Monday, February 15, 2010


New week thread.


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stronghunter said...

Both in nest. Eagle talk.

hedgie said...

Argh---one of my pet peeves---ANOTHER newscaster just said CALVARY when the correct word is CAVALRY. Irks my soul!

hedgie said...

Schools in all 3 of our local WV counties are closed tomorrow again.

stronghunter said...

Haven't heard from my school yet.

Lynne2 said...

Drives me nuts.

paula eagleholic said...

Is that a fire siren?

hedgie said...

Ceil, forgot to tell you that I read in the paper that Balt. trash pick-up will resume tomorrow!

Judie said...

Hi everyone!

Well, the new washer arrived and this has been a high stress day. Darth playing engineer -- just get on with this?

Have tried three different types of clothes/fabrics. All seem to have done well. Just going to take time to adjust to a high efficiency front loader.

Tried to reinstall Firefox. Get so far and tells me close all other Mozilla programs. Well, no programs are active. Have to contact Verizon for help.

Meanwhile, cannot access the nest or any other cams.

Snow here has stopped.

Okay, babbled enough. Back later tonight.

Hope everyone had a good day.

stronghunter said...

I hear sirens.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Don't like the sound of all those sirens at the nest. Reckon they are in NCTC?

stronghunter said...

I just closed everything and kept going, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Siren sounds very close.

stronghunter said...

Backing up, now.

stronghunter said...

Belle doesn't seem concerned about whatever is going on.

stronghunter said...

Raining here now. That could be worse than snow. I think it is about 33 degrees.

paula eagleholic said...

They seemed very faint to me, not even as loud as the choo choo. It's just the first time I've heard them.

stronghunter said...

Was faint, then got loud, then I heard the beep, beep of a backing vehicle.

magpie said...

Computercide? Okay, tell me the methods Shirley...or Judie...

I am done trying to make FF or IE work and go back and forth between the two. It is the computer, not the methods....I sure appreciate all the tips from everyone though

I hear the sounds at the nest in the correct time based on your-all's posts, but honest to God, the video, is a good three or four minutes behind. Knew the second eagle was there by the sound, but didn't see it for another four minutes or so

Babble on might help keep me sane ! Glad the washer is working out well.

X! O !

stronghunter said...

I turned up the volume. I sometimes keep it low.

magpie said...

Judie..still cam has been down since yesterday morning....not a thing that NCTC can's from an offsite hiccup somewhere...

stronghunter said...

Computercide? I think the suggestion was to fling it out a window.

I'm a gentle soul. I don't do violence.

magpie said...

I know I will not FORGET my haircut and curl appt in the morning, just hope the SNOW does not cause another cancellation

Won't need a highlight in a few months...getting plenty of grey hair to take care of that !

I know my bathtub works great, think I will go enjoy something that works well for a change

xo Good Evening everyone....

floralgirl said...

Bring it here- I'll take a hammer to it.

hedgie said...

Saw that....wonder if that means that all FWS sites are down...? Doesn't make sense to me.

Lynne, another one is REALTOR, not RELATOR!!!

magpie said...

Oh! The daffodil Megan.....Thank you for putting that one up !!
Yellow, as you know, is my favorite color !

Okay, hammer, second story window...all these are good suggestions...

maybe, just pull the plug

okay bye

stronghunter said...

Don't let it hear you, Margy.

magpie said...

I don't think all FWS sites are down, Hedgie...
The blog and still cam page opens up, just not the nest view itself...someone else might have a better answer, and I guess it could be the weather

floralgirl said...

Darn, Frederick county, MD schools are also closed tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Culpeper Schools are closed tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There went da goose! =)

stronghunter said...

Geese. I looked to see if I could see them fly by again--not this time.

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone. Hope you had a good day.

Did someone say "kick the can?" I wish someone could come and kick my "can" out of this house! It snowed again and I'm housebound.
I'm going to reschedule my doctors' appointments for May!

Geese passing.

Saw a bit of the recent egg roll but could only see one egg. Did one fall into the nestcup?
Whichever one is incubating now was just preening.

Gotta go check on dinner. bbl

magpie said...

Hang in there Diann... May will be here before we know it...just hope you can find comfort to carry you through ♥

magpie said...

What kind of grosbeak? I have not seen one for a looooong time, except the Rose-Breasted GB that is on my WV wildlife tag...

and Scarlet Tanager last summer for you....another one of my favorites, and a tough little one to pin down! Can recognize its call and spend a long time trying to find it ♪ ♪

Hope your little grandchild will be better grandson, all stopped up in head and ears, nose running like a faucet, face all chapped...but his spirits were great !

magpie said...

I saw that link on WVDNR Publications for the eagles in WV, will have to try to get that pamphlet.
You asked if I paint?
my fingernails and toenails only...

magpie said...

more than a physical cleansing, but a spiritual one as well.

Actually, I LOVE my computer, it has brought me connections, friendship, laughter, comfort, and tears yes too...lots of wildlife and education.
emails and blog and most cams work galore and so on.

It is just my technique that frustrates me, if truth be told.
And there are ways to work on that!

So, sorry for my negativity...

kickngbird said...

PA Nana - Saw eagle up & stretch at 5:15 central time zone (6:15 eagle's time); was able to clearly see both eggs.

(I was Mimi on previous posts but changed that to name Native American spouse bestowed on me)

magpie said...

on February 10, 2006, I sent my Naturalist friend in NY the link to the NCTC cam which I had just received on an email from a very good friend...a little over four years ago, I began the experience of a lifetime....

magpie said...

I like that moniker kickngbird!

I am Margy when I am not Magpie ☺

magpie said...

Whoops !

Ragdoll... my comment about the birds....actually goes to the attention of Laura

but the grandchild wellness message is still for you ☺

magpie said...

I thought I saw a post on here from Loretta and now I cannot find it ! Need to link to her Nook...will have to backtrack to get it

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Lynne- did you notice the tiny little nest in the Radio shack that nest for the phone, LOL!!

paula eagleholic said...

shakeoff and egg roll, can see both eggs.

I thought it was throw the computer in the 5ft snowbank?

glad the snow decided to be not so much!

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty wing stretching

paula eagleholic said...

Hi again Mimi/KB!

Lowreeda's post in on the first 200, Margy

magpie said...

I found Loretta's link at 3:22 pm...glad I did because her new posted pictures are great !

Nope, no snowbank for me Paula, I am reformed ☺

Must have been fun to see those eagles just then...

off to do something else, maybe move all the books off the bed ☺


magpie said...

thanks Paula...

paula eagleholic said...

snowing lightly again

magpie said...

same here in Martinsburg Paula

Soon, maybe we hear about Lolly's grandson-sitting day and Wanda's computer shopping day

supper cooking here

Mema Jo said...

Spring! I can smell those jonquils - they smell so fresh! Thanks, Megan.

Just finished dinner.
Now tonight I will finish the tax info.
Another headache...

Welcome Kickngbird!

wvgal_dana said...

Dropped in to say Hi ( :

I seen a comment about 3:22 Lotetta's pics so I took a look. Thanks for sharing they are great! Loved the eagle.

Hope everyone is fine...prayers for health and safety.

Talk to Margy and Lynn-Hedgie might have 2 eggs whippppeeeee !!

wvgal_dana said...

Just catching the tip ends of things....throw it out a window------use a hammer on it----hummmm

magpie said...

no i am keeping it dana. hello !

wvgal_dana said...

Wow just read through email sent that Tai Shan by March we will be able to see him by webcam in China...that will be great!

wvgal_dana said...

Margy did you get some fun time with James?

kickngbird said...

Eagle head shake, yawn, yawn. Eagle up. Both eggs visible. I hope this snow will not get to surround eggs like last two big snowstorms did.

(Thanks for welcome - I'll probably keep low profile, post mainly eagle info - have had an experience of someone trying to find me so I'll keep personal info to minimum - in fact my name showing the other day wasn't supposed to happen - I goofed on that one - I'll be just kickngbird going forward - don't mean to scare anyone, but would also strongly suggest you all keep in mind that bad people may be reading what you write, so please be cautious.)

PA Nana said...

Saw 2 eggs, roll, and then a wiggle, wiggle and tenting.

PA Nana said...

... back to Jeopardy.

Lolly said...

Hellooooo! Back home. First thing I did was pull up the cam. NO NO NO! Poor Belle....more snow. Has she kept them covered?

Was up at 6:15 and gone by 6:55. Ohhhh, that is too early for me.

Joseph greeted me at the door with a big hug. Jacob ran...wanted me to chase him. I did! Then we cuddled. We played games...Trouble and Uno. Played some Wii. Was beat at bowling by both boys! Then Joseph beat me at table tennis by just one point, and then we did a dogfight and he beat me 19 to 0. Never did figure out that one. lol

After lunch they went outside to play. Then they came in and asked if their friends could come in. Ended up with 5 kids playing Hide and Seek in the house while I watched the Olympics. They live in a great neighborhood...on a dead end street, right at the Cul-d-saq. (how do you spell that?)And there are lots of young children, good kids! They have so much fun.

Traffic was not too bad coming home, just took about 10 minutes longer.

magpie said...

Welcome back, Lolly, sounds like great fun...

and welcome kickngbird, you stop in whenever you can....☺ hope you find this is a safe haven

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks for comments on eagle and eggs...good!

magpie said...

yes, I did...very good visit with James, thanks
was fun to talk with you...
I can't see anything on the nests right now but you can see what everyone else that can, talks about

Nice to have you check in, ALWAYS enjoy seeing that avatar ♥

magpie said...

just had Pix Pa up, deer in the snow eating, but I don't hear any sound at that one tonight.

magpie said...

Wowsie I have enough live feed to see tenting and glowing eyes

Judie said...

Pet peeve -- Washingtin instead of Washington, liberry instead of library, and idear instead of idea.

Ah computercide! Well, you begin by having a shiny garland strangle your hard drive (and maybe even your soft drive). Then you put on your home made snow shoes. Next you take all the evidence to the northwest side of Lily's den. Lily will offer to watch your back if you give her the shiny garland. DO NOT TRUST LILY! Leave the evidence in a very deep snowdrift and snow shoe back home as if a retired RCMP is on your trail.

Off to watch a few minutes of mindless tv. Back later to say goodnight.

magpie said...

I will remember all that Judie in case I become unreformed again

Off to check out some of the books on the bed...
I have a book entitled Woof

It is full of pictures of, you guessed it: DOGS !

Have to tell you this too, passed a pickup truck with a snowplow on it this afternoon, the snowplow, was painted, like a flag! It was really neat
TTFN will be back before bedtime

magpie said...

there is a dispatcher in the county who calls pick-up trucks, pickemup trucks. Honest! She is from Texas...

magpie said...

BWE eagle is tenting also

wvgal_dana said...

I don't have time to send through an email. Could some of you please
pray for Little Man. His worse time is night time. So I am heading for the couch to put my arm around him. He has one of Ed's shirts and nothing seems to help. He stares at the space Ed set on the counch and cries. He is eating ok so that is good. I just need to give him a lot of attention on the counch. I've tried right here at the computer but he wants the counch. Thanks to those that send those prayers. hugs and thanks pals

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and Little Man, Dana.

stronghunter said...

Well shucks, I have been craving the last little bit of chocolate ice cream. Offered it to Hunter when he was here, but he declined. It's a good thing. It's all gone. Will must have eaten it.

magpie said...

Yes Dana...(( hugs )) and prayers ♥

magpie said...

Shucks is right Shirley, I have plenty of ice cream here!
craved it last week-end when we were all snowed in, ended up getting 3 half gallons when I could.
Took one to work that leaves 2.
well 1 1/2 now

paula eagleholic said...

Colorado laid their first egg late yesterday....Caltrans laid their first egg today!

magpie said...

oh great Paula, and I can actually watch Colorado but couldn't get live feed earlier...saw the one roosting..

magpie said...

I don't have the right link to the Maine forum either anymore would appreciate it if not too much trouble pls and thanks

magpie said...

never mind I do....sorry !

NatureNut said...

This is my 3rd attempt to write a comment in the last hour! Finally got the Live cam running & my comment wouldn't post. Then I got the "not responding" junk. Eventually the page turned blank except for title & peeled down. Got the desktop picture, but no icons or toolbar!Now there was a "failed to initialize window".
Maybe it's ready for a snow bank. Judie, can you help??? Just did a loud Boom, and rebooted itself! I'm on the old one.

Mits said...

Kickngbird, that is very good never know who is reading the blog, our friend, Suzanne who cannot be on the blog anymore because of work restictions, used to warn us all the time, you only have to look at the map on the front page of blog to see all the peering eyes.

Lynne2 said...

Dana, I sure hope Little Man will be OK later...prayers for you both.

Lynn, did you watch the SOAPS??

Well, back to back blizzards causes much auto and truck glass breakage resulting in Steve having to go in early and work late every night this week, and possibly on Saturday :(

We just got off the phone with him Mom in Terra Alta. They are having a very bad time keeping pathways clear, roads are a disaster and hallelujah maybe this WILL be the winter that brings them to their senses about MOVING.

Please pass the ice cream....

magpie said...

The Colo egg was laid about the time Jo and Shirley and maybe others were watching last night !
I stopped watching when things started getting dark, guess I didn't miss it by much

Lolly said...

Well, I definitely to not say pickemup trucks!

magpie said...

Saw your new pictures and loved them Loretta !

Sorry Steve is having the long days, Lynne, but I guess it is good that business is good...

NatureNut said...

Hello, got back on. Had reopened Live cam & then all the freezing started again! It's off!
Last I saw, the poor lovely Belle was flat on her belly over the nest bowl with all that snow around her. I can't see how the eggs will be viable with all the moisture.xxxxing my fingers. Maybe when snow is over she'll lay more.

magpie said...

Maybe some don't have this, so it might be a nice one to have this time of the year especially.

We call it the Maine Forum, but I guess there is a more technical name for many cam sites to be able to check !

Maine Forum

glo said...

Well you all let me know when its not snowing and I will try to turn the cam onl I did not and still am not goign to watch that poor eagle fend off any more snow. Argh :-( This needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago.

magpie said...


didn't really want to say the gal was from Texas, guess I could have said "down South"

NatureNut said...

Thx, Judie for tutorial on computercide! Think it was that site.
Dana, XXXXOOOO & prayers for Little Man and you!
Gotta get stuff together for work tomorrow,etc......
BBL, I hope

magpie said...

It is a lighter snowfall, at least, and conditions will improve Tuesday, and temps are supposed to rise to the 40's Thursday

glo said...

The Maine forum will give you all the up to dat einfo on all of the cams that are out there. As some have sad they never sleep. It is all very organized and very easy to find quickly whatever you are looking for.

magpie said...

sure is Glo..last time I tried my link it had said Webpage is expired...but then I tried again and it works! Yes, I agree....a really informative site ☺
sometimes I feel like I never sleep so it comes in handy day and night ☺

magpie said...

On the Maine Forum site, just scroll down to the bottom and find "jump to" and take your pic...and then, enjoy !

Judie said...

Dana, sending a prayer for you and especially Little Man. Wonder if he would perk up if he had some off-leash play time with other pups? Are there any dog parks nearby? Would he respond to visiting people in a retirement/assisted living home where he would get tons of extra attention?

Well, I have to go to the big school house tomorrow so early to sleep for me.

Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Andy, if you're awake later, please set the alarm for us.

Hope to get FF operating again tomorrow.

magpie said...

Good night Judie...
best wishes at school tomorrow, watch the walking, slippery spots no doubt in some places !

magpie said...

Glo...would you like to see the homemade snowshoes? They (well, only one) are on Fun and Dandy link on my blog ☺

wonderful soldier from the southern part of our state, with a most magnificent accent...
he is the one in the picture at my workplace

glo said...

Off to see fun and Dandy :-)

magpie said...

snowing stopped here about an hour or so ago, probably also at the nest...not too sure about but suspect so

glo said...

hmmm dare I tae apeak. OK will give it aobut 15 more mins. I just can't bear to watch her fight off any more snow. How many inches did you get there ?

magpie said...

probably not quite was light and stopped and started...not bad at all

I am going to go peruse Woof and another book or two

back before bedtime. I am repeating myself xo

stronghunter said...

Margy, I'll be knocking on your door to get some of that ice cream!

magpie said...

cherry vanilla, coffee, and javachip coffee and a wee bit of combo vanilla-chocolate-butter almond
don't mean to be rude and wish I could share.
Lent starts in two days...
I give up ice cream and chocolate and potato chips usually....
I need to give you some of this ice cream Shirley. Yikes !

magpie said...

lol lost a week, somehow...thought Lent started NEXT week !

stronghunter said...

Moving around on nest. Poop shoot!! Well, Im glad that was taken care of.

stronghunter said...

Watching the ice skaters.

magpie said...

Yep, all the nest news here allrighty!
Thanks Shirley, I miss that kind of stuff ☺

Glo, yes the snowshoe DID smell wonderful...and there was some sap on some of sticks too, so I dabbed a little on my wrists ☺

ttfn really, WOOF awaits me

Costume Lady said...

GLO, my has STOPPED SNOWING here. You may look at Belle now!

Lolly said...

LOL Just learned there was all this stuff on the outdoor homepage. Just a little s-l-o-w. Duh! Had no idea about the twitter stuff below the cam. I always open the cam and that is it!

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. and I had a fun day. Had breakfast at Shoneys in Hagerstown, then went shopping for a BIG flowerpot for a cactus that needs replanting. Found a pretty one at a great price. Then we went clothes shopping for GG, she needs some warm sweaters...found 3 (found 2 for myself;) When we came out of the store it was snowing like crazy, so we came on home without looking at computers:(

Lolly said...

We are going to be shopping for a new computer, too. The one we have now was built by a friend and he has always worked on it and upgraded it. Will be different to go buy a computer.

Mema Jo said...

Well all figures ready for our tax man
And yes, it is a headache. Every year I promise myself I'll keep data as it occurs - But I usually fall short doing it.

Good to hear from you Dana - sure will pray for Little Man. Perhaps when the weather improves he will be able to go outside and tire himself out for sleep.

Kickngbird - I agree with what I hear you saying about being so personal - we do forget what information isn't necessary to give out about ourselves
We surely do welcome you and quite a few others who have recently joined our blog.

JUDIE - your commentaries crack me up!
Thank you so much - your imagination is so vivid!

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, I have never looked at the page except for the camera either!

Sounds like you and Gene had a fun day out! Sorry you didn't get your new computer, though.

We had very little snow here...just enough to dust over the yucky black dirty snow.

Going to fix some ice cream now...have a good evening everyone, and prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, glad you got to see George. I know you miss him so much when you can't get to see him for a while. He brings a lot of joy to your life and you to his, I'm sure:) Haven't seen Dustin for a while, with all this snow, but he called this evening and asked if he could come over and shovel some snow for us. Guess what I said? LOL
So not only have I gotten to see great grandson last week, will get to see grandson this week:) I haven't seen or talked to grandaughter in a loooong time. I think she still loves me, just busy working 3 jobs. Massage Therapist for a Chiropractor in Berryville and at the Country Inn in Berkeley Springs. Works in the Moose lounge on weekends, I think.

floralgirl said...

Now wait a minute..isn't George a squirrel, why would Margy wanna see a squirrel?

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynne2 said...

I though Shorty was a squirrel and George was an eagle

bev. said...

not to worry about the nest now. They brought in all that stuffing today and the eggs are well protected. they knew the snow was coming this time.

Al will be O.K.

I am gong to watch the gold medal ceremony soon. I am so proud of our Moguls guy. He is such a nice man..I could kill the media . they put so much pressure on the athletes. I am so proud of all of them. they are doing their level best

Lolly said...

Well, that makes me feel better, Lynne. ☺

Costume Lady said...

Megan, Gene calls him George. It's his way of breaking the ice with kids. They start by saying, 'My names isn't GEORGE!'...and then, before you know it, they are friends. Gene loves kids:)

Costume Lady said...

Now, we have BEV wanting to commit MEDIACIDE...what has become of us? WE ARE ALL BAD! lol

glo said...

Ok 3 things. Got to try to watch olympics, the Soap Opera called the Bachelor and turn on the Cam LOL. I need 3 eyeballs.

Mema Jo said...

Judie Sounds as though you are giving your new washer a good workout! You'll be the cleanest gal in town! Have a good day tomorrow and Watch Your Step

Margy so glad your neighbor is home and hopefully doing well. I'm sure you
are checking on her in between eating your ice creams...

glo said...

Aww MaMa Belle has her head all tucke din her wing. She looks snug an comfy enough. I can handle that :-) Good Night Belle I think all is well for you now. You are a super MaMa.

paula eagleholic said...

Shorty and George are squirrels.

George is a cat.

George is an eagle.

George sounds rather mixed up!

Hope this helps, LOL.

Costume Lady said...

Wasn't George the Squirrel at the KENT site? If so, I think he was lunch one day for the eagles.
Speaking of Kent, did they ever get that nest repaired? I can't find their site. I will have to google it.

bev. said...

Only 3 eyeballs . Is that enough LOL

Yup , i am ready to commit mediacide, sooner than later LOL

Sorry i have not been it. My computer was attacked by a couple of Trojans and my husband wanted to check things out and delete th9ings. Good thing we have a good virus program.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and George is James as well!

paula eagleholic said...

So, Shorty is definitely a squirrel. George is many things! Are ya'll totally confused yet?

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Glo, I think all is well, for snow expected for a while.
Temps near 40° all week during the noon-time hours.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

George is a wooden eagle and George is also a squirrel that was in the Kent nest!

Mema Jo said...

GEORGE IS: Capt Gene's name for Margy's Grandson James
George is a squirrel at Kent Eagle Nest
George is a carved painted wooden Eagle at Sissy's
George is Shirley's cat

I'm sure there are a lot more Georges out there that you all may know!

Costume Lady said...

My grandfather was also GEORGE:)

Costume Lady said...

GEORGE THE EAGLE is the funniest of the GEORGES. I'll see if I have him posted somewhere for our newbies to see. He is hilarious!

Lynne2 said...

By George I am tired....see you all tomorrow!

bev. said...

By -GEORGE, I think she has it LOl
yup, I take nothing from the media.

My kids laugh at me becasue i ma always writing letters LOL

floralgirl said...

I'm confused...

stronghunter said...

My George has been trying to commit pizza theft. I put the pizza back in the box--it was a frozen one that has a little opening in the box to show off the pizza. I saved the pizza for Will with a pan lid over the opening, but forgot to put the cover back when I moved the pizza, so George sneaked a snack. (We can take out that section.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And we had a black full size dachshund that was George.

Costume Lady said...

He was won by SISSY at our Open House Raffle. She took him to her motel that night and dressed him up. Have a look see:)

bev. said...

And there is curious George. did anyone mention that.

Just watched the medal ceremony. Crying here.

bev. said...

George burns and Gracie Allan. Now I am dating myself LOL

hedgie said...

I'll throw in another bit of is NOT George's is next Monday!! Big discussion today on news about why some call it Washingtons' birthday instead of Presidents' Day....makes NO sense to call it Washingtons'!! Last Monday was Lincolns real one. What a mess the government makes of everything!!

Jo....guess what? My tax refund was deposited last Friday! Having paid off my mortgage, nothing else adds up to enough to itemize anymore, so it's a breeze to do them now!

Snow stopped---stars were out. Let dog out a little while ago and it'd snowing again and NO stars.

bev. said...

Now off to watch some figure skating . will keep checking in.

Mema Jo said...

I know what you mean Hedgie - we itemize but am only good for real estate taxes and contributions. Other stuff is Small Items.

Mema Jo said...

Well as the saying goes
By George! there's a lot of Georges
being mentioned

glo said...

Well I had a snail named George. He crawled out of an aquarium when we had our first collie named Mickey who actually found George on the carpet and brought him to us. We put George back into the aquarium none the worse for wear and Mickey did not have his first bite of ummm is it called "escargo?"

hedgie said...

Jo, I wish Damages would stop all this jumping back and forth in time stuff! It's always been like that.

hedgie said...

Love Lily Tomlin in this role.

glo said...

LOL OK well now I have to explain why we evennamed our snail. Because we had a 2 year old son at that time. So you bet the snail had a name too. Everything had a name.

Costume Lady said...

LOL, know what you mean Glo! We had Lizzy the Lizard, and grandchildren had names for most of our fish, until the multiplied to the point of being impossible to tell them apart:)

magpie said...

"George" - is of Greek Origin, and its meaning is "farmer."

Megan? ☺

Wanda, kids love Gene too ! ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And then you have George Birthington's Washday.

magpie said...

all mice in the Hoogland household were named "Herman."
and I don't mean pet mice

magpie said...

Congratulations Bev on the Canadian Gold Medalist Bilodeau in the Moguls ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I named my goldfish Charlea, Charlea 1, Charlea 2, Charlea 3. Daddy called me Charlea so I carried on that name to my little fish.

magpie said...

and then Nancy Drew had a gal pal named George (and also Bess)

Charlea, that is beautiful Sharon...

magpie said...

Belle looks cozy.
I guess I hear, a jet ?

Good Night everyone, thanks for a fun day...
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

NatureNut said...

Been watching Olympics.
Congrats Bev! What a touching story about the Mogul medalist's family.
Gotta hit the hay, so Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

bev. said...

Thanks nature Nut and Magpie. I am so proud of him . He is just an outstanding young man and so close to his brother.

We are not a country that win many medals. I guess we party too much.

that is why they call us the crazy canucks. I am off to be also
I have a long drive to Calgary tomorrow.
take care of our ealges

paula eagleholic said...

Well daggone they sure have the skating on late tonight...

paula eagleholic said...

Congrats Bev to your countryman on his gold medal win on home soil, touching story about his older brother.

I have never named a pet George...

hedgie said...

It was late last night, too, Paula.

Lolly said...

Oh, I love Calgary and Banff! Especially Banff. We have been up there a couple of times. More fun! By George!!!

hedgie said...

Heading for tub. See you all in the morning light---hopefully with no mo snow!
One last bit of word play....instead of saying "behaving", some people around here say "beinhave"......oh, I could write a book!!!
Prayers and peace.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Prayers being said for Dana's Little Man. Sorry he's having a rough day! Hope your eye is doing better, Dana! Prayers for you, too!

S-O-O-O relieved that it appears the snow has stopped at the nest! Sleep tight, Belle!

Hubby & I spent the day with Sis-in-law. We ended up going to Bubba Gump's for lunch. It was absolutely delicious!!! Didn't do much else except yack a lot, and get all caught up on news.

Loretta, thanks for posting the new pictures--they're great!

Margy, glad you and James had a good visit.

Judie, I'm really glad your new washer works so well--couldn't be happier for you!

By the way, my Dad's name is George. He's been gone since 1998.
Still miss him so much! His dad (my grandpa) was named George, too. Lotsa Georges out there!

Well, getting tired, so will leave the night light on for others. The porch light is automatic and will see you coming. The eye scanner security is enabled. Prayers said for everyone. Sleep snug and warm, and have sweet eagle dreams. Will talk to you in the morning light.
Love all you guys! :o]

kickngbird said...

Egg roll

Lolly said...

I have been watching the olympics. Time to turn off the computer. I have been up too long. lol Guess I need to learn to take panda naps!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - 5 months ago...........

Congratulations Bev on the Gold Medal!
Love that guy!

Heading down the hall way

Good Night All
Many Prayers for All
((((hugs))))♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

By George, I'm tired!

Nite all

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. Hunter goes back to school tomorrow--late opening. I will still be at home.

stronghunter said...

I didn't name George, by the way, he was already named when I got him. He was actually Georgia for awhile until it became obvious he wasn't a little girl.

PA Nana said...

Good night dear eagle buddies. I'm falling (not literally) asleep at the keyboard, so I'm heading for my chair.

Will check in sometime tomorrow.

Good night and God Bless! ♥

Costume Lady said...

Don't forget: GEORGE BUSH
and on and on



Costume Lady said...

Nite Diann:)

PA Nana said...

Good morning. Having trouble sleeping tonight so I thought I'd check in. I do appear to be alone but that's okay. It means you are all getting some restful sleep.

I'll check on the nest before I turn this machine off for the night, so rest well good friends.

Catch you all in the daylight hours.

Lynne2 said...

I hate being wide awake at this hour....our eagle on the other hand is tucked in an peacefully sleeping!

Speaking of about George Foreman, and his 5 sons, George, Jr., George III, George IV, George V, and George VI

Sure glad I was able to find the Roman numerals on here. ( sure hope someone is here to read how funny I am at 4am LOL!! )

Back to be...wake me up when SPRING gets here!

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Phone rang early this morning. Hunter's school is closed after all. It was a short night!

I just saw something go by below the nest. Don't know what it was!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning all you wonderful people out there in eagle land! No snow in Mercer County again today! I am starting to worry about their education now!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Do we have two eggs now? Are they both viable? I think I have been gone too long!! Me and Mattie did make it to get our hair done yesterday, thank God!!!

magpie said...

Good Morning EAgle ♂'s and ♀'s
I can hear things happenning at the nest but can't see them, video doesn't show what I hear
I saw the tail end of an egg roll around 6:59 but I think video shows things about five mins after it is happening

Best wishes for a good day, watch out for the slippery spots hereabouts

xo ☺

magpie said...

There is an Eagle at the Blackwater Osprey Cam...

magpie said...

with what looks like a nice sized fish

stronghunter said...

Two eggs are being incubated. I put a picture on my blog. The tenting pictures are from last night.

magpie said...

Norfolk is close up shot but it might give you motion sickness :(

stronghunter said...

The two eggs were visible about 30 minutes ago.

magpie said...

that would go along with my time-delay Shirley... could hear things happening...and made notes as to what time showed on my computer
thanks. One of these days I might see it ☺
I don't have it up anymore

magpie said...

eagle left BWO and seems to have left its food behind, was hoping it would take it to BWE

magpie said...


magpie said...



Whoever did that, THANK YOU !

stronghunter said...

Glad you got a cam up, Margy.

I am going to take a panda nap. Expected to sleep in this morning!

Stayed up late watching the Olympics and finishing up the work for my online class.

magpie said...

Okay I disappear too
lots to do before haircut which I have remembered is this morning ☺
What a great thing to see sunshine this morning ☼

magpie said...

PS Watch for the SPLIT it's not too far away from here

magpie said...

I forgot to mention this:

Lent Starts on Wednesday

find yourself some fastnachts ☺

And what do I do with all this ice cream ???

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Moving trees around in the nest at NBG. Love that view!!

magpie said...

Food Delivery our nest !

magpie said...

well I thought it was food, maybe just more fluff
or maybe it got flown out again

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Getting ready for coffee and dog treats. Its 20 degrees here. Dex will be very happy that I am not going to bundle up his feet so we can walk this morning. Quicker for me too. Did I hear sun on the nest. I must go open our cam. <b.There is a new Glo's Glimpses today for those who are interested. I invite new folks to take a peak and offer your input as well. All opinions count especially when you love Eagles. All are Eagle picture in this set.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Getting ready for coffee and dog treats. Its 20 degrees here. Dex will be very happy that I am not going to bundle up his feet so we can walk this morning. Quicker for me too. Did I hear sun on the nest. I must go open our cam. <b.There is a new Glo's Glimpses today for those who are interested. I invite new folks to take a peak and offer your input as well. All opinions count especially when you love Eagles. All are Eagle picture in this set.

magpie said...

The sun is working its way to the nest here Glo
Good morning ☺

Eagle at BWE, feathers are kinda frosty looking

movin said...







magpie said...

I sorta saw an egg roll

Hi Jim


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...