Monday, July 01, 2013


New thread.


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NCSuzan said...

Thanks, Steve. Will go find the others.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday, Margy!

Happy Canada Day, Hoda!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again everyone!

NCSuzan said...

Thanks for coming, Shar. I see, oops now I see a juvie. Parent just flew out.

NCSuzan said...

Sharon, can't seem to get anyone to play with us over here! LOL!

Hoda said...

Oh I am here too now...could not figure out why you were saying not to leave you by yourself SUZAN!!! LOL!!!
Thank you STEVE for the new thread

NCSuzan said...

Guess I will go fold my laundry. Take care all.

Hoda said...

SUZAN I am sure it was not a parent that was on that branch prior to the arrival of the second Juvie. I think it was Hedgie first and then Shammrock arrived and then Hedgie took off.

NCSuzan said...

Hoda! Alright! Yes, it was lonely here. Sharon dropped in but I think she left too.

NCSuzan said...

Thought I saw a burst of white, Hoda. Glad you saw it and reported more accurately.

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, do you sprout your own beans? I used to do it but it has been a while. Think I will start doing it again. I like that crunch on my salad.

Hoda said...

Twirly loop and cam is gone!!!
I think the nest is in for a big storm

NCSuzan said...

Well, I really do have to fold clothes before they wrinkle past usability! Have a glorious afternoon.

Hoda said...

OK on going loop and no connection...
Anyone else still has reception?
I lost mine.

NCSuzan said...

I refreshed and it came back!

Hoda said... is sometimes tricky to know who is on the Y Branch as the heads sometimes appear to be white from a reflection...I had been watching for a while and this is why I sounded confident...often as we watch we change perceptions of what we are seeing.

YES SUZAN I sprout my own beans...I have different mixes that I get from the co-op...Arugula and radishes makes for a spicey tangy sprout and I also sprout regular mung beans and it is always good to have them fresh...Glad you enjoy them too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I'm still here! My cam went out too but I refreshed and it came back.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and so tired of the rain rain rain

Thanks for the New Thread STEVE

Lori O. said...

Thank you, STEVE for the new thread!

NC SUZAN, gracias for the call over!


We were supposed to have heavy rain today but haven't even seen a sprinkle yet. Hope it's not storing up for one big dump of rain tonight!

Sandi said...

Sandi said...

Hi all! Juvie sitting high in the tree and huge clouds floating past in the background.

Got rained out at tennis this morning after playing for an hour and a half, but then it stopped raining around 11am. Still gray, so my sister and I decided to take Mom to the outlets for some shopping. It rained buckets in Rehoboth but, as we drove home, there must not have been any more rain here in Bethany.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Suzan for the call over!

Shar, glad to hear you are doing a little better!

Hoda, great news about your American sister!

Off to start some dinner - later!

JudyEddy said...

WOW AULDT just did a fly in and out on the right

JudyEddy said...

got the juvies attention for a second also

PA Nana said...

Hoda, prayers for your family and ours in Egypt. Must be difficult to know the country and its people and feel helpless.
Prayers also for your sister in the hospital. May she continue to heal.
Happy Canada Day.

Hopefully the weather will soon moderate for everyone north and south.

Gettysburg, PA is celebrating 150 years since the battle. Wish I could be part of the festivities since I have ancestors that fought in the civil war.

Again, Margy, a happy birthday with lots of love.

Thinking of Judie and her guests. May this time for her be better than expected.

Time for supper, again! We'd be rich if we didn't have to eat.


JudyEddy said...

ON the EAO they said something big will be announced tomorrow night at 8 EST I hope its good news for Norfolk eagle pair Keep fingers crossed

paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday Margy !!

Here in DE...yes its been rainy and gloomy.

Interview went well..keep your fingers crossed.

WVJerry said...

Hello everyone. Happy Birthday Margy and Janet. Been fairly busy lately. I have watched the cam some off and on. I've been hoping to get out fishing some but it just hasn't happened. Just wanted to check in and let everyone I'm still around.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Thanks Steve for the fresh thread and Hello Suzan!

Weather so far today staying pretty decent - just a few drops of rain around noon. Carnivals are in the small surrounding towns and some have fireworks scheduled.

Happy Birthday Canada

Margy hope your day is happy & fun

JudyEddy said...

Adult in and juvie went down in nest

JudyEddy said...

I got the twirly thing dern it F5 and now there is a different commercial no more Tom

JudyEddy said...

now I got the Tom commercial I can't get the cam is anyone else having issues

JudyEddy said...

Still can't get cam Dern it

JudyEddy said...

cam is back and adult in attic

Sandi said...

Judy, I still have the live cam. Eagle high in the tree - think it's a juvie.

grannyblt said...

I am having trouble getting the cam..

today is the birthday of ZIP code. I think I remember my first one 80911.

Mema Jo said...

lol I was 21714

Heading in to the TV for Jeopardy
I also like Major Crimes later.

Thinking of Judie as her guests should have arrived. I hope they turn out to be a friendly bunch and not too demanding on their hostess.


paula eagleholic said...

Pa Nana..the 150 for Gettysburg. is driving a lot of things. in our. area

Hope. Judie is tolerating her guests...

Costume Lady said...

I'm not back to normal...I still cannot get any emails (2-3 months now). COMCAST said my problem was the Modem. Got a new one and hooked it up this evening...spent 1 hour with a TECHIE and we thought we had everything fixed...NOT! ...But, I can get on the blog (hope this works).
Email still says "No Reply"...another trip to Comcast office:(
Hope everyone is well...please update me if I need to know anything important ♥

Costume Lady said... garbage can is back!:)

Lolly said...

Oh, wow!!!! Big hugs Wanda. You have been missed!!!!!


Lolly said...

This is my first time today to be on. It was 68 this morning. We got outside right away and I worked in the yard until 4:30. We had a high of 85. Can you believe it? Supposed to be great all week. Now if we could only get rain!!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Lolly...I have missed so much! Have so much to talk about...will be back after supper~

Lolly said...

Yes, worked all day....stopped to eat breakfast at 1:30. Whoops! Now Jubby has dinner ready.

Back in a bit!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...


and congratulations on having your CAN back

Hoda said...


PAULA so happy interview went well. Keeping you in prayers. Let us know when you hear.

Thank you all for the wishes for my family in Egypt for my sister and for MY AMERICAN FAMILY too in Egypt...I most sincerely hope the US EMBASSY stays safe.

Drinking tea and staying with a still mind...too much activity today and I have to settle down a bit.

Hoda said...

Paying bills and budgetting and feeling blessed with what I have and so I sing praises praises Praises to the LORD...

Hoda said...

I used the expression earlier " it ain't over till the fat lady sings" I am not sure if it is used in the USA. We say it often here in refrence to Opera and with all the tragedy in the Operatic scenarios, a scene is never over till the fat lady sings...The way they dress them in Opera most singers seem rather large. Do you use this expression in the USA?

Sandi said...

Hoda, we do use the phrase about the fat lady singing here in the US - I was actually surprised to hear you use that phrase! =)

Wanda - BIG welcome back to the blog! We missed you!!

Paula, glad the interview went well - fingers crossed that you get the job!

Hoda said...


JudyEddy said...

We got almost 2" of rain today just went out and checked

JudyEddy said...

PAULA did they say how long it would be till you heard something about the job if you get it

Sandi said...

Hoda, I think I was most surprised because the phrase uses the word ain't and you NEVER use slang! =)

Lolly said...

Paula, keeping my fingers crossed!! Knew you would do well with an interview.

Jubby prepared Sloppy Joes for dinner. His own creation and very good.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Canada Day Hoda!

Happy Birthday MARGY!!

Uh, Wanda says "I'm not back to normal". Hmmmm...the places I could go with THAT statement. LOL!!

A somber 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettsburg....

NatureNut said...


Good Evening Eagle Buds! Nice new thread! There's also a New Holiday picture in the Nook! Enjoy
I forgot to mention that late Fri. evening, I had gone outside and heard a barred owl. The closest it's ever come. So loud that Fubby woke up and came to the door asking, "who is that talking?"
Whoo Whoo!

NatureNut said...

WANDA!!!!! You're back! Don't know if you were online in April, but if you get to the Nook, put pics of one of you favorites at beginning of that month!! Hello to Gene and Gee Gee and all the family.
Paula, I bet you aced that interview!
Hoda, all my thoughts and prayers for your family here and in Egypt and all the Americans and Egyptians there. Besides Greece, Egypt is another country my daughter and I have always wanted to visit. Guess it will take awhile.

Costume Lady said...

Loretta,I just came from your NOOK and loved the foxy fotos:) What beautiful creatures they are! I know they can be a nuisance, but I still get a thrill out of seeing them!

Costume Lady said...

♫♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR FRIEND, MARGY♫♪♫♪ Hope to see you on the 4th...GG's 6pm

Hoda said...

Yes LORETTA hold off from EGYPT visit for now...

I need to get unplugged from electronics again.

Twitter is buzzing. The Moslem Brotherhood refused the Army's Ultimatum and formed a coalition with other extreme Moslems!

I wished someone from the States Department is cruising Twitter...Time to get Ann Patterson, the US Ambassador, out of Egypt! Hate tweets and they see her as helping the Brotherhood arming them with 140,000 tear gas canisters and on and on it goes...there are banners up in Tahrir square that are down right unfriendly towards President Obama and the Ambassador. I honestly do not think it is fair to set up 400 marines against 22 million angry Egyptians...

Do you see why I need to get off electronics for a while...





I need to go meditate...

PA Nana said...

Hooray! Wanda is back. My best to you, Gene and GG.

Paula, hope the interview was just a prelude to a great job for you. Keep us informed.

Loretta, love your nook pictures. Hope your kids are faring better.

Lolly, is your temperature lower than Hoda's? Strange things are happening with the climate and it is getting to be problematic.

Think I'll find something to read. Any. Suggestions?

Be back to say goodnight later.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,



Hoda, have been praying for your family in Egypt, as well as your American sister! HAPPY CANADA DAY!

It's been pretty hot again here. High of 94, partly cloudy, and still humid (though not as bad as it has been). Have been lying around trying to keep Emma from getting overheated.

Got my letter from the doctor getting me out of jury duty, and it will get mailed out early tomorrow morning. Phew!

We had peach and strawberry shortcake for dinner. WAY too hot in the kitchen to be cooking!

Say, now! Welcome back, Wanda!!!
So good to see you here again! Be sure to say hello to GG for me!

Uh oh--something is making me sneeze! Guess I'd better call it a day. Prayers have been said, and the porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

magpie said...


It sure makes one feel Special !
And helped to make this a very special Birthday....

I have been kind of struggling with internet connections here, not sure why, maybe it is the laptop... so I am just now reading
backwards to see what you folks
have been up to
xoxoxoxox !!

magpie said...

Well, Welcome Back Wanda !
Whooooo, you have been missed !
See you Thursday, yes !

magpie said...

Well, Welcome Back Wanda !
Whooooo, you have been missed !
See you Thursday, yes !

magpie said...

I know there is a Dennis on here that had a birthday today...was thinking it was Sandi's I am not sure,
I am so sorry !!
Maybe CarolAnne ??

Happy Birthday to a Dennis
having a birthday today !!!

magpie said...

Excellent news about your
sister, Hoda...
and Happy Canada Day !!

Encouraging Report from Sharon on the old thread....about some
lessened pain...hope things continue to go that way

Fingers and Toes Crossed for Paula,
post interview....

Mema Jo said...

Hell;o Wanda! Happy to see you and also to hear that all is well.

Hoda - Lynn always used that phrase during the Redskins football games.

On a sad note: Teresa, the little girls who had the issue of a heart transplant as to her age - she did have the transplant but today At 3:23 pm on July 1st, Teresa has ridden her princess bike into Heaven to meet Jesus. She had her ears pierced shortly before her last breath. While we were not there when she took her first breath,God blessed us to be there when she took her last Prayers for the family

magpie said...

a high school gal pal picked me up
and we went to Swinging Bridge...
the water was up and cloudy,
BUT flowing wonderfully and that sound is exquisite... and we had the whole place to ourselves,
just ducking out tootsies in the water and sitting on lawn chairs...
Cedar Waxwings were the birds of the day..

Mema Jo said...

This is the link for the family's blog
Cut & Paste or if you're on FB check out my page.

magpie said...

Oh Jo...
a touching, sad post....about
I think I am not familiar
with this little girl and her situation...
but I extend my prayers to the family....

Mema Jo said...

Time to close for the day

Goodnight to aoll

I ♥ Us

Lolly said...

Have been reading the blog that Teresa's mother has been writing. So very thankful she had a few years with her family.

Not sure what Hoda's temp was today but our high was 85. Yes, the weather is strange. I am thinking of digging a ditch to those of you who are getting rain. The lakes around here are getting really low, water is restricted. I was just born at the wrong time. I do so love my garden. Maybe it is time for Jack to move me to a teeny tiny yard.

magpie said...

I see Jo...thank you for the link...
what a strong and brave family....

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Thanks again, for all you do,
and All You Are!

Your friendship is the BEST Birthday gift that keeps on giving

(Thinking of Judie and
hope that today Went OK ! )

In case she cannot send
Sleepy Dust out from Northern Virginia
here is some from
Eastern West Virginia:
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

PA Nana said...

Shutting down for today with prayers for restful sleep and pleasant dreams. God bless us, everyone.

Lolly said...

Have a mystery on our hands. We are hearing a sound we have never heard before...outside. It is not cicadas, and not crickets, but we think frogs but the sound is all around and some in the trees. Spring peepers in July? Like I said, we have never heard them before. Hmmmm?????

Lolly said...

But definitely some kind of tree frog.

Lolly said...

Time to get ready to close the eyes.

Night all!


Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, that peeping sound you are hearing, could be the offspring of the Spring Peepers. My Karla has so many peepers, in the Spring, that she has to keep the windows and doors closed because the sound is so annoying, almost deafening! I can hear them when she and I are on the phone:)

So good to be back with all of you and I will say good night, blessings to all~♥~

JudyEddy said...


MT tree this am

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Judy and all my eagle friends!

No eagles in sight on the live cam!

Jo, what a sad story about Teresa - I will keep her family in my thoughts and prayers.

Hoda, I am certain the State Dept. is closely monitoring the situation in Egypt. Like you, I pray they make the right decisions regarding the safety of the Americans who are there - getting them out of Egypt sounds like a great idea to me too!

Andy, do you not have AC in your house?

Janet, what's the latest on the pool installation?

Judie, hope you are having a great time with your house guests!

Interclub tennis match this morning at 9am. Skies are not looking tennis-friendly and the other team is driving 40 minutes to get to our club to play. I hope they don't drive all the way to Bethany to turn around and drive back to Ocean Pines.

All people and dogs are doing well here but I sure do wish we could have a beach day!

Have a great day everyone!

JudyEddy said...

WOW oh WOW I got another 2" over night in the rain gauge and its still raining and gonna continue the rest of the week This is not our normal Fl rain this is a Caribbean event all coming up from the south not the normal east or west sea breeze rains

JudyEddy said...

MT nest and tree still :-(

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!!

Looks like another wet day ahead.

SANDI, sorry the rain is ruining your beach and tennis time. Lots of people to keep you busy, though! Hope you're enjoying your time with the family and all the dogs.

WANDA, WELCOME lovely to hear from you again. We missed you!

JO, my prayers for Teresa's family. What a sad story. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

HODA, dear, I hope you are able to relax today. I think getting off electronics for a while is a good idea. I'm so sorry for all that is happening in Egypt - what a crazy mess. Prayers for safety for US Employees and troops. Also, praying for your sister that her rapid recovery continues!

PAULA, way to go on the job interview. Glad you feed good about it. Any idea when they will let you know?

SHARON, glad you're healing, just sorry it's such a slow process. Big hugs!

LOLLY, hope your nice weather continues and that you get some rain!

JUDYE, sounds like you have been having all the rain! More than we have gotten here. Stay dry!

Yesterday I ordered my Anatomy and Physiology text and work books. Figured I have the time now to study, so I may as well make good use of it!

magpie said...

A & P, you go girl, Lori!

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Empty branches and breezy
at The Nest

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a
Terrific Tuesday
from Start to Finish!

xo ttfn

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a
Terrific Tuesday
from Start to Finish!

xo ttfn

Judie said...

Good morning.

Just want to wish everyone as marvelous a day as possible.

Also, want to add thoughts and prayers for Hoda and the people of Egypt and for the family, friends, comrades of the AZ firefighters.

"intruders" not so bad. Audrey and Grace are terrified. BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back wanda!

Hope to know on the job this week

magpie said...

Got my hair strands crossed also,
in addition to toes and fingers,

Hoping Judie can make a foray to a Sheetz store with her
Guests ! might have to come into
Maryland or West Virginia for that!

on to the day...xo

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
Have a Terrific Tuesday

Paula I am sending positive JOB thoughts your way!

Sharon you are healing BUT please get your cane back in use! ♥

So glad to see you Wanda and hear that GG is doing well.

Judy - Protect your cats - Is there a spare room just for them for the week

Mema Jo said...

Lori - ordering books? Good Idea - I can tell you are anxious to get started - just one more month!

Judy - with all the rain you get you should have had a garden! lol

Janet - I know you are anxious to get your bathing suit on and Hit The Pool. Sounds like it won't be long now!

Mema Jo said...

Margy, our Linda has a hubby by the name of Dennis. Perhaps it was his b-day also. I truly can't remember nor have I written anything down on last year's July...

Sandi said...

Tennis match this AM was rained out - boo!

It was my Dennis who had the birthday yesterday.

Janet, read on FB that the pool is up but not running yet! Great news!

Nail appointment this afternoon. Don't know what' s on the agenda for the rest of the family. Later!

Mema Jo said...

My message from Hoda this am
Good morning Jo. I think I will not be on the blog today as I keep bringing my anxiety there and that is not right. My worst fears have come to pass as the leader of the Moslem Brotherhood party has called for martyrdom to stop the army from taking over. That would be suicide bombers which have never happened in Egypt before!!! Give my love to every one and I work on prayers and staying in faith and trust. Thank you and sorry for bringing my anxiety to the blog. The world IS a good place and God is good all the time.

Please pray for Hoda and her concerns ♥

Costume Lady said...

OMG...I see so much is going on with our group, I need to try to read a bit and try to catch up!
My heart goes out to HODA, she sounds truly devastated! Praying for that situation to be over and done with ASAP.

I, too, will be absent from here for the next few days...we have a Food Bank truck coming in tomorrow with 2 tons of goods, an all day job putting everything away.
I, also, may have Jury Duty (won't know until after 5:30pm) and will be getting ready for our July 4th picnic at GG's. YOU ARE ALL INVITED...any of you who can make it!!
Have a great day ~♥~

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - Please tell Dennis a Happy Birthday from me even though it is a day late!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Sandi, please relay my belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to your Dennis! Alas, I am sorry to confirm that we do NOT have A/C at this roost! We've actually not needed it up until about 10 years ago, when it began to get more humid here.

Jo, prayers are ongoing for Teresa's family. What a heartbreak!

Hoda, prayers for you, your family in Egypt, and for your American sister. Prayers for that whole situation in Egypt!

Wanda, so good to have you back here! Enjoy the 4th of July get-together!

Judie, hope you're having an enjoyable time with your guests. I hope Audrey and Grace are able to conquer their fears. They've had to deal with a lot of disruption lately, poor girls!

Well, I need to get busy and try to get a couple of rooms vacuumed.
Will be back later tonight. Have a good day, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

NCSuzan said...

OK. We need some awwww news and I have some to share. LunLun, the female panda in Atlanta is expecting! Sonogram and bloodwork confirm it. Could be about two weeks til the birth. As we all know, panda babies are extremely fragile but one step at a time.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Great news about the Atlanta Panda. And guess what?!! Jack's business trip has been postponed once again and we are leaving Friday for Atlanta!!!! Yea!!! So, now thinking about packing and getting things in order here. Laurel and family will come for dinner and fireworks on Thursday and we get up in the wee hours and drive to Atlanta. So excited!!!

We need to get Hoda, back here. She needs us and our support!!! Just as we need her!

It was 66 here this morning. Cooler outside than in the house. Worked for a while outside and then went to church to water.

See no eagles on the cam.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, that is great news. Didn't we have special prayers going toward the delay of Jack's business trip? Once again......

I haven't seen an eagle today. But who could hang on to a limb in those winds!

NCSuzan said...

And yes, Hoda needs to be here.

Mema Jo said...

Most of you have FB accounts - Send Hoda a message
Let her know you are thinking of her.

Janet said...

good afternoon to all!

WANDA: wonderful to see you back on here!

HODA: keeping you, Egypt, and your family close in my heart and thoughts.

MEMA JO: such a sad story about the little girl....sending my light and love...

Sorry that I have been missing: this pool has taken up much of my time and energy.

So yesterday the installers came back and within 90 min, it was up! This morning, the neighbor brought his backhoe and dug a trench and supposedly the electrician is planning to come out tonight and finish up. That leaves an inspection from the city before we can fillit up and turn it on.... keep your fingers crossed! Pix are posted on my blog and on face book.

This afternoon finds me tired, which is why I am sitting on my hindquarters @ 3:30 in the afternoon. I was at massage envy this morning, then the chair massage @ 1. Last night, after the pool was up, we, Tom, Olivia and I raked lots of rocks....and then I used the weed eater and the push mower to tidy up the yard. I want it looking nice when my gal pals arrive.

Tomorrow I only have one massage, but need to grocery shop. HOPING we can call the inspector early a.m.

We shall see.

Will check in later. Thinking of each of you!

Hoda said...

Yes I need you and I much appreciate your support and I am grateful to JO and to LOLLY and here I am knowing that you are my family away from my families in Egypt and the US...I am blessed.
I took my anxiety for a bicycle ride to find the most beautiful rose I could find to send my sister and her daughters and grandchildren in Egypt. Oh I found so many awesome roses and chose one and posted it for her on FB. She was upset with me as I wrote her again as to what she needs to do to stay safe...Miss know it all you might want to call me!!! LOL!!!
Anyway I decided I needed to hear your stories and I needed to connect with the happenings around all of our lives so here I am again and THANK YOU ALL VERY VERY VERY MUCH. Whatever happens this I know from 65 years being alive...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE this is what I practice and live...I ♥ ♥ ♥ US

Hoda said...

So very very happy to hear that JACK's Trip has been postponed and that he will travel with LOLLY and LAUREL and keep them both safe and sound and full of joy...Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

YAY for the pool JANET...It will be awesopme when you have that first dip.

Congratualtions LORI on the book and leisurely study is good...

Happy to hear JUDIE's Intruders are good and JO asks a good question if perhaps there is a spare room for the kitties...?


WANDA but you just got back on here again and now you will go missing again? You do such incredible work and the world is a better place because of you. Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Oh LOLLY and my iphone tells me it is another day of 99 degrees today...that is two in a row now or is it brains are fried. Not a good idea to be out from noon till three or four...

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from work and SHH it didn't rain yet today looks like it but so for none Yeah maybe we can dry out some There is rain east of us and south and north but not us TRAINING rain but not on out tracks LOL I am looking at radar and Angie is getting some but not us WOW the radar looks like lots of rain all the way to the tip of Fl and with no end for days

JudyEddy said...

must have lost power today everything was off and had to reboot puter

No eagle in TREE at present time

I see a something flying in distance has to be eagle

JudyEddy said...

Have you all noticed the camera has had to have shifted again Looks at the branches on the right are almost gone and there were two there before

Lolly said...

Yea, Hoda!!! So very happy you are here with us!! How awesome to send a picture of a beautiful rose.
87 here right now, so I am thinking that is our high for the day. Awesome!!

We went to the grosssssserie store and walking across the parking lot was bearable!!

Pool is looking good, Janet! Here's wishing you and family many hours of enjoyment.

JudyEddy said...

and the words under the cam and the nest is not at at this time I hope it doesn't keeps shifting and the nest goes out of sight

JudyEddy said...

LOOKS like a eagle in in the nst

JudyEddy said...

right above the word this ti

JudyEddy said...

I went out side to check on my gutters since I don't have the guard in there Need to buy more at HomeDepot

JudyEddy said...

Looks like eating sideways in the nest don't see white at all

magpie said...

Howdy Hey Hoda!
Our hearts are joined with yours...
and prayers too

Janet: Almost There !
I lived next door to some good friends many years ago who had an
above ground pool...spent lots of time there, and I traded time for
cleaning the pool for was a win-win situation!

xo Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

You might be right about that
I'm straining my eyeballs to figure it out...

NC Suzan:
Thanks for that awwwwww news,
that kind of news is always
welcome here !!

We have a few Momsters and one in particular who want to be Panda when she grows up !! :)

JudyEddy said...

ADULT flew in from right

magpie said...

Oh Atlanta bound are ya'?
Is that where that precious grand-niece is ??


JudyEddy said...

MARGY do you have the zoom on the nest I have it up to 150 and makes it easier to see in the nest

JudyEddy said...

ADULT FLEW OUT the back door to the right

magpie said...

My cam needs to be refreshed...
this lap top is being very
irritatingly wonky these days.
But I'll take Tom Selleck's voice while it refreshes !

magpie said...

Yes I do JudyE and I did, but I was a wing-beat too late !

There is a song, Emmy Lou Harris "Oh Atlanta..."
It's a nice one !

magpie said...

I heard my first West Virginia cicada today...sent Megan a text,
...after the cicadas, come the dreaded cicada killers that are
not exactly welcome in her gardens !!

Oh Guess What: I have flower blooms on my "James New England Asters..."
This is a WILDFLOWER which usually
does not put out its flowers
until September !

Wheeeee they are beauteous!

magpie said...

I was trying desperately yesterday to backtrack and pick up your post a few days ago which I thought mentioned your Dennis's birthday July 1: computer skunked me, but
Happy Birthday One Day Late !! xoxox Hope it was Supremely Swell !

magpie said...

The sky and the clouds at the
Royal Nest !
Scrumptious to the Eyeballs !

Lori O. said...

HODA, so glad you are here...the thought of you without us was very sad to me. We need you, too. Big HUGS!

LOLLY, sorry, I forgot, what's going on in Atlanta? Glad Jack's trip was delayed!

JANET, great pics of the progress on your pool. Won't be long now.

JUDYE, welcome home from work!

MARGY, how's the hand? Any more pain?

ANDY, praying you can get air conditioning...I hope you at least have some of the smaller ones you put in the window. An extra biscuit for Emma!

KAY, are you still getting all this rain? Are you home for a while now? Love you!

JudyEddy said...

Just saw wings moving in nest

magpie said...

Whoo Boy, Wanda and Gene work all the time!
I sure hope Wanda does NOT get picked for Jury duty during this busy time....

Jewels and I are going to do our fingernails and toenails in Red, White and Blue...just like
Lynn and I used to do for the
Holiday Picnic at GG's
Jewels is going to be my
Chauffeur...just like her Momma has been in the past for me....

I am really,really blessed with the
Friendships and Family ties that I have...

magpie said...

The hand is doing well, but I am
still babying it big time...
"Righty" is getting a workout
and will be glad when Lefty can
help even out the score a little...
Stitches come out Friday....then I will know more, and can do more....

Lolly said...

Margy, going to see two great great nieces. Wahoo! Laurel and I will fight over who hold who. lol We get there late Friday night. Then Saturday taking another 2 1/2 hour drive to north GA to a nieces home where we will all get together. Sunday we plan to go to Stone Mountain, and Monday to the Atlanta aquarium and probably GA Tech campus. Tues no plans, just have fun with family and then head home on Wed.

magpie said...

I talked to a computer guy at
a local small business today....about the keyboard...I will need to take it in, that is,
have someone help me get it in there.....
Steady as she goes! I think it is just a wee glitch...
And I Can't Wait! But I have to!
You are a GEM for all that you
did in getting the PC ready for me.....
xoxoxox ((Hugs ))

magpie said...

"WOWSER" Lolly !
Is Joey coming along also?
Will you take the camper,
one car or two?

You might have to tell Laurel:
"Age Before Beauty"
though you have BOTH....

magpie said...

I'm going to get a gander at
Janet's Almost Pool then
have a meeting to get to here in town...

Best Wishes for Terrific Tuesday Evening, Pals...
xoxox ttfn

Hoda said...

So happy to hear that the pool is in JANET.

MARGY the RED WHITE AND BLUE!!! Way to go you and LYNN'S CAROLYN...awesome brought me a big smile...

Safe travels LOLLY post pictures of the young Great great nieces...

LORI thank you and you all do not know how important you are in my life...all your energy and your way of being brings all that is good with the world. God Bless Us All.

Mema Jo said...

The Bragg Bunch now known as the Merry Marylanders just left - had a good dinner with us - it makes me so happy that they are near. No definite plans yet as far as where they will settled and have jobs.
I hope it will be nearby.

Soon I will watch Jeopardy - need to check other shows coming on TV.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all :-)

Quick check in...went fishing keepers.

Keep the fingers crossed...I made it to round 2 in the interview...this is the final round.

Love ya'll

Hoda said...

Amazing pictures JANET.

magpie said...

I've got everything crossed that I can , Paula...

Except my Eyeballs !

Best Wishes that you get this position.....and if not, well, it would just mean that someone else needs you MORE !!

(( Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Large bird flew in front of cam and someone is still in nest

Hoda said...

When is the interview?
LOVE YOU AND PRAYING FOR YOU that you be happy with them as well and that they treat you right.

magpie said...

"Merry Marylanders"
is a great name, Jo....
very glad that you can see this
fine family often these days...

Yeah, cool pix of Janet's...
okay, 'bye now

Lovins' across the Many Miles

Hoda said...

So happy you spent time with the MERRY MARYLANDERS JO. Yes I hope they find jobs close to home and that you continue to see each other on a regular basis. Blessings.

magpie said...

cool JudyE
I SEE that in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

OK heading to the rocker putting feet up and gonna watch UNDER the DOME that got dvrd last night Great show started last week

JudyEddy said...

gonna have lap top on lap to watch the nest I was trying to get a snip of a exit but finger is saying give up

Hoda said...

I am going to head off to Yoga and will say once more thank you for being such an awesome group of friends...I ♥ ♥ ♥ US

Lolly said...

Wahooo Paula!! Fingers and toesies crossed! Whispering a prayer, too!

JudyEddy said...

POOF out the side to the right

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, so glad you shoed up! It is definitely ok to have alone time. We all need it. But never think that we are better off without you even for a day. No matter what is going on in your life it is going on in ours too.

Lolly, you sound so happy about your trip. It was good to read about it.

NCSuzan said...

Hoda, not only am I glad you have shoes, I am also glad you showed! Man, I really need to go back to school!

JudyEddy said...

There is a juvie still in the nest I just saw hop across the nest

JudyEddy said...

and a fly in from the left to the nest

JudyEddy said...

eagle out the back door to the right

JudyEddy said...

not to the right but the the left and a fly over just now from juvie across the screen cool

JudyEddy said...

a fly out down to the left out of the nest

JudyEddy said...

I think the nest is now MT

JudyEddy said...

back to the rocker and ottoman

JudyEddy said...

the sky looks so pretty pink in areas

Judie said...


Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !

So happy to find HODA posting---may God bless and keep your family safe, dear friend ! You know we Momsters are praying non-stop ! ♥♥♥

WANDA's back---I'm soooo hoppy !!!!

LOLLY, glad the Atlanta trip is a go !!! Enjoy and travel safely !!!!

LORI, yes, I'm all settled in with Penny these days and regaining any strength lost with the travels. Next big project is caring for Malcolm when the kids vacation for 11 days in August. Two dogs is a full time job for me, but I CAN do it !

Have had a couple of busy days with Seth who turned 19 today. I took him to the college he'll attend in the Fall---managed a pretty good walking and driving tour, had lunch and bought birthday gifts at the Student Union gift shop. Most of you know he's my Miracle Boy, for when he was born at Johns Hopkins he was in very poor shape. The prognosis at the time was not good, but God was !!!! Wound the celebration up this evening with enchiladas + and decadent chocolate cake n' ice cream, poolside. I am truly blessed !!!!

I know there are others of you I should be mentioning, but for now, please know my thoughts, prayers and love are with you all !!!!


Kay said...

Oh, JUDIE, I see your SOS !

What's up pussycat ?

stronghunter said...

Smash and Grab at Jewelry Store

Susan says that if you look closely at this video, you can see her running to her store and closing the door. She locked the store, sent customers to the stockroom, and hid behind the cash register with a woman from another store.
She said she has never been so afraid in her life.

It'll be on the news in Washington this evening.

stronghunter said...

What is going on Judie?

stronghunter said...

To tell you the truth, I have not yet been able to see Susan in the video.

This is what she posted earlier this evening:

I was in my store and I heard a lot of banging. I honestly thought the ceiling of the mall was coming down. I saw people running outside my store like they were running for their lives. I ran outside to see what was happening and I saw the robbers. They were inside the store breaking the cases and grabbing everything. I ran back into my store and locked the doors. I told the customers inside my store to get into the stockroom. Another store manager for a different company had run into my store and was calling 911; she and I took cover behind my registers. I have never been so scared in my life.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I see someone running across with a red top on---Susan ?
Scary stuff that ! And, they are robbing MY store, I see. Glad no one seemed to be injured.

Yes, JUDIE, we're waiting with bated breath !

stronghunter said...

Trying to read back while watching the news. Still wondering what is going on with Judie.

Kay said...

Looks like it's me n' you right now, SHIRLEY. I'm working a NY Times Sunday puzzle and need help:

Clue:Rum, vodka and orange juice drink.

6 letters with the 4th one being an S.

Help ! Hmmm, wonder if JUDIE is working the same puzzle ?

Kay said...

Hey, ANDY, I haven't been on with you in a very long time. Did you get those rooms cleaned up ? Loved the sounds of a strawberry and peach shortcake dinner !!!! Hmmmm good and so healthy with all that fruit ! ☺

Kay said...

Oops, an optical illusion ? I thought I saw ANDY show up and then she disappeared. I'm losin' it !

stronghunter said...

Not sure, Kay. One of the robbers had on red. Susan said you can see her to the left of the monitor on the counter at the store. I think she is looking through the window. Her store is right next door to Kay's, so she did not have far to run.

Kay said...

Oh, yeh, now I see the subject in red is one of the robbers--first time I thought they all had black hoodies on. I've looked at it over and over, but can't see Susan. Wish I could do some freeze framing on it.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see Andy's post. It is a night for mystery.

stronghunter said...

Been trying, too, Kay.

Lolly said...

Hey, Kay! I just came on. So, we find out today we are going Friday, so we started making our plans. Learned this evening we have lost our lawn guy. Boo Hiss! We needed him to come twice to water pots. Well, our neighbors are leaving this weekend for two weeks. They have a girl staying in their house to water for them and to take care of their three dogs. Yea...she can come and water for us too.

Lolly said...

Shirley, that is scary. Watched the video twice, could not make out Susan.

Kay said...

LOLLY, glad the neighbors house sitter can come to your rescue, too. It's so very hot and your stuff will need water !

SHIRLEY, it's amazing that a guy caught all of that action with his cell phone. Hope it helps the cops zero in on the culprits ! People are forgetting that we are all being "watched" everywhere we go these days. There are no secrets !!!!

Lolly said...

Judie's company is there. She just sent up a brief cry of help. LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Kay!
Well, they're sort of cleaned up. The vacuum needs a new belt, so it isn't really working as well as it should. It's better than it was, though.

As far as A/C, or rather, our lack of it: We do have 2 large tall, skinny fans that move a lot of air around. One's in the living room, and one's in the bedroom. We'd be melted into a big puddle without them! Good news--it's supposed to be down to 79 here by Sunday.

Hoda, know that we are all with you and praying with and for you and yours! Hang in there!

Judie! What's going on there? Hope everything is OK!

Shirley, that video is very scary!
Glad to know that Susan is OK! Yikes!

Gotta say that the strawberry & peach shortcake was SCRUMPTIOUS!
We haven't had anything that required cooking, for a week! Eating mostly salads. Yup--healthy!

Margy, I'm glad you're doing well.
Can't wait for a doctor's report on Friday!

Well, I think I'm going to go park my hot and sticky self (Doggone it, I DID take a shower not long ago!) in front of the living room fan for a while. Gotta "un-sticky" myself, or I'll not get much rest tonight!

Prayers for all have been said. The porch light is on. Both security systems are enabled. Sweet dreams, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christy♥♥
I ♥♥♥♥ us!

Lolly said...

Andy, time to move to Texas where all homes usually have AC. Can not live without AC!!!!

stronghunter said...

Kay, all I can find about the drink is something in The Salt Lake Tribune about something called the "Sally martini." She escaped a plural marriage and became a prostitute. Strange to find a story about an alcoholic beverage in Salt Lake City.

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, Lolly! How I wish we could!
Hopefully in a year or two....

stronghunter said...

Yes, Kay, I cannot imagine chasing someone escaping with the loot the way that guy is. Susan said she did not hang around to watch them.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, hilarious ! A Sally Martini, indeed ! On that note I'm going to take advantage of ANDY's setting of the alarms and head for bed--stopping off to watch "As Time Goes By", Tavis Smiley and Charlie Rose on PBS. Who am I kidding. I'll be snoozing in the recliner within 15 minutes after sitting down there !

Love and prayers for all !


stronghunter said...

Susan's store is in the middle of the mall and not near a door. There have to be many witnesses, and they most likely have video cams there as well.

Lolly said...

Nite, Kay!! Enjoy snoozing in your recliner!

Hoda said...

Good Lord!!!
I leave for a few hours and come back to a cry for HELP!!! Intruders must be acting up...Hang in there JUDIE!!!

Then there is a robbery!!! SHIRLEY tell your daughter Susan to try a more sedate life style!!! First she jumps out of a plane and now running to protect store and customers while robbers are on the loose and being chased!!!
Too much excitement I would say!!!

Good Lord!!!

Hoda said...

LOLLY so glad you found someone to water for you while you are gone...I bet you the young lady who is staying at your neighbours is glad of the extra cash...

The roses are perfect today in Nelson...the right amount of sunshine...the whole town smells of roses.

Did a yoga practice but my oh my it was HOT!!! I know Yoga came from India and all and it is all too hot there too...I was sweated buckets and had to make some more extralites when I came back...water alone is not doing it for me...

stronghunter said...

Hi Hoda,

Don't think Susan figured on finding excitement at work.

I think that she's the figure that zooms across the other side of the window. I have another picture of the crime scene with the yellow police tape tied to the door of her store. I think the window to she looked through is beside the door in the picture.

magpie said...

Man oh Man,I sure hope to see "the rest of the story" from Judie...

trusting and confident she is "ok" safety wise, but maybe into the second 24 hours things are becoming tedious...
and with the heat we're having!

stronghunter said...

Hi Hoda,

Don't think Susan figured on finding excitement at work.

I think that she's the figure that zooms across the other side of the window. I have another picture of the crime scene with the yellow police tape tied to the door of her store. I think the window to she looked through is beside the door in the picture.

magpie said...

I'm watching Channel 9 news
Hope to see the Smash and Grab
glad Kat is OK, but sorry she had to
through that scare....

SPLIT is coming up pretty soon

magpie said...

I've never had Dial Up, but
this laptop is acting that slow...
not sure what's going but
it's a test of patience for sure

Good to See You Hoda....
love the images of the Roses...
and your afternoon and evening are OK.
Haven't heard too much lately
about your interesting Food choices

stronghunter said...

Not Kathryn, Margy. It was Susan. I know it is supposed to be on Ch. 7. Was also on Ch. 5. Do not know about Ch. 9.

stronghunter said...

Ch. 7 just did a tease for the video.

magpie said...

Weather man on Ch 9
here says "we need a good shot
of Canadian Air"

Amen to that !

Unless it's that 99-degree
weather you had a few days ago


magpie said...

I'm sorry I got the girls
confused, Shirley!
So, therefore, Sorry for Susan!
Well, I could pick 5 7 or 9
and I picked wrong !

I'll try to check your link, but
with this computer:
Nada, not now !!


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 562   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...