Wednesday, May 12, 2010


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

There are days like today that I may get lucky just being #1 on the new thread

Thanks, Steve.

hedgie said...

Thanks for call-over, Jo! Whoo-hoo...Number 1 Momster!!

Mema Jo said...

I caught up on yesterday's comments.
Paula - Congrats on the house closing and just to mention that I love Michael's grad pic - He looks like he is ready to conquer his world! I see you smiling Momma!
Lynn - thank you so much for your time in keeping us informed about Chrissy and sure hope Iris does check her messages. That would be such an uplifting for Chrissy to see one of the Momsters.
We are waiting for the Comcast guy to hook up these little black boxes (11 -2) I want to go out but will wait for him.

Mits said...

thanks, Jo:)

hedgie said...

Just found that a new squirrel nest came down during the heavy rain last evening. Hope there weren't any babies yet. Have a pretty good shot of an older one in a tree next to where the one fell....will post it on my Lair shortly.

Carolyn goes for her testing for the 911 job at 2pm. Please say a little prayer for.

hedgie said...

Jo, what are the little black boxes for??

Mema Jo said...

Black boxes are for upgrading to a digital system of a non-digital TV

Mema Jo said...

Prayers and strong thoughts for Carolyn - oh I so hope this goes well for her!

Judie said...

Good early afternoon. Thank you, Steve. Thank you, Jo.

Lynn, any news about getting a tree doctor? Also, fingers crossed and an eagle prayer that Carolyn's interview is a rousing success.

Congratulations Paula on the house closing. What a series of great successes for you and the family.

Think I may venture out in a while to look for some flowers and tomatoes and herbs. Must be related to Wanda 'cause I always want one of everything that's pretty for the garden -- get too much and spend too much.

Going to check on Palmer. BBL

Judie said...

Jo, how have you been getting tv without the converter box installed?

hedgie said...

Chrissy has also left a message on Iris' cell phone.
She asked me to post her NEW email address on here and Facebook, but told her I thought it best to just send it out via email, so will do so----excuse the doubles if you get it both personally and on Yahoo.

movin said...

tHANKS for the new thread, Steve.

I'm getting signs I've got some resource hogging apps. running.

I'm going to start shutting some down. I might be back later. Have a good day.



Mema Jo said...

Judie - the box will give us more channels - higher numbers. We still get most of the usual ones.

Ally watches #266 which is all educational - No more Sponge Bob thank goodness.

Mema Jo said...

I told hubby he better make me a list of channels - I'll be lost when I look for one of my favorites.

Adult in our nest is getting some nestovers. Palmer is resting at Noonish
WOW! That was certainly a mouthfull!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Carolyn!

glo said...

Just looked at my clock. Hopefully I am not too late but am lifting up a prayer for Carolyn's job interview. Thunder is starting to roll here :-(. Think I will try to nap, has the makings of a storm afternoon and night time in our forecast.

Let us know how Carolyn makes out for sure.

Mema Jo said...

Now Palmer is being fed. Soon she should be able to feed herself and soon she should start mantling over the food brought in to the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Update on Patrick.... He is away in Graf, Germany where he has been attending school. He has been named to the Commandant List with his 97%. His graduation is this Friday and Christine and Izzy will go down (about 1 1/2 hrs away from Bamberg) as Sammy will be in school. Patrick will be coming home with them.
Very proud of my soldier man!

Mema Jo said...

I have no clue what the adult is doing but Palmer sure is being attentive.
Maybe it is a turtle...

Mema Jo said...

Adult flew out very very quickly
Palmer backing up for a PS but it didn't happen. She sure likes it on the edge!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer waiting patiently at the 2:00 position for adult to come. Getting a little breezy - not sure if rain will come or not.

Live feed is working very well for me
Stated up automatically and when I answer the 10 minute question - it kept on going and didn't stop 30 sec later.

I am anxious to see Palmer doing Wing-exercises. I haven't see that yet.

OK It is either a 3:00 cup of coffee which is late already OR a feets up Panda snooze..... I go for the snooze. BBL

hedgie said...

Oh my, puter troubles. Can't download my camera. Deleted program and reinstalled. Still no go. Did a system restore back to day I last did pics, and still no go. ARGH!! Help!!!
Carolyn finished her testing. Thanks for prayers. 20 others testing....for 3 or 4 positions. Probably slim hope that she will get one. :( Kid just can't get a break.

hedgie said...

Saw my first hummer!!! But not on the feeder. It was at my office window that I have covered with a wisteria paper---can't get any nectar from that!!

hedgie said...

Severe weather warnings all around, but not here.....VA and MD until 8pm.

hedgie said...

Jo, wonderful news about Patrick!!! Hoorah!

glo said...

Well Hedgie ya just never know. Carolyn might get that phone call so hang tough. How long before they call back or choose does she know.

MeMa Jo There is indeed so much to be proud of with Patrick. I think I can feel some of that pride right here.

glo said...

Wanda Not sure where you or the ocelot are but I did respond to you on facebook. Won't you all have fun with that in the Eagle Express.LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There was just some beautiful wingercizing! Made me a little nervous but beautiful nonetheless!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How is everybody?

hedgie said...

Okay, Sharon. How about you??

Glo, they will have tests scored by Fri. or Mon., but the gal is on vacation next week, so who knows??

Judie said...

Jo, congratulations to Patrick. How proud you all must be.

Hey, Sharon. How's you?

Lynn, we're sending 911 prayers for Carolyn.

Palmer and adult braving the rain. Palmer flat as a pancake.

Raining here and windy now.

Found some flowers today. Red geraniums to attract hummers. Some herbs but not all types I would like to have. Found tomato plants, also. Saw some lovely delphiniums which, I believe, also attract hummers but not sure how to treat them. Decided to wait on those.


Mema Jo said...

Dinner is over - we have one wet Palmer in the nest. It has stopped raining for now.... there is lots more to come this evening and throughout the night.
Thanks for the comments of praise for Patrick. I am so very thankful for his achievements.
Lynn - with all our prayers Carolyn could nab a position. I have no idea what kind of test questions they would have since I am sure they would have elaborate training.

T-Bird said...

Good evening momsters and dadsters.

Mema Jo said...

Adults will start bringing in the dry leafy branches soon for the nest floor.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Palmer is checking out the launch pad!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am doing very well, thanks for asking. Had a really good weekend in Ripley but need a week to recover!

Mema Jo said...

Is Bedford getting some rain?

Mema Jo said...

Must be storming down at the NBG nest
There is really a lot of wing flapping going on by all 3 of them.
Really a downpour... You would think they would huddle together!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe the 3 rebels think that 'moving objects can't get zapped by lightning'

I hope they are right and don't blow out of the nest...........

Mema Jo said...

Don't know if Palmer has something to eat between her feet or not.......

hedgie said...

Message from Iris:

You won't believe this, but Gill has a friend over here that is visiting her grandmother. She could not remember the name of the town where she is staying. When I said that Chrissy is in Kidderminster, she said, "That's it, that's where my friend is." So, now we have two reasons to visit is truly a small world!!!

Gill is Iris' gd, Gillian.
She has left Chrissy a phone message, but having trouble with her cell phone not working. Rest assured, they ARE going to meet!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It rained here in Bedford earlier but sun is shining now. Just saw 5 deer in the field!

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is lying down at the noonish spot. She is fooling around with some of the leaves.

hedgie said...

Hi, T-bird!!! How be you???

Thanks for encouraging words for Carolyn. I can only hope and pray.

Mema Jo said...

I have the sound of the wind on my live feed.

Mema Jo said...

The NBG cam's Announcement: Eagle Cam will be shutting down in the overnight hours (viewing hours 9am - 7pm)

Mema Jo said...

The beautiful nesting loon is chirping
Maybe calling out to the mate.

Lolly said...

I am so jealous! I want to go to England, I want to meet Chrissy!!!
Oh, I do hope they get together!

My eyes are dialated. Have been all afternoon and I hate it. No change in my other eye, so nothing to be done. Yea!

Bacon Pasta for supper tonight. Actually,making a regular recipe so it will be dinner for a couple of nights.

Palmer just seems to be sitting and doing much of anything at the moment.

Mema Jo said...

Palmer is just playing with the leaves up at the noonish spot.

Lolly The winner's pic on FB is adorable. He sure looks proud!

Lolly said...

Thank you, Jo. I think he is a cutie. However, he is such a stobborn little guy and he wants his way. O, my, goodness! During the game he was put out. A first! He cried so hard the coach brought him over to Laurel. He refused to go back into the game until the next inning when he was second to bat, then back he went. Stinker!

Lolly said...

Make that "stubborn".

Mema Jo said...

Lynn Remember we are all praying with you. If you have already talked with Carolyn - was the test like what she expected it to be?

Criminal Minds on at 9:00
Lynn - what do you think about Hattie leaving NCIS:LA ? I think it sucks!
I love her character........

Lolly said...

Hope all goes well for Carolyn. We never stop parenting nor worry about our kiddos.

Today Laurel registered both her kids of for the elementary school that is next door to her school. However, she has also written an email to another middle school saying she would like to transfer. She is really nervous about a new job. If she does change, then the boys will go to their neighborhood school. She is all concerned about these changes.

Lolly said...

Jack has finished cooking the bacon. Off to prepare the dinner.


Mema Jo said...

I hope it is too wet for Spidey aka Boris to show up tonight.

Lolly said...

Poop shoot!

Lolly said...

Now time to preen.

Lolly said...

Belle just arrived.

Lolly said...

No food, just arrived with a stick. Duh! That has no nourishment!

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

LOL, Jo, you KNOW Boris will show up. We can't be that lucky!

Caro didn't really know what to expect about the test, so it just was what it was!

Lolly, I'll take some of your dinner, please. I still haven't eaten. Think I'll fix a couple of bisquits and some leftover sausage.

Jo, I don't think Hettie is going to leave.....she put the letter in her desk and had that look in her eyes!!

Mema Jo said...

Spidey has decided it is not too wet to come out around the rim of the lens.

Palmer alone in the nest now. Lying down up around the noonish position.

Mema Jo said...

Well I hope Hettie stays! I really like her!

Going to get ready to head in the room and watch Criminal Minds. Then maybe CSI:NY

Mema Jo said...

May 12, 2010 Update Red Tail Hawks -
The chicks are now 30 days old. Food deliveries to the nest are coming much more frequently now as the parents feed nestlings that will soon be as large as themselves. It seems that the balance of prey has shifted from pigeons to rats over the last couple of days. Has anybody seen mom or dad bring in anything else recently? Red tails eat a huge variety of prey including birds, mammals, snakes and carrion. However this nest seems restricted to a pretty steady diet of rats and pigeons. It does speak to the role that these birds play in controlling populations of pest species Over the past 24 hours one of the chicks has lost a huge amount of down and you can now see the body feathers much more clearly.

Judie said...

Hi all,

Boris seems to have paid no attention to the request to depart the Sycamore Palace. So rude!

RTH are resting with adult perched above on a rail.

Pregnant doe at PixPa -- either having contractions or being kicked.

I want bacon pasta! Darth at meetings tonight so dinner was leftover chicken on a leftover biscuit. Sigh.

Off to watch some crime tv. BBL

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone! We had so0me real grey skies, rain and wind around quitting time, but it cleared some which was good 'cuz I only had sunglasses!
We finally saw 3 goslings today w/parents close to the pond.
Lynn, wishing Carolyn good luck!!!
Paula, congrats on house!
Gonna watch Idol~~~~

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Had to mow the wet fun.

Good luck to Carolyn, Lynn.

Jo, you must be proud of Patrick!

NBG hours sure do suck, I would be upset if I was a regular viewer.

Got lots to do tonight and not enough time to do it! BBL

magpie said...

Hope you make time for some good rest, Paula...
be careful, great picture of your son, Bravo to all on his achievements

Judie, this would be the birthing time for baby deer in many places..then it's a few weeks before we see those spotted wonders

been reading the comments, cheering for the good news, and praying for the needful things
Congratulations to that Sgt. Patrick and his entire family too


stronghunter said...

Checking in to say hello. I will be even busier in the next few weeks, then I'll have some freedom. Signed up for yet another class to grab a few more recertification points. Will be collecting research papers starting on Friday.

I will try to catch a look at Palmer tomorrow.

God bless to all. Prayers for all who need them.

Judie said...

It's that time again. Here to say goodnight to everyone.

Shirley, I feel your pain. Still receiving email complaints about grades. Really just weary of students right now.

As for the PixPa doe, I don't know that I would have realized the situation except for the comments and when I really started looking, I could see movement in the belly area. Going to check again in a few to see if she's in camera range.

Andy, hope your test went well. Seems you are a terrific student so another A is for sure.

Turning my light out but will leave the night light on for others coming in -- except for Boris. Will visit again tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Just called Laurel as I saw on the radar they were having a storm. Yes, they were having a storm but Joseph was also throwing up. Lovely just lovely! She called me back as she was changing sheets, etc.

Lolly said...

Casey James made it into the top three on AI. They are going to be filming in the stock yards in FT Worth for his trip home. Interesting!

hedgie said...

Judie and Shirley, I'm sure you are both totally exhausted by students! Shirley, I hope the time flies for you during the next few weeks. We've been missing you.

Think it goes without saying that Andy WILL get another A!!

Lolly, sorry about the grandson.....hope he's better by morning. I'm sure that Laurel is having a lot of mixed feelings about a job change.

Shhhh....taped AI---don't want to know results yet. PLEASE!

Wonder where Lynne2 has been??

When is Ceil due home from the beach??
Mits, did you "do the zoo" today??

magpie said...

hope your grandson feels better soon Lolly
hope your eyes are back to normal too

hoping everyone gets some good rest tonight

thanks folks for all the people and animal news posted here

Good Night
God Bless Us, Every One

hedgie said...

Wow....CA zoo employees freed a whale off the coast of ropes and 100+# of fishing net; they think the whale will be okay now.

hedgie said...

It's time for me to say my good nights, too! Thanks for all good wishes and prayers for my Caro.
Can't wait to hear the next installment from Iris and or Chrissy!!!
Prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah! The whale swims free!
Lynn, Ceil and Hubby were crossing the bay bridge homeward bound about a half hour before we crossed.

Lolly - sure hope it is only a 24 hr virus that has hit Joseph - but it may get Jacob next!
I am sure Laurel will make the right decision and yes any change can be scary at first! Praying for her!

Mema Jo said...

Headed back the hallway.

Good Night All
Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Wanda - you're staying up too late!
Paula - safe journey to NJ and have fun

Lolly said...

Fell asleep. lol Think I will go shower.

And the top three of AI is..............!!! Shhhh! lol I'll be quiet.

Sweet dreams everyone!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, what a wonderful meeting that will be with Chrissy and Iris. I pray that it will eventually come about and not "two trains passing in the night":(

Spent a good part of the day with GG. Fooled with some more flowers and that's about all...just didn't feel like house work today!
Asked GG what she would like for breakfast and she said she was hungry for fried chicken. She likes Martins's chicken, so, that's where I went. Also got her some fresh green beans (will fix that for her supper tomorrow, along with some ham and potatoes).
Got some Egg Drop soup (one of her favorite things) and an order of rice, noodles and some kind of chicken and mushroom dish.
She ate a little of EVERYTHING. Then said she was too full to walk:) Her leg still has some bleeding, but no signs of anymore infection. Putting neosporin and bandaging it up (cleaning it out with a saline solution). I would like to leave the bandage off for part of the day, but she can't take a nap unless it is bandaged. It is still very raw and the blankets would aggrivate it. We did leave it air out for about an hour, but she started nodding off, so, back on with the bandages.
She is so easy to please these days, and that makes it easier for me to do what I need to do:)


Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes, Lolly...I was happy with the remaining three. I THINK I would like to see Mamasox win, but then, I like all three???

NatureNut said...

Time to shut down, so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Got home from school just a little while ago--stayed to find out my grade. Thank God--and thank all of YOU for your prayers for me! I got 100% on the final, and an A in my Laboratory Medicine class!!! I feel like a 2-ton load has lifted off my back! Phew!

Paula, glad to hear the house is soon to close, and love the graduation picture of Michael! You must be so proud!

Praying for Carolyn to get that job--sure would be wonderful! Don't give up yet, Lynn!

Hoping & praying that Chrissy and Iris can get together! That would be just fantastic!!!

Mema Jo, what a great update on Patrick! Bet your buttons are busting with pride!

Hi, Sharon! Good to see you here!
Sounds like you had a good weekend--hope you recover quickly! :o]

Judie, I love geraniums!...and I'm totally jealous about the tomatoes!
There's nothing like home-grown. I need to get some myself. Hope you and Shirley get some relief from the school craziness--SOON!

Glo and Jo, hope you had nice panda naps!

Lynn, do you have enough room on your computer for more pictures? Might have to move some to a CD or flash drive or something. Pictures take up a lot of space, so I find that I have to do that every so often.

Lolly, hope your eyes recover from the drops quickly! Prayers for Laurel and her concerns--also for Joseph! Hope everyone else stays safe from the yucky flu!

Well, seems I've written the Great American Novel tonight! Apologies for using so much space! Think I'll call it a night. Prayers said for everyone. Lights are on, eye scanner security enabled. Sleep well, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all you guys! :o]

Costume Lady said...

We have another grey morning here in NESTVILLE. 50° going up to only 62°. Really keeping an eye on the weekend KARLA and her husband are having another ALL WEEKEND Anniversary party, which will be under a pavillion, but we still don't want storms! This takes place behind the Moose Lodge, where Karla works. There are 35 acrese in all and quests throw up their tents and tarps, campers or sleep under or on top of a picnic table;)
Gene and I went in the Eagle Express last year and stayed all weekend. It was like a mini vacation...our whole family will be there this year. Wahoo!!
Don't know exactly how we are going to manage this with GG needing so much care, right now.
She doesn't want to go...groups of people upset her now. Not sure why...think it has something to do with her hearing noise and the loud music must make her hearing aids go crazy:(
We are working on a plan...we'll see how it works out:)

Costume Lady said...

About a half hour ago, Lib flew into the nest, empty, empty taloned, and tidyed up a little, placing sticks from the middle of the nest, along the edge. Palmer has been moving sticks around and I guess he doesn't put them where Lib wants them:) That's OK, Palmer, keep will be doing that one day for your own little Palmers;)
Then, Lib left and no food has been brought in yet. Palmer did peep a little while Lib was there, I think he said "I want steak and eggs, this morning":)

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning all! Can't even describe how busy I've been with the part time job and the weekends out of town.....makes me wonder how I ever functioned when I was working full time!

Been trying to catch up a little...

So glad we've heard from Chrissy finally!
Prayers for Justin's tummy and Laurel's impending changes. Also for Carolyn on the job quest.
Glad to hear GG's wound is healing and she is eating!!
Congrats to Paula on the closing of the house!
And congrats to "A" student Andy!

My baby bluebirds are doing very well so far, I'm happy to say. Many of our wood frog tadpoles have developed their back legs now! SOMEDAY I'll actually get the pictures together on my blog....

I had a bad night of coughing, very itchy eyes and skin. It seems that I AM allergic to cats!! Never had a problem before although cat allergy was determined by blood test years ago. However, yesterday, one of the cats in the place where I am helping out began have seizures. It was very, very bad. He had 4 big ones in a row that lasted less than 30 seconds, and then went into another big one that lasted at least an hour. We gave the meds (it's happened before to this cat, but not this bad) per vet instructions but none of it worked (phenobarb, potassium bromide and then valium rectally). As we were waiting for the meds to hopefully work, we had to take turns holding him to keep him from thrashing around and from scratching his poor face to shreds. There was massive drooling and frothing from his mouth. When the valium didn't work, the owner had to take him to the vet. I haven't heard how he made out yet. But I don't think the news will be good. In any case, I think the exposure to so much saliva is what's causing my symptoms.

SO, I'm going to go lay back down for a little while now that I have gotten Steve off to work and the dogs walked and fed and the laundry started....BBL

ceil said...

Morning all Had a nice time at the b---- even though the weather was yucky. Nice dinner with Jo and Ed.Thank you guys so much.
Lynn really hope that Carolyn gets the job.
Lynne2 know the feeling. How did I ever work and get things done.
Wanda hope that you can get GG to go.
Over the weekend my son told us that Jennifer and he will marry on October 16th in Oregon. YIPPEE.
Have a great day everyone.

magpie said...

that is beautiful news ♥ ♥

magpie said...

hope the weather cooperates
and that a plan for GG works out
I discovered a cat allergy after adopting a beautiful yellow and white cat, had to give him up, years ago :(
hope you feel better soon

Good Morning Eagle Pals, hope it is a good day,
Ascension Thursday it is...
Happy Travels, Paula...

ttfn xo

glo said...

Prayer request for a Momster's brother who is missing from a kayaking trip in Southern Indiana. I got an email from Vicky last night that her brothers kayak has been found but a search party was looking for him well into the night as he was late returning from a kayaking trip. Search was called off at 11pm or so but hopefully is back on this morning. They too also are dealing with the threat of bad weather and rushing water. Please could you lift up a prayer for him and his whole family as they await word of some kind and the search continues.

glo said...

I am sorry to have started the first post of the day with such serious news but felt the prayer request is most important. I do send Good morning wishes to all of you. We have road closings here do to high water and storms overnight. Dex and I are back from coffee and dog treats. I have a soggy doggy even though he wore his raincoat :-). Think we are in for a while now.

magpie said...

Dear Glo,
this is troubling and very sad news
thank you for letting us know,
prayers for Vicky, her brother, and all the rescuers involved in the search
please keep us posted as you can

ceil said...

Glo no problem. Prayers for Vicky and her family that her brother is found safe.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh, I so pray that they find Just Vicky's brother alive and well. I swear, life can turn on a dime!

hedgie said...

Good morning and

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Susan Hill-Goodwin AKA edgy_su!!
Hope you have a great day!

glo said...

Thanks everyone. She is at work this morning trying to function as she has to do payroll. Says she will then head to SouthBend most likely and is feeling numb and of course in shock. So some traveling safety is also in the works for sure. I feel so bad for her. I am sure at this point folks are feeling pretty frightened but he coudl be on the edge of the river some where waiting on that rescue so will not give up hope.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Glo, prayers going up for Vicky's brother. Hopefully he will be found...alive!

Sounds like a good weekend Wanda. Wish I lived closer, I would tend to GG for you.

Watching Palmer, adult just flew in. Do not see food. Palmer saying he is hungry.

Lolly said...

Poof! I think Palmer is lonely! He is now talking to himself!

Lolly said...

Wish Palmer would not back up so close to the edge for the poop shoots. Saw discussion on his sex. For some reason I just always say "he". Nothing to base it on. lol

Lolly said...

Oh, good wing flaps and a few jumps.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Sending eagle prayers for Vicky's brother and his safe return.

Palmer resting.

Wanda, good news that GG's leg is not infected. Know you and the Capt. will work out a plan for the weekend party.

Good news, Ceil. A special time to look forward to. Oct. out west should be lovely.

Happy Birthday to Susan.

Congratulations Andy. Are you finished for the summer?

Lynne, hope the allergic reaction has subsided and you're better this morning.

Hoping Joseph is better this morning and decided not to share with Jacob. Laurel will make the best decision although we all know the process can be stressful.

Off to do some errands and look for more herbs for the garden. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Going to walk in a few minutes. Need to walk off a few pounds gained over the fun weekend with family.

Jack just said I have an email from Chrissy. Gotta check it out!

hedgie said...

Oh, Glo, was awful news about Vicki's brother. Prayers going up right now. Thank you for letting us know.

Wanda, glad that GG is doing better. I think the crowd-thing is fairly normal for elderly folks, and yes, the hearing aid/noise thing does come in to play. :( Have you found out anything about a home health aide? The weather is supposed to be fine for the weekend, so hope you can work things out.

Yep, I suspected that Lynche would be the one to go this week....I, too, think that Mamasox will win.

Paula, safe travels to NJ. Have fun!

Andy, congrats on excellent grades.
No, my puter problem seems to be that the "drivers" associated with devices is corrupted in some idea why. All was well 2 wks. ago. I sure haven't done anything to mess it up! Will make call to my geek this evening.

hedgie said...

Lynne, that seizure activity of the cat sounds very dire. Hope you get some word today of outcome. Sorry about your allergies. Miserable! Glad you had a chance to pop in!

hedgie said...

Ceil, I'll say congrats for James again here!!! Will they be doing 2 weddings?? Many people I know do an American-style wedding as well as an Oriental-style one.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hedgie, sometimes a system restore will make things right again.

Lolly, I have always called Palmer a "he" too with nothing to base it on.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Prayers for Vicky's brother! What a horrible thing!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Good Wet Morning All! Trying to get through my emails.. Need to read all
your comments to see what is going on this morning.


hedgie said...

Shar....did a system coudln't complete it!!! Tried several different dates...all same result. ARGH!

hedgie said...

The "fix" for the driver situation says for ADVANCED users....won't touch that!!!

Lolly said...

Finished our walk, now to cool off. Next few days are "chance of thunderstorms." Very humid! Yuk!

Chrissy message was neat, nothing new to report. It was just so good to hear from her. She is going to try today to visit her favorite cams.

Yes, I think Mommasox will win. She has a beautiful voice and she is always so consistant with her style. Would love to see her with a differnet hair style and less piercings. lol Yeah, I am old fashioned! She really is a pretty girl.

Lolly said...

Palmer is sleeping away. Bored!!!

Okay, I am off. Time to eat a bite of breakfast, get beautiful (lol) and get outside.

Jack is on a teleconference. We still have not made up our mind about a new car. Leaning towards the is less than a suburban. Want to try to find one with second row bucket seats. Laurel said a bench seat would be fine, that "beggars can not be choosers!"

Have a great day!

Mits said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...