Friday, February 19, 2010


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Did it just look like Lib was giving her a couple of bites?

paula eagleholic said...

Belle up and off to the left. Lib's turn.

paula eagleholic said...

I see a small touch of snow that was under Belle's noon on the nest.

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining here and it looks lovely

paula eagleholic said...

Awww those baby clouded leopards are wobbly!

Dana Gray said...

Dana, what does the dr say about your eye...I didn't know the surgery was so difficult

paula eagleholic said...

Cindi just sent a link to Grouse Mountain in the EM email

paula eagleholic said...

It has a place to check out the refuge.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PHYRFLY! Our SUN is trying to shine here too---but can't seem to decide if it should---It is out now!---ho!

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

I came home and kind of passed out in the recliner last night. This going to work by 10:00 AM is getting to me. Don't know how I'll handle going back to a regular schedule.

Read back partially. I read Dear John awhile ago. Haven't seen the movie, but from what I have read, they made some major changes in the story.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

wvgal_dana said...

Phyrfly after 2 or 3 I'm loosing count infections now. 2nd time different meds to put in eye. I didn't pay him I saved the money and used the same meds. Fianally cleared up. Although for me the rt and left catract surgeries (for me as Ed use to say it works and goes good for others but not for her dr) I which I hadn't have had to have it done.

Dana Gray said...

Well the is awful, I sure hope you are going to a different dr to get it cleared up

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, heading for the shower, then out the door...see you good people later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We are getting ready to head to Lynchburg to get the hair done! :) More will be revealed.

normabyrd said...

Thanks PAULA!--THE GROUSE MT is tops!!---WOW!---SO MUCH TO SEE!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Eagle Morning Thelma and Sharon.
That dog did last night just like Ed always did. Stayed up late watching tv; sleeps in late in morning and about 10AM wants BREAKFAST.....and I have people coming today. A friend of Ed's I feel I want to help him out by doing him a favor...glad his wife is coming along.

OK there are many cries here calling from living room and damands bye later

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--SHIRLEY--& T-BIRD!!--Hope you two have a SUNNY DAY!----T-BIRD---what are we gonna do?--she is even getting her hair done in VIRGINIA!!---ho!---How's the BLUE GOOSE doing!--kiddin'

T-Bird said...

Dido Normabyrd-I'll catch you all on the flip side.

Mits said...

chick in view at CRC

normabyrd said...

I am looking at the EAGLE on the nest!---What am I seeing behind her?---EGGS?

normabyrd said...

MITS OR T-BIRD---Do either of you see the site?

kickngbird said...

That's an interesting possibility, normabyrd - because I wondered if the wt of the snow would crush the original 2 or not -

normabyrd said...

She has turned---did either of you see her??

hedgie said...

Trying to catch up with you all while getting ready to head out. Overslept a wee bit.

Judie, hadn't heard about Haig. What a "unique" individual he was.....hmmmm.

I guess we should say that no 4 egg clutch before since the cam has been operating----who knows before that?!
Suffice it to say, our pair is prolific regardless!

Dana, check your email---taking orders for the magazine! Norma, we're up to 19 already! I gave them until tomorrow to respond!

normabyrd said...

KICKNING BIRD---I think sometimes I am seeing things---I had hoped that either MITS or T-BIRD had see them?---guess not!

normabyrd said...

COOL HEDGIE!---enjoy your day!---

kickngbird said...

Earlier Paula referred to a "small touch of snow" that is probably the same patch of white we're talking about

normabyrd said...

I always had a great respect for HAIG!---Isn't he the one that stepped up & said he was in CHARGE--right after REGEAN was shot?

kickngbird said...

Could that be egg shells?

ceil said...

Morning all.
Norma it does look like 2 eggs but as kick said Paula saw a small amount of snow at 12:00. Probably that.

ceil said...

My live cam is acting up this morning. Starts stops or doesn't at all

magpie said...

I was seeing that also, looked like two things, up and behind the bird, but I figured it was snow
so I didn't see what you saw when you saw it Norma but I saw it earlier
Catch all that?

The clock is winning...might not make it to post office in time.

Ha Ha, like that, Judie thought she Out-talked me...that's a fete !

xo Hi More Morning People...

normabyrd said...

KICKNGBIRD---Sorry I misspelled your name!---Was told once that is the WORST thing one can do!!---SORRY!!---BET YOU ARE CORRECT ABOUT THE WHITE SPOT!!

must get dressed....

magpie said...

or would it be Feat or FEET ??

computer not playing nice this morning.
Maybe we get new thread soon, CEIL is here ☺

ceil said...

Margy believe it or not I got it.

magpie said...

Ceil's and my computer are related !
Joined at the hip maybe !

We might never know about those first two eggs...then again, maybe we will

Mits said...

both eagles at NBG

Mits said...

yes, I read where Paula said it was snow.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

WOW!! I just talked to a man at Pipestem. He has an interview in that West Virginia magazine with Lib and Belle. There are bald eagles here at Pipestem on the Bluestone River. They spotted 11 juvies yesterday!! That is 30 minutes from my house! OMG!! I am so excited!! I am going down there with them next Friday at 11 to watch!! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!

magpie said...

you're good Ceil...I saw it when I first punched in but I have no idea what time that was !
I'm trying not to look at the clock...but when the bird clock chirps Whoo Whoo Whooo (owl at the noon and midnight hour...)and I am still here, I am done for !

kickngbird said...

dont worry normabyrd - ay dont kare abt spelng - ay wanted "kickingbird" from google butt that wuz takn so ay had two taik kickngbird - itse sew confuzng..

magpie said...

Yes Ma'am Sharon, that is the second article after the NCTC one...

ceil said...

Guess what. The city has been on my street since 1:00 cleaning snow. They just left. Trash not picked up yet.
Margy my computer is only a year old and I have never liked it.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---MARGY---My kids think no one can out talk me!---I told them that is a WV trait---It truly is--more so in the other side of of the state (ask SISSY & SHARON)!!
ps--I come from the other side of the state too!!

magpie said...

I woulda talked more about that article too, but I was going on and on about the NCTC one and just had to stop !

well I am going to say bye-bye now
for real
no comebacks
I would like to be polite and say Hello to everyone by name...
so Hello Everyone By Name !

Mits said...

Margy, that was Sissy/Beverly talking about the eagles, Sharon has left to get her hair done.

ceil said...

Mits Jim just uncovered my angel that I got in OC. Her head is gone.
Looks like we will have to go to Spring fest so I can get a new one.
Everyone if you happen to see red hearts and the word love they are mine. Blew off the Valentine's decorations on my bush out front.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh gosh! I am useless now. I may get Tom and take a drive out there tomorrow. Eagles, right here at home!!!

magpie said...

OH man, Sissy sorry, had to make a comeback to fix that up.

HOW can I confuse the Double E-S sisters ????

Okay Ceil, those and the garland, sure they are going to make it to NCTC - we'll find them in the Springtime !

Mits said...

oh no, poor angel, and now more sparkly stuff to dodge...yep, time for the Spring Fest, will let you know think it is in May.

Mits said...

#10 eagle at Pelican Harbor

magpie said...

thanks Mits, keep me straight, let me know if I call you Ceil by mistake or vice versa ☺


Go to Pipestem Sissy!

Mits said...

sounds good Sissy:)

Mits said...

we will keep you straight, Margy;)

ceil said...

Mits May 6 to 9. Spring fest

Mits said...

feeding time at Dunedin osprey cam....:)

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

all righty me in OC:)

normabyrd said...

MITS!---I tried but couldn't get into the DUNEDIN site!!

ceil said...

Norma I got it. Last night they said dinner for 3. They are cute.

hedgie said...

OH, kickngbird, that is funny!!

Yep, Norma, Haig did that!! Remember how he was criticized for it?? LOL.

Ceil and Margy, my puter is right there with yours! Trying to find out if I can add more "disc space" to netbook. It doesn't have a CD drive....wondering IF I can add with a flash drive.....anyone???

hedgie said...

Oh, Sissy, how cool that you are going to Pipestem to see more EAGLES!!! We expect pics and lots of good reporting!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello everyone! The sun is not as bright as yesterday - at least not yet.
Silver garland with green balls and now valentine hearts that say LOVE. Ceil with your luck you best not decorate for St Pat's day on the outside of your house. And then there is a missing angel's head!
I think that the snow left in the nest at 12:00 is right below our eagle's head now. The other white specks you are seeing could very well be feathers of the prey...

hedgie said...

Ceil, so sorry your angel lost her head!! Think you better give up on outdoor decorations this year!! Hope you can find another one.
Guess if they get your street well-cleaned, then the trash truck will make it in!!

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - Get Tom and travel... Take your camera and binoculars... Sounds like you hit pay dirt.

Mits I love the clouded leopard's cams.
Was watching the incubator last evening and one was stretching - looked adorable.

Margy - just mail the box No dancing in the Post Office Allowed.

Lynne2 said...

Hellllloooooo Sunny Morning everyone! The heat wave continues!!

have much in the way of bore chores to do today...poor Steve is working. He's been one tired pup this week!

Clouded cam is cute are they! new dogs in the house until we can get Crazy under control!! Have some calls in to some trainers and hoping to hear back today. We have 2 friends with young dogs and fenced yards to visit for play dates, and we are joining the dog park here as well to give her some quality time with her own kind. Only problem is, everyone is still under snowpack!!

BUT.....only 9 days til METEOROLOGICAL SPRING!!! The signs are everywhere!!!

normabyrd said...

I must get one soooooooooon!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is supposed to be 51 and sunny tomorrow. We can take off early and stay all day! There is a DQ right on the river where they have been seeing the eagles in Hinton, WV. I can't hardly wait. I have to go to Beckley for a meeting this afternoon, or I would go today!!!

hedgie said...

Shutting down now. Christie should be here any minute. Talk you all of you fine, fowl friends later today.
If anyone pops in that I haven't "talked" to in awhile, please don't think I'm ignoring you!! Andy, Jim, Candy, etc. Anne Marie is still on her trip, I guess...don't remember where she and Brandon were going, but bet they are having fun!
Hope everyone has something fun to do today. TTFN!

Mema Jo said...

I think that maybe Judie could use 'the missing angel's head' as a
crime scene and perhaps solved the mystery - even tell you where to look for it.

Mits said...

there are 2 cams at the clouded site, the other one is of one of the males that was born there a year ago, sometimes he is up on the top roaming around, they are just beautiful animals, that are on the endangered list

Mits said...

hubby is out on the deck shoveling snow, he just took a hammer and screwdriver out, think he is going to make me an ice sculpture, what a guy:), actually chipping ice off the fallen down gutter, to try to remove it from the deck...

Mits said...

head is probably in the back woods of Minnesota:(

Mits said...

cluded leopard is walking around now

Mits said...

omg, he is so it

Mema Jo said...

lol The clouded leopard is beautiful.
He is straddling the beam where he is laying.

Mema Jo said...

The ones in the incubator has some movement from the one.

Mits - why do they take them from their mother?

Ragdoll said...

Good Morning Everybody!
I haven't been posting for a few days because I have still been working on the basement. Plus I had my grandson, (Little John: He is six year old.) with me on Thurs. and Fri. He tried helping me in the basement. "smile" We also played a lot. SO MUCH FUN TO HAVE GRANDCHILDREN.

I couldn't read everything to catch up. Way too many days. Just read to the last page.

Ceil, One of your red hearts with love on it is safe. Showed up in my yard last week. It was on Valentines day. I thought it was from Heaven. How many did you lose?

During my busy days I have been checking Lib and Belle. I saw the white at 12:00ish. I looked with a magnifying glass. I am not sure if it is snow or egg shells. My hubby said, egg shells. I pray this 4th egg is going to make it.

I am going back to work on Monday. I have been out on February vacation. Need to go back to relax, been way to busy at home. I have been working 10 hours a day at home. Yuck!

Can't stay long. Have to clean the house. I neglected it all week doing my other job. Actuality I can sometime chat longer from school. I work in the computer lab. When the students are working on their "plato system" I just have to unlock test for them. When not on plato system I am really busy. I am a Career Center Coordinator. It's fun for a change.

Belle looks nice on a nest with NO SNOW.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Missed Lynn, Margy,and Paula but good day to the rest of you!

Beverly, feel your excitement! That is so cool. Sure wish there were eagles around here. Have lakes, but no eagles.:(

See the snow at 12 O'clock. I think the first two eggs are well buried under added fluff. First buried in snow and then fluff.

Ceil, what computer do you have that you do not like? We are computer shopping. Probably going to get a Dell. I get a educational discount being a retired teacher. Do not know if it will be much or not. We will do some comparison shopping.

Funny, well not really funny, but Jack just came in and he said he thinks the computer has died. Guess Monday we will be out shopping.

Ragdoll said...

Belle was just being vocal. She seem upset.

Lolly said...

Yes, Ragdoll, grandchildren are the best! Will see my two oldest tonight! In fact, I am in charge of seeing that they leave the party at 8, go upstairs and get ready for bed. I get to do the reading and tucking in bed. I can handle that!

So, you now have Ceil's hearts. You can use them to decorate the basement.

Angel head, I am sure, is in the back northwoods of Minn.

Mema Jo said...

Ragdoll - good to hear from you. Sounds like your career center coordinator job is to get our young people out into the world of work with good skills. We have a career center with numerous jobs skills taught here in Fred Cnty, MD. Really prepares a young person with a future.
Let me know if your position is something totally different.
I agree with you that is is fun to have grandchildren and great grandchildren. Love them all!

Lolly said...

Yes, I heard that and was watching.????

Also, had to laugh, Ragdoll. Many on here (myself included) have at times, used the ol magnifying glass.

Ragdoll said...

Egg roll: Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

Lolly said...

Jack has started cooking the bacon for me to prepare the mini quiches.
So, it is time for me to leave for a while and cook.

Have a great day!

I'll BBL

Mits said...

Jo I think it is because hand rearing them is a safer alternative, not sure who the mom is, have never been to the CRC, it is closed to the public,but does have an open house once a year....will look in my manuel for more info.

Lolly said...

Remember to keep an eye on TH today. It was Wed. nite when the first egg was laid. Could be today or tomorrow for the second egg.

Ragdoll said...

OMG. I just fell in Love. Checked out the baby clouded leopards. They are soooo cute. Nice pictures.

Mits said...

Unfortunately, populations in zoos are also struggling. Breeding clouded leopards in captivity has been a challenge the world over, primarily due to male aggression, decreased breeding activity between paired animals, and high cub mortality. The National Zoo has been working in partnership with the Zoological Park Organization of Thailand, the Nashville Zoo and the Clouded Leopard Species Survival Plan to develop a clouded leopard breeding program in Thai zoos (largest population of confiscated clouded leopards in Southeast Asia).

they error on the safe side due to high cub mortality

Mits said...

oh good the lights are back on so you can see them a little better

ceil said...

Lolly I had a dell and now have Hewlett Packard. Like the dell.
Jo was taking down Valentine's so I could decorate for St Pat's Will think about leaving outside alone. Have a lighted shamrock for the inside window
Lynn they picked up the trash.

ceil said...

Jim is at work. Think I will walk down the harbor. Lots of ducks there and seagulls. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Take your cell phone Ceil cause with those trash trucks running - you just never know! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lunch & street clothes time!


movin said...


GooD SaTurdAY MorN

tO you aLL




Mema Jo said...

The young clouded leopard's tail looks to be the same length as his body.
I just took the Smithsonian survey that came up.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim!

Now I am going to eat lunch


Ragdoll said...

Lolly, great idea for ceil's heart. How special. Reading and tucking in those babies is the best. One of my special feelings from a child is....when you have a child and your going to cross a street and you feel that little hand take your hand. Their trust in us, they feel save and inside I just light up and smile.

Mema Jo, Our Career Ctr. offers many programs to the students. PLATO- means Programmed Logic and Automated Teaching Operations. We have all subjects from A - Z. We do College research, applications, resumes, cover letters. Pre-college courses. Accuplacer test. If a student is low on a subject on the accuplacer, we help them out on the plato system. This system has tutorials, drills and then tests. they get credits if completed. When a Student has applied for a college and they need a course that they didn;t take in their four years. They can take it on the system and if this college excepts our system, the student saves about $300.00 and time in their college time. That's just part of what I do.

Belle was vocal again. I think she is hungry. Where are you Lib.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' AGAIN!----WHOA KIDS!!--just got home from my favorite book store in FORT ASHBY, WV---OWNER LILO EDER, is ordering the WV MAGAZINE for us at $1.50--regular price is $3.00--told her & showed her OUR EAGLES in the magazine!! IS SHE NOT COOL!!

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

Eagle flew in and there was a switch.

movin said...

Good morning, Norma. C(°Ù¿°)D

Indeed, the owner of that book store is way cool.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Looks like we just had a tradeoff at the nest! Not sure, but think it was Belle that flew in, and Lib that took off. (Did I guess correctly?)

Guess what? My Band-tailed Pigeon pal was back this morning, and he's brought a friend! So nice to see TWO of them out there! Had what sounded like a pair of Scrub Jays, too, but didn't see them--just heard them talking back and forth.
Had a lot of birds at the feeders, then the Cooper's Hawk swooped over the patio, and there's not a bird in sight anywhere now. They're sure to be back lateR, though.

Can hear geese flying near the nest!
Love that sound.

We had some rain during the night, but nothing heavy--just slow and steady. The sun's out this morning, and it's a gorgeous day! The air smells so clean!

movin said...

All, or nearly all, the snow has melted away in our nest I see.

I hope there's nothing too brutal weatherwise for the remainder of the season.



normabyrd said...

RAGDOLL---Just read about your employment at your CAREER CENTER--you should be so proud doing such valuable work!!---Wish I had known you when my kids were college age!!---RAGDOLL--you haven't lived until you see a BABY PANDA!!!---I always tell folks that it is GOD'S special animal!---Doesn't have to do a thing---other than sit there & look 'ADORABLE'!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---Which EAGLE is in the nest?
BELLE or LIB?---I can never tell!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---She is nice about things like we were doing--sending a magazine to everyone!!--I didn't ask--she volunteered!!

floralgirl said...

I think it's Belle now. Just a guess. Gotta run, bbl

Ragdoll said...

normabird, I have read all of you here writing about the Pandas.I did some research and have seen some panda pics. I have not found a site to see them live. Do you know one?

normabyrd said...

WVU is playing SETON HALL at MORGANTOWN on ESPN!!---WVU is leading!

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the link to the clouded leopard cubs! They are adorable, and so beautiful!

Well, better get some things done around the house. Hope to get out and about later today, but first things first. Hope you all have a spectacular Saturday! (Lolly, hope the party goes well--wish the Birthday girl a Happy Birthday for me!) Will hopefully be back a bit later to see how everyone is. May not be here till late tonight, if we do get out and about. Later, alligators! Love you guys. :o]

Ragdoll said...

WOW!!!!! My hubby has the vacuum out to help my tidy up. I better take that as a cue to get going. YeePee!!

We had to buy a new vacuum cleaner Thursday. Worn it out in the basement. It was due. It was 12 years old. Went an purchased same brand and style because the old was good to us.

Everyone have a nice whatever your doing day!!!

I check in later when all is done.
BBL ^..^

normabyrd said...

Have you tried the SAN DIEGO zoo?----He isn't an infant--but he is too CUTE!!----also GOGGLE PANDAS --OUR favorite PANDA TAI SHAN---was sent to CHINA a couple of weeks ago even though he was born in WASH ZOO!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

LYNN2---Too bad you aren't near SHEPHERDSTOWN!!---They have good ones there---Daughter LISA has her new one in training now!--ho!
It really helps!!---might check your phone bk for one!

normabyrd said...

RAGDOLL---You can always hire out your HUBBY & VACUUM CLEANER out!


Mits said...

chick in view at CRC

magpie said...

someone here like Jim or Mits or Mema or Sissy or Sharon will give you some Panda sites

Two adults in the nest box at Valmont

I'm waiting on the clouded leopards to come out on the beams, but looked a bunch of great photos !

magpie said...

How many eggs have people been seeing on the egg checks and switches...

I've been away from the cam

normabyrd said...

food break!!

magpie said...

Ceil when you come back from the harbor watching sea birds,
I am really sorry about the angel's head being lost

Mits said...


magpie said...

I saw that beautiful K10 before I went out earlier, Helen....

I saw a ROBIN here in the neighborhood
now if I can find a grackle, I might just take a nap instead of a field trip but I need to get out

magpie said...

That's really great about the discounted priced WV Magazines!

I called Wanda while I was out, she is fine, struggling with an unfriendly computer like many of the rest of us.

Grandson Dustin is there.
Wanda has seen the clouded leopards and thinks they are adorable

GG is good, they had meal at GG's home with soup, sandwiches, fancy clothes and family instead of going out for Crab Legs..


ceil said...

Ragdoll the National zoo or fonz has the Washington pandas Mom and dad to Tai Shan as Norma said just went back to China. We watched him from the time he was born. Mits my sister volunteers there. Hoping for a new cub this spring
Hubby's are always trying to get us off the computers

magpie said...

Nice to see a lot of Momsters and at least one DADSTER (JIM) on here

won't put my foot in my mouth and make mixed up comments about anything much but I enjoy what I have read

Glad Sissy and Tom are going to Pipestem, that is WAY COOL !!

magpie said...

See some good birds and things Ceil ?

magpie said...

I think, an eagle at BWO - I see orange talons and some white feathers

ceil said...

Margy decided not to go to the Harbor will go tomorrow Jim is working tomorrow also.

magpie said...

Jimmy works a lot !

ceil said...

BBL may take panda nap

movin said...

Hey, everybody,
I can see the West End nest for the first time in months, and in fact there are signs the pair are rebuilding their nest.



magpie said...

yep an eagle at BWO

I'm going to disappear for awhile too, made it to the post office in time . wow was it crowded

Good Morning and Afternoon wishes to all our Momsters and Dadsters
xo ☺

magpie said...

eagle at BWO left

magpie said...

Hi Again, Jim !
I opened up West End today too, see some new sticks.
Love the views of the water at Two Harbors, and the sounds.

okay bye now

movin said...

Channel Island Reports

There is a lot of new nesting activity out West here, and here's a link to a couple of recent reports.

Enjoy the read.



movin said...

Talk to you all later.
Have a good Saturday.



Lolly said...

Mini quiches are done, dip is made, cheese cakes made, car loaded, now to do my nails and then get ready. Jack is out looking for a new Wii game to give Joey for his birthday.

Do not know if I will have another chance to peek in. Going to go check on TH while I give myself a manicure.


Lolly said...

Fantastic Norma about the magazine. You go, Girl!!!☺

magpie said...

There is an eagle in the nest at West End

magpie said...

This might give you the link:

West End

magpie said...

have a good time Lolly...
all sounds good

Eagle at our nest looks restful, but I don't which one it is

ttfn xo

magpie said...

checking the eggs our nest

magpie said...

I saw two...eggs

Mits said...

both eagles at nest...

Mits said...

poof one, don't know if there was a change

magpie said...

I saw that and got pics, Mits...
two side by side was so beautiful
don't know which was which or is now either
headed out for awhile

Lolly said...

All dolled up (as much as a grandma can do!) and we are heading out.

See you tomorrow, after church!

Check on TH! lol

Judie said...

Oh my, just got word from Interpol that a headless angel dressed in a shiny garland was found stashed inside a deceased washer outside Lily's cave. Asked if I could help with the investigation. Said no, I plead the 5th.

Judie said...

Sharon, love the avatar flowers. Enjoy your visit to see the eagles and the DQ.

Hi Ragdoll and Kickngbird and Jim and Norma and Jo and Lynn and all others missed along the way.

Not trying to out-talk Margy. Need to find spotted leopard sight.


kickngbird said...

supper delivery - but nestovers look better

kickngbird said...

Something small was brought in - some bird talk - 2 eggs visible - but the bottom half of the bigger leftover whatever seemed more appetizing

kickngbird said...

Crunch, crunch near the camera (Belle?), fluff rearranging while sitting on the eggs (Lib?), all's well in the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Just got back from taking Daisy for a long walk up at the reservoir. Lake is frozen right at the dam but the water under the ice is still flowing over it.....of course, I left without taking my camera.

Gong to fix dinner and settle in for a nice relaxing evening (loosely translated, we'll probably be asleep by 10, if not sooner!) Steve is REALLY looking forward to not having to get up tomorrow and I am too!

If I don't get back later, have a good night everyone and prayers for all!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Home long enough to feed the dogs...heading out to the Mt St Mary's basketball game!

Have a great evening....later!!

magpie said...

Two Harbors eagle just flew out

Hello Eagle Pals

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Boy, am I GLAD to be back here! THANK YOU, LYNN, FOR THE LINK!
My computer did one of its unscheduled 'crash dumps' earlier, and when I tried to use my 'Favorites' link to get back here, I got some goofy message that my link had expired! Have been jonesing for some good conversation ever since!

magpie said...

meal delivery, cannot ring the wing bling at TH

magpie said...

It's 82
and the food is crunchy

looks like fresh snow falling at Ft. St Vrain Co

Ms Bookworm said...

The leopard cams link was posted today at 9:07 am. Aren't they just gorgeous?!

Lynne2 said...

Andy are those milkweed plants on your avatar?

magpie said...

82 ate and ate and delicately got herself back on the nest after an egg roll

Ft St Vrain seems to be searching the sky for some relief or company or food

Our Eagle looks comfortable but awake

magpie said...

At last check, West End and Pelican Harbor, no eagles.
Two Harbors, Mom's roosting. Maine Forum seems updated, does not mention a second egg yet.

NCTC - Belle seems to be snoozing

Valmont, both parents in the nest box
Ft St Vrain...a rather cold and snowy view :(

Not only did I SEE more robins today, I Heard them, that's the greatest sound!

I put four pictures up from some afternoon views of the Royal Pair, on Magpie's Roost link,
includes a couple of the two together, very cozy. These are also on the Momsters album

checking out for a few hours.
Remember, maybe we can see ISS and Endeavor sail across the early morning sky Sunday.

TTFN xoxo

magpie said...

oh Belle is awake

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The helicopter that just went overhead perked her right up!

magpie said...

and she's checking the eggs

magpie said...

but I only SAW one

magpie said...

I don't have the live feed up

How's the New Do? Sharon, Thelma also ?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love it Magpie and I think T-bird does hers too! Cut is a little different than I had and he just did 1 color instead of 2, light brown. I sent a picture to Facebook and Twitter with my phone but can't send one here! :(

Judie said...

Thank you, Andy.

Dinner over and now to watch some mindless tv. Did the grocery shopping today. Was hard on the PAD legs. Having lunch out tomorrow -- will be a nice break.

Yep, low-flying plane did get the attention.

TH looks nice. Change of egg-sitter at NBG.

Wonder if Lolly is having FUN?

Anyone heard from Shirley today? Maybe I missed a comment.


magpie said...

Okay Sharon ...I just wait until I see you both in person...someday...
a new do is always a pick me up, as long as you like it !!

see you later on maybe..

Glad your Steve has the day off Sunday Lynne...
Andy - hope you enjoy your week-end off classes at least

ttfn lots of catching up to do here :(

magpie said...


oops sorry I missed you I was busy trying to do some out-talking ☺

I think Shirley posted this morning....that's all I've seen

enjoy the mindless TV - hoep the leggs feel better soon, used to spelling eggs so just added an "l"

stronghunter said...

Hello all.

I've been reading. Just haven't had anything to say.

stronghunter said...

I have a fire in the fireplace and the Olympics on TV. Not really accomplishing anything.

hedgie said...

Good evening!
Have been home for quite a while, but reading papers, listening to news, reading your posts.... yakking on the phone, too.

We had a delicious meal at Red Lobster, and made a good haul at Sams' Club. Did not go to the movie---figured there was no point in spending the money if it was going to be a disappointment---we'll wait til it's on TV!

Ceil, not a good sign when Jim has to work so much! Lots of dying going on, huh?

Andy, glad you made it back!
Jim, great news from "your" nests!

Hope Lolly is having fun at Joey's party.

Judie----taking the 5th is priceless!

Mema Jo said...

I am home again - went to Mass and then to Bob's (Evans) to eat. That restaurant is only about 10 min from us and that is one reason we go there.
I also like yakking with all the managers and wait staff-those kids are great! I see that all is calm at our nest.
I was on FB and Sharon's new do looks great! She is getting ready to catch Train in about 3 weeks.!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter came by earlier today with Luna. They are still having problems with Luna's eyes. She now has three different kinds of eye drops for her.

hedgie said...

What did Bob feed you tonight, Jo???

Shirley, that's too bad about Luna....I always say that I've spent more on vet bills than I ever did on pediatrician bills. Guess that's a sign my kids were relatively healthy!

magpie said...

what in the world was just that at the nest...two birds or one with wings all flapped out

magpie said...

I love that name LUNA, Shirley ♥
also reminds me of one of your avatars of Hunter...☺

stronghunter said...

Which avatar, Margy?

magpie said...

Sounds like a nice day with Christie, Lynn

and Jo, having a blast at Bob Evans, Jo you are a party or make a party wherever you are ☺

magpie said...

didn't you have one of Hunter and the Luna Moth??
please tell me I am not dreaming this up

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes. The luna moth. You are not dreaming.

magpie said...

Whew....thanks !

stronghunter said...

While Kathryn was here, I found my glasses. I have been missing them for a couple of weeks or so. Just got them new very recently and paid about $700.00 (with the help of insurance).

I knew they were somewhere around the recliner and I had dug all around and looked all around. This afternoon, Kathryn was sitting in the recliner and I spotted the glasses lying on the floor under it. They must have fallen out of some hidden place in the chair.

I really have been missing them. The contact lenses are nice, but I see better with the glasses. I like to see, which is why I had gotten every possible option on the things.

magpie said...

Belle seems kind of restless tonight

soon as I type that she tucks her head onto her shoulder

well, off to the showers I guess
kinda of thinking instead of tucking my head into my shoulders too

magpie said...

kinda of of of of
I better quit with no new thread yet I shouldn't be doing this

hedgie said...

Norma---if you are lurking---we are up to 29 magazine orders!!

magpie said...

ISS and Endeavor on the double flyby Sunday

punch in your zip code and hope for clear skies...
the site still does not reflect that Endeavor is due to land Sunday night...hope the times are otherwise good for ISS

magpie said...

something is not right with the figures on that site...refers to Endeaver as being "very bright," with a negative number that usually is NOT

Ms Bookworm said...

Back again, gang--
Hubby got home from the grocery store right after my last posting, and had to help him make dinner. He made the chicken, and I did the carrot-raisin salad. Had broccoli with cheese sauce, too. YUM!

You're welcome, Judie! BTW, welcome, Judy with a Y! Nice to have you here.

Shirley, glad you found your glasses! Say, a fire in the fireplace and the Olympics to watch sounds like a good plan to me! Sorry to hear of Luna's eye problems. Prayers that they get better very soon!

Ms Bookworm said...

Not sure what kind of flowers those are on my avatar. Took that picture in Scotland in 2008 when we were there on the vacation of a lifetime. We're saving our pennies in the hopes that we'll get to return there sometime.

Ms Bookworm said...

Lynn, sounds like you had a good time today--WOW, Red Lobster! Love that place!

Judie, hope your legs feel better tomorrow after a good night's rest. Lunch out tomorrow sounds like fun!

Well, Hubby has the Olympics on, so guess I'll watch for a while. If I don't fall asleep in front of the TV, I'll be back later. Just in case, I'm turning on the porch light and making sure the eye scanner is working. Looks like the night light is already on. Saying prayers for everyone. If I don't make it back later, have a good night's sleep, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you guys! :o]

NatureNut said...

Been dloing this and that & trying to clean up emails on this old 'puter. Can't do much else until new monitor comes.
Think Fubby is dozing off & I can change the channel to Olympics!!!
If I konk out, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay ;>)

Judie said...


#@#@#@# Hope I didn't wake everyone. Fell asleep, tried to get in, and Andy had set the alarm. My bad!

Well, here's hoping everyone has a pleasant night of restful sleep.

magpie said...

Well we are going to SPLIT soon so I am going to SPLIT NOW

Endeavor at 5:44 and ISS at 5:46 am - rise elevation only 35-degrees going NNW - sure hope to see them both
hope the chart I am checking is correct

Good Night Everyone
God Bless Us, Every One
Prayers for all, including all travelers heading back to their roosts
xo ☺ ♥

ceil said...

Stopping in to say restful sleep all

ceil said...

Split time

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 409   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...