Friday, November 16, 2012


TGIF thread.  Saw both birds in the tree at 5:00 pm last night.


stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

And, thanks for the report on our birds!

Have a good weekend.

stronghunter said...

Yay, I got a feather.

Thinking of you and the paper-grading chores, Judie.

stronghunter said...

And of Isaac and his family.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see Linda back.

magpie said...

Well Holey Smokes....
I know where I shoulda been yesterday at 5 p.m. !!

Steve, Thank you, and
Happy Almost Week-end to you !

Hello More Eagle Pals!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Margy.

magpie said...

Hey there Cyclone Shirley!

Trump no Trump is on the way !

have to go make some dough...
will be back in a tee tiny bit

magpie said...

Oh before I forget, Again...
saw my first house with Christmas lights on it last night...
surprised it took that long for me to see one! being a hermit will do that !

Lolly said...

Good morning!

My first thoughts are with Isaac and his parents this morning. What a blessing it is that God has given intelligence to doctors to develope procedures to take care of the problem. Found this article on the procedure, be sure to click on the animation.


Special prayers for his parents. My Michael had to have surgery when he was young....I remember going to the restroom, into a stall, and boo hooing!!! I felt so helpless and so very scared! God be with them, with Isaac, and the doctors and nurses.

Lolly said...

STEVE, we do appreciate the report on our birds. I bet we see a updated and improved nest when we get our cam back.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

From Nicole: Everything looking good so far. Nothing unexpected found with all the *scopes. Isaac is stable and they just started into the chest cavity. Please keep the prayers coming!

Lolly said...

Prayers, Bev!!♥

Just went back and read the old thread. It is just so nice to have Linda and Kay checking in. Now we need to work on LYNNE!!!

It has been a rough off season of not watching our eagles. We need our cam!

LORI, have a great trip! So thankful you are feeling better today.

NatureNut said...

Thank you, Steve, for new thread and GREAT bird report!!!
Many, many prayers for Isaac, Nicole, & Chuck today and blessings asked for all our group, their families and friends. ☺
gotta go...

JudyEddy said...

Good late morning turned on puter to find a new thread THANKS for the new THREAD STEVE now to go get caught up on the old and the new waiting for coffee to get done

JudyEddy said...

COOL BEANS yous saw the royal pair Love it

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I think all eagle like to return to their roost about sundown I know that is when we could see then on the cam and also at the cell phone tower nest I was almost guaranteed to so them there toooo so on evening you ought to drive over and sit and have a cup of coffee and wait

JudyEddy said...

Me too so my first house with lights on CandyCaneLane were all the house decorate

JudyEddy said...

OH THANK YOU for reposting the link to Michael and the girls I somehow missed it tooo I am watching it right not Love it

JudyEddy said...

I just went to the caring bridge and signed the guest book

magpie said...

It's a blast....
I think I saw it right after it came up, it was pretty late one night this week...

Miracle Michael !

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

From Nicole: Isaac still nice & stable. Surgeons are still trying to get in where they need to be...slow and steady but that's to be expected. There's a lot of very delicate stuff to go through/around/in/out. Thanks for all the prayers & encouragement-you all have made this day much better for us. Love!

Lolly said...

Oh, dear! Jack just got a call. He is wanted on a consulting job. He would be in Turkey for 3 months, possibly leaving as early as February. It looks like an offer he should not turn down. Breath, Lolly, breath!! I can do this!! You guys would have to help me through this!!!!

Lolly said...

Thanks for the update, Bev. Keep it up!!♥

JudyEddy said...

Just on the news HOSTESS the makers of twinkies etc is going out of business It was just a new tease more at 6

Mema Jo said...

Whoo hoo! Two birds in the tree right at their normal dinner time! Thank You Steve for the wonderful Bird Count!

And also for the new thread.

Congratulations Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Lolly - unexpected news for Jack - You can do it and yes, we'll all be here for you!

We are getting ready to venture down the road to see Michael. My phone rang and it was Michael....... I don't know who dialed our number - nurse or visitor!
He seemed satisfied when I said we are coming down. I pray he wasn't asking for something special that I didn't understand.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay on our birds. Next up - we get to see the birds! :)

Mema Jo said...

Link for Isaac Caring Bridge

JudyEddy said...

Boy this is odd and cool at the same time On the news they are talking about the newest fad of

the parents don't know at all that the dr sends in a sealed envelope the sex of the baby to the cake maker and she makes a cake with pink or blue cake inside a decorated cake and they ahve neat games they play before the cake is but tooo

JudyEddy said...

There is a 12 years old girl that made a Thanksgiving song and she has over 8 million hits If you want to see it here is the link

Thanks giving song by Nicole Westbrook catching tune LOL

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Update: Procedure still going well. Blood loss is minimal at this point and the upper esophageal pouch has been isolated.

magpie said...

Great updates, Bev

Happy Travels and visiting, Jo,
with Miracle Michael...

Lolly...well, could you go WITH Jack ?
good wishes on that one, and yes of course we'd help...either way

Kay said...

Good afternoon and Hallelujah on the news so far about little Isaac ! Another Hallelujan for Michael and his loving family ! And yet another for our Eagles as seen by STEVE ! The cockles of my heart are nicely warmed !

LOLLY, you know we're here for you ! I'm anxious to hear an answer to MARGY's good question. Wouldn't you love a few months in Turkey ? Assuming it's a safe area of the country, that is. Praying for you both at this tough decision time !

And saying prayers for all in need as I head back to the last set of posts and pick up some lost pieces of our thread. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Back from playing catch up and so pleased with word from LINDA. Here's hoping you'll see a reduction in those headaches once the sinus infection has cleared up. Prayers for Dennis, too !

LORI, happy to hear you got a good nap in and are feeling better !

Very touched by sweet sentiments expressed and assurances of prayer expressed by so many of you ! Still waging my war with pain, but expect to for several more months. Today I'm of the opinion that the Prednisone may be helping---knocking on wood !

It was wonderful seeing little Isaac at Caring Bridge---what an adorable little guy ! SISSY and family, my prayers are non-stop !

Love you all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Gettin ready to head out the door gonna run by the PO and get the card in the mail and then to Angies work to pick up some runny nose med in case Jordyn needs it when I pick her up Won't be home till late Will be continuing thinking of Baby Isaac and keeping him close to heart as all on the blog also

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Another update: Isaac still doing very specifics (OR Nurse that's been with him all day was on lunch and another nurse was covering). They anticipate being done with the procedure between 5 & 6pm. Please pray for strenghth for Chuck & I as we see Isaac post-op. We will be relieved when he is out of surgery but are nervous about seeing him in a coma & how he might look. Love to all!

magpie said...

Thanks once again, Bev....on the updates...I am just getting home and this is top of the list, seeing the latest.
Prayers for Strength,Hope and Faith for the Family, and for Isaac of course, and the Entire Medical Team

magpie said...

Beautiful Crescent Moon in the East

magpie said...

And the Leonid Meteor Showers are to peak over night, say, maybe start watching towards the EAST at 3 a.m. or so...
I'm going to try to give it a try....
Hoda in particular: I hope you can see some zinging out your way, with Happy Birthday Wishes on each
zinging Meteor ☺

Lolly said...

Worked in the yard all day. Did not put on makeup, did not fix my hair....oh, I am beautiful! lol

Have come in several times to check on updates on Isaac. Prayers for strength and comfort when Nicole and Chuck see him for the first time while sedated. God bless!

magpie said...

Sometimes it's good to have just that kind of day, Lolly...
but I know you have that Natural Beauty regardless !!

Gobble Gobble Gobble, any more news on the Turkey Gig ??

NatureNut said...

Hi gang. Got to read comments before I left work (in a different car! phoned home & traded mine w/the other that has better brakes!!)
How exciting that the surgery went well for that little cutie, Isaac!!! Thx so much for the Caring Bridge link.I know it said he was born in SC. Is that where they live now??, or WV??
Getting my card together for mailbox in AM.

Hoda said...

Good on ISAAC.
Good on MICHAEL.
Enjoy the visit JO.
Raining and overcast here today and so will go out to see what I can see later on tonight...I hope I can see some star showers, not liquid showers!!!
STEVE thank you for letting us know that you saw the Eagles...The camera will be welcome.

PAULA are you on your way to Paradise?

LOLLY...why not go with JACK and explore Europe? Sounds like a good deal to me!!!.

NatureNut said...

Lolly, don't know what to tell you about Turkey! Sounds like an interesting opportunity. Maybe you could go. If not, we're with you and you could always hopscotch to your children's homes!

Margy, how disappointing the meteors are best at 3 AM! If I didn't have to work this Sat., I would be up!!

Lolly said...

No consideration at all to going to Turkey myself. Would not like 3 months in a hotel room, eating out, Jack at work. Does not sound too good!

Also, I would worry about Hawkwood, and family!!! Not necessarily in that order.

Lolly said...

I plan to have 3 months of no cooking, and lots of times with grandchildren!!!! I plan to diet and loose weight!!!!

Hoda said...

Thanks LOLLY for the link on MICHAEL and the girls.

I have friends who have rented an apt in Turkey and explored the region and simply loved it.
I see what you say though about missing the Grand Kids and having property really requires that someone is there to look after it and ANNIE would not understand too I do not think...three months too long...

Lolly said...

You are so correct, Hoda! Had not even thought of leaving Annie. Would not do that!!!

I will be just fine! Will have to take on some chores that Jack usually takes care of and possibly get help with the yard. I have done this before while he was working, but not in a long time. The money earned will possibly go towards a trip to Europe for both of us in the near future. We would love to go to Italy for our 50th anniversary in a few years. The money earned would be great! Proud of my jubby that they came to him for help!

magpie said...

All sounds good and well thought out, Lolly...hope you and Jack can Skype with each other from one continent to the other !

xo Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

Mema Jo said...

It has been a very beautiful day in my neighborhood!
Our visit with Michael was exceptionally good - We got to stay during his OT, PT and Speech therapy sessions. His speech has slowed down and it will be some time before his thoughts and ideas can be expressed verbally. He does follow commands very well. We have so much to be thankful for considering it has only been 6 weeks. God is good all the time ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am so happy about the news from Boston for Isaac ! ♥

Hoda said...

Yes JO God is good all the time.

LOLLY Skype is a good idea and you can talk to Jack several times a week if not daily depending on the time difference. It is 2:56 AM in TUrkey right it is an eight hours time difference between you. It is manageable for Skype...

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, you will do great as you are already setting goals for your free time! You will need to pick up the rest of the pecans unless you have a grandsons Pecan party! With pizza of course.......


Lolly said...

Pecans are picked up! Jack removed the wiring today. Squirrels can have the few remaining on the trees. However, they are so trained to stay away from the trees, it is funny! One day when we were down front, we looked up and there was a squirrel on the ground. Jack roared and ran at him, poor squirrel twice made like to run up a pecan tree and thought better, "no not that tree", then high tailed it to the oaks! We died laughing!

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle bloggers home from Angies and just wanted to pop in and say hey Here is a link for all the eagle cup cakes and cakes You will love the cupcakes they look so easy to make cashew as the beak and morsels as the eyes and coconut on the head
eagle cakes and cupcakes some new ones were added just in the past couple of days easy looking cupcakes

JudyEddy said...

looks like they use marshmallows for the heads and icing rolled in coconut I think will have to check for recipe on the link if interested

magpie said...

I like the cupcakes the best I think JudyE...
couldn't look at them all though...
I'm fading fast here, like a meteor...
Headed to the pillows after a quick look outside now for a few little shooting stars

Thinking of all with Positive Thoughts...and Prayers For Wellness All Around !

Sending Lovins' up Isaac's Way

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Janet said...

Good evening all.

SUCHGOOD NEWS on Issac!!!!! I thought of him all day....

Chelsea had another ultrasound today. They measured Lorelei to determine weight, etc. Right now, as of 33 official weeks, she weighs in at 4 lb 15 oz. Chelsea's abdomen is measuring in at 35 weeks. If she goes another 4 to 5 weeks, at a pound a week, my new granddaughter is gonna be a hoss!!!!! :O

Its been a good day. Tired this evening. Computer gave me a bit of a fit. Thinking after the first of the year may have to get a new lap top....maybe I'll just move some stuff onto my other harddrive to see if I can make it last a little longer............................................

Glad its the weekend. Have some stuff I want to do.....and think cleaning off this computer may have to get done.

LOLLY: as a former military wife.....I know months alone can really all depends on your mind set. I would set aside projects and things to do to have the time to pass......keeping busy. Always keeping busy. And I will also help to support you as I can and as you need! :)

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is this coming week. I went to BIG LOTS this evening to look for some taper candles, they always have a good price. INSTEAD i found something else i've been wanting! i've been wanting one of those robotic vacuums for some time...but $300 is a bit much. i don't need super fancy.....just a button to push and let it go. well, i found a dirt devil little robotic vacuum for less than $100, in fact it was $50. its a basic no frills little robotic thing....but since i only have hardwoods and linoleum, it appears to be what i need. LOL. i went online on my phone and googled the reviews in the store before i bought it. i have it charging. i will let you know how it does....i am most excited!

(its the little things in life you know....)

all right, gonna stick my nose in my book. good night to all! sweet dreams...

Sandi said...

Hi all! Just realized that my email inbox has been very quiet! never checked the box on the new thread to have the comments sent to me, so I'm doing that now as I head to bed.

It has been a busy evening here but I'm delighted to read that Michael continues to make progress and that Isaac's first step went well.

Prayers for the needs of all on the blog! I ♥ us!!

Now meteor shower viewing for me, Margy! See ya in the AM!

Sandi said...

Make that NO meteor shower viewing, not NOW meteor shower viewing! Goodnight!

Hoda said...



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

From Nicole: God is good all the time! Through the ups and downs of today, we ended on a very positive and encouraging note. Isaac is doing very well...stats looking good and he is sleeping soundly. We asked for prayer on Wednesday that the gap would be closer and when they did the esophagram it showed that it was actually a cm further apart. Well, in His time, that prayer was answered. This evening one of the docs came by to speak with us and told us that once they went in and isolated the pouches, they were closer than what they originally thought. I am so thankful to have a great big God that holds us close through things like this. Keep the prayers coming-we could feel them raining down on us today. Love & hugs to everyone!!!

Thank you all so much for all prayers and well wishes. As you can see above, they are working! Love and hugs! Good night my friends!

Mema Jo said...

Heading for the pillows
SED to everyone and AOYP

I love us and I pray for all of us, our families and our friends.

Good Night one and all
May little Isaac rest peacefully

Thinking of you Lynn ♥

Costume Lady said...

Good Evening...
It is with good news about Isaac that we end this day. Our prayers were answered!

We had a great Family Dinner and entertainment by Jayden:)

Good night friends...prayers and blessings for all♥

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends! Too early to be up but Denny's snoring woke me!

Good news on little Isaac.

Busy weekend here. Walls are finished in the workshop area so we can start putting boxes back into closets and moving shop equipment back into place in that room, which will also clear out the foyer some.

Denny will be driving to a Ford dealership about an hour away to test drive a Ford cargo van (no Chevy vans that match his criteria anywhere around). If he likes the way it rides/drives, they have a white one about 4 hours away that they can have delivered by Monday night and he can have his new wheels by Tuesday. Then we can get all of Denny's work tools out of the foyer and back into his vehicle and the ground floor will look more like its supposed to again.

Prayers continue for Michael, Jo, Dana;s dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's "Mom", and little Isaac.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Hoping today is a good day for one all in what ever you have planned

magpie said...

Well It's a Little Early and I hope Someone Special is still sleeping, but:

Happy Birthday to our Very Own Hoda ! May this be your very Best Birthday Ever, filled to the Brim with your favorite things !
xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Very dear report
on the end of day
events with Isaac...
Prayers continue
for all

magpie said...

And a rousing Friday Night Fun evening with GG, Wanda, Jayden and the Gang!

Sounds good Sandi...
things coming into place
one tire and
one tool at a time!

Good Morning Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

Good Day Wishes to you
also, JudyE -
for your day

and to all, no doubt
it will be a busy week-end
for everyone one way or
the other !

magpie said...

I was up for a half hour at 3:30 watching for meteors, sad to say I did not see any, but tonight there should be leftovers and maybe I'll try again! Skies were good and clear for them, so I hope someone saw some

Off to the day..."working for myself today."

Prayers for Wellness, for All, and our Families, Friends and Pets

T-Bird said...

Update on my BIL's surgery. It is scheduled for 12-21. My sister is happy they are getting it done before the end of the year (even if it is the Christmas holiday) because his insurance runs out the end of the year. Thank you for all your all powerful prayers.

magpie said...

Good News, T-Bird...
And those prayers will continue straight on through the New Year !

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Hoda. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! Gonna be a great day! Love you all!!

FROM NICOLE THIS MORNING? Good morning! Isaac had a good night and is doing well this morning, vital signs nice & strong. We cannot thank everyone enough for the thoughts, prayers, and support that have been poured out for our family. Please continue lifting us up in prayer as it is evident that God's hand is as work in a mighty way...we are blessed! Have a great day everyone...I'll update a little later in the day. Hugs to you from bright & sunny Boston :-)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Costume Lady said...


First thing that I thought about this morning, was 'how was Isaac's night'...thankfully, we have CARING BRIDGE to go to for update information!
His vital signs are good, and that sounds very encouraging! Nicole sounds upbeat, and that is encouraging too!
Prayers for a good day for Momma and baby~

Costume Lady said...

So glad to call you FRIEND♥

Janet said...


Saturday morning ..all is well. Sunny and bright here. Mentally planning out the day while consuming coffee. Furbutts were freaked out by the robot vacuum. It did okay, not great. hmmmmmm
Ran for about 45 min.

Everyone have a superb day! light, love and hugs to all

Linda said...


May you have a day filled with all of your favorite things! ♥

Linda said...

So happy to hear the news that ISSAC is doing so well thus far. Knowing this is a long road, it is comforting to know things got started so well.

Keeping everyone's needs in prayer!

Have a wonderful day, all!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. So glad to read all is stab;e and good in Boston. They are moving in the hospital bed and other needed equipment at my niece's for my MIL "Mom" to return home tomorrow on hospice care. The hospital will transport and a hospice nurse will meet them there shortly there after. My niece is so very glad to get "Mom" home again. HAGD everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Oh, what a special day it is today ♥

Happy Birthday my dear friend, Hoda
I am wishing you a special day and a
fantastic year ahead - Love you dearly

Lolly said...

✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ _❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Happy Birthday, Hoda!!! _❁◕ ‿ ◕❁ _✾◕ ‿ ◕✾

Love you dearly and wishing you a fantastic day! A day of happiness!♥

Sandi said...

Happy birthday, Hoda!

Home from tennis and tons to do to get the house back in order!


Lolly said...

Whoops! Went to bed without saying good night! Will try to do better!

GOOD MORNING! Wonderful news concerning little Isaac. So very impressed with Nicole's reporting. She has a lot of strength!!

Not a military wife but Jack has been gone before for a few months, but not in another country. He will be in Turkey for flight tests. However, it has been a long time since he has made a trip. Used to having him here right with me. He will be gone in the spring, not a good time. I will have a lot to do with him gone and will need to get help with Hawkwood.

Lolly said...

Sandi, sounds like things are rolling along. Sounds great and your house will be back in order for the Holidays.

Mema Jo said...

Good almost afternoon to everyone!
Good Good news about Isaac - I think God is watching over him very well.

I'm busy filling my pill containers for a new week. Yesterday I had a pair of Cooper Hawks visit in the back of the yard. Beautiful creatures!


Lolly said...

╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
█ ║ (●) ♫
Again.....Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Hoda, Happy Birthday to you! ♥

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Hoda!!

glo said...

Lolly has found herself lots of new fun blogging things. Love them.

Hoda said...

Very happy to hear of the news on ISAAC!!! Yes indeed God Is Good ALL The Time.

Thank you very much for the Birthday wishes and the cards. I feel blessed and I know gratitude. It is good to walk with you all towards my 65th year...Thank you again.

JUDYE thinking of you today too and looking to hear from you as to how your day went.

Gray here with a soft rain falling. The snow in town has gone overnight and I find it a very gentle day.

SANDI glad DENNY will have his wheels by Tuesday and that his tools will soon be out of your house. I pray every day that things return to normal for you and him...that was *EPIC* what you went through.

Kay said...

♫♫♪ Happy, Happy Birthday HODA ♪♪♫

I think I told you last year just how special this day is for me. My dear Sis Karen was born on this date in 1941, my precious Stan debuted in 1942 and one of my BFF's, Ellen shared the day, too. They've all gained their ultimate promotion to heaven on high. However, God has given me a dear "new" friend to make the day a cause for celebration once more !!! Hugs !!! ♥♥♥♥

Tis' also a day to celebrate MICHAEL and Isaac as they are both miracle "boys" in my eyes !!! ♥♥

Tomorrow Julie's family and I will share our T'Day dinner as they will head for WI on Wednesday. Malcolm and I will have a wonderful few days of snuggles, play and walks ! Much to be thankful for !!!

See y'all Monday if not tomorrow.....


NCSuzan said...

Hoda, hoping this birthday treats you extra special. You deFUNitely deserve it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, hopefully some eagles we know will also help keep you busy while your hubby is away.

I have been wondering about your vehicle since it came back from being fixed. Has it been OK? No problems?

Jo, thinking of you along with baby Issac. And all who need lifting up.

No one has mentioned Turkey day plans but Kay, I think. Any new recipes or special plans going on?

Hoda said...

Thank you KAY I am honoured to be in such company I tell you. Bless them all.

Thank you Suzan I told SHAR on FB that I am blessed with my Friendships and I came for the Eagles and stayed for the Friendships I made

Waiting on Bev for more news about ISAAC and as the date comes closer to discharging MICAHEL I hope suitable accommodations are found so that he may continue his amazing progress.

glo said...

If you are thinking Eagle related Holiday Gifts A very favorite vet tech of Dex and me was critically injured last night. She is a single mom with a preschool little girl. The head vet that I did all the photography for this summer is offering matched funds towards Emily's expenses and Christmas plans. I am offering my X Marks the Spot eagle photo in 8 by 10 for $12 each. I donate $10 of each print sold to Emily's fund. I need to know if you want a print this weekend and ask that you put the checks in the mail by Monday. Please go to Kritter Kaptures to see the print or email me with questions. I will go upload it to my Glos Glimpses Blog now for those not familiar with the photo or not on Facebook. Thanks for thinking about this and your prayers for this young mom are also requested.

glo said...

X Marks the Spot is now on my Blog. You can also email me directly from there. Thanks once again for giving this some thought.

JudyEddy said...

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

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JudyEddy said...

HELLLLLLLLOOOOOO EAGLE BUDS home from work OHHHH I dislike this time of year so in retail I want to retire nowwwwwww soooooo busy and so crowded

JudyEddy said...

MARGY will be looking for leftovers tonight in the dark skies sounds interesting LOL

THELMA so glad your BIL is able to get it in under the wire so to speak

Great news on ISAAC he will always be in my thoughts and close to heart and I left my envelope open also didn't know if Bev was gonna do a tally up for us so we know what was collected so just in case left it open OkDokey
GLO so happy she will be in her own home That is what my mom wanted too

LOLLY I loved your birthday radio tooo cute I added it to my drafts I have with the ones I have collected

Lets keep this blog rolling along LOL

▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Sandi said...

Got a bunch of stuff put back in the storage closet under the stairs, freeing up a lot of space in the workshop. Boy, is my back sore!

Denny bought himself a new vehicle - he's now a first time Ford owner! He is mighty happy and is hoping to get the van on Monday so it can get the company logo added on Tuesday.

Glo, what a generous offer of you and the vet to help Emily! I can't wait to get my print! Not giving it to ANYONE for Christmas - it's MINE!!!

glo said...

Thanks Sandi I am glad you like it. It is something I can do and very very much want to do. Of course I couldn't do it without the help of those who look and decide they can help too. So thanks.

Lolly said...

Suzan...our car was repaired beautifully! We have had no problems at all! We just got another letter in the mail today. Our insurance company is still going after the uninsured family of the young girl. They will probably never get a penny, but I sure would like my $200! Our repairs totaled around $13,000. It looks new!

Mema Jo said...

The latest update on Isaac is very good!
Prayers for that little tike!

Attended Mass and then ate at Bob Evans
A good meal as I was quite hungry.

I may get busy doing some idle tidying up


NCSuzan said...

Lolly, glad that your vehicle is running and looking great! Hope you get your money back soon.

Lolly said...

I wish we could like comments on here. lol

Thanks, Suzan, but we do not expect any money at all! No matter how hard you squeeze, there are some things you can not get juice is not there!

stronghunter said...

Bear Update

Hoda said...

I just had a phone call from my ex-superintendent and his wife. I could not believe it. His prostate cancer had returned, and he was doing radiation. He lost mobility in his right side. He is in rehab working on healing and regaining mobility. With all of this he phoned to wish me a happy birthday!!! We had a good talk and we cried all three of us...Carol was next to his bed listening on the speaker phone. She visits him three times a day at the hospital. He wants to come home for Christmas.Do you see how awesome this is? His name is David.

glo said...

Yes Hoda that is indeed a very special story. I think he really appreciated your work and wanted to let you know he remembered you and your special day. The tears just cemented the love that already exists between friends.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

Good News for your "Mom", Glo, and that your dear niece can care for her At Home !
So sorry about your vet tech friend, I shall participate also...

Good Evening Eagle Pals and Continued Happy Birthday Wishes for Hoda ! Sorry about your friend, but happy about your nice three-way telephone call ♥

glo said...

Oh Thank You so much Magpie Her little girl is only 2 years old. I am sure Mom will be out of work a very long time. I probably won't know too much more until Monday about her condition. I do know she was in surgery most of the night and needed more. I am so concerned and praying. Mom however has indeed had another good day. Dex and I are headed back to Springfield for another visit on Monday.

Mema Jo said...

Finally I got to watch a Christmas Hallmark Movie - goodness I love those films.

Glo & Hoda - prayers for your friends
Isaac - keep up the good recovery
Dana & Sandi - hope all is well with your parent

I love us
I am getting ready to say Good Night!
Prayers for all ♥

magpie said...

As either Sharon or Sissy says, and I apologize that my feeble brain loses track of some details
like who says what sometimes
it is
"Life can Turn on a Dime"...
seems the case more than we would like,
this past year has been
a rugged one!
But it sure is comforting when the "Troops" rally around
and can help with love and support and other assistance....

That much, my feeble brain does very much has a hold of !!
(( Hugs, to All of You !! ♥ ))

magpie said...

make that "have" a hold of

paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday Hoda!

Blessing to Glo's and Hoda's friends

Found another turtle today! Thought it was not alive, but it started moving after 15 minutes...maybe it was in. Hibernation. Put him out on the beach

Lolly said...

Have been on the phone for a long time talking with a dear friend. Oh, I miss her but do enjoy the talks. Glad you had a great phone call, too, Hoda!

Shirley...I am ready for bear cams! Exciting, Lily with a new cub, that will be fun!

Last night I did not say good night, so going to do it now!

I love us! Night all! SED!!!!

magpie said...

ESP Paula...
I was just going to write:
How'ra doin' out there wherever you are, Paula !
Yay on that second turtle...hope he or she catches up with its buddy !

magpie said...

Wowser, shucks, I missed Jo's good night post

but not Lolly's! or JudyE's!

Same from here:Good Night,
Precious Pals..

Prayers for Wellness in ALL our Eagle Corners

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay..lots more work to do tomorrow!

Thanksgiving plans...going to Rehobeth with Larry! Eating out for turkey day...going rockfishing...Michael and Laura might come down over the weekend. Sandi are you free Saturday night next weekend?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and a 4 day weekend!


Hoda said...

GLO very happy to hear about your MOM/MIL and being home.
Sorry about the is good.

PAULA great rescue...your Thanksgiving Weekend sounds good.

SED to all who have already hit the pillows.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, the time does creep up on me...I'm having some pretty good days getting long-awaited housework done, with Gene gone.

I had a good afternoon with GG.She made some more Corn Grits. She likes salsa on them, but she had used up all of she tried to make her own. Lord have mercy, I couldn't eat it when she offered some to me. She used ketchup, hot sauce and relish...not so good:) But, she is trying.

Good night to all my dear friends, have a peaceful night and a blessed day tomorrow♥

Hoda said...


Thank You


Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends!!

Glo, so glad to read that your mom-in-law can be cared for at home. Maybe she'll make it to her birthday after all?

Bev, thanks for the updates on Isaac, both here and on FB.

Paula, we are going to Baltimore for Thanksgiving but only staying overnight (Bandit is going to a kennel for the first time ever so we'll be back in Bethany on Friday to pick him up). Would love to get together for dinner with you and Larry on Saturday!

Kay, glad you will be getting some extended Malcolm time! Enjoy - hope he'll take your mind off your pain!

Prayers continue for Michael (is his release date on Thanksgiving?), little Isaac, Jo, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's "Mom", and Emily.

Make it a great day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I hope everyone has started their Thanksgiving week with a lot of gratitude and thankfulness.

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Right on, T-Bird....
Great Morning and Start of the Week message, Thank You !!

I am very grateful for my dear friendships amongst all of our
Eagle Peeps, to borrow T-Bird's expression...
( I like to borrow T-Bird's
expressions, have you noticed ??☺ )

and for many many other things also

Good Morning Eagle Pals ! xo
and another Beateous West Virginia Morning It is Hereabouts.

magpie said...

re-spelling BEAUTEOUS.
That's an adjective I borrowed from Cyclone Shirley!

How cute, GG's inventiveness...
you go, Girl !

Thanksgiving for me:
I work Thursday, afterwards will go The Big House with its new owner and many of my late brother in law's family members....
New Owner brother in law's nephew, deploys two days later to Afghanistan for six I will return there to house-sit during that time

God Bless Our Military...♥

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, everywhere in our Eagle Corners...
Prayers for our most special Wellness and Healing needs...

on to the rest of the day's schedule for me, have some Grandson time pencilled in for later

xoxo ttfn

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning from Paradise!

Lovely day here too...finishing up my coffe...then it's time to take Mr Nick for his morning beach walk...and yes he's still looking for minnows :)

Have a great day!

Oh saw an eagle yesterday!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all of you. Not sure of any plans yet for today - Everyone have a day of happiness and smiles ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Yes My thanksgiving week begins with much gratitude that "Mom" is going home today. What a roller coaster of a week she has had. I don't think she remembers any of it but we surely do. Thanks for the prayers and support sent her way. Prayers for all for a blessed Sunday. I must go check on Michael, Isaac and Emily now and see if there are any updates. HAGD all.

Janet said...

good morning to all...

beginning my thanksgiving week thankful for all the clients i have to squeeze in monday/tues/wed...and all the black Friday shoppers who will want massages when i go to work on friday!!!! :}

normal busy as heck weekend around here.

tom got the leaves in the front mowed and mulched and removed yesterday. it looks nice again. i really need to do some yard work.

always something....i am thankful that i am never bored. i don't understand when people are bored. i see that frequently, as in,on facebook and i feel sad for them. i don't remember the last time i was bored.

hope everyone has a super day! hugs, light and love to all

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Did not say good night because I shut down the computer when I started having ocular migraine problems. Very hard to see when that happens, and I think it is triggered by the computer screen sometimes.

Anyway, I am fine this morning.

I see lots of people saying what they are thankful for on this Sunday before Thanksgiving day. For one, I am thankful I still have my house.

No big plans for Thanksgiving Day here. Susan may or may not be able to come. Because of all the Black Friday stuff, she may have to work Thanksgiving night. She is not happy about having to give up her holiday.

Supposed to hear from the contractor by tomorrow about when the indoor work will begin.

NatureNut said...

OMG! Sorry I was not on here last night!Konked out in chair shortly after getting home. Just read Steve's greeting again and got an email last night from my buddy, Doris, who was locking the Park at 5 PM. We both stopped by the eagle nest after work. It was MT. She wrote both eagles were there at 4:44 PM!!!!!!!!I know they came in honor of our awesome Hoda!!

Mema Jo said...

Steven Chase
Was just driving on Leeds Manor Rd. in Fauquier County; spooked four juvenile bald eagles off of a road killed deer as I drove by. Pretty amazing sight.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Update: Isaac had a bit of a fever spike this morning but he has been treated with more antibiotics and is doing quite well. He seems to be much more comfortable today than yesterday and they have been able to pull back the ventilator settings a bit due to good lung compliance. BLESSED! The prayers are being answered...keep 'em coming! We will get a pic posted in a bit. Love to all :-)

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Did not have time to get on this morning as I slept late. Wow!

Enjoyed church this morning. We have a new interim minister and he is great!

Now to clean house so I can spend the rest of the week cooking. Laurel and family will get here Wed afternoon and stay til Friday afternoon. Wahooo! Michael and family are leaving for Florida Tuesday for Thanksgiving with Ash's aunt and uncle.

Isaac was thought of several times during church this morning. Prayers continuing , Bev.

NatureNut said...

OK, Sports Fans~~~~Redskins 31!!!, Eagles 3 so far. Of course Vick isn't playing, so we'll get to beat somebody! Don't know about other teams yet, or car races. But the new track in Austin is missing anyone we know. Both kids are out of town, but Sherry said they had a free raffle at her work Friday giving away Race tickets and meetings with drivers. She didn't win any.

DanaMo said...

Oh I see when Steve posted the new thread on Friday he said he saw our royal pair! Can't wait until we can see them!!!

Good Sunday afternoon everyone. Busy weekend here and gonna be a busy 1.5 days at school.

DanaMo said...

I THINK I may have seen an eagle flying over the Antietam Battlefield yesterday. I was out along the canal cheering my friend on who ran her first JFK 50, yes 50, mile ultra marathon. And she just turned 50 this week. Amazing woman!

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds home from work and just got done eating dinner a McD's salad now to go watch the news for a bit So happy to hear Isaac is still doing ok and they could get the fever under control Another hectic day at work of course is to be expected with Turkey day approaching

JudyEddy said...

just turned on the eagle nest in Fl and one is in the nest fussing with the egg cup

JudyEddy said...

now both are there

JudyEddy said...

eaglepecking going on I love that nite lite at that camera looks dark there see head lights funny he nest glows in the flight and they are really working on the cup

JudyEddy said...

now they are both gone hopped on the branch to the left and the other branch in front I hope our cam is this nice at night ok to the news like I said just practicing for our eagle cam when it up LOL

Mema Jo said...

Another afternoon visit with Michael and yes, it was another exceptional one. When we arrived to his darkened room he was taking a nap - a sound asleep nap. We tiptoed in and sat down on chairs beside his bed and he then roused up - saw us and was sitting up on the side of his bed lickety split. Well, he had no facial hair at all - he had shaved it all off and it looked exactly like Michael ♥ His speech is sometimes difficult and you can't always understand his thoughts! You can give it a guess or two or just tell him You don't know what he is trying to tell you. This afternoon I guessed some and I was right! He is walking unassisted but the boot on his left leg should be removed tomorrow. Only stipulation right now is the helmet for his head protection. All in all it was a very loving visit. ♥

Mema Jo said...

We were looking at all his cards in the big box and I have to thank all of you for sending them. He said he knew most of the eagle ladies' names. He asked that I tell you all Thank You.

glo said...

Sounds good MeMa Jo Do we know when they will replace that piece of skull yet. Curious how he does tomorrow when they remove the boot. He continues to do very well indeed.

DanaMo said...

Glad to hear that you had a wonderful visit with Michael!

I am shutting down early. Night all. Love and prayers to everyone. Dad's last chemo is Tuesday! Yipee! CT on the 27th results on the 29th.

Mema Jo said...

Glo - there isn't any date for the skull replacement. Could be 1t of year.
He is walking very well without assistance in his room. Physically he is getting it all together.

Dana - Prayers for dad's CT after all his treatment.

I will watch some TV to clear my mind.


Lolly said...

Sounds very good, Jo. I do hope he has patience with himself on having these problems. He should be proud of all he has accomplished and keep plugging!

magpie said...

Wow what a Miracle Michael Report!
Thanks Jo ♥
and things sound pretty spiffy for Isaac also, hoping that Monday is even better for the little tyke!
Thanks Sissy ! ♥

Good Late Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

So will the Ravens beat the Steelers?
I am not watching but I bet some of you are!
Yay on the Redskins...finally!

magpie said...

Bet that was an amazing sight for Steve....seeing those juvenile eagles hightailing away from the deer carcass.....
and I bet that WAS an Eagle DanaMo saw near Antietam!
And Loretta....well, you just missed them at the Park...but there's always tomorrow or the next day!

JudyE: I had a McDonald's salad AT McDonald's today, the Southwestern one...
and also had the Peppermint Mocha hot drink, wow! It's Good !

magpie said...

James the Wise Kidster is a happy camper, NO school at all this week in Morgan County, WV....
we had a great visit...

Lolly sounds like a fun week ahead for you....

I got a mess here, must tend to household chores!

ttfn xo (( Sunday Evening Hugs ))

JudyEddy said...

Popping in GW is starting but I have it DVR's so I can be a little late in to it this way I don't have to watch commercials LOL My avatar is my old ring
Years ago I broke the back wing off it at work but never found the wing at work so I put it up because it had also a split in the ban Well I ran in to it and took it to my jewelry who designs and makes jewelry and lo and behold he made a wing for it I call it a prosthetic wing LOL being its not the original and he did such a great job in matching the color of gold and the design on the wing and only TEN DOLLARS the first day I had it the wing bent in half so I took it back and said I think its tooo thin needs to be thicker He had used gold off the necklace a herringbone that was twisted on the end and just used that gold so he redid it and didn't charge me any more money Cool Beans I love it so I got one of my rings back just need two more LOL

This gentleman seems to like the 10.00 everything I have gotten fixed or made has been 10 funny huh Ok gonna go start to watch GW

OH IF you want to see it bigger its on my blog Misc Pic and Video blog

Got my ring fixed Love it toooo

JudyEddy said...

OH BTW I put also the finished mermaid picture on the blog for the people that didn't see them on facebook she did 28 I posted 21

JudyEddy said...

On the same Misc blog as the ring

magpie said...

Amazing array of pictures, JudyE...
Jordyn really seems to like that "Eyepiece"
and I like the one where she is listening to the Conch shell...

glad you are seeing those eagles at the Cell phone tower...!

Closing down here soon, full day coming up Monday for me

Glo: I hope your Mother in law's return to her home has gone very well and that she is comfortable

BIG Prayers for Wellness All Around, in all our Eagle Corners

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Buck Season, firearms...begins Monday hereabouts and quite a lot of other places too....
Safe Hunting Prayers for all out there in the Wild....
including Captain Father Warden
Gene !

Hoda said...

Good evening frieds. I went to cook and organize and serve the African Dinner and when I left they were still taking in money but what we had counted hit the five thousand dollar mark. Money was still coming in from the market and from the silent auction... I think we did rather well and the food was delicious.

Glad of news on MICHAEL is so good and I hope ISAAC'S fever is gone and I also have DANA'S father in my prayer.

GLO happy about your MOM/MIL

Need to sit still for a while and do nothing and just appreciate the not doing for a while. It was a busy day but well worth it...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - You did good! Enjoy the blessed day you have had ♥

I am going to head to the pillows
Busy day - Everyone know that I am
think of you and yours - Prayers for all in need - Thanking the Lord for so many blessings.

Good Night ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, sounds like a very successful fund raiser! Yes, put your feet up!

Jo, great visit with Michael. What is his release date?

Oh, Jo, I have heard great things about cyber knife in Frederick. A co-worker had it for his prostate cancer treatment, he said the staff was great.

NatureNut said...

Nighty-nite time again!!
Jo, what a great report on Michael. TY for that as I'm not getting any CB Updates. Have they found a rehab place for him? Many prayers for him and YOU!!
Margy, glad you had some play time w/James!! Which place are you going to clean? the Apt. or Big House? You must be the closest family member to your sister & BIL's house if you are going to be the baby sitter! Too bad they can't hire a maid to help.
Hoda, sounds like a wonderful and yummy fundraiser! Congrats!
Glo, swo happy your MIL is home. Prayers for her and your friend Emily and the small daughter. What an awful accident.
Prayers for DanaMo's Dad, Thelma's BIL, Sandi's Mom.
A bushel full of prayers also for cutie little Isaac!
Am going to check on Raven score~~~ for all hitting the hay,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night.

Very happy about the Redskin victory.

SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...


GW was great

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

P.S. Ravens - 13, Steelers - 10!!!!
So rare to have 2 local teams win. Wonder why the Steelers' uniforms look like killer bees this year?

Costume Lady said...

OMG, Margy...I forgot about Capt. Gene being mistaken for a Game Warden:) Have I ever told you that a lot of our Soup Kitchen guests think that Gene is the Church's Pastor?

Good night dear friends: Sleep Well, love and Blessings for all♥

Lolly said...

Makes sence to me, after all he is Capt Father Gene!!

Getting on to say good night. Yes, I have been wondering where Michael will be going next.

See you in the morning light!SED!!

Hoda said...



Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hope your day was very special! Prayers are ongoing for David. Glad you had such a special phone call!

It's been a very busy weekend, and I've been pretty tired. Fell asleep after dinner last night in front of the TV. Sorry to be MIA again! Have been praying for everyone on the prayer list, though.

Glo, glad your "Mom" is home. That's wonderful, and I'm sure it will be a comfort to her to be in familiar surroundings.

Shirley, I will be so happy when your house is all fixed up! It's been too long!

Was happy to read how well Baby Isaac is doing. God bless him, and his family! Prayers!

Good to hear of Michael's progress, too! Thank God! Prayers for him, too!

Well better call it a day. Have said prayers for everyone, and every creature and furbaby. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.

Just reading back. Got a ways to go.

Loretta-I think the Steelers uniforms are supposed to be "retro".

DanaMo said...

Lolly-wow Turkey. You wouldn't go with him? Three months is a long time, but often these opportunities are too good to pass up. There is a reason for everything and of course we will help you through!

DanaMo said...

Hoda Happy belated Birthday! Sorry I missed it.

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning dana and all my eagle friends!

2 day work week for me! Today we take the 8th graders to tour the high school for half a day, so it will be an easy one!

Great news on Michael's progress, Jo! I bet it's hard for him to be patient with his recovery.

Prayers for all, esp. little Isaac!

Make it a great day!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi! I only have a day and a half! Yipee! Today it's going to be Thanksgiving projects all day and tomorrow we have our "feast". Dismissal at noonish tomorrow! Love it!

Then Wednesday Annemarie gets her tonsils and adenoids out. She is not excited at ALL!! Poor thing, it will be mashed potatoes for her for Thanksgiving.

And Aric comes home Tuesday afternoon!

Monte is up in NY and will be home tonight. Short trip for a meeting. He left last night.

So glad that Baby Isaac is doing so well and Michael is too!

Sandi said...

Dana, poor Annemarie - tonsils and adenoids!

Good morning Thelma!!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORnING EAGLE BUDs I am chilly this am 56° out now

Janet said...

Just a quick good morning.....
Short week for Tom & Olivia this week, school only today and tomorrow.

I work every day but Thursday. Well, I work Thursday, but its called fixing dinner.

We WON 1 game last night!!! I had an average night, fairly consistent scores. But some good news, we had one team that was obnoxious, loud and rude. This was all the time, not an isolated incident. I hated being near them. Anyway, last week one of their members started a fist fight with another team's member and they got kicked off of the league! Finally. Everyone is nice, family oriented. But this team just didn't fit and were rude.

Anyway, off and running. Sounds like everyone is doing okay. hugs, light and love to all!

JudyEddy said...

WOW the image of the day is neat check it out

NASA image of the day is colorful for sure

magpie said...

It's a beauty, JudyE...kind of like a Celestial Lava Lamp !

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!

magpie said...

Wow, family coming in fast and furious, DanaMo, that's great, in addition to you and your ones at home...
Best wishes for Safe Travels for all, for Annemarie's procedures on Wednesday, maybe you can puree some pumpkin pie for her also!
and Prayers for your Dad's continued treatments and all good possible outcomes

You School Teachers out there....
Enjoy this week, hope it is joyful and fun for all, you AND your students

Yay on the bowling victory, Janet, and Yes Good Riddance to the Rowdy Bowling bunch !!! Whew !

magpie said...

Not seeing our
Morning GLori here yet,
hoping her week-end went Swell!

Ah yes, Wanda,
I can see why the Soup Kitchneers would think Father Captain Warden Gene is the Pastor!

magpie said...

I SEE you there, T-Bird...
I don't have to go make dough until
Today and Tuesday I make my
own home-made dough for
(( Hugs to you and all the Southern Delegation, people and
pets !! ))

magpie said...

Good old Andy!
She is one busy gal...I think
she can READ as fast she can
always keeps up with what's
going on with us

magpie said...

Another day of Healing, Recovery,
and for Comfort and Serenity,
where is most needed...

Prayers for all of that,
as well as for all the
needs we might not know about.

magpie said...

My to-do list is
hollering at me
but being here is on that
list !

Best Wishes for a Good, Better,
BEST DAY for all

(( Thanksgiving Week Hugs ))
xoxox ♥
I'll be lurking for a bit 'cause I am a long way from
going out the door !

magpie said...

looks like two adult bald
eagles at BWO !

magpie said...

pic is a little staticky
now and then
looks like they are trying
to get that fixed around

magpie said...

Nice we can go back in time
to our NCTC Eagle Nest gallery
pictures (Momsters albums)
and see
what goes on this time of the
year in past year's
and use our imaginations...

magpie said...

Oh Snap!

Y'all watch for a SPLIT!
three posts away...

or maybe a new thread in a little while !

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex and I are off to Springfield today to see "Mom". prayers for all. HAGD

Costume Lady said...


Slept like a baby last night. I think it is because I went grocery shopping with 3" heels. Forgot to bring flats to change into after church...feet hurt so badly, I could barely get to the check-out counter! Feet feel OK this morning:)
Didn't get all shopping done...need to go back and finish up today.
Karla, Donny and Dustin are leaving for OBX Wednesday. Dustin has been having health issues and Karla thinks his 'load' is wearing him down: School, Firefighter School, Squad Duty, Girlfriends, etc. A few days at the beach may give him a respite. Doctor appointment tomorrow to find out results of Echo-cardiogram.
So, it will be Denise and Brandon, along with us for Thanksgiving. I have a 20# turkey thawing out...going to be a lot of turkey sandwiches and casseroles in the future:) I'll send some turkey home with Denise.
Oh, I just remembered, Jillian and Aaron may be off duty that day. Need to give them a call!!

Has there been an update on our NCTC cam?

Clothes in the washer and dryer; need to get busy. Have a great day♥

magpie said...


magpie said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...