Wednesday, June 18, 2014


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve. Thanks for the new thread. I'll get the others.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, everyone.

Must have coffee. Will return later.

Janet said...

congrats on the feather stronghunter! thanks steve!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread - what's the news at the nest??

Shirley, thanks for the call over!

Janet said...

I'm a goof. Knew there was a new thread and posted on the old.

Good morning to all.

SANDI: what a lovely name! and I have to concur with HODA, just in dealing with things that I deal with….the veil seems far away to us, but I too think at least in transition, they would have met…..if you haven’t read JOURNEY OF SOULS, now might be a great time to do so.

WANDA: so lovely to hear your voice today! Tears are healing. Tears are real expression of deep emotion. Let them flow. Let them heal. All is well. You are much loved and so glad you got to hold Jaxon. Again, healing.

Today is Chelsea’s 28th birthday, and my neighbor Peggy’s 75th birthday. Lots of celebrating all around.

Went for more acupuncture yesterday afternoon. This time was better than the first time, I sat down, got comfy the therapist placed the needles, I covered my eyes with a little silk cover and promptly went to sleep ! I think the Sandman has an accomplice there as many people sleep there. I woke after about an hour.

After a nice Mexican dinner spent the evening packing the RV. Easier this time…I was more organized I think. I still have a few things to put in there, but mostly done.

Right now, gotta get moving and get ready for work. Everyone have a lovely day! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all...
JUDYE: btw, check with some place like BEST BUY for portable internet cards....I knew someone who used them....this was a couple years ago, so yes, there should be something available.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

We had a lovely day yesterday in spite of the horrible heat and humidity. Not sure what's on the agenda today.

Just checking in to let you know I showed the impressive video of our eaglets to Donna and her Mom.


Wishing everyone a lovely day. Stay in and stay cool.

Judie said...

Oh my. Forgot my manners.

Thank you so much Steve and congratulations to Shirley on her new feather.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you much Steve for the fresh new thread.

Any chance of a ground report from the Nest tree? Still cam has been down since yesterday early am hour.
We are just very thankful that the live feed is up/running.

Congrats Shirley - you needed that feather! What an honor for you and thanks for helping to take care of those little fine feathered friends.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi the petunia is worth a picture to frame. Reminder of your mom and of your granddaughter all in one. ♥

Lynne2 said...

Good morning! I am back with new super quick internet...WOO HOO!

Lynne2 said...

Sandi....the baby is beautiful! I'm going to have to say that along with the petunia showing up at your mom's, and that little precious bundle arriving that I would be inclined to endear her with my own little nickname of Petunia!

Lynne2 said...

My new internet is wonderful! I'm getting the nest live now!! MT at the moment.

JUDY JUDY JUDY....thank a millon zillion for posting so many pictures on FB of our Royal Pair, the Heir and the Spare. I would be missing so much without them.

Lynne2 said...

UGH. It would be just my luck if the babies have fledged.....

Lynne2 said...

I got to see a momma white breasted nuthatch bring her baby to the deck this AM and feed him!!!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed has been running running running - It always is like that when the eagles are not in view.... :(

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - you are speedy today ! ♥

Mema Jo said...

BBL Off to doc

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Food delivery. I saw one babe drop down from the stump but the other is not showing his face. Maybe a fledge?

Lynne2 said...

Fish for lunch....parent in, lots of noise! One baby now in.

Lynne2 said...

SO nice to be able to see and hear!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Still seeing on Capt (I think). I think it is safe bet to say we have had a fledge.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

But I sure am hearing the other one somewhere close calling out.

Sandi said...

With all that noise, I'm wondering if one of the kids has gotten himself/herself higher up in the tree and just doesn't know how to get back down into the nest? Would love to know what the NCTC folks are seeing!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

More food brought in. Still only see 1 eaglet.

Hoda said...

Good morning all for it is still morning here.

Trusting LOLLY and family are having a great time. KAY too.

Still very thrilled with news from SANDI about her Grand Daughter.
Also very pleased that JO will get some Grand Kids time as the parents are doing a weekend with the Second Chance group. Let us know of any news from MICHAEL JO in Haiti.

Safe travels JANET.

Very good to see WANDA here.

Missing MARGY a great deal.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - FB on your page I have given you the site for Haiti and Michael's
group. Enjoy

Mema Jo said...

Tug of war with the food between adult and juvie and sure is a lot of
'stare downs'

JudyEddy said...



to find a fresh new thread


ANY WORD IN THE STILL CAM/\??????????????

JudyEddy said...

for got to check the emaoil box

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

♪♫♪ All alone, I feel so all alone. ♪♫♪

JudyEddy said...

HOME From work and odd google has changed for the second time today ODD huh

its raining just got home and the sky opened up

gonna go out in a bit meet Angie and Carl to watch Jordyn x kindergarten teacher sing Angie said it was for the Idol show She is really good sings ant sporting events and has a band that sings locally

I came home and my cam were still up also JO

I saw one juvie wingersizing and then disappeared no snip tooo fast

and it is my pleasure to do the pictures for the blog and em album and fb page

Mema Jo said...

Two great granddaughters here with me at the table.... These are the Alaska Orphans.... We are doing
crafts! Fun ♥


Lynne2 said...

well, I stopped by the radiology place today when I went for Dr visit and picked up the report of my knee MRI. I have some cysts one large and one small behind the knee cap and on a tendon. I have significant cartilage loss, and bone spurs. That's what I can conclude, will be interesting to see what the Dr has to say. Sadly, I fear surgery might be in my future. BOO HISS!

Lynne2 said...

and I'm FIVE pounds down!

Lynne2 said...

and I'm FIVE pounds down!

Lynne2 said...

and I have to go for a sleep study. UGH!

Lynne2 said...

Ms Bookworm has left a new comment on the post "Sunday":

Hi, Everyone,

Sandi, CONGRATULATIONS to your whole family on the birth of little Freyja Catkin Roberts!!!

FROM ANDY, old thread....

Love the name! So happy for all of you!!!

Glad to hear that Lolly & Jack have arrived safely.

Must go get some laundry done. It's calling my name! Will check back in later today. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

LYNNE what pray tell is a sleep study?
What for?
Sorry about the knee and the possible surgery. Bravo on the five pounds less...

It is cold here today.
Headed out to the Dragon Boat this evening. The lake has white caps so not sure if we are going to go out or not. The coach's call.

A week tomorrow I will be flying to Vancouver to go to a concert in the big city!!! My oh my!!! I will be staying right downtown Vancouver...pretty scary if you ask me...high rise and all and Heaven Help me but I feel uncomfortable...I question my sanity really...who wants to go to the big city???

I love the photos of SANDI's Grand Daughter...pretty cool kid. Is BRIAN the one holding her SANDI?

Lynne2 said...

Looks like some of us are in for some potentially evil weather late tonight....STAY SAFE.

618 PM EDT WED JUN 18 2014

618 PM EDT WED JUN 18 2014




Lynne2 said...

LOL Hoda! I'm not crazy about the "big city" anymore....too much! Too much traffic, too much people.

Sleep study for suspected apnea. It was suggested some time ago and I didn't follow through. The cardio Doc explained in detail how dangerous it can be and has urged me to have one done.

I'm falling apart at the seams!!

Lynne2 said...

nest currently empty.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I still am pretty sure we had a fledge today.

Anyway, I am going to chime in on the sleep study. Several years ago, I had one and it showed I had obstructive sleep apnea. I used a CPAP for a long time, until I had gastric bypass and lost weight. Then the sleep apnea went away. A few months ago, I had to go for another sleep study. The overnight part of the study showed that I did not have sleep apnea so it triggered me to stay for the day part of the study. That is when I found out I have narcolepsy. I can be in REM sleep within 3 minutes when I lie down. Thank God the medicine is helping with that.

Lynne2 said...

Interesting Sharon. Did the CPAP help?

Steve told the Dr months ago that I regularly stop breathing during sleep. Big mouth.....LOL! He doesn't get to come with me any more!

paula eagleholic said...

Nah. Lynne ..just aging lol.

Hope surgery can fix the knee issues..kudos on the weight loss..keep it up !

paula eagleholic said...

Dry and hot here ..had to water flowers tonight

paula eagleholic said...

Jo..any good news from doc?

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon...i agree with your fledge suspicions

Lynne2 said...

LOL Paula! I have a plan....Fix my knee, then my back. Then I can exercise much more! Then I loose weight. BP goes way down, no more BP meds! Sleep apnea goes away, reducing my episodes of AFib, no more Warfarin!

Actually, there has been a VERY notable reduction in my AFib episodes since I gave up wheat. I'm having only one or two a week now! Can't prove that is why, of course....

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne..i have also heard that significant weight loss can make the sleep apnea go away.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The CPAP absolutely helped.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a good plan Lynne..:-)

paula eagleholic said...

My STBDIL is doing the medifast weight loss plan..she has lost 40 lbs so far

paula eagleholic said...

It's a cross between atkins and southbeach diet... NO CARBS but she also is buying and eating their meal plan.

paula eagleholic said...

she does their meal plan up until dinner ..then fixes meat and veggies for dinner

Mema Jo said...

Just took the ggd down to another grandmother for the over night. We went by McDonald's for ice cream cone before we dropped them off.
They do miss their parents but at
least they have each other!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I sure would love to hear something from someone at NCTC to see if they have a visual on Prez.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, Dr Baker's sister and her husband both work for Medifast! Expensive for me. And I am trying very hard to stay away from all processed food. TRYING.

How's Larry feeling this week?

JO...where are yo with your Dr report?

Judie said...

Good evening.

Had a very fun day with our friends from Houston.

Seems everyone is doing okay. Lynne2 has a good plan.

Sandperson is planning to depart in 12 minutes. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Talked to Larry tonight...we were incommunicado since Sunday. The leg is doing better...walking without a cane. His friend is coming up this weekend to go fishing...we'll see how that goes. They both might be fishing with Larry's friend Steve.

I will probably head to Larry's this weekend, too.

My GF that I visited this past Sunday is coming down the following weekend, with her Mom and Stepdad...they are coming in from England for a 3 week they want to come to the beach!

So I have to visit Larry this weekend, or I won't get to see him for a couple more weeks!

Lynne, I know the medifast is pricey...just wanted to let you know that you could do the atkins or south could probably pick up either of those at a used book store...I know people that have had good results on both.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, are you doing the clean eating thing? MY DIL did that for awhile....

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!
See that there are some new grandchildren aboard for Wanda and Sandi's families!!!! And I got an email w/great baby pic from my dear retired pal, boss from the exhibit shop! First grandchild is a girl, born in Dec.

Ms. Jo came to the rescue for me yesterday. Our osprey cam showed a hatch in the AM, so I went on UStream to report the good news, and it behaved like blogger----wouldn't let me on! Emailed dear Jo, and she was able to make the announcement! I put a couple pics in the Nook.(not of the Bobble, yet) Hope to watch tomorrow~~~~a day off and NO appts!!!
Hope Larry is feeling good and Lolly has/had a great trip.
JudyE, how wxciting that your eagles are still there. I know where my daughter is in TX, they usually go north.
Lynne2, my old buddy!!! Hope you get your knee fixed up fine. No wonder it hurts! I also may need some expert animal tips! I realized I've been a little busier here because the Zoo now contains 8!!!! We have our steadfast 2 housecats. 2 of last summer's kittens from stray, feral Blackie (Mom) are staying outside near garage and deck. Another wandering sister of theirs, who went into garage, but wouldn't get in trap to get fixed, had 3 kittens there! Her name is Panda, as she's black and white. Where leaving garage closed so she won't move the family. She somehow got them from the antique car trunk, into a half down window and they are on the backseat floor! I wonder if she's planning to teach them to jump! We have a large container w/fleece padded bottom ready, but don't know if she'll let them stay down!? Time will tell.
Night All, SED
(Yes, we want film of nest at 11 AM!)

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Our nest seems really quiet this morning..

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lynne and all my eagle friends. Nest looks MT.

Paula, good to hear that Larry's leg is healing and that he's feeling well enough to go fishing. Male bonding is good.

Janet, have put Journey of Souls on my Kindle reading list for when I finish 12 Years a Slave. I did read a blurb about it - I don't know how I feel about the whole idea of reincarnation and how it blends (or doesn't blend) with the idea of Heaven, but I am certainly open to reading about it. The description of the book sounds like an interesting idea to explore. Thanks for the recommendation.

Judy, can't help you on the internet card. When we went to Africa, we had no internet when we were tent camping on the Serengheti, had to pay for wifi when we were staying in bungalows at Ngorongoro (but it was cheap, like $5 for an hour) and had free wifi at the hotel in Zanzibar. Have never bought internet cards.

Lynne, happy for you that you have good internet and have lost some weight; sorry about the knee news.

Hope Lolly and Jack and Kay and her family are enjoying their vacations.

Hoda, did you dragon boat yesterday?

Got a few more photos of Freyja yesterday. Why is it that other people's newborns are funny looking but the ones related to you are beautiful? :)

Cloudy here this morning - getting my nails done at 9am then Lena and her doubles partner play tennis at 1pm so I want to go and cheer for them.

Have a great day all.

Sandi said...

Parent arrived. I can only see one juvie. I guess food was delivered but it must be in the NHZ.

Parent has now flown the coop. I can see the tail feathers of one kid.

Sandi said...

Camera is shaking and someone is scratching on/near the microphone. Parent or juvie??? Only 1 in the nest that I can see.

Sandi said...

Lots of noise at the nest though I can't see anyone. Adult calling out and at least 1 of the kids can be heard.

Janet said...

good morning to all.

SANDI; I loved reading JOURNEY OF SOULS ….take what resonates with you and leave the rest. One other recommendation that came to me was by Brian Weiss, Messages from the Masters. I also keep in mind that a book is also open to author’s interpretation as well, but it makes for interesting reading.

Hot and sticky here. Humidity in the 70% ranges . Muggy . Thankful for a/c and pool!

Yesterday was so busy. Work, of course. It was 89 when I got to work, and someone came in for a hot stone massage. UGH. I don’t mind doing those, but I do shake my head when it is so hot outside and someone wants one……each to their own.
Took Chelsea out to dinner last night and then did a small cake at the house. She was thankfully in a better mood than I thought she might be. I think 28 bothers her? When we were alone, she asked me about her birth, and then, for some details about her (excuse term, but only one that fits) her sperm donor…the marriage. She knew it was abusive, but wants some blanks filled in. It was very difficult for me to talk about. But I did manage to answer what she seemed to need to know.
I see Michael still struggling. When Ashley left it really devastated him. He is still very angry. I am concerned for him... He is dating, but thankfully not getting close to anyone.

Anyway! Lighter note. We leave today for Pigeon Forge. I work til 2, then home and get ready to head out . It is 3 hours down the road. Looking forward to the weekend. Amelia is very excited.
Oh, before I head out, we had a visitor last night. It was 9:30 last night and I heard Scout and Seven going bonkers barking outside. Tom went out and they had a baby possum cornered! We caught it and put it to safety over the back fence. They do have a cute face, but their tails creep me out! EWWWWWW I think of Harry Potter’s “wormtail”…rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day all. 

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
One juvie was at 3:00 position but now is gone...
With these actions as to how often we see our juvies there are some of the opinion that they have fledged and aren't just sitting up on the stump. Really wish we had a ground observation......

Things to do this am but I'll be back early afternoon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Prez and Capt are both present and accounted for, sitting at the launch pad. I am so happy to see that.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD morning eagle buds MY MY are they noisy this am chirp peeps

JudyEddy said...

This have settled down now no more vocalizing One juvie is on launch pad sitting down

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eagle Buds! Looks like one eaglet is getting ready to launch! Chirping away, probably at a relative. Sure wish an NCTC person could take a pic!

Although I don't have to go there, got a Park & Rec advisory this AM that Patuxent River Park will be closed due to trees and power lines down on road near entrance! Guess late storm was bad down there. When I was outside last night, could see lots of lightening, but no thunder in the Eastern sky. We got something much later.
Have a good day ☺

JudyEddy said...

We are back to vocalizing again Must be still hungry Or lonely

JudyEddy said...

It sounds like both are in the nest I saw of hop to the stump lots of noise

JudyEddy said...

almost time to go get Jordyn from camp 1130

paula eagleholic said...

No eaglets in view.

paula eagleholic said...

No eaglets in view.

paula eagleholic said...

No eaglets in view.

paula eagleholic said...

Ooops, one just flew in...or hopped stuttered... at the launch pad now

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie calling the NHZ

paula eagleholic said...

Back to the launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

More calling shake...up to the stump

Hoda said...

Goodorming all.

Will head out for a day of yoga and volunteering.

Sun is supposed to be out all day.

I think SHAR is right about the fledge yesterday.
Thank you for making note of it SHAR.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

For some reason I was on a May 19th thread. I am copying and pasting.
Blogger Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
Both in the nest. One at the launch pad and the other everywhere flapping its wings.

Thursday, June 19, 2014 11:51:00 AM Delete

Blogger Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
I just heard sirens pretty close on the cam. Capt is sitting right below the camera and calling out occasionally.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm not totally sure but Capt may have just fledged. He was at the launch pad, his wings went out and the cam froze. When it came back, he wasn't at the launch pad. Not sure about this but maybe.

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


JudyEddy said...

just got here from getting Jordyn she is playing in room at present tooo early to go to the park and play being we don't have to be at her house till 530 so we ate lunch and now at house

I see one juvie at edge of launch pad just barely see him

and my cam kept going off but seems to be ok for now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You can barely see Capt near the launch pad and definitely on the edge of the nest.

JudyEddy said...

fly in looks at edge left bottom

JudyEddy said...

I heard wings flapping and then naturally the cam froze with the arrow but I got a snip of the eaglet on the edge bottom nest

JudyEddy said...

cam seems to be pixalating of

JudyEddy said...

eaglet gone from LP

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lots of herky jerky movements from the cam because of the weather condition.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of wingersizing :)

paula eagleholic said...

Still sprinkling or dripping from tree

paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets in the the tail visible...Capt's

Hoda said...

My sister in Egypt's husband had been sick and in the hospital with a twisted intestine...they had surgery and they thought they solved it. He died this morning. I was surprised as they had released him from hospital only yesterday saying he was alright.
The funeral was held as is tradition. It is too hot to keep the bodies out of the tombs for any longer than over night. We do not go to the cemeteries after sunset.
My sister is incommunicado. Her daughters accepted my messages of condolences.
It is life and it is what it is...

Hoda said...

Very good day here. Had an awesome class this morning and will head out to another this afternoon.

Sun is out.
Went to Indian Vegetarian Lunch.
My computer is working well.
I am having a cup of Earl Grey Tea.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear of your BIL's passing, Hoda. May he rest in peace.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I am so sorry about your brother-in-law. We just really never know. My mom had been in the hospital for what they said was a urinary tract infection. They released her on Friday and she passed away the next day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

On a brighter note, my baby boy's 25th birthday is this Sunday. I am going up on Saturday and spend the night with them. I can't wait!

Hoda said...

I agree PAULA and SHAR we never know and it is all good...we arrive and then we leave and we have sometime to explore and that is all...Blessed Be. It is all good.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet was eating...didn't see..but cleaning beak now.

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday to ANDREW SHAR.
Enjoy your trip both PAULA and SHAR.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I am thinking of you and your family and pray for peace in your hearts. As you say we had yesterday and we have today but nothing is certain about tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Well it is 6:33pm and most of you are
here now or will be here..... I do
need your prayers. My CT shows something on my left lung - not where it had been before. On Wed the 25th I will go as an out patient for the biopsy by the bronchoscopy. I had this before when he placed those gold
markers on the cancer spots for the Cyberknife radiation treatments. Perhaps this could even be something that can be treated with prednisone. I won't know the results until the 7th of July office visit.

This is only for you, my Blogger friends to know. No FB whatsoever.

I have a strong faith as does my entire family and we will make it through this situation in flying colors. Thank you for prayers and good vibs for the successful procedure and wonderful results. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Hoda said...


MEMA JO we are with you we love you we pray for you and we will all go through this together...
Be gone Damn Spot Be gone!!!

I respect and admire your faith and your family's strength and God Keep you all

Mema Jo said...

Check out the live feed - down on the left is that black item one of our juvies?

Hoda said...

I do not see a juvie at the lower left corner JO. I see a dark leaf...

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Jo. We will be with you through this.

Out, out dammed spot.

Love and good wishes.

Please keep us posted.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Food has arrived and one eaglet mantling.

Mema Jo said...

A dark leaf it is

Happy to see the adult bringing in the food and some one being there to
eat it......

stronghunter said...

Was very tired today after much cleaning and a late night playing bridge. Nothing like company to make you aware of all the messes that need cleaning up.

Had gotten an early start and was able to relax a little yesterday, but I just do not recover as quickly as I did When I was younger.

Hunter and Anthony are off somewhere, which is a good thing. I was getting weary of wrestling matches on the sofa. They are not too impressed with the news or Wheel of Fortune.

Mema Jo said...



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Prez and Capt are both home.

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers are with you dear Jo .

Out damn spot !!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to see Larry tomorrow night...haven't seen him since mid May :-)

Nice rain here tonight:-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good for you Paula. Enjoy!! And hug him from us, would ya?

paula eagleholic said...

I will Shar :-)

Judie said...

Dearest Jo, your momster family will be with you each and every step of the way. Momster prayers are powerful.

Hoda, very sorry about the unexpected death of your brother-in-law. May he rest in peace.

Judie said...

Sandperson will be departing soon. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all...

Boy, I hate signing on and reading bad things.

Hoda, how terrible that your brother in law has died. My prayers to you and to your family.

Jo. Doesn't finding something out and having to agony of waiting just suck? You know you have my prayers as well as everyone else's.

Lynne2 said...

Saw Dr for MRI results. Oh dear. Seems like my knee is basically history! There is practically no cartilage, bone spurs, extensive wear, meniscus is in tact but is separating from the bone, blah blah blah. He shot me up with 2 numbing things and a steroid. He went in medially, into a different area, whereas I've had the injections in the past from the outside part of the knee. I FEEL GREAT!! I was bouncing around all over work! WOO HOO! But I over did it AGAIN and now my back is screaming. Have lumbar MRI tomorrow AM. Anyway, this injection is sort of a last resort. If this gets good results, we can continue until we don't get good results. Because of the degeneration, a partial or total replacement will be on the table. I'll be preparing. Will be much more strict on my weight loss, will do my exercises and build up, just in case....

Lynne2 said...

Hey Hey PAULA....

Be gentle with Larry this weekend ;)

What is a "clean" diet?

Lynne2 said...

well, I always seem to never get here (wow, that's terrible English) in time to chat. I miss you guys and love you all dearly!

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say Goodnight to all ♥

Watched 2 Midsomer Murders back to back! Filled up my evening.

Lynne - lots of prayers for you to heal...

Another CT tomorrow and more blood work......... All is well


Thanks for prayers

JudyEddy said...

♥Happy Anniversary♥


HODA so sorry for the loss of your BIL ♥

Keeping you close to heart JO
Out damn spot!! As we say we will Pray you through this ♥

Good to hear Larry is doing better PAULA

LYNNE2 so sorry about your medical issues Hope everything will work out fine in the end Congrats on the weight loss keep up the good work I feel you there always had issue with weight

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne..i believe the clean eating is no preservatives processed foods..a lot like made from scratch

JudyEddy said...

We have momsters and dadster in travel Lolly and Janet be safe out there

sure missing Margy post also and was so good to hear from Wanda

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

God Bless Us All
Prayers JO

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone!

I miss you all so much.

Jo, I'm praying for you and admire your faith so much. You will get through this. I just wish doctors did not make patients wait so long for treatment, news, etc. Do they not know the craziness it causes? Big hugs, Jo.

Sandi, congratulations on your first grandchild!!! What is her name?

Hoda, so sorry to hear the news of your BIL. Prayers for your sister and family.

Love and miss you all...

♥ ♥ ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends! Lori, how great to see you on the blog! Bet you are counting down the days til school is over - I KNOW the feeling!! August 1st isn't far away and will be here before you know it! How is your mom doing after her hospital stay? And how is your dad doing these days???

Jo, you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a simple solution to the spot the doctors saw on your lung, Sending positive energy your way.

Hoda, so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law's sudden death. Prayers for your family.

Lynne, bad news about the knee - hope the shots work for a good long time b/c I've heard that knee replacement is a bear,even though it's worth it.

Busy day here tennis, then a haircut, then a pedicure, then a tennis social in the sfternoon/evening.

Have a great day all.

grannyblt said...

Good bright and sunny morning all. At least one eaglet at the nest now.

Lori, nice to see you here. Keep on, keeping on. There is a distinct light at the end of the tunnel. I'll try to think of more clichés.

Jo, I know you will get through this. Too bad you have to wait for so long for the next Dr. Appointment. Prayers.

Hoda, my condolences to you and your sister's family.

Sandi said...

Morning Lynne. Both juvies in the nest right now - side by side.

Mema Jo said...







Mema Jo said...
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paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

One juvie at the launch pad...

Mema Jo said...

Lori - while Sandi is out with the tennis pros..
Miss Freyja Catkin Roberts

Photos on Sandi's blog page

Lynne - Hoda should be able to tell
you how to cleanse your body - she
has been through it........


Mema Jo said...

Also Lynne - WANDA is the best person to ask about a knee replacement - She swears by it ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning, RED FRIDAY morning, Eagle Pals

My strong prayers are in place for Jo, Larry, Lynne2, and all amongst us with illness, pain, and worry concerns.

Hoda, my sincerest condolences to you on the sudden loss of your brother in law....such a very sad
event (( HUGS))

Congratulations to Grandma and Grandpa Roberts! Lovely name, for the wee lass who will no doubt bring joy and wonder to all the family

I'm back at my own roost now,
house-sitting task is complete.


magpie said...

I sincerely apologize and regret that I cannot be here more to
"make friendly" with all of you, my friends....

still have much going on, work remains busy, computer time is limited, and apartment and other personal details require more time and energy than I can muster sometimes, but one step, one day at a time...

I am pretty much NOT caught up,
and probably won't be able to.

I WILL be on shift with Jewels for July and August, THAT is a bright spot for this ol' Magpie


magpie said...

Do I see Happy Anniversary Wishes are in order for Lolly and Jack ??
Wheee !! Go for many many more, you
awesome two!

Happy Birthday wishes for Andrew...Sharon, have a nice
time with you son and best pal!

My heart is with you, all,

Best Wishes for a Blessed Day
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

Happy Larry Time, Paula !!

okay, "See Ya' Later,"
Precious Pals....

magpie said...

Happy Last Full Day of Spring....
Summer roars in at 6:51 a.m.
[on the East Coast Time]

magpie said...

Oh one more thing:

This is West Virginia Day!
151 years of us being a State...

county and state government holiday

magpie said...

Oh one more thing:

This is West Virginia Day!
151 years of us being a State...

county and state government holiday

JudyEddy said...

Good morning still eagle buds but just for a few more min

getting ready to get Jordyn

GOOD to see you on here MARGY and LORI you have been missed

JudyEddy said...

JUVIE IS at launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back Margy! Love to have you here whenever you can!

And glad to see Lori too. Yes, Aug 1 will arrive sooner than you think!

Juvie still at the launch pad.

paula eagleholic said...


Lynne2 said...



Paula, not totally clean, but very clean!

I know Wanda had great success with her replacement and so did one of my coworkers, and a client as well! I just hope to put it off as long as I can. Hopefully I can continue face though has been beet red since yesterday evening! No hive or anything else, but this is similar to what has happened on oral steroids. Have a call in to the Dr just the same. I really need to wait til Steve gets his license back which could be some time yet due to the massive fines we are slowly payin down!

paula eagleholic said...

Capt is hanging out at the launch pad

paula eagleholic said...

Capt is hanging out at the launch pad

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hoda, so sorry to hear of the loss of your Brother-in-law! ((Hugs)) for you, and prayers for you and the rest of the family.

Have a great day today, and may you have many, many more!

Jo, you are in my prayers, for sure! Out, damned spot!!! We'll just have to pray you, and the rest of us, through this!!

Paula, prayers continue for Larry!
Have a nice weekend with him!

Shar, please give your son my Birthday wishes!

Lynne2, sorry your knee is so bothersome. You're on my prayer list!

Wanda, so good to hear from you! I'm glad that you and GG and the family are doing well. Keep in touch! You are greatly missed.

Good to hear from Lori, too!! Hopefully time will go quickly, and you'll be out of school before you know it!

Margy, great to hear from you, too! Glad you're back home again.
I've missed you!!!

Loretta, WOW! You seem to have a bit of a cat sanctuary going on there--God bless you for that! Hope all continues to go well with them.

Hope that Lolly & Jack and Kay & family are enjoying their trips!

Ken is not home right now. He had to go to the funeral of a young man he used to work with. It was very sudden, and a big surprise to everyone. Hope to have more information later.

I need to go get very busy right now. We are going away for the weekend with my Sis-in-law, to her timeshare in Capistrano Beach, near Dana Point. Bro-in-law is away at a bowling tournament for the weekend.

I'll try to check back in later this afternoon. Have a great day, everyone! I ♥ us!!

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets in the nest....Prez is up on the stump

paula eagleholic said...

Prez at the 12 spot...Capt plotzed on the launchpad

paula eagleholic said...

Wish the dern cam would stay on...

Both at the launch pad

Mema Jo said...

Great breeze up at the nest and a bit of shade..

I resent the email to NCTC about
the still cam being down

CT with dye went well - no hitches..

BBL - Feet up

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Still without my computer for the Internet. Cat-petting is expected, so messaging is complicated.

So sorry about the death of your brother-in-law, Hoda.

Hoping for successful dieting and pain relief, Lynne.

Nice to know that Larry's leg is better, Paula.

Wonderful to see Lori and Margy back on the blog. We have been missing both of you.

Thinking of you, Jo.

What a mess of cats you have, Loretta. They are fortunate to have you looking out for them.

Hunter and I met Kathryn at her work and we all took Luna to the doggy eye doctor today. Traffic was awful southbound on I-95, so we ended up on Rt. 1, which wasn't so good either.

Hunter and Anthony are now busily playing Xbox. Much more peaceful than wrestling matches and bouncing around the house. Yesterday was not peaceful with loud thunder, weather alarms, and kid craziness.

stronghunter said...

The southbound part of our journey was the return trip. Doggy eye doctor is in Northern Virginia.

Hoda said...

Thank you for the condolences.

The Magpie was here. WOW WOW WOW!
Missed you.

Good to see LORI and WANDA too.

Thank you for the update. Keep them coming JO.

LYNNE, clean eating: nothing packaged or canned.
If the first five ingredients are not pronounceable don't eat it.
If the first five ingredients include sugar and salt, any variety of, don't eat it.
If it is conventional , not organic, check the dirty dozen list and don't eat it.
Do not eat fast foods, pizzas, burgers, salads, avocados from fast food restaurants, stores.
They are poison and enlarge the liver also prevent the proper functioning of kidney. Paramount to drinking windshield washer fluid! Same chemicals!

SORRY ALL. Not lecturing. JO suggested I write Lynne about my experience cleansing.

Eat identifiable foods like your Grandma would have served.
Eat complete full meals. No mileage in being hungry.
Do not cut out fat. It is good for our brain. Helps lessen anxiety and depression.

Good luck.

Lolly said...

In town for showers and laundry. Very tired but clean! Awesome weather, having a great time. Back to camp to grill steaks! Love and hugs!

Lynne2 said...

Hoda, I've got much of that in the bag! It's sugar I'm having so much trouble with. But we really are eating MUCH better...more food, fewer food like substance!

Lolly, have been enjoying your pictures on FB!

Hoda said...

Eat an identifiable source of sugar.
Palm sugar, coconut sugar, cane brown sugar would also work in moderation.
The white sugar is now chemicals, not sugar!

We need sugar. Moderation and non-chemical is key.

Drink lemon water if you feel a sugar craving. I have a glass bottle/jar where I cut in slices a quarter of a lemon and refill it several times a day on the same lemon. Cucumber slices also work. Also mint and basil leaves.

If this does not work enough try liquid magnesium. Almost all of us in North America are magnesium deficient. Deficiency symptoms is sugar craving.

Glad you are doing really well LYNNE. Proud of you.

Lynne2 said...

Have been drinking lemon water! Have my lemons at work cut up and ready to plop into my seltzer water. I need my bubbles! I use coconut sugar on my oatmeal and I love it! I take magnesium gel caps daily.

SOOOOOO. I was the talk of work today. Seems that the high dose of the steroid cause some major flushing in my face ( I did talk to the DR ) and I looked like I had third degree sunburn! It's finally calming down this evening, as are the sweats. But my knee feels great!

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Busy day doing touristy things. Need to catch up tomorrow some time.

Sandperson will be departing at 11pm.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, thinking of you.......

Mema Jo said...

Stopping by to say

Goodnight to all ♥

Ready for the pillows very soon.


magpie said...

I might be the last one in the Spring, or maybe an early read in the Summertime!

WV Jerry sent a txt message to me today, wanted me to give a Shout Out Hello to Bloggers who are also Non-FB-ers, that's a rather small smattering of us :)

He is very busy, working 6 days a week, understands the cam of sorts is back on, and
Wishes you ALL the Very Best !

Good Evening Eagle Pals xoxo

Love the food talk, and the ways many of us are changing and improving our eating ways

I learn a LOT from all of you'uns!

magpie said...

I enjoy hearing about the many and diverse activities amongst us...
Tiger Lilies are UP, Butterfly Weed is blooming, and chicory is out too

Best Wishes to ALL on your Busy Busy Days

Jo, glad to hear the dye thingy went just to get with this OUT DAMN SPOT, OUT !

magpie said...

So, now Good Night Precious Pals...
No AC here at the roost...WOOF!
I think it is "just the thermostat"
but it is also the week-end...might be rather stuffy here for a couple of days

Best Wishes for Super Sweet Sleep,
thanks for all the kind words you express....what a Fellowship we do indeed have here!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

NEST IS MT this am

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT right now but I think we may have one juvie in the NHZ.

Cloudy day on tap here in Bethany. Hoping it doesn't rain this afternoon in Rehoboth - we have a wedding to attend.

Prayers for healing for Larry, good news for Jo, and for Hoda and her family at this sad time.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

YEPPER there is the juvie in the nest

JudyEddy said...

adult in with fish

Hoda said...

Happy Summer Solstice
The Longest Day of the Year

Blessed Be

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

In Rehoboth with Larry. He is doing so much better than when I saw him last..which was a month ago. no where near normal..but much improved. The leg is much improved as well.

magpie said...

Hallelujah, Paula....

Good Summer Morning, Every One....

Sandi, I hope YOU get good weather, and also for anyone with outside activities....
but overcast, cool and a little rainy will help me tolerate no A/C...

Going up to get James the Wise Kidster for some time together today....

Best Wishes to Every One, for
a Marvy and Jolly Day

SPLIT not too far from now...
Stay Alert!

xoxo (( Lovins' and HUGS )) to all...

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this First Day of Summer ♥
I read all your comments much much earlier and then got sidetracked.

Paula that is great news about Larry's health. So happy he is doing
much better - Enjoy your weekend
before the Fishing boat leaves the pier.

Hoda have a fulfilled blessed on this the longest day in the year. I have no doubt you will be busier
then ever. ♥

Enjoy your James Time, Margy.

Sandi we are having a few sprinkles - hope it doesn't cross the bridge to DE. May the wedding be beautiful!

Good to have seen Lori and Wanda here yesterday. I follow them on FB but feels like old home week
when they show up here on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

Judy your countdown is getting nearer to your day of vacation. I
just know you will have a blast - you
are very fortunate to have Angie who
includes you in all the activities.
Thinking about you and I know we'll get tons of pictures!
Thanks for this morning's nest pictures ♥

Mema Jo said...

6/21/14 12:35pm Just brought up the cam - Side by Side....... We have had a few raindrops..
I guess it is snooze time - Love our Juvies ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Getting ready to hit the road!
Not taking my laptop, so you won't hear from me until late Monday. Should be fun to explore Dana Point Harbor shops, and walk around by the beach.

Oops--Sis-in-law has a dead battery, so might take a bit to get jump-started and all. We're taking 2 different cars, 'cause she has a major conference call/meeting early Monday morning for which she has to be back at work in Anaheim. We can stay a bit later than that before returning home.

I will be praying for all on the medical issues list, and those on the road, not to mention everyone else, just for good measure. Hope you all have a great weekend (the first of our official Summer!).
Miss Emma is going to be at "puppy camp" but will be thinking of you, too! Ken says hi to everyone. I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Andy! Good to hear from you and your weekend plans sound terrific!
Be sure to bring some trinkets home

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch

JudyEddy said...

and only 4 more lunches at work on my countdown

JudyEddy said...

both juvies in middle of nest AWWW

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

DERN it and I don't have snip on this puter

JudyEddy said...

and the still is still down

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...