Friday, February 12, 2010


New thread. 


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paula eagleholic said...

Lynne- valmont needs Real player to run

paula eagleholic said...

Valmont back on the egg

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. I finally got a hug from my Andrew this evening. It was great. Andrew, Kelsey, Jon and Mattie went to an opera by the Conchords at Concord University tonight. Not sure when they will be home but I will be waiting up! :)

Mema Jo said...

Sound like Mattie is being treated well for her upcoming 12th birthday!

hedgie said...

Margy, hope the dr. pushes for an extended stay for Lorraine. That is just plain wrong!
Sleep well, our little Magpie. Will listen for you tomorrow.

G'night, Ceil! Hope you have a restful night, too!

Paula, I am so thankful for the mouse for the netbook.....could never deal with the touch pad=cramp city!!

Lynne2 said...

Civil emergency Child Abduction issued here for a little girl last seen in Elkton, Harford Co. Md, taken by a man in a '95 Mustang convertible, forest green, with damage to it. She was wearing a pink coat and blue jeans.

hedgie said...

Nice standing ovation for the Georgian team.

Lynne2 said...

I give up...downloaded Realplayer...still no picture.

paula eagleholic said...

Did you click on the owl cam link, Lynne?

paula eagleholic said...

Well, you shouldn't have to, but try it maybe.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon- big kid hugs are great, aren't they?

BEagle said...

Earlier, one egg rolled out and Belle nudged it back under with beak.

hedgie said...

Lynne, why not an Amber Alert, I wonder. THought when there was a description of the kidnapper and vehicle was known, they always issued it.

Lynne2 said...

I don't know Lynn, I was wondering the same thing.

OK, I'm just not getting the Valmont live feed and I give up. At least on firefox I can see the screen, on IE all I see is a red x.

Judie said...

Came back go say goodnight and was reading through a few earlier comments.

BEV: I DO NOT BITE -- unless I am protecting my blog family! That is an idle threat. I only commit washercide and teach homicide. I have been unjustly accused and plead the fifth. And do not be led astray by Shirley and Lynn, I did not bury the body -- yet.

Yes, Shirley, Lowes will deliver and assured me they take away the deceased and provide an appropriate environmentally safe disposal. Wouldn't be surprised if someday my dead washer is found next to Jimmy Hoffa. I DID NOT OFF HOFFA!

Margy, prayers for Lorraine.

Okay, I'm really tired. Will try to catch up tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone. Pleasant eagle dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - when you get the picture on the screen of Valmont you need to click on the wording Live Feed right under the pic.

hedgie said...

Beautiful LED lighted eagle display!!

Mema Jo said...

Opening ceremony Olympics - Some of those small countries I am not familiar with their names as well as their locations. Everyone marching looked so proud and excited.
Of course my favorite was Shaun White! I have watched him since he first started

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, cool ceremony...

Costume Lady said...

I wanted to read all the comments that I missed while I was gone, but was gone so long and had to read for so long, that I am too tired and sleepy to comment now! answer you question about Lib...that certainly is a valid question. Never gave a thought about our male not being Lib. He acts the same, (he has some peculiar quirks) and is henpecked by Belle. One sure way that I can tell is by his feet. Lib has slightly crooked toes. Too much snow to see that now, but will look when some of this snow melts.
Please don't be offended at anything we say...we often just say what is on our minds and don't to offend. IT IS WHAT IT IS:)
We have enjoyed your input since you signed on with us and pray that you will stay and be our friend!

hedgie said...

Judie, Judie, Judie! Love you, gal!! You know that we are only playing with your humor! Thought you were already in bed!

Lynne2 said...

Jo, that's what I am doing. When I click on that it opens a separate window that says Live Bird Cams on the left and under that, choices of which cam, so I click on owl cam, the little screen comes up with the Start button, Stop button, volume, says on the black screen "connecting to media" and then after a while is says "ready" but nothing happens. UGH. I guess my computer is just missing a component to run the video. At least I see the still picture!

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, I'm glad you finally got a hug from Andrew:) I was able to get on from my Karla, haven't seen her in a while. She came over to GG's and brought her grandson, my great grandson, Jayden. I haven't seen him in a month. He smiles very readily and COOS so sweetly. I had forgotten how sweet babies at that age can be (21/2 months) He's just learning that he can do more than eat and sleep...he has discovered that he has fingers:)
I put some photos on JUST FOR FUN. Have a look see when you need a baby fix:)
I need sleep.


hedgie said...

Hi, Wanda! How did GG's apptmt. go?

hedgie said...

Definitely some Scots-Irish heritage there! Just got a new book recently about the Scottish immigration to Canada---that was where my maternal grandfathers' folks came to from Scotland before coming to Iowa.

eaglecamfan said...

how r the Parents doing ? i been gone for awhile

hedgie said...

Hope those aren't shoe bombs! Wow!

eaglecamfan said...

hi hedgie

hedgie said...

Some really cool visual effects!

hedgie said...

Hi eaglecamfan. Our parents are doing okay.....but our eggs are lost. Hoping they will reclutch.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Eaglecamfan Hope you can get caught up on the nest - 3 eggs laid and we just don't think they are going to make it - snow was in the egg cup.
We are all hoping that it is still early enough for a new clutch. Snow in nest in melting and new materials being brought in (sticks & grasses)
However we are to get a small amount of snow early part of this upcoming week.

Mema Jo said...

It is time for me to head down the hall

Good Night All & Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Please keep praying for my friend. Things have gotten much worse...going to say good night now. Need to go concentrate on some vry fervent prayers of my own.
Good night all.

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, sorry to hear about the worsening of your friend...prayers.

Going to bed....up way too late. Prayers for all!

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home from a great evening at the Sweetheart Extravaganza at church.

Now watching the opening ceremony. Forgot to record the beginning. Grrrrr!!! Oh, well!

Great idea about making a Christmas card with the gazebo picture. I will try to remember that. Christmas is a long time away, and I am so forgetful.

The roads were wet but clear of snow. It is 35 so all is well and the snow is going away fast.

Margy, yes there was school yesterday. The snow started in the morning and the accumulation of 14 inches was NOT expected. Laurel's district cancelled school at the last minute.

stronghunter said...

Judie, you really did make me LOL.

I am too tired to say anything more.

Good night everyone.

See you tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Watching the ceremonies....makes me think how many Canadians we think of as our own.

Heading to bed, going to John's in the morning to watch Brensin and Cohen while Mom & Dad go out for awhile...

Hugs to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Lynn, more prayers for your friend.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. It has been a long day.

Prayers going up for those in need.

((((hugs))) for all!

magpie said...

for Hedgie....
whispering prayers to join with yours for your dear friend, may the Lord's will bring peace and comfort to Rick, his family, and you (( hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

and for Dear Sweet Mattie Jane

Happy Sweet Bubbly Birthday Wishes, Mattie ♥

hope your Special Day is filled to the brim with all your favorite things !

xo, With Love,
your Friend Magpie ☺

magpie said...

and Belle is doing a special egg roll just for you right now !

magpie said...

back to the pillows for me...xo

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone. A restful sleep adn prayers where needed.
Catch you tomorrow.
God bless

movin said...


God bless you aLL

And GooD NighT.




movin said...

By the way, I also am 100% sure this is our Liberty-Belle pair. Same pair that we've been watching for 5 years or so.

I hope they get started on creating a second clutch very soon.



bev. said...

Hi, Don't be worried. I am not offended here.

WE are all here for the same purpose.

I just finished watching the Olympic ceremonies and as a Canadian, i think we did good.

valmont owls .
There are 3 different cams to watch: a refresh cam,a live video and a real player .

The eggs were left last year as the owls were getting bothered too much by the ravens. They were harassed so much that they left the eggs.
Hopefully that is not happening this year.
You can go on the site and see the refresh shots by the hour of the previous day, so if you miss something you can see it.
when I came back on both were in nest box and then Pa went out on perch and ma stayed in . then she left and went out on perch. If you lighten pcitures ,you can see her.
They will not do full incubation until the next egg. Maybe tomorrow

bev. said...

and 2 more for valmont
mom was jsut in again and I see dad left her a present.

I hope tomorrow looks good for the eagle pair here.

Off to bed now

magpie said...

And there you go Lynne...a few more ways to try to get to Valmont

Thanks Bev

Good morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Belle seems to be resting, and GHO was in the box, then ambled over to the edge and is now out of sight, one egg in view
Thanks Bev for the additional info about that nest and last year's events

magpie said...

It's that time already to get ready for work

Best wishes, and prayers, for a good day for all...

Prayers for wellness, safety, and spiritual comfort

and lots of Wildlifing today

see you much later tonight

Have fun today Mattie ☺

xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Oh, and I don't think I have to tell Paula to have fun....grandkidding is a guarantee !

Costume Lady said...

GOOD SATURDAY MORNING...I think everyone is sleeping in, that's a good thing:)
Belle is planted in the egg cup as though she had a viable clutch of eggs:( If that makes her happy, then so be it!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Happy birthday, Mattie!

Reading the messages I missed overnight.

stronghunter said...

Bev, I think Canada did beautifully with the opening ceremony last night. I'm looking forward to watching the Olympic events over the next couple of weeks. I do hope you have appropriate Winter Olympics weather.

I am truly hoping that the little birds in my birdhouse wait until later to build a nest and that the materials in the birdhouse are there just to help them keep warm. Maybe I should put some bits of yarn out for them to find to make a warm birdie blanket.

Yes, I expect Kathryn's company will get alignment business out of this weather. I've already hit a few potholes in addition to the rutted snow and ice.

Susan was complaining about the snow when Kathryn mentioned that she gets business out of this weather. Susan said that she would be happy to go around and knock dings in people's cars in exchange for no more snow.

stronghunter said...

Candy, I saw that the Outer Banks got some snow last night. Welcome to the club.

stronghunter said...

Hunter's here with me again today because his mom and dad are both at work. We're all just thankful that we have jobs, even when we would rather be at home.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Shirley...we should be sleeping in! Not much going on at the nest. Same ole, same ole.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Shirley, we should be thankful for all that we have...some have nothing:(

Costume Lady said...

Going to read emails and then our back-newspapers. BBL

normabyrd said...

and CONGRATS!--'You are our #1 EAGLE MONSTER--today & every day!'

floralgirl said...

Morning all... 23° and cloudy

I wish we had that job problem here. The too much work part that is.

floralgirl said...


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Argh is it snowing again I haven't opened the camera yet. Should I? Will read back in a minute but wanted to share a link to most recent Glo's Glimpses because

I have NEVER seen this before Hope you will click and take a peak.

normabyrd said...


glo said...

OK no mention of snow at least at the nest. Time to turn on the cam. And time to say

Happy Birthday Mattie

floralgirl said...

Just finished looking at those pics thru FB, Glo. Great shots!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN & GLO!!---Please open GLO'S site!---BEAUTIFUL SUPRISE!--GOOD WAY TO START THE DAY!!---Thanks! Thanks....

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Glo, Norma, and Megan.

Glo, eagle is in nest cup. Belle, I am assuming.

glo said...

Does anyone think Belle may have laid another egg one of those times she returned right at the close of the last blizzard?
I hope that last blizzard part is accurate.
I can hardly believe I have to distinguish which storm I am even talking about for this nest :-(. But its a thought i I do kind of wonder a little if that is what maybe she knows that we don't.

normabyrd said...

WHOA BEV!---My truck load of SNOW is on it's way!!---ho!---ENJOY!!

paula eagleholic said...


Winter Update #3 - February 12, 2010

The winter weather has been a major hindrance for the successful nesting of our eagle pair this year. With snow amounts approaching or exceeding 40 inches in the last week, this has served to overwhelm our birds and quite likely result in the first three eggs being non-viable.

Here's a history of the eggs laid thus far:

2/2 10:15pm--First egg laid.

2/6 2:12pm--Second egg laid.

2/9 6:00pm--Third egg laid.

Within hours of the second egg being laid, it became apparent that by their behavior that the eagles had lost their eggs in the deep snow that filled the nest.

A third egg was laid during the second storm on Feb. 9th, but the eagles have not been attentive to keeping the egg warm, and it seems likely that this clutch is no longer viable.

Time will tell if the eagles will lay more eggs. The odds are typically 50/50 for a second clutch. With this problem happening early this year, we are hoping that there will be additional eggs produced

glo said...

Thanks Megan and Norma. Well its a unique capture. Not much time to set that up photographically but sure was glad I was looking that way and caught that series. None who saw it could believe how it played out.

floralgirl said...

2nd eagle just flew into nest. rearranging sticks.
Egg is showing

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! We are getting a good snow this morning and it was not expected!! Certainly not welcome!!!! Got a house full of family! Love it, love it! Today is our Mattie's 12th birthday! Where did that baby go!!???

stronghunter said...

Two at nest for a moment.

Egg roll.

Glo, your pictures are wonderful. You have to be quick to get pics like those. Thanks for sharing.

floralgirl said...

One flew- other wiggling onto the egg.

normabyrd said...

The boys didn't show yesterday to CLEAR the last of the snow down to my road!!----SO!!---I DID IT!---'every bone in my body is still aching'----i am so proud--plan to put a sign up! ho!----

glo said...

Interesting that I posed that question about a new egg just prior to Paula"s sharing of what has happened with these 3 eggs we do know of. And even if not I guess if its comforting for now for Belle to sit their on her egg whether or not its viable its a good enough thing. But like all of us I so want a second clutch. Off to coffee and dog treats.

paula eagleholic said...

Quick note!

Carolina raptor center - one of Savannah's chicks hatched!!! Check out the link for the 2010 blog under the cam! YAY!

normabyrd said...

There she is in all her GLORY!--&
so many 'LOVE STICKS'!---God Bless!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

I gotta go get ready and head to see grandsons....later!

glo said...

Stronghunter Being quick and eyes to the skies can land you in a snowbank LOL MeMa Jo says I shouldn't do that anymore. and speaking of not doing things anymore Norma I am so sorry those boys didn't come to finish that shoveling. I really hate that you did that yourself whether or not you can put a sign up. That scares me.

normabyrd said...

Mornin' SISSY!!---PLEASE--PLEASE keep that SNOW in your area!---WE HAVE HAD OUR SHARE!!!

did you notice--MATTIE--is our #1 EAGLE MOMSTER today!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---Sending prayers & good thoughts for RICK!---GOD BLESS!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA!---I envy you today!!!--How old are the boys?----HAVE FUN!!!

stronghunter said...

I see that Savannah is sitting in the snow. Hope it melts soon.

ceil said...

Good morning all. Stopping in to say hi and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MATTIE.
Lynne they found the amber alert child. Thank you Lord. We did have an amber alert on our tv. It stopped all programming. You could not change channels.
Lynn prayers for Rick that the Lord will help him
Will be back later after I catch up

normabyrd said...

GLO!---Yesterday was the FIRST day I had been out for a WEEK!!---Received mail & at least 8 newspapers!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!--It is always GOOD NEWS when a child is found!!---Folks that take children should get life!!---

stronghunter said...

I put out some yarn for the birds to place in the birdhouse. It was not easy to walk out there in the snow. Also filled the birdfeeders.

It is so cloudy here. And cold. They had said last night that we could get some of the snow from the south, but so far nothing that I am aware of, and if we'd had much it would be on the driveway.

normabyrd said...

GLO--thanks for being so kind.....but I have been working out at W/CTR for several mos now!--

ps--not going to do it again---

stronghunter said...

Norma, glad you got out for a little while. Just don't overdo.

normabyrd said...

BEagle!---I love your AVATAR!!--read you are from WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!---where do you live?

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---don't worry--these old bones are still aching! ho!

floralgirl said...

Norma, I may have to introduce you to my friend, Advil:)

normabyrd said...

GOOD NEWS STORY!---'EINSTEIN', an 8 mo old pup that disappeared from his home--in Cumberland, MD--was not wearing any 'ID' after newspaper printed the story---EINSTEIN was found 2 blocks away---(maybe they should change his name) ho!

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Yeah! Part of the Carolina Raptor Center is in Huntersville. Fine place.

normabyrd said...

Thanks MEGAN!---I found MOTRIN!!--I bet your 'young bones' hurt too!

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Trying to catch up.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MATTIE! Have a wonderful day.

Norma, please be careful with the snow business.

Paula, enjoy the day with the grandsons. Lucky you and lucky them.

Hi BEagle. Welcome to the best blog family in the world.

Shirley, did you designate different colors of yarn for different species?

Lynn, hoping for the best for Rick. Prayers for all.

Oh, speaking of Lynn, I noticed that she waited til she thought I was asleep -- ha! Fooled ya! LOL

Cloudy and cold here, as Shirley said. Snow should arrive on Monday. What a novelty and treat that will be.

Washer should be delivered Monday. Have to wait on the dryer (need to find a way to commit dryercide). Wanted to replace both but, from Darth's perspective I understand. $4,000 car repairs three weeks ago -- now the washer.

Saw Belle and Lib trade places. Stick rearranged.

Okay, off to get some coffee and the newspaper. This will be creative thinking day -- need to get exams prepared.


Laura said...

Hedgie, I transplanted ferns from the woods to my yard and it worked.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I put out red and yellow yarn. That's what I had. We will have to see what the birds do with the color selection.

normabyrd said...

I need to find a way to feed the deer!---The snow is so deep! I HAVE SUNSHINE ON MY SHOULDER'-- birds -- darting in & out of the shrubbery!---under a blue-grey sky---temp is a COOL 24°---

Judie said...

Oh Shirley, how thoughtful. Red and yellow -- Sheetz colors!

Got coffee and paper. BBL

normabyrd said...

LAURA----My Mother was successful in transplanting ferns---but was careful to plant them in soil from woods & in a shady place!!---I remember the 'maiden hair ferns'!

stronghunter said...

Here's my birdhouse and the yarn! The birds don't have to travel far to gather yarn. It was hard to walk back there. There's a layer of hard crust on the snow, but I kept breaking through.

The birdhouse is listing a bit. I will need to get Will's help pounding the pole a bit deeper into the ground when the snow melts.

Weatherman is still saying we could get some flakes from that southern storm. It does look like it could snow at any moment.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I see Belle is off the egg cup, and now she has flown the coop!

Is that HP in the tree???

stronghunter said...

Belle has melted out a nice spot there.

stronghunter said...

Eagle with large stick.

stronghunter said...

Didn't hear the tree action, Lolly. I had volume turned down.

normabyrd said...

CHECK -- BWE---LISA'S quote-- 'Their EAGLES have successfully managed to keep their EGGS dry'!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday to Mattie!

Paula, have a great day with the GRANDS! Still hard to believe you are a grandmother.

Eagle back and rearranging the furniture and rolling the egg. Pray for a miracle.

Did you see the story about a 911 dispatcher receiving a call from his own wife because their baby was chocking? Happy ending, he stayed calm and together they saved the baby. Yea!, for 911 dispatchers.

stronghunter said...

Nice story, Lolly. Yes, we appreciate our 911 folks.

Lolly said...

She didn't fly in with the stick, it was already there. She just immediatly picked it up and moved it.

Lolly said...

Baby was choking, not chocking. lol

normabyrd said...

LET'S WAKE UP MARGY----at pxPA there are at least a DOZEN & still counting--HUGE TURKEYS!!---AWESOME!!

Lolly said...

Shirely, last year I put out yarn and never had it used by the birds. Good luck. Being on the snow might help if they are building a nest. We have about 10 bird houses around here and have never seen them used! Jack built them to specifications for for certain birds. Oh, I take that back we did have a wren in one of our bird houses and have had a wren in a basket on the patio.

Now that was a new stick brought in by Lib.

Lolly said...

OK, Norma, on the count of three, we will yell really loudly for Margy. Are you ready? 1-2-3 MARGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

There is too much contrast on the cam today. Can not make out their heads.

Lib just poofed!

Lolly said...

Shirley...hope you like the new name I gave you...Shirely.

hedgie said...


How does it feel to be 12????

Good morning all. Cold and cloudy, but NO NEW SNOW!

Tsk, tsk, Norma----you should NOT have done that shoveling! Please be careful.
I have 8 papers today!! Yippee. could see the orange bags, so took the trek---slipped once, but stayed on my feet!

Oh, Judie---had no idea the car repairs cost you that much! So sorry....what make and year is it?

Bev., enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies very much. Your countrymen did a great job. One of the best I've watched---and so glad it was inside out of the rain.

Glo, left comment on Glimpses---fantastic with all emphasis!

Shirley----you can also use dryer lint for the birds to use for nesting.

Laura....I don't have the least tint of green in my thumbs, despite my guess that's why my attempts at transplanting have never worked!

hedgie said...

Burying my nose in the papers. Will check back later. Jo---see the big headline in the Herald about Allegheny!

Lolly said...

Well, we did not get a paper today. They told Jack that since he called after 9, no paper. Well that is the pits. Said they would bring it tomorrow. Yeah, right! So, we are in withdrawal symtoms.

Lolly said...

Judie....never have purchased a washer and a dryer at the same time. Have always wondered what it would be like to have a matching pair. ha! Always Maytag, but not a matching pair. My Daddy sold Maytag, guess that is why we have stayed with them.

hedgie said...

Very frightening for a dispatcher to get a call like that! Glad it turned out well! Norma----Margy is at work, 911'ing!!!!

stronghunter said...

Dryer lint--I had not thought of that. Of course, the fun of using bright colored yarn is getting to see it later in the nest.

When my children were small, we put out yarn in the spring and did see birds carry it away, and last summer, I found the remains of a nest in my yard that was full of red yarn. I think the neighbor kids must have put that out.

I see pieces of my yarn lying on the snow now. It is a bit windy out there.

The birds like dog hair, too. I enjoyed watching a little bird pick up tufts of dog hair Kathryn had left outside last summer after she'd brushed Flash and Luna.

Mema Jo said...

Hello and I think my snow drifts went down about 2 1/2 inches yesterday in the sunshine. Birds are all around for the feed.

Hedgie there isn't a word in our paper for today about Allegheny. I have a paperless billing so maybe we will get something in the mail if the buyout affect us.

Need to read back & check out emails.

Lolly said...

Just was comparing the snow fall we had to the year I was in college and it snowed. This snow fall broke all records, 1964 is second by very little. Jack was saying that we did not get 12 inches that year. ha! I love the internet....facts so easily available. I was ready to concede that I had remembered wrong, but so nice to be correct. I showed it to him.....gently.☺

Lolly said...

I like the snow we had. So much, but yet the roads cleared fast. Yesterday was so beautiful with it on the trees but that went fast as well. Still lot of snow on the ground.

Mema Jo said...

Daughter received call from Army son SSG Ryan in GA with -
MOM! It is snowing down here!
I guess that is the first he has seen snow since he joined the Army

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Mattie Jane
Have a really special day while
everyone is celebrating YOU

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Don't want to believe that BEV has snow AGAIN this morning!
Please keep it for the weekend!

Norma - I bet you really feel good about your snow shoveling accomplishment - but oh the PAIN

Lisa said...

Hi all,

Didn't know if anyone shared this yet, but I've been a bit frustrated by the National Zoo's lack of info on Tai Shan, compared to all the info coming out of the Atlanta Zoo about Mei Lan.

But Pandas International has posted a wonderful news item about how well Tai is doing in China and they mention the possibility of a China web cam. Thought you might like to read it:

Mits said...

good Saturday a.m. everyone

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Mattie

floralgirl said...

Herald Mail article on Allegheny power 2/11/10

Mits said...

Lisa I received that PI email yesterday, and passed it around to those I thought would be interested....also the National Zoo closed last Friday, and did not open up till 10 a.m. yesterday, I know my bosses are trying to play catch up, did get a nice picture of Tai on the plane with the pilot, I will try to send it to you.

Mema Jo said...

Mason's update

glo said...

Lisa Great news about possible webcam For Tai. I am sure you have made a lot of folks happy with that news.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Helen and Lisa
Thanks to both of you for keeping us informed when you get info on Tai and Mei.

Thanks Megan.

Mits said...

as for info, know that he is back in China, it will be up to the Chinese government to share what they want with us, it will be nice to have PI there to get some news out....the cam rumor has been around since we knew he was returning home, I know the Pandas Unlimited,(not Related to Pandas International) people want it, but all that we be determined by the Chinese government

Mema Jo said...

Glo The sequence of the photos with the Juvie and Adult were superb.

glo said...

Hey Mits Do you remember there was once a video called. Two Momsters and a Panda Bear. I actually watched it the day Tai left for China.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the news!

glo said...

Glad you caught Glos Glimpses today Mema Jo It all happened very fast and a little bit down the river and into the sun from where I was standing so sharpness is not all that great. but I did see it and manage to get it captured in my lens. It was awesome to watch I could not believe my eyes. I saw that Juvie "struttin" off with his catch LOL. Many times they knock the fish out from each other and recapture it out of the river, but i have never seen it turn out this way. And i have spent at least 100 hours at that dam.

movin said...








stronghunter said...

Gutter on the garage is beginning to sag under the weight of the snow. There is a lot of snow on that garage.

movin said...

2/3 of what is probably an EEuuuwieee can be seen at BWO.



Mema Jo said...

I was able to see the TV on the BWO

The BWE have such a nice dry egg cup!

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Something is very much disturbing our eagle

Lolly said...

Wonder what is upsetting Belle.

movin said...

Well, Belle's calling for something. Perhaps lunch.



Mema Jo said...

Whatever Belle said - she sure meant business!

Lolly said...

Have been watching Savannah. When Belle started calling out, it looked like Savannah heard her. She straightened up and looked around. lol

Mema Jo said...

Up and out of the egg well

Lolly said...

Belle is up and out of the nest...poof!

Mema Jo said...

Poof went Belle
Leaving the lonely little egg which is visible in the egg cup

Lolly said...

Belle or Lib now????

Mema Jo said...

Back for an egg roll and wiggle wiggle

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sure if it was Belle returning or if Lib came in....... ??

Mema Jo said...

Removed a stick out of the egg cup
and settled back down. Really windy

Lolly said...

The second egg for Savannah hatched this morning. Became a fan on facebook and someone there spotted two eaglets being fed. They were not expecting it until tomorrow or Monday.

Lolly said...

That is weird. I have the sound but not the live feed on our cam.

Lolly said...

Had to refresh to get video and sound.

Lolly said...

I am off to eat a bite and then do my walking.


Mema Jo said...

Headed for lunch and some street clothes.


movin said...

Everything, including the wind, seems to have calmed down at NBG.



Judie said...

Reading about s___ in GA, Ch. 4 weather guy said this am that this is the first time he knows of that so many States have had s___ at the same time.

1999 Camry. So expensive because the problem required taking the transmission apart to fix the "computer" problem and a few other fix-it things.

Hadn't thought about dryer lint. Might save up and put out for birds -- before I commit dryercide.

Would be nice if China would share Tai Shan's progress with us via live cam.

Back to work.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I just had a discussion about his remaining homework. He tried to convince me that his mom said he did not have to do both spelling assignments. After I convinced him that I wasn't buying it, he finished everything!

Rainbow writing--writing the words using different colored crayons for each letter.

Alphabetizing the words.

Andy, your homework should be so simple!!

Hunter is a good student. Straight A's, except a B in music because he forgot to take his recorder to class. We want to keep it that way--and get him to remember the recorder.

Savannah is really ahead of the eagles around here. Is that normal? Of course, she has the bad weather down there to deal with, too. Bad for wildlife in many places this year.

Mema Jo said...

Another egg roll and wiggle wiggle

Maybe Belle knows something we don't

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - please give me link or url for Savannah

stronghunter said...

Judie--that is quite a repair bill. I hope my Camry will hang in there. Such scary stories about Toyota in the news right now. Mine hasn't been included in any of the recalls, thank goodness.

Kathryn did say that one customer said that she was having problems with her accelerator sticking. They sent the car to the dealer for service.

stronghunter said...


Carolina Raptor Center

movin said...

Hey, Judy. I bet dryer lint would work for birds nests. How about dog hair?

I don't know if you remember, but during the big wars, amongst the things they collected for the war effort, was lint. They apparently collected enormous amounts of it, and they made it all into bandages.

I can barely recall some of it. For example, everyone had a ball of 'tin foil' rolled up from gum wrappers and packaging of all kinds. And we all collected (steel) cans and the Boy Scouts picked them up, together with other items like newspaper.

My uncle (3 mos. older) and I used to love to crush the cans, and we would do it in such a way that the ends curled up and clamped onto the soles of our shoes. Then we would clomp around the area (preferably on concrete) loudly and try to see who could keep them on longest.

Great fun.



Ragdoll said...

Hi - I have been watching Lib and Belle since last May. I feel like I know all of you because I have been reading your comments and learning about this wonderful pair. I have become attached to Lib and Belle. I got very attached to Hidey. I knew just how attached I was when she fledged her first time and we couldn't find her for most of Memorial Day weekend. I had tears all weekend.

This year was so excited to watch earlier in the season. From the HP, to the egg, two eggs and then the third egg. It is so sad with the weather and it's effect on the eggs. I have cried and prayed along with all of you.

I have brought Lib and Belle into the class room. From Kindergarten to High School.

So I though it was time to pop in. I hope this reaches you because this is the first time I have commented in any site. I work on setting up a Blog last night. I obviously have a lot to learn. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Ragdoll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ragdoll said...

OPPS - SORRY I do have a lot to learn.

movin said...

Welcome, Ragdoll. Yes, your comment came through double loud and clear. <:~D>



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome Ragdoll. I always wonder how many people are out there reading this blog and never coming on. Some may think we are absolutely nuts sometimes but we have a wonderful time on this blog. Please keep coming back.

Ragdoll said...

Didn't mean to introduce myself so strong. I guess I am going to be double trouble. hahaha

BEagle said...

I get goosebumps watching Lib and Belle. I started watching the nest last year when the eagletwas ready to fly.

Now I'm trying to figure out which bird is Lib and which one is Belle. One of the birds is bigger than the other. I would say that the bigger is Lib. About 11:30 they changed guard. I think Lib got up and Belle came in behind him.

Did anyone see the duck on the nest yesterday?

Ragdoll said...

You have a lot of followers in Maine. As I said before I have cried and laughed with all of you. I have just been quiet about it. As far a being nuts, I am right in there with you.

stronghunter said...

Hello Ragdoll / Deb

Pleased to meet you. Nice avatar.

stronghunter said...

Bigger one is Belle. The female is larger than the male.

BEagle said...

OK. Belle is bigger.
There are many people at my work that keep track of the eagles.

The WV Dept of NR introduced Belle and Lib to us last year.

Ragdoll said...

I am looking forward to talk with you all. Wouldn't you know it. It has taken me awhile to get going on this and now I have to get going to my hairdresser. Darn! I will pop in later.

hedgie said...

Still reading papers....
Threw out about 50 pieces of bread cubes for the birds an hour ago---only see 2 pieces left and lots of footsie prints. Sun was out for 2 mins. Wind is blowing again...suppose that means roads will drift closed again---argh. Heard that state road is working 24 hr. shifts. Poor people.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

When there is an eaglet and it is feeding time, Lib normally feeds from about 1 or 2 o'clock position and Belle normally feeds from right under the camera. There are habits they have but that has taken a long time to learn, years in fact. Lib peers out of the nest at about 12 o'clock position. Lib will sit in the nest forever, just looking around. If you see him start to get busy, you know that Belle is about 30 seconds away from the nest. Funny little things they do.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, you are so observant.

What a nice list of behaviors.

Costume Lady said...

Ragdoll...there is a little 'TRASHCAN' at the bottom of your comments...if you wish to delet one, just click on the can:)

Ragdoll said...

OKAY - don't laugh. What is a avatar? Guess what color my hair is? hahaha Even if I am going now to have some extra added.

Be back soon.

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, I never noticed that Belle and Lib feed the chicks from those wonder we call you EAGLE EYED SHARON! Did you ever notice that Lib has crooked toes?

stronghunter said...

The picture by your name, Ragdoll.

Costume Lady said...

That is hilarious about Lib getting busy when Belle is coming home...but it is TRUE;)

Costume Lady said...

Ragdoll, I have a Costume Shop and the Ragdoll is one of my best sellers. Mine comes with the wig and need to have that hairdo done:)

bev. said...

just quickly popping in. I did not want you to think you scared me off LOL

glad to see incubatin is strong now. I do believe we have seen both on the nest.
Now I am going to spend the next 2 days looking at their collars and heads and beaks so I can tell them apart when they are apart.
And Paula , I do know how you would know them apart by their actions. I am like that with my falcons.
I am optimistic that one egg is viable. I have stated why I think that already.
and lets face it , they are following their instincts. this is what they do. they do not know if they are viable or not.
they just know they have to incubate them, build up the nest, etc. and they know when to start and how long they can be off and when.
so my heart is with them and we will see.

Have a great day everyone. Lots of chores here today, and the Olympics

bev. said...

Sorry I meant I believe they have both been in the nest bowl incubating ..

I will watch them with eagle eyes.

bev. said...

is your 12 position by the cam closest to us or farthest away form us. is it like the natural clock . I need to know when watc;hng

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...