Friday, May 15, 2009


Fresh thread


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floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve! Hope you are having a great time on your trip!
Happy Friday people- get out of bed!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks Steve, thanks Megan!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent just brought breakfast, Hidey is so anxious!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OOOH, looks like squirrel stew for breakfast this morning!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nope, that was an illusion, it is fish stew for breakfast!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!

GA-GIRL said...

Good morning ya'll.. sunny day in GA. hope everyone has a great day.looking forward to a nice weekend. spending some time with the grand kids. AND doing some more work in the yards....slight chance of rain

normabyrd said...

GOOD FOGGY MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!--MORNIN' FLORALGIRL -- SISSY -- BLUEFIELD SHARON & GA-GIRL! --- I think our 'BABY' is acting 'anxious' too SISSY!!---She keeps ignoring the PARENT----AND She is not old enough to act like a teenager!--ho!

GA-GIRL said...

Look at HIdey.. standing tall and mighty in the front of the nest facing the camera

GA-GIRL said...

'morning Norma. I noticed that too. Hidey was eating and the parent was giving her the upside down look .. like she was getting attitude... funny

normabyrd said...

NPR predicting SUNNY SKIES weather in 70s to 80s---chance of thunder showers!!!---It's a cool foggy 58° now!

normabyrd said...

Check now!!---Standing with her back on the very edge of the nest!! (little show off)!---SHE IS SO COOL!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

PROUD OSPREY MAMA sitting on her nest at the FINLAND site!!---a bit more green on trees this am!!

normabyrd said...

LOON CAM isn't open yet!---One should read LARRY'S update each morning---even if you don't wish to see the LOON--Larry writes well!!----

ps--LOON is 'knock down' BEAUTIFUL!!

Laynie said...

Yes, Hidey is being quite the show off this morning doing that "nest edge" circus act. Why is it that my motherly instinct makes me want to tell her "get away from that edge right now"!! lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh wow! That fish just about flopped out of the nest!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LAYNIE!---You should yell too----because she ignored my yelling ho!---

normabyrd said...

DEB---KESTREL MOM is in nest watching her little 'ones' sleep!!
They are growing---yesterday all eyes were open & looking up!!

ceil said...

Good morning all. Cloudy in Baltimore but humid. I wrote a long message last night and blogger cop ate it. Told about a little bird in the street that made Jim stop the car and it could fly but not well yet. About ducks at the shopping center that come each year. Nurse Helen is coming today. Yea. Party. Too bad the M&M girls are not here. Have a great day. Hugs

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!!---I enjoyed just hearing about your story!!---'DUCKS in the shopping mall'---WHOA!---now that sounds COOL!---Don't let MITS party too much!!---but I bet she has been dying to come over!---(you all enjoy your day)---

Mema Jo said...

Good Friday Morning All!
I'm up & at 'em and getting ready to roll our of here.
Some of Spidey's web still in the nest off to the left - Hidey I think has picked her launch sight to be around the 3:00 position.

Mei huddled in the corner of the birthing den.

Enjoy your company today Mary Margaret & Ceil.

normabyrd said...

LOON CAM is open!---It's a bit foggy!---LARRY swears his computer ate today's update---when he did his spell-check! ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!----Have a 'happy roll'-----ho!

ceil said...

We will Jo. Norma have a great day.
Also Megan, Sissy, GA girl and Laynie so far on this morning. SSH Margie is sleeping.

normabyrd said...

SCOTTISH OSPREY is getting restless on her nest!---She keep getting up & moving the eggs around---Site says she is probably hearing--feeling the movements inside the eggs!---Praying for healthy OSPREYS!!

Laynie said...

Hey all... if you haven't seen this nest yet in Hillsborough, NJ (I'm from Jersey) it's been wonderful to watch as well. Mom and dad are often on the nest together caring for three Eaglets! They are growing nicely. Not as much fan-fare at the site though, sadly. Check it out!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei Xiang is curled up in a ball and the top of her head on the rocks.

normabyrd said...

LAYNIE---DORIS DUKE ESTATE?---WHOA!--we have been watching that site!!---I would watch the DUKE ESTATE even if there weren't EAGLES!---(kiddin') ho! That is a very interesting site!!--THANKS!

normabyrd said...

LAYNIE----Have you been there?

Laynie said...

I wish I have been there!! It's a private farm from what I hear and the owner is nice enough to allow the camera. I SO would love to take pictures! These little ones are doing so well. WHAT happens when they get as big as Hidey in that nest? I'm new to this bird cam watching. I was addicted to big-cat cams for a long time.

normabyrd said...

WOW!---SHARON--Did you see our 'little' TAI!!---doing what he does best---eating with both hands!---still have his pic on my fridge!---He is still #1 in my book!!!---'THE LITTLE PRINCE'!!!

normabyrd said...

LAYNIE----When they get old enough to fly----they will 'FLEDGE' -fly away on their own!---You will see them 'BRANCHING'--practice flying across the nest--up to next limb, etc---We all were teary eyed last time (we had 3 eaglets) when the last one left!---some times they will come back for a bit---over nite---

Laynie said...

Norma... so even though the nest will get "tight" with three babies, they won't push each other out or anything? Again, I'm new to the eagle thing. :)

By the way all, I work at home so if I don't get back to a comment for a while, I eventually will!

normabyrd said...

TONIGHT!!---WASH CHANNEL 7--(ABC)-will be featuring 'MEI XIANG' on their news!!----COOOOOOOL!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

GOOD MORNING, ALL! I'll be checking in and out today. Must go to get some routine blood tests first thing, then go to check on our house in the high desert. Am about to take a short nap first, though. 'Grey's' kept me up late. Hidey has been really busy this morning. Getting to be quite independent! Looks like Spidey's web got messed up a bit. I'm SO glad Spidey is very far away from me. Don't mind watching from a distance! Glad the camera sound is working again-- I'm enjoying the bird songs! Take care, and I'll BBL. TGIF!!! :o]

normabyrd said...

LAYNIE!---Most of us are home folks---Several are retired (me)! CHECK the EAGLE FUN FACTS---located on the left when you click on the EAGLE SITE---will give you lots of info on the EAGLE!!--& PAULA is very informative concerning EAGLES!----We all love to talk about "EAGLES--EAGLES--EAGLES"!!---- ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MS BOOKWORM!---WHOA!---I would rather have the spider than to 'give up MY blood'---ho!!--

Laynie said...

Thanks for the info Norma! Appreciate it. I've only become a "bird watcher" this past year and I've learned SO much!! Now I am progressing to the BIG birds! ha, ha. I did catch a nice red-tail in flight the other day.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Parent in the nest!!

Looks like Lib - oh he brought a fish!

Mits said...

Good Friday a.m. everyone

paula eagleholic said...

Perched on the big log now...feeding Hidey....

paula eagleholic said...

Hmmm might possible be Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Too bad they are eating behind the smudge!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey eating huge hunks...can still see it

Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

Wow, the fish is about gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just flew up into the back of the tree

Mits said...

o chicks on cam now in Kentucky

hedgie said...

Good morning gals and guys. Haven't got up on the blog yet, but wanted to share this article before I turn the page.

Philadelphia (AP): The offspring of two bald eagles at the Philly Zoo is being raised in the wild.

Zoo spokesman says that the eaglet was hatched April 2. It parents are rehabilitated eagles that can't survive in the wild.

The eaglet was placed in a nest with two other eaglets at an undisclodsed location near Doylestown, about 20 miles north of Philly.

Pretty cool, huh?

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, how many Mits?

movin said...


*** EVERYONE ***



Laynie said...

Hidey seems so very, very interested in the "outside the nest world" now! Will he be leaving the next soon? And, is this also being recorded so that those watching all this time will not miss that moment?

Mits said...

o for osprey...2

Mits said...

neat story, Lynn

paula eagleholic said...

Laynie- Hidey is only 9 weeks old tomorrow...they fledge between 10 and 12 weeks, sometimes 13 weeks.

It will only be recorded if someone here can catch it...slight possibility we could get NCTC to find it on their files

paula eagleholic said...

Don't think Hidey will be ready at 10 weeks...we will see more flying within the nest...hovering, side to side, etc before fledge time

hedgie said...

More news....our very own floralgirl Megan is mentioned and quoted in an article in a supplement to our newspaper about local businesses and farmers markets!!! She is called a "market master" with the Shepherdstown Farmers Market, and "helps organize the Sunday market's vendors and offers her own locally grown cut flowers for sale."
I will bring the article next weekend for all to see! Go Megan!!!

normabyrd said...


Wanting to post the time CH 7--WASH ABC will air MEI XIANG at 5:00pm this evening!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of hopping around and flapping and calling out by Hidey

paula eagleholic said...

REst time...

normabyrd said...



paula eagleholic said...

...For the eaglet...

Laynie said...

Thanks Paula. He is sitting so close to the outside of the nest now that I thought it would be at any time.

normabyrd said...

Earlier I saw 'BIG BIRD'---standing on "ONE FOOT" on the edge & scratching with the other FOOT!----MS INDEPENDENT!!----She really is a 'FUN BIRD' to watch!!----WHOA!-----'SHE ROCKS'--- ho!

hedgie said...

As Norma mentioned, for locals....Ch. 7 news on 5pm broadcast...Mei's pregnancy (or not) watch!

normabyrd said...

JIM!---Have you picked a horse for tomorrow's race???

Laynie said...

wow... mom and dad were both just on the nest. So cute the way Hidey watched mom as she flew away, and now trying to daddy to share in the catch!

paula eagleholic said...

Another fish dElivery!!

Both parents in the nest.....Belle has the fish

paula eagleholic said...

Lib just took off the back...Belle is chowing down on the fish...Hidey is watching

movin said...

adults and eaglets in nest at BWE as well as ours...........



normabyrd said...



EMMITT is 40!!

normabyrd said...

was hoping LOLLY would come on this morning----ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey did a poop shoot and has moved over to get some fish from Belle, she's feeding him now.

paula eagleholic said...

NOrma - Lolly didn't take her laptop...said she would chat with us tonight

paula eagleholic said...

If you look at the size of Hidey next to Belle, he is no where near her size...think Hidey is a male

movin said...

Norma, I'm still athinkin the entries in the Preakness, but I don't believe I'm going to make a pick.

That filly looks great, and Mine that Bird was so strong in the Derby you have to consider him.

And there are more long shots out there which could win it all like Mine That Bird did.

I guess I'm leaning toward the filly, but wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't win it...been since 1924, I think.

It should be an exciting race with all the unknowns and longshots possible.



movin said...

I bet you are putting your money on the filly, aren't you, Norma.



paula eagleholic said...

Belle is pretty much working that fish over...Hidey getting some bites now and again

movin said...

Boy, I thought Hidey was an extra big, male chick, but look how small he looks next to Belle!



movin said...

I see Atlanta has changed their site; I found my way to the Panda Cam; but so far I haven't found a picture. Am I missing something?

I think I have the right Win Media Player already.



normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA!---need to catch up on yesterday's blog!!---There has often been a parent in the nest this am---'LIL' ONE just ignored them----

movin said...

Never mind. I just checked Atlanta again, reloaded the page, and the cam now is up.



movin said...

ZZ is on-cam now at San Diego too...



normabyrd said...

WHOA!----YOU GOT IT!!!! ho!

Just Vicky said...

A wet rainy morning from Illinois to those of you who remember me,GOOD MORNING!

movin said...

By the way, what is the name of that huge squirrel at Kent?

I was checking the nest earlier, with all the fresh Cottonwood leaves, etc., when one of the squirrel's offspring pranced right through the nest and on up the right hand trunk...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure we remember you, Just Vicky. Are you coming to the nest next weekend?

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

OK, Mom...I'll move!

Well, you didn't have to leave!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Vicky...of course we remember you....How could we forget MISS COMODE TOWN!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' VICKY!---We have MISSED you!---We had another VICKY on -- but we have truly missed you--GAL!!---

Costume Lady said...

I thought Hidey was going to try to follow Mom out of the nest! Whew!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim, his name was George!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, we had another Vicky from Panama City, Fla. I don't think she ever came back to visit.

hedgie said...

Norma, Lolly said she'd be home by noon (their time!).

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey doing nestorations up by the cam

normabyrd said...

Why is the NORFOLK site not open much anymore?

hedgie said...

Hey, Miss Vicky....hope all is well with you. We've missed you!! What's happening in your corner of the world?

hedgie said...

Don't know, Norma...I haven't been able to get it open hardly at all this spring. Irritating!

normabyrd said...

Thanks HEDGIE!!---I was out yesterday afternoon---I wanted her to see EMMITTS BIRTHDAY!---ho!---No one else pays any attention to the COWBOYS!---ho!

normabyrd said...

HEGIE---It surprises me they haven't mentioned why it is closed so much!!----I love the nest---you are up so close!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

WISH I WAS A PANDA!! Are ya'll watching Luney?

normabyrd said...

JIM---I don't think that a 'MIND THAT BIRD' will ever happen again in our life time?

normabyrd said...

JIM---Do you think it could happen!
That would probably make a lot of folks happy & rich!----ho!

floralgirl said...

Sunscreen break!
NBG has been having problems all week- this is from their blog:
We are aware of the current network outage. The T1 line that provides the network feed is down. The service provider is aware of the problem and is working to correct it.
Thank you for your patience.
posted by VDGIF Wildlife Biologist at 12:49 PM Monday
C U later!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parents are arguing at HI! Hidey wants to know what we are up to. She was looking at the cam like she was talking to us!

Gabriela said...

"I'm ready for my closeup" says Hidey

paula eagleholic said...

Hidey hanging out at close end of the today!

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, facing this way! Peering at something on the tree trunk.

Laynie said...

Hidey is such a little clown this morning!! Love those close-ups Hidey! :)

hedgie said...

The teaser for the Mei piece on Ch. 7 news said "why zoo officials think Mei is pregnant"......hmmmmm....MTBR!! Keeping all fingers and toes crossed!

movin said...

I was emailing Suzanne and reading the paper... back again.

If you look quickly you will see a first. Bai Yun, the mother Panda, is sleeping in the treetops this morning in San Diego.



normabyrd said...

THANKS MEGAN!!---HEDGIE & I have been wondering why we haven't been able to see the little 'REBELS'--
I bet you have a beautiful tan!!
One of the 'perks' with your job!

movin said...

Oh yeah, Sharon... the squirrel's name is George! Thank you.



normabyrd said...

WHOA! JIM----That's so funny!!---looks like she might fly away any time!!!----ho!

movin said...

Yeah, Norma. I think there's a very good chance the filly will win this year. And I was watching Calvin Byrell (Sp?) when he won with her on Derby day. He thinks she's the best horse he ever rode.

But racing is never a sure thing, and there are horses that were supposed to do better in the Derby, horses that are very long shots that could have a superior day, and there's the unquestioned winner of the Derby..........

It should be a very exciting day and a very exciting race. Make sure you watch it. :-)



movin said...

They must have gotten the NBG camera replaced, because they have moved it back to give a broader shot this morning.

Wonder if the eaglets will start branching soon.



movin said...

The mother is up and letting the chick 'air out' in the Maine II nest.



paula eagleholic said...

Heading out...put some videos on youtube...

Eaglet Momster videos

GA-GIRL said...


hedgie said...

Saw a news item about an Australian surfer (older dude!) who hopped on his board and rescued a young kangaroo who was floundering in the surf. Looked like it was fine after rescue, but they didn't say whether it just went on its way, or whether it was relocated away from the coast. Surfers' wife videotaped it.

Just heard on the scanner that someone in Jefferson co. (where our nest is) had a bear.....animal control officer told homeowner to take down birdfeeders.

hedgie said...

Good video, Paula...will check out the others later!

magpie said...

Yes, you definitely want to take down your birdfeeders if you are in Bear Territory! As we have seen at the Snowman Cam ! they will stand on their hind legs and take the whole thing! My naturalist friend in NY has had a time with them. Usually, Leave them alone and they will do likewise. Last year one bear tore off the window screens in Morgan County. DNR used to try to relocate them, but - don't think their policies allow this anymore. Doesn't hurt to have a loud air horn if you go walking in the wild though!

Good Day Everyone ☺

magpie said...

Yo Ho !!
A Three Sisters Gathering in Baltimore! Good for Ceil, Helen, and Mary Margaret ! ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

And thanks for the Hot News Flash about our Megan Lynn !!

Bring it next week.

And Wahoo - I see Just Vicky popped in this morning...come Back Vicky !!

magpie said...

Ha Ha - thought I didn't have much sound at OUR Nest, but heard the dogs barking a little while ago, and that loud muffler just now ! ☺

magpie said...

Man oh Man I wish I was retired !

Great day to go out and Play, and watch all the cams inside too

but I'm not and have to go to work in a few hours :(

Oh, well, Give Thanks for All Things - a helpful motto.....

magpie said...

Rough weather at the Loch of the Lowe's in Scotland, they are waiting on a hatch over there. Loch Garten looks like moisture on the cam, and there is a Goshawk nest with two babies in Scotland also. Chrissy is in heaven...and schitzy waiting on the hatch at Loch Lowe's

hedgie said...

oh no.....SUV into Dollar General store next to my Bill's business.....can't get him on cell...they said silver Blazer....his mom drives a silver Envoy---they look the same---sure hope it's not her, BUT.....considering her past history for a year or so, wouldn't surprise me if it was.

magpie said...

Holey Smokes Lynn ! -

Get back with any details...
Praying that all will be okay, no injuries...

Going next door to check on elderly neighbor lady, back in a little while.

magpie said...

praying that all will be okay - HOPING there are no injuries...

hedgie said...

Store employee injured, Margy, but don't hear any details yet. Captain called for a county building inspector....

magpie said...

Okay Lynn....this is serious business....wonder of the Captain is Dana's nephew Brian....? they have two fire captains, could be the other one...
or is it Captain 3-3 - that would be my old pal..

back in a few.....

hedgie said...

Didn't catch number, Margy! And sounded like Hedgesville AND 99 both made transports to ER at the same time, but not sure from where....never heard any transmission with MedCom or hospital prior to their arrivals at CHI. Cross talk makes it so hard to follow and so much traffic is walked on!

hedgie said...

Didn't realize that Brian was w/ Hedgesville....I was thinking he was with Bedington. Guess it would be a good sign for him to be back to least it would take his mind off of the sadness.

hedgie said...

"Command 30"..."go ahead Lieutenant"..."vehicle has been removed from building."

hedgie said...

31 back in service...command terminated...building turned back over to occupant.

hedgie said...

Hidey sure likes living on the edge. LOL! Breeze is picking up here....Hidey, get away from the rim!

hedgie said...

Apologies to bloggers for carrying on long conversation w/ Margy...should have done it in email! Mea culpa!!

hedgie said...

Will end by saying that it thankfully was NOT Bill's mother! Injured employee was my SIL's brothers' ex-wife.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lynn, that is going to be 30 lashes with a wet noodle! It is all good!

magpie said...

Lynn - I think you might be related to everyone in Berkeley County !! One way or the other...

Okay, hope all will be well, nothing too serious, and bldg turned back over to occupant: Bring on More Shoppers !

Thanks for the Blow-by-blow account.
☼ Hello Afternoon People ☼

magpie said...

Nice wing stretches by Miracle...I think our Eaglet is really enjoying this nice day, and maybe, a visitor near the cam branch ?

..heard a tell-tale noise....

magpie said...

I always find in amusing when eaglet scratches his/her head.

I cannot figure out which way to go, which pronoun, him or her...
Aaarrrrrrgh I aggravate myself with it !

magpie said...

My father would have been 100 years old today ☺

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow Margie, how long has he been gone?

magpie said...

He died in 1989 at the age of 80! Got a nice presidential birthday letter that year...from the First President George Bush....very nice

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He died the same year Andrew was born! Seems like my grandmother got a letter like that when she turned 90. She turned 90 in May (1997) and died that December. Two months later, our Mattie was born!

magpie said...

My father loved numbers and things, he would be interested in everything you just said, Sharon !

He's probably smiling about it NOW ☺...maybe with your Grandmother !

magpie said...

I hear sounds of children from the Day Care Center ♫ ♪ ☺

all things seem rather muted though, as though Master Volume might be turned down, but I ain't complaining!

magpie said...

Just had a quick look at Duke Farms, Hornby, Oklahoma, and
Delta 1 - all looks sunny and comfy on those nests. Okla and Duke farms chicks are big !

magpie said...

Need to start doing the get-ready-for-work things, including a little quiet time before heading out.

Will say Sayonara before I leave...

Happy Friday Afternoon Wishes everyone ! It's not too late to throw on a little RED for the Military

hedgie said...

Love that stick crosswise in the nest....reminds me of the balance beam...and guess that is exactly what Hidey is using it for...and probably why parent brought it in!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have a tie-dyed shirt on with red in it, does that count?

Does it not amaze you how these birds have such instinct and know they need to bring a bigger stick in for Hidey to strength her talons? Blows my mind!

magpie said...

It absolutely counts, Double E-S Even red underwear, socks, jewelry, hair pins, anything !

Balance beam...good thoughts on that, girls...☺

magpie said...

There are 53 pictures on the Momsters album from May 1 - showing some of our Eaglet and her parents antics....don't you all be shy about adding some ☺

I did put up Boris's web from overnight, but NO spider shots....

None, blotto, not a one ! Just the web....☺

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy...I don't wasnt to see any Boris shots!

LOL....Berkeley Co. relatives are through marriage only, Margy!

Sissy, just sent out request to White House for birthday greetings for my moms' 90th on June 18th....she probably won't like it being signed by Obama, but coming from the White House should make up for it, since she's also a DC native!

hedgie said...

Sorry, I MEANT Sharon!!!

magpie said...

Copy that Lynn !

Oh, how Hidey's White tail is developing !

magpie said...

Wow ! Squelch noise, cam went blue, then white, then - wow, hear buzzing bee very up close and personal! and saw it too... a dive-bomber...

hedgie said...

LOL...any reaction out of Hidey? I thought that he was responding to something like that earlier on Paula's video, but couldn't tell if the buzz I was hearing was a bee or the cam itself!

NatureNut said...

Finally got a minute to vist!!
Could Hidey get any closer to the edge??? At 2 o'clock. Just don't wingercise there in the wind! ☺

magpie said...

Howdy NatureNut...when you go Bon Voyage?

Hidey has been pulling cliff-hangers all day -

magpie said...

.. and ALL WEEK for that matter !

magpie said...

Okay - this is it, time to start my work week :(

Happy Friday Wishes to all.

Prayers for Wellness, Comfort, Safety and Joy - and Happy Wildlifing !

xo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Have a good shift, Margy...hope it's quiet!
Hi, Lowreeda!! How's everything at Pax River Park? Any word on the cam going onto the web???
Mits, Ceil and MM...hope you gals are having a good sister day! Don't know how MM and Mits will keep from laughing, so hope you've both taken your pain pills!

hedgie said...

WHERE IS HIDEY?????????????

hedgie said...

Whew, there he is....scared the heck out of me!

hedgie said...

Could he be branching already??

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is sitting on the edge as usual! I just finished dinner - morning and early afternoon was up at the funeral and family gathering.
Headed down into Frederick - looking for luggage for grad present. Will return and touch base in a few.......


Laynie said...

I hope that is Hidey in the blur on the bottom right??? Where is she??

Earlier today I saw her go to the highest area, right next to the camera, and then "fly" a little back into the nest.

hedgie said...

Really can see the white tip on his/her tail feathers.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hidey is a smidgen to the right of 12 o'clock.

For those of you who are new, you can barely see it but there is a a big branch of the tree that goes up at right about the 3 o'clock position, so when she is flapping right in that spot, she at least has the tree to hold her there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lynn, I think the white you are seeing on the tail are still the down feathers. Their heads and tails don't normally turn white until they reach maturity at 4 or 5, I think!?

hedgie said...

Laynie, (s)he is up at 12 position. Making like a tree trunk! Just finished preening tail feathers.

hedgie said...

Hey, Sharon, are you coming next Sat.? Saw that Thelma backed out.....we need at least one southern delegate!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have every intention of coming next weekend, me and Mattie and I am going to do my best to talk Thelma into it.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hidey sure is pining to get out of that nest!!

hedgie said...

If Mattie is a definite, I'll see if my granddaughter will come so they can pal together.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just finished cleaning my refrigerator! Now THAT is a lesson in humility for sure!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I can't get Mattie to commit to it! One minute she is, next she isn't!

hedgie said...

Can't wait to see y''s been 7 months!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lynn, which email do you use the most, AOL or Yahoo? I just sent you an email to the yahoo address.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The way Hidey is sitting with her wings spread out kind of reminds me of a man in a trench coat flashing somebody. I know, I know, I have a sick mind! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Another heart racing moment!

hedgie said...

Susan Hughes, a zoo volunteer cam operator and watcher , interviewed along w/ Lisa Stevens, the panda curator. Staff is on 24/7 watch with vacations canceled. Nesting behavior is evident. But no more definitive word than that. They had one really good shot of Mei throwing straw up over her back, which is a nesting behavior.

hedgie said...

Sharon, I mostly use aol address.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, just sent it to that address! :)

hedgie said...

Answered your mail on yahoo!!

hedgie said...

Aren't we a pair....chasing each other on email?! LOL!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got it and good! Bowling tonight and you will "pin" her down tomorrow. Cute! :)

hedgie said...

Heading for sofa for Jeopardy....hope Hidey settles down so I can stop having heart failure!

hedgie said...

Ha,ha,ha!!!! No pun intended....but you picked up on it!!! You are on the ball, girlfriend!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wish Hidey would go right under the camera and flap Boris right out of there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have buds on my tulip poplar. I still can't believe it bloomed all these years and I didn't notice it until last year. I wonder if they have to be a certain age before they start blooming???

I stopped out in the road today while walking to Sissy's and closed my eyes. God's music box is getting louder and prettier every day.

hedgie said...

I did it again, Sharon and you missed weren't on the BALL that time!!!

hedgie said...

Wonder where Wanda is today? And Lolly never did check in...maybe she stayed at Laurel's. Jo has sure had a long and busy day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My, my. Boris is fast!

Laynie said...

Ok.. so my guess is "Boris" is that rude spider??

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...