Tuesday, May 04, 2010


New thread.  Was out of the office yesterday at the Smithsonian's Research Center in Front Royal.  Here's a shot of three male cheetahs on the property.


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hedgie said...

Thanks, Steve...I'll go get the others.

hedgie said...

Morning all. Still need to catch up on old thread! Lovely morning here. Palmer is not alone at the moment. Fog rolling into Finland fjord.

magpie said...

Well, thank you Lynn for the alert, and Thank You Steve for the new thread - we are ready !

hedgie said...

Wonderful news about Santa Rosa, Jo. Congrats to them!

hedgie said...

Thanks for that clarification/correction, Paula. You're the true fact scout!! Makes more sense now for this pea brain!

magpie said...

Said I would repost this from the old thread, so here it is :

With Wanda's blessings, here is the link to the obituary for her dear Aunt Frances:
Frances Catherine Myers

Mrs. Myers was very special to Gene and Wanda, and GG of course.
Prayers for all the family during these difficult days

hedgie said...


movin said...


GooD MorninG,

aLL !!


Hahaha. Hedgie posted the "new thread" note while I was writing my "good morning" on the old thread...



magpie said...

Wanda might or might not get a chance to pop on here,
she will be with GG today, getting GG a new "do" and shopping for some clothes for GG for the Visitation and Funeral...

Thinking of you Wanda (( ♥ ))

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

and Happy Birthday to Eaglet-Momster Carolyn from Wild Wonderful Poca WV - hope it's a great one and that you can come visit us here today ☺

magpie said...

Good Morning Jim on the new thread

ttfn things to do here
Best wishes for a good day, everyone

Lolly said...

Wow, what a treat to open the cam to the whole family at the nest. One has poofed now, but Palmer is enjoying brunch.

Good morning! Have not read back on the old thread. See that it is a sunny, windy day at the nest. Sunny here as well. It was 56 this morning on it way up into the 80's but tomorrow 90 for the first time is predicted. Yuk!

hedgie said...

Wonder what our Lynne2 is up to?? Daisy and Pearl must be keeping her busy!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well of course I posted after "new thread". tee hee

Just wanted to drop in an say Good Morning.

Eyes are too blurry and hurt to read too much. Need them to drive to get hair cut.

Hope everyone is fine.

Again Wanda sorry about GG's sister.

movin said...

Morning, Magpie, Hedgie, Lolly.



movin said...

I like the way Palmer "sings" when she gets offered a chunk of fresh fish...

Just got it: "sings for her supper"...hahaha.



Mits said...

good morning everyone....Lynn, Lynne2 was on the blog last night around 11:10 p.m.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve, great pic! Good morning again everyone!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Happy Birthday to Eaglet-Momster Carolyn Hager!!!

Lolly said...

Thans for sharing the link to the obit for Wanda's aunt. Condolences to Wanda, GG and family. Found it interesing, her aunts maiden name and married name is the same. Correct, Wanda?

Have a youngish couple in our church. Her a name was Bond and married a Bonds. They met in an alphabetical line at college. ☺

Lolly said...

Have been looking at the latest Hope and Lily videos. They are just so great! Love to watch them play together. Like the way Lily bats at Hope and Hope just lunges right back at Lily.

Costume Lady said...

Multi tasking this morning...under the hair dryer, putting on makeup and reading emails.
Just want to thank you, MARGY, for posting my Aunt's Obituary. Very bad photo of her, she was a lovely lady...looked just like GG, but with very chiseled features.
Does anyone know if wheelchairs are provided at funeral homes? GG will have a fit if she sees us loading up my Dad's, but if one is offered to her at the funerl home, she will probably use it. She told me yesterday that she has been falling a lot and rolled up her sleeves and pant legs and showed me some really ugly Boo Boos.
Have some new ideas of what to do about her situation. Will ponder on it a while before doing anything.
Have a good day♥

Lolly said...

Lots to do today, so I better get busy, grocery shopping and a little house work and a little yard work in on the horizon.

Have a great day every one. This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!

movin said...

I see Finney on the sea is setting again. Anybody know the story there??



Lolly said...

Oh, Wanda! Does GG use a walker? Mother refused it for a long time, until one day we just went and got one. She cried! However, she used it! And, we got her a cadilac of a walker and she was proud of that fact. lol

Costume Lady said...

Not a walker, Lolly, but she does have a beautiful cane with hummingbirds all over it. Won't use it, says it doesn't help. What to do, what to do??
May just get one of those walkers that has bells and whistles on it and just sit it in her room, then see what she does with it;)

Costume Lady said...

Oh, speaking of hummers, we saw our first one yesterday...beautiful, welcome sight:)

magpie said...


The answer is yes, Brown's has wheelchairs available

magpie said...

The receptionist can show Gene or you or someone where they are located, in a small closet
you can get there from the back of the building, or just through the front as well I'm sure
Hope it works out okay
Many times, once the family member is there, a nice chair is appropriate for their sittting, and then people come to them and sit and talk, I'm sure you probably already know that

Costume Lady said...

Thank you MARGY, I feel so relieved to know that one is there. Sometimes she can't even walk across a room. Other times, she can STROLL ACROSS HER LAWN:)

Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday Morning! Gonna be a hot one out there today. Kristen is down with me and we are staying inside!

Thanks Paula for clearing up Noah's age. Us'en eagle folks know that you don't fly at 8 weeks!

Thoughts and prayers for GG and her special caretakers Wanda & Gene.

Lucky you, Steve to get to go there.
I wonder if you saw the clouded leopard cubs.

Bad news - front page paper - Yearling black bear cub struck & killed on RT 340 near Frederick out on Ballenger Creek Pike around 1am. Driver didn't stop....... Sad news & don't know how the little guy got so far into town.

hedgie said...

Having a hard time getting motivated to do what I must: see if I can get the mower started....just have that sinking feeling that it WON'T, which will just make me mad! ARGH!

hedgie said...

Too bad about the cub, Jo. Makes my heart hurt.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - a cane is great for one side of you - The walker is your answer..
It will steady her.. Just tell her you don't want her to get anymore boo boos or worst of all 'breaks'. Just take up any scatter rugs!

hedgie said...

Ha....when I first cam to the new thread, that stuff of Steve's was NOT showing.....wonder if he added it after the fact?? I would love to visit that place!!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - watch the temps outside...
Might not be worth mowing.

hedgie said...

Jim, no one really know exactly what's up at Finland ferry nest....at least 2 eggs, sometimes 3 birds!!

Mits said...

Lynn they have an open house sometime in October.

hedgie said...

Okay, here I go....wish me luck!!!

Mema Jo said...

Happy birthday Momster Carolyn
Hoping to meet you one day - maybe at an Open House.

Mema Jo said...

18 Days until Granddaughter's wedding

That isn't a very long wait!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking about you Judie & hope your work day soon ends! Yippee!

Almost lunch time - BBILW

hedgie said...

SUCCESS!! Halfway finished!
Break time.

hedgie said...

Not bad out there...yet. 74º Partly ☼, breezy. Only have dogs' yard left to do, but need to pick up some sticks first. After lunch!

hedgie said...

From Wildlife Studies:
While going to watch the Middle Ranch nest yesterday I got word of a dead bison in the hills and went to check it out. Two subadult eagles were feeding on it, one of which was K-78, one of the 2007 Two Harbors chicks.

Mema Jo said...

You're doing good Lynn!

Margy - got the newspaper in the mail today! Thank you so much.

Mema Jo said...

Just now getting lunch!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

First of all,

Hope the day turns out just perfect for you!

Have been trying to find a good picture of that all-brown bird I've been trying to identify. Don't have one worth a hoot. Doggone bird lurks in the shadows, and haven't gotten a picture yet where you can really see the doggone critter. Will keep trying.

We DO have a California Towhee that shows up once in a while, but the unknown bird isn't it. Towhee has a beak much like a sparrow's, and the mystery bird had one exactly like a robin's. Longer, like a thrush's beak, and kind of tan or light brown in color.

hedgie said...

All done!!! Been done for awhile, but had to get the stupid pollen coughed out and washed out of my eyes! Took some Benadryl...now I'll need a nap! LOL!
I see that Palmer is still alone....guessing he had lunch while I was busy! Still only seeing mama osprey at Finland.

hedgie said...

I was looking at Birds of Prey Northwest web site. It is a nice site, but there is no mention of our Deb; no indication of anything in her honor, as Janie had indicated there would be. No pics of Deb anymore, iether. :(
Interesting bio on Janie; didn't know that she was an RN. Also, it did say that she and her hubby live in St. Marie, ID, so that answers the questions about whether she was still married or not.

hedgie said...

Nighttime in Finland.

hedgie said...

On the water, anyway. Not yet at Finney.

PA Nana said...

Wow Steve! I love cats of all sizes and shapes.

Thanks for sharing.

Hi everyone. Checking in and will try to catch up and bbl

Mema Jo said...

Well there are 352 viewers on the MN Loon cam just waiting for her to get up on the nesting platform and lay an egg or two.

Lazy afternoon - now need to clean off the dinner table with my clutter as son and family coming over for dinner.
Slow cooker has been cooking all day and the beef roast should fall apart with a fork.

Mema Jo said...

One of the five Bluebird eggs has hatched on WildWatchcams. Won't be long before there is a nest full of hungry little beaks!

hedgie said...

Gee, Jo, think I can smell your dinner from here!! LOL---joke on me....last week I put something into the oven. Thought I smelled it cooking. Went to check on it about time it should have been done....and I hadn't turned the oven on!! Duh! I had set the temp, tho'!

Mema Jo said...

Company is here

PA Nana said...

Andrea, could your brown bird be a female cowbird? I know here on the east coast the females are all brown.
Just my guess. Waiting for the pics.

hedgie said...

A 200# black bear in Oxnard, CA was stuck up a big pine tree. Took firefighters "hours" (didn't say how many) to get him down. Looked tranquilized. They had him rigged in a harness and very gently lowered him to the ground, and then released him in the mountains.

BEagle said...

For some reason Palmer is blending with the nest. Was wondering what happened for a minute.

Little Phoenix is awaking and gave a peep or a loud yawn.

The cheetahs Steve posted are pretty.

hedgie said...

Don't forget Norfolk banding and transmitter application tomorrow morning at 10!

In an effort to provide the public with the best view possible during the procedure, an additional web cam will be deployed for the duration of the work. This small unit will provide up-close coverage without creating additional stress for the birds. The regular Eagle Cam feed will also continue during the banding. The link for the second camera feed will be posted tomorrow morning on the main Eagle Cam page:Norfolk main cam page

BEagle said...

The chick on the Sidney nest is huge. I will have to check it's age. I thought it was two weeks after Palmer.

Adult on the nest with Palm.

Mits said...

loon is on the nest:)

BEagle said...

The twins at TH are gathered up at their dining place.

The adult is pretty much out of camera view.

paula eagleholic said...

Nice shot, Steve.

Evening, all!

Palmer at the back with an adult!

paula eagleholic said...

Finally home tonight at a decent hour...cooking on the grill tonight, throwing the ball for the dogs.

Nice to see our nest!

paula eagleholic said...

palmer has found a nestover!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice to hear about the additional cam at NBG....

Palmer trying to pick at the nestover...cool! now doing nestorations!

paula eagleholic said...

♫ ♫ Happy Birthday Carolyn! ♫ ♫

Mema Jo said...

Hi there Mits - thanks to you and also to Sandra Osbourn over on FB I am watching the loon.
Looks like she is settling in...
Poppa Loon is right there in the water.

paula eagleholic said...

palmer right under the cam now....so handsome, oh looking up!

paula eagleholic said...

((hugs)) for you Wanda, Gene and GG

Mema Jo said...

Loon is off again! One time soon she will leave and a golden egg will be in the nest........

BEagle said...

Palmer was hatched March 29 and the Sidney chick was hatched April 11, three weeks later. That sounds right.

The Sidney chick is itchy and scratching.
I think that's when Palmer started too. About 3 weeks after hatch.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - BEagles avatar and the NCTC pic of the chicks is available for free on the NCTC sight....just go to the NCTC home page and check out the image library on the left..

Bless you, whichever eagle sneezed!

paula eagleholic said...

Palmer hatched March 21

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - Saturday, March 21st was Palmer's hatch date.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby just went to get me my Mega
Millions 9$3) tickets! I'm a really
big gambler! lol

T-Bird said...

Hello eagle momsters and dadsters. Thanks for the picture Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Well at least I lucked out this evening with 3 NEW Tv shows that I like.

Boy this evening would be just right for mowing --- downright pleasant outside.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Thelma - Glad you found your phone.. I was just about to call you!

wvgal_dana said...

Very windy at Loon Nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Two beautiful eggs in Hummmingbird nest. Just thing Delphia says the size of jelly beans.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope you WIN Jo !!

wvgal_dana said...

I see our Palmer is doing very well. ( :

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana
Did you get a short haircut?

wvgal_dana said...

My nephew's son (in Navy) they had their 2nd child this morning. 3AM a girl born down in Norfolk. He was home to see her birth. So now that give them a girl and a boy he is 2.

Mema Jo said...

Watching Noah - Article says that the hack tower doors are expected to open early Thursday morning. Noah won’t even realize the doors are open. It could take a few minutes, hours or even days for Noah to take her first flight. Noah could come and go for several days, as she knows the tower is a safe place for food.

wvgal_dana said...

I think that is 5 baby falcons at Cathedral webcam.

Mema Jo said...

Going now for TV
Be back at commercials.......

FuzzleMT said...

Not sure who would be interested, but TRAIN is performing on "Dancing with the Stars"

Mema Jo said...

Irene Our Eagle Eyed Sharon is very
interested and I think she is aware of their performance & is glued to the TV.


hedgie said...

OMG, hope Sharon is taping it!!! She's with her baby boy, isn't she??? I am---but no way to copy it for her off DVR.

hedgie said...

Oops....hi, Irene! Have you been with us before? Excuse my memory if you have!

hedgie said...

Dawning at Finney??? Is that an egg showing? Does it look "smooshed" in?

hedgie said...

Well,now mama is sitting on it, whether it is the egg or not.....

Mema Jo said...

Watched NCIS - not overly enthused about it... Recent shows just have been missing something.

Now I'll watch NCIS:LA
From what I am seeing we may lose a main character... not sure.


paula eagleholic said...

Palmer up close to the cam...

Mema Jo said...

Loon is in her nest - Maybe for the night - maybe for laying an egg?

Whoo Hoo

BEagle said...

TH twin on 28th. sorry.

Maybe Palmer is close to the camera because that is usually where the food comes in.

FuzzleMT said...

Hi Hedgie: I'm a lurker. I sign in on the blog right after I check on Palmer every day. I'm also FuzzleMA with the grizzly bear avatar and sometimes forget I'm signed in on my other account. I don't read all blog comments, but reference them for news on the other nest sites. Thanks for asking ~Irene

hedgie said...

Okay, Irene....I DO remember FuzzleMA!!

Mits said...

talked to Sharon earlier, she is at Andrew's concert tonight, I'm sure Thelma videoed it for her...thanks Irene

paula eagleholic said...

I am so so sorry to have found this...

Attacks Eaglet At Oklahoma's Famous Eagle Nest
Posted: May 04, 2010 12:30 PM EDT
Updated: May 04, 2010 4:46 PM EDT

NEAR STILLWATER, OK -- It appears natural selection has struck Oklahoma's famous bald eagle nest yet again. A predator apparently killed the lone eaglet on the nest Monday night.

The experts at the Sutton Avian Research Center in Bartlesville say they've checked video recorded by the camera at the nest but they can't tell what the predator was. They believe it was most likely a great horned owl, raccoon or bobcat.

They say the video shows the eaglet on the nest at 8:42 p.m. Monday night. They say they could see rapid and blurry movement at 8:47 p.m. but no movement again until the adults returned to the nest at 8:08 a.m. Tuesday.

The Sutton Avian Research Center will be sending an expert to the nest site to try to determine exactly what happened.

It's the second death of an eaglet at the nest this spring. On April 1st, the second eaglet to hatch, which was only a couple of days old, fell out of the nest and died. The third egg laid has never hatched and may not have been viable anyway.

BEagle said...

Oh, shucks.

paula eagleholic said...

And from the Sutton Center website

4 May: Sad to say, but it appears the young eaglet in the Sooner Lake camera nest was killed by a predator last night. We have reviewed the archived nest camera footage, but can't see what the predator was. A Great Horned Owl, raccoon or bobcat are likely predators.

The archived footage shows the young eagle on the nest with an adult, likely the female, brooding the young eaglet by covering his head with her breast, typical behavior at this stage in the rearing cycle. The last time we can see the eaglet on the nest, the last time there is sufficient light to discern the nestling's presence with certainty, is at 8:42 pm last night, May 3rd. After that time it gets too dark to see it; however, the adult's white head can be seen in the frame until 8:45 pm. At 8:47 pm there seems to be some rapid and blurry action on the nest. There is a long gap in the video after 8:47 pm because the camera only records archival footage when it detects motion. The next video occurs at 8:08 am, May 4th. At that time the nestling is missing, and an adult lands on the nest. Our best interpretation is that a predator of unknown species caught the young on the nest at 8:47 pm last night, and the adults stayed away until 8:08 am today.

We will be sending someone qualified to assess and manage possible situations at the nest site, someone who can search for whatever clues to the eaglet's fate may be discernable.

I did read on the Sutton Chat, that they found the eaglet, 'Trouble', on the ground under the nest. He was not alive.

This is just so sad.

BEagle said...


BEagle said...

That was the Maine Forum. They have discussion of the OK nest.

magpie said...

Heartbreaking, Paula
Very detailed report
tough to share sad news
but thank you for letting us know

magpie said...

Good Night friends
special thoughts for GG, Wanda and Gene
Chrissy and her family
and all with sadness and trouble
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula, that is so sad. Poor little eaglet. If a raccoon or bobcat was the culprit, the nest must not be very high. I can't remember..........too many to keep them all straight in my mind.......cam is no longer up----at least not for me. Trouble won't have any now. :(

hedgie said...

Jack Hanna is going to be on Letterman tonight....wonder what he'll bring this time??
Think I may have forgotten to mention that my most favorite heartthrob was on one night last week: Tom Selleck!! New Jesse Stone movie on CBS this coming Sunday night----that's a really good b-day present for me!! Mmmm, mmmm.

Mema Jo said...

Sad happenings at the OK nest. Couldn't it be possible that little "Trouble" fell from the nest... I would think if a predator was there, he would not have been found. Perhaps we'll find out more after the Sutton Avian Research Center's expert goes to the nest site and tries to determine exactly what happened.

stronghunter said...


Sad about the Oklahoma eaglet.

I have not read much on the blog yet.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I love Jesse Stone!

Yes that sounds like a great birthday evening!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Paula posted the news about the OK nest.

hedgie said...

Heading for tub. Will check in again before I hit the hay. Have a special FB tribute I want to post after midnight, so won't shut down now.
To all turning in, rest peacefully. Prayers going up for all.

Costume Lady said...

I just read about the little eaglet being found dead beneath his tree. Wouldn't you think if a predator got to the chick, that it would have eaten it instead of letting it lay?

GG did well at sisters viewing tonight. She cried a little but stayed composed, as did I.
Funeral tomorrow morning at 11am.


stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. I will see you all tomorrow.

I have stayed up too late.

stronghunter said...

Bless you and GG, Wanda.

hedgie said...

Wrong again!!! I think my brain is dying! Hanna on tomorrow night, NOT tonight!! Sorry!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I am sure this has been a very very long day for you. May you have a very restful sleep.
Prayers for you, Gene and GG ((hugs))

hedgie said...

Jo, you and I sure do have a lot of common interests!!! Must be because we share the Ellen middle name!!! Love ya, lady!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo, I read Paula's post. The eagles at that nest have had a terrible season. Really sad.

I enjoyed watching that nest last year. I haven't had too much time this spring, but I do remember that the other eaglet fell from that nest.

BEagle said...

I have to watch Jesse Stone. Wonderful movies.

I think the Maine forum discussion on the OK nest says that the eagle was picked up and will be examined to determined what happened.

PA Nana said...

Just back briefly to say goodnight and best wishes for a restful sleep.

Prayers for all in need and want and special prayers for GG, Wanda, Gene and all their family.

There was a birthday today for Carolyn?, I think, so happy, happpy and many more.

Going to be great to sleeping tonight. The weather is cool. Not quite brrrrr, but cool enough for a light cover/blanket.

Have a great night everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good night.

Lynne2 said...

ooooooooo TOM SELLECK!! Hot stuff! I had a dream one night that I met him and he was sad because he was broke.

Good evening all, and congrats Great Aunt Dana!

Hope you get a good picture soon of the mystery bird Andy. Can't venture a guess 'cause you guys have birds we don't have here in the east.

Had coffee out on the patio this morning so I could listen to my wood thrush singing away!

Didn't get a chance to check my bluebird nest today. It's been 18 days since the first egg was laid. No babies as of yesterday. Today would be 14 days after the last egg was laid so they should be hatching by now.

Diann, the 5 fluff balls at the Cathedral of Learning are too cute...just took a peek and they are all in a lump with a parent perched on the edge!

SO sad about the OK eaglet.

Those loons sure are keeping everyone guessing, aren't they?

Heading to bed...prayers for all and good night!

Mema Jo said...

Going down the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's needs/wants

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Bob Quinn

Hoping your day is very special
and that all birthday wishes come true

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Just got home from school a few minutes ago.

So incredibly sorry to hear of the fate of the OK eaglet!! Hope they can figure out exactly what happened. Does seem strange that a predator would not carry off or eat their prey! Wonder if the poor eaglet was surprised and FELL out of the nest. Poor baby! :o{

Diann, I thought it might be a female cowbird at first, too, but cowbirds are too slender, and their beaks are too thick (like a sparrow or finch's). Honestly, it looks SO much like a Clay-Colored Robin, but they only show up in south Texas, and I can't imagine how one of them could get to here in So. Calif.! Ah, well--will keep the camera handy, and pray for a good photo op!

BTW, before I forget, thanks, Steve, for the picture of the cheetahs! I absolutely LOVE cheetahs, so glad you shared.

Lynne, hope I can get a good picture, too. Am going to sit in front of the patio window and wait for the little rascal to show up!
I'm SO jealous that you have a resident wood thrush!

Wanda, will be thinking of you, Gene and GG tomorrow, and praying for God's peace for all of you.

Think I'm going to veg in TV Land for a bit. Leaving the night light on for others. The porch light will come on automatically, and the eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers being said for everyone, especially Chrissy and her family. Sure hope they're OK.
Sleep well, have sweet dreams about Palmer, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and good night! Love all you guys. :o]

Lolly said...

Well, it is late and everyone has headed to bed.

Got a lot accomplished today. Had a great day. Jack and I had dinner on the patio, then he built a fire in the chiminea. I joined him after DWTS and Idol. We just came in and now time to get ready for bed.

I am really sad about the OK Eaglet. Just checked on him the other night!

Wanda, will be thinking of you and GG tomorrow. (((Hugs)))

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...


hedgie said...

Dana, congrats on the new baby in your family!

Wanda, glad that GG did so well at the visitation. Hope everything goes okay today.....please remember to take an umbrella to shield her from the sun at the cemetery. Out in the open it may be quite warm by noontime. Rest well.

Goodnight to all. Prayers and peace.

hedgie said...

P.S. Just got one of those MAILER DAEMON reports..Chrissy's email has been disabled..............:(

Lynne2 said...

Morning all....looks to be another day of beautiful weather!

Oh no Lynn, I can't believe Chrissy's email is disabled. That's really discouraging news. I wonder why? They must have been using the ISP email and it got canceled when the internest service was canceled (as opposed to Yahoo or Gmail where you have an account forever even if you don't use it.) I guess we can hope that eventually she'll get use of a computer and message through Facebook.

No loon egg yet...one on the nest a few minutes ago and I thought maybe one was laid this morning but no.

Wanda, my thoughts and prayers are with you all today. Hope GG will be OK.

Got to get moving, busy day today. Hope everyone has a good one!

movin said...


GooD MOrning,

EveryOnE ....




movin said...








ceil said...

Lynn I love Tom Selleck also
Wanda will be thinking of you and GG and Gene today.
Wishing everyone a good day no matter what we are doing

Costume Lady said...

I had to pop on here and wish our
favorite Male Photographer a very
♫♪♫♪HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU♫♪♫♪ AND it is NOT Ansel Adams;) Bob, you have him beat by a Country Mile!!

I have posted a few photos of GG at the Visitation last night. She pulled herself together pretty well for someone who said she "had no reason to look good":)

Costume Lady said...

WHOA! I just noticed, as I posted these photos, GG has a crooked smile, may be another Mini Stroke...will have to check this out today!

magpie said...

the pictures are beautiful Wanda
Will be thinking of you dear people today
(( hugs ♥ ))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...



magpie said...

In the nest there is a little green leaf that looks like a heart

up around the 11 o'clock spot

Palmer is taking a Sun Bath

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone!

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Bob, may the day be as special to you, as you are to us ☺ xoxo

magpie said...

Good Morning and All Day to everyone also
Hope it is a good one

magpie said...

Peregrine Falcon eggs at Wilmington have been unattended for about 30 mins
all lined up in a row, wondering what the hatch date will be

You can see them here:
Peregrine Falcon Wilmington DE

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

WOW! A blue jay just came down and landed on a cardinal and pulled a bunch of feathers from the cardinal!!!

Costume Lady said...

Sissy, he may want to make a RED, WHITE AND BLUE NEST;)
Never saw anything like that before:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Me either, I know they are aggressive but I have never seen them attack another bird before. Redbird feathers still flying around out there. The redbird is gone, so I guess he is okay. Just minus a few feathers!!

NatureNut said...

Happy Wed. Morning Everyone. TY Steve for pic from Front Royal. Had a field trip there and it is marvelous--some species you don't always see at the Zoo.
Belated Happy Birthday to Carolyn!!!
Did my usual falling asleep in loungechair after Idol last night & never got on Blog.
Checked out the Lady Slipper spot at State Park after work and saw "15"!! Was advised to go back as some of the older ones might be gone, but there were new, old & several more leafy sprouts.
Gotta hit the trail to work---BBL

hedgie said...

Early start at Norfolk. Climber is already in tree. Will lower one eaglet at a time.

hedgie said...

Two climbers this time!

Mits said...

good WEDNESDAY morning....Happy Birthday Bob.........................nice that Norfolk will have the supplemental cam at the desk to watch the transmitter being put on...and as Steve Living just reported they will activate the sound

hedgie said...

Lost live feed in Norfolk nest, but ground cam is up.

Mits said...

eagle is at the table....getting both cams here.

hedgie said...

Look at the size of those feetsies!!

Mits said...

Dr.Reese Lukei, explaining about the transmitter

Mema Jo said...

Morning All! I'm late but I have the ground feed on.
Also - both loons were on the nesting platform.

Mits said...

Camellia is the name of the tracking eagle

Mema Jo said...

I can only get 1 cam up (ground feed)

Mema Jo said...

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

Got them both........ WHoo Hoo

floralgirl said...

The Loon just laid her first egg!

Mema Jo said...

Now who can be two places at once????

Thanks Megan.......

Mema Jo said...

Did her duty and off she went! Needed to cool off I guess in the lake.

hedgie said...

Slow process!! Feather came off one so they can do DNA analysis! This will determine if parents are the same as last years' brood. (In case someone isn't watching!!)

hedgie said...

Every chick has a different black/white pattern of tail feathers and underwing feathers that make them unique for a year.

Mema Jo said...

Really good coverage at NBG

hedgie said...

One band on each leg---one is purple indicating a Chesapeake Bay bird. ID number more visible on it.

hedgie said...

Ha, ha...smaller bird, bigger feet!!! Firm foundation, as they say!

Mema Jo said...

During our 4 yrs of watching eagles - Dr Sharpe and NBG has really striven to educate us as to all that is possible. This is great for school children as well as us Momsters to be able to watch.

wvgal_dana said...

I've been watching too.

hedgie said...

I guess Camelia because of the Botanical Gardens...hope they name one Dogwood for the state flower.

Yea! Loon egg!! About time!

Mema Jo said...

The parent eagles are circling above the nest.
The eaglets are really calm about all of this.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I like the way the eaglet is just sitting still for her. Uh oh, he doesn't like that!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie as I have been watching this. Today and yesterday they are taking down the burnt house above me. So Sad ... it was beautiful. Feel so sorry for owners.

Mits said...

like hearing the little grunting sounds it is making:)

Mema Jo said...

I just checked out the Loon Chat and like others I can't see the egg anymore where she laid it.One viewer said.....One of them got up there a bit ago and rolled it deeper into the nest...say about 7 o'clock from where it was first dropped Wow I thought it rolled off......

wvgal_dana said...

I know it doesn't act scare at all. Human so close to our National Symbol. Wow what a feeling.

Lolly said...

They just said she has put on more of these harnesses than anyone in the country. They held Noah the whole time. Maybe they should have put him on the ground. This eaglet is so calm.

Mits said...

Because of the hoods, the eaglets are dozing during this.
by Norfolk Botanical Garden at 2:03 PM

Lolly said...

Wow! Just looked at the loon nest. You sure would not know there is an egg there.

Mits said...

lol...I think Nate is doing too, up in the tree

Mits said...

that would be dozing...

Lolly said...

Loon on nest!

Lolly said...

Loon did not stay long. Look at those eaglets! So still!

hedgie said...

Wow, those guys in the tree must be getting really cramped and tired!!!

Mema Jo said...

Nate has had a time of trying to amuse himself during all this time.
Round of applause for Libby - young woman did a fantastic job placing the transmitter on the eaglet. She was a whiz with those pliers and wire cutters as not once did she dropped them. Everything was neat and tidy - just like a woman!

Lolly said...

Whoops! That one was shaking its head.

Lolly said...

Ok, now let's all pose for a pic!

Mema Jo said...

Compliment from NBG for Libby was ...

They are finishing the fitting - what a good tailor!

Mits said...

there are going to be some awesome videos to watch...

hedgie said...

Dana, sad about the house. Know what it was like when they bulldozed Carolyn and Charlie's burnt out shell.

hedgie said...

Freedom from the hood---shake, shake, shake!!

Mema Jo said...

This is going to be the tricky part...
Anxious to see Nate and Dr Watts remove those hoods from the eaglets.

Mits said...

Dr. Watts is currently climbing to the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Zip and down we go/went

wvgal_dana said...

Up we come

Mema Jo said...

Lady Loon just rolled the egg and now is incubating it. You could see the egg very well.

Mits said...

1st bird in bag heading back up now

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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...