Monday, October 11, 2010


New Week thread.


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magpie said...

Thank you Steve... Good Morning to you, hope you have a 3-day week-end and time to enjoy it !

I will make the announcement to the others

magpie said...

Sure is encouraging and comforting to open up and read all your greetings and well wishes for me and my family with my sister's illness...
these are the things, and the prayers, that help us so very much

Thank You !!

magpie said...

And I will surely add prayers for Dana, Lolly, and all of our prayer requests here...
and a lot of (( hugs )) also

xo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning again to all my friends. Thank you Steve for the
new thread.

magpie said...

apple dumplings.....oooh and aaaah....and yummm

I figure your daughter scored some BIG points with here Momma, Jo

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve! Thanks for the call over Margy!

From the other tread:

I get emails from the USGS about any earthquakes in the US. In the last week, there have been almost 50 quakes, 42 in Arkansas and several in western Tennesse and SE Missouri all of which have been 2.0 or less. Today there was a 3.9 in Arkansas. Just did some research on the area and it's a called the New Madrid Fault Zone. A very dangerous one according to geologists.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - here on the east coast - what is our fault line..........

Mema Jo said...

WOWSIE ! Son & now grandson sited within 5 ft the beautiful eagle at the
creek again! I should go to work with them cause that makes 2 days straight.

magpie said...


Can you have them give more detail on what part of the road they were on when they saw it? I know this is just a few miles from me here

Mema Jo said...

I think the job site is on
Dry Run Road...... Back Creek......
I'll try to find out more in detail..
Son and GS are from here in Middletown and job site is at friend's house where they are redoing the sidling

magpie said...

ok, thanks
I take Dry Run Rd straight up and over the top of a mountain, then it drops down to cross a creek near Cannon Hill Rd, then I head on out to pick up the creek at the Swinging Bridge....

Lynne2 said...

More eagles Jo, so cool they've seen them....good luck,hope you see them Margy!

Jo, wow, that was a tough question to find the answer to. I can't really find a good answer for you but here is the USGS explanation. I know there is one from NY, NJ, to PA called Ramapo. But they don't mention it. Very complicated business!
East Coast Quakes

Lynne2 said...

Here is another article Jo....lots of reading but look at the 2nd heading "Origins of Earthquakes", 4th paragraph.
Scroll way down to the maps for the risk areas.
MD Quakes

Mema Jo said...

That info is so cool, Lynne.
Don't like that Union Bridge location..

Thanks so much!

Mema Jo said...

My guys don't carry cameras - they carry hammers and saws and ladders!

But you know what - they both have
cell phones! Wow! I forgot about that!

NatureNut said...

Happy Monday! Guess it's a Holiday for some and a very lovely one!

How great for Jo's family to see eagles!!
Only critters I've seen this AM are stupid yellow jackets at the hummer feeder. It's such a nice, new batch & weather is good that I didn't take it down yet.
Last night I saw "rackety coon" again--didn't have camera. He turns on the spotlight, so I turned on porch light and opened door. He strolled right by and looked at me!

Lynne2 said...

If anyone is interested, I have plenty of seeds from the GG Morning Glory plant "Double Sunrise Serenade". (pic on my blog, somewhere). Grows BIG! Would look pretty on a fence, or up a pole, or as a ground cover.

NatureNut said...

Looked at Wanda's GS, bird, Pun. Looks like a Muscovy duck unless the beak is lumpy due to injury. They have real lumpy beaks and are large like geese.The vet should know.

I agree, Margy, that the BWO egret must be Snowy. It's too small for a Great. They are about the size of GBHs.
Now I'm gonna have to put a picture of "Forestville Leonard" on here. He must have hae a fruitful summer!!!

magpie said...

magpie is interested, Lynne....
I'll trade you some forget-me-not seeds for them ☺

Howdy more Eagle People

in the middle of clobbering the checkbook right now :(

Best wishes for a great day.....

Judie said...

Good afternoon, Steve. Thank you for the Monday sunshiny thread.

Thank you for the call over, Margy.

Jo, HOW DID YOU KNOW? Actually, final task was boxing up folders, binders, papers, and other "stuff" so the floor can be vacuumed and the furniture dusted. Don't think he's going to be happy but then neither am I.

Dana, I agree with Jo. Keep your walker nearby and your cell phone with you EVERYWHERE you go. Good luck with the new doctor.

Lolly, I do hope your swollen eye is nothing more than an insect bite from being outside hiking.

Hi Jim and Lynne.

Lynn should have some gorgeous weather for looking around.

Well, vacation is over. Car just pulled in driveway. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - He is a big boy!

Mema Jo said...

I am also hitting some bills - like newspaper renewal and NCTC Friends renewal and others...........


magpie said...

Now I have to go let go of the checks I wrote :(

found me some New England Asters,on Sunday, finally ! ... that's my avatar, it's a wee dark, posies were in the shade -
also I put a few on Wildflowers link...

ttfn, hope all are well
hoping to get good reports from Dana and Lolly pretty soon

xoxo ♥ ☺

Judie said...

Cannot express my despair. Arrived home with a storage carton of family "stuff" given to him by his uncle and aunt. Hopeless, just hopeless.

I apologize. Won't burden the blogger family with this type of information again. Not appropriate.

I'll be back tonight.

Mema Jo said...

I was trying to leave message to Mason on his 21st birthday on the Caring Bridge. I am waiting to be told a password to use. I'll let you know how it goes. I am very glad I sent him a snail mail card......... I'm

Lynne2 said...

oh Judie! UGH! and you are not burdening us at all....please don't think that!

Margy, so glad you found some Asters!

I have just found a baby walking stick bug on my Pothos plant! I thought at first is was a mantis, but after looking at some hatchling pics of both, it's definitely not a mantis...front legs and head don't match. I'm torn between letting it go outside, or taking it to Irvine to raise up.

Mema Jo said...

Lovely pic of the N E asters...

Judie - can't win for losing..

Told you that you should have changed locks! lol

Lynne2 said...

kids love walking stick bugs and they are easy keepers, would be good for the preschoolers to have to watch grow.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne Once I had a cacoon - placed in jar and punched hole in lid - placed on top of frig - five sets of eyes watched it anxiously - one morning the entire kitchen was fille with teeny tiny stick bugs!

Lolly said...

Hi all! We have returned. Went to the "walk in" window at the hospital. They were very nice! The doctor really did not know what to think about my eye. She did not think it was an infection. She thinks it is more of an allergic reaction to something. She kept saying insect bite, but NOTHING stung me!! Anyway, I am now on Prednisone and benadryl and using cold compresses. Also, she gave me a prescription in case it goes into an infection. (pink eye)

We are back at the trailer doing laundry and cleaning. Going to take it really lazy this afternoon. My eye feels "heavy". Does that make sense?

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - so glad you got good vibes with the dr. Sounds like you are prepared for anything! Lolly It could have been an insect bite while you were sleeping. Rest those eyes!

Lynne2 said...

wow Jo....that must have been something trying to round them all up! I have not seen any cocoon or eggs sack on the plants. Can only figure it came in on me yesterday when I was out washing the front windows. Had to step behind the azaleas to get to them.

Lolly, glad you got some meds but must be frustrating to not have a more definitive reason for WHY. Hope the meds help quick.

Lolly said...

Thanks! It started mid day yesterday. I just feel that I would have known if it was an insect bite and the way it hurt was not like a bite. Who knows! Hopefully it will go away!!!!

Lynne2 said...

as an added bonus to being on Pred, your knee pain will go away!

hedgie said...

Good late afternoon, one and all.
Lolly, glad you are started on some meds---very strange situation, for sure, but bugs CAN bite w/o you knowing it. Feel better. Understand what you mean about eye feeling heavy.

A lovely day here for a cruise--so we took the ferry over to Ocracoke. Nice crossing. Some touring and shopping and a so-so lunch. Fav place already closed for season-- :(

Irene is a beautician, so got my hair cut when we got back.

Judie, SO sorry about your dilemma. Can imagine how you are feeling. More :(

magpie said...

Hi there HedgieLynnEllen....glad you got to Okracoke...know how much you like that place!

Okay Lolly.....glad you got some treatment and sure hope whatever is taking up residence on your eyelid slips away over night !

Judie....I can make room for one more here, are you interested ??

xoxoxox Hello Evening Eagle-Watching Pals

magpie said...

have fun with your walking stick/s, Lynne....
they are so like prehistoric creatures...
haven't seen one on a long time

magpie said...

I'll always remember last year when Darth was your ghost writer for a few days....that was precious for us...

Oh, upstairs and over neighbor likes to cook on his days off, AND he likes to share.
Meatloaf and scalloped potatoes arrived 10 mins ago ☺ and already devoured.

Lynne2 said...

he's awesome Margy, so very tiny! I just don't know what KIND he is, there are 3 different ones, each with different things they need to eat. I just watched him stick his tongue in a drop of water and have a drink! It's only the second one I've ever seen...the first was a few years ago and it was and adult.

Nice of your neighbor to bring you some supper! One of the perks when i was a bartender was that several of my regulars loved to cook. They often brought stuff for me to eat...even duck ala orange once! First and only time I've ever had duck and it was YUMMY!

Lynne2 said...

even funnier is that I was hoping to get one of those canes with the four feet at the bottom, so I don't lean and break any more cabinet doors or towel racks while I'm bending over (ala bad back). Canes are also called walking sticks...guess I need to be more specific when I make a prayer request!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Finished all my homework for work earlier & burned a CD for them of Kids Day pics. F said I should get paid!!I might mention that!

Am I the only one w/Live cam trouble? Won't come on, so tried Still but didn't see our lovelies.

Glad to hear Lolly got some attention for the eye. Hope it gets better fast! And Lynn, see you did some sightseeing!Tomorrow will probably be our last 80° day, so think I'll wear "clamdiggers"!!

Lynne2 said...

my live cam is up and running Loretta. Looking at an empty nest though.

magpie said...

that's funny Lynne...yeah, we have to be careful how we word our prayers

Loretta...when I opened up Outdoor was all silent, usually it just opens up, so I scrolled down to where I could actually SEE the screen instead of hear the ad, and that seemed to jump start it...that has happened before many times for me....

Lolly said...

We did laundry, I cleaned the trailer, and we both cleaned the car. Ready to roll in the morning. Having one of our special dinners tonight, rolled flank steak. Laurel is in TX having a fit, it is her favorite.

My eye is no worse, not sure if it is any better yet. We sat out around a fire and read for a while.

Let me tell you about the rolled flank steak. It is cut and opened like a book. We cover it with fresh basil, procuitto, and then a bread dressing that has lots of herbs in it as well as cheese. We then roll it like a jelly roll, and I rub it with a mixture of olive oil, pepper, salt, thyme and garlic. We serve it with Chimichurri sauce which I made with It. parsley, cilantro, red wine vinegar, garlic, and olive oil. It is soooo good.

But, you know what? I love meatloaf and scalloped potatoes too!

NatureNut said...

Margy, I LUV your asters. Mine are now all brown :>(

Lynne2 said...

YUMMY Lolly! wish your eye was better though.

I guess our birds will be a no show I can't remember when the last sighting was.

Mema Jo said...

I just signed back in - glad I didn't miss our eagles but sorry they were a no show again. I'd have to look in the Momsters' album for the last sighting.

magpie said...

Oh Lolly...just how do you COOK it ??
sure sounds, fantastic

Thanks Lo, had to go to the next county to find them!

Hi Jo

magpie said...

the night sounds from the nest are wonderful...seems like it is still summer

Lolly - can you see the Moon where you are? Look South...SouthWest It's pretty, would make you seem a lot closer to us if you say you DO see it !

Lolly said...

Can see the moon, Margy!!!! Peeking through the trees.

We cook the steak on the grill, though it can be baked in the oven.

Dinner is about ready...gotta go.

Lolly said...

I'll be baaaaaack!

Lynne2 said...

I saw it too Margy, on my trash run. So pretty, and sky is just a bit hazy.

magpie said...


yep, something about all of us being able to see the same things in the sky at least very heartwarming, have a clear view now, Moon will set into into the clouds soon...

okay, time to do some homework aka housework...

see you all later in the evening
Hope all our Momsters and Dadsters not on here....are doing okay tonight !

ttfn xo

Mema Jo said...

Incidentally I got kicked out of the Yahoo Eaglet_Momsters group
On one of the messages sent by their email I hit the button to Unsubscribe.
I have just not rejoined and hope that
Paula will accept my membership LOL

Lynne2 said...

looks like the last picture of an evening visit was last Thurs, and the last morning visit was Saturday.

Mema Jo said...

Ya think they're on vacation down at
the Outer Banks ?

Mema Jo said...

Oh My - Time Passes By...

Megan just announced that Old Blue
is gone!

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo I went looking for those eagles on Saturday too.

Tell son he has to give us more information PLEASE PLEASE ( :

Wonder what time of day? If it was around the same time he seen them before?

Like Margy need eagle fixes!!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, you are good to go!

Lolly, I was thinking bug bite when you mentioned your eye yesterday...hope the meds help and it gets better quickly.

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

LOL, guess I would rather have double postings than Error 503!

paula eagleholic said...

Getting my beef tonight, too. Cooked some extra hamburgers last night...

Lolly said...

Paula, please let Mema Jo back into Eaglet Momsters. She promises to be good...or at least I feel she will promise to. Right, JO?

Lolly said...

Going to watch House.


wvgal_dana said...

Don't know about orthotics (if spelling right). He re-did some things. I have to wear straight 2 weeks. Re-scheduled Orthopedic appt. He needs to find out what these do before he can make a plan if there is going to be surgery.

Stopped by Wellness Center where Ed and I went to water arthritic classes. The one lady that works there knows my condition. She knows I need water to build my muscles with this cervical and spinal stenosis. She is trying to get me back up there. I surely hope something can work out. I felt so much better; ie arms, hands, legs, feet, back, neck and every part of me in that water. So it is up to GOD to work out. Driving I-81 would not be bad because not a lot of turns and can set on speed control. Just the money for the pool and gas up and back.

Right now prayers for those that need them. Can't at this time read back on comments. Need to get to recliner.

Prayers for ALL GOD and THANK YOU GOD.

Take care those that are traveling.

Judie said...

Thanks, Margy. You have enough to worry about. Anne update?

Lolly, glad you have meds and do hope the eye is better tomorrow. I guess I still think insect bite.

Love walking stick insects. So cute to me, for some reason. Haven't seen one for at least a year or two or more.

Margy, so terrific you have such a nice neighbor and provides food into the bargain. Yea! Course, rolled flank steak would be an equally nice option.

Oh my, do we need to petition Paula to approve Jo as a blog member? I vote yes!

Lynn, so nice you are having fun. Well deserved.

I believe it is time for me to find the sandperson. Physically and emotionally exhausted and have to go to the big school house tomorrow.

Will finish watching Hoarders and then sleep. Back tomorrow.

Judie said...

Oh, turned the night light on.

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll missed my post a couple of posts up...Jo is already back in.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to watch The Event....bbl

hedgie said...

Watching DWTS.
We had leftovvers for dinner tonight.

Nature watch today: sound was full of jellyfish. Saw a cormorant floating in the water and he dove UNDER the boat......hope he survived the propellers; egrets; of course seagulls...and the beautiful Ocracoke ponies.

hedgie said...

Margy, nice neighbor! BTW---you are welcome to go get some walking sticks at my place---plenty around there.
Lolly, your dinner sounds scrumptious.
Dana, good luck on your swim therapy.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. Have been busy grading papers.

See you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers that you feel better by tomorrow, Dana. Don't forget about carrying your cell at all times. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am the newest new member of Eaglet_Momsters - thanks to Paula.

Mema Jo said...


hedgie said...

We have seen the exterior of the houses down on this part of the island....tour for them is tomorrow afternoon. Nothing too exciting...some work required...MTBR.

Heading for tub. I'm fresh-air tired! And a bit wind-burned. Hitting the hay early.

Goodnight, dear friends. Talk to you tomorrow! Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Glad to have you here with us Mema Jo! You will love this group!☺

Have watched House and now going to watch Castle. Have on new PJ's tonight. Brown and blue with Moosies on them. LOL Love them!

Hope to get on in the morning before we head out. Can not remember if we have Wifi at Ba Haba or not.????? If you do not hear from me...that is wifi.

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

G'Night Shirley, Judie, Dana, Lynn, Lolly...and anyone else who has found the pillows...

I'm headed there myself...

Thinking of all
with best wishes and prayers for all good things

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

NatureNut said...

Almost time to hit the hay--gotta get stuff ready for AM work!
Lynn, what a great event. I was wondering what cam you saw and how the jellyfish "sounded"!!! LOL
And I definitely think I/we should stowaway on Lolly's next trip!!!I think it calls for a Field Trip!!!
Jo, glad you are still w/the Group!!!
Dana, hope you can get back to the pool--seemed to really help you.
Margy, prayers for Anne, you and your family and all others who are in need~~♥
Need to wind up here, so if I'm not back Pleasant Feather Dreams;>) & I'm sure Rackety Coon will enable the spotlights!! ☺ ☺

Lolly said...

Bear Update

Also added three pictures from today.

Once again..Nite all! (((HUGS)))

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for all - sent June an ecard of condolences for Karen's passing.
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

It's getting closer to Open House!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

I think we are all going to miss seeing Lolly's daily photos when she gets back home:(...But, that won't be for a while yet.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here VERY late tonight. Have been busy with school work today. Also find that we have a sudden large population of houseflies in the house. Guess I need to call out the exterminator tomorrow to check the attic for dead rats. Yuck!

Saw a few White-crowned sparrows today--they're back!

Lolly, hope your eye gets better really soon. I bet it was some kind of bug bite, too. If it were an allergic reaction, seems as if it would be BOTH eyes that were affected. Your flank steak recipe sounds yummy!

Dana, hope you are able to do more therapy in the water. Praying that God will make it possible.

Judie, sorry that Darth brought another box of stuff home. Hope you are able to find somewhere to put it. Hope you get a good night's sleep, and that school goes smoothly tomorrow.

Margy, prayers continue for Anne, for you, and for your whole big, wonderful family. ((Hugs))! That was really nice of your neighbor to share the comfort food with you.

Lynne, bet the baby walking stick is a cutie! They are fascinating.
Our daughter used to have some from somewhere in Malaysia (I think) that she got from her science teacher at Cal State. They were huge when grown, but very tame, and a lot of fun to watch. They had babies, too.

Shirley, did Daisy arrive at your house today?LOL :oD

Well, getting tired, and have school tomorrow. Better say goodnight. Prayers continuing for everyone. The night light is on, thanks to Judie. The porch light is on, too. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are enabled. Sleep well, friends, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

magpie said...

It's the Morning
It's the Day

Happy Birthday to Dear Jo...hope this is your best birthday ever, filled to the brim with all your favorite things ☺ ♥ xoxo

magpie said...

Can't see or hear an eagle yet at OUR NEST but there is an eagle at BWO having some breakfast chow

floralgirl said...


hedgie said...


Hope your day is extra special and fun!

Costume Lady said...

We have another beautiful morning here in Nestville, 57° sunny and going up to 79°. A perfect day for
a SPECIAL lady's birthday...


Lolly said...

♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Jooooooooooo, Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu!♫♪♫ Have a wonderful day, JO! ♥U

Lolly said...

Good morning! Getting ready to head out!

My eye is much better this morning. You really have to search to find swelling. I already have droopy eye lids! :) Anyone on here do surgery?

Have a prayer concern. Just received a text from Laurel. Faye her MIL, went into the hospital last night. She has pancreatitis. That is all I know at this time. Faye watches the kids after school. Do not know what Laurel is going to do. So prayers for Faye, please, and prayers for Laurel.

Lolly said...

I am outta here! Hope to see you guys this evening, however not sure if I will be able to. Let's hope so. I enjoy putting pics on here!

Have a great day, especially you, Jo, on your day!☺

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING, LOLLY...Glad your eye is getting better!
Don't worry about your G-Boys, Laurel will make arrangements, I'm sure. Not to worry on your trip!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! I made it! The good Lord is allowing me to enter my 71st year.
Thank you all so very much for well wishes. This day is going to be a fun day because family is coming for lunch which is prepared by daughters. That means Marcus, Donavon, Sophia, Anthony & Joseph will all be here! Lots of Love for all ♥ Then there will be Melissa, Aaron and Taylor! ♥ And my precious daughters will be with me. For dinner there will be more family to finish off the cake!
Who could ask for anything more?

movin said...


GooD morniNG tO

YoU aLL.


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...





My aunt's B-Day was also today ...
Aunt Columbus, as we called her.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Sounds like a fun-filled day, Jo, You don't look a day even close to 71, gal!

Lolly, glad your eye is better. I have a friend from work who had her eyes done this spring----says it was the best money she ever spent----whole new outlook on her life. Expensive---and insurance wouldn't cover it.

movin said...

fISH Crows at BWO have been hanging there for a very long time.

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning,
And Happy REAL Columbus Day!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear Jo,
Happy Birthday to you!
verse 2:
May the Good Lord bless you,
May the Good Lord bless you,
May the Good Lord bless Jo,
May the Good Lord bless you!

Mema Jo, sounds like your day is going to be spectacular! Have a good one!
By the way, today is also our oldest granddaughter Jay's 23rd Birthday! Happy Birthday to Jay, too!

Lolly, glad your eye is so much better! That's great!

Well, lots to do this morning, so am going to run. Coffee awaits in the kitchen. Will check in later!
Have a great day, everyone! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Andy, love your new avatar! Gailardias, fiesta daisies, whatever they call them in California...they are wonderful plants to have. Mine bloom all Summer long, clean up til frost.

Love to see what is growing in our friends yards and gardens, throughout the US:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, it seems the Insurance Companies will not pay for anything that is going to make you look better, even if it will prevent problems down the road. I had a pre-cancerous growth removed from my cheek, Insurance paid nothing...have more that need to be removed:(

Costume Lady said...

I think the most outrageous thing that insurance won't cover is Hearing Aids!

hedgie said...

I know, Wanda-----the ins. co's. never think PROACTIVE!!!!

Happy B-day to Andy's Jay!!

HEading out soon to look at half-a-dozen places near here. Tomorrow will be the Kitty Hawk/Kill Devil Hills area.

Costume Lady said...

Ah, Jo...the blessings of having a large family are with you today!

Costume Lady said...

Good luck, Lynn on finding just the right house! Has anything caught your eye, yet?

Judie said...

Good afternoon, everyone.

Jo, happy birthday! So glad you will have lots and lots of wonderful family and food (prepared by others). Please enjoy.

Lolly, great news your eye is improved. Sorry, I don't do surgery.

Lynn, hope the insides of the houses are encouraging.

Happy birthday, Jay.

Exam was easy but boring for me. Have scanned the grade sheets and will calculate grades this afternoon. Speaking of, I guess I better collect my belongings and be ready when my chariot arrives to take me home.

Not to worry Lolly. Laurel will solve the problem. Prayer for her MIL.

Okay, out of here. BBL

Lolly said...

Saw a huge nest on o I 95 in Maine top of a utiity pole. Eagle?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWO

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, nest could be an Osprey.
Did you get a picture...moving too fast?

Costume Lady said...

I think Judie drove by our house/shop truck with lettering which read: COUNTER INTELLIGENCE. I think she was looking to for SHEETZ:)

NatureNut said...

Got my Live cam on~~~~but cooking too, so have to make some trips to kitchen!!! Hope there's loud squawking!!!

NatureNut said...

C'mon, Birdy, birdy, birdies!!!!

hedgie said...

Dinner almost ready to come off the grill....bacon-wrapped shrimp and scallops (fresh sea!).

Found one house that looks like a real possibility. Can see the ocean and the sound from upper deck.

News not very encouraging on Cinnamon. Carolyn went to visit her today. MTBD.

Costume Lady said...

House sounds promising, Lynn.
Sorry Cinnamon isn't doing well, glad Carolyn is looking in on her.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, are you going to see more houses?

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, are you just looking at waterview homes? Where on the Outer Banks?

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Home and grades calculated. Will have some unhappy wannabe adults. Oh well.

Wanda, I guess I'm going to have to study up on my stealth tactics. Can't believe I was so obvious. Just trying to get my sheetz in case I make it to open house.

Lynn, glad you saw something promising but am concerned about Cinnamon. Glad Carolyn is checking on her. I bet she misses you. Doggie prayer being sent.


Mema Jo said...

Wow - what a wonderful day! So many good wishes and my time with family makes it perfect!
Now my evening will be perfect because it is Tues TV Time.
Andy here's to Jay on her 23rd B-day!
Lolly - glad you eyes feels better

Praying for the success of ALL miners being brought up!

Next Hurricane will be none other than Paula!

Thank all of you for your cards in the mail, the ecards on the computer, the comments on here and the wishes on
FB. Really been a great day especially with a lot of family members here for lunch! I am very

Judie said...

Meant I bet Cinnamon misses you but I guess Carolyn does also.

paula eagleholic said...

♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday dear Jo ♫♫
♫♫ Happy Birthday to Yoooou! ♫♫

Mema Jo said...

You sing so well, Paula! Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Hurricane Paula, here I come, LOL

Mema Jo said...

I am now heading to the TV & will return during Commercials....


Lolly said...

Have wifi but having computer problems. I am sending this with my phone. Wanda, guess it could have been osprey nest, but it was huge and not by water that we could see. Was going to google it tonight but no computer. Sorry no pictures tonight. Did take a picture of the moon for Margy.:)

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Jack thinks we have a virus again. So no more computer on this trip. Curse words! I can post on facebook.nite all!

hedgie said...

We are still going up north to look around where Candy lives (tomorrow)...the one we saw today that we like is in Waves down on Hatteras Island.

Saw the Nights in Rodanthe house "Serendipity" today from the road----it was moved following purchase post-movie. Guy bought it for $160,000, paid $60G to move it and $190G for a beachfront lot. Original location was IN THE SURF, so it had been condemned!

hedgie said...

Will post the pic after I get home.

hedgie said...

Paula, please keep your hurricane to yourself!!! Yep, we REALLY want water view!

paula eagleholic said...

Interesting article about the location of an osprey nest in Washington state

Osprey nest

I checked the Alcoa cam down under, there won't be any falcons on the cam this year, they are using a different nesting spot. They do have a couple of pics, tho.

NatureNut said...

Dear Jo, hope you're still having a wonderful Birthday!!! You have mail!

Lolly, sorry you guys got a virus! Yuck!
Lynn, sounds like a very interesting trip!!

Gotta clean up kitchen. I had a leftover big chuck roast---the one and only in my life that wasn't tender. I even put in oven first night real low for 2 more hours. So tonight I fixed it's wagon. Cut up like stew beef, simmered in diced tomatoes, added stew veggies and green beans. Now it's a lot better!

Judie said...

Well, Lowreeda, it sounds as if you really did fix that chuck's roast once and for all. Hope it was tasty rather than chewy.

Lolly, sorry you guys have a computer virus. I don't do FB so I'll try to keep track through comments on the blog.

Jo, are you going to share about all your birthday activities? Inquiring mind wants to know.

Eyes are getting heavy and have to meet the cardiologist in the morning. Have no idea what he will want in terms of tests, etc.

So, will seek out the sandperson in just a few. Turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in, headed back the hallway (full of cake), to the tub to rinse sand off toes, or just stumbling in at all hours. Sleep well everyone.

Prayers for Anne, Dana's pain, Karen's peace, Cinnamon, Little Man, and all others in need.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready now for The Good Wife

I love Hettie on NCIS:LA

Mema Jo said...

Remember in your prayers to include
safe rescues of the miners.

NatureNut said...

Earlier, around 6:30 when I had cam up, I did hear lots of clunks as it was getting darker. Maybe our Faves are roosting in the tree.

It's getting so animalwise lonesome at Park and home.We do have herons, and the one who perches on the osprey nest! Hope eagles will be visible soon.Have our buddy, Shorty at home & of course the occasional groundhog and racoon!

Judie, thx for support----meal was really good! Learn a new trick all the time!

Back to TV--watching the potential miner rescue story. Maybe they will start bringing some up before I konk out.
Child wrote that she would be returning from Orient on Wed. She will leave Tokyo and since they are 13 hours ahead, she might get home before she left!! ☺

Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay & Prayers for Margy's sister and family and everyone else ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I got it! Loved It!

NatureNut said...

P.S. A paramedic in Chile is in the rescue capsule, getting ready to go down to the miners!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Glued to TV watching rescue efforts.

Evening all...

Judie, best of luck and prayers for a positive visit at the cardio's tomorrow.

Lolly, darn...a virus? That really stinks.

Very excited about the house Lynnellen! Sorry to hear that Cinny isn't doing as well as we have all hoped. Prayers for her little soul!

Lynne2 said...

The capsule is there!!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow they have a camera down in the mine and you can see it all!

Lynne2 said...

rescuer is in the mine with the miners! What a scene!

Lynne2 said...

first miner in the capsule ready to go up....and there he goes!!!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

there is a little boy with the family of the miner, in hard hat and holding a baloon, he is crying now, the miner just came out of the capsule and is with his family. What an incredible scene!!!!

NatureNut said...

First miner up!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

one up, 32 more to go, plus the rescuers. So much the miners will have to deal with, physically and psychologically in the weeks and months to come. Wish I could stay up long enough to watch each and every one! Prayers for the continued efforts, for the miners and the families.

hedgie said...

First miner is up in Chile!!
Early morning tomorrow so saying my goodnights w/o reading back. Sorry. See you sometime tomorrow.
Prayers for all.

Costume Lady said...

Night, Lynn...good hunting tomorrow:)

Mema Jo said...

MSN does have live video coverage. Going down for more! Prayers until the very last one surfaces.

Very wonderful day has come to a close

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for Everyone
Hugs for Everyone ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you all for all you birthday wishes!

Costume Lady said...

Wonderful news about the miners coming up out of that Hell Hole! It will be very interesting to hear their stories of how they survived and kept their sanity while being buried alive!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Just got home from school about 20 minutes ago. Got out of Algebra class early because my teacher has a cough and seems to be fighting some kind of virus. If you would, please, say some prayers for her. Thank you in advance.

Have emptied the dryer and put another load in to dry.

Mema Jo, can't wait to hear more about your Birthday get-together!
Bet it was so much fun!

Thanks, everyone, for the Birthday wishes for our granddaughter, Jay!
Much appreciated!

Lynn, sorry to hear that Cinnamon could be doing better. Glad that your daughter Carolyn was able to visit her. Bet that did her some good. Prayers continue!
Hope you are able to find just the right property that's absolutely perfect! BTW, your dinner tonight has me drooling! YUM!

Got a beautiful view of the moon on the way home tonight. Made me think of Margy!

Gosh, there are a lot of folks and fur babies needing prayer tonight.
Praying for Faye (Laurel's MIL), and for Laurel for an afterschool babysitter; for Anne, Margy, and that whole family; for Meghan, Mary, Ann, Sara, & Paul; for Dana and Little Man; for Lynn and Carolyn and Cinnamon; and for the miners in Chile and their rescuers.

Going to watch an hour of TV and try to unwind a bit. Thanks, Judie, for turning on the night light. I'm leaving the porch light on. The eye-scanner security and Dana's thumbprint-scanner security are both enabled. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless and goodnight!
Love each and every one of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday to you!
Wanda, as my friend I will tell you that you are a Keeper Love, Jo ♥

floralgirl said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
and especially:

Happy Glorious Birthday to Wanda in Nestville....may this be the most wonderful birthday ever ! xoxo ☺ We Love You !! (( hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

...and Good Morning
floralgirl ☺...

floralgirl said...

I hear an eagle calling out. Sounds like one is up in the tree above the cam.

floralgirl said...

Howdy, Margy!

magpie said...

am listening for the Eagles now too....might have missed it....
hope they both come on board and do a Happy Birthday song for Wanda....

time to shake a leg and get ready for work while listening and peeking at the nest

Best wishes for a good day...everyone....
prayers for wellness for all our people and pets....

xox ♥

magpie said...

by the way Megan...
my flowering tobacco is still flowering ♥ and so fragrant.

ttfn xo

floralgirl said...

Glad to hear it, Margy. It will bloom until and often thru a light frost. The fragrance is lovely, one of my favorites.
No eagles ever came into the nest so far this morning. But at least one was up in the tree.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning my wonderful eagle buds! Hope everyone is doing well!

I see Magpie and Megan are up! My flowering tobacco is still jammin' too. I love it, smells like heaven!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy birthday to our precious Wanda! I know Capt. Gene probably has a great day in store for her! I caught Mema Jo on FB yesterday, but will repeat! Happy birthday to you Mema Jo! I love you all so much!!

magpie said...

Okay Megan....
sounds good...

at least you heard an eagle or two ☺ ☺

Hope Father Gene is manning the coffee pot this morning for First Mate....

okay out the door...
will have you ALL on my mind and in my heart today and everyday

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

magpie said...

oh and hello ☺ Sissy !!

wish I could stay and play

floralgirl said...

Awesome! I love introducing people to my favorite plants, and nicotiana (flowering tobacco)is one of my all time faves!
Off to work, have a great day everybody!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Granny Riffe is doing very well, due in no small part, to the awesome prayers of the Momsters! I haven't heard anything about Kailey for a little while, will shoot over to FB and ask Dawn what is going on. Last I heard, they were trying to plan a baby shower for them and her parents were in training to learn how to care for her.

Costume Lady said...

An eagle up the tree is worth two in the, that's not how it goes...

I surely would like to see our Lovebirds for my B-Day. Guess not this morning. Maybe this evening.

It is a cold 47°, the sun is peeking through our woods and will warm this day up to 68°...a beautiful Fall day...ENJOY!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Sissy...Granny sure has had a lot of ups and downs this past year. She is a determined lady, to stay on this earth and keep us praying for her:) Where is she now?

Megan, my Nicotiana is a beautiful, healthy looking plant (actually 3 of them), but stopped blooming. Too much shade?
GG (and I) loves her Butterfly plant. It frequently has butterflies on it. We planted it right outside her Kitchen window, where she sits a good part of the day. Thank You:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have to go to the camper this weekend and pack it in for the winter, get the boat out of the water! Hate to see the camping season end...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Granny Riffe is back in the nursing home, Wanda. She was wanting to leave when we were there the other day. That is just so hard but there is just no way we can take care of her at home. Bless her heart. She says she is ready to go to Heaven and be with her family, but I reckon God has different plans for her.

Costume Lady said...

Sissy, I can relate to the Nursing Home dilemma. When my Dad was in there, GG and I would cry all the way home, after visiting him...he asked us to take him home each time we visited. He couldn't walk and his condition was terminal, so we had no choice:(

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Happy Birthday, Wanda. Hope it is a great day and the best birthday yet.

Wishing the best for the rescued miners and their families. It will take much adjustment over time to return to normalcy.

I can understand Mrs. Riffe wanting to go home but maybe not just yet. Hang in there, Sissy.

Off to make myself presentable for doctor visit. Back later this morning.

Lolly said...

Good morning! This will be my one post for this morning! H B to our wonderful Costume Lady! Rain predicted for tomorrow pm and then for two days, no snow, jo! My eye is completly well! Off to explore Acadia NP! Have a great day!

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all....beautiful sunny morning! COOOOOOL!! Tomorrow it's going to be cold, rainy and windy. But a beautiful weekend coming up!

** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** ***

It was already late fall & the Indians on a remote reservation in South Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild.

Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold & that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared.

But, being a practical leader, after several days, he got an idea. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service & asked, 'Is the coming winter going to be cold?' 'It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold,' the meteorologist at the weather service responded. So the chief went back to his people & told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. 'Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?' 'Yes,' the man at National Weather Service again replied, 'it's going to be a very cold winter.' The chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find.

Two weeks later, the chief called the National Weather Service again. 'Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?' 'Absolutely,' the man replied. 'It's looking more & more like it is going to be one of the coldest winters we've ever seen.' 'How can you be so sure?' the chief asked.

The weatherman replied, 'The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy.' -----------

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

THIS WAS FROM DAWN A MINUTE AGO: Miss Kailey will get to come home on Monday!! To be honest, I'm scared to allow my hopes to build, but excited at the prospect of finally having her home. God has been so good to my family, with the miracle he gave us with Kailey, and the wonderful people like you guys that he put in our lives. Yep...looks like it might be an emotional day.

movin said...




The greatest news from
the Chilean miners and
from Chili's president!


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

movin said...


Good MorninG to

EveryOnE on tHIS



Belle two days ago,
Mema Jo yesterday,
and to the fine friend
whose B-day it is today.

(I'll remember the name
just before I open my
AOL account. Hahaha.)

C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and Happy Birthday again to you Wanda.
So good to see Sharon and Bev on here with us this morning. Prayers for Granny Riffe and like you say, only the good Lord knows the plan for her. She certainly is making her family be strong and bonding.

Lolly & Jack - you two best make the most of this sunshine - before you see snow flakes I mean!

I will need to get the Flowering Tobacco plant from Megan next spring.

Anxiously awaiting the return of Judie from her Dr appointment.

Praises being said for all the 33 miners to successfully get to the surface.

Mema Jo said...

Praying that Kailey's family will take real good care of her - Love and Prayers will help them!

movin said...

Thanks, Mema Jo.







C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jim...even if you didn't remember who I was! Now, come on, we've been friends for a lot of years, have you forgotten already?;)

Costume Lady said...

My grandson thinks that the White Bird on the nest at BWO is a:

With my observation I'd have to go with Great White Heron, it doesnt have
black legs like a great egret and it also has the darker spot around the eye
and blackish orange bill which in my mind is a Great White Heron

Costume Lady said...

I had to laugh right out loud at the DMV yesterday, after getting my new drivers license. I remembered the advice that Judie gave some of us last year at Open House as to how to not have a double chin show when being photographed. I knew not to put my chin DOWN...first thing the lady told me to do was "put your chin down"!:) Sure enough, my drivers license photo shows a double chin!
It is what it is;)
What is it that they say..."If you got it, flaunt it!" Tee Hee

Lynne2 said...

UGH, didn't even think HERON! Was stuck on EGRET.

Wanda, picture with a person looking up to try to hide a double chin is ever as good as a picture with head slightly down and even with a little tilt to one side, double chin or not. I just think that when, especially me, looking up, you kind of get weird angle of the face that is never quite as flattering.

I have to STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER, and continue working on a monumental re-organization project (thanks a lot Judie and Shirley, I'll blame this on reading of your ambitious undertakings!) in our spare room where everything had just gotten "thrown". I'd much rather sit around watching soaps and eating Bon Bons.....BBL

Mema Jo said...

Wanda the only instruction was
Look Straight Ahead......... Photo is
so up close you can just about see the double chin......... I didn't break the camera..

Taking a break - Lunch time

Judie said...

Oh good grief! I return to find that Wanda, on her birthday, has forsaken Jack and is now cozying up to Jim. Just no stopping you, girl.

My advice was to place your chin in your hand as if thinking -- hides the offending droopage.

Great news about Kailey.

Well, the cardiologist is really nice and concerned and has ordered several tests for cholesterol and possible coronary artery blockages (Oct 25). He's not hard to look at, either. But at least he looks older than "just hit puberty."

Now to record grades from yesterday's exam and then wait for the whining.


Mema Jo said...

I've been waiting for your Dr report
Sounds like he is 'on the ball' and will do his best to keep you rolling right along...........


Costume Lady said...

Judie, the lady at the DMV told me to keep my hands away from my face, off of my chin, so I didn't have a chance to look a little better;)

Glad you have a doctor that you MAY and it doesn't hurt if he's easy on the eyes. Years ago, I had a cardiologist for undiagnosed ailment and he was soooo handsome. I hated it when he said it was nothing to worry about and he didn't need to see me anymor:(

Costume Lady said...

Jim has probably never forgiven me for making him think I was having knee surgery. I comented that I was getting a NEW KNEE and he misunderstood and sent along a sweet comment about the surgery and wishing me well, etc.

Lynne...loved the Indian joke!:)

Lynne2 said...

Judie, glad you like the new Dr. Now, who is better looking, the cleaning guy or the Doc? Hey, how did the cleaning guy do, by the way?

Well, I don't know why I thought I could get this project of mine accomplished in a couple of hours....back to the mess I go. Which is now much worse than the mess I started with.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Eagle Gang,

Have a busy day ahead today, but wanted to drop by and say:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA! Hope your day is as special as you are, and that it's the best birthday yet!
Have lots of good times, and make some wonderful memories!

After I signed off last night I found one of my prayer notes about Granny Riffe and Kailey, so added them to my list. Glad that Granny Riffe is still doing so well! Prayers for Sharon and Sissy--know how difficult it is when they want to come home, but it's not possible.
What fantastic news about Kailey! She is just such a miracle! Just know that God has big plans for that little girl!

Judie, have been praying for your Dr. appt.--how nice that he is post puberty and easy on the eyes! Sounds like he has a game plan in place, too. He'll get you on the right path to perfect health, Good Lord willing!

Speaking of driver's license photos, I'm glad you can't see mine!
I look like I have my eyes closed. The dufus behind the camera said to put my toes on the line on the floor, so I looked down to see where it was. That's when he took the picture! So now I have a picture that keeps mice and weevils out of the pantry! Guess that's a plus of sorts. :oD

Have at least 200 Algebra problems to solve, and need to go to school soon to work on transcription for my Practice 4 class. Didn't have time to finish all that yesterday, so need to get in some time at school today. The reports we're doing now are more advanced, and much longer than previous ones. Fun to do, though--VERY interesting! (Have finished the Cardiology unit, and now working through the Gastrointestinal unit.) Wish I had more time to talk to you folks! Hope this quarter goes by QUICKLY and that they don't schedule 2 classes on top of each other next time!

Lynne, LOVE the story about the Indians! Too funny!

Will check in later today, but maybe not till after tonight's English class. Have a great day!
Catch you later. :o]

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just got a report on Tom's mom. She went to doctor today, Her wounds are healed but bones are still healing. He said she was doing much better than he thought possible. She goes back in a month. He is going to keep trying to get her more mobile. That woman is a trip!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just got a report on Tom's mom. She went to doctor today, Her wounds are healed but bones are still healing. He said she was doing much better than he thought possible. She goes back in a month. He is going to keep trying to get her more mobile. That woman is a trip!!!

Mema Jo said...

Bev, Granny is quite the woman!
So much love surrounds her........

Mema Jo said...

Moosewatch Cam - don't forget to check it out every now and then

Lynne2 said...

starting to make some headway in my mess now. Keep getting side tracked...looking at old pictures, reading old vet records,etc.

Just about 17 hours into the mine rescue, 20 men out, 13 to go! Must be particularly hard on the men still waiting....

Mema Jo said...

Can you imagine the very last miner's feelings as he waits all alone to come up

Lynne2 said...

I can't imagine...although he'll have the rescuer with him. Still, being the last miner....whew!

Mema Jo said...

It's Alexis Time....


Mema Jo said...


«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 265   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...