Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Snow last night, and an egg this morning.

New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Live feed just froze for me

Mema Jo said...


I didn't feel a thing.......

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, think she's telling Lib it's his turn!

PA Nana said...

Will one of you please sit on that egg before it freezes?!

Now, I must go ....

paula eagleholic said...

OH, I thought I timed out...feed is back

Ms Bookworm said...

Is the sun out at the nest? I'm a bit concerned that the egg is still uncovered!

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope they don't let any stick fall into the egg cup.......

Incidentally - the high walls at the nest surely did keep a lot of the snow out of there.

carolinabeachmom said...

I have lost the live feed. Has anyone else?

paula eagleholic said...

Or is that Lib in the back...I'm not he is up front...lite shoulders..and off he went to the right

Lolly said...

Help! An abandoned egg!!! Hey, guys, you have an egg!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Probably have to refresh the page, Candy.

Lolly said...

Oh, see feetsies at the top.

Mema Jo said...

Candy - close it down and it will come back up for you.

I guess Mits is at or going to the NZ
I know she'll blow our kisses to Tai
before her shift is over.... :<)

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Paula, Lolly and Pa Nana. I had to start the thing all over and have live feed again.

Mema Jo said...

Dig that cup as deep as you can!

carolinabeachmom said...

Lolly, I am with a different Kindergarten teacher this year and just love her. As a matter of fact, I just signed up to do another year.

carolinabeachmom said...

It will be a little sad for Mits today when she has to leave. She has watched the pandas so long. But now she has a new egg to come home to.

Mema Jo said...

You Go Candy Gal!

So happy this year is good!

Did Josh get home recently?

Lolly said...

LOL I missed the spit too. Missed some comments as well. Had to go back.

Good, back on the egg. Who's on first???

Ms Bookworm said...

Ahh--finally, a 'wiggle'! Looks like the egg will stay warm now. What a relief! Dare I finally leave and do a bit of housework?...

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy, they are still working on their nest

Mema Jo said...

Belle is surely a tight fit in the egg cup. But thank goodness she looks like she is going lower and lower and will be able to protect the egg and perchance lay another on come Saturday.

Lolly said...

Oh, Candy! Good for you! Never had an assistant or an aide, what I would have given to have you!
So, good that you have a great teacher this year.

Lolly said...

Tuesday night the first egg, you think she will go as long as to Saturday, not Friday???

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, JO, Josh was just home for about a week. Left early to get ahead of the last storm we got here. He is dong good, finally mingling in with the 82nd Airborne that just came back from Afghanestan and now the hard core training begins again. He is hoping to go to Officer Training School, but doesn't know when yet. He doesn't think he'll be able to get home again now until the summer sometime. Marriage over; just a matter of time for the divorce to get processed. He has been hurt, but will get over it. Thanks for asking.

Mema Jo said...

I am wondering if Outdoor could lighten the view from their cam?
We know from the Still cam it isn't that dark at the nest........

floralgirl said...

Me too, Jo, I just saw him coming , like to watch them fly in.

Ms Bookworm said...

Looks like they're building a bit of a wall around the egg cup. Good idea, since that will help keep snow, rain, etc. off the egg(s), and help hold in the heat.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was hoping for Friday LOLLY.
Is the nest supposed to get that big storm that is coming again?

Lolly said...

I think I am going to try to get something accomplished around here. lol Like download another book to my Kindle. Rain has started here, rain all day tomorrow, high in the upper 30's. Think more reading material is in order.


stronghunter said...

Posted some pics. If someone wants to put them on the Momster Blog, please do. I haven't mastered that yet.

Ms Bookworm said...

Candy, that's great that you like your job SO much! Fantastic! The new teacher, and the kids, are very fortunate to have you! Way to go!

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN, it is so good to hear you again. All I can think of is your beautiful flowers and wishing that spring would hurry up and come sooooooon. :)

Lolly said...

Yes, I think that prediction was for the nest area. Yuk! That is depressing!

Ms Bookworm said...

Candy, glad to hear that Josh is doing well, too. Went through a real rough patch--glad to hear it's getting better!

floralgirl said...

Yes, we are going to get have a major storm here and at the nest. That forecast applies to this area, unfortunately. Just got back from the grocery store and getting bird seed.
Candy, I have little seedlings growing in here right now under grow lights.

Mema Jo said...

Let's all go for FRIDAY.
My thinking was a day off - it is usually 3 days...... I'm ok now 'cause I know it is only WED

Thanks Lynne for the reminder you sent to me New date is March 3rd.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was with the other teacher for 14 years, and needed a change. Sometimes I think I was doing more of her work than she was. This new teacher has it all together and is very structured and coordinated. She is fun and has a different way of teaching. I am learning new things from her too, and I don't spend all night at school, so to speak.

stronghunter said...

You can see how the snow has melted if you look at the times on the pictures.

floralgirl said...

I'm hoping she lays another egg Thurs or Friday , before the snow starts. If we get the amounts they are predicting, this storm will be a real challenge to the eagles.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh MEGAN that is super news. Your crop is started.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey you people in Shepherdstown, get Steve up there and put a tent over the nest. LOL, then we can all rest peacefully.

Mema Jo said...

Candy - I am as happy for Josh as I am for you! His new directive seems to have taken a load from your shoulders.

I can't wait to see Lib down down in the egg cup. He just might be able to get his beak out.........

floralgirl said...

Sorry to hear about the marriage, Candy, but glad it's finalized, and Josh can get on with his life.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks you all. There were a lot of ups and downs and I thank you for still being here for me when I get back on here. I missed being on here, but didn't have much to talk about that was good news and was in such a funk over it all. I buried myself in playing Facebook games to occupy my mind.

hedgie said...

I would expect next egg to be laid Thurs. or Fri.

Jo, what is March 3rd??

Candy, so glad that you are enjoying your year so much. But still surprised that you are going for another!!! We want you to be free as a bird to come visit us! Josh will be so much better off once the dust settles, so to speak. Finality will take the real burden off.

Mema Jo said...

My hubby and son are on the kitchen floor fixing a leak that just started. Thank goodness we found it just after it started.... Just a tiny pin hole in the elbow pipe. Had to go buy parts to fix it. I hope they are almost finished so that I can still have my evening with Alexis...... I have to hear her Disney stories.

Mema Jo said...

3/3/10 My next hair cut! Lynne is so nice to me that she sends me a reminder. You know how us Momsters forget the real date.
Deb was my favorite 'forgetter'!
And Lynn maybe you should get Lynne to send you one! lol

Mema Jo said...

Egg Roll

carolinabeachmom said...

LYNN, that is the only drawback to still working for me. I want to come back up there so much, and see all of you and the nest. Time will tell.

stronghunter said...

Just got the call---Culpeper Schools on a 2-hour delay tomorrow. They will change this if the roads do not improve as anticipated.

Mema Jo said...

What address do we use for
The Live feed really needs to be lighter. When it is wet it is extra

carolinabeachmom said...

JO you sure were lucky to find it just as the leak started. If it had gotten too bad, you might have been able to ice skate in your kitchen. :)

Mema Jo said...

Candy Just set your mind to it. We always do a Saturday just so you can come on up. You still bake brownies?

Mema Jo said...

Oh my Shirley - is this weather ever spoiling your sleeping habits. George cannot understand, I'm sure.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! They upped the temp to 38° for the nest........

paula eagleholic said...

JO, I will forward to you email from outdoor you want me to send along some pics showing the difference too?

Mema Jo said...

That would be great Paula
If you agree with what I am saying - you really could just send it all to
Outdoor - Copy me if you wish.
Thanks so much!

Red said...

So we have an egg. Congratulation to Lib and Belle. Just hope and pray it makes it through all the snow.

stronghunter said...

Paula, there is a pretty big difference in the pictures right now.

stronghunter said...

You really can't see much but the eagle's head in the live shot.

stronghunter said...

Hi Red! Yes, we have an egg. Hoping our tough eagles can handle the weather.

hedgie said...

We've had some good melting today. Temp made it up to 39. Imagine that was most of the noise at the nest, since wind has been fairly minimal.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, email on its was being a boob.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Jo, I will resend to them as well...just saw your message!

hedgie said...

And as soon as I said that, the wind has started to pick up!

stronghunter said...

That nest has to be really wet.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, done!

Let's see what they say!

paula eagleholic said...

It's probably drying out pretty good, actually. All the roads here are dry.

hedgie said...

Hey, Red!!! Glad you checked in! Our beauties have done it again!!

Sad news from New England....a 27 y.o. gave birth to triplets at home and she and they all died. Her mother found them---never knew she was pregnant.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Red, see you made it off Facebook to this wonderful happening too. Good to see you.

Yes JO, I still make the brownies. I just took some in to school today for dessert for our salad bar. I didn't bring any home>:( All gone.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have to get something for dinner, so had better check out for now. BB

hedgie said...

Calling for sprinkles tonight! Hope it doesn't ice things up.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula - Hopefully it will just be an adjustment to their equipment.

Hello Red! How's the Mafia doing?
Good to see you and we are all praying right along with you about the egg and the storm..........

Keep in touch

hedgie said...

Tai report coming up on Ch. 9!

Mema Jo said...

Egg Roll

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle is digging deeper - must have heard the weather report!

hedgie said...

LOL, Jo----I got my hair apptmt. date messed up a day early!! Remember??

Lynne, any difference today in Daisy's behavior? Hope meds have kicked in.

hedgie said...

Oh, BTW, Lynne, my vet has me using Tucks pads to clean off Cinnamon twice a day to hopefully prevent any more UTI's.

Mema Jo said...

I was remembering that Lynn
So do tell Lynne your new date if you have one so she can remind you too.

Lolly said...

Just peeking in. Have been reading. It is fun. I shop on line, then download a sample of a book. Then if I like it, I push buy it, and in seconds, yes, seconds, it is downloaded. They have my account and info. That easy. Ahhhh, technology!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, they certainly know what to do during the snow. Rather amazing, the instinct they have!

Mema Jo said...

OK! Paula sent email about lightening the Live Feed and already a reply has come to us:
Hi again Paula
No, sorry. The live cam that NCTC put in the week before we went live and before the eagles returned was put in in a rush, and they didn’t have time to optimize it before the eagles returned. The old camera died. They said that they can’t touch that live camera until Spring or else it would frighten the eagles and may cause them to not come back to this nest. Sorry.
Outdoor Channel

So IT Is What It Is

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to head out to eat with Hubby, Alexis and her dad.


Lolly said...

Whoopee! You mean we can get an appointment reminder on this blog.....for free! Can not beat a deal like that!!! lol

Mema Jo said...

** It is better then when they wake you up with a phone call early in the morning the day before!!! lol

paula eagleholic said...

LIb just arrived with a couple of nice long sticks

Mama is gonna take a break

Lolly said...

Where else can you get adult eagle entertainment, friendship, love, hugs, prayers, laughs, concern, sympathy, seeds, (hugs Wanda), medical advise, prodding, panda updates, weather updates, and now appointment reminders. Unbelievable!

Oh, hi, Lib!

stronghunter said...

At least we got a quick answer.

paula eagleholic said...

Big wing stretch, about smacked Lib

Lynne2 said...

evening all! whew, tired of shoveling! Guess I better get over that for the Great Superbowl Weekend Storm of 2010 coming up!

Daisy is about the same today. Still kind of lethargic. Good idea about the tucks!

I've got to go fix dinner, BBL

Lynne2 said...

This is a heck of a blog Lolly! I'm so happy to be a part of it!

Lolly said...

Forgot to mention...birthday wishes, anniversary wishes, eagle education, .....the list goes on and on. Oh, and momsters actually look at your grandchildren's pictures and listen to you brag. lol

Lolly said...

Whoops! An abandoned egg again!

Lolly said...

WHAT was that?

Mema Jo said...

I caught you! I haven't left yet!

Get back on that egg cup!

Lynne2 said...

Before I go, here is a pretty neat website to see what the #1 song was on the day you were born!
My is "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

Birthday #1 Song

Tai is going to be one the ABC Baltimore station in a few minutes (I think a few) channel 2

Lolly said...

Lynne, are you bragging that you are so young?☺

Lolly said...

Mine is Paper Doll by the Mills Bros.

paula eagleholic said...

I got a very nice reply from Outdoor Channel about the live feed picture...

Hi again
No, sorry. The live cam that NCTC put in the week before we
went live and before the eagles returned was put in in a
rush, and they didn’t have time to optimize it before
the eagles returned. The old camera died. They said that
they can’t touch that live camera until Spring or else
it would frighten the eagles and may cause them to not come
back to this nest. Sorry.


Outdoor Channel

I am guessing that all the adjustments on the cam must be manually done, and NCTC really just wanted to get up the tree, get the cam working, and get outta there, since they were so close to egg laying doing the replacement. So they really didn't have time to test for an optimum picture.

I thanked Arnel and told him I understand, that they are just the host, and they were doing a great job.

paula eagleholic said...

Turned live feed on and think I just missed the switch

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I see Jo posted the same response!

LOLLY - I think you hit this place right on the nose!

Lolly said...

Do not know if there was a switch or not. Both left the nestk, first Belle and then Lib. lol Do not know who returned.

Lolly said...

That was a very quick, polite response, Paula. Neat people there!

paula eagleholic said...

I forgot about this eagle cam!

Carolina Raptor Center

Lolly said...

Interesting, the live feed has a better picture right now than the still cam. Snow just does not work with the live feed.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow, Paula. It says she has three eggs! I had forgotten about her as well.

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE the Mills Brothers!!

Can't wait to see what everyone else is! We can make our own Momster CD!

Does anyone think I have too much time on my hands?

paula eagleholic said...

Last year they had 3 eggs that didn't hatch. She has 3 again this year. This is a captive bald eagle pair at the Carolina Raptor Center

Lolly said...

I did not read when she laid the eggs. We need to know when they will possibly be hatching,.

Lolly said...

Back to my book. Jack is on a teleconference..third meeting today.

paula eagleholic said...

I did that song website before..can't remember the song...let me check

Blue Moon by the Marcels...never heard of it, must be why I don't remember it!

Heading home, cu later!

paula eagleholic said...

Well actually, just checked it out...I have heard it before....just never knew the title!

paula eagleholic said...

Jan 5th, Lolly, so it should be soon...this is week 4.

hedgie said...

No sprinkles here....snow flurries. Just great...NOT.

My song was Riders in the Sky, by Vaughan Monroe. Never heard of the singer until I did this once before, and Mom remembered him. I remember the song itself done by a western group whose name now escapes me.

Lynne, you are such a baby! I was already a teenager when The Lion Sleeps Tonight came out!

Cam is what it is....sure better than nuttin', honey.

hedgie said...

Does the Carolina nest not have infrared? He keeps refreshing but is just dark blue/black.

BTW----no acknowledgement from Steve of my email picture....and he didn't put it up on the blog page. Knew I was wasting my time.

Lynne2 said...

Ghost Riders in the Sky was done in the 70s or 80s by the Outlaws, Johnny, Waylon, Willie and Kris Kristopherson.

OH MUST remember Blue Moon...wait I'll sing for you!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
I'm back just for a bit--Hubby just got home from work, so can't stay long. Got lotsa housework done.
My Birthday song is 'Till the End of Time' by Perry Como. Pretty cool website!

Too bad they can't fix the live cam picture, but better what's there than nuthin'! Sure is wonderful that the still cam is so clear!

Well, gotta run. Will check back later, after dinner. Have a good evening! :o]

hedgie said...

Nope, not Ghost Riders....just Riders!

paula eagleholic said...

I see Belle is already catching some ZZZ's, bless her heart!

stronghunter said...

I know how Belle feels. I think we have all been that tired.

stronghunter said...

Had to add a picture of tired Belle to my blog. I have been there so many times.

stronghunter said...

What is the link to the birthday song thing?

glo said...

Oh Hedgie don't feel badly about no response. Let it roll and be happy with the responses to so many things that you do get. It is what it is and sometimes we just never know why. Life is too short though to waste our time. Invest it wisely Which of course I know you already do. I love the photo. One of the best I have ever seen from a webcam. You did good. very good.

paula eagleholic said...

All this talk about chili and cornbread....our family likes corn muffins, so I am making those tonight. My recipe card is so old and faded and dripped upon, I'd better rewrite it soon! Going to have the muffins with leftover MD crab soup I pulled out of the freezer the other night...tomorrow night gonna pull out the chili!

glo said...

I want to go give Belle a hg good night. I guess she wouldn't appreciate it though. Bless her heart. I was ogne most of today. I hope she has had a good meal.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne posted the birthday song link at 5:42

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, Lib has fed her twice, if I'm not mistaken

paula eagleholic said...

Uh, I have a video...gimme a minute!

paula eagleholic said...

Crap, it didn't take the first one....too long, will have to bring it home to edit it

Here's the second one, tho.

changing of the guard

paula eagleholic said...

First one had a nice fly in by Lib from the left side of the nest. You could see him down by the barn and he swooped up.

Dana Gray said...

How do you take a picture with is live cam? If I right click it, there is no save?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, Vaughan Monroe
Riders in the sky

Johnny and Wille, touring with Waylon and Kris as the Highwaymen, NOT the Outlaws as I said earlier. I LOVE this song no matter who sings!
<a href=">Highwaymen</a>

Lynne2 said...

trying again, duh
Highwaymen version

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, the link- let me know your song!

<a href=">Birthday Song</a>

Lynne2 said...

oh for Pete's sake....trying again

Birthday Song Link

glo said...

Thanks Paula I always have that darn is someone hungry on my mind. Glad to know Belle has had food :-)

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to make a CD...I think I can anyw!ay

Mema Jo said...

I think we have a DJ on our blog.

I am Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, I'm sorry you got no word about your picture. It's so good! Going in the Momster's 2011 calendar for sure!

Some had posted a really nice titmouse picture recently...maybe from Conowingo? I want to use that one maybe too!

Lynne2 said...

Awww, Jo, when I was little that song used to make me cry, happy tears! It's so pretty!

We are going to have quite a good CD!

stronghunter said...

Lynn, we love it and we are excellent judges of photography.

stronghunter said...

I put one family portrait of our eagles on my blog that I think is pretty good, but yours is much better because they are looking at the egg.

stronghunter said...

Belle is still crashed in the nest.

Lolly said...

Belle is really conked out! Rough
night last night.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly has the instructions for capturing from the live feed...something like print screen and paste into paint programs

Lolly said...

Oh, that woke her up! A coyote?

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lynee I had the titmouse pic

paula eagleholic said...

man, i could just eat muffins for dinner, the heck with the soup

Lolly said...

To capture a picture from the live screen Press Prnt Scrn. (Upper right hand area of keyboard) I also have to press shift. Think this varies. Go to Paint and paste the picture, then you can crop and save.

Lolly said...

Oh, I tried a new recipe...Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Bisquits. Oh, yummy! Jack LOVED them. You could easily make a meal of just them. However, woe is me, I am trying to get rid of the few pounds I gained over the Holidays.

Lynne2 said...

OK thanks Paula! It's good!

Shirley, I really like the bottom picture you got, like they are looking around for somepmr to admire their achievement!

stronghunter said...

Okay, my song should please some people on here--"Chattanooga Choo Choo" by Glenn Miller.

Lolly said...

Shirley, back to school tomorrow?

stronghunter said...

Well, you can sleep and warm the egg at the same time.

stronghunter said...

Back to school two hours late. Not bad.

Lynne2 said...

You'll leave the Pennsylvania Station ‘bout a quarter to four
Read a magazine and then you're in Baltimore!
Did someone mention a TRAIN???

Dana Gray said...

My birth year song. "Mrs. Robinson" by Simon & Garfunkel

Lolly said...

Think I am going back to my reading. May watch AI at 8.

Go back to sleep Belle! We are watching out for you!

Lolly said...

Phyrfly, just took a peek at your pictures. Fantastic! Love your blog. Could you follow my instructions on getting a pic from the live feed?

stronghunter said...

I hope Lib is watching out for her, too. He might be more effective.

Yeah--a choo-choo TRAIN.

Lolly said...

Shhhhh, Lynne! You will set off you know who!

Mema Jo said...

Alexis has gone home now
All is quiet once again
No more spongebob blaring from TV

Lolly said...

Shirley, you too? Goodness girls, you are just asking for it. She who will not be mentioned will be on here shouting t..., t....., t....!!!

Lynne2 said...

Mrs Robinson, another good one!

magpie said...

Okay I finished the last of the 824 comments from the old thread, haven't even started on these yet.

Have enjoyed the pictures and comments from THAT thread and emails...
Lovely Mommy in the nest....

Special thanks to Hedgie for sending me the news this morning ☺
Good Evening to Everyone...xo

hedgie said...

Oh oh---did I hear a choo-choo TRAIN???

Lynne, didn't realize that they were one and the same songs. Thanks for clarifying.

Thanks for your support----I wasn't fishing for compliments, or anything. It's just my issue with Steve. He just always ignores my messages for some reason. Guess I'm a persona non grata.

Lolly said...

Ahh, Jo, isn't it fun? And, our little ones will be growing up so fast!

hedgie said...

MArgy is home, has seen pic, and is trying to catch up. Sure she'll be here soon!

magpie said...

Oh Yay, the whole staff at 9-1-1 is on alert for this week-end IF the 12 to 24 inches of snow arrives...


after 12 hours at the office I can't sit still right now be back later to catch up

Lynne2 said...

I just heard a TRAIN outside walking Daisy!

Lolly said...

Hi Margy! Busy day?

stronghunter said...

I had Sponge Bob this morning, Jo.

Lolly said...

Did you take the cream cheese and jelly?

Mema Jo said...

Something has awakened our eagle.
There that is what I was trying to see last night in the pitch dark - The
glowing eye!

stronghunter said...

Belle is up now.

Lolly said...

You guys are really trying to stir you know who up!!!!

hedgie said...

Phyrfly---another baby!! Your song was another one from my high teen years!

paula eagleholic said...

eagle up and listening

Lolly said...

Jo, I heard a coyote and so did Belle. She jerked her head up fast.

Dana Gray said...

Thanks Lolly, I will try and get a pic or two of the nest tomorrow, I would love to get two eggs in the nest maybe :)

Lynne2 said...

I really do love that song Lynn, there was a band called the Outlaws who ALSO did a pretty good rock rendition. It's a classic for sure!

Dana Gray said...

Thanks Hedgie, I needed to hear that :)

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly those biscuits sound yummy

Lolly said...

OMG...they are yummy. Laurel is going to make them to take to school on Friday. They are having a soup day. She thought she would put out something to go with the other teachers soups. The recipe makes 12 large bisquits she is going to make 2 dozen smaller. The recipe suggests using them for sandwiches. Yes, they say make em big! It is a drop bisquit.

Lolly said...

I'll send you the recipe. I had to scan it to send it to Laurel.

Lolly said...

OK, I said I was going to read and then never left. Let me try this again.


hedgie said...

Lolly, send me the recipe, too, please!!

hedgie said...

Hey, Jo---don't forget that we have DJ Lori, too!! And, of course, we all know that Megan was or will be one in another life!

hedgie said...

Snow shortage in Vancouver for Olympics----let's steer this weekend sucker their way!

Lynne2 said...

I know isn't that a hoot about Vancouver! It sure has been a strange winter everywhere!

magpie said...

Wow did you really hear a coyote?
Never heard one, guess I shoulda had live cam up...

Cream cheese and jelly and crackers was awesome! Perfect crackers and I have enough for a second round of it....

Making Waldorf salad to take in tomorrow.

Okay back to the comments...

Mema Jo said...

9:00 New Criminal Minds

magpie said...

Man oh Man we are going to split again soon...

Mema Jo said...

Margy you better hurry up and read the comments before we do 5 more on here

floralgirl said...

Yeah, hurry Margy....

Mema Jo said...

Faster Margy

Mema Jo said...

Megan I hope you rewarded your maintenance helper well for this last snow. BECAUSE there is another big one coming at your gh again and you'll really need a willing worker....

Mema Jo said...

Headed in to the TV
I hope Belle settles down soon


stronghunter said...

Going to say good night. See you tomorrow.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...