Monday, May 04, 2009


New week thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Dancing on for 2 hours tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Lake Washington is having a feeding & I can see one little Eaglet while the adult is eating.

Costume Lady said...

Love that show:)

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb - I'll be waiting.

Wanda Sit down and enjoy the show! No fancy twirling around in front
of the TV - I don't want you to fall down and go Boom!

Mema Jo said...

I was out to dinner with hubby & Jenny and then shopping in one store for about 45 min... I did not need to use my cane. I sorta felt lost without it since it has been a part of me. After a while
of walking it was like I had a freedom call!!! I do take it slow and careful.

Lolly I hope you are not still coughing but I bet you are! Eat Garlic

deb said...

All done, Jo. I am going to go and see if I can get rid of a headache. BBL

magpie said...

My Inside Field Trip was pretty magical. Donna, from Friends of NCTC, had so many wildlife pictures in her house, and decorative items, that it was almost like being outside!

She and her family once rescued a one-day old baby cardinal (didn't know it was a cardinal for quite some time) and nurtured her, for 18 years! Her name was Polly.

She has many birds in her yard too, including Orchard Orioles and Wood the rain, didn't really the spoil the day.
☺ you said, Mema ....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb - going to view them now.
Hope your headache only lasts a little while. OR have you had it all day?

magpie said...

The Night Light is on at OUR NEST.

magpie said...

Wowie, Zowie...Deb's Photos. Another Grand Slam!

Mema Jo said...

Deb - awesome pics - all of them!

Mema Jo said...

I guess I missed the late evening feeding in our nest - unless there wasn't one.

hedgie said...

Deb, going to look at your pics...hope your headache is better. How was the beginning of your 2nd week?
Margy, glad you had a fun day!
Jo, you shopped off your dinner calories!!

Lolly said...

Well, I ended up working in the yard today. It was just beautiful, sunny yet cool.

Yes, Jo, still coughing! Eat garlic? Well, that will keep the vampires and Jack away!!! LOL

Watching Dancing with the Stars as I blog.

hedgie said...

Very nice, Deb!! Cat does NOT belong there...he might catch a bird....hope you chased him off!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Deb was the black and white cat on the rocks standing. Was it a 3-legged cat?

Bibee said...

Hey, I need help again. I saw where someone was listening to a video sent out by Jo.. Where can I find this? Thanks for the help.
Hedgie-no one has mentioned any botox to me. I did have the miserable injections in my face from the pain clinic. Magpie - I will check to see if I have an email from you. Thanks for the compliment on my name. I'm checking the other cams right now.

Lolly said...

Bibee, just saw that your are a retired kindergarten teacher. That's me! Taught kindergarten 16 years and retired early 9 years ago. I was tired! LOL

hedgie said...

Bibee, the videos were on Momsters yahoo mail. Think Jo can add you there after you get a yahoo email address.

hedgie said...

Bibee, it would be worth asking your doctor about the Botox....mixed results, but may be worth checking in to.

Bibee said...

Hedgie-I have a yahoo email address. I went on the momsters site and it said I was a member. Am I doing it right?
Lolly - I taught 4th grade for about 14 years and then the kg teacher and I switched. I was in kg for about 7 years. I didn't want to quit work but after I kept getting sick, I was given an ultimatium(spelling??) so I had to retire. Principal couldn't wait to get rid of me. Don't know why she didn't like me but we clashed. She was new, this was her first principal's job. Maybe she felt threatened by me. Ha, ha!!! You all are too cool!

Mema Jo said...

Bibee - I have just forwarded in email the link from Helen (Mits) from Pigeon Ford, TN and then the link is also on it that has the Save The Eagles song.


deb said...

This is the link Jo sent out today:

Eagle Song

hedgie said...

Or, Bibee, you can click on my name and send me an email and I can forward thoselvideo links to you!

paula eagleholic said...

Bibee - I read about the botox too. And surgery...

Mema Jo said...

Bibee has a yahoo email address.
Any of you can go into Eaglet_Momsters site and get each others emails -
Of course our Blog names are sometimes so much different from our yahoo names.

Bibee - check your email - you should have both links - the hatching and the song. Also Deb put the song on here for anyone. I love that song too Deb!

paula eagleholic said...

I like Shawn and Mark's dance but didn't care for that music at all...

Lolly said...

The music was weird!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pics Deb. You really have some nice shots in there.

Mema Jo said...

I am getting sleepy already this evening!
Oh believe me it will wear off and I will be wide awake by the time all of you are saying Good Night!

paula eagleholic said...

That save the eagle song is nice.

Bibee, the emails should come to the email you signed up to the group with...check your spam and make sure it's not in there.

Mema Jo said...

Adult is still there at 2:00 with Hidey!

I'll BRB Need to go wake up!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah, Jo didn't send that out by Momster mail earlier...

paula eagleholic said...

I would think Ty is gonna go....he's still too stiff

wvgal_dana said...

I just love that Save The Eagles song. Everytime I hear it never becomes old.

deb said...

I am finally caught up on comments. It was nice to see Helen was on today, I hope the pain is getting better. So many movements affect your ribs, I don't think we notice how much until something hurts.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL anyone see that Virginia lotter lucky dog commercial? Looks like my dogs in the back yard with all their tennis balls.

Bibee said...

Thanks for the link to the video and song. That is beautiful.
I will check my yahoo email.
I will check about the botox shots. The pain shots just about killed me - they caused more pain for me. They had to wire up my face and shock me first to see if they were on the trigeminal nerve and then inject the medicine into my face. It was a nightmare - 6 weeks of it. I tried it.
Deb-beautiful pictures!

deb said...

I will listen to the updates another day, just getting my headache under control. It came on at work and I didn't have any aspirin, so it caught hold of me.

Thanks for picture comments, we had a great day. It was exciting to see so many Piping Plovers as they are endangered. They lost their habitat when they damed up the Missouri River. The different agencies involved spend lots of money to recreate their islands.

wvgal_dana said...

You all was talking about our site NCTC Bald Eagle not showing up in the count on Beakspeak. I wanted to get a direct answer and I did. If you are going to your favorities and clicking on the site it is NOT COUNTED IN BEAKSPEAK. Hi Dana. The top cam lists on Beakspeak only account for the clicks to the cam from Beakspeak. So if you bookmark the site and return to it later directly, it won't be counted in the tallies for the Beakspeak lists. However, next season, this may change. :-)--Jason


deb said...

Dana, the cat was climbing up the rocks to get away from us. I am quite sure it had all 4 legs, I think I would have noticed if one was missing.

Bibee said...

Did Hidey get fed today? I must have missed it.

Mits said...

Jo, Mei Xiang is sleeping on the rocks, and Tian is sleeping on the den floor.

paula eagleholic said...

Bibee, if Hidey ate, it must have been early morning...I didn't note anything today.

Mits said...

great pics, Deb...good night everyone.

hedgie said...

Night, Mits. Rest well.
Thanks, Dana, for sharing that message.

Bibee said...

Be back later. Have to go watch Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives on the Food channel. I love that show and I get so hungry watching it.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Mits. Rest well.

magpie said...

Good Night Helen -
Hope each new day is better than the one before ♥

hedgie said...

Paula, Jo sent the Eagle Song link in her Yahoo reply to Helen's posting of the Pigeon Forge eaglet hatch.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, but she sent to Bibee later, too, I believe.

hedgie said...

Females roosting in both Finland nests....foggy on the coast---?lifting or just rolling in?

Mema Jo said...

Yepper I did send to Bibee in an email. I didn't send it on Momsters - Mits sent out the Pigeon Ford TN eaglet hatching on You Tube- I just connected the next You Tube I saw to it - Save the Eagles and forwarded it to those on Mits' addresses. I love the song! Deb put the blue link on for everyone.
That should be our theme song along with On Eagles Wings!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say it has been a great day even with all the rain!

Good Night All
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
Prayers for everyone's blessings being
((hugs to all)) ♥

hedgie said...

Black stork nest has a stork doing nestorations. Looks like paper trash in nest. Don't see an egg.

hedgie said...

Flood warning on North Potomac at Cumberland. Crest early AM at flood stage, to go down by mid-midmorning. Guess it will probably be to Shep/Harpers' Ferry area by noon.

deb said...

Night everyone, I finished Dancing, now off to read for awhile.

magpie said...

Lake Washington fussing with her babies.

Good Night everyone headed for the pillows.

magpie said...

Well, she's done fussing, has them all coralled underneath her again.

hedgie said...

Storchenest has 4 eggs! But cam is not opening....multiple images of the cam site, but nothing working. Will have to try again later.

hedgie said...

Good night, Jo and Deb. Hope you wake up headache free, Deb.

magpie said...

Think it is Rolling IN, Hedgie.

Ever figure out why your power went off this morning ??

Bibee said...

Good night eagle buddies! It's been a super day. Sweet Dreams to everyone! It's been great talking to all today. Looking forward to another good day tomorrow. Hope our birdies dry out!

Bibee said...

Loved watching the baby eaglet in Pigeon Forge. It is so purty!!!Thanks for the links today!

magpie said...

Good Night, Deb
Good Night, Katherine
Good Night, Jo

....and everyone else...

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite all.

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Good night all! My head fills like it is about to explode...therefore did not get on much tonight. Today was better even though my head hurts now, tomorrow should be even better! Right?!

Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Ha, ha...I find this very amusing....don't smoke if you are wearing adult "diapers"---they are very flammable. Can you picture seeing an image of an older adult standing with that on, a cigarette in hand w/ a big red X thru' it? Sorry...just such a wierd antithesis there!

hedgie said...

Night-night, Deb, Margy, Paula, Kat and Lolly. Lolly, think you'd better get to the Dr. tomorrow. Sounds like maybe a sinus infection!
To answer your question, info on power outage cause....may be in paper in the morning.

hedgie said...

Yep, Margy, fog was coming in...much worse now. Hope it doesn't hide the nest for the nightowls!!
Heading for tub. See all you fine fowl folks tomorrow! Stay dry!
Blessings asked.

magpie said...

It's Tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Bob Quinn Hope it is your Best Birthday Ever, filled with all your favorite things!

♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

magpie said...

Just saw a beautiful view of the egg at the Finland Land Nest ☺

Nice way to start the day for Bob Quinn's Birthday ☺

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

That is right, Lolly. Feel better tomorrow. The dampness from all the rain you have been having may be the culprit. Dampness here has my sinuses and knee acting up, but it think the rain is done for a while.


magpie said...

Belle just flew off the nest...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! Nuther day, nuther dollar!!

Hidey is up and doing her wingercizes this morning!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Can someone send me the link to Finney over the water? Mine must be corrupted over something, can't get there from here!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Missed Belle, good morning magpie!

floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lib is moving the furniture again!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

And Hidey is helping him!!!

deb said...

Morning, more rain here, but luckily I am just getting quick showers, not like you are getting there.

deb said...

Happy Birthday, BOB

Unknown said...

Good morning Deb. Sure is quiet on here this morning!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Deb! Sure is quiet on here this morning! (posted under Andrew's name, oops!)

deb said...

Yes it is, everyone must be sleeping in!

floralgirl said...

Not sleeping here, outside looking for the sun...I think I see it..must investigate further...have a great day everybody!!

deb said...

Off to work for me. I will chance walking, I think it is mostly sprinkles now.

Have a great morning! Helen, I hope you are a feeling better today!


Darla said...

I am brandy new to this. I am enthralled watching Hidey and family, also followed links to Hornby Island. That one scares me to death. It's so windy, I am afraid those babies are going to be thrown out of the nest. I noticed the bigger eaglet seems to push in and get all the food..:-(
Hidey at times looks like she may fall over the side of the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Megan and Darla.

Darla, I totally understand. Makes me a nervous wreck. I am learning to trust mother nature and their instincts to keep them safe, but still flip out. Where are you from?

magpie said...

Osprey off the nest at Finland Water, the eggs are "sorta visible." Well, now two there and the eggs are going to get covered anytime now

Sending the link in a minute, Sissy.

Welcome Darla..

magpie said...

Sissy :

Finland Water Nest

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I am covered with tiny black spots---called--MILDEW!!!---schools are closed----another cloudy wet day!


Darla said...

Hi Sissy & Magpie.
I am in Northeast Florida.

magpie said...

Now for my manners:

Good Morning Eagle ♀ and ♂ Friends ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hmm, magpie, still can't get on. Wonder what is up with that? I don't usually have alot of trouble getting to most any site.

Mr. Grosbeak and Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal are out here on my feeders this morning.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How did you find us Darla?

Morning Normabyrd!! Mildew and mold here too, RAIN RAIN GO AWAY!!

magpie said...

Northeast Florida...that's a ways away...But the Cam brings you right here to West Virginia!

In past years we have had three eaglets...just one this year. It IS Scary when baby gets so close to the edge, but as Sissy says....Mother Nature seems to take care of things, and the Parents are close by...but we all add GREY HAIRS this time of the year ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like Belle came to visit her son this morning. Did she bring breakfast?

magpie said...

Parent at the Nest now too !

magpie said...

Hi Norma !

Darla said...

My husband & I did a cruise last year to Alaska. Vancouver to Anchorage. That's where we first even saw a bald eagle.
We went to the Raptor Center in Sitka..and really got hooked.
Someone on my dog list sent this link and it's better than anything on TV!

magpie said...


hedgie said...

It's Tues., but no new thread yet, so......


ceil said...

Good morning all. Welcome Darla.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB QUINN. Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Going to get some breakfast. BBL

magpie said...

Sissy: don't know why that happens..maybe in a little while Finney will open up for you.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Very cool Darla!! We are glad to have you!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There is a very wet eagle starting to appear at Hornby!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MAGPIE---SISSY--WANDA---MEGAN---WELCOME ANDREW &---WELCOME DARLA!---It is going to be a WONDERFUL day to go walking in the rain!! ho!---No more RAIN DANCES are allowed!!!---Our WET 'BIG BIRD' is still gazing down at the OUTSIDE WORLD!!---too AWESOME!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!----ENJOY!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Morning Wanda and Ceil!!

magpie said...

Darla ! We love to hear that kind of news....our eaglet was hatched on March 14 -
and we call him or her, Hidey, and sometimes Miracle, but we will never know for sure if baby is a female or a male. Parents are Belle (mom) and Liberty (dad)

magpie said...

There is an update from the Ellsworth family regarding Mason

Mason has pneumonia, is in the intensive care unit at Paoli Hospital in Pa, has breathing difficulty and a breathing tube is in place. Family and Mason need our continued prayers

ceil said...

I'm still here. Maine is windy. Did not look in at Hornby. Rebels at Norfolk looking good. Off to look at the loon

Darla said...

THANK YOU for that info...I wondered when Hidey was born..
And she.he will attempt to fly
near Memorial Day ?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning and welcome Darla!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE & CEIL!!!----Any news from MITS this am?---Keeping her in my thoughts & prayers---NO MORE PAIN!

hedgie said...

Norma, love the mold and mildew reference!! Conjures up all kind of visions of a pretty lady draped in green fuzz and splotched w/ gray spots!!! Yucko!

ceil said...

Sorry to hear the news on Mason. Will keep him in prayers.
Norma, Helen was waiting for the doctor to call her back last night when I spoke to her. Got to get some breakfast. At least some tea. Oh loon was on nest. Could not see eggs. Looked foggy.

normabyrd said...

DARLA---I discovered the EAGLES---now have been praying I can go to ALASKA!!---EAGLES EVERY WHERE!!
My daughter & family lives in LARGO, FL---

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darla said...

Alaska was amazing... Just amazing. The Raptor Center was such a learning experience, and to see the eagles (and others) up close and personal was something!
I'd like to go back!

magpie said...

words got all jumbled together...

Thanks for the update on our Mits Big Eagle Prayers on the Wing for Helen.

Regarding fledging, that is a possiblility, some of the Eagle Experts here will give you a better answer than I

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Babies visible at Hornby!! I love that cam!

Darla said...

Hornyby, one parent just left and another came back :-)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hate to hear that about Mason. Prayers definitely going up for him and his family!

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, that really sux about Mason, bless his heart. That youngun has sure been through it, was hoping the worst was behind them!!

normabyrd said...

The 'ROUGH & READY REBELS'----are standing around like birds in the wilderness---waiting to be fed!---
(not funny)----had to do it!! ho!

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I haven't seen a messed up beak at Hornby over the past couple of days. Either I am still seeing Momma and not Daddy, or it was something on the beak!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Shudder to think what it could have been. Body parts from something I reckon.

normabyrd said...

OSPREY on FINLAND NEST too!---Fog is moving in there!---love that site!!

magpie said...

I was thinking squirrel or rabbit's a big meal for a hungry family.

Sharon Love your new bird. White-crowned sparrow? You are the Bird Lady!

How is T-Bird by the way....?

normabyrd said...

LOON is half sideways----looking out at a very FOGGY lake!!----

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks for all the birthday greetings and e-cards! Wish I were at BW instead of stuck behind a desk.

Norma - Check this out:


Bob Quinn said...

New thread!

hedgie said...

Hey, Bob, so glad you checked in early and got your birthday greetings!! Come back off and on because there will be more as our later-loggers-on appear!
Welcome, Darla.
Guess Andrew isn't really on, huh, Sissy, but tell him and Mattie and Justin hello from the momsters! And Tom, too!

wvgal_dana said...

Finished reading comments heading for NEW THREAD you all said is UP

magpie said...

There is a new thread..hope you all see this...

normabyrd said...

late for class--

Mama Etna said...

I am viewing your Eagle webcam and am enjoying seeing a live feed on an eagle fledgling.

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6/10/23 update

 Camera 1 came up, but as a close up camera about 6 o'clock. Or something like that, but at 950 something it froze. So they're still...