Monday, February 01, 2010


Feb 1 thread.


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Mits said...

just happened

NatureNut said...

Oh Bob! That's a great story!I went to public school, but Catholic Sunday school taught by the Mother Superior. We were all terrified---heard of her whacking hands w/rulers! I raised my hand to answer a question one Sunday & she came towards me, but put a gold star on my forehead! Guess I answered right!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey there Helen, Paula Bob,(beautiful pics Bob as always), Sharon, Lolly, Pa Nana, Megan and all others. Took a look at the nest in school this afternoon and was glad to see the snow gone and an eagle sitting in the nest! I see you have all been watching and wainting.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes Loretta, I think we were all afraid of the nuns as kids. I also heard about the rulers. I was a lucky one who went to public school.

carolinabeachmom said...

Wasn't it the NBG that was pestered with a great horned owl and other eagles trying to take over their nest last year?

Mits said...

Bob, love the pics....Hi Candy

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Helen. So glad to see the snow is gone off the nest

Mits said...

sure is Candy...and with their feathers and the fluff and sticks, I bet it is one cosy place, don't ya think:)?

Mits said...

looks calm at NBG now

Mits said...

can't remember the year, Candy, but yes, this was the nest...

carolinabeachmom said...

dI am with you there Mits. I would like to see it free of snow from now on. Now if Belle would just get in there and lay the eggs. Wasn't it in the second week in February last year?

carolinabeachmom said...

Poor NBG I do hope they have a good year this year.

Mits said...

think it was the 31st, last year, I don't keep a cheat sheet, when it happens, it happens, no matter what the weather.:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Gee if it was the 31st, they could be getting ready for anytime now.
Then the fun and waiting begins.

carolinabeachmom said...

If we could get Paula on here, I bet she would have all the data :)

Helen, did I read where you said they artificially inseminated one of the National Zoo Polar bears? Or that one was being sent back to China"

Mits said...

yes, Candy, Mei Xiang was AI'd a couple of weeks ago, and her son 4 and a half year old Tai Shan is going back to China on Thursday, will be sent to a Conservation Breeding program there, he should have gone home when he was 2 as per the contract, but they let him stay till now.

carolinabeachmom said...

That is kind of sad. We breed them, take the best of care of them and then send them back. Oh well. I hope all goes well for both.

Mits said...

WAYNESBORO -- A bald eagle believed to have been struck by an aircraft near Newport News-Williamsburg Airport has died.

The adult male, believed to be 7 or 8 years old, was taken to the Wildlife Center of Virginia in Waynesboro last week. An examination revealed it had an open fracture in its left wing and a possible lung infection.

The eagle died Sunday morning just after completing the day's treatment.

"It was started throwing up fluids and showing respiratory distress.  He was tubed and epinephrine was administered, but the eagle could not be revived," stated Randy Huwa, spokesman for the Wildlife Center of Va.

The bald eagle likely was struck on January 20, but a search that day and the next turned up nothing. Then, last week, airport officials called to report finding an injured bald eagle.

After being stabilized at a clinic in in Williamsburg, it was sent to the center to determine whether it could be saved.

Mits said...

its a win-win situation, Candy, all pandas in the world wherever they are belong to China, and Tai will be sexually mature when he is 5, time for him to start a family next year.

Mits said...

Dad arrived at NBG

Mits said...

chat room is back up at NBG

carolinabeachmom said...

What a shame about that poor eagle. They gave it their best and he seemed pretty hurt and sick.

Mits said...

Dad brought in more pine twigs and Mom took off at NBG

Mits said...

yes they did, Candy and it is at peace now, I don't like to see ill or infirmed animals

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Mits. What a pic of the nest, eagle and lone egg. Thanks for the heads up. I couldn't get it earlier like some of the others.

NatureNut said...

Just read the sad eagle news on WVEC NBG site. Their chat is back on. I usually turn it off.

NatureNut said...

Lovely pic of NBG Mom & egg. She's getting ready to sit.

Mits said...

I like to read the chat when their are no trolls, and Reese is very informative

Mits said...

I just don't like to chat.

NatureNut said...

No, she's digging to China!

Mits said...

Reese says that is Dad on the egg now

carolinabeachmom said...

It doesn't look to me like they have abandoned the egg at all.

Mits said...

Dad has pulled the fluff around him and is on the egg.

hedgie said...

That is so sad about the poor eagle. I'm sure that it is for the best, but it still hurts, and I know the folks at the wildlife center feel the loss.
Candy, good to see you!
Bob, pics are wonderful! But then we know they always are!!

Lolly, LOL....early afternoon post said you were done moping! I wondered what was wrong, but then figured you probably meant mopping!!

Cute story about your bro, Bob! The only thing I remember hearing about Montessori is that it is rather discipline-free. Judie, is the one on Gallows Rd. before Hummer still there???

carolinabeachmom said...

Mom and Pop are looking after that egg alright. Brought more stuff in Looks like a bird feather fo make the nest soft and comfy

NatureNut said...

Yes, Mits. Read that it's Dad doing nest duty.

Lynne2 said...

wow, got a glimpse of NBG egg before parent put up a piece of "privacy bark"!

Mits said...

that cam is so clear, and close you feel like you are sitting in the nest

carolinabeachmom said...

They have placed that cam just right and the color is just beautiful

Mits said...

yes I really like the color:)

carolinabeachmom said...

I wish one or both would come back on our nest. Lib probably took Belle out to dinner. :)

hedgie said...

Eagle release article:

Eagle Release

hedgie said...

For sure, Megan will be able to identify those flowers!!

Lolly said...

LOl No moping today....just mopping!

Paula, have no idea about the verion of IE I have. How do I find out? It is a Dell laptop using Vista.

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Lolly. A lot of people don't like Vista. I hae Vista on our computer we got about 6 months ago and we've had nothing but trouble with it.

It is an HP and we have sent it back twice to have it fixed after spending hours on the phone both times with someone overseas.

Lynne2 said...

what happened to what eagle?

Lynne2 said...

I have Vista here on my laptop....I've never had any trouble with mine. I have heard that others have, though.

Lolly said...

Hi Candy! I love my laptop and have had no problem with it. I have had no problem with Vista. My only problem now is I can not get the full screen feature on the live feed. Throws me off every time! I can live with it. Get the live feed just fine and can have several open with no slow down.

Mits said...

Lolly, can you get the full screen at NBG?

hedgie said...

Another Tai report coming up on Ch. 9 news!

Just had 9 deer out back...they took off as soon as I got near window.

Mits said...

thanks, Lynn, will go turn the TV on

Lolly said...

Yes, can get full screen at NBG!

hedgie said...

Nicole having a rough time, Mits....many mixed emotions.

hedgie said...

Zoo will be closed Thurs. morning for the departure.

carolinabeachmom said...

Pfew! Finally the parent sat down on the egg at NBG. Maybe they will get another tonight or probably tomorrow.

Mits said...

yes she is, got to see her last week and give her a big old hug...., she is the best, and yes it will be hard for her, but she has a grasp of the bigger picture, if these things are not done, then we will all be looking at pictures, and stuffed Giant Pandas.

Mits said...

yes, it has been over 48 hours since she laid the 1st egg.

Mits said...

eagle near by, just heard it land on the upper branch

PA Nana said...


carolinabeachmom said...

eagle alert our nest

carolinabeachmom said...

It is in the egg cu[. Could tonight be the night. Looks as if it is hunkered down for the long haul.

PA Nana said...

Nah, it's just standing there. Sure hope it's soon.

Judie said...

Got to thinking about Montessori and do remember a former neighbor's five year old -- absolute terror. No discipline at all! Yes, Lynn, the school is still there on Gallows.

Sad about the injured eagle.

See the blog is back on for NBG. Everyone seems to be behaving, so far.

Finished reviewing Jungian theory and my food archetype is calling me to the kitchen. Easy tonight. Smoked salmon sammitches.

floralgirl said...

Both now

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Wow! Two eagles in our nest! Yippee!

stronghunter said...

Both there, now. Came to turn on the light or to lay an egg? Maybe both?

hedgie said...

This is where Tai will be. Don't ask me how to pronounce it!!

Bifengxia Panda Base in Ya'an, Sichuan

PA Nana said...

Thanx for the input on Montessori.

floralgirl said...

My kid went to Montessori school for a year at a young age and we loved it:) Just google Montessori, they have a site that explains it.

Lolly said...

Montessori....being a retired kindergarten teacher, I do have an opinion. Really do not know a lot about it, but have NOT been impressed with results I have seen in children I know.

Lolly said...

Having a good toddle over to the egg cup and lay an egg!

stronghunter said...

There is quite a bit of information about Montessori schooling on the Internet. I think it is based on the concept that children will pursue knowledge out of their own curiosity. I can see potential for some problems there.

I have plenty of students who are curious about lots of things. Channeling that curiosity in the right direction might be challenging--to say the least.

hedgie said...

Mits, if you aren't going to the B, will you work your shift Weds.?

Anybody heard from Sissy today? I hope she got to the doctor. :(

floralgirl said...

I would guess it depends on the school, and my kid went before she was school age for a year, for socialization as much as anything else. We live in the boonies. She definitely thrived there, and learned a lot.
Discipline begins at home, and any parent or school that lets kids run wild is just doing a disservice to the chilldren.

Ms Bookworm said...


Haven't been here till now today, have been resting up for school, and cleaning house. Still not 100% with the sinusitis--much better, but not great yet. Hope school doesn't run too late tonight.

Boy, the sound is great with the new live feed! Can hear every little rustle! Oops--Hubby's home.

hedgie said...

Judie, that school has been there since I was in school!! That's a l-o-n-g time!
Your salmon dinner sounds good!

stronghunter said...

Culpeper County schools on a two-hour delay tomorrow. I thought that might be the case. They will have a chance to see what the weather does tomorrow morning.

Mits said...

yes Lynn, I saw where there was no one signed up for wednesday p.m. shift, so I will be there for his last day.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Eagle Friends been watching off and on today. Just haven't commented.

Crunch Crunch

wvgal_dana said...

What's the speciality for din din?

stronghunter said...

You are right, Megan. I think that if the program works the way it should, the students are supposed to take ownership of their own learning. If you really get kids to take on that responsibility, it is wonderful, but it is not likely to work for everyone or in every situation. Kids are kids.

stronghunter said...

My best students have taken ownership. They learn because they want to learn. They are the dream students, and they are rare.

hedgie said...

Yep, Megan, discipline begins at home, AND needs to be enforced at school, too. That's the biggest problem with schools today: kids who have known few rules, have nor respect for others, and try to intimidate teachers. Couldn't pay me enough to be a teacher!

Mits said...

don't know, Dana, sounds like rice krispies or Cap'n Crunch

floralgirl said...

Hmmmm.... getting that egg cup just right, and now both eagles

hedgie said...

Belle looks settled tonight the night?? Hope, hope!

hedgie said...

Got my lovely new computer desk chair....but Mr. Bill can't come bring it in and put it together til tomorrow. It's an executive chair----haven't sat in one of them since I left work! Burgundy leather.

Mits said...

sounds nice, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Got some sad and bad news today...Crunch's wifes' great-granddaughter has been taken from Doris' son by her jack--- father. Sadness all around.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your chair, Lynn!

floralgirl said...

They both flew up into the tree.

Mits said...

that is so sad, Lynn.

PA Nana said...

Gee, I thought the way Belle was pacing she was "in Labor."
False alarm ..

time for supper, bbl

Ms Bookworm said...

...back again! (My car was in the way.)

Need to catch up on the blog. It's so good to see eagles in the nest!
Looks like no egg yet, though.

Glo, hope your day has been a really special one!
For you too, Zach!

Well, better go get some dinner and get ready for school. Will be back later tonight, after I'm back home.
Have a great evening, everyone!
BBL.... :o]

Mits said...

there go the honkers:)

hedgie said...

Well, good grief, Belle! Stay put!!

wvgal_dana said...

I didn't get to hear them Mits. Cam timed out had to refresh.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sorry if I'm missing Birthdays.

Happy Birthday Glo I hope your day was very special.

Lolly's grandson Zach had a birthday too I see today...Happy Birthday Zach.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Dana and how are things going for you?

carolinabeachmom said...

I don't have any eagles in the nest now :( I guess tonight is not the night after all.

Lolly said...

wolf and pups

This story was on the news tonight. The rescue was not successful. The wolf is beautiful. They will continue trying to capture her.

Mits said...

wolf is beautiful...

Mits said...

Candy, when they flew out, you could hear that they went to the branches above, so she still could drop in for egg laying, would love to see a day time egg laying like at NBG the other day.

Lolly said...

This wolf or wolf/dog started visiting this ladies yard. She has only touched it once, but has built its confidence in her. Then the wolf had puppies. Apparently she can handle the nine puppies, but decided this was more than she can handle. So, she contacted this group in New Mexico. They are here and trying to capture her. They will try to tame her, but if not possible she will stay at their place in New Mexico.

hedgie said...

Jefferson County's (where our nest is)own Frank Buckles, the last WW I living soldier turned 109 today. Happy Birthday, Mr. Buckles!

Lolly said...

Time to prepare dinner.


hedgie said...

Good story, Lolly. Lovely specimen!

Mits said...

I don't ever think I will make it to 109, nor do I want to.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Candy very nice seeing you back in the comments. ( :

I've had a pretty bad day of it today. Trying to hang in there though. Miss my better half really badly.

I am so glad you all comment. I go back and try to catch up. Have finally done that.

Maybe sometime tomorrow will get to look at Norfolk nest.

I could have used Margy and Lynn here earlier today. A story that will be funny in maybe a week or so.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope weather isn't to bad tomorrow have a 12:15 appointment. Will just have to wait and see.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm hungry too going to see what I can fix up.

hedgie said...

New episode of House tonight!

carolinabeachmom said...

Dana, I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. Good to see you on here too. Hang in thee

hedgie said...

Dana, what happened this morning? You should have called.
Think you will be okay for your apptmt. then....not supposed to start til later in the afternoon.

Nope, Mits, I wouldn't want to live that long, either----or anywhere close to it!

stronghunter said...

Dana, sorry to hear that today wasn't a good day. I so enjoyed getting to meet you at Conowingo. Nice that you could make the trip.

stronghunter said...

Stories about the lunch counter in Greensboro bring back memories. I ate lunches there when I was 18 years old and working at the nearby Walgreens.

Lolly said...

Going to work on slides and watch TV, back later on!

NatureNut said...

Helen, if you and Shar come back, I had mentioned to Chrissy about Sharon's new van that may be called the Panda Express & that you usually work at Zoo on Weds. She said put her in the gang for a heist!!!She has seen Tai every day since he was born!

Mema Jo said...

Back on for awhile. I was able to read the comments from the time that I left. I really wish Belle would come on down to the egg cup but then I listen to the weather for the weekend and I want her to hold off!

Mits said...

hey Loretta, Sharon is on her own, no way am I going to federal prison for the rest of my, and I want him to go home, no matter how we will miss him, and start having cubbies

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Did Kevin send you any pics yet from Plunge or the Baptism?

hedgie said...

Mits, will the Chinese keep the zoo informed of Tai's mating attempts and any offspring?

Shirley, didn't remember that you lived in Greensboro. I have a good high school friend (as in boyfriend!) who lives there now. In fact, he's the only h.s. friend that I am in touch with!

stronghunter said...


I lived in a Greensboro suburb when I was in high school. I kind of claim the whole state of North Carolina. I was born in Charlotte and lived in that area for awhile, then near Greensboro before I went to East Carolina. One of my brothers still lives near Greensboro.

Judie said...

Goodnight, everyone.

magpie said...

Wheee...just in time to say Good Night Judie... ..haven't read a single post since I left....
except Judie's

Hello Eagle Pals

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

What's up?

Had a busy day, then met son in Thurmont for Chinese dinner...finally home and fed the poor starving dogs!

paula eagleholic said...

Well the nest has been very quiet today...hope they hold off for a week with all the bad weather predicted this week!

My mother used to tell me the nuns would smack their knuckles with rulers. This was when she lived at the orphanage.

paula eagleholic said...

And our pairs egg laying history with dates is on the front of the EM yahoo group page.

Mits said...

no pics yet Jo,the only ones I have seen were from my nieces FB page, and I think they were from Kevin, they were fooling around with the computer yesterday afternoon.... Lynn, I would hope that the Chinese government would keep the zoo informed, but, who really knows, I think they will.

Mits said...

Not much, Paula, was wondering where you were, you usually check out when you are going home.

Mits said...

yeah, some nuns were a piece of work, but not all of them. I had my share, have often wished I could meet the nasty ones in my adult life, but they are all dead.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, on you IE window, just go to the top and click on Help, then about. It will tell you what version number. Maybe you need to go to version 8. I am using that here and have no problems. I am also using windows 7.

The only problem I have had so far is that my safari browser has frozen up twice. Other than that, no issues. Of course, I haven't used a lot on here in just one week, but so far so good.

paula eagleholic said...

I think they keep San Diego updated on the cubs they have sent back...

Mits said...

Paula, doesn't Windows 7 come with IE8....I have tried IE8 twice and it just does not like my Windows XP,, so went back to 7, and everything is better.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sure they will with Tai.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, it did. No problems with it here.

But Safari is quicker for some websites.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Glo is using 8 also, but I don't know what operating system she is using.

Mits said...

well some of my trail buddies have been to where Tai is going, have seen pictures of it, it is a nice reserve, very much open space, he will like it, but as long as he has food and a mate at the right time, life we be good for him.

Mema Jo said...

Glad you're home Margy. Hope you had a fun time with James.

Watching a tv show which I'm not sure yet if it will keep my interest.

Mits Couldn't see any new pics on Maisy's FB page.


hedgie said...

Shirley, don't know if I ever mentioned it or not, but my daddy was born in Winston-Salem, but his mother moved to DC when he was only 7. All of his bros and sis's did, too. They were all a good bit older. After Virginia, NC has always been my favorite state!

Thanks for that reassuring info, Mits. When you hear anything, let us know!

Good night, Judie. Hope you get home from classes tomorrow before the snow starts. Be safe.

stronghunter said...


Just stopped by to say good night. Tomorrow I get to take it easy for awhile, but then go in to work. Spotsylvania is still closed. I think there is more snow here than in Culpeper. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Tomorrow is the day Kathryn needs me to keep Hunter, but I can't unless things change very early tomorrow. (He has a sitter.)

magpie said... did your insurance appointment go ?

Thanks Jo, did have a good time, Library, Goodwill, Family Dollar, Food Lion and Dairy Queen...

Did you unroll the highway yet?

magpie said...

Good Night Shirley...
hope things go the way you want them to on Tuesday

stronghunter said...

My parents lived in Winston-Salem when I was in college. I did not mention it because I was away at school . . . spent some time there, but not much. As I said, I claim the whole state.

stronghunter said...

Catholic schools . . . I never went there (we're Presbyterian), but my younger brother attended first grade in a Catholic school. He got whacked by a nun because the water fountain squirted him in the face when he tried to get a drink of water.

stronghunter said...

See you tomorrow! Good night.

glo said...

Came in to say Goodnight and thank everyone again for birthday wishes. I did download IE8 as my laptop told me my browser was outdated for the live video for our cam BUT having said that I use Firefox to view our cam most of the time. It runs well for me on both my laptop and desktop. I also am an XP user not Vista or Windows 7. Going to go work on uploading some photos to glo's Glimpses now.

Good night everyone. Good Night Lib and Belle.

magpie said...

These Catholic nun stories are pretty horrifying....
had a few at the school I attended that also did some very unkind things....just can't figure that kind of thing out..
they were the of the order "Sisters of Charity...."

magpie said...

Good Night Glo...Enjoy the rest of your Birthday Evening ☺

magpie said...

Big joke routine at Goodwill store in Berkeley Springs, James and I always park at the window with all the wedding on display closest to the window...had a stink bug on the bodice of it! When we got into the store he went straight to it and knocked it to the ground...and I transported it outside...

NatureNut said...

Started dozing in front of the TV.
No kidnapping, Helen !!☺
Time to say good night & I'll go nuts tomorrow in the land of NO internet!
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

magpie said...

Sure hope Sissy is doing better today than the last few days...putrid was a pretty strong adjective she used to describe how she felt :(

Prayers for swift healing, Sissy ♥

magpie said...

sorry to hear about Crunch Bob and Doris's great-granddaughter's situation, Hedgie...thanks for letting us know...Prayers for the family with that also...

magpie said...

Cool Avatar, Loretta!

Good Night....
Hope tomorrow goes fast, don't squeal too many wheels getting home to check on the nest activity !

You could deputize Frank to watch and give you phone call updates if something is going on...

hedgie said...

For some interesting and some downright hilarious info about where Tai Shan is going:

Tai's destination

magpie said...

Going to hit the sack, have a big glass of water nearby...sure I will wake up often and check the nest each time

Hope Tuesday is a good day and brings wellness and comfort where it is needed

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Every time someone mentions Frank, I have to laugh at the story he told about his deceased brother. Loretta could tell it better than I, but his brother had ordered his tombstone to read "SEE, I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK!" It's right there on his grave:)

Mits said...

Jo, try Anne Paxton's FB

Costume Lady said...

Whats the big glass of water for, Margy?

Mits said...

Wanda,she wants to make sure she gets up during the night

Costume Lady said...

I was reading some old notes that Dana posted a year or two ago and that year (might have been 2007) Belle didn't lay her first egg til Feb. 14 or there about. So, possible that we could have a long wait.

Costume Lady said...

G & T will get her up for sure;)

Mits said...

this is from Paula's eagle momster page...

The egg laying history for this pair is as follows -

1st Year 2004 - First Egg Feb 14 - 2 Eaglets hatched and fledged.

2nd Year 2005 - First Egg Feb 15 - 1 Eaglet hatched and fledged.

3rd Year 2006 - Eggs Laid Feb 9, 11 & 15 - 3 Eaglets hatched and fledged. (First season for the cam).

4th Year 2007 - 2 eggs by Feb 9th (cam was down). 3rd egg Feb 12th. No hatching this season, probably due to the late inclement weather.

5th Year 2008 - 3 Eggs Laid Feb 4, 6 and 10 - 3 Eaglets hatched and fledged.

6th year 2009- 3 Eggs Laid Jan 31, Feb 2 & Feb 6 - 1 Eaglet hatched and fledged.

Costume Lady said...

My goodness, she was really early last year...wonder why? What tells her it's time to lay that egg...probably Lib;)

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle Calling

Mits said...

eagles sound like they are fighting

Costume Lady said...

What is that?

Mits said...

I heard them all the way in the kitchen, came back expecting to see them in the nest.

Costume Lady said...

Guess Belle was telling Lib she has a headache:)

hedgie said...

Good night, Shirley and Glo. Rest well!
One final (for this year!) HBD to you, Glo!

My mom had a piano teacher who whacked her fingers with a ruler whenever she let her wrists drop!

Margy, insurance apptmt. went well. Won't break the bank, for sure, to pick up private long-term care insurance. (Another thing that GM took away from us 12/31/09)
You HAD to mention the DQ, didn't you?? LOL---I now am craving it. Argh.

Lolly said...

Paula, thanks. It is IE 8. So, that is not my problem.

Costume Lady said...

DQ use to make the best banana splits...use to take my grandmother there once a week for a cone or split:)

Mema Jo said...

I'll try looking on FB at Anne's for pics, Mits.

I guess I am hooked on "Damages" TV show -10:00 Mon. But I hate shows that are like continuing but this one is well plotted out!

hedgie said...

Night, night, Margy! Ha---I don't need any glass of water! as much tea as I drink every day, I can almost count on being up at least once every night.

Well, it sounds like Belle really isn't running late at all. Last year she was just early! Hope she holds off til next week----more bad weather this weekend...yuck.

hedgie said...

The Arnold has appointed a black female as the Adjutant General for the California National Guard. First woman ever. Pretty cool. Bet Maria told the Terminator he had to do it.

Judie---know you're gone---but if you read back....Haiti's First Lady is a GW business school grad.

Mits said...

Tai is going to a pretty area, Lynn.

hedgie said...

Jo, this is Damages 3rd season........and it is a continual link. But I like it, too.

Wanda, DQ STILL makes yummy splits---sure would like on eright this minute. Or a peanut butter sundae!

Costume Lady said...

Ok...I can see a Road Trip to the DQ very soon:)

Going to bed now.


hedgie said...

Wow...the new Miss America is from Fredericksburg, where Shirley lives.

hedgie said...

Sleep tight, Wanda!

Mits, did you catch the paragraph about the amemities, including toilets...??? LOL---wonder how they teach a panda to use a toilet? And then what happens when he out in the natural habitat? Does he hold it til he comes in? Funny!! Think soemthing got lost in translation.

Heading for tub. Will check nest before I turn in..

Sweet eagle dreams for all. Prayers for one and all.

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed went down, finally got it back up

Mits said...

I kept looking for what you found hilarious, must have missed that part...I think it is funny you pay to be a volunteer...

Mits said...

mine went down but came right back on

Mema Jo said...

Finished viewing the Polar Bear Plunge on Anne's FB - None of the pics were of Maggie's Mounties. Maybe some will be added soon.

I am headed back the hallway...
MT nest for now...

Good Night All
Peaceful Sleep and Pleasant Dreams
Prayers for all!
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Paula, this is the message I receive. I keep thinking that there is a setting that is not right, but then if something is wrong I do not want to damage the computer.??????????

Windows Data Execution Prevention detected an add-on trying to use system memory incorrectly. This can be caused by a malfunction or a malicious add-on.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I made it home from school OK. had a test tonight. Hope I did OK on it! Lots of definitions and matching.

Sure hope Sissy is feeling better tonight! Been there, done that, and it's absolutely NO fun! Sissy, if no better by now, get thee to a doctor asap!! Prayers for your recovery being said.

Dana, sorry to hear you had a rough day today! Thought about you a lot. (((HUGS))) to you!

Gosh, ate a small dinner, and now I'm feeling ravenous! Find that my blood sugar is usually a bit low when I've been thinking hard at school. Amazing how much glucose our brain can use up!

Guess we're supposed to get some rain out here in SoCal tomorrow afternoon, and for the rest of the week. They keep revising the weather, though, so MTBR.

Mits said...

now the pics I see, are all of Maggies' Mounties, Jo

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think it's time to go get a small snack. My stomach is growling at me! Will check back later--likely I'll be up for a while. Good night to those hitting the hay. Will say prayers for everyone now, just in case I fall asleep in front of the TV. Have sweet dreams! The porch light is on, the night light is nice and bright, and the eye scanner's been enabled. Good night for now! :o]

Lolly said...

Received my Lily t-shirt today! Now to have warm weather so I can wear it.

Mema Jo said...

Helen - I just saw Kevin's pics of Maggie's Mounties on his FB page.
AND I didn't see you up close in any..
or Ceil..
Really was a miserable weather day!

I don't see any yet of the Baptism.
I'll wait for those - I am anxious to see how Ben has grown.


Mema Jo said...

Lolly - what did you get on your Lily Shirt?
I ♥ Lily or the one about being
captivated by Lily?

Mits said...

yeah that is what I saw, Kevins' pics on Annes' site...there go the honkers again

Mits said...

well here it is February 2nd, Ground Hogs' Day, now that would be an easy date to remember for an egg laying:)

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is MT,,,heading to bed.

Lolly, maybe search for that phrase...what version of IE ?

Mema Jo said...

Today is Tuesday, Feb. 2, the 33rd day of 2010. There are 332 days left in the year. This is Groundhog Day.

As a sign of the times, Punxsutawney Phil will “text” his 2010 Groundhog Day prediction Tuesday with the help of a Pennsylvania Web site.

The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club will conduct its annual ceremony about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2, to see whether the country’s most famous groundhog will see his shadow, indicating six more weeks of winter.

Mema Jo said...

It's late and Belle is not in the nest at this time.

Good Night Again Everyone........

Mema Jo said...

Watch out for the S P L I T....

movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

It is IE 8.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...