Thursday, October 01, 2015


New thread.


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Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you Steve for the pre-hurricane thread. Stay dry.

Departing for my adventures soon.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all !

Hey there Judie what are you going to do with that feather?

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread!

Wet and windy and chilly if not cold today.

Getting some coffee - BBL

Mema Jo said...




JudyEddy said...


and that feather looks good on you

I am a dumb a-- I made a appt for my truck brakes and forgot about it until I got up oh I am so mad at myself I called and they said next week that they are booked I could just scream

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so far today nothing on FB of OZZIE just on the past things that were being commented on they don't show up on the news feed just in the notification at top and then you can go over to see if you wanted

JudyEddy said...

I see on FB that SHIRLEY is at the bowling alley

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the nice new thread and thanks to JUDY for the call over!

It's cool here and a bit windy, but clear skies, so Doggy Play Day is on.

Have to do a Kroger run for an Rx as the only thing amiss on my labs is the fact that my pancreas has been aging right along with me and it no longer keeps up with even the simplest of sugars. So, I'm going on a pill to help with Diabetes II--long avoided because diet and exercise were doing the trick. So thankful for the many drugs that have been developed for such maladies.

SANDI, you'll never fully know how much impact you're having on Sam, but I feel sure it's enormous.

JUDY, sorry the brake job has to be delayed. Go ahead and scream to your hearts content---hope the neighbors won't call 911.☺

I'm so concerned for you who live in the Eastern Seaboard States. Prayers!

And, prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

there are maybe 4 post on him a new video

Has any one heard if the eagles have gone in to the new Decorah nest that the people constructed in the tree next to the tree that fell over in the storm I need to go poke on FB and find out seeing the White Rock no nest made me think of it

Sandi said...

Hi All from school. Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judie for the call over.

Judy, sorry that you forgot your appt. at the garage - happens to the best of us. Also, i am still staying away from FB for a few days. Everyone wants to share non-stop updates about the storm. People who live at the beach are already in panic mode. I don't need the anxiety. If i want an update on the weather I'll go to the Weather Channel, not Facebook.


JudyEddy said...

oops I spoke to soon SANDI my apologizes and my feed is also full some are beautiful tributes and I guess some IDIOT news media shined a light on the nest all night I hope the Pritchards do something about that so disrespectful
Just got off the phone with cable co Got a letter saying my bill will be going up that contract is expiring odd they do that every year to see if you don't pay attention so I called and got what I have for 5 cheaper and getting new modem on Thur 10-12 since the 20 MHZ speed is no longer I will be getting 35 and she said that may be reason I am having issues of having to reset my box when I loose ie box needs upgraded
So Thur need to take truck to Walker Ford at 730 shuttle leaves at 8 then I will be home for on on time appt LOL 10-12 a two hour wait but I will be home anyway they can't make a exact appt because some jobs are fast and some take time I can understand that also but years ago it was a 4-6 hours on time wait

JudyEddy said...

I see a couple of rain drops on the lens at the nest

from FB the eagles were in the nest this am

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!

Good morning all!

Looks like Joaquin is shifting east...WOO HOO! Still going to rain a lot tomorrow but maybe only light rain instead of downpours on Sun/Mon!!! Just started getting some light rain here now, and it's chilly!

JudyEddy said...

The live feed is up and running at Southeast now with new cameras

JudyEddy said...

and they have the split view so you can watch on one page closer this year

JudyEddy said...

Have any of you ever used Flex Seal I have a leak on my truck the back window was going to call Glass Pros to come out to the house and fix it but was I was talking to the cable guy Boy we talked about so much beside the cable LOL and he suggested to use it instead of the expense of someone coming out I will buy some at work Sun I guess to try Wouldn't hurt I guess to attempt it and save someone money

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Chores done. Foraging complete. Made a mistake and wore my feather (wanted to look beauteous) but it got rained on a lot. So, rain and wind here. Chill in the air. But, grilling food is in the frig.

JudyE, no experience with Flex Seal. Does it work for bladder leaks? Sorry you missed your appointment but all will be taken care of. Glad the cable deal worked to your benefit. I think the Decorah eagles have been to the tree (I believe they used the new one last season?)

Jo, must be raining in your valley. Rain at the nest. Does Fang come in when the weather is bad?

Lynne2, hope the fencing gets done for the pigs sooner rather than later.

Have to agree with Sandi. It upsets me also to read so many comments about injured/dead eagles and other wildlife. Bear hunting doesn't end until the 18th and feel anxious each day when I check the blog.

Kay, enjoy the doggy play day. Get thee to Kroger and get your medication. Maybe you're far enough inland that the weather won't be too bad.

Okay, going to put my feet up for a few. Picked up a rotisserie chicken for tonight. Easy.


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE the Decorah nest just fell this year a month or so ago and they just got it up last month I know that they had another nest in the vicinity Will have to go to their page to check it out
as for as bladder Depends may work I burst out laughing when I read that You are the funniest I hope the feather dries out

JudyEddy said...

USA Today has a article on Ozzie and it was 1990 that they build the nest there so they have been on the property a long time we are so lucky that Dick shares his eagle with the world

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

Bo is now up to a Cat 4...(sorry Sandi!). It will be late tonight before the move north starts and they know better where he is going. I am really praying hard he's going out to sea.

Still no word from Michele about the pigs.

Lynne2 said...

OH NO....

Mass shooting at a college in Oregon. Unconfirmed but up to 10 dead and 20 wounded. No other details.
'God help them....

Mema Jo said...

UPDATING - Douglas County Commissioner Chris Boice tells CNN that the Oregon campus shooter at Umpqua Community College is in custody

I was wrong stating Colorado campus........sorry


Southwest Florida eaglecam is up and running for the new season

JudyEddy said...

I hear a little bird at the nest

JudyEddy said...

went to the FB page of Decorah and they did install the camera the nest was build sep 19 by humans the took the original nest that feel and used it but but like screening under it pretty cool pictures There was someone there a couple days ago watching the cam installation I think it was installed the same day as ours and the eagles were in a tree near but and a adult was dressed in a eagle suit they said and the eagle keep watching the adult on the ground I wonder what they thought of the giant eagle But so far no one said they have been in the nest yet will try to remember to look

Lynne2 said...


What I despise most is people randomly posting things that are not true. They see it on someone's timeline, so they repost and no one ever stops to check the facts. And I have no problem letting people know it, too. For instance a week or so ago, everyone was reposting a post about how Facebook was going to put a "dislike" option in. NOT TRUE! I checked it out, and it's NOT TRUE. But there it was, every other post on my timeline!

The other thing I really don't like is how every time one of my friends likes or comments on someone's post, picture or status that they are friends with but I am not, it shows up in my timeline anyway and I don't even know those people! Why do I have to see it?

And then there is the issue of Facebook randomly changing our newsfeeds to the "top story" option even though we always change it to "most recent". Who do they think they are deciding on what they think I want to see in my feed?

But over all, I like it a lot. It has it's kinks but it truly is a fun way to share things and catch up!

You know, some people have SO many friends...hundreds, if not a thousand or more! What's up with that? LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Governor Hogan has declared a state of emergency for Maryland. Good move...proactive. That way if things go south, he can activate resources very quickly if needed. Better to be prepared.

My friend Sharon and her Boston Terrier Lola got certified as a disaster relief team last weekend! She is already a certified therapy dog, but they went to a 3 day training course where they learned different things such as emergency equipment, sirens, that sort of thing. I'm so proud of them!

JudyEddy said...

Angie just called want me to go pick up Jordyn and meet her at gym see ya later

Sandi said...

Judy, doesn't the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance cover fixing windows? Then again, maybe it only covers cracks like on windshields and not leaks? Anyway, I know nothing about Flex Seal except what I've seen on the commercials.

Lynne2, I agree with you that Facebook is a FUN way to share things, but FUN is the operative word. I want FB to make me smile, not cry or get angry. I had to "hide" all of the Ozzie posts yesterday, just like I "hide" posts about abused animals and political rants from a few of my FB friends. I have even unfriended a couple of people.

The rain has been steady here all day; apparently this storm, which is supposed to last through Saturday, is a nor'easter that could be followed by the rain and wind from the hurricane on Sunday and Monday.

Well, 2 days of in-school suspension did nothing to improve Sam's attitude or behavior. He got another office referral today. Next week is an IEP team meeting to discuss whether or not his placement on a regular hallway is appropriate. Should be an interesting discussion.

Judie said...

Just passing by on my way to the scullery.

Well, folks, some of your most recent posts have only confirmed my lack of interest in FB. Thank you all. (-:

Sandi, I do wish that young man's parents would accept the need to have their son in a specialized environment. He, and others, will pay the price for their denial.

JudyE, thank you for the Decorah nest update.

Lynn2, congratulations to Sharon and Lola on their certification for disaster relief.

Headed to the scullery.

Mema Jo said...

TV after 7:30pm Jeopardy is Ms Fisher and it is all new !

After that - who knows - have to check it out!

Some of you probably enjoy The Blacklist which starts new season tonight.

I will try to return......... If Not and I get stuck in my recliner......

Goodnight and sweet dreams !

JudyEddy said...

Eagle was in the nest at bm. Trying it again LOL

Got a snip

JudyEddy said...

SANDI the seal is just leaking no crack but that would have been nice

JudyEddy said...

I will call Sandi and ask. She is a friend of Angie and now mine and a insurance agent
She is the one that got me cheaper car insurance from 1500 to 800
Big difference and I have had State farm for years and they would only go to1300

JudyEddy said...

Heading home

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 it was on the new that Mark Zuckerberg is going to have a dislike button was on the news and is rolling out in Oct sometime just won't be any hoops to jump through He didn't want to do it because he thought there would be bulling but has decided to do it for post that you don't want to like but it should appear as the like button does don't have to install any apps of give friend list etc

JudyEddy said...

I think there is more good than bad on FB I like it been on it since it was made 7 years I think and you can always hide things and like me I have several people as acquaintance or restricted so they don't see anything the acquaintance can see only public things you post I have a annoying girl at work I have her marked that way She came to the zumba bash and then to Angie house and Angie had to basically kick her out she was the last person there beside the one person that was spending the night at Angie-- she is a cling on I know that isn't nice but she is
She even friend requested Angie I told her at work when I left she should have left being she was a work friend and that everyone there was family she didn't say anything just shrugged her shoulders

JudyEddy said...

video of Mark on the dislike button

JudyEddy said...

is a whole 12 second long and there is a write up also

ok gonna go watch some mindless tv Angie doesn't want me to watch GA tonight because she want me to watch it tomorrow nite at her house with her she is at zumba tonight

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Watching a new Miss Fisher. Then maybe Worst Cooks. Then, for sure. denting the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

grannyblt said...

Good evening.

Caught a minute or two of an eagle visit a couple of hours ago.

I joined Facebook at my daughter's urging. It is a good way for me to keep up with the grandchildren and old friends and some relatives. I have had to hide some people when they go on a political rant or post a daily selfie or other things that I don't
think are appropriate. I've also learned many things that I may have missed otherwise.

I hope this storm stays out at sea.

SED to all.

Lynne2 said...

Judy, this was the article that Zuckerberg made the statement of NOT doing a dislike button-
From the article:

" 'It's important to give people more options than just 'like'" to help express empathy and sympathy, Zuckerberg said. "Not every moment is a good moment."

Zuckerberg said Facebook is close to unveiling a button or buttons but it's unlikely to be called "dislike." What will likely happen is that Facebook unveils a "sympathize" button or a series of buttons that convey support or solidarity or express other similarly positive emotions. The giant social network encourages civil interactions among its 1.5 billion users.' "

Link to the article:

I think this is a better idea than a simple dislike button. He's a very smart young man!

JudyEddy said...

Here is her daily report

"""Wskrsnwings added 30 new photos.
Ground Observations: Thursday, October 1, 2015

6:05-6:50 I am at the nest. Harriet is perched on the outer attic branch of the nest tree. There are no other eagles in the pasture or tree. Harriet is quiet again this am, vocalizing twice.
6:51-6:57 The SA (sub adult) we have been seeing frequent the nest tree and following Harriet flies in from the NW. Harriet vocalizes long and loudly with "head-up" as the eagle approaches and lands in an upper right branch of the nest tree. It is the SA (sub adult). The SA vocalizes also. Harriet continues to vocalize.
6:57-7:00 Harriet starts continuous vocalizations and launches to the branch stub mid-way to the upper branch. She continues vocalizing, even shrills, as she launches to the upper branch beside the SA. The SA vocalizes too. The SA moves slightly away with Harriet next to it on the branch and then it hops farther away on the branch. Harriet continues to vocalize including a "head-up".
7:00-7:10 There are no eagles on the cell tower. Harriet is vocalizing less now and preens, scratches, readjusts her feet and watches the area SE to SW. The SA readjusts both feet and watches the area to the SW.
7:10 Harriet flies from the nest tree to the south and the SA is right behind her.
7:12-7:15 I hear Harriet vocalizing in the stand of trees across the road by the cell tower. No eagles are on the cell tower.
7:20-7:30 Harriet is vocalizing frequently and loudly in a tree by the cell tower. The SA is perched below her vocalizing also. The SA flies from the tree heading north. Harriet flies shortly after heading NW over the tree lines and out of sight. The SA flies from the East and follows Harriet to the NW.
7:30-7:50 I check the power poles but no eagles are perched there.
7:50-8:30 I am back at the nest. There is no sign of any eagles in either pasture. I am told that two eagles were seen soaring/flying south before I arrived back at the nest.
8:30 I am headed home. The way of the eagle continues to unfold before our eyes. May we observe and learn and not judge or predict. heart emoticon you Ozzie.

JudyEddy said...

this is her fb page if you want to see her pictures of today or any other day Slim and her are close on the branch the pictures show it

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

On Facebook, I have blocked many people for various things. But they have some really cool groups too. I have found a lot of useful information form gardening groups, wildlife groups, etc. A lot of veterianry publications are on there now which is useful to me. Oh, did I forget EAGLE groups? LOL!

It's kinda nice outside right, breezy, and finally a lull in the rain! Hope to hear the GHO later! Think I will fix some hot chocolate and sit on the porch wrapped in my blanket and pretend I am camping!

Got my fixin's for my chicken soup project tomorrow....MMMMMMM!!

JudyEddy said...

Vickie video of the day hope this works I had to go to her youtube page to get the link

Janet said...

good evening to all.

sis, so sorry you forgot your apt!!! tom's opinion on the flexseal.....don't mess around, get a new weather seal.

sounds as if everyone has been busy busy busy. Those on the coast, just get your ducks in a row I haven't checked the weather but hoping the storm will head seaward....not towards land.

busy day. we had our "fall feed" at work today...potluck. yummy stuff.

after work, grocery shopping. I had $37 in coupons!!!! then I did savings catcher.

good night to all!

JudyEddy said...

the world we live in sort of SUCKS another shooting here in the area

Deputies are on the scene of a shooting outside the town hall in the town of Inglis, just north of Citrus County. Deputies confirm 3 people, including the gunman, are dead. 1 other injured.
This story is developing. We are updating this link here:

JudyEddy said...

STEVE posted this bear video on fb earlier as well as others

Angry little girl at bear eating her kayak LOL

Sandi said...

Hi all Indian River School District teachers and students are getting a " wind and rain" day tomorrow. Since i had already put in for the day off on Monday, it means a 4-day weekend for me! Hopefully the governor will , or already has declared a state of emergency so the day won't have to be made up.

I will see everyone in the early AM.

Lynne2 said...

WOW, there are some big celeb birthdays today....Julie Andrews is 80, Jimmy Carter is 91 , and Yosemite National Park is 125!

Lynne2 said...

Nice that your school district is closed tomorrow, Sandi. It's just not worth being out if you don't have to be!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is MT - it looks breezy but dry there.

It's plenty breezy and very wet here but so far, so good. I'll have to wait til it gets lighter to see if any trees came down but at least none fell on the house. All water has stayed outside. The rain and wind are supposed to continue all day and night so we're not out of the woods yet but the latest weather forecast for the path of the hurricane looks good for Delaware.

Have agreat day all - stay safe if you're in the path of the storm.

Sandi said...

One eagle in the nest - I can only see body and tail feathers. They sure do seem to like the top of the nest that we can't see.

Now both.

Sandi said...

Color has arrived at the nest - one eagle left about 3 min. ago, the other is still standing at the 12 position.

Sandi said...

2nd eagle (Shep I think) just returned with a LARGE stick. He placed it along the edge of the nest at around the 2 position. Then Belle picked it up and moved up to the noon spot. Shep is now working with another long branch that was brought to the nest a few days ago. He seems to be trying to break it into smaller pieces.

Belle just took off.

Sandi said...

Belle has returned, bringing in another stick.

Sandi said...

Belle is now working with the very long branch - it spans the entire width of the nest. On full screen, it's amazing to watch them work - the resolution of this new cam is so nice!

Sandi said...

Woohoo - someone at NCTC just tilted the cam so we can see the whole top of the nest!!!! How great is THAT!

Now, they're playing with the zoom!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning and Thanks SANDI for the report did you get any picture??3

and LOVE LOVE the new angle of the nest now we won't have a NHZ

JudyEddy said...

SHARON or BEV now compare the nest to 2009 looks really close

JudyEddy said...

so good that the storm is being pushed out the sea so no direct hit but they will get tons of rain but not related to the storm a LO pressure system is bringing the big rain just don't make sense does it

JudyEddy said...

but they said still not make the turn but looks good and they seem to have a mind of their own The Carolina are going to be bad 20 plus inches but not related to the hurricane and there is another one out there coming

JudyEddy said...

I SEE SANDI GET PICTURES but I dislike when they refer to BEN especially when its a pic our group took they should say resident male like I do when I post on their page OH well

JudyEddy said...

I shared the pic on the EM FB page but it does say Ben and Belle under it

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ Raindrops keep falling on my house. But, I'm not going to sit around and grouse. So, raindrops keep falling and my warm bed is calling, oh, raindrops keep falling on my house ♪♫

May think about cleaning out the front coat closet later OR may prep some food (veggies, etc.) in case we lose power again. Hmmmm, now that I think about it, having food washed/chopped while I can see might be a good thing.

Sandi, it does seem that DE will get a hit but weather person just saying Joaquin looks to be headed away from shore. That's good news.

Shirley may have Hunter home from school early today. Schools in her area are half-days.

Checked the nest. Looks wet but not raining. Checked out those sticks. Going to be interesting to see how they become woven into the nest.

Wishing everyone the best day possible and saying a prayer for the victims and families in Roseburg, OR.

JudyEddy said...

Love the pic that you just posted on FB SANDI did you put in on the EM page also

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the new and the newscaster had a hard time getting through it
In our area Bradenton is a new the worlds largest fossil exhibit

Wait for it wait for it

fossilized POOP

I won't be going If you dare I won't be going but I guess there lot to learn from it

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning to all ♥

I am so excited about all the photos from the cam when it zoomed and tilted - Just
amazing. Sandi you made an excellent photo display and Eagle cam also had excellent captures.

I did email Steve and Rob concerning the zoom, the OD live feed staying up and perhaps a ground photo of our Sycamore Palace (Mainly to see the attic.
..."Hi, For now, we need to keep the zoom control with us. We will work to keep the cam on, but need to consult with OC before final decision. Steve"
..."do you mean a photograph from the distance?..Rob" I said yes and Rob will check it out.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Beautiful day here. Presently 68 and saw 59 this morn! Loving it! Just wish we had rain as were are back to "severe drought"! Crazy after the spring rain we had in May! Worked in the yard all day yesterday. One job we had was filling in an armadillo hole. He dug under our foundation right by the patio throwing dirt on to the patio. Armadillo dig many holes so do not know if he was there or not. We fill the hole with large, heavy rocks or chunks of concrete, then dirt and then wash in more dirt with the hose. There was no digging in the yard last night. While we were gone he decided to start digging in our front yard! Grrrr!

Need to get to the grossssserie store today!

JudyEddy said...

OH JO two camera are you suggestion That would be the bomb

and thanks for all you do for us eagleholic and eagle addicts thanks for emailing them Thanks to NCTC for correcting the tilt on the nest now we will see heads and thanks to the Outdoor channel for putting it on the internet

and am I correct to say that the stump is now on the right at 3

JudyEddy said...

The NE nest as the best views 3 cameras as well as WR had three camera when they had a nest to cover SE also has two views as well as others have more that one camera We can only hope that we can get another view like we did that one year of the attic that was a good view didn't they have it mounted on the barn I think but it was neat my pic keep popping up on the ON this day feature on FB which I love

Mema Jo said...

Judy I really didn't request 2 cams at our nest. I want to see the entire tree in a photograph - I'm interested in the top of the tree that is called the attic. I'm not sure which branches NU trimmed.
The 3 cam views is really fantastic and maybe someday it will be like that for us.

Kay said...

Good Morning n' almost RED FRIDAY afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Camera view is awesome and much thanks to JO for going to bat for us with STEVE n' ROB! Your efforts are so appreciated!!!

JUDIE and I are of one mind re:FB, but then you all know that. To each his own and I'd not deny any of you the right and the joy found in Mark's Kingdom!☺

JUDIE, Kroger didn't get the Rx filled until yesterday evening so will be picking it up today. Thanks for your concern!!!!

LOLLY, have you consulted an exterminator re:armadillo's? Isn't there anything one can do to discourage the buggers?

It's "do" day here and I must remember to take the bumbershoot along. "Showers likely".

The Ozzie, Harriet and FV story made the second page of our newspaper today. Final line was that 30+ year old Ozzie put up a good fight. May he now soar in peace!

SANDI, enjoy the four day weekend---as if you have to be told to do that! The reason for the extra day off is not to be celebrated, I know. Hope Joaquin goes easy on all in it's path!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

JO thanks for the clarification of wanting a picture of the tree Maybe we can get someone on the blog that live close to go also and take a picture of it from the bend in the road Oh if I lived there I would do it you know that I went to the cell towers this am got pic yesterday of the one near Jordyn gym so want to got to Ft Meyers for pic but will have to wait till I get brakes done was going Sat but thought better of it Jordyn has a tea party so won't be going there so maybe go to a park or two

Mema Jo said...

I agree Judy, here's hoping Rob will do his best to get that Photo for us. I don't have a real long zoom for my camera as it is a pretty far distance from the road.... I think there may be someone who picks up at the Day Care that I could contact if necessary.

JudyEddy said...

WARNING men may not want to read this

my daughter wanted me to share this with you

Patti ovarian cancer was of the children kind (environmental) not inherited at all and its is from using baby powder down there the dr said There was a 2 yrs old there when she was there that had a full hysterectomy at that age I wonder why they just don't pull it off the shelf if this is the case There are lots of children that have gotten it so sad so sad in deed So just let other know that may use powder She had used it because of running and chafing problems I would have never thought of this either I know they now say not to use powder also because of it getting in the childrens lungs

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from lunch with her and was a little upset with my clam chowder it tasted and smell fishy and so did Angie this is the first time that has happened someone forgot to clean the clams good I guess
Got to go get Jordyn looks like rain out from the lo that is coming our way gonna be in the lo 80 this week with the front Was going to go to the park the new one I found where they live but may have to cancel that will see

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

It has been raining all day. Good to see that the hurricane is not likely to come through here and add to the water levels.

I have been just taking it easy today. Nice to be able to hang out at home.

Cheeto is snuggled nearby.

Janet said...

good afternoon to all. its a dreary, damp, misty light rain day here. the temp is 58. feels like fall.

work was good today. nothing much new there.

the oldest was in a car accident today. thankfully she seems to be okay. was on her way to work this morning, cars in front of her stopped, she was braking, but the car behind her didn't and plowed into her. thankfully the children were not with her. she said not terrible damage to her car, but enough. and the car seat was not buckled in (it gets moved around) and it flew thru the air into the back of the vehicle, so she went out and replaced that one.

said she is heading over after dinner. I suggested to go to the dr /chiro just to document injuries, pain in case something shows up later, but....thinking she didn't.

jus so thankful everyone is okay.

just finally remembered how to do a split screen. took me a min, its been a bit. love the nest...looks very breezy today. I wish my grass in my yard grew as well as the grass in the nest! lol

all righty folks gonna watch the news in a few min and then start dinner. I think the kids had a late doubtful they will eat any time soon. I may postpone making general tso's chicken til tomorrow and tom and I may just have a quick bite.

check in later!

Janet said...

good afternoon to all. its a dreary, damp, misty light rain day here. the temp is 58. feels like fall.

work was good today. nothing much new there.

the oldest was in a car accident today. thankfully she seems to be okay. was on her way to work this morning, cars in front of her stopped, she was braking, but the car behind her didn't and plowed into her. thankfully the children were not with her. she said not terrible damage to her car, but enough. and the car seat was not buckled in (it gets moved around) and it flew thru the air into the back of the vehicle, so she went out and replaced that one.

said she is heading over after dinner. I suggested to go to the dr /chiro just to document injuries, pain in case something shows up later, but....thinking she didn't.

jus so thankful everyone is okay.

just finally remembered how to do a split screen. took me a min, its been a bit. love the nest...looks very breezy today. I wish my grass in my yard grew as well as the grass in the nest! lol

all righty folks gonna watch the news in a few min and then start dinner. I think the kids had a late doubtful they will eat any time soon. I may postpone making general tso's chicken til tomorrow and tom and I may just have a quick bite.

check in later!

Mema Jo said...

Pizza for dinner tonight! It's Friday

Any of you watching the live feed may notice flashing lights of some sort.
I know it isn't lightening but that is what it looks like.
Comments under cam mention this if you want more information.

Sandi said...

Those of you on FB may have seen my most recent storm photos. For Kay & Judie's benefit, part of a neighbor's tree directly across the street from us broke off and, when it fell, it landed on the electric and telephone wires which brought an entire telephone pole crashing down across the road! Amazingly, neither the tree falling or the pole falling caused any damage to houses, boats, or vehicles. Even the neighbor's fence was spared - I think the only casualty was the recycling bin that was sitting out at the street for pick-up. There were lots of sparks when the tree hit the electric line and many of the houses - including ours - are wood siding, so we were very lucky.

The wind is still really howling outside but the rain has slowed.

Judy, I don't post photos on FB to any pages other than my own, but feel free to share any that you would like to any page you would like. IMO, our photo albums on the Yahoo site have pretty much become obsolete since there are several FB pages that chronicle the goings-on at our nest. Just my opinion.

Time for pizza and then some TV - I'll see everyone in the early AM.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Scullery chores over. Now preparing to watch a new Miss Fisher (Jo, on my Channel 22). It is one I have not seen.

Then headed to the pillows.

Sandi, so glad no one was injured and properties were not damaged.

Please everyone stay in and stay safe. Restful sleep.

Lynne2 said...

Afternoon all, just stopping in before I head to the back Dr.

Bad news....The pigs will NOT being going to the new home after all. Michele is unable to get an estimate for the fencing she wants that is affordable. I appreciate her efforts, and certainly understand that she cannot put out money that she cannot afford. I kinda wish she had resolved all of those issues BEFORE she said she'd take them, but oh well.
Five rescues, no one ever even contacted me back. I have reached out to everyone I know and then some. No
When Steve gets home tomorrow, we will make arrangements to euthanize them as soon as possible.

Lynne2 said...

I wrote post earlier and forgot to POST it....

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 Sorry to hear that you don't have a place for the pigs - hoping something will come up for them.

Sandi - saw the pic on FB - I'll probably call our neighbor down at the house due to all the large trees on the property. Sandi - didn't you even lose your power??

Very cold out there and of course wet!

Judie - on Chn22 tonight and then on an earlier night Ms Fisher's have been new 2015 episodes. I wish there were new ones for the other mystery shows.

Earlier today I got my flu shot down at doctors -

Judie said...

Lynne2, have you contacted a children's zoo? There are several in the VA and MD area. I am so sad for you and very sorry for this outcome.

Goodnight all.

Judie said...

Jo, Fisher was a new one for me as was the Inspector Lewis that followed.

Goodnight, again.

Mema Jo said...

I had seen Inspector Lewis before but of course I watched it again!
One benefit of aging is when you can't remember the ending as to Who Done It !

Computer is going to sleep as I am .........

Goodnight to all and Prayers for all of our needs

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night!

Sandi, saw your pics. Thankful no serious damage!

Just spent a long time talking with Laurel. She has to stay up late to pick up Joseph after band. Joey is teaching Saturday school so she is the one to stay up late. Jacob is having a hard time at school. He is not making friends. His best friend is going to a new school. So at recess he is just sitting. Counselor is working with him. Please keep him in prayer. He is so much larger than all kids. He feels different. His grades are excellent and he is loving orchestra. He is basically shy!

Had two rs hawks hanging around yesterday. Not sure what was going on but they were crying out a lot. Did not see other birds bothering them.

Lynne, so very sorry about the pigs. You tried!!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle fiends.

Nest is currently MT - sounds windy in Shepherdstown.Maybe still raining?

It's plenty windy and still raining here in South Bethany. No trees fell on the house during the night which is a very good thing, and all of the water has stayed outside which is also a good thing.

Delmarva Power trucks have been here since about 9pm last night. And I think I have a tough job!!! I just took them a thermos of coffee and some Tastykakes.

Jo, we live in the last section of South Bethany to be developed and our power lines are underground. The tree section fell across the street where all of the houses have overhead lines - the town has been debating the pros and cons of burying them. So everyone in that entire section - about 100 houses - has been without power since about 6:45pm yesterday. Of course probably 80-85 of the houses are 2nd homes and their owners aren't there right now since it's the off-season.

Lynne2, I was so sad to hear your news about the pigs. If Brian and Lynnis were still living in the States, I would contact them to at least foster the pigs until you could find a home.

I haven't looked at the weather forecast but I think the wind and rain from this nor'easter is supposed to continue today.

One eagle has arrived at the nest - not sure which one. Now both. Digging in the grass.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Very short visit - both are gone already. It looks gray and wet at the nest but I don't think it's still raining there.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

You just never know what time of day I'll turn up--I like the element of surprise!

Hi, SANDI! What a nice gesture it was to take coffee and Tastykakes to the workers. What are Tastykakes?

Sorry I missed seeing Belle n' Shep. There are what I assume to be sun glare spots around the nest--looking like little patches of fog. I think JO mentioned flashes of light--perhaps something on the camera lens?

We're expecting another day of rain here, but nothing like that you Easterners are contending with.

LYNNE2, I'm saddened by the fate of the pigs and hope a miracle occurs there!

LOLLY, Jacob is in my prayers. As I've told you, Seth was bullied for years and the roughest of them were Middle School and his Freshman year of High School. He rode it out and I'm sure Jacob will too, but it's a rough go, for the kids, parents and grandparents.

JANET, glad your eldest made it through the rear ender unscathed!

Thinking of you all and praying for those in need.


Sandi said...

Lynne2, I can't stop thinking about the pigs. It's a VERRRRY long shot, but I just emailed Brian and Lynnis to ask if they know anyone in WV who might be willing to take them. I will let you know what I hear back from them. I'm not optimistic but I had to at least ask.

Kay, Tastykakes are packaged snack cakes in different varieties - crumb cakes, butterscotch or jelly krimpets, cupcakes with lemon or chocolate icing, donuts - that you can find in the bread aisle at the grocery store. Loaded with fat and sugar and other bad stuff but I always have several boxes in the pantry for when I need my sugar fix between when I get home from school and when I eat dinner.

Lolly, hearing what Jacob is going through at school makes me sad for him and for you and Laurel. Kevin was bullied all through middle and high school so I know how much it breaks your heart. I'm glad he's working/talking with a counselor at school. If he talks with family about it that's even better.

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLYN ♪♫ Have a wonderful day and may the year ahead be spectacular.

Cold and wet in these parts. Switched the thermostat to heat. No power outage (fingers crossed). Oh, of course. No power outage because I'm all prepared for one.

Sandi, it was so nice of you to provide hot coffee and a snack for the workers. I, too, think these workers need a symbolic hug of thanks. The police who sit in front of our house to catch speeders are my favorite recipients. I'm sure they were grateful. Glad you had no damage or flooding.

Kay, I did not see the flashes of light. The spots on the camera lens must be raindrops magnified by the HD. Can't wait to see what Boris looks like in HD.

Lolly, sorry for Jacob's difficulties at school. Hopefully, the counselor will be able to help.

Janet, I also am happy there were no injuries to your daughter.

Missed the eagles. Maybe I can catch them at dusk if they show up.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

I have also seen flashes of lights I had mentioned it several times also in the blog a couple of different times in the evening I think maybe its the night infra red light Not positive

Kay said...

♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to You ♪♪♪ CAROLYN. I hadn't visited my Yahoo mail when I was here a little earlier. Hope you have a grand day!

SANDI, thanks for the Tastykakes tutorial! As a diabetic I never even glance at such sections in grocery stores, but they sound decadently wonderful!!!

Oh, I do hope Brian and Lynnis come up with an idea for LYNNE2's pigs!

JUDIE, I hadn't thought of Boris--wonder what he's been thinking as the camera work proceeded?

You know, I've been thinking about how lucky we are that Sycamore Palace enthusiasts banded together to provide funding for the cam upgrade! I don't think it's useful to compare "Our" nest cam with those in other areas as in each place the entities in charge just do what is financially possible for them. Our nest is what it is and my hat is off to STEVE et al for all they do to make our view of Belle n' Shep's home possible. And, another thanks to JO for being our liaison when there are little snafus or questions!!!

Kay said...

Hi JUDY! I know I have a twisted sense of humor, but I got a big kick outta your line: "Just got back from lunch with her and was a little upset with my clam chowder it tasted and smell fishy and so did Angie"... I don't eat clam chowder and know nothing about how it should taste or smell. I do, however, know a bit about daughters and can highly recommend Zest for Angie's problem.☺

Mema Jo said...

Good wet and soggy Saturday morning to all ♥
Still lightly raining off and on here in my valley - squirrels don't seem to mind as there are about 6 out on the deck scarfing up the peanuts. Of course the Blue Jays are always available and yesterday I did see two sets of Mr & Mrs Reds

Really hopeful that Jacob with the help of school authorities and counselors can overcome this bullying. Hope he can start to feel good about himself. Lolly I forget his grade level in school - hope a good friend is there somewhere and soon meets up with Jacob.

Sandi,I was glad to hear about the underground wiring! And more specifically that no water flooded into your home.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to Carolyn -

Hope you have a special day

with lots of fun and happiness.

Janet said...

Good morning, albeit late morning!
LYNNE2 my heart breaks for you. Hoping for a last min reprieve……big warm hugs to you.
SANDI: glad all is well with you; no damage, etc.
LOLLY: holding JACOB close….school is tough. I spent many recesses just like that because when I was younger I was very very shy and am sstill not good at small talk. I am so glad a counselor is working with him. I wish someone had done the same for me.
It is another cold, wet day here. Although I’m thankful for the rain….and it is rather fall like, it is making me most lazy! I just got up a short bit ago. Beano and I were snuggled deep in the bed and it was so toasty…..i know its not cold, its in the 50’s. BUT the drastic change so quickly throws bodies off AND this last new months I’m experiencing something I’ve not experienced in 11+ years, less hot flashes and more cold….. say what? I KNOW! So once again at night, I am enjoying the deep snuggling under my comforter! <3
Not a lot on the agenda today. Not motivated to do a lot. Finish the last few rocks I suppose, and see what other “trouble” I can find.
I will check in later. Hoping everyone has a good day.  Hugs

JudyEddy said...

Carolyn .

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 how about the media papers tv news to see if someone will thake the pigs Breaks my heart to know they will be put down after being pets for so long

We have a person that has a big one three house down

JudyEddy said...

KAY LOL on the zest and that is the one I use LOL LOL

Kay said...

JUDY, I'm relieved that you took my post with good humor and that you are Zestfully clean!!!

Judie said...


What have I been thinking about the new camera?

Oh happy day. Oh happy day. A big new cam on which to play

I'll spin my web for all to view and add some sparkles made from dew

My thanks to Steve and all the crew. Momsters will be moaning Eeeewwwwww

So I've been thinking

How grateful I am.

Wow, a brand new HD cam

Kay said...

BORIS, it's so good to "see" you here

Bringing words of joy and good cheer!

We look forward to seeing you more

As the new HD cam is yours to explore!

JudyEddy said...

I think I need a nap didn't get to bed till after 2 am from being on the puter posting on the eagle sites

LYNNE2 did you see the finally out come in the post that you tagged me in
I found the person that posted the original picture of the eagle the picture had a address on it
Vickie responded to me this am after I pm her the original pic with address on it said they looked for the eagle in that area and around it but no luck finding it I feel better now that I did get so many responses to it that they did attempt to find it but no luck I had over 200 notifications so far on it over all the different 16 pages I posted it on

Only one group PM me and said the deleted the post from their page

so there is nothing else we can do hopefully the eagle did survive being it was not around the area that the pic was taken

JudyEddy said...

KAY I even have a big towel that says that LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOVE the poem JUDIE and we had lots of ORB looking rain drops on the cam last nite really looked spooky

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poofed I was lucky that the camera buffering I got to get snips the still was MT when I did most of the snips

JudyEddy said...

Pics are on fb EM page and I will put in the Yahoo album I still put pic in it for our group since I am not on Hancock etc 3

JudyEddy said...

It was BELLE also forgot to say that

JudyEddy said...

10 03 612 eagl;e in both

Sandi said...

Eagle in! Now both!

CarolAnne said...

Hope everyone is surviving the many kinds of weather being dished out.
Wishing Jacob's counselor would prompt staff to make anti-bullying a part of their course work regularly. Loving the new camera -can hardly wait for nesting season. Don't know that I've ever prayed for pigs before, but sure hope a positive outcome comes about. Continue to empty Mom's home. Taking awhile to go thru 90+ years of life.
Stay safe and healthy everyone.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and there goes the flashes of light three different time now

JudyEddy said...

and there goes the flashes of light three different time now

Sandi said...

I sure do love watching our eagles on full screen with the resolution of the new cam, even though it means I can't type and watch at the same time. Even the fly-outs are beautiful to watch!

OK, upstairs has been cleaned including all 3 bathrooms. Dogs have been fed. Time to fix something for Denny and me for dinner. It has rained off and on all day and the gusty winds have not let up at all. The water in the canal is really high but not high enough to worry about overflowing. No more trees have gone down around us. All is well.

Lynne2, I haven't heard anything back from Brian or Lynnis about someone who might be willing to take the pigs.

CarolAnne, great to see you on the blog. I hope there are smiles to go along with the sadness I know you are feeling as you clean out your mom's house.


Lolly said...

Hi all, Another beautiful day! Loving this cooler weather.

Watched football and baseball for most of the day. Did go outside and worked for a while.

Appreciate your thoughts and prayers for Jacob. He is in 5th grade. Next year should be interesting. He will be at middle school with Laurel. She actually wants him on her team. Laurel gets along fine with the other reading teacher on the other team. However, Laurel says she is a drill sargent. Jacob bucks against that kind of teacher. She is going to consult others on what to do. When Joseph was there he was on the other team, but a different teacher was there.

I see there is a new stick in the nest!

Lolly said...

Had to smile reading CarolAnnes's comment about praying for the pigs! It is a concern and hope it works out!

JudyEddy said...

eagle back

JudyEddy said...

they poofed again

Sandi said...

Wow, great fly out and a fly back in with a stick! It's nice that our eagles made 2 evening visits - their instincts are telling them it's time to get serious. We are really very lucky that Belle has stayed at this same nest for so many years.

CarolAnne said...

Sandi, thanks for the kind thought. Yes, there are smiles to go along with the sadder thoughts. Don't know how many times I think "I'll have to ask Mom about this" before I catch my self. But find so many good things . . . like my great grandfathers papers when he came over and gave up his Belgium citizenship to become an American citizen. Or the paper trail of the property and it's many owners since the 1800's. Fascinating.

Judie said...

Good evening.

CarolAnne, may your task become easier and may the smiles of remembrance become frequent.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. About to put my feet up and do some reading.

Hoping those near water stay safe and dry.

Hoping our eagles stay safe if not dry.

Wishing each of you restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Hey just on FB they did do a man made nest at WR there is a video of it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Great video from Vickie Looks like Harriett and Slim are a thing there apparently was a confrontation between her and another eagle later in the morning pic of talon to talon of Fb and she is ok from what was said
Harriett and Slim sitting in a tree and she wants eggs according to Vickie

Mema Jo said...

Well, I finally did it! I turned on the heat - just a 65° Enough to take the chill off of things here in the house.

CarolAnne - love seeing you on here. I can imagine clearing your Mom's home is going to take quite a while. Many memories to come before you ♥

I am ready to call it a day - no sun for tomorrow but on Monday we may see some sunshine.

Goodnight to all - SED ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds WHOOT HOOT we are going to be only 81° today it is in the 66 now thank you cold front

nest is MT and probably will be because it is still dark when I leave for work

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is still MT - haven't seen an eagle since I started the live feed at 7am.

The rain has stopped but the wind is still gusty. We're not supposed to see the sun again today and some areas nearby are still flooded. But our house stayed dry inside and the canal never overflowed. Not sure if our outside clean-up will start today or tomorrow. Lots of branches and limbs on the ground in the driveways, yard, and on the lot next door. This storm will put a damper on the fall colors around here - lots of leaves have already been blown right off the trees. And most of my summer flowers in pots are kaput from the wind blowing them so they need to be emptied. Good thing I had already planned to use one of my sick days tomorrow. :)

Shirley, what does Hunter think of high school? We haven't heard any Hunter stories lately. How is Luna doing with the kitties?

Jo, I saw on FB the photo of Michael - 3 years since his accident. How is he feeling these days? Does he still have terrible headaches?

Lolly, I never wanted my boys in the same building with me, much less on my team - always preferred to keep my parenting and teaching separate. Laurel is brave. I think the boys preferred that as well.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Nest was MT when I looked. Bei Bei and mom are napping.

No rain this morning but overcast and a little windy. Chilly.

Like Sandi, flowers in pots are kaput but plan to leave the herbs alone until frost.

Yes, Hunter and kitty stories would be welcome.

Another do-nothing day. Wishing all of you the best day possible.

NCSuzan said...

Good wet Sunday morning!

I am a fan of the "CBS Sunday Morning" program. My local station decided to pre-empty it for the football game being played in England today. No problem for we are blessed with Internet! Now the reason for that information!

The show is replaying their first broadcast. It is 1979. Some of the news headlines are still the same today....Iran, presidential hopefuls etc.. But 10 minutes 55 seconds in to the program is the plight of the endangered Bald Eagle! A brief history of the eagle and one area where conservation and growth are at odds.

Just thought it a very interesting segment to remind us where the eagle was and where he is now. I wanted to strangle the oil executive's neck!

Eagle Flashback

NCSuzan said...

The link works!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning To All ♥
It is so wet outside - and a bit windy - It is probably going to take until Wed to dry things out.
Jenny is here with me - so I am happy to hear all is well with everyone....
Sandi - Michael is doing well - Yes, ever so often he will have a shooting pain
in his head. He still goes to the Pain Management Dr for help. He has a new seizure pill for under the tongue if a seizure should start. Had to use it once last month and
it really worked and stopped the seizure. Miracle drug.
I think next week or so we will close the house at Fenwick. Hubby and one of his sons will go down and do it in day's time. I won't ride down and back in one day - too much.

Going to visit with Jenny - BBL sometime today ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thx Suzan for that reminder

NCSuzan said...

You are welcome Jo. Just thought some may be interested.

Janet said...

good morning to all. another misty moisty blustery October morning. perfect for being lazy. certainly haven't cleaned the boat or the RV.....but perhaps this week when the sun is out and temps in the 80's again.

I enjoyed being "holed up" in the house yesterday. I painted rocks. I will finish up this weekend/tomorrow as Saturday is the event. after that I have several requests to paint.... keeping me busy and loving it!

I baked a red velvet cake with home made cream cheese frosting yesterday. I love red velvet but had never made one. oother than sticking in the cake pan....despite the liberal spraying turned out tasty.

it was a cold wet day ...perfect for chicken and dumplings. and left overs for tonight. :)

going to spend the day relaxing. don't plan to get out of jammies. watch football, racing....paint a little ... just another chill day. tomorrow starts a busy week again!

good to see everyone this morning. CAROLANNE: I remember going thru mom's stuff. miles of smiles and buckets of tears. there were many times once both of our parents were gone, i'd see something or think something and reach for the phone to share.....and then it dawned on me....

holding each of you close in my heart and for all sentient beings of this Earth.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all.

Suzan, I heard about that rebroadcast of Sunday Morning, but couldn't find it on my tv. Always liked Charles Kuralt

Sun finally peeking out this afternoon. I hope it warms up a bit this week, I'm not ready for the '40s.

Carolanne, I'm living in my Moms house, so I'm surrounded by her things. I still have some of those "why on earth did she keep this" moments. I've yet to find the vast family fortune or uncover any family secrets. She has been gone over three years but it is very slow going since there is no urgency to finish the cleaning out process.

No eagles at the nest last time I checked.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

SUZAN, you made my day with that fantastic flashback and the chance to see the late Charles Kuralt in all his glory. That oil exec was nauseating all right--greed does horrible things to people. Amazing how well placing Eagles on the endangered list worked to bring them back. Spotting one nowadays is becoming less and less unusual! As for all the other news of January 28, 1979--just goes to show ya--things do not really change that much as years go by. Reminds me of the Kingston Trio song we sang along with in the 60's and 70's. "There's rioting in Africa, there's strife in Iran, what nature doesn't do to us will be done by our fellow man." So what's new, huh?

CAROLANNE and LYNNE1, I never had to go through that clearing out of a mother's things since I lost mine when she was but 45 and I 28. I did have to weed through years of of accumulated keepers when my pack rat hubby, Stan died. It has turned me into a compulsive weeding out person around my house and an obsessive deleter even here on the computer! I don't want to leave my busy kids with all that much to do. But, I do see the sweetness involved in the discoveries you're making and the wonderful memories of your mother's that are the result of the work you must do.

JO, I'm glad SANDI posed the question about Michael and the headaches--I've been wondering, too. So happy with your report on his progress! Thank God for miracle drugs!

SANDI, good to know your place didn't sustain a lot of damage. Sorry you have to use your extra day off doing clean up, but I guess it beats dealing with what might have been.

JANET, interesting word, sentient. Hopefully we are all conscious and have the power of our senses! Sounds like a great vocabulary word for a young lady in high school.☺

We have Sunshine!!! No rain expected til' Friday.

The kids brought lunch from Chipotle's in so I could share a few moments of Hugh's birthday. Seth came home from college last night--he and Hugh are out on a long bike ride now and then he'll head back to school.

Prayers for all in need and with best wishes to all for a great day!


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Beautiful afternoon visit from our Royal Couple
Judy you got some fantastic captures !

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Poof on Live Feed
Still working on Still Cam
I guess if you miss it on one you can catch it on the other....... Very confusing as
to which is Real Time.............

JudyEddy said...

both in again

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

and back again

JudyEddy said...

moving sticks

Mema Jo said...

They are gong to have to move a whole lot of sticks to get those
sides built up again for the new season.........

Mema Jo said...

Has something out there caught their eyes

Sandi said...

Hi Jo & Judy. I am here. I'm posting from my iPad so i can have my laptop on full screen. I am mesmerized by their beauty with the new cam.

Mema Jo said...

Again - Still cam one went poof
Live Feed both in nest

JudyEddy said...

poof again and I lost my puter it went poop so got it back and did some snip on tablet

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sandi
Is it still windy out your way ?

Sandi said...

It's very strange that there is such a time difference between the still and the live cams. How can that be?

JudyEddy said...

and back

Sandi said...

Jo, still verrry windy here. I am DONE with this storm!

Sandi said...

Ok, i have my laptop screen split now between the live and the still and at one point the live feed was showing an empty nest but the still showed 2 eagles. Now both are showing 1 eagle. The still is ahead of the live feed right?

Now i am seeing 1 on the still cam but 2 on the live. WTH???

Mema Jo said...

They are so beautiful!

The buffering on the live feed can be the reason for the time lag between the
2 cams....

Like right now - one on the still cam and 2 on the live feed

I'm sure it is something IT at NCTC could explain or FIX

NCSuzan said...

What a nice visit! They look so casual, just checking things out!

Kay, I am so happy that you enjoyed the video. The program was divided into 3 parts and I think can be accessed from that same page, if not, definitely on the CBS Sunday Morning site.

Lynne1, you can see that episode on the internet if you can't find it on the tv. The link will take you there.

I can see Belle's eye so clearly. Awesome!

JudyEddy said...

I sort of like the delay I can do better captures that way prepared to snip lOL

JudyEddy said...

ducking maybe someone comming in

Mema Jo said...

Well when the live feed is buffering the image is frozen

I really can't be sure which of our Royal Couple is sitting there in the nest !
And I won't make a guess - lol

paula eagleholic said...

Watching our eagle for the first time on new cam and hd...breathtaking!

Mema Jo said...

They may be there to protect their territory you know.
Just saying by the way they were both gawking upward and around the nest....

I love our Eagles Feather's on this cam

JudyEddy said...

looks like waiting around

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula - weather wise how is your eastern shore property?

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I think it's Belle. When both of them were in the nest, the bird on the right was considerably larger. Don't think they switched so I will go out on a limb and say that is Belle! Whoever it is is beautiful. This is the longest I have seen them with the new cam,

Mema Jo said...

Deb Said she can hear on live feed a yappy bird which may have their attention

I'm too deaf to hear it --- did you all hear it?

JudyEddy said...

I love it where they zip the feathers

Mema Jo said...

You are a brave one Suzan and I agree with you ♥

JudyEddy said...

poof on still

JudyEddy said...

poof on still

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I think I'm right! haha

All I hear is that wind. Turned my sound off.

paula eagleholic said...

Looked like Belle to me.
Jo everything fine at my house. Larry's house is surrounded by water..but no water in it. Think he's going stir crazy.

paula eagleholic said...

I am watching on my phone. Only could hear wind

NCSuzan said...

That was way over a minute that JudyE reported a poof on the still and when there was a poof on the Outdoor. Big difference.

My laptop has a 17 inch screen and with full screen it is like I am sitting in the tree with Belle and Shep. Love the new cam and the effort everyone made to see it become a reality. Thank you!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll be back later this evening. .gotta get dinner ready to go on the grill

JudyEddy said...

WOW didn't think I got that carried away 43 pic are now in the EM album JO I love my table just hit the button compared to snipping and saving faster and easier and I think the resolution is better on tablet that desktop

OK now that the visit is over gonna finish eating dinner

glo said...

awww I missed them again. Thats what I get for going out to mow before dark :-) It might be the last time I have to mow out back this season. I really enjoy Fall so much and since I actually look forward to winter and the ushering in of the eagles I don't find myself thinking about what comes next with anything but delight. I have a coat :-). I do think the cam is going to be so very much more enjoyable this season. We will see our birds in a way we have not really seen them before. Time to think about what's for supper. Kind of thinking maybe just a bowl of cereal. I do hope all of you out on the east coast are doing OK with all this water. Weather extreme's continue in our country for sure.

JudyEddy said...

the flashing light is again on nest

JudyEddy said...

eagle back

Mema Jo said...

The flashing light is really the IR (Infra red) adjusting as it is activated

Hi Glo - I hope this is the last mow - ours was before all this rain so I'm not sure that there may be one more. Take care of those furbabies.


Sandi said...

Wow, i was able to see the fly in on the live cam! I agree with Suzan - with my 17 inch laptop screen on full screen, i feel like I'm up close and personal with our eagles. I may have to keep my iPad next to my laptop all the time so i can post and watch on full screen all the time.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

terrible landing

Sandi said...

I now have the live feed running on my iPad and the image I'm seeing on it doesn't match the image on the live feed on my laptop. I've had the live feed running on my laptop all day so I bet the buffering is what's making the difference.

Sandi said...

There are 2 eagles on the live feed on my ipad but still only 1 on my laptop live feed.

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

poof two

JudyEddy said...

poof two

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...