Friday, October 15, 2010


New thread.


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Well, I went to the last page and no one was there, guess they will find this new weekend thread in a few hours:)

Costume Lady said...

Just sitting here drying my hair and multi-tasking. Trying to put together a Family Friday dinner and dry my hair at the same time...also, drying some clothes.
Getting too busy for all this extra stuff...need to concentrat more on the shop. Gene does an excellent job, but, when it gets really busy over there, it does take two people! Next Friday, the kids will be on their own...Capt. Father Gene and I will be at the Rumsey Tavern. So glad we started that much fun!

movin said...


GooD MorninG to aLL;

A very great

FRISATSUN to you too.


C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Happy Halloween
and great business to you this year, Wanda.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Wanda!

Thanks for the call over.

Thank you, Steve, for the Friday thread. Hope you have a great weekend!

I'm here, Wanda, checking in. Have been having "fun" paying bills online. (Whoopee!) Sorry to say that it's taken a chunk out of my morning, in more ways than one!

Haven't really caught up on this morning's comments. Has anyone heard from Dana? I'm really concerned for her. Does anyone have her cell phone number? I hope she hasn't fallen or something. She's usually here chatting with us, but I didn't see any comments from her last night. What do you think?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.
Hi Wanda! Hope you have a good Friday get together with the family.
The coolness in the air has slowed
me down to not wanting to do too much here at the computer.
Hello Jim! Hello Andy!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Mema Jo!

I'm just about to hit the road to Borders to find an "Algebra for Dummies" book. Surely they must have one, and I could really use it!

It's much cooler here this morning. Maybe 65 and cloudy so far. I love it! Supposed to feel like fall this weekend. Maybe I'll get to wear one of my sweaters!

Lynne2 said...

I found you!

Geez, maybe I'd have passed Algebra if there had been an Algebra for Dummies when I was in school! (failed TWICE...I honestly think, and some people have also thought, that I have a slight form of dyslexia.)

I've been cleaning out and organizing drawers this afternoon. BORING.

Yeah, where IS Dana????

Mema Jo said...

I had to leave a phone message for Dana. Told her we were worried and concerned and asked her to try to get in touch with us. Let you know if I get a call returned.

Lynne2 said...

thanks Jo!

Lynne2 said...

I have 12 rolls of film that I never got developed....wish I could afford it! They have to be pretty old pictures!

Mema Jo said...

I used to get in that situation before the digital camera, Lynne. Some used to be so old I had forgotten all about taking them........ I know what you mean about the cost.

Mema Jo said...

Open House Events
Battson's Critters (4 shows)
Snakes of WV (2 shows)
Feathered Flicks:Mirgratory Birds
Owl Pellets
Build-a-bird feeder
Birding(3 areas)Take a child birding, Birding for the blind and Wild Yards
Beaks & Feet
Make a Shorebird
Whooping Crane Info Booth
Building an Eagles's nest
Wing Span Project
Face Painting
Bird Eggs & Painting
USFWS Migratory Bird Program
Careers "Explore careers in conservation" booth
And the Blue Goose Suit !!! Yeah!

hedgie said...

Good afternoon, eagle buds! Quiet day here on eagleblog.
We went back and looked at the house in Waves today, and are trying to figure the costs of what needs fixing before we make an offer.
Went to the beach and were watching a poor kite surfer flounder after his kite broke.....luckily he made it to shore. He was being dragged toward the destroyed Avalon Pier.

Saw lots of pelicans fishing....and a cormorant IN THE ROAD. Afraid he was injured. Before we could turn to go back, someone else stopped .
Saw 2 deserted osprey nests.

Yummy pizza for lunch.

Mema Jo said...

More pics on FB from Lolly - looking at the surf........

Mema Jo said...

ok I looked it up

Thunder Hole is the place in Acadia National Park to experience the thunder of the sea against the rocky shores of Maine!

hedgie said...

Jam-packed day of activities, for sure, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Hedgie! Sounds like you are making progress on a decision for your future

I just got my suitcase with the pull along handle and thing I can put my oxygen tanks inside and Off I Will Go.

The temps are really down up here and with the wind - those leaves are falling.

Mema Jo said...

Previous comment is

I Think I Can

Judie said...

Good late afternoon, everyone.

Thank you, Steve for the new thread.

Thank you, Wanda, for the call over.

Got my "do" did and then consumed with laundry. Taking a break before dinner.

Lynne2, a little anxious. Woman scheduling the echocardiogram asked my bra size. Said I think she's a pervert. Still don't know why that is important. How awesome to have a hawk land on your hand. I hope it stayed long enough for you to get in a "Hi, how are ya?" Also glad the talons did no damage.

Wanda, do you have a flag pole costume?

Jo, so glad you left a message for Dana. I am also concerned about her not checking in. Is there a family member or friend that can be contacted?

Jo, also happy you are all but ready to head to OH. Never will forget last year walking toward the Clarion entrance and just knowing you were Jo.

Wanda, enjoy family night. What's on the menu?

Lynn, glad you got some b____ time. Sure hope it works out for making an offer. Fingers crossed.

Washer is screaming at me so headed to take care of that and start dinnner. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Well Judie - I am going to disguise myself this year and you may not know who I am....... You may think I am just a 'flag pole'

Lynne2 said...

Judie, the hawk was mad, I was restraining him for adjustment of his jesses (the leather anklets), and he had just had a beak and nail trim, and his eye cleaned out. He was DONE, and he freaked. I was not wearing the raptor gloves. My bad. And I tend to be tentative yet when holding the birds because I'm afraid of hurting them. Still very much a rookie! So he suddenly freaked and I lost my grip on one leg, which he then grabbed onto for dear life. Tracey was able to get the foot loose easily, he hadn't implemented his "ratchet grip" yet.

I wonder if they asked about your bra size because of this...when I had my stress test, the result came back with some sort of area of obstruction, but it was in an area where dense breast tissue tends to do that. But they didn't ask me any such questions ahead of time! Maybe they will have to adjust placement of the electrodes? Still, you think they'd be prepared for all of that without asking that ahead of time. Maybe Lynnellen will have some insight to that particular question.

Lolly said...

What an awesome day we have had! God's world is breath taking. All along the shore drive in Acadia the waves were huge, crashing, roaring. Jack and I could have stood there for hours watching.

We had an early lobster dinner and we are headed to a sports bar for the game. Go TX Rangers!!!

Lynne2 said...

the pictures are great Lolly, but I know they can't do the in person experience justice...glad you are having such a good time!

paula eagleholic said...

so, no sighting of our lovely couple lately

paula eagleholic said...


Lynne2 said...

yeah Paula, this empty nest watching is BORING....

Lynne2 said...

uh, can you retype that in English? LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

HAHAHA, have to leave the previous post on here...was wiping off the keyboard.

Lolly, that sounds like a fun day and fun evening.

Speaking of cormorants, my son called me this morning...he was watching a cormorant on the Rider campus where he had breakfast with his GF....told him it was probably stopping for breakfast along its migration route.

paula eagleholic said...

The cormorant was at the pond....duh...they've also had an egyptian gooses on campus...he's a resident...the only one.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta feed the dogs...and me too!

NatureNut said...

Got home about 20 min. ago and haven't seen our birds either. Nothing lately at Chelsea (farm office)~~no deer, geese, nothing, not even a stinkbug today!!!

Paula, that's so cool about the goose and cormorant. I need to go back to pond in Upper Marlboro & see if cormorants are there.

Lynne, so you had a close encounter of the raptor kind!!
Love Lolly's travelogue & the lobster dinner, too!!

Gotta get some coffee & then din din. Wore ourselves out today laying and squeegeeing 24" x 36
" vinyl sign sheets & then clear on top of metal blanks. BBL, I hope ☺

Mema Jo said...

Dana called and says to tell you that she is making it! She is just very tired but says she will make it on here in a day or two. Message from Dana is that she loves all of you and
thanks for thinking of her.
Keep her in our prayers for her health to improve.
Oh yes, she does have her cell phone with her at all times.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like another TV evening..
The Meduium, CSI:NY, Blue Bloods

Out of all 3 the CSI:NY is the one I wouldn't miss.

Judie said...

Just a quick thanks Jo for bringing us up-to-date on Dana. Glad to know she has her phone with her always but still wonder if she needs to visit her dr. Sure hope she has someone to check on her and Little Man if she's staying inside.


Mema Jo said...

Judie, Dana's mother is on call for her. I've met her before and she
can do good by Dana if needed. She rode
with her down to Winchester Dr Appointment. Oh yes, her mom can drive well.

Have a good evening...... It is cold up in this neck of the woods.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Glad you got a call from Dana, Jo. I am sitting here in my recliner. I just have to close my eyes for a moment. Hope to stop by later.

magpie said...

Yesindeedy Jo, thanks for the Dana report...such a comfort to know how our Momsters and Dadsters are doing

ALSO: Thanks for posting the list of activities for Open House...lots and lots to look forward to

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Paula I was trying to read your
9oo liok sentences....too funny ☺

magpie said...

Wow Lolly whatever you are using to type your posts is working great!
Glad you two are okay...sounds like a very exciting day

hedgie said...

Well, truck is loaded with most stuff. Floors vacuumed. Ready for Blue Bloods at 10! Other shows will have to wait til I get home.

Glad Dana is perking along.

I have no idea about why bra size is needed. They never asked Charlie what size HE wore!!!! Maybe Lynne is right.

hedgie said...

Like your avatar, Lynne!

Jo, pack those tanks!

magpie said...

close encounters of the Hawk Kind for Lynne...glad it turned out okay...did anyone get pictures ??

magpie said...

Happy Return Trails Lynn

Weather has turned a wee bit cooler up here since you left town

magpie said...

Sounds like a pretty good costume season Wanda and Gene...hope that continues

getting calls from work about a misbehavin' computer system

bbl xo

magpie said...

aaaah work computer misbehavin' and higher tech power confirms it's going to be his baby and it can wait until daytime Saturday...

Hoping that this is a good night here there and everywhere, bundle up or cozy up and keep warm...

going to check out early here, large prayer list....leaving some extra time to attend to that...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Good to hear Dana is OK. Thx, Jo.

Night, Margy. I would freak if I got a call from work about 'puter trouble. I'm sure no techie! (My cat is! She might send a message like Paula! LOL)

It is getting cool & I love going outside w/what I'm wearing inside. But Fubby had a good point that w/jackets you have pockets for your stuff!! ☺
Car race going on, but someone may be dozing & I can steal the remote!!!
If I konk out, want everyone to have Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for all ♥

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy. Glad you didn't have to run in to the center!

Heard about the coolth! Also hear that the leaves are REALLY coming down----argh. My bane begins.

Bill's Mom was taken to ER by ambulance last night. Life Alert called Bill who went to her place and found her on the floor. Couldn't get her up, even tho' she only weighs about 90#...she was just to limp and said she hurt too bad. Was apparently on a 24 hr. ER test results last he heard. Drs. were not impressed---did not think stroke or anyhting serious.

Bill called 911 before Carolyn went to work so he didn't talk to her.

Mema Jo said...

Oct 15 Den Update

Mema Jo said...

Shows are over - I don't wish to watch the news again - usually have CNN on throughout the day. Everyone Stay Warm and the sky is so clear tonight.

Good Night Everyone Near and Far
Prayers for so many being said
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Can't wait to see the new BBC docu on the Bears! Wonder how long before it airs?

Well, time to shut 'er down. Will talk to you all tomorrow night---if I'm able to stay awake long enough. TOok us 10 hrs. to get down....trip home will probably be just as long.

Prayers for all....especially for Anne and all of Margy's family and she continues to respond to treatment, and to Robyn, who is facing the same heartbreaking decision with her pet as I am.
Good night from the OBX.

Costume Lady said...

We had a good evening at GG's. Dustin was there, for a change...he came home with me.
Judie asked the menu...
I made Pasta Alfredo with Penne pasta, broccoli and ham and lots of different cheeses and a salad. GG made an apple pie!!!

Supposedly have a large amount of people coming to the shop tomorrow, from Winchester. They say there is nothing there except Spencers...well, bring em on!!


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!

First of all, Jo, thank you for contacting Dana! Several of us momsters were beginning to worry about her, and I am certainly glad to hear that she is OK. Prayers continue for her improved health, and for Little Man, too.

Lynn, prayers going up for Bill's Mom. Sure hope she'll turn out to be all right. Kind of a scary situation. Prayers, too, for Cinnamon, and for you. Not a fun situation when our fur babies are hurting. Prayers for Robyn and her pet, too.

Would like to chat more, but pretty tired tonight. Need to get some extra sleep, I guess. Going to be a busy day tomorrow, too. Prayers said for everyone. Leaving the night light on. (Judie, if you make it back here tonight, please check to be sure it's still on.) The porch light is on. Eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

Good Breezy West Virginia Morning, Eagle Pals...

Had the live feed up from about 6:45 am to now...did not hear or see any eagles....
wonder what the NCTC folks might be seeing....

Best wishes for a good day....
off to work here

xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Didn't make it back on here last night.

Might go back to bed this morning.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Bill's mom,Dana, Cinnamon,and Robyn's pet.

stronghunter said...
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stronghunter said...

Hope the work computer is working okay very soon, Margy.

stronghunter said...

Going to a housewarming for Rus and Rebecca this evening. Need to buy a gift. It is also Rus's birthday party. Need to buy a gift for him, too.

I saw an interesting jacket at the store when I was buying clothes earlier this week. I want to go back and look at it again. It looked like a jeans jacket, but was a soft material.

Might just do that when I go housewarming/birthday shopping.

Susan has been approved for the Ecuador trip. I wish I could have done such a thing when I was in college. One of my former students stopped by yesterday afternoon. She's going to the University of South Carolina now, and was excitedly telling me about plans to spend a semester in either Fiji or New Zealand.

Lolly said...

Good morn! Came home in the rain last night from the sports bar where we watched the Rangers loose. Grrrrr! Cloudy but no rain and no wind, 48

Today we pick up our mail, shop for a new laptop and then...........we are going looking for eagles! Found out where they are most often spotted. Also, found out where some nests are. The nests are on smaller islands so we will not see them.

Tomorrow we leave here and start heading south. (((hugs))) for all! Oh, and "it" is enjoying being a traveler. Who will "it" go home with?

Lolly said...
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stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly,

I think it is just you and me right now.

stronghunter said...

Can't wait to see "it," Lolly.

stronghunter said...

And I'm really looking forward to meeting you and Jack.

Costume Lady said...

Steve has given us a new thread.

Costume Lady said...
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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...