Monday, June 02, 2014


New thread.


Kay said...

Thank you, STEVE ! I'll alert the others !

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Thanks Steve!

Thanks Kay!

No news on the cam - rats! :(


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread.

Congrats Miss Kay on your feather. Great way to start the week.

Again, safe travels for Paula and for Jo and Mr. Jo.

Going to do some clothes sorting today then we head to Occoquan for dinner with some residents. After this, if Darth is uncommitted, I will remain silent.

Wishing everyone a glorious morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning again and Thank you
Steve for the fresh new Monday thread.

Kay - what a welcome back - new feather and all. Hope your trip was enjoyable but we and Penny are glad to see you. You are so excited you are stuttering! lol

Mema Jo said...

Judie - prayers for Frank's acceptance! I hope they help!

Mema Jo said...

Just saying that every time I try to open our cams my heart stands still with anticipation of seeing how our two eaglets have grown and I pray they are still in the nest when our cams come on.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi enjoy your last full week!

Candy has retired from her many years
in the Kindergarten - I wish her well in her future.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thank you, Steve for the new thread! Hi there, Kay!

Annie continues to not eat! She did not eat last night and has not eaten this morning. Put favorite, fresh food in front of her....she turned away. Not interested! Sigh..... She is also drinking much less at the sink. Still loves being scratched under the chin and behind her ears. Responds well to that!

Gotta keep busy today. Going to do just a little yard work and then maybe shop for some new bedroom curtains.

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Signing off:

Not sure when you will read me again but just remember even with rain that
a day at the beach can't be beat.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

The NJ vacation was perfect from start to finish ! Visited the old Doris Duke estate, now Duke Farms, and found another eagle nest/cam with 3 eaglets the same ages as our Prez n' Capt. For a look Google Duke Farms and go from there.

PAULA, so glad Larry's feeling better and gaining weight ! The worst is behind him now--yeah !

LOLLY, poor Annie--she's earned her promotion after 20 years, but I know it will be hard on you and JACK.

SANDI, I'm rarely speechless, but that's the way the Lynnis situation leaves me. Prayers !

Just back from one vacation and putting emphasis on another. Eileen, I will be in CO with her 2 kids for a week. June 14-17 in Boulder and 18-21 in Ft. Collins.
My son, Lee, is joining us from the 16-19th. Good times ahead. Penny gets another staycation at Julie's. She and Malcolm spent the last two weeks together without a hitch, so she'll be happy to be there again.

Kay said...

Aw, shucks, JO, I just missed you, but thanks for the welcome back ! You're right---these feathers always make me stutter. Will envision you having happy, happy days at the beach !

Congrats to CANDY !

Kay said...

JUDIE, fingers crossed in hopes that DARTH will find the Occoquan residents charming and inviting !

Mema Jo said...

Safe journey today, Paula - Try to enjoy some of your trip and not make it all business!

Lolly said...

Kay, we will be at Rocky Mt. Natl. Park, June 17-24. After that we might go somewhere else in CO. Have not decided. However, we will be camping with Laurel and family on those dates. We will be so close to each other!

Lolly said...

We are leaving 2 weeks from today. We take two days to get to the park. So, so very ready!!

Kay said...

LOLLY, this just makes my heart pound and causes a sad lump in the throat. So close and yet so far away. We will probably do a day trip into Estes Park on the 15th, but will depart Boulder on the morning of the 17th in route to Ft. Collins. We've all been in RMNP many times. When a kid we camped there on every trip to see mother's sister in North Platte, both ways from Tucson. Then my parents, sis and b.i.l. lived in Boulder in the 60's. I lived in downtown Denver for a few months in 80'. A heavenly State with the Park being it's crowning jewel in my opinion. Will be thinking of your family and the fun you'll be having !

Kay said...

LOLLY, as I recall, you travel with a laptop. I'll take your e-addy along and will try to check in via Lee's puter. Who knows, we may go to the park one day from Ft. Collins. The kids and grands will all do some hiking while there. I'll be parking myself at a picnic table where I can observe people---often better than a trip to the zoo ! Anywho, if there's a way to see each other only for a few minutes we'll find it.

Kay said...

Just went to Duke Farms where the eaglets are doing major wingersizing in prep for branching--guess that's what our two are up to about now. At DF they are in a sycamore tree, too. The cams are so deceiving. They had an outline of the nest size on the floor under the screen at the orientation center. The nest is at least queen bed size, but on cam it looks very small.

NatureNut said...

Good Monday to everyone! Safe travels for Paula and Jo.
Happy to read Lori's Mom got to go home. Hope they solve her problem ASAP. Glad that Larry is feeling better and Laurel is surviving w/bad elbow.
Lolly, so sorry about Annie. Have to remember ALL the years of joy your family and she brought to each other. ♥
Jo, glad they caught Anthony's Lyme early. He will be fine.
Sandi, it's so unusual to have these birthing problems. Your DIL is probably trying to make the birth very simple by only having the parents there. Could be fear. You should certainly see baby at the nursery even if the Mom does not want visitors. And Good Wishes for last day of school!

Lolly said...

Just finished walking and boy am I sweating! Watched the Pittsburgh eagles while walking.

Kay, we take the laptop but since we will be in the park we will be dry camping. That means no electricity or water hookups. I will keep my phone charged but not sure if we will have service in the park. I will send you my cell number just in case. At the park we camp at Moraine Campground. Even know the site number but do not have it right now.

Lolly said...

We have camped there for years too. It goes back to about 1970. We tent camped. We liked to go in Sept., but when the kids started school we moved to June. We carried the kids on our backs as we hiked. Gone are those days!! LOL
So very glad Joseph and Jacob get to experience tent camping, too. Last time we went Michael and family went too. Wish they were going as well, but Ash is not a tent camper. The ritzy hotel with the great spa is her idea of camping. ☺

JudyEddy said...

ON lunch and find a fresh brand spankin new THREAD


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Please say a prayer for us. We have Buddy at the vet. He will be crossing the Rainbow Bridge today. Sad sad day.

Sandi said...

Oh Shar, I am so sorry to hear about Buddy. Poor Thelma - please tell her I'm thinking of her, too. Like you said, sad, sad day.

JudyEddy said...

SHAR so sorry for the loss of Buddy

JudyEddy said...

BAEA 200 Bangor Mom
Mom Bangor will be released tomorrow at 2:30 PM in Brewer. The location is the Penobscot County Conservation Association, 570 North Main Street, at the back of the clubhouse, in the field adjacent to the river. Please wish her well!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Oh, my. Lolly, so very sorry that Annie is not eating! We've been there, done that with a few of our cats, and it's pure torture. Prayers for Annie, and for you and Jack!...Really hoping that you'll be able to get together with Kay on your camping trip. Only 2 weeks to go!...Hope that Laurel is improving, too. Prayers!

Shar, my heart is breaking for you and Thelma! This day is just incredibly sad and difficult!! Praying both of you, and Buddy, through this.

Paula, glad that Larry is doing better! That's great!!

Well, I managed to get all my work finished and back to the doctor's office. Now to figure out how I'm going to vote tomorrow!

Judie, hope Darth gets motivated to move! The place sounds very nice. Hoping & praying for the best for you!

Well, I need to go get some things accomplished around here. Will try to get back here tonight after dinner. I'm thinking of all of you, and you're all in my prayers. I ♥ us!!!

Judie said...

Evnin' all.

Back from a very pleasant and friendly visit. People there are so very nice and helpful. Now to remain silent.

Shar, so very sorry for you and T-Bird. Buddy is fine now. Be strong.

Hi Andy. Hugs to you and Emma.

Going to put my feet up. Hope Paula and Jo had safe travels today.

Janet said...

Light and love, comfort for the families of Anne and Buddy......

been a busy day. went down to the permit office, never got started on the pool deck last year. they said it could likely be extended. went to harbor freight and bought a jack hammer. with all the projects and the massive bedrock under our grass.....cheaper to buy than to rent.

house is straight. I spent the p.m. scrubbing the carpet on the boat. it had mildew. oxyiclean scrubbed it right off. yeah!

tom helped me to stake the tomatoes. they have outgrown the cages and one cage is wimpy and tomato and all fell over. ihave some green tomatoes the size of golf balls already!!!!

I am liking Mondays off. nice extension of the weekend.don't feel so rushed to clean .... this is my "long" work week. back to it tomorrow thru Friday. I have classes this weekend.

hope everyone is doing okay. thinking of each of you!

Judie said...

Fell down asleep in my tv chair. Sandperson woke me up with all the clattering in the hall closet.

Prayers of comfort for Shar, T-Bird, and Lolly and Jack.

Headed across the hall to watch the news then dent the pillows.

Sandperson is leaving early. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

So sorry about Buddy, Sharon.

Sleepy--my eyes are very tired. See you tomorrow.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Travel day went well..the flight from Salisbury to Philly was cool..flew to see Rehoboth and cape henlopen...the Delaware bay too..neat flight.
Safely here in Alexandria MN where the sun rises at 530 and doesn't set till 853..pretty cool!

Prayers and hugs for Shar and Tbird .

Lolly said...

Sounds like your flight was great! Hope you enjoy this trip, Paula!

Still the same with Annie, we have not taken action yet. She has eaten maybe a teaspoon full today. She goes to the door and asks out, open the door and she just sits. She is also silent, guess that is the hardest. She has always been such a talker. She is still enjoying under the chin scratches. She is not in pain, she walks okay, guess that is why we are dragging our heels.

Did get new curtains today...on sale!!! And some new summer clothes. (Trying to make myself feel better????)

Time to head to the pillows. Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

good evening.
Thinking of SHAR and T BIRD.
Glad you arrived safely PAULA.
Safe travels LOLLY.

Good day here.
I am exhausted.
Paddled hard.
Was invited to join a racing team, by the Coach.
Was invited to go to a festival!!! That is Dragon Boat racing!!
Oh my I must meditate on that!!!
Am will mean I have to become a bit more fit this summer...

Good night.
God Bless Us All.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Thinking of Sharon and Thelma this morning and how sad they are to wake up in a house without their Buddy.

Judie, I'm anxious to hear what Darth has to say about your visit yesterday.

Hoda, congrats on your invite to join the racing team - you go, girl!

Jo, enjoy this beautiful weather - hope your week isn't all work!

Lolly, prayers for you as you and Jack decide what to do with Annie. I understand dragging your feet.

Prayers continue for Larry's healing and for Lori's mom.

Have a good day all. I wonder if Dana's school year is over yet - she always finishes before I do?

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

good morning. have a lovely Tuesday!

Hoda said...

Good morning all
Need to sleep more!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning from the land of sun & sand. Trip down was pleasant with not much traffic.
No plans other then to relax.
I lost my links for the cams but I don't see any comments that they are up.
Take a moment to remember Thelma's Buddy as he went over the Rainbow Bridge.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Cam is still not up, Jo. Just checked it.

Annie did not eat last night nor this morning. Need to have a talk with Jack.

Going to walk and water pots. May do a little closet cleaning today. It has been bugging me. I know...Lollypoloozing! Is that the right word?

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

First thoughts today are of THELMA, SHAR and their dear Buddy. He was quite the lovable guy as we could tell by THELMA's avatar.

Greetings to lucky JO, basking in the sun by the seashore and wiggling toes in the sand !

HODA, kudos to you for the team invite ! Hope you got the extra zzzz's !

PAULA, happy your travel day went well. Your description flying over the DE shore reminded me of one of my best vacations ever. When Seth was one year old we went from their Bowie, MD home to Cape Henlopen, feeling so good that his first critical year was over and he was well enough to go to the seashore !

JUDIE, "remaining silent" has to be an agonizing exercise ! Hope DARTH comes round to your point of view re:Occoquan.

LOLLY, I'll be taking all your contact info with me just in case, but I know our meeting up is a remote possibility. The only feasible days are the 18th and 19th and I've no idea what the rest of the family has in mind. At this age and stage of life I just go along for the ride. ☺ If Annie is in no pain I don't blame you for putting off her Rainbow Bridge trip. Love her as long as possible !

Time to get set for an ear lowering session and a Kroger run.

Love and prayers for all in need.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Going to do my own Lollypaloozing and clean out another closet today. Hey Lolly, race-ya!

Sorry about Buddy and the tough decision now for Annie.

Hoda, once again I suggest you get out, meet some people, and get active. You will certainly enjoy life. Seriously, congratulations. Your blog family is proud.

Sure miss the cam. Decorah three are about to fledge.

Isla is still incubating but there will be no babies.

Happy Paula had such a nice travel day and Jo is enjoying her surf and sand.

Darth has not said anything although is is preoccupied with a flat tire and a meeting this afternoon. Silent is very difficult for me but know that he does not respond well to what he calls nagging. I must wait.

Oh, forgot from yesterday. My apology to Candy. Congratulations on retirement. I hope you enjoy every single day.

Okay, off to the closet. BBL

Lolly said...

You may beat me, Judie! ☺

Hurting now...called the vet, we are taking Annie in at 2:45. 3:45 your time. No reason to put this off. She is not going to get better. She is sleeping all the time, not eating.

Judie said...

Very sorry for you and Jack. We all can understand how difficult this decision is for you. Compassion for Annie is the priority. She has had a good life with a loving and caring family.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch

LOLLY my heart is hurting for you and Jack Hard decision but the best

Just checked in on several camera all is good in the eagle community out there Have now just the DukeFarms and the Wildlife #cam 3 on with listing to Heart Radio

JudyEddy said...

JO remember the link to the live feed and the still cam are on the main blog page under DEBs picture
but here it is


Still Cam

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, my heart is with you today. Pets are such a joy to love and so painful to lose. :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, my heart is with you today. Pets are such a joy to love and so painful to lose. :(

Hoda said...

Love for ever.
I agree with JUDIE and SHAR.
Blessed Be.

Lolly said...

Annie is gone. I petted her to the end. The vet was wonderful. She did not like the IV and let them know! That was my Annie! Jack is laying her to rest along with Bosco and the many others.

My heart is breaking but we are relieved it is over. We knew it was time but oh so very hard.

Sandi said...

Oh Lolly, I am so sorry for the pain you and Jack are feeling right now. You made the right decision but knowing that doesn' make the loss any easier to handle. Twenty years with a pet is a long time.

Judie, I hope you don't explode! Quiet is almost impossible for me, even when I know it's the best option. Good luck.

Lots of school work for me to do this evening so I will see everyone in the early AM.

grannyblt said...

So sorry to hear about Buddy and Annie. They were well loved and will be missed.

Janet said...

afternoon love and hugs to all, but especially to Shar and
Thelma...Jack and Lolly. Comfort and hugs....

about the same around here. summer time pattern has set in. work this morning. pool this afternoon. washing a bit of laundry. will water plants later. tacos for dinner.


NCSuzan said...

Lolly, so so very sorry about Annie. I felt like I knew her as you so beautifully talked about her and her very special personality.

Also, Shar. Had hoped Buddy would recover. I know it is especially hard for Thelma. Thinking of everyone with empty corners of their houses tonight.

NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

Been home for a bit
after going BACK to Shoe Carnival for the 3rd time Three is a charm I hear LOL One shoe fit great the one I tried on of course but the other I couldn't curl my toes in meaning need a wide with of bigger size I told them I must missed them and had to come back LOLThey were so great being I had returned them last week for a different shoe But I am happy now I hope LOL

Been out side talking with my neighbor Ken watching the birds in his feeders He had a woodpecker and I just knew if I went to get the camera it would be gone just like every time I see on on the pole pecking at it so I didn't even go get it and sure enough not but a min was gone

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly and Jack...I am so sorry about your Annie .. I felt like I knew her as well. love and hugs to you both.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening
I am sad to hear of Annie and Buddy both heading over the Rainbow Bridge
Sending healing prayers for your broken hearts.

Rained a bit earlier but mor is in the forecast.

Judie, you'll know when the time is right to corner Frank for a :yes:

Mema Jo said...

My internet time has expired.
Everyone stay well and HAPPY

Good night to all SED

Lolly said...

Jack cooked comfort food for dinner, an omelet and a bottle of wine!

Really appreciate your comments, presently the tears have stopped but basically have run down my face all afternoon and evening.

He also distracted me by telling me to go out to his shop. He has been rebuilding my grandfather's Milwaukee Talking Machine. Needles just arrived from England. Received 78 records last week. He is not finished, but he cranked it up and it plays!

We were going to give it back to my brother, but I want him to keep it.

stronghunter said...

Had a glass of wine this evening while walking the backyard and sitting on the porch. Now I am thinking I will sleep well tonight.

So very sorry about Annie and Buddy. I am sure they greeted each other when they passed over the bridge.

We have two very old cats here, and I understand how these things are. Funny thing about George and Lucky--they had a "fistfight" yesterday. A few meaningless slashes. Generally, they tolerate each other, but they are two grumpy old men.

Fort Collins is a wonderful place, Lolly and Kay. We have enjoyed our visits there. I hope you two can get together somewhere in Colorado. One thing that impressed me about my brother Jim. He certainly knew a heck of a lot about the state of Colorado, especially for a guy from North Carolina.

Judie, I am voting for Occoquan. It's closer to Fredericksburg.

Lynne2 said...

evening all...

I have posted to both on FB, but want to reiterate my condolences to the guardians of Annie and Buddy. Sending you furbabies to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for you is never easy.

Lynne2 said...

I'm sure everyone is familiar with it, but just in case....

The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies
that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm
and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health
and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and
looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs
carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your
special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your
life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together

Author unknown

Lolly said...

Oh, I am not sure, Shirley about Annie and Buddy. Annie's personality was so strong I am not sure she could change. LOL She is probably hissing and yowling so loudly that she will tick off everyone on the other side of the rainbow bridge!

Lynne2 said...

Internet here has been giving me fits. Working MANY extra hours. Sigh....

Tonight there is lightning and thunder and I went outside to watch from the deck...and what do I FINALLY see, but LIGHTING BUGS! Lots of them!

Meg, the boss lady's daughter also found some Wood Frog tadpoles and raised them us so we let them go down in the Soggy Bottom area of the farm.

I have a Catbird incubating in one bush and Mock Hudson and Doris Day, the resident Mockingbirds, are raising a family in an evergreen very close by!

Steve found a baby Robin wandering in the open with an hysterical mother making a fuss so we place it under some cover.

There are lots of baby Tree Rats, too! They are adorable, but making walking the dogs a serious battle of wills!

Lynne2 said...

We planted about 16 sweet potato slips...holy cow! I had to order them from the garden center and had no idea how many there would be! We also planted some sweet peppers for Steve, some tomatoes, a cauliflower, and sunflowers.

My GG Morning Glories are really growing fast now, too!

Lynne2 said...

All this and only 204 days til CHRISTMAS!

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Will watch the news then head for the pillows.

Sandperson is almost packed and ready to depart. I suggested he delay a visit to Shirley in case the wine has done its job.

Night light is on. JudyE will probably set the alarm. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Lynne, your new abode and living experience sounds awesome. I do hope and pray you are enjoying it and it is working out for you two.

My head hurts. Going to read for a while.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Lots of baby critters around here, too, Lynne. At least I am seeing signs of them. A couple of blackbirds go nuts every time I go outdoors. I feel sure they are guarding a nest.

stronghunter said...

Planted some gerbera daisies in front today--also some lily bulbs and nasturtium seeds. Worked up quite a sweat. That effort and the wine should help me sleep well tonight.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, maybe some severe weather here tomorrow night. Same storm that is in the midwest now. Hope all is well in Columbus, Kay.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, maybe some severe weather here tomorrow night. Same storm that is in the midwest now. Hope all is well in Columbus, Kay.

Judie said...

Stuttering. Hmmmm, have some more wine Shirley.

Good night.

Lolly said...

That made me smile, Judie!

Heading to the shower and getting comfy. Jack is sawing logs in his chair.

Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...


Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Woke up three hours ago!
I see a nap in my future today.
Blessed Be all of our day's experiences.

Janet said...

good morning.

sending extra loving thoughts to LOLLY today and still to Thelma and SHAR.

have bats in the belfry this a.m. can't seem to wake up and shake it off..

have a great day all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Wednesday morning to all
Bright sunshine today but calls for some storms later,

I sure miss seeing the nest action
Prez and Capt could really have the net in a

Thinking of Lolly as I still after all this time l still look for Mr Marvin & Mr Scar.

I will be back later - enjoy your day

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone! I thought I'd share this joke for all you panda fanatics and grammar-checkers here (you know who you are!!):

"A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, 'Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn't pay for your sandwich!'

The panda yells back at the manager, 'Hey man, I'm a PANDA! Look it up!'

The manager opens his dictionary and sees the following definition for panda: 'A bear-like mammal of China, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves.' "


Have a great day everyone!

Bird Girl

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Remember that closet I was going to tackle yesterday? did NOT happen. MAYBE today...we shall see.

Laurel is doing better, but is disappointed in that it still hurts and wonder why it hurts where it hurts. She leaves Saturday for CO. Looks like she will be returning to the doctor after that. Please continue the prayers. She also says a lump has developed.????? Certainly do not know what that is!

stronghunter said...

Eats Shoots and Leaves

Have you read the book?

grannyblt said...

Funny Delphia. Shirley, that is on my TBR list.

grannyblt said...

Funny Delphia. Shirley, that is on my TBR list.

JudyEddy said...

Good Afternoon almost said good morning LOL

BOO HOO another day no camera :-(

I wonder if its coming by camel or pigeon carrier

JudyEddy said...

I meant to say the part for the camera and left that line out I think you may have figured it out

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Really missing seeing our eagles.

JudyEddy said...

Watching the White Rock nest they are being dive bombed by a crow
Love that view

JudyEddy said...

You would think the crow would stop the last two days meals have been crows

Judie said...

More stuttering. Is Lynne also drinking wine? Are Lynne and Shirley together? If so, where could they be? In the wine cellar? Behind a large Sycamore that has no camera? Tune in tomorrow for As the Blog Turns!

Lolly, will not tease about the closet. However, in your honor, I did clean mine and there is a sign that states: This closet has been Lollypaloozaed.


stronghunter said...

Maybe those crows are just not that smart, Judy.

Hey, Lynne, what kind of wine do you like?

JudyEddy said...

PAUL posted this ""Fantastic ISS Flyover at 9:00 pm tonight. The space station will be moving from SW to NE. Max height in the sky will be 66° (little more than 3/4 above the horizon) Check out out! Skies should be clear!"""

gotta make sure I go out

JudyEddy said...

EAGLET at Dollywood Graduate to Hack Tower- American Eagle Foundation Enjoy a memory from May 21st. - We see the eaglets' last day in the nest and the removal of the two eaglets from Isaiah and Mrs. Jefferson's nest, and one eaglet fostered by Hero and Volunteer. The eaglets were examined, weighed, banded, and taken to their new digs at the AEF Hack Tower.

Lynne2 said...

evening all! Can't stay long just now, have to get in the shower, possible storms on the way....

Looks like you all south of me will get more storms, and north of me much more rain.

Lynne2 said...

Well, my right knee has been getting worse and worse and I went to the Dr today and he feels that given my symptoms, type of pain, exam, etc. that a piece of cartilage has broken off and might well be the cause of my misery. So I have an MRI next week. If it is, surgery will be in my future.

I'm SO tired of PAIN!! I have also been having worsening back pain, but different than usual. I'll be seeing a Dr for that next week.

GGGRRRRRRR!! I hate all of this, but I finally accepted defeat. I've had these issues for many years, they are not getting better, only worse. Time to take action!!

Lynne2 said...

Meanwhile, Lolly...I'm very upset for poor Laurel and concerned about that lump. Sure hope she'll be OK for her trip and that she can be seen again right away afterwards!

Lynne2 said...

Must run....will be back if weather permits. If not, I'll check back when I can!

OH! The good news is that my blood pressure is now GOOD! I've had good readings for the past 3 checks!! Whew! And while I haven't lost too much weight, about 5 pounds in the past 7 weeks since stopping wheat consumption, there are some noticable improvements....much less allergy aggravations, much less tired! Now if I could just lose the darn sugar habit.....LOL!

JudyEddy said...

Hope you get some relief at the doc LYNNE2
Just saw the ISS flyover

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all
Delphia I liked your joke - thanks.

For the first time in all these years of going to the OC boardwalk
hubby and I rode the train yp to 28th street and then the entire way back to where we started. FUN but that ocean breeze chilled you to the bone.

Healing prayers for Laurel - I certainly hope it can be corrected to not have any pain.

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Lynne2, sorry about all the pain but am glad you will be getting some diagnostics and can move forward toward relief.

The Sandperson's alarm is set and a satchel should be ready by 1lpm. Departure will follow.

Going to shut down. Storming here with very heavy rain. TV is out.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne I hope your knee can be diagnosed and corrected - you need that knee for "walking the dog"

I have had good strawberries this week.

Shirley, I am not a wine drinker but I hope you find the flavor you prefer

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Closing the laptop down...

Goodnight to all SED & AOYP

stronghunter said...

Not much of a wine drinker, either, Jo. Do not pay attention to Judie. I did not go for another glass just because she suggested it.

I hear thunder outdoors tonight.

Glad that you are taking action against that pain, Lynne.

Going to say good night now. I will see you all tomorrow. SED.

NatureNut said...

ARRGGH! Just wrote a BIG comment and when trying to post, "IE has stopped working". Lost it all.
Bee back in a flash. Maybe I should write notes elsewhere, like Word, then copy & paste!!!
Need H2 O

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Busy week..class during the day..then dinner..then working in my room at night.

Very pretty of 10,000 lakes. Ate by a lake today during was right on the water. Had walleye (a type of fish)..very good.

Will have to catch up later..time for bed.

SED love and hugs for all.<3

NatureNut said...

Condolences to Lolly, Jack and Sharon and Thelma. Hope your sadness will pass and you can think of all the joyous times spent with your beloved pets.

Been trying to get on here for a few nights, but the konking in lounge chair, getting clothes ready to give away, and other stuff has been keeping me away from 'puter.

Wanted to tell Jo and other Osprey fans that the Pax Park Osprey cam on UStream is now showing the older, original cam nest. It's in the edge of Jug Bay and visible from the the big white "Gun Club" office and boat ramp. TU I saw that she had 3 lovely eggs. (I think some were late on egg laying this year, or weather interfered.) The other nest had 3 sets of eggs w/no hatch.
Tuesday was Frankie jrs.' B'Day and today is daughter Sherry's. We are now both 39!
We had another birthday here Monday night~~~~
"Panda Pulls a Fast One!!" ~~~~
As some might know, at the end of October, we saw some late summer kittens. A feral black female cat, Blackie, has visited occasionally for a couple years and usually gets some food if seen. We hadn't seen her since late July, but by winter she and all 4 wild kittens would visit. When we went to TX for Xmas, Fubby was able to leave garage door open a little, but still lock it. Stepson, Dennis, came by to feed our 2 house cats and leave some food outside. Since then, 2 kittens have stayed around, 1 took off altogether and little black and white Panda visits now and then. Weren't sure of sex, but she was so tiny, thought she was female. Female who stays here was trapped and fixed. Finally, on Monday, Frank saw Panda go into garage, got the trap and closed the doors. After checking, she wasn't trapping. She was BIRTHING! She was on the back floor in a nest made with an old comforter that was sometimes a car cover. Today,(Wed.) F couldn't find them. He looked with a flashlight and they had moved to the comfort of a black carpeted trunk in the lime green '72 BUICK!!!! How she got up there and even survived all this, I'll never know!

Hoda said...

Very sad day in Canada!
Five RCMP officers down.
Three dead Two in hospital.
Moncton New Brunswick suburb on lock down as shooter is still at large.
He apparently does not like the RCMP!!!
Targeted the uniform.
Prayers for all involved including the shooter.
I hope they subdue him before he causes more damage to himself or others.
I hope he can get the help he needs.
Prayers for The RCMP FAMILY.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Thursday.

Hoda, I am so sorry to hear your tragic news - today's world is indeed a scary place.

Lynne, your new back pain could be the result of your knee pain - you would logically walk differently b/c your knee hurts, which could be stressing something in your back.

Haven't been on the computer much the past 2 days - I have scratched my cornea. Vision is still blurry so it;s hard to see the right keys on the keyboard.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Today is the first day I will have Jordyn for the full day for summer vacation We are going to the Great Explorations today

Angie said I didn't have to pick her up till 9 said I could sleep in I wish someone would have told my body that I woke up at 7 so I will go ahead a get her now Talk at ya later

Hope everyone has a super duper day in no matter what your days plans

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoping to see our eagles soon.

Looks like a great vacation, Paula.

Happy birthday, Thelma.

Prayers for the RCMP, Hoda.

Hope today is pain-free, Lynne.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all

Loretta that is quite a cat story. Panda called your bluff - lol.
The old original Osprey nest - must be a new clutch because earlier I had seen about 3 eggs but a crow was in the nest. I'll have to start watching again.

Hoda times are horrific - such destruction of life caused by one Waco. Prayers for all.

Judy enjoy your day with Jordyn

Judie has Frank given you the go ahead for your forever move?

Sandy I am sorry to hear about the scratch on your cornea. Pray it heals quickly.

Shirley - Is baseball still in your schedule? Bowling? Bridge?
You gotta keep up the pace - lol

Mema Jo said...






Mema Jo said...



Going to Salisbury for Red Lobster
dinner with hubby's brother and wife.

Be back whenever - take care

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

♫♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR THELMA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♪♪♪ Holding you in my thoughts and prayers as you make another transition--we encounter so many of those on this journey. May Buddy RIP.

LOLLY, same sentiment goes out to you. Annie has a lovely resting place now and you have many good memories of the spunky, sassy cat you enjoyed and nurtured for all those years !

HODA, sad news indeed and the sort we don't often hear emanating from Canada. Hope they zero in on that terrorist very soon.

SANDI, sorry to hear about the cornea scratch--ouch !

LYNNE2, may you and your medicos find answers and solutions, pronto !

JO, I will be looking for replies from the gals you had questions for. Hmmm, Red Lobster. Makes my mouth water just to think of it.

We're finally back to sunshine, so cleaned the deck in preparation for some time there with Penny this afternoon. First I must head for the dentist to get my pearly whites rejuvenated. I hope for cleaning only and no findings of other work needed !

Love and prayers for all !

Hoda said...

Good morning.


Thank you.
The suspect is still at large.
Heavily armed 24 year old French Canadian from New Brunswick.
Neighbourhood still on lock down.
He has been spotted three times by RCMP.
The first officer down was shot in the back!
That is one disturbed kid! He needs help.

JudyEddy said...

HODA they had coverage on that here in Fl said he was only 24 so young Scary the world where a young person can snap

Went to the Great Exploration and was there for a bit then went to eat lunch and was heading back there when Jordyn said OMA lets go to your house I need a nap LOL so guess what she is napping

JudyEddy said...

two days ago when I got up before work no the news they were talking about a lady got car jacked but two thuds 15 / 17 years old they beat her up and stole her car it was in Clearwater where it happpend but found the car a block from my house When I walked out there were helicopters circling over head that was scary

JudyEddy said...

on the news no no the news

NatureNut said...

Thinking of you.

Jo, what a yummy vacation you are having! And thanks for the #1 osprey nest reminder. I do remember that their first eggs got attacked by crows. Need to talk to Greg K about them.

Paula, enjoy your trip. Sure sounds like something a little different than here. More yummy seafood! Thumbs up for Larry.

Sandi, so sorry about your eye. Are you able to attend the last week of school? Hope it heals ASAP.

Judie, is there a moving adventure in your future???

Hoda, prayers for all the officers and families. I don't know what's going on in society these days. Isn't anyone taught right from wrong?
Just got fwd. email of new Park Naturalist pics of ospreys "flying"!!! Guess he was out on a boat. Asked permission to show his pics.

Lolly said...

Helloooo! Shame on me....did not say good night nor good morning! I think I just flaked out! This morning after breakfast, I headed outside and just came in, soaked in sweat. I am in for the rest of the afternoon.

Glad you are getting that knee checked out, Lynne! Yes, your back pain could be related to how you are holding yourself and walking because of the knee pain.

I am always amazed at the feral cat stories. I guess because we live out a ways we do not have feral cats. I don't know why?????

I do believe we will get a kitten after our trip. First time in a long time without a kitty to pet. I looked on line at Siamese Rescue. There are kittens available now in Austin, 2 1/2 hour away. Only thing about one rescue site, I read you must promise not to let it be an outdoor kitty. Well, our kitties have always been indoor, but can go out during the day when they want. Growing up we had a cat we kept indoors and he was always trying to escape. Do not want to mess with that! Time will tell. I would get a puppy but Jack is not for that and we do not have a fenced back yard. When Laurel visits with dogs, we always have to go outside with them.

stronghunter said...

Hope you find a kitten without much trouble, Lolly. Kathryn had issues with the dog rescue people. One group insisted on a fence and a doggie door. The fence was no problem, but Kathryn did not really want a doggie door.

Then they kept making appointments for a home visit and canceling them. She finally bought a puppy from a breeder--that was Flash.

We saw the cutest little tortie kitten at Petco recently. Of course, we have as many pets as we can handle already. The note on the cage said torties are hard to place. Do not understand why. Torties and black cats. Interesting. Hunter thought we should get the tortie for Susan since she already has one. Only problem--Susan has four cats in addition to several chinchillas.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Sorry--double posted.


Bridge is supposed to be at my house this month. Third Wednesday.

Bowling--I have not decided if I will bowl in the fall. Might practice some this summer.

Baseball--I think there is one more game.

Growing a few flowers and vegetables and feeding birds this summer.

Hoda said...

Continues to be a beautiful day here.
We are all hurting on the events at New Brunswick.
Suspect still at large. An angry young man with issues with authority, his friends said.
One of the downed officers is a father of three children. No information on the rest.
Families in process of being notified.
In Nelson we held prayer circles and they will continue to be ongoing till he is brought in safely and offered the help he needs. Breathing in the Light, Christ Consciousness, the Goddess, Divine Mother, Buddha Nature...what ever anyone wants to call it.We breathe out LOVE. The Planet needs it and we must not lower ourselves to the level of rage and anger...Blessed Be.
I am sure he got confused as his anger got the better of him.
Young people are awesome and they do a lot of good and they must not be all tarred with a negative brush as we are all afraid of what is happening here right now...The young are our children and we must offer them love. Yes including the suspect, Justin Bourque. Not to make him a hero, not to make him a villain. He made five really bad mistakes yet here we are...LOVE IS ALL THERE IS TO KNOW GOD/GODDESS.

Lolly said...

Grand boys last day of school but I think Laurel is celebrating more than the boys. She goes back tomorrow but will be there for just a couple of hours.

It was Joey's last day, but he needs to go back Monday to check off a few things. Summer is here!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Lolly, I'm so very sorry about Annie! I felt as if I knew her, because of your many stories about her. Prayers for your comfort and peace.

Shar and Thelma, continued prayers for you for your loss of Buddy.

Hoda, so sad to hear of the downed RCMP officers! Pray that they catch the people responsible for that.

Loretta, boy, that's quite a cat/kitten story! Hope that they continue to do well!

Well, I need to get busy and get some house cleaning done. We went and got some new bath towels, and a new bath rug and toilet lid cover. Now to make the rest of that bathroom look brand new, too!

Will be back after dinner, I hope.
I've completed my list of birds we've seen at Anaheim Coves bird sanctuary, and need to share it with all of you. I'm amazed at how many different kinds there are!

Ken and Miss Emma say hello to everyone.

I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Andy! It really seems empty around here. Tuesday was a horrible day, I cried continuously. Doing better now but is is just so quiet, so empty!
She was quite a character and the healthiest cat we ever had. Guess that is why she lived so long.

Tomorrow is mow the yard day. We went out after dinner and could feel a breeze. Did some work and in no time I was dripping wet. Such horrible humidity!! Looking forward to dry air in Colorado!

Going to put my nose in a book now.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

What a week. Two of our clients had dogs hit by cars and killed this week. SO heartbreaking. One was just in for surgery last week for lump removal, the other just over a year old pointer. They didn't escape from the yard or the house or the car or break away from a leash or get let out accidentally. They were simply outside, not on leashes, and ran into the street for whatever reason. Needless tragedies, and people feeling really guilty. Life lessons are tough.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, maybe a little soul will find it's way to you soon! Annie was such a character and there will be none like her, for sure!

Lynne2 said...

It is SO beautiful out tonight! Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow...I'd take a night hike! And by that I mean walk. A careful walk. Slowly. LOL!

Think we'll set up the telescope on the deck this weekend!

Lynne2 said...

Good night and prayers for all....

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all.

Finally heading home tomorrow..did not work after class..gotta get up at 5am tomorrow ..wish it was vacation ..pretty area up here..

HOda..the shooting was all over the news here too. such a shame

Hoda said...

One of our downed officers has been released from the hospital Thank God and with HIS GRACE the officer will recover.
One officer remains in hospital.
One of the three officers killed was a young dog handler. Married with one son and another child on the way.
We have not been told who the other two are.
The suspect is still at large and is looking for a confrontation with the RCMP.They are very professional God keep them all.
Moncton has not had a homicide since 2010. In a hundred and fifty years of RCMP service in Moncton there has been only one other incident where someone was killed in a police incident.
Very upsetting that this happened. I hope they manage to bring him in alive and to extend him the help he needs.He wants to go out in a bang and take as many officers with him as possible!!!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Had an exceptionally busy day. Fell down asleep. Barely caught up with you all.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY T-BIRD ♪♫ I hope you had the best day possible.

Lolly, you will have a wonderful time in CO. and I hope Laurel will be in no, or almost no, discomfort with her arm.

Hoda, the hunt for the shooter and the deaths of the three RCMP officers has been on local and national news. May the suspect be apprehended quickly.

Paula, safe travels tomorrow.

What? Oh can't you wait just another minute? Good grief!

Sandperson is having a hissy fit. Can't seem to find the extra large satchel. Said I would come and help.

Night light is on. Sandperson is trying to prepare for departure. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, Ms. Loon's two eggs are on hatch-watch. Isla, so sad to watch, is still incubating.


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,
Lynne2, so sad to hear of the 2 dogs that got killed by cars. What a heartbreak something like that is! Prayers for those people!

Hope your doctors can figure out the best way to fix up your knee!

Hoda, you're right. The best thing we can do is offer up prayers in that awful situation up there. Hope they can apprehend the fellow without any more bloodshed.

I finished my list of birds we've sighted on our walks by the Santa Ana River. Still not any progress with pictures, but got some more work to do for the doctor, so guess that has to wait a bit. Here's our list:

Mallards, American Wigeons, Canada Geese, 2 Egyptian Geese, American White Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, Turkey Vultures, Red-tailed Hawks, American Coots, Kildeer, American Avocets, Black-necked Stilts, Western Sandpipers, California Gulls, Rock Pigeons, Mourning Doves, Anna's Hummingbirds, Common Ravens, Barn Swallows, Bank Swallows, Mockingbirds, Oregon Juncos, Red-Winged Blackbirds, House Finches, House Sparrows, and 1 Graylag Goose.

Need to get to work now, so will say goodnight. Sweet eagle dreams, everyone, and God bless!
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

you gotta check this great video out of a dog and a deer running up and down the fence so precious

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

good night.
God Bless Us All.

Lolly said...

That is quite a list, Andy! So much fun to take a hike and find things.

Judie, meant to tell you....I worked on my closet yesterday. Have a big pile of clothes to go to Goodwill or Harvest House. (Our local help place for $, food, and clothing.) Wish I lived closer to Wanda! Worked a little more on it today and still have sweaters to go through. Yucko! Too hot to mess with sweaters but I really need to get rid of a lot. Do not wear sweaters anymore!

Have finished my book, bathed and ready for bed. Hope I sleep better tonight. Have had trouble falling asleep this week.

Night all! SED!

(Wish you did not have to work tomorrow, too, Lynne. However, know you are thankful for this job!)

Hoda said...

God Bless our RCMP.
They apprehended the suspect under cover of night. No shots fired. No further loss of life.Took him in at 12:10 AM Moncton Time.
Blessed Be.
The RCMP confirmed the news.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this last Friday of my school year! 3 more days with these kids. 8th grade "graduation" on Wednesday went well, 8th grade dance last night was nice. A good batch of kids this year - I will miss most of them.

Yesterday, I did have to tell the parents of one of my special ed. kids - and the young man - that he will not be passing the 8th grade. The father and mother cried - Noah did not. When the parents were in for Noah's IEP meeting in April, I told them it was likely to happen if Noah didn't change his attitude and work habits. I really don't think any of them believed me since Noah pulled the same stunts in 6th and 7th grade and the teachers passed him anyway. But there's no way I'm sending this kid on to high school. It was sad - he is the first of my special ed. kids in my 8 years of doing this job to fail the grade.

My eye feels much better today - thanks for the well-wishes.

Have a good day all.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters. I would like to thank you all for your birthday wishes. I would also like to thank you for all the thoughts and prayers sent out in dealing with the loss of Buddy. I'm glad some of you got to meet and love him. I know we also love each other's animals even if we've never met them just because we love each other. It definitely put a damper on my birthday.

Sandi said...

Good morning Thelma! We have missed you on the blog. I've been thinking a lot about you the past couple of days. I know exactly how you're feeling without your Buddy b/c it was just 2 months ago that we had to do the same with Bandit and I still miss him every day.

stronghunter said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...