Monday, March 21, 2016

Pics from today

New thread.  We will be on Hagerstown Channel 25 News this evening, at 5 and 6, I am told.


stronghunter said...

Great news, Steve. And great pictures.


I will tell the others.

Judie said...

Ah, I see Jo beat me to the "publish" click.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for the tip about the newscasts

Congrats to Jo on her newest feather. Hang onto it if you go out in this wind.

stronghunter said...

Last time I checked, my name is Shirley.

Good afternoon, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Jo will need to tell us about the newscast this evening. I do not think I will be able to see it here in Fredericksburg.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judie & Shirley for the call over.

Steve, congrats to NCTC on the publicity for the nest - can't let that nest in DC get all the news coverage, right?

Judie, happy Gotcha Day for Jude and Jacob - for some reason I had it in my head that it was yesterday. They are very lucky kitties and I'm sure they know it and show you and Frank every day how much they love and appreciate their new home and people!

Jerry, good news about Rhonda - I hope things continue in a positive direction for her.

Jo, personally I would like the camera to be zoomed in more right now. I would love to see those little black eyes and beaks up close and personal. Once the chicks start exploring the nest, the view will have to be zoomed out more like it is now, so I'd like to take advantage of the close-up zoom while we can. Just my opinion.

The sun has finally returned here but it's windy and still pretty chilly outside. Better take Janey for her walk before the temps start dropping. Later.

Judie said...

Good grief! My apology Shirley. Next thing you know I'll have Jo dating Russ and you visiting Mr. Jo. lol My brain is too tired. So much going on here. I don't think I will see the tv coverage of the nest, either. Don't get that channel.

Sandi, last March 21 was a Sunday so maybe you were remembering Sunday. No matter. We think they're the cat's meow. Received emails from their foster mom and the coordinator today. Posted an update from them on their web page along with a picture.

Speaking of a tired brain, I just reread the blurb on the DC nest page and it is more specific than I first realized: first nesting pair at the ARBORETUM in 47 years. Sorry I posted in error earlier.

Jerry, hope the weight loss is okay for Rhonda and glad she's doing better.

Speaking of tv, Darth will be making an appearance regarding park volunteering on a local channel. Dinner will be late.


JudyEddy said...



DO THE PIC come from OD channel because of the clarity so crisp

JudyEddy said...

Hope someone records it I am looking for a live broadcast in the internet

JudyEddy said...

I googled and no luck on a live broadcast on that station Some stations do now days but they don't bummer Hope someone sees it and can report to us on it

JudyEddy said...

nice feeding going on now

JudyEddy said...

that was a ten min feeding both were feed one more that the other but both feed

JudyEddy said...

fish delivery lots of noise

JudyEddy said...

think made be someone around calling out by both after food delivered and then poof and calling after poofed

Beautiful fish in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - This is Jo but you can call me Shirely
Dinner is done - just now opened internet - missed Channel 25 but perhaps it will be on again at 11:00pm.
Suzanne Hall over on Outdoor channel comments said: Did you local folks catch the 5 and 5:30 news on WGAL? NCTC eagles and DC eagles were the top stories!! Cam picks from both nests and interviewed Steve Chase @ NCTC. Our babies are TV stars.

This is channel 8 TV Washington

Sandi - Steve is in control of the zoom schedule - he is playing it by ear.

Judie - Jude and Jake were worth your waiting and they are very thankful I'm sure for their furever home!

I may return later - IF NOT -
Good nights will now be said! SED and AOYP

JudyEddy said...

another smaller fish

JudyEddy said...

another feeding the whole fam in nest

JudyEddy said...

I found the article on the nest

Our nest

Judie said...

Dinner over. Late because of MY tv star. Scullery in order.

Congratulations for Steve and the NCTC nest becoming celebrities.

Jo, oh I mean Shirley, is tomorrow PET scan day? I seem to think so. Prayers for super good results.

Headed to the recliner to watch some tv. Found a small book on DC architecture I might look through, also.

Would love to have Loretta report that Baby Orange has been found safe.

Continued prayers for Tori and Dana's dad.

Wonder where Kay is today?

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for TV news link

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

she is still awake I wonder what the ruckus was
I always think maybe owl since Steve saw the one

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Mema Jo said...

I also think OWL

Lolly said...

Busy day! Grosssssserie shopped, then headed outside! Mowed, edged, blew, and pulled weeds! Looking good! Trees are leafing out!
Loving spring!

Judy, apparently implants are not always successful. No, we do not pay more but may pay for another crown. Not really sure but this is something that has to be corrected!

Up early tomorrow so need to get to bed! Nite all!

WVJerry said...

Good chilly morning. I see a sleeping eagle in the nest this morning. May check in at work. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. A sleeping eagle at the nest. 28 degrees here this morning - where's spring?

Lolly, sorry to hear the news about Jack's implant. Hopefully today won't be painful but even so, I know it won't be any fun.

Jo, I have upped the prayers and positive energy for today's doctor appointment to get results. I so hope your treatments have wiped out any and all cancer cells.

Judy, thanks for finding and posting the link to the TV news piece about the nest. Wasn't it a lovely sight to see the nest high up in that tree? It took me back to the times I've seen it in person, especially in April of 2012 when I met many of my Momster friends there.

First meeting with the physical therapist this morning at 9am. Then the rest of the day is all mine.

Just a heads up - so far this morning, I have had to reload the live cam 4 times while typing my post. The feed starts, then freezes and just keeps buffering.

Have agreyt day all. Belle is now up and one chick is peeking out from under her.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you JudyE for the link to the interview.

Just see Belle trying to feed the little ones but also seems to be wrestling with a stick that needs to be moved.

Jo, prayers for a good report today. Hugs!

Sandi, hope the therapy will be a huge help then enjoy the day.

Lolly, surely hoping Jack will not have too much unpleasantness. Good luck!

Today, I am taking a break. Going out to take care of an errand then having lunch with a gal pal.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, thinking of you prayerfully this morning.

JUDIE, good on you for taking a break! You know what they say about all work and no play.

SANDI, here's hoping the therapy has an immediate effect on that ache and restricted mobility.

LOLLY, sorry Jack's implant failed. Hope the next steps bring a good remedy.

I'm heading for the tax prep person and will check in later for JO news.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

BRR I am cold got in to 40s last night but will get warmer in the afternoon

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
There seems to be a warming trend today that will make is feel like Spring.
My forsythia bush is a beautiful yellow

Our nest is doing well this morning - with all the flugg around the egg cup it looks like a regular bird's nest! lol

Tori is Getting ready for the bronch, she's in ICU and in good hands with Dr. Iacono. Afterwards back to room then 6 min walk... Again - prayers for Tori

Karla took Wanda's great-grandsons to visit yesterday. I'm sure that cheered up her day.

I hope to be in touch late this afternoon - enjoy your day ♥

JudyEddy said...

I hear lots of squealing but see nothing MADE THE WALL TALLER just before getting up

Lolly said...

Good morning! Already home. Interesting, they said it was "bizarre ". The implant was loose but the bone graft was just fine. Anyway, it cam right out and now Jack heals for three months and they do the implant again. In the meantime Jack has a hard time chewing.

It is chilly but sunny. Plan to do some Lollypaloozing then head out later. Jack is napping as he did not sleep well last night. Also, they put him to sleep for the procedure today. Skippi is sleeping, too, on the footrest of my Lazyboy. I have told you, right?,that I am quite adept at getting up without disturbing the spoiled pussycat! Also, sitting back down, going over the arm. Lol. It is real lady like, NOT!

Laurel is at an In-service today. She said the presenter is her Freshman English teacher. She has already spoken to her. She remembers her as well as Michael and know my name. Hmmm??

Lolly said...

Feeding time. Two little heads bobbing up. I hear feed me, feed me!

JudyEddy said...

feeding and both are showing Yeah

JudyEddy said...

Clover is getting feed great this time

Sandi said...

Hi all - pretty day outside even though it's still chilly.

The physical therapist says shoulder impingement - Judie, ding! ding! ding! you nailed it! When I am lying on my back, my left shoulder is hiked up rather than laying flat. So, he manipulated it some, then put me through a number of exercises to start strengthening my shoulder muscles, and then iced it. Most of the exercises were easy, a few were mildly to moderately painful, and 2 were excruciating. Since I won't go for PT again until we get back from Mexico City, I am supposed to do the exercises at home every couple of days. I don't think holding Freyja will constitute PT for my shoulder, do you?

When I got home from PT, I submitted my absences for the month of April - 2 days each week, sometimes Tuesday and Thursday, sometimes Monday and Wednesday. :)

Came home and took Janey for a long walk. Now, on to cleaning bathrooms.


JudyEddy said...

Changed my avatar to beak to beak

JudyEddy said...

calling out

Lolly said...

Speaking of Janey, I think I saw her. Lol. At the grossssseriestore yesterday a lady in a motorized cart had a dog that looked like Janey. I thought of you. Do they always have their tails down and between their legs.? Must say the dog did not look happy. It looked nervous but would think a service dog would not look nervous. I wanted to speak to it, but know you are not to speak to service dogs.

Having a running battle on email. I ordered a tee shirt for Laurel. It was advertised on fb. I ordered Adult large. I was sent a t-shirt marked large but it is most definitely a child's shirt. There was no paper work with any info if returning the shirt. So, after research we came up with a claim dept. I must say they have been good with responding promptly. I have sent pictures even. Their last email said it is an adult large but runs 2 sizes smaller. Duh! I can see ordering a 2XX large and them sending the correct size and be way too big. My next email will be. "I give up! Now I am going on fb and telling everyone I know about this company , to NOT order from them and asking them to share this post ." This is the biggest rip off ever! I will even include my picture. I laid the t-shirt (black) on top of a large white shirt. OMG! The difference is unbelievable! The stupidity of all of this has me riled up!

Sandi, when are you going to Mexico? Know you are anxious to get there!

JudyEddy said...

more flugg was brought in and they are tag teaming feeding

Mema Jo said...

Oh My - I deserve 20 lashes with a wet noodle for falling sound asleep for a 2 hr nap.
Every time I receive a chemo treatment this seems to happen. Now for my PET scan report - Nothing has changed - no shrinkage or disappearing... However; nothing NEW has appeared. That means I am holding steady or that the cancer is stabilized - I am going to finish this 3 day session - wait 2 weeks and then have another 3 day session the week of April 11th. Next step after that will be to visit my wonderful Cyber-knife radiation doc and see what he can do for me. Prayerfully after that I just could get a Clean Report.

I am feeling well - no pains just need to stay on you prayer and good vibes list.
Love you all!

Lolly said...

Jo, so happy you are feeling well! You are most definitely in our prayers!

Keeping Brussels in prayer. Brussels is a beautiful city. We visited there, walked the streets, felt perfectly safe. So very sad the world has come to this.

Whoops the kids are squabbling! I think Shamrock has their personality of Pecking Pearl!

Did my Lollypaloozing and then went out and worked for about an hour. Very pleasant temp but the wind has been awful! Under a wind advisery. Possible storms tomorrow evening.

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO Pecking Pearl! You made memories just flood back through my mind!

Hope Jack doesn't have pain and sorry about the No Chew Steaks

Just now watching nest at 7:44pm - Belle just flew in for Night Duty.

Mema Jo said...

Night light is on
Getting a bit breezy at the nest

I may have been incorrect id'ing Belle - All I am sure of is that there
is an adult there keeping our little ones warm and well fed.

I am going to close - good TV on tonight!

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Jo, so glad you continue to feel well. Healing prayers continue.

Now, I arrived here about 2008 so maybe someone would explain Pecking Pearl?

Lolly, so sorry Jack is having to go through all this again. Give him an extra momster hug, please. Sorry about the shirt - such an aggravation.

Sandi, yep, I thought your description sounded familiar. Now, I will add a few words about therapy: my experience is that following therapy I had increased discomfort and, therefore, did not carry out the "home" exercises. Still healed just fine. Aside from the pain, the worst part was the orthopedic doctor saying this type of injury just sometimes happens with elderly folks. Big eye-to-eye contact followed by "I do NOT need to hear the word elderly." You'll heal and Feyja will not be a problem. Promise!

Wonder how Kay and Shirley and Jerry are doing?

Lunch was very nice and I was glad to get away from downsizing for a couple of hours.

Very tired tonight. Headed to my pillows early.

Wishing everyone a night of restful and restorative sleep.

stronghunter said...


Today was busy...bowling, shopping, napping, cooking, family time. I think I might have set a record of some kind at bowling--6 splits in one game. My score was not good for that game, but we did win two of the three games. Our team is still in first place, thanks to our handicaps.

Brussels--we flew into the airport there from Paris and came home on Brussels Airlines.

Happy adoption day, J and J!

Forsythia is blooming here, too. In Ohio, we always heard "three snows after the forsythia blooms." That isn't likely to happen in Virginia. I hope not, anyway.

Thinking of you, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Wishing everyone a good night. I will see you tomorrow.

NCSuzan said...

Gee. I had a really nice post and lost it.

Thinking of you Jo and the citizens of Brussels.

Hope everyone has a good night.

Jewels said...

Momma Jo, Glad there were no changes and that your holding your own. That is good that there was no growth, however I would love to see shrinkage.
I went to see Momma Wanda... she was looking fabulous. She got up on her own to use the bathroom. shhhh she is not supposed to do that. gave herself a bath and all. She still is using her sense of humor. I just love that in her!!

Got called in for a ot shift. I did the whole 8 hrs not realizing that I will have less than a 8 hr turn around. I will only get about 5 hrs of sleep and have to come back in.
The eagles have entertained me and made me smile, so thankful for that!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Jo - hope you keep getting better. I see a sleeping eagle in nest. Glad Carolyn got to see Wanda. I would like to visit. Not much time until at least the weekend. Glad she is doing well too. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see one sleeping eagle in the nest. Much warmer here this morning - 50 degrees and going into the 60s with lots of sun.

Jo, I'm glad you are feeling well. I'm glad there are no new cancer spots. I am NOT glad that your tumors have not disappeared or at least shrunk. I promise I will keep my prayers and positive energy coming; you promise that you won't get discouraged. You are a woman of strong faith surrounded by a family and friends that love you so much. You are an inspiration to me - stay strong.

1.5 days for me before spring break starts - I can do this.

Have a greyt day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. I see some new food items in the nest now. Also looks like a new tree limb was brought in as well. Just see an eagle sitting in the nest now.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Before I forget - Judie from our YAHOO Eaglet Momster's Page: 5th Yr 2008 - 3 Eggs Laid Feb 4, 6 and 10 - 3 Eaglets hatched & fledged. Pecking Pearl, Middy, and Tiny)

Carolyn - I just knew you would go to see Momma Wanda and cheer her up and make her day
It sounds like the Tiger is still not to be held down at all - she wants healing and the beach to Denise's new home.

Sandi - I sure hope you can bring back as pocketful of Mexican Jumping Beans to share.
When in Mexico (And you may have mentioned this) where do the furbabies stay?

Judie - I am sure you are happy or more-so relieved that Darth is getting in the mindset to clean out his closets as you are. Hoping you enjoyed your gal-pal lunch date yesterday.

Shirley - had to chuckle at your 'splits' - I never did like those! You surely had a wonderful day yesterday. Kathryn had a heartwarming pic on FB of Luna and Cheeto lying together.

Jerry - I think Wanda will be at the Rehab Center for a few weeks before she is released. You will probably find time to visit during that time with your busy work schedule. Prayers for Rhonda.

Suzan - Keep coloring - I haven't decided if I can do this or not. I think I will be giving it a try - thanks so much for all the information. Hope you are doing well!

Lolly - Keep up your Lollypaloozing and I pray the bad storms stay away from Hawkwood Gardens !

Kay - I love it when I don't need to report on Taxes high medical expense. Only recently have I had to do so. Prayers for safety for family visiting in Paris.

JudyE - You have probably posted by the time I finish my book... Thanks for photos
in our album. By the time you get your truck repaired you are going to be looking at what you have as a rental - don't know the update on the parts they are waiting to receive.

Going to BBL this late afternoon or early evening. Feeling great today - Prayers for all to have a delightful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Babies are visible now. Parent is eating. Little ones in the nest cup.

stronghunter said...

Both parents present for a moment.

stronghunter said...

Two balls of fluff snuggled together in the nest cup.

stronghunter said...

Squeals--begging for a snack.

stronghunter said...

Lots of flugg rearranging. Little ones are still poking their heats out, though.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I need to start moving around. Today I bake egg shaped sugar cookies and mix up icing for cookie decorating tomorrow. Also, need to bake brownies for the reception after church tomorrow evening. Hope fumes do not have calories or I am in big trouble! Also, no licking of spoons! Yikes!

Jack was "invalid " all day yesterday. He slept well all night but is groggy again today. Just sent him out to walk around the yard. No pain, just groggy and a little nauseous. They did give him meds for that!

Jack said I have Dutch Iris blooms open today. Need to go take a look see.

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

What a wonderful sight it is to see Clover and Shamrock, happily feeding, after a little sibling tussle. They are so adorable at this stage.

JO, thanks for the update---happy you're feeling good. Prayers abound as you head into the next phase aimed at conquering that spot most foul!

SANDI, sounds like your therapy is off to a good start. Hope there's a lot of gain out of that pain!

CAROLYN, what a wonderful visit with Wanda! She is a gem!

SHIRLEY, bowling is one place where handicaps are a plus. Hurray for your team!

TORI is on my mind and in my prayers as are all others in need!!!

Spring has returned so color me n' Penny out and about or in honor or HODA, oot and aboot!


stronghunter said...

Feeding--Parent is making sure that both babies are getting fed.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds Forgot to comment this am before heading out

Just got back from the library Taxes done Free from AARP and I only owe $70.00 thought was gonna be higher but not yeah being I did cash in 30T of 401k and the xtra ssn $ put me in a higher tax bracket
I thought would be in the hundreds but not

JO it was the 3rd when I took my truck in 3 weeks now When I called the last time he told he not to call that they would call when it was ready.
I can see one year later me waiting on the call LOL
I just love it that they are taking ownership for the bad parts. ( I now of 3 so far but that was a week ago)
Just think if I would have gone to a regular garage I know I they wouldn't have given me a free rental I am sure they would have just sent me home with a squealing truck LOL

It is so pretty out today cold front all gone

JudyEddy said...

I normally do my own taxes but with my ssn and me getting from 401k and putting rest in IRA I thought better to take advantage of FRee

JudyEddy said...

JO you are most welcome with me putting the pic in the album I do so enjoy it as I am sure you are aware!

JudyEddy said...

They sure have grown overnight got snips of this feeding
pic are on fb and YAHOO album

JudyEddy said...

not good stick across the cup

JudyEddy said...

good moved to side of cup

JudyEddy said...

I have been in the process of going through a file cabinet I have one really old one in the closet out of sight out of mind
The other one is in the BR in corner holds all my papers since I moved in here in 1997

well I decided to see what was in the old cabinet WOW WOW old and yellowed taxes forms old pay stubs lots of old stuff LOL really old 1971 is the oldest Time to say good bye to them I guess Everything in the cabinet and the file cabinet is going away and I have the corner of the closet back.

May just wear out the shredder with all that stuff

JudyEddy said...

another feeding seems when I walk in for break got a few snips and now back out I go
77° out

NatureNut said...

WOW, WOW. Thanks, Steve for the wonderful pictures!
Mine are different! Put some pics from Chelsea farm office in the Nook. Never seen one of these animals there before.

Back later---gotta have din din.

Lolly said...

Baked my cookies for tomorrow....5 doz large Easter Egg cookies! Have mixed up and colored decorator icing. Sprinkles also ready!

Then headed outside, sat down and pulled weeds on the terrace. Need to get mulch in there fast! Jack did no work today, he is still feeling puny. Mostly upset stomach.????

And, so excited......for sure we have Bluebirds in our new Blue Bird house! They looked

Tonight like they were feeding babies tonight. A lot of coming and going from the house. Jack is feeling successful. First time we have had the correct bird in a bird house he built. Our woodpecker and our owl house all have squirrels. Lol. WRONG birds!

Tonight I read!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Really busy day cleaning out cookbooks, etc.

Tomorrow is foraging.

Will try to catch up. Hope everyone is doing well, especially Jo and Tori.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

I hear a eagle but the one in the nest is tucked Has to be in attic

JudyEddy said...

I also hear wings rustling Didn't wake up Belle she still is tucked Shep must be in attic

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to anyone here or coming in after I leave!

I did watch a repeat tonight - I love Mysteries...

Lolly with Jack's nausea did the doctor give him Zofran? Such a small pill and it works instantly! I don't need to take them regularly but when nausea hits me I grab one.Good luck with your Bluebird family - You may want to look into Mealworms for their treat. The kids tomorrow are going to love decorating the Easter Egg cookies.

I really didn't nap today - soon to retire for the day. I realized why I couldn't get to sleep last night - I thought it was the earlier nap I had taken - it was the steroid I received .

Praying for Tori - Robyn is in Baltimore - She went by Poe's grave earlier.
Robyn's UPDATE: Robyn Ann feeling blessed.
3 hrs · Dundalk, MD, United States ·
It's been a ride and it seems to be slowing down, YAY! Hopefully we're going home tomorrow, Jenifer will be glad to get her home back Tori is past ready...
Many thanks for all the support thru this time, it helps to know so many people care

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all♥

Thank you for your prayers and good vibes for my health.


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. last day of school before spring break starts! Just a half day for me. One eagle tucked and asleep in the nest.

Jo, thanks for sharing Robyn's good news about Tori. I hope today goes smoothly for you.

Temps are supposed to go into the 60s again. I hope we're done with cold weather til next fall/winter.

Have a greyt day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. I see a feeding happening. Both Shamrock and Clover look to be growing fast. Jo - Thanks for info on Wanda. I was thinking she was going to her daughter's house soon. Didn't know she would be at Charles Town for weeks. I should be able to visit soon. Parent back on little ones now. Sandi - Have a good Spring Break and safe trip. Working late today so probably will nnt check back in here. Talk later and take care all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, thank you for the update on Tori. Prayers continue. Also, thank you for the info on Pecking Pearl. I started watching the nest in 2008 but had not joined the blog family and didn't know about the live cam.

Sandi, don't know when you leave for Mexico but wishing you safe travels and loads of fun time with Miss Freyja.

Both NCTC and DC nests are quiet. Barn owls have their first egg.

Lolly, have fun today. Hoping Jack feels much, much better today.

Carolyn, so sure Wanda was elated to see you and seeing Jerry will be a real treat, also.

Going to try to make myself less scary and then head out to forage.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Thursday morning to SANDI, JERRY, and JUDIE and all other eagle friends to get on today.

Both parents in nest now as one flew in and now one flew out. Eaglets are getting a little sun tan. It is so good to see the sun shining on the nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

JO glad to read your report that you are at least stable,and feeling ok. Prayers still coming your way for some shrinkage next test time.Also, thanks for the up date on Tori. Prayers continuing for Tori and Robyn.

SANDI sorry to read about your shoulder. Hope it is feeling better after a few rounds of therapy. Hope you have a great trip to Mexico over spring break.

LOLLY I don't know where you get all your energy from. Sorry to hear about your husband. Hope he is feeling better soon. I haven't even colored eggs this year as we will not have Sophie here again. Did decorate two bushes out front with colorful plastic eggs and have my flag out. Started helping out in lst grade for about an hour and a half each day at my old school. So far so good.

It is nice to hear that you are all paying Wanda visits and that she is doing well. Prayers for her continued recovery.

Sunny and warm here today. Had better get out for my daily walk before I procrastinate. May you all have a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Already 60° outside and I'm loving it!

Sandi - Safe journey for you and Denny - Who is keeping Janey and the others company?
Love you pic of Frejya and the checker board - like I said, I bet you let her win!

Judie - good foraging today! Soon the farmer's markets will begin.

Lolly - hope you capture some pics of the finished decorated Easter egg cookies before they get eaten!

The nest is calm - some panting for cooling down.

Headed out this afternoon - then tomorrow is an Easter egg hunt for 6 greats out at Jenny's.

BBL Everyone enjoy your day ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all from school. Shouldn't have even bothered to come in today, The kids are bonkers and the teachers are showing movies.

Judie, we don't actually leave for Mexico until very early Sunday morning, arriving there around noon. But we will drive to Baltimore on Saturday and spend the night at a hotel near the airport. We'll leave Denny's vehicle at the hotel and take a shuttle to the airport in the wee hours of Sunday.

Jo, Bella and Jenni (dachshunds) are staying home with Kevin watching them. Janey is going to my sister's for the week. I'm nervous about that b/c this is the first time we have left her somewhere and she hasn't been to my sister's house since Christmas.

Lolly, you mentioned a greyhound as a service dog. They're re a smart breed but most are tentative around strangers, so I wouldn't think they would make great service dogs. They're actually very catlike. With other breeds, if their ears and tails are down, that's not a good sign, but that's not true with greyhounds. Their tails are usually down unless they are zooming around outside or playing, and their ears can be any which way - up, down, flat against their head, or one going one way and the other going a different way.

Candy, so now you are volunteering every day? Wow!

Ok, another 20 minutes and I am outta here! I'll see everyone later this afternoon - getting my nails done at 12:30. I was tempted to get my toes done too but decided not to splurge since it's not really warm enough here in April to wear sandals. So I just painted my own toes for the week that we're in Mexico.

Mema Jo said...

I just now sent email to NCTC about Frozen Still Cam
For some reason I only opened the live feed -

Lolly said...

Good morning! We weathered the storms last night. We had booming thunder but only 1/2 inch of rain. Thank goodness! North of us much more rain, hail, and tornado warning. Sunny and cooler today!

Watching a feeding. Shamrock is a week old and about out of the egg cup. Wow! That is a steep climb. Lol

Sandi, that greyhound had the coloring of Janey. Like I said, he looked very nervous and uncomfortable. And, I am sure being passed off as a service dog, if not a service dog as they were in the grocery store.

Jack is better today. Yay! He was thinking he had a bug, but I think it was his body's reaction to whatever they gave him to put him to sleep. Yes, he had meds for the nausea but not sure what it was called. He has had no pain.

Time to bake brownies for the reception after the service tonight. We have another church congregation with us tonight. Tomorrow they have the service and reception.

Hear my wind chimes, another windy day! Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Jo, will try to remember to take pictures. However the cookies are not spectacular! Remover, they are being decorated by toddlers. Lol. I have five colors of icing for them to choose their color. We ice the cookies and then they put sprinkles on. We attempted fancier decorating, but they are too young and are very happy to put on sprinkles. We have many sprinkles to choose from, too.😀🐰

Lolly said...

Lol not "remover" but "remember". Good grief!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Love seeing Shamrock bob around in the shelter of her mom's body. Only get an occasional glimpse of Clover who seems to be plotzed at the moment.

Getting a hello in before thunderstorms hit here. Right now very windy just like it is at the nest. Penny and I just returned from a nice long walk as she'll be reluctant to go out in rain later.

JO, thanks ever so much for keeping us up to date on TORI and ROBYN. Prayers continue for them and for YOU!

LOLLY, glad Jack's better--busy times ahead with all your Easter doings.

SANDI, let your sis know that Kevin and the doxies will be arriving if the power goes out at your house. LOL Dogs have such good memories. I'm betting Janey will make herself right at home there.

JUDIE, have a good foraging trip! I'll do some of that Sat. when the weather is supposed to be more conducive to outings. Seth will be home for the long weekend, but probably won't stay over with me. Sat. night there is a Contra Dance which ties me up from 7-10. Don't know yet if he and his parents will join in the dance or not.

Have a good day all and please know I'm praying for all in need!


Lolly said...

Forgot to mention.....about the t-shirt fiasco. Got an email yesterday that they are sending a xx Large! Lol. If their claims run true it will fit Laurel, otherwise it will be huge on her. She actually wears a medium but I ordered large. Better big than too little. How can you sell on line a shirt that rounds 2 sizes smaller without stating that fact. If their claim is true then they would be getting many claims like mine. I still think they sent me a youth size shirt! We shall see!

Brownies are cooling. Certainly smell good around here! Will cut up brownies when cooled. Jack gets all the corner pieces, 8 brownies for him! Remembering sending Laurel brownies when she was away at school. She complained as all the corner pieces were missing. Her Daddy was guilty! Lol

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

OOPS GM was in the comment and I didn't hit publish

getting ready to head back out for mani and pedi Due big time 30 days now.

went to Jordyn school for lunch its camp this week.

to snips of feeding through the day and posted all in one on fb and will do YAHOO later when I get back

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thursday bowling went well. We won two of the 3 games and total pins against the #1 team, which is made up of excellent bowlers, at least one of whom is really a pro.

My Tuesday team is in 1st place, thanks to handicap points.

Nice and sunny here today.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn Ann
1 min · Baltimore, MD, United States ·

Another night in the hospital, possible picc line going in tomorrow for a possible aggressive treatment.

What will we find out tomorrow...

Judie said...

Good late evening to all.

Prayers upon prayers for Tori.

Tired. Headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Lolly said...

Wow! What a day! Fun at church decorating cookies with the kids! Came home and then back to church for service and reception.

Glad to put my feet up now.

Catching up with watching American Idol.

Nite all! SED.!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Look who the early bird is today. I'll soon head back to bed for a few more zzzz'a.

I'll pick Seth up at 11 and have the pleasure of his company til' tomorrow about 11. He hasn't stayed here since the second semester began so we have a lot of catching up to do! Penny will love having him here. Someone extra to dote on her is right up her alley!

Speaking of alleys, SHIRLEY, glad you and your team enjoyed another great day.

JO, thanks again for keeping us informed re:TORI's condition and the plans her medical team has. Mega prayers continue.

LOLLY, I guess Jack likes the chewiness of the Brownie corner pieces. I'm fond of the inside pieces. Do you ever make butterscotch brownies? My mother specialized in those and my mouth waters with that sweet memory. Hope that big shirt fits Laurel--what kind of silly sizing is that--are they foreign made?

JUDIE, good on you and Darth for weeding out and downsizing! However you really must take a break now and then.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Kay, what got you up so early? Excitement about spending the day/night with Seth?

I see Belle in the nest. It's really windy there!

Jo, thanks for the update on Tori. What an emotional roller coaster for her and Robyn - one minute they're getting ready to head home, the nest minute, the hospital stay is extended. Prayers continue for her.

Lolly, great photo on FB - love the bunny ears!

Shirley, is Hunter off all next week for spring break? In this school district, all of the school signs all say "Closed for Easter Break." No concern for non-Christian religions, which surprises me.

Another day close to 70 here. I'll be working on laundry this morning. This afternoon, Janey has a play date with another greyhound whose people are coming down for the weekend. It will be the first time these 2 have met but Janey has gotten much less timid with other dogs.

Two more sleeps (as Hoda says) til I get my hands on my little Frejita!

Have a greyt day all.

Unknown said...

good morning to all.

been watching those babies, they sure do grow fast!!!

SANDI: enjoy your trip and get in as many hugs as you can!!!
SHIRLEY: congrats on the 1st place!

hope everyone has a lovely weekend planned.

its been a busy week. the warm weather rather makes that happen!

my gal pals are coming into town this weekend, but staying with the son this time. he is single again (divorced) and chris (his mom) wants to help him to fix up the house he bought back in the fall. I think needing some bonding time with him a well.

but Tuesday we have a girls day out planned and I will bask in the friendship and love that we share!

hope everyone has a great day today. holding you close in my heart and thoughts!

Mema Jo said...

On this Good Friday I wish all of you a good morning. Lots of early birds here this am
Also remember it is Red Friday for all our military - give them your support.
I am headed out this morning and won't return until this afternoon. Easter egg hunt for 6 of the 13 Greats over at Jenny's. We did have a downpour around 7:30am but the sky is brilliant blue now.

Nest looked good - there had been a feeding from all reports and mom/dad was off to the side getting breakfast. I am so delighted that the egg cup is so deep - It will keep them safe a little longer.

Sorry the still cam is still not reset - Perhaps later today but I really am not counting on it - We have the live feed thank goodness.

I am so anxious to get with the Greats - even though they all live in WV I don't see them that often. Of course Master Elliot is counted within those 6!

Leaving now - feeling well - Prayers for all of our needs and for those family and friends of our Momsters/Dadsters.

I'll return late afternoon! ♥

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Jo, have a spectacular time with the grands. Happy you are feeling well.

Sandi, enjoy Janey's play date. Don't forget to pack an extra suitcase full of hugs and kisses for Miss Freyja.

Kay, there is no doubt you and Seth and Penny will have a fantastic time together and, yes, Penny will love the extra attention.

Shirley, congratulations on the successes of our Bowling for Points teams. Hope all the family are well. How's Hunter these days?

Lolly, congrats on a successful Easter cookie decorating day.

Now to the scullery to do all my prep work for the next couple of days. So much easier to wash lettuces, veggies, etc. ahead of time.

Time for Glo, Lynne1, Lynne2 to stop by.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Really chilly outside his morn, dropped down to upper 30's, but now up to 55. Now that cookie decorating is passed time to start thinking of dinner on Sunday. Ham is in the r frig but need to decide on the rest of the menu. Will soon head to the grosssssssserie store and to church to prepare communion. My month with this duty will be up.

News update on Fritz family. We have a family reunion in June, but looks like Joey will be going elsewhere. Another teacher has asked him to accompany a small group of students to El Salvador. She was going but just learned she is pregnant. They will be gone 10 days. It is a mission type trip for Key club members. However, they will also have a side trip to the Galapolis Islands. Did I spell that right? Cost for those going $3,000 but for He is happy to do this and he was the kids choice. That is good to hear. He did not take a group to England this year, so he really will enjoy this trip! At the family reunion they were going to stay in a cabin but Laurel and the boys will now stay in our trailer with us. We can accommodate them, but not Joey, too. This will save them money!

Yes, our little Eagles are growing fast! Pantry does not looks as full as it has been. Time to restock!

Jack seems a bit better again today. He keeps insisting that he has had a bug and not results of IV at the dentist. If that is the case, sure hope I do not get his bug!

Time to get busy. Have a good Friday. Pun intended!

Sandi said...

Jo, I hate to tell you but it appears that both chicks have escaped the egg cup and have wiggled their way over to the parent who is feeding them. Now the fun begins, like with babies once they learn to crawl! Yikes!

Sandi said...

Both chicks soaking up the sun and working on their tans. Both got a good feeding.

Lolly said...

Wow! That made for interesting watching while walking! Shamrock was way out of the egg cup, resting his head on sticks! Both adults were there and wondering how to get them back in the cup. One adult left, other contemplated how toget Shamrock back. Clover was at edge of cup. Finally, Belle, I think, got behind Shamrock and scooted him toward the cup. I thought she had succeeded, but alas, Shamrock was closer But still not under her. Has been that way for sometime now, Clover under her and Shamrock at her breast.

Mema Jo said...

I am home - very happy - feeling great - but ready to put my feet up for a few ♥

Yes Sandi - sorry you had to tell me about Shamrock and Clover escape !
I opened the cam and there is Shamrock sitting up in front of Belle for all the world to see. Not sure how sturdy the crib rails are - but we will soon find out. It's a shame birds don't have a way to pick up and move their little ones like the pandas do.

The egg hunt was a great success. The eggs were plentiful and each of the 6 seemed to get a large amount in their Easter buckets. Jenny has a huge amount of yard - plenty of places to hide eggs. I would say that this year Elliot became an official Easter Egg Hunter. They arll had fun - especially the adults that were watching or helping.


stronghunter said...


Looks like the little ones are underneath their parent now. It is plenty windy there.

I am dealing with Cheeto. He likes to walk across my keyboard, lie down on the remote so that it changes the channel and then scoot himself over onto the mouse pad, pushing my hand with the mouse out of his way. I think he likes to have my attention.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that everyone is doing well on this nice spring day. At least it is nice here. I see that there's snow in some parts.

stronghunter said...

After all of his escapades, Cheeto is purring happily with his head on the mouse pad.

Judie said...

Good almost sleepy time.

Nest is quiet. Adult is tucked.

Jo, so happy you and all the Easter eggers had such a wonderful day.

Shirley, Jake and Jude are in cahoots with Cheeto - they all seem to be computer techies.

Another eagle nest is expecting two eaglets any time now. This nest, smart parents, is located on the grounds of a D.C. police training academy. lol No live cam.

So, I am headed to the pillows. May try to be a pretend Lolly tomorrow and annihilate some weeds. See how I feel in the a.m.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see a sleeping eagle in nest. In the 30's here. Could hear a breeze on the Cam. Have a great weekend. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One sleeping eagle in the nest with both chicks tucked under her.

Jo, loved the FB photos from yesterday! What a nice day for the Lennox family, glad the weather cooperated for the egg hunt!

Busy day here with packing and driving to Baltimore. I will try to pop on tomorrow morning from the airport but, if you don't hear from me, don't be alarmed. Flight leaves at 6:45am so we will try to be at the airport by 5am.

Have a greyt day and a Happy Easter everyone! I'll check in as I can from Mexico.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Excitement is in the DE air - Sandi have a safe journey and enjoy the entire time with
the kids and Frejya.

Watching a feeding at the nest - such delicate maneuvers.

I need my coffee - I will return

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Shamrock and Clover are basking in the sunshine while adult picks at something.

Sandi, safe travels and enjoy every second of the visit.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Had a great day with Jordyn yesterday being no school we had the whole day together till last night

Adult is feeding the two lil ones

JudyEddy said...

tried posting and got FORBIDDEN ERROR 403

but got posted after another try

JudyEddy said...

more flugg was brought in by adult nest looks nice and fluffy

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just watched fresh flugg being delivered. Thought for a moment that the little ones were going to be buried in flugg!

Enjoying my coffee right now, but need to get up soon and start a cooking marathon! Today's the agenda.....lemon meringue pie, fruit salad, yeast rolls, deviled eggs, and butternut squash side dish, as well as snap fresh green beans to get ready to cook tomorrow. Dinner is at 2:30 tomorrow. Come on over! Ham, mashed potatoes, orange pecan green beans, butternut squash, fruit salad, yeast rolls, and pie!

I do believe I will pass on diet tomorrow. Will limit the size of the servings!

Sunny today but another front comes through tonight.

Sandi, wishing you a safe and joyous trip! Will be thinking of you!

Time to get a move on! Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda Update on FB: Karla Wright Adams with Wanda Concovia Wright.
Just now · Shenandoah Farms, VA, United States ·

I spent a wonderful evening with Mother last night. She looked amazing. I was going to take a picture and post it , but we were having such a nice evening I forgot. She will be trying to post a few words on Facebook here in the next couple of hours to let everyone know that she is doing well. So keep your eyes open for that. xoxo

Tori's comment as she is still in the hospital - hospitals are terrible. I just want to get home. ♥

JudyEddy said...

JO Thanks for the update on WANDA and TORI

So happy WANDA is doing good.
I sent a surprise I wonder if she got it??

ANGIE dad TOM is on his last treatment hoping all is good with him
but now RICK her FIL had surgery yesterday to start clinical trial with immuno therapy for his stage 4 melanoma
and Carls cousin 36 yrs old passed away yesterday heart failure.

JudyEddy said...

both adult in They are getting out of the cup again going over to the adults at 12

now one poofed

JudyEddy said...

adult back in cup area one has made it back to cup but other is hanging out at edge with beak wide open

JudyEddy said...

Heading out

Lolly said...

On a roll but taking a break! Deviled eggs made, yeast roll dough in refrig until tomorrow, butternut squash prepared, seasoned and ready for the oven tomorrow. Now, on to the pie and the fruit salad. That leaves time to vacuum and mop kitchen floor. JUDIE, just want you to know...not being lazy!

Lolly said...

All cooking completed! Now to take care of the floors and nothing until tomorrow!

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle watching peeps. I see our little ones have been spending the afternoon trying to escape from their parents protection. They do appear to be sleeping now very close to mom.

Wishing everyone a happy Easter.

Judie said...

Lolly, seems to me you've really been slacking off recently -- do try to be more active (:

Jo, thank you so much for posting updates on Wanda and Tori. It helps to know how they are doing.

Bet Kay and Seth are having a grand ole time today.

Oh, Jo, I think there is a Midsomer either tonight or tomorrow night. Hope it's a new one.

Tried to be a "pretend" Lolly today by prepping food for tonight through next Tuesday. Makes scullery duty easier. Meanwhile, Darth is outside chopping off the tops of blades of grass. Love Spring but dread the barrage of lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and chain saws seven days a week.

Shamrock and Clover were both in the egg cup when I looked.

Feet going up for a few.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Watching the nest. Parent is scooted back just a little so that I see one baby underneath. Sunshine is shining on the nest.

Kathryn is off and running around town, I suppose. She got one of those notices from Honda that her air bags are among those declared to be dangerous but that parts for repair will not be available until sometime this summer. She called the dealer where she got her car and requested a rental. They said okay. So, she should be tooling around in a rental car as I type this. Hunter wanted her to rent a Ferrari. Somehow, I am not expecting her to come home with one of those.

stronghunter said...

Mom is watching her little ones.

stronghunter said...

Easter dinner tomorrow night--we are expecting Rus, Susan, Vince, Will, Stephanie, Keshia, and Kaila. With the three of us, that makes 10. That should be fun.

stronghunter said...

Feeding time!

One of the little ones game me a scare. He/she was sound asleep and lying flat on the side of the cup, but now they're both begging for food.

stronghunter said...

So good to hear that Wanda is doing well. My bowling and traveling friend Val is nursing her husband through his recovery from knee surgery. His surgery was a little less than two weeks ago. He came with his walker to our bowling practice today.

JudyEddy said...

Shamrock and Clover are alone in the cup

JudyEddy said...

Parent back

JudyEddy said...

family picture here

Unknown said...

good evening to one and all.

its been a busy week. I just read back. everyone seems to be doing well.

our weather has been up and down, we had our "dog wood " winter.

it sounds like everyone is prepping for a nice family day tomorrow.

around here? well, not a lot going on. it was a beautiful day. I worked, but left early due to a headache. I slept most of the afternoon away and then put the TENS unit on my shoulder. headache is better.

tomorrow is going to be a fun (NOT!!!) day around here. I am prepping for my colonoscopy on Monday. woo hoo such fun.

however, gal pals are in town. they are staying with chris' oldest son for this week. we have a girls day out planned for Tuesday and I am looking forward to THAT!

I hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow. enjoy your family and friends. we will have a cook out next weekend!

hugs and love all around!

Lolly said...

Spent a little time this evening standing and visiting with the neighbors and watching our Bluebirds. They are apparently busy feeding young. They are coming and going delivering bugs!

It was a pretty day but did not have the time to enjoy it. Well, JUDIE, I have been a slacker when it comes to cooking, but not today!

Wanda was on fb today. Great to see her posting there.

Janet, your Easter Sunday does not sound good. So sorry!

Going to read for a while.

Night all! SED!

stronghunter said...

Good night. Rest well, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Blessings to all on this Easter Sunday ♥
I will have a busy family day here this afternoon - Not too many in the family not able
to be here. Food will be brought in by the children - We only had to get some ice and
some dinner rolls.

Nest looks great - our 2 little bobble-heads are going to be adventurous from here on out. Heat failure for us Momsters/Dadsters.

Going to close and do some last minute things - Everyone enjoy your day. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Hope each of you have a Happy Easter

Lolly said...

🐰🐰🐰💐💐🌸🌸Happy Easter!🌺🌷💐🌸🐰🐰🐰

Good morning! Front came through, gloomy and temps dropping. It is 50 and wind a blowin!

Family coming after church, so see you this evening! May you have a blessed day! He is risen!

Lolly said...

Shamrock and Clover alone inthenest. They are sleeping in the cup!

NCSuzan said...

Happy Easter everyone!

Rainy and semi gloomy here today. No major cooking going on. Just a laid back peaceful day, while later going to indulge in Reuben sandwiches! My favorite! This is a diet free day!

Of course eagle watching is always happening and the eaglets seem well behaved and well fed this year. Already growing too fast! Never tire of observing them.

Hope you enjoy your day, your activities, your food, your people. And for those who believe, the reason for the season.

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Y'all come on over. Fresh Easter thread.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...