? Man this young man on there is doing ELVIS and he is awsome sining n looking like him... WOW

Jill said...

Only one of me Dana. Jo, I am a magistrate, commissioner is something differect over here. Don't want people calling me with all the county problems LOL

Mema Jo said...

There are quite a few activities/events going on in Shepherdstown that July weekend. I am going to call Rumsey to find out reservation schedule... I'll let you all know what they say - I think all will agree on the location for dinner after visiting the nest. Let me know any negative feelings by email please.

Jill said...

I am watching it Nilla. He was good.

wvgal_dana said...

help count about 17 back in comments where a Jill says Nilla I am back. When you click on here name there is no email address.
Which Jill is that????

wvgal_dana said...

or even one back

normabyrd said...

COOL JO!---I told you all yesterday, I have spent so much time with #63---- (OUR SPUNKY for '07) that he calls me by my 1st name!!--ho! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow yes Nilla she looks like Lucy and talks like her wow

Mema Jo said...

Here is the Rumsey site where you can
check out the menu/prices.....

Rumsey Tavern

Jill said...

Jo-Lunch are Rumsey or Dinner? Did I miss something? Trying to do too much at once again.

NillaWafer said...

haha Dana are you confused again?lol Jill the woman doing Lucy is halarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jill said...

Yes she was Nilla

wvgal_dana said...

ok Is this Jill on now Jill the scrapebook Jill????

Jill said...

Yes Dana that is me

wvgal_dana said...

Ok we are getting "warmer here" lol

And your the Jill that can see the Days Inn sign from your house ???

We'll see now if I get "hot or cold" lol

Mema Jo said...

Dana Honest - I don't see any profile info on any of Jill's comments..OH OH BITE MY TONGUE
Dana I forgot we used to call her Scrapbook Jill until she sold all her shelving........ lol

Jill I am thinking Dinner - after a nest visit. A brunch or lunch before the visit is being considered depending on arrival time of Sharon as to a sit down group event. Email me some opinions....
Sorry I called you a commissioner but in Frederick County they are the same, I think, duty wise as a
Magistrate in WV.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I am glad that we got who Jill is steeled now.

Just looked at Jo's eatery. I am starting to get hungary. Yum!

Mema Jo said...

Daddy bluebird is in the nest..You can see his blue feathers.

Limuw - I hate to even think that something happened to K10 & K26..

Would you all look at the Puget Sound
little (getting bigger) guy. I think he looks so lonely since he lost
Egg Mate..............

Mema Jo said...

Candy I sure hope you can come up!

Jill said...

I will check on some options in Shep for brunch/lunch. Yes magistrate and commissioner are basically the same but here we have commissioners who do somethign completely different.

Jill said...

Jo-I think they are like your alderman.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo Thanks for thinking of me. I am hoping to make the trip somehow or another; whether I stay with Josh or, stop in Richmond at a friend's house on the way up, or just stay 2 nights in Days Inn up there.

Jill said...

Hey Nilla, they are going down hill fast on that show

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo about what time do you think for dinner?

carolinabeachmom said...


I don't want to rain on Sharon's parade. I'll wait and see what you all figure out with her and then go accordingly.

carolinabeachmom said...

SC 63 seems to be eating something in the nest. Did anyone see if anything was brought in. I am talking to my sister in NY and missed it.

carolinabeachmom said...

Maybe he is just chewing some nest stuff or rearranging his nest.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my big thunder here in Martinsburg.. storms on the way hopefully we need rain... I was on the phone with Jenny and not paying attention to show Jill... She is still at Morgantown and soon be 34 weeks and praying they send her back to City Hospitol now that the baby is stronger...She has been in hospitol for over 3 months now on bed rest... Ut Oh here comes the rain... wow its raining side ways from the south so hard cant see out side

floralgirl said...

Wow! All this talk of food is making me hungry!!

NillaWafer said...

new show coming on called Just For Laughs its a hidden camera show... Jill you watch the Inventor show? Its good to coming on next... Rain has slowed down alittle... Picking 5 finalist now Jill...

NillaWafer said...

Hey Megan hope your getting all this rain thats pouring here in town.... Yup food is good at Rumsey as we

normabyrd said...

CANDY---I saw him nibbling on some thing!!!----It must have been insects or twigs!!!---BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!!!---SEE WHAT TOMORROW BRINGS-----


carolinabeachmom said...

He there Flora girl. Welcome. Hope your flowers are getting some rain.


Jill said...

Bad lightning still towards Charles Town, hopefully Meg gets some of it.

Lost internet for a few minutes. Router is in son's room and they threw a breaker.

Hope Jenny gets home Nilla. It is awful to be that far from home for any reason and for 3 months. Shew.

normabyrd said...

HELLO BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!!!---How did you survive this day!!!----It was a day to "SWEAT"---Looking forward to 7/14----Hope LIB & BELLE don't let us down!!!---Will be GREAT IF WE ALL CAN GET TOGETHER!!!---

carolinabeachmom said...

Norma, I haven't watched much today as I couldn't stand it. I am starting to see that others are concerned too. He makes me so sad. It seems as if he is all wore out now and laying down in his nest. I have to get off now. Hope tomorrow brings better news. Goodnight everyone. Prayers for 63 and peace to all of you.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla good to hear baby is getting stronger.

Hi HI FLoralgirl (Megan) good to see your name and flowers. I was trying to remember what plant Mema Jo got last year that she put on her porch and the hummingbirds kept coming to it.

Do you sell that one at the Market?

floralgirl said...

Hello Nilla, Norma, Candy, Jill and Jo! No rain yet, radar shows storm heading towards us, we'll see. The past few days have been so miserably hot. Glad the next few days will be cooler.

floralgirl said...

Oops, hi Dana:) Not sure what plant she had, maybe a salvia.

wvgal_dana said...

Do you sell salvia at the Market?

floralgirl said...

At this point all I have left is a few pineaspple sages and some red blooming salvias.

wvgal_dana said...

Megan you have mail

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan I sure have been thinking about you and your flowers in this kind of heat! Somehow, you always make the best of things!!

Confirm for me that you do have market on July 15 Sunday in Shepherdstown.... Where would you be on the 14th - CharlesTown??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. I am working some overtime tonight, trying to make money for my big trip! :):):) Megan, I hope you will be there on the 14th or 15th, somewhere where we can meet!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, Nilla - will I get to meet you 2 eaglet momsters? I surely hope so!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon this gal has been wanting to meet you for a long time. YOu know that from emails. Yep I sure am going to try. Just need to get the time for the meal and where Rusmey Tavern was very nice food was great....Nilla doesn't get any whip cream though hee hee

floralgirl said...

Hi Jo! Just hanging in there, all you can do. Raining here now, every little bit helps. Hi Sharon, I'm gonna do my best to hang out with everyone on that weekend. Charlestown til 12 on Saturdays, Jo, Sundays at Shepherdstown.

Costume Lady said...

Just stopped in to say good night and I see there is a party going on. I will have to read the blog go see what I missed.
Hubby had Bone Marrow removed from his hip today and needed some TLC. So I have spent the evening with him.
Are there still only 2 Baby BB?

Mema Jo said...

WHoo Hoo! I so hope you will meet Sharon.......

And you can bring my gourds lol

NillaWafer said...

Sharon you can bet your sweet bippy i will be there to see you... Dana hahaha about the whippped cream!!!!! Rain has stopped and cooled off just atad out... Time to head out Niters, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Hi Wanda - so far we still see 2.
Question was about the other 3 eggs as to how long should it take if they are going to hatch?

Was Hubby donating bone marrow?

Mema Jo said...

Wanda They are off the eggs now. You can have a look!

Night Nilla

wvgal_dana said...

Niters Nilla ( :

Mema Jo said...

Another Poop Shoot for Limuw!!!

MITS said...

OK, # 63 just had a really good poop-shoot...I feel better.

MITS said...

LOL....we must have have been watching the same time JO.

floralgirl said...

Oh boy, I better put those gourds in the van now or I'll forget them again.

floralgirl said...

Gotta go, need sleep, tomorrow's another long day. Night all.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Megan, you best better-it's been a year - I'll take whatever birds are in them too.

I haven't got a drop of rain!!!
Guess I best fill the watering can & head to front porch pots!
Did you get any rain in Bethesda earlier, Mits?

MITS said...

NOT A DROP, JO....heard thunder this afternoon, but nothing, nada, zilch!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I didn't move fast enough. I missed them.
I don't know what to think about the remaining eggs. They should have all hatched withing hours of each other. I have monitered Blue Bird nests for a couple years and have never encountered this. I'd say "HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM".
Hubby had various tests and scans today and the marrow extraction was part of his tests. I think they are trying to find out why he is anemic. He is a big, healthy man (6'2"-220lbs)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Man, the blog is like old home week. Hi everybody, bye everybody. Got to go to bed. 5:30 comes mighty early.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Love you all!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Thanks for telling me about your hubby - Now I will put him on the prayer list!!!
OK about the eggs.... It couldn't be that they haven't been kept warm enough.. Guess we'll give it a few more days and see what happens.

Mema Jo said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur. Love you all!

Man - that sounds sooooo good

Good Night, Sharon loL

Jill said...

Be patient Mits, there is still hope. Rain hasn't been out of here that long.

Wanda, from looking at him you wouldn't know he was anemic.

Jo the biggest part of the storm was south of here so you probably won't get any unless another comes through.

Think I will go take a nap, the natives should be crawling out from under their rocks now that it has cooled down.

Mema Jo said...

I missed your leaving, Megan...
Good Night

Mema Jo said...

Well, Limuw site just went black! It is too early for it to close - I think. It should still be light at SC.

wvgal_dana said...

Just read on the IWS forum that today they (whomever Dave is one of them) leaving to camp out and take blood samples from some older birds. They also will be heading to Santa Cruz to see Limuw. So this makes me feel better.

Mema Jo said...

JILL I can tell you LOVE your job and that it is really a FUN job...You have so much People Savvy!
I know that Norma will agree with me!

Don't get the cane!!!!

Mema Jo said...

DANA Dave has been there & gone - early this morning hours - He is the one who adjusted the cam so we could see more of the nest. He didn't take any fish with him Boo Hoo!

Costume Lady said...

We didn't know he was anemic until sometime in March, he started going to the VA center. They discovered it and have been persuing the cause. He says he feels fine.

MITS said...

Yep, my SC won't come up and Dave has been there and left...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - could it be that he just needs to add something to his diet that he isn't getting? Is it that simple?

wvgal_dana said...

Mine went black too Mema Jo...
I thought since he (Dave) would be in the area for a couple of days.
At least they would be watching him #63 some.

Costume Lady said...

Let's hope it is something as simple as a missing nutrient.

Costume Lady said...

I can't get the Santa Cruz site either.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Mits......

I keep missing everyone's leaving..

Where is Jim......???

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it a day...
Still no rain..

Good Night everyone
Pleasant Dreams & Peaceful Sleep
Prayers being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne
It's still

wvgal_dana said...

Nite Mema Jo and anyone else

Have Surgeons appt and therapy tomorrow.

Morning Suzanne.

Costume Lady said...


Jill said...

Wanda I have been anemic most of my life, need more iron in my system but iron supplements make me sick. It doesn't have any affect on me really, just when I go to new Dr. and they do tests and find out. Then they always want to find out why. I have been through it so many times. Now I go in with a list of things. I can't take this drug or that drug and yes I am anemic. Don't bother yourself with it I will tell you when it bothers me.

Okay now I am really going to take a nap. (Have about an hour if I am really really lucky)

Costume Lady said...

Talk to you later....

Robyn said...

Everyone must be asleep, haven't had a chance to read many of the posts been really busy with company and getting ready for our trip to Huston TX.

Miss the cams too I'll try and catch up through the posts.

Suzanne last I checked the other day the cam for the Benicia owls was stopped due to being over budget, sadly by the time it is back up I am sure the owls will have fledged :(.

Is there another trip to the nest?? I would love to return maybe I need to catch up on emails also. Since classes ended I haven't been online much feels good too.

Hugs to all, sure miss everyone

movin said...

Mema Jo...
Jim came home a little late, a little tired, and started reading some of the blog and some of the Discussion at S. Cruz to see if Limuw had been fed yet. Then Jim decided his back was tired and laid down to relax the knots out of it...........

Jim just woke up to go to the bathroom a couple of minutes ago!! But Jim's back feels quite a bit better now.

It looks like nobody has seen those S. Cruz parents yet, then the camera went down... Last I saw of him, he was scavenging beneath the surface of the nest.

You know, this pair inexplicably failed to feed their chick for the first three days last year!! Maybe they have a 3-day gap in their nesting program, and it happened to appear toward the end of the nesting period this year.... Could be a gap there.

Anyway, it's too early to be forcing him to fledge, and I wonder, would there be parents there if he did fly to another spot!?? Has anyone seen or heard the pair??

Hope nothing has happened to one or both of them.

That's a puzzler, but I sure hope it is solved happily ... soon!



Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world! Beautiful night out, 76 at my house, 78 here. Big almost full, very orange moon, but lost the moon before I hit Frederick this AM. Hiding behind clouds. Speaking of which, had a very heavy rain storm last night that lasted maybe 3 minutes! Then stopped. Thunder didn't stop, jusst the rain, but then in about 15 minutes, it was totally over. Least I didn't have to water my plants last night.
Had a deer on the other side of the road this morning, I saw him and slowed down to nothing, then he decided he wanted to be on my side of the road! Geesh, so here he comes, right in front of the car, jumped over the guard rail and went on his way. Thankfully, good tires and brakes! Then in Lucketts, or right past it, another deer started strolling into the road. So, Jim, had to use your beep beep again. Dimmed my lights, he stood there and thought about it, then beep beep'd him, he turned around and went back in the woods. Man, these guys are really hanging out in the road! Had to really stop in a hurry right before Leesburg too, this time for a very fat racoon! He came charging out of the woods into the road, but I slammed on my breaks, scared him, and back to where he came from he went. One thing about coming in at this hour, it's always an adventure, and never the same thing 2 days in a row! I'm very glad there is usually no other traffic when I come in!!!!
Phew, ok, more than you all wanted to know.
I see our cam still has a broken cable! DARN, MISS SEEING OUR BABIES!!! Going through withdrawal here, 3 days in a row. BW eagle cam is fixed, there was a falcon on the ledge this morning, Finland Mom is standing in the nest watching out for the chicks, and they have the cam pulled back on the storks so you can see the whole nest and immediate area. Cool when they do that.
Ok, work to do. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Just glancing back at the blogs, Robyn, the Benicia 30 sec cam is up, but limited hours. The streaming video is not, they're over budget, so it's been turned off. Think the Benicia cam came up yesterday about 5 or so our time.

Suzanne said...

Robyn, Benicia is up now, one owl in nest. Think they turn it off during the day, while the owls are sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Hate to do this, but unclass mail is down, so have to do the Windows thing...reboot.
BW eagle MT, there is an osprey in the BW nest, don't see anybody on the falcon ledge, but there was one there earlier, about 4:30. GE has the stork cam pulled away still you can see their neighborhood. Love that view. Benicia is not working, thought I said it was earlier. Dark in Kent, Mrs B on eggs and babies, and Puget Sound is not up yet either.

Suzanne said...

Well, that was a waste of time, still no email. Yet another DoS from the powers that be. Gonna go open cams again.

Suzanne said...

Kestral babies must be getting fed, parent leaving and babies all have mouths wide open.

Suzanne said...

Oh, now I see why they moved the cam back in Germany. Baby stork doing huge wing flaps. Cool.

Suzanne said...

Oh, Benicia is on. So it comes on at 6, our time, 3 their time.

Suzanne said...

2 ospreys in BW. BW eagle MT, falcon ledge MT, Finland, one chick keeps getting on and off that poor egg, Mom watching. Storks are exercising, then sitting down taking a break, Mrs B still on babies and eggs, Benicia MT, and Kestrals sleeping. They have the cam on the larger chicks fixed. They're back to taking turns going to the entrance and back down again.

Suzanne said...

Oops, 1 osprey left. I swear they can see me typing this stuff, and do something to change whatever I typed.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne had a terrible night sleeping.

Tried to get SC this morning cause last night it shut down. Nope can't get it.

Robyn said...

Good morning Suzanne, soon enough there wont be anywhere for the deer to go as they lose their homes to bigger homes :(. We still have deer behind my home since they haven't built behind me as of yet.

There looks to be someone snoozing in the Va nest but then again I may be wrong. The Benicia box looks empty.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Robyna

Yes we left an area where the building is so bad. They aren't leaving any land for the deer sad very sad.

Robyn said...

Good morning Dana

Another day of running around and off to Hagerstown for a dentist appt, good thing we only do this twice a year. ick

wvgal_dana said...

Hope the rain doesn't catch you Robyna

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana and Robyn. Sorry you had a bad night, Dana. Gives you an excuise to take a nap later! Robyn, I get an MT nest too. They have limited the hours of viewing, turns on at 6 our time. No idea what time it turns off.
Yeah, the deer soon won't have a place to go. That's sad! Pretty soon, next 50 or so years, we're all gonna be seeing wildlife in zoos, in cages, cause that's gonna be the only place left for them, and that's a shame. :-(
We get the Washington Post Express delivered here every AM, free of charge. This morning there is a beautiful pic of a bald eagle soaring along the Potomac at Mason Neck PPark, In Lorton, VA yesterday. They come off the endangered list today. I'm thrilled they have made a comeback, and they will still be protected, but I sure hope some of these builders don't think this is giving them carte blanch to start building in their habitat. That's what I worry about, now.

Robyn said...

Thanks Dana but we do need the rain as my yard is getting crunchy sounding since it s so dry here. They are calling for severe thunderstorms this evening so I should be home well before then.

If I could I would buy many acres and set up a preserve but since I didn't win powerball last night can't.

Robyn said...

I agree Suzanne I am glad they have made a comeback and fear what greed will do.

wvgal_dana said...

I know what you mean Robyna that would be so so neat ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I'm right along with you on that one Suzanne.

Have Surgeons appt this AM then therapy at 1pm...eekkk hope I'm not too tire. Well the pain in doing therapy will wake me up for sure. Just need the strength to do.

Suzanne said...

I'm with you, Robyn. Get lots of acres, and let nature have it! No humans allowed. That would be so cool. Good luck at the dentist, hate going to them, but a necessity, I'm afraid.
Dana, good luck on your therapy this afternoon. I know it's painful, but does it help after it's over?

wvgal_dana said...

In Conn. Osprey I wish the little fellow would get as much food as the big one. Never seems he gets enough.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne yes it does so I have to do it so I will have good use of my leg. Nothing comes easy I figure. I have surpassed their expectations they had down for me. When they was going to do a review on July 4th (yep their open). Since going to Dr. today they did it Tuesday.
I cried and they were amazed I surpassed their goals. PRAISE GOES TO GOD AND YOU ALLS PRAYERS. KEEP THE PRAYERS COMING TY.

Suzanne said...

Well GOOD FOR YOU, Dana! I'm proud of you. I hope you continue to surpass their expectations! That's wonderful. Just think, one of these days your leg will be healed, then all this will just be a memory. Good luck this afternoon, and this morning at the Dr visit, too!

Robyn said...

UGH! nothing like writing a long post only to have it eaten!

I remember after my 2 knee surgeries the pain I endured 3 days a week, good luck.

Have a great morning, my company is awakening and I need to get ready to head out. See ya all this afternoon

Suzanne said...

Getting dawn in Kent, parent in tree, kids are up too. Don't think cam 3 is working, though. Dawn in Puget Sound too, and that eaglet is still sleeping. NY Kestrals have had breakfast, now they're snoozing. The bigger chicks cam is locked again. Not sure PA is updating their cam, have seen the same pic for quite a while. Looks like a ladder on the side of the ledge. Must be one very long ladder!! Finland mommie has fed the babies, now she's trying to get them under her. They're in the front of her. They are not bashful about helping themselves to whatever she's trying to feed them. Won't be long they'll be feeding themselves!

Costume Lady said...

Had COFFEE with Hubby this morning. He hasn't been able to have coffee or food for 2 mornings because of various tests at the VA Center. So, I didn't want him to drink alone this morning.
Have to read back and see what has been going on.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Nice of you to have coffee with hubby! Hope his tests went well, and he gets a clean bill of health!

Suzanne said...

Raining again in Finland, Mom is getting raindrops on her feathers. That cam is awesome, shows every detail!

Suzanne said...

Robyn, there is an owl in Benicia.

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know if Finland needs rain but we sure do.

The ground has been just sucking it right up. No puddles for long.

wvgal_dana said...

oopss sorry Morning Wanda

Costume Lady said...

Does anyone know what is going on with SC cam? I know it has been down for a while, but do we have any info? Maybe they don't want us to see eaglet suffer anymore!

Mrs. B is due to get off her nest soon. Don't think those eggs have much of a chance. We'll keep watching and hoping.

Costume Lady said...

Are you going to be able to join out gathering July l4?

Suzanne said...

2 owls in Benicia. Think that's mom and the youngest. He should be fledging soon. Others fledged a week ago, I think.

Suzanne said...

Wanda! Mrs B just left. Still only see 2 chicks, though.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I have my plans to do so. My husband has to drive me there but he did that for the luncheon at Christmas at the Rusmey Traven. So he said he will for this. I'm so excited to meet you gals and Sharon.

Suzanne said...

Wanda, are you watching the BBs?

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...