Tuesday, November 27, 2012


New thread.  The birds were perched last night at dusk.  We are waiting for all of the equipment to arrive.


magpie said...

Oh Thanks, Steve!
Good News on the Perched Eagles....
and can't wait for the new equipment to arrive and get up and running !

And Thanks for the Fresh Spanking New Thread !

Hope your day is a Good One !

magpie said...

JO got her wish, a new thread....
but she might be gallavanting down the road already...

Thinking of baby Isaac and all the family with Love, Prayers, and Positive Thoughts

magpie said...

Well here I am all alone...

I have read back,
and am keeping all our hopes
and dreams and wishes
and needs in my prayers....

That goes for YOU and YOU and YOU and all of you xo ♥ ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Steve for the thread and info.

Magpie, you are never alone!


magpie said...

So a six-person one-day onslaught at Shirley's place on Friday, eh?
Well hope it all goes GREAT!

And for Laurel and Joey and the boys with thier upcoming new house, wow, what a Christmas present!

I saw several male cardinals this morning seemingly enjoy the short snowfall we had in Hedgesville...
the "girls" were out there somewhere for sure !

magpie said...

So this black cat stalks me at The Big House now, an outside cat, so I figure someone in the Thanksgiving crowd there must have been putting food out...
I can't start something I can't finish so have to let her fen for herself...
I hope that does not sound too cruel, but it wouldn't really be too fair otherwise either....
She looks like a manx, her tail is very short and cropped-like

JudyEddy said...

Hello at lunch at McD and find a new thread THANKS STEVE

magpie said...

Hi there Double E-S!
♥ prayers for the wee one ongoing this afternoon...

magpie said...

And I know what you say is true:
We are never alone here!

magpie said...

I think I heard...on the radio..that maybe the Bells Choir that Christie plays in...has a concert this coming Friday night, in Charles Town....will have to check with Jewels on that one!
Lynn♥ never missed a concert if it was humanly possible to be there !

magpie said...

And yes, go see Wreck It, Ralph,
folks....if you can...
It is a lot of fun and very endearing ☺

magpie said...

Gives a whole new meaning to the word GLITCH

good to see our Lynne2 pop on,
thinking of all SEEN and UNSEEN.

I have about 15 little girls in my car right now: My Dolls!
I am going to fuss with them over
the next few days, and
then get them delivered,
will check with Wanda and Gene also....if they can take a few.

magpie said...

and now I must quit magpie-ing for awhile, the day wears on and
I must fuss with
business for awhile.

returning to work Wednesday,
boy do I love days off !!

Take Care, Everyone...
Love and Prayers and (( Hugs ))
xoxo ♥ ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

UPDATE: God is so good!! Isaac now has a complete esophagus! Surgery is complete and went as well as it could have. Answered prayers continue :-). Words cannot explain our feelings right now...love & hugs!

magpie said...

Hallelujah, Sissy!
So glad to read this!
Thank you for keeping us informed up to the minute !!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I am sitting wathcing the fort meyers eagle and her new egg I wonder if there will be a second

JudyEddy said...

you can see the temp there is 81 where the chat is suppose to be is the temp must be my laptop can't pick up the chat

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bird inventory: Dark-eyed juncos, mourning doves, chickadees, wrens, cardinals, white-throated sparrows, titmice, song sparrows, goldfinches, house sparrows, chipmunks (don't say it, I know) but still no partridges in a pear tree.

JudyEddy said...

i forgot to click one email box

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I forgot to add 2: White-breasted nuthatch and red-breasted nuthatch.

Kay said...

Well, now. I'm chimeing in just in time to get very good news it seems ! So happy to hear about baby Isaac's complete esophagus, Michael's having parents visit today and STEVE's report on the eagles as he gave us a nice new thread ! There is no way I can catch up on all I missed last week, but those things mentioned thrill me to pieces ! Hallelujah !

Had a truly wonderful four days with Malcolm and "knock on wood" am feeling better this week than I have in a very long time. Still have to take the pain killers, but am cutting down and hopeful. I'm considering the adoption of a dog with Julie's encouragement. She can see how much good Mal does me. I have my eye on a shelter dog whose family had to leave town without him. A Jack Russell, he's 7 years old and may be just the right temperament to get along with an old lady. At his age he's not a prime candidate for quick adoption. Much to consider and I keep talking myself in and out of it on an hourly basis ! Won't be ready to decide til' Friday as I have several appts. and Seth's school play to get to in the next two days. Don't want to leave a new resident alone right off the bat. Wish me luck in making the right decision !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Much to be considered before getting a dog, but if Julie is there to back you up with dog sitting when needed...go for it! A companion is great! So glad you are having a better week! Love you!

Great news about the eagles perching last night. In my mind I can picture it!!♥

Fantastic news about Isaac!!! Looking forward to pictures of him as he improves!!!

NatureNut said...

Had AOL in the background all day to hear those Caring Bridge chimes! Geat to know surgery is over! What a special boy!!!Can't wait to see that Isaac grin!

It is cold, wet, and nasty here!I called the Heat/AC man & left a message that 69 ° was just too cool for me. Been wearing jackets inside.
Guess I'll go home and fiddle with Blogger. Wonder if there's a way I could dwnld all of 2008 onto a disc???I hate to delete stuff. Oh Well.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

afternoon check in! hi ya'll THANKS STEVE for the new thread!

FANTASTIC news about issac!!!! couldn't be any happier!

it is a cold wet raw day here. the temps have dropped all day. down to forty but with the wet it feels like the low 30's.

we had a surprise visitor today! of course, with all the goodies out the birds are feasting. and squirrels are not uncommon. i know they too must eat. but this little dickens quite literally jumped on our front door! we have the glass door, that has scroll in the middle and he jumped on it and was looking in at us!!!!! he was gone so quickly that i could not grab a pix, but the cats were stunned....they were so shocked they didn't know quite what to do with a squirrel on the door!!!!

other than that, took miss olivia BACK to the doctor. the pink eye has started in the other eye and she has an ear infection. so back on the meds. yikes......its that drippy sneezy snotty time of the year i suppose.

i am making a pot of spahgetti tonight....its just that kind of day!

well 4 p.m. news will be on in a min so will touch base later.

hugs to all

DanaMo said...

Dad's CT showed a 50% shrinkage. Thank God and St. Peregrine for his intercession. We are so pleased right now. We will have a better idea of what the plan is for continuing treatment on Thursday.

Adam's bone scan came back that he has a stress fracture. Looks like he will be in a boot for 6-8 weeks.

Annemarie made it through the day, came right home and took medication but is doing pretty well.

All in all a good day.

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends!!

WOW #1 - Wonderful news about Isaac's surgery being a success! Truly a miracle for that little baby and his family!

WOW #2 - Another great report about Michael's continued progress!

WOW #3 Kay reporting that she's feeling better than she has in a long time, and that she is even considering getting a new 4-legged family member!

WOW #4 - An update on our eagles being spotted in the tree!

Keep the great news coming!!!

Janet said...

Great news DanaMo!!!!!! Glad to hear the update! :D

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eaglebudlets and eaglebuds home from work nice and 72° out right now so nice

watching the eagle panting in the Fl nest they were 81° today but still only one egg

DANAMO great news on the shrinkage of your dads

KAY good to hear from you and go happy some of the pain is easing up hope you can get off the pain killers soon

JudyEddy said...

Watching the Harriet calling for Ozzie now she must want a break

JudyEddy said...

sad news on facebook about one of Decorah eagles

Raptor Resource Project
~ D14 Announcement ~

We are sorry to announce that Bob Anderson found D14 dead yesterday near Rockford, Iowa. D14, a 2012 hatch year bald eagle from Decorah, Iowa, was electrocuted after landing or trying to land on a power pole. Bob immediately notified the utility company. D14's body will be sent to the National Eagle Repository, where his feathers and other parts will be distributed for use in Native American religious ceremonies. Bob and Brett Mandernack did a close examination of D14's body. He was healthy and butterball fat. There were no signs of wear from the transmitter or backpack.

How common is electrocution? A federal study done in the 1990s identified impact injuries, poisoning, gunshot, and electrocution as the top four sources of bald eagle mortality. We haven't seen it in Decorah until this year, but D14's transmitter was the only reason we were able to follow him after he left the nest. New poles commonly have bird safety dev
ices since bird electrocutions are not only tragic, but can cause fires and power supply disruptions. However, many old poles remain and safety devices don't always work. It's been known since the 1920s that power lines and poles can present a danger to birds. As Bald eagle (and presumably other large bird) populations expand, more electrocutions may happen.

D12, a sibling of D14, was electrocuted earlier this year. A group calling themselves The Memorial for D12 Facebook Group (aka The Raptor Nation) responded by working with Alliant Energy, Puget Sound Energy, Decorah High School, and Decorah Building Supply to develop and fit bird-safe perches for the hatchery. I have a blog post and links about that here: http://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2012/11/bird-safe-power-poles.html.

If you'd like to initiate a perch project in your area, please talk with your local power company. The following links provide wonderful sources of information:

Avian Power Line Interaction Committee: http://www.aplic.org/
D12 Memorial Group story: http://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2012/11/bird-safe-power-poles.html
Avian Protection Devices: http://www.srpnet.com/environment/aviandiagram.aspx
D12 Perches: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68092929@N03/8203641600/

All raptors - all wild animals - face myriad dangers in their lives. It is easy to forget that watching and tracking them doesn't protect them. We'll miss following D14.

Janet said...

wow .... sad news about D14.
i never thought about an eagle or any other bird being electrocuted....guess just because i've always seen birds sitting on wires all of my life...

btw, JUDYE, love your avatar. that is a super pix! :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Evening! Thanks for the fresh new thread and especially the eagle sighting report. The cam news is getting to be more realistic as the days pass.

The afternoon was spent down at Kernan with Michael. He was napping as we entered - had a good work out with PT and then lunch. He needs rest in order to heal. We got to observe his speech therapy session. He did very well with the tasks at hand. He is independent in so many ways - he remembers about the helmet being worn and he doesn't have a sitter in the room anymore. The progress these past months has been remarkable - or better yet - just a Miracle ♥

Lolly said...

Wow, Jo, so happy for Michael and you with his progress!!! Prayers that it continues!!

Spent the day doing a little straightening, organizing and shopping on line. Then I baked! Did a little Christmas baking. Made Holiday Lizzies or fruit cake cookies. They are Jack's favorite and they need a little time to get "ripe". LOL They never dry out as Jack keeps adding booze. Oh, boy!!

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful news for Isaac and his family!
Great news, Dana for your dad
Kay - you need a dog! ♥
Sandi - how is your mom doing

2 shows tonight - Terrific Tuesday

I'll be returning later... ♥

Lolly said...

I like that...to quote Jo, "Kay, you need a dog!" Mema Jo has spoken!!

Chili on the stove...off to make cornbread.

Sandi said...

Just talked to Mom - she and Lisa got to the hotel across the street from the Cleveland Clinic around 6pm. Flight was uneventful. Lisa and I reviewed questions to ask the surgeon, esp. is there any way she can put a rush on Mom's stent so she doesn't have to wait so long for the surgery. Wondering if the doc will accept a bribe to move Mom up on the surgery list?? =)

Mom sees the surgeon at 9am and then has her CT scan at 1pm. Return trip home isn't til Thursday morning.

Dana, great news about your dad responding so well to the chemo! Not so great news about Adam's broken bone!

OK, I'm signing off to watch some TV. See y'all in the AM!

Lynne2 said...

Just popping in to say hello and offer up prayers for all of the medical "stuff" going on this upcoming week....Jo, Sandi's mom, Dana's dad, baby Isaac...and for Michael and his LAST WEEK at Kernan!

Yes, that was the post I made last night and never hit the button.

Hello, my name is Lynne and my favorite color is CLEAR.

Lynne2 said...

So, good news abounds today...
SO grateful for Isaac's successful surgery and continued prayers for a quick recovery!

YAY KAY IS HAVING GOOD DAYS!!! Kay, I think a dog is a great idea but I must caution you on the JRT. Even well into senior years, they are extremely engergetic and require a LOT of activity. Think carefully on that....there are other smaller breeds that might be better for you. JMHO...

Great news on your dad, Dana!

And EAGLES!!! and waiting on equipment must mean it's been ordered!

Janet, very cool that Tom is going to Yoga with you!

Oh Lolly....can't imaging Jack going so far away for so long....

Glad you had a good visit with Michael, Jo!

So sad about Decorah's D14

Sandi said...

Kay, Lynne makes a good point about Jack Russells. Bandit is close to 15 and, even though he's almost blind, almost deaf, and has dementia, he will still take off after a rabbit or a squirrel and yank the leash right out of my hand! When he stayed at the kennel for Thanksgiving, the gal said she let him out for a run in the yard and could not catch him to get him back into his kennel! He would let her get about 2 feet away from him and then take off at full speed with his tail wagging and a big grin on his face! She eventually had to throw a blanket over him and quickly hook his leash onto his collar while he couldn't see anything!

Lynne2 said...

WOW that Bandit is SPUNKY!

paula eagleholic said...

Hurry up Fedex and UPS, we want to see our eagles!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, glad your Mom and Sis got to Cleveland OK. Hoping the surgery is sooner rather than later!

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, good to see you feeling better! Hope a dog is in your future for sure!

paula eagleholic said...

Great news on Michael and Isaac, and DanaMo's Dad. Dana, at least you know what it wrong with Adam's ankle now!

Hoda said...

Prayers of PRAISES for all the good news on the blog today. Much Gratitude.

JO have they set up good and safe living accommodations for MICHAEL afte he leaves? Do keep us posted. I think of that and I hope it turns out good for him. He needs the care and we don't want him sliding back.

A dog for KAY is a good idea however LYNNE needs to let us know what kind of a dog is a calm dog...no pulling and no barking.

Glad you are a go with JACK'S posting in Turkey LOLLY. Time will go fast and you two can skype often and in spring you will be busy with the yard and you can get some help.BLESSINGS.

I had a good day yet my week continues to be very busy..

Tomorrow yoga, lunch, eco-society volunteering.

Thursday yoga, lunch and CFUW Press releases.

Friday Grans to Grans Kazuri Jewlery meeting and yoga. We are going to a neighbouring community for the meeting as one of our group always comes into town so we thought this time we would go to her place.
It is a half an hour drive from Nelson, which for most is not much of a distance yet for us we think it is out of town!!!LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Sorry about the Decorah eagle...always sad to lose one.

Thank you STEVE for the news update. I think there will be one collective LOUD CHEER when the cam is all of a sudden on!!! Get some ear plugs STEVE.LOL

magpie said...

Really great to read upbeat updates for our folks here and their families also

Have Sandi;s Mom and Sis on the mind, praying for good outcomes and a move-up on the surgery

Every night this happens, the clock mysteriously races forward ! Phooey!

magpie said...

yes, very sad about Decorah D14, how heartbreaking for Bob Anderson and all the folks there...but, good that they could locate the eagle...
Thanks JudyE for sharing that most difficult news

magpie said...

Good to see Lynne2 here this evening also!!

And as always, with some wise words to Kay on the choice of dog...

Sounds Great, Kay...that you are thinking about this, and Jo thinks it's a good idea too, so there you have it !

magpie said...

flat out of time...
workday Wednesday after four off...

Good Night, Precious Pals....

Thinking of all here and out there in invisible land....I know they are with us in their hearts as they are in ours!

Will look for Wanda's Soup Kitchen report in the morning

Prayers for Wellness, All Around, in all our Eagle Corners...

God Bless Us, Every One

Mema Jo said...

It is Pillow time!
Good to see all of you here this evening
Kay - so glad our Doggie Specialist has spoken! Hi Lynne!

Good Night to all my friends
Blessings are coming down on us all

Keep the Faith

I Love Us ♥

Hoda said...

Keeping the Faith JO.



Costume Lady said...

I got home from the Soup Kitchen around 7pm and rushed to my desk to see how baby Isaac came through with his surgery. No great surprise...but I was so happy with the outcome. I know he still has a ways to go with healing and therapy, but he is a tough little fighter and with prayer, all things are possible!

And, good news for DANA's Dad. Do hope whatever his follow-up plan is just as effective as what he has just been through.

KAY, what joy it was to read that you are beginning to feel better and that you are thinking of a roommate:)

Wishing Sandi's Mom could get her surgery sooner, rather than later...waiting is such agony when it comes to your, or a loved one's health!

How about that MICHAEL...he is amazing
and making his Momma happy and proud. Continued prayers for a full recovery for him and all others on our prayer list~

Soup Kitchen had 45 guests, which was a good turn out for such a cold, rainy evening. Many, many bags of goodies went out of the Closet & Boutique:)
Our Menu:
We got quite a few compliments on this meal, which made a lot of kitchen helpers happy, after all, this is what we work so hard for:)

JUDIE'S sandman has just visited me and has cast his spell...I'm done:)
Love and prayers for all♥

Costume Lady said...

BTW, KAY...Schnauzers are good house dogs, in that they don't shed. I don't kno how much care they require. Our Lynne can tell you~

My new avatar is of JAYDEN on his 3rd birthday a few days ago. He is growing up way too fast!

Lolly said...

Watched DWTS tonight. It was fun to watch. Jack even sat here for a while, in front of a fire and shelling pecans. Not sure, but think he is up to 8 gallon bags of shelled pecans! Thank goodness Laurel has a freezer, too!

Great to see Lynne sticking her head in here tonight! We miss you, Lynne! Sounds like she has some sound advice for you, Kay.

Cold here, presently 39, but certainly no rain! It is getting desperate and it is heading up to the upper 70's this week. Not good! We need rain, not warm weather.

My turn to say good night! SED!!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning my eagle friends!

Jo, hoping the chest xray shows your gold markers are still right where they're supposed to be.

Glo, what's the latest on your mom-in-law?

Bev, do you have a count for us on money that you received to help Nicole and Chuck with expenses while they're in Boston?

Lolly, how is the packing up the house going for Laurel and Joey? How long have they been in their house - bet they're feeling some stress!

Kay, picturing you with a new dog in your life really makes me smile! Wish my mom would get one.

Prayers for Michael, baby Isaac, Thelma's brother-in-law, Dana's dad, Glo's "Mom," and Emily.

Make it a great day all!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!!

Prayers for you Jo!
Lolly, OMGosh good luck with the Turkey job.

Kay you are getting a dog? I haven't read back yet but I see Sandi's comment! Congrats you will love having the company.

Okay I better read back. Everyone make it a great day. Maybe today will be the day the equipment will arrive and we will have a new cam.

Those of you who are puppy watchers but not on FB may not know but the organization in Brookeville MD Warrior Canine Connection is expecting 5-6 yellow Labrador puppies at the end of Dec. Yahoo!! More puppy petting for me. Missing the little ones after watching the ones in Boston.

DanaMo said...

BTW...thank you for all the prayers for my dad. I hope the next round of treatment will get rid of it. Had a "chat" with my brother last night. Makes me cry. He has not been here or talked on phone with my parents, but honestly I think he is just in a situation with his wife that will not allow him. At least that's what my mom says. She gives him an out. I think he just needs to be a stronger person and put his foot down, but he is not. He is letting his wife control his life by holding something over on him.
Anyway I didn't mean to go down THAT path.The best news is that mom and dad are going for their passports today so they can go on a cruise this winter!! I am so glad that they have decided to do this as it is something my dad really wants to do!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

Lots of good news on this new thread!

So happy to read about Baby Isaac...what a fighter...and what prayer warriors Momsters are!

SANDI, hoping your Mom gets her surgery pronto - as MARGY says!

Saw a couple of flurries yesterday, but not enough to make the ground white, or even a dusting. I was looking forward to just a little of the white stuff!

DANAMO, Great news about your Dad! More prayers coming up!

KAY, so happy to hear your pain is getting better!!! And, maybe a dog in your future - WOW! ♥

Have a great day everyone! Wishing you a blessed day with lots of smiles and joy in your heart!

T-Bird said...

Lori-I like that "prayer warriors." I hope I don't forget that one. ((hugs))

T-Bird said...

DanaMo-my mom always gave my brother an out too. I would feel like you, it was his responsibility to be there for her during her times of illness and not anyone elses. I'm like you, I don't want to get on that soap box either but sometimes you just have to get it out with some friends who don't judge you.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets
Hope everyone has a excellent day in what ever they do
Love the all the good news on the blog

Lori O. said...

(((BIG HUGs))) back atcha, THELMA!

Janet said...

good morning all. i slept in because i'm not going anywhere today.

tom has to take the bus in for service when he finishes his morning run, so he won't be home until this evening. i am not comfortable with leaving olivia home alone all day, or even half of the day, so i am home with her. tomorrow she will be back to school. thankfully i have very understanding clients.
hard to believe a week ago we were all prepping for thanksgiving.

i have some piddly things to do today. always something. i might do some outside stuff this afternoon as it is supposed to go up to about 50 i think. yesterday was just raw, wet, and nasty out.

nice to see the sun this morning.

hope everyone has a great day.

hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Thinking of you JO...

Great on the cruise DANA. I feel sorry for your brother because he is missing so much...karma I suppose!!??

LORI what projects are you working on and when are you going to bring out your Christmas decorations?

Quiet morning here. Slept really well and here it is the start of a busy day...

Hoda said...

Make it a good day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - checking out our cam if any update Soon Soon Soon

Beautiful day today - Aaron's birthday of 33 years - He's my guy!

Planning on getting the xray to make sure gold pins have not moved!

No Mega Jackpot for me last night. I'm waiting on the Powerball!
So are millions of others!

glo said...

Good morning all. I still have a cough that keeps on giving :-( Between Dex sick on Monday night and me coughing most of tues night I think this afternoon will be spent napping on the sofa. Sandi "Mom" has been home 9 days now. She seems to be holding her own as far as I know. I called on Sun night and will call again tonight. My kids have their travel plans in place for a 93rd Birthday party. It would indeed be awesome if we can have that celebration. I personally think if we still have her then we may have her for a while more. She has clear days and not so clear days. Times when she is hungry and times when its a struggle to get her to drink atleast some chocolate ensure.Thanks for asking. Prayers continue for all. HAGD everyone.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, boy did we sleep late. Annie was crying a lot during the night, so a loss of sleep. We usually let her out around 5:30 or 6 but it was too cold last night. Groan!!!

Off to get my hair done very soon!

Will be back!

stronghunter said...

stronghunter said...
Good early afternoon,

Am working on sending paint colors to the contractor. Trying hard not to do anything that might delay the work. Also found a coupon for the paint store and printed that out. We may want to use that to buy some extras.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 12:56:00 PM

stronghunter said...

Lots of explosions here today. I guess they are testing fireworks again.

stronghunter said...

Found a whole bunch of stinkbugs hiding in the draperies in Kathryn's bedroom. Yuck.

stronghunter said...

Draperies are in a tree in the backyard now. Think we may be buying new ones.

stronghunter said...

We will be moving Kathryn's bed tonight and inspecting things.

stronghunter said...

It's Hunter's 12th birthday! I believe he thinks he is already a teenager.

stronghunter said...

It's Hunter's 12th birthday! I believe he thinks he is already a teenager.

NatureNut said...

Happy Wed. Eagle Buds! Finally we see some sun, like Monday.
Sandi, glad your Mom and Sis are hanging in there~~~hope repairs done ASDAP!
Dana--great results showing for your Dad. A cruise would be great!
Saww that Kay was feeling better. I hope that continues every day and you can get a pet!
Hope Jo's appt. confirms that she is our Golden Girl!!!
Blessings for Isaac and Michael. ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Helloand good afternoon from your McD free WIFI sitting watching the eagle cam and found out that there is two different IE for theFt Meyers cam USTREAM has the live chat and the other is the Realtor that sponser it without chat I got the uSTREm up less commericals and not as loud when the go into commerical

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY tell him its not twelveteen LOL

Mema Jo said...

I have accomplished my Xray but I won't know what is there until tomorrow's appointment with my surgeon. I hope I hope they are right where he placed them

I am napping now BBL

T-Bird said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


stronghunter said...

Twelveteen. Love it, Judy. But Hunter would probably be insulted. He gets insulted a lot these days.

stronghunter said...

I found 14 stinkbugs hiding in two drapery tiebacks. Yikes.

Lolly said...

Same with Joseph, Shirley...thinks he is a teenager, but he would think twelveteen funny! He is now 5' 4". It is really fun to see him grow into a teenager. He is such a neat kid. Teaching him now how to control his moods, that it is to be expected but how he handles them is important.

Done did get my do done!!! (Like that sentence, Shirley?) LOL

Anyway, feels good!

Have now finished my shopping for Joseph, Jacob, Jack, and Ashley. Now need to really work on Laurel, Joey, and Michael. Laurel and Joey are easy, Michael is the huge problem!!!

Lolly said...

Jo, we will be in prayer for you tomorrow with your doctor's appointment. Ready for you to get this done!


stronghunter said...

Prayers, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I agree. How they handle the moods they experience is important.

stronghunter said...

Hunter is growing very fast right now. And his voice is changing. He actually shaved the hair off his upper lip. Told Kathryn he used Will's razor. Twelve is a bit young to be shaving.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY he probably heard of the old wives tale that the more you shave it will grow faster That is what my son said at his age Now he wishes he wouldn't have started shaving so early Remind him he has a life time of shaving not to rush it LOL All kids want to grow up to fast I think JMHO

OH Home from work as you didn't know that Watching the Ft Meyers turn her egg

JudyEddy said...

OUT DAMN SPOT we shall have no more of THEE

JudyEddy said...

they just showed a commercial on how the eagles are on a comeback in Fl and they showed the cell phone tower at St Pete Details at 6 news cast Kick butt HUH

Janet said...

good evening to all. 5:12 here and tom just pulled the big yellow bus into the drive way.......dark as midnight out and the holiday lights are on.....nice to be home.

i am sure glad i have a job i like. this two days in a row home.....glad to be back to work tomorrow!!!!

so i finished a project that i was working on. it is something for someone very special..... he he he. love doing stuff like this.

olivia is doing okay. back to school tomorrow!!!!

it was a beautiful day; sunny and about 50. still felt chilly though.

hope everyone has a great evening!

glo said...

ALL OF THE PRINTS ordered to help Emily are in their mailers. I will mail them off tomorrow. Be sure when your print arrives that you check the package well as you never know there could be something else enclosed in there for you. Thanks again ♥ Glo

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends!

There has been so much wonderful news on the blog in the past few days that I'm reluctant to bring any "not good news." First, I want to say thanks to everyone for the prayers for my mom. But there will be no surgery to repair her aneurysm. It turns out that, in her particular case, the risks involved in the surgery are great and Mom has elected to live with the aneurysm for whatever amount of time she has left - weeks, months, or years - rather than assume the risks.

Mom sounds at peace with her decision, so I need to get my head and my heart to that same place.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI My heart goes out to you with her decision I know that is hard My mom did the same thing with her cancer We will be keeping her close to heart and sending healing thought for her to live a long time ♥

DanaMo said...

Oh Sandi, I'm sorry that things did not turn out as planned. We will pray that you mom has much time ahead of her even with the decision not to risk the surgery.

glo said...

((((Sandi)))) Prayers for the years part and peace3 for all of you.

DanaMo said...

Thanks Thelma for understanding my situation with my brother.

Beautiful Moon and Jupiter out there tonight. Took a picture and posted it to facebook.

Costume Lady said...

SANDI...I have forgotten where your Mom's aneurysm is (brain, heart, tummy?) Sorry the plans have not worked out.
GG has gall stones and we had her all set up (a few years ago) for the surgery and her surgeon said he was not comfortable doing surgery on a patient as frail as she is, so that was cancelled. She also, has an aneurysm in her aorta(abdomin) but that is not operable either. Then, there is the heart problems...it is so painful to see the "First love of your life" going downhill over the years. I pray every day and night that God will help me to make all the right choices for her and say all the right things when she asks me about her health and begs for another pain pill when it is not even near time:( We do have our crosses to bare and without God's help it would be near impossible to get by. Prayer gives me peace in my heart, but sometimes it takes a little longer than I would like:)

Lolly said...

Wahooo!! We got some of our outside decorating done. Will finish up tomorrow. Wahooooo!

Lolly said...

Wanda....been there..done that! We had decisions to make about Mother and it was hard. One day I had a doctor (not Mother's) tell me we were making the right decisions when he saw me break down.

Sandi...it is a blessing that your Mother is comfortable with her decision. I can perfectly understand their decisions when they reach a certain age.

glo said...

Have watched closely all day for updates on Baby Isaac. Hoping no news is good news and all are resting/recovering nicely. Time to veg by the TV. So very tired. I need this cough gone!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I know you and your sister had hoped for a different decision - I am thankful your mom is at Peace with her decision - I am most thankful that your mom is the one who made the decision for herself. Peace to all of you and you just going to have to put even more extra love to that Baltimore Lady! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Going to catch one show tonight and then do some more piddling around here.


magpie said...

Bless your heart, Sandi...and your Mom's and your sister's - and all the family....
(( Encircling you with Hugs ))
and am with the others here in saying it is good that your Mom could be the one to decide....

magpie said...

Very touching post, Wanda....
Your devotion to GG is
very heartwarming, and you have surely so very much joy to her life...
and ours too, by sharing

magpie said...

Happy 12th Birthday to Hunter !

Surely, Shirley...he does realize he IS INTO his 13th year now....

voice changing? Oh Yikes...just don't let those freckles disappear!

magpie said...

I don't have facebook but I hav

magpie said...

Oh Phooey I was so excited I just went hogwild on the keyboaard...
I have been watching the Full Beaver Moon since it rose and watching Jupiter oootch closer and closer to it....really spectacular and glad you got pictures... !

magpie said...

Thanks in Advance Glo!
A labor of love that just keeps on giving ! Can't wait....

Shirley... I have probably encountered a couple of thousand stinkbugs in this whole auction and storage project...and there are a couple buzzing in the house now.
Definitely, WOOF !!!!

magpie said...

time to resume the
techniques here....

Always good to read what's abuzz with everyone here...

Prayers for Wellness all around.

(I hope I win Powerball tonight)
Lori and Loo talked of a $163,000 platinum "Hello Kitty" item , I probably won't be buying that if I win)

ttfn xoxo

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Beautiful view of the moon on the way home tonight.

Sandi, I'm sorry that your Mom's surgery will not be, but glad she is at peace with her decision. It's hard for us to make that peace...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Shirley, I remember those inbetween years! Happy Birthday to Hunter!

LOL at your drapes in the tree. Think they'll end up floating around somewhere?

And yes, I bought my ticket too!

stronghunter said...

Hmm, flying drapes? Stinkbugs riding on an airborne drapery? Look out!

magpie said...

While I'm thinking of it:


Best wishes, JO, on the x-ray results...

Hoda said...

Well SANDI, Big decision yes, yet your Mom made it and I dare say I have a lot of respect and admiration for her...I would rather think I would have made the same decision. I have a DNR on my charts with the hospital and at my doctor's. I send love and Light your way and your sister's way too.

JO I am glad you do not have to wait long to find the results of the x-rays. We will be with you tomorrow at the surgeon.OUT DAMN SPOT...

JANET I am glad your daughter is better and that school again tomorrow...

Teen agers are fun; wonderful that Josph and Hunter are almost there...good guidance makes all the difference.

Yay on the Christmas shopping LOLLY. The big Christmas tree is up in town all decorated and pretty. the Lights are also going up on other trees. Very festive looking...People also have their outdoor lights on. I like it driving home at three as it is already dark and the lights are already on...pretty.

stronghunter said...

Deer Crossing

This is an unbelievable phone call. There is not much I can say besides that.

I hope you non-Facebookers can get it. If not, let me know.

stronghunter said...

I did want to say that I do understand your mother's decision, Sandi, and I hope she has many happy years to benefit from it.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks SHIRLEY for bringing that over I was so amazed how StOOOOOOpid she was LOL unbelievable also
SANDI I can remember when your mom made the decision not to do anything and you all convinced her to go so I applaud her decision also and will be thinking of you in regards to this My heart goes out to you and your sister and bless your MOM for her strength to go forward You are from good strong blood make your momma proud we know you will

JudyEddy said...

Just got through cleaning Jordyn Fisher Price little people house and lots of accessories I am giving to a gal at work for her grand daughter

paula eagleholic said...

It's a small world...just realized an old high school classmate of mine and his wife are Ruby's foster parents! Ruby is one of the pups from Holly's Half dozen!

stronghunter said...

It is just a link to my FB page, Judy. I am not sure anyone not on FB can get it. Maybe you know a better way to share it. I cannot find it outside of FB.

stronghunter said...

It is one of those things that you wonder if you are being set up because a person can't really be that dumb.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete

link didn't take

This is the video SHIRLEY wanted to share but took you to facebook lets try this

Deer crossing and a lady

JudyEddy said...

now thats better Thought I lost the touch LOL

JudyEddy said...

There is a story also under the video to read

stronghunter said...

More About Donna the Deer Lady

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Eagle Pals...

Best wishes for Sweeeet Sleep, and for a Good Tomorrow

oh, JudyE, great avatar, you and Jordyn....

Prayers for Wellness for all, and for our families, friends and pets

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

stronghunter said...

Good night, Margy.

More to do here tomorrow. Hope I do not find a thousand stink bugs. Oh dear.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I ain't no richer then when I got up this morning lol

Time to hit the pillows.....
Prayers for all of you and your loved ones
I Love Us !

JudyEddy said...

Popping in to say good night and another good report from Caring Bridge
""Doing much better tonight!
Written 11 minutes ago

Isaac doing much better tonight. His temp has come back down and they were able to get some of the fluids off of him. He seems much more comfortable now and all of his stats have leveled out very nicely. Sorry for the late update today-thanks for the continued prayers everyone-God is good all the time!!""

thought I would bring it over

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Right there with you, Jo. Ain't no richer, but that is probably because we did not buy a ticket. lol

Heading to bed now. Wish we had heard from Bev this evening about Isaac.


Costume Lady said...

LOLLY...caring bridge report is that baby Isaac is doing better...fever is down. Sounds good to me~

Good night my friends, sleep well. Prayers and love for all♥

Costume Lady said...


Not only will he have a new voice soon, he will start losing his childish good looks and turn into a good looking young man. Dustin's years from 12 to 18 FLEW by...can't remember much of those lost years:) He is 6'6" and can't play a lick of basketball! Just not his thing. He likes fire engines;) Loves to go on a call with his Mom in the ambulance~

Nite, again:)

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone!

DanaMo said...

I wonder if today will be the day we get our cam back! I hope, hope, hope!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!

So 2 tickets won the Powerball jackpot but they were bought in Arizona and Missouri. Of course, I didn't even buy a ticket!

It's the usual busy morning here at work...hope everyone has a great blessed day with lots of smiles and JOY in your heart!

Prayers continue for those in need, JO, Michael, Baby Isaac, KAY, SANDI's Mom, DANAMO's Dad, GLO's MIL and Thelma's BIL.

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana, Lori, and all my eagle friends! 27 degrees here this AM - coldest morning yet, but the forecast is calling for a warm up this weekend.

Wanda, this is Mom's 3rd aortic aneurysm. She already had an abdominal one repaired in 1997 and a thoracic one repaired in 2007. This one is above one and below the other so between her abdomen and where her heart is.

Hoping for more good news today from Jo and from Dana about her Dad!

Wonderful news on Isaac's latest CaringBridge!!

Prayers continue for all the needs on the blog. Make it a great day all! We have 2 teachers on our hallway out today so I'm expecting a rough day with 2 subs in classrooms. The kids will be on their very best behavior (not)!!

Janet said...

good morning to all.

SANDI: your mom's decision is a tough one, for everyone involved. it is hard to honor those decisions.....judy is right, that is what our mom did. and we honored that decision. not that it was easy, but again, ditto what she said; holding you both close in heart and thought....

happy birthday to HUNTER.

woke up prior to the 5:30 alarm....ready to get to it today! it is beautiful out, 28, bright full moon, the air smells wonderful!

hope everyone has a great day today! looks like its gonna be beautiful around here!!! :)


T-Bird said...

Good frosty morning my eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, THELMA! Stay warm!


T-Bird said...

LORI-you too.

T-Bird said...

DANAMO-I hear ya, the cam sure would be nice!

Lori O. said...

Changing the avatar to the kissing pig! LOL

grannyblt said...

Hello eagle friends. It is a cold but sunny day here in western PA. Not much of interest to the group to report from here. I didn't win the lottery either--not even one number. Oh well, my $2 helped in a tiny way to make someone's wishes come true. I read the blog every day and so happy to hear of the many answered prayers.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Going to finish the decorating in the yard and then will start on the inside. I really need to scale down but I love all the decorations and can not decide to what to get rid of. Each year I put aside a Santa or two, but that is not enough. lol

Off this morning for my mammogram. Oh joy!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - just returned from my sit down with the surgeon - All 4 pins are exactly where they were placed. Tomorrow I will receive a call for the scheduling of my treatments.

God is good - all the time.

Gong to try to get some outside Christmas decorations up this afternoon.
Daughter and son are going down to visit Michael. No definite placement for Michael yet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just have to share this! Pat Monahan is giving me 3 tickets to see Train in concert in Johnson City, TN on 12/13. I am so freaking excited!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

UPDATE FROM NICOLE: Isaac is doing okay this morning. No fever and no Tylenol has been administered and his cultures all looked good :-) His chest tube is draining much better than yesterday now and his fluid index is starting to look a little more in the acceptable range. Chest x-ray this morning showed trace fluids on his left lung and some on his right lung. Lung volumes were also down but they said it may be that his ventilator settings needed increased until he gets rid of some more fluid. Please lift him up in prayer that everything will be okay and that we will get to see hs baby blues soon! We have been so blessed throughout this process...love to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eaglebudlets
Not much going on here
Just realized I didn't call June last nite like I have everyweek
She wouldn't have answered but can't believe I forgot to call
Gonna pick Jordyn up at school her
10wk swimming class is over
this week Will be seeing the eagles
she will want to go to Freedom park
then to her house for dinner.
I am thinking about tomorrow
maybe driving over to Polk Co and see if I can see all the eagles
that were mentioned on the news
at the cell phone tower
Keeping all in need today close to heart

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just talked to Nicole. She doesn't want to put alot out there on FB but Isaac had a pretty rough day yesterday. He had a fever, not big spike, but a fever. The chest tube was not draining right and he was retaining alot of fluid. He is better today but not as good as before. Please lift them up that they get over this little hurdle and he bounces back quickly. I love us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Don't think I brought the news report last night of the up to 60 eagle have been seen roosting on a cell phone tower in Polk Co (Angie use to live over there)
Eagles roosting on a cellphone tower in Polk Co

JudyEddy said...

One thing on that report they said the eagle were choosing towers because of no natural environment left I beg to differ with him the three towers I know off have lot of trees woods lots of pine tree but the cell phone towers are so much taller that the trees I think that is the reason

Lolly said...

Prayer for Isaac going up right now!!!

Mammo went fine today!

Sounds good for your visit, Jo. Now prayers for the treatments to get started! OUT DAMN SPOT!!!

Mema Jo said...

I hear a train down in Johnson City, TN

How many miles you need to travel to use those tickets? Are Bev and Mattie going with you, Choo Choo ?

I know that made your day! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes, Bev and Mattie are going with me! It is 2-1/2 hours away! :)

Kay said...

Good late afternoon Eagle Buds !

A quick scan tells me we prayer partners are doing a great job ! So happy with the Michael report and vowing to pray for Isaac non-stop til' our Good Lord answers !

LYNNE2, I hear and appreciate your JRT warning ! I realize they are a high energy breed, but he was half the size of Malcolm and wouldn't have been able to drag me around ! Notice past tense. Someone else had a hold on him until 6pm last night and sure enough they picked him up. The shelter has a "mingle with the pets" open house every Sunday and Julie and I will go until we find the right dog for me. In addition to the in house dogs there are foster dogs who are available for adoption and are brought in for those visits. Most likely the dog I find will be a chihuahua mix as most of the very small dogs, both old and young seem to be. I'm also looking on line for an older Wheaton Terrier Rescue dog within about a hundred miles. Dream on..... I just need a little critter to give life more purpose and a daily reason for forging ahead through the pain.

Went to Seth's school play last night and may go back tonight. It's a comedy comprised of little oddball vignettes and he has a leading role in two of them. Very funny and a great way to top off his H.S. theatrical career !

Love you all soooo much and am so looking forward to watching Belle and Shep with you again---and soon according to STEVE's good report.


glo said...

I so hear you Kay " I just need a little critter to give life more purpose and a daily reason for forging ahead through the pain." You will be a great doggie Mom when you find the right doggie for you.

Bev Thanks for the additional info on Isaac. I just knew things were not as they should be yesterday which is really not unusual post surgery. Prayers continue and they will get him straightened around.

Very busy but good day here so am just now getting to the blog.

Hoda said...

Blessings and Thank you MEMA JO. Glad of the report and glad they are not wasting any time and that they will phone you with the treatment schedule tomorrow. Please keep us posted and Out Damn Spot, Out Damn Spot.

Prayers for BABY ISAACS and I hope he continues to heal and get over the fever and the fluid...
Thanks for keeping us posted Bev.

Well SHAR I do not know who this PAT chap is but he must like you very much if he gave you three tickets to your favourite band. Make a safe trip of it you three...

I will post some pictures on FB on the weather here in Nelson. I went out to lunch and visited with friends then went for a walk to the marina and it is shut in and the clouds seem to be coming down low, we however can still see the base of the mountains.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, Pat is the lead singer for my favorite band, Train! :)

Hoda said...

Thanks SHAR, I guess in a way he is a friend since his music makes you so happy!!!This is cool.
Take pictures.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Just returned from a trip to our church for the viewing of a 31 year old -- It is so sad to lose a son - Prayers for our Deacon and his wife and family.

I will watch 1 TV show this evening
I may start addressing my cards

Tomorrow I have a hair cut and then the eye appointment to get the 2nd of 3 shots in my eye.... I really don't like this anymore then you like hearing about it! But since I am deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other one very well - I don't want to go blind!

I love us

Hoda said...

Love you JO and we are with you for the eye shots and you just go on talking about them for as much as you want. So long as you can see you can tell us how beautiful we are!!! LOL!!! I am glad they do not hurt you and that you find them manageable.

By the way it is all your fault!!! Yes you MEMA JO!!! All your fault!!! I came here over an hour ago to download pictures of the weather today in Nelson and here I am playing puzzles because I can not open my Advent Calendar yet!!!
LOL!!! Love London and LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!! Thank you very much!!!

Lolly said...

Chooo Chooo! I hear a TRAIN a comin'!!!! ☺ WOW, Sharon...that is awesome and I know you are excited! Have fun!!

Jack just took his telescope out. We looked at Jupiter and it's moons and we as looked at the full moon. Awesome!

Lights are all on the house. Will try to get a picture.

Going to watch Grey's now.

glo said...

For ya know it we will all be invited to a Train wedding. I hear it comin round the bend :-)

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got home from Angies a wonderful evening as usual

OH BTW the Ft Meyers nest is now a two egg nest 630 this evening I guess I have subscribed to a youtube person and that is what the video says havent' watched it yet just read the title

Mema Jo said...

My TV show was enjoyable - time for me to close down for the evening. I am very thankful for all of you being here for me and all those who needs our support. What a fine group of friends I have! I love us!

Prayers for everyone and those they love
Tomorrow, Red Friday, is the last day of November - Then Advent begins!

Nite ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. Very tired here. Have been very busy.

Tried to convince Hunter to take some of his stuff out to the POD to get it out of the way of the painters. Told him to take his huge Teddy bear out.

Nope. He would not do it. Couldn't explain why. I got the "you would not understand" reaction that I get so often. I realized he can't have his Teddy bear out there in the cold. (Thought about suggesting that the bear might camp out. Hmm, real bears sleep in the woods. But not Teddy bears.)Of course, he would be insulted if I told him I really do understand. This is a complicated issue.

He finally decided it could be in his mother's room along with his beloved little bear.

This is my sophisticated middle-schooler whose voice is changing.

stronghunter said...

Will have to let Hunter know that I think the bears are just fine where there are--got to let him save face while letting him know I do understand.

magpie said...

Hunter is blessed with a Super Grandmother, Shirley...some day he will be just like you in so many ways


magpie said...

Holding all of you my friends in my thoughts and prayers

Praying for the biggest needs and all the smaller ones also.

Time for me and the pillows to meet face to face

Yes, Jo said it and I'll second it: RED Friday is just around the morning corner

God Bless Our Military

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us, Every One

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. I hope he will one day decide Grandma is okay. Right now, not so much.

Have played the face-saving game with plenty of kids.

stronghunter said...

I am touched to see the softer side of this kid who plays a plenty tough game of football.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening, Eagle Buds!!!
Checking in to see what's happening. Went to Chelsea today and go tomorrow, then Park on Sat.
Supposedf to have First Aid and CPR classes there. Don't know if I'll be able to participate and take care of business, too. Shouldn't be real crowded and there will be my buddy, Doris, there.
Saw a "Grey fox" today, but couldn't get a pic~~~real fast. He had many colors, but chest and tail tip were not white. Maybe I'll see him again.
Mema Jo, hope your Golden Spots are in the correct places so we can say Out, out,damn spot to the offender! ☺ ♥
Sandi, sorry they can't really operate on your Mom. So hard to wrap your mind and feelings around that~~~prayers and support. Son of our former Chief of all Park and Planning said his Dad is in a similar situation. Has lung CA, but the surgery would probably kill him.

"I hear the train a-comin!!!!" Hooray for Shar and gang!

Shirley, Belated B'Day Wishes for Hunter!! Sounds like a teen wannabe!

Can't remember all I wanted to say, but it's getting late~~~~
Good Health Prayers for ALL in need and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who don't have facebook...there is a wonderful, short video of Isaac opening his eyes for the first time since his induced coma. To hear the joy in his Momma's voice brings tears to your eyes!

Off to bed with me...Good Night, love and prayers for all♥

Lolly said...

Got caught up on a country music show on pbs. Really enjoyed it!

Heading to bed now. Prayers for Jo, Michael, little Isaac and all needs not vocalized with this fantastic group. As a wonderful person once said I LOVE US! (Choo


Hoda said...

Very touching story on Hunter and the bears SHIRLEY...You are an awesome Grandmother.



Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

What wonderful news in little Isaac's last CaringBridge entry! Such a miracle!

Shirley, so this is "get your house done" day. Hope those 6 guys get everything accomplished - you have been waiting a long time!

Jo, glad to hear that your markers have stayed put and you can proceed with getting rid of that spot!

Prayers for all - make it a great day!!

magpie said...

Good RED Friday morning to one and all...

Wonderful news about baby Isaac,
what blessings for Chuck and Nicole and all the family xo

Beautiful sky this morning, it's a four planet morning, Jupiter with the Moon setting in the West,
Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the East...

Best Wishes for a Razzle Dazzle Day with good things happening for all

Prayers for Wellness....
Today and Every Day

xoxo Worktime looms....
tt for now...
(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

(Keep your eyes on a SPLIT in a little while...don't get lost)

Hope the Big Friday Work on your House Day goes well, Shirley!

Janet said...

good tired Friday morning. the stress from last night was enough to just make me hide under the bed!

stronghunter: aren't 11,12 year olds a complete contradiction? one minute a child, one minute on the brink of adolescence.....we had a rough one with ours last night.

and with the son as well.

let's just say growing up isn't easy to do. *sigh*

work was great. i was so happy to be at work. :) it was a super day....and then....evening and kids and stress.

today chelsea goes for another ob appt. i suppose she'll be starting her weekly visits any time now. that baby girl is coming soon. poor chelsea is having morning sickness...again.....she is over being pregnant right now.

well, i'm making up my mind that its gonna be a super day, even if i am really tired this morning! hugs and love, light and healing to all....keeping you close in heart and thought!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Again, no matter how long it takes we are one day closer to having our cam on.

T-Bird said...

((Hugz)) love and prayers your way.

T-Bird said...


T-Bird said...

Did you all see the moon last night. It was so beautiful. What gifts we are given, to witness such spectacular things in the universe. Does that sound cheesy? : )

T-Bird said...

JANET-that sounds like a good plan. You inspire me. I think I'll make a great day too. Although I may have to remember I can start my day over anytime. : ))

T-Bird said...

MAGPIE-a 4 planet morning, wow.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

They are working on the indoors. I think Will has disconnected the network. They are going to work in his basement space.

Dogs are outdoors and not happy.

One guy said he does not think they will finish today. That does not surprise me.

stronghunter said...

Funny--They will paint the door frames, but not the doors. They will apply one coat of paint only to the walls. Anya say that might not be enough. I picked Sherwin Williams paint, though. I have not had a problem covering a wall with one coat. We shall see.

Do not mind so much painting doors myself. The ad for Hunter's room shows a red closet door. I like that, and can do it myself.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about typos. Using phone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning before the Split
Nothing on our cam yet - I keep checking
Haircut this morning - I will feel better afterwards I'm sure

Good luck today Shirley!


Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...




2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...