Wednesday, May 13, 2009


New thread.

We had our resident eagle expert take a look at the young eagle after we got calls about its unusual posture while lying down. After watching the bird, Joe thinks that it is ok. he suggests that if the bird is "pooping," it's likely healthy, so keep an eye.

I am heading out for northern Maine tomorrow for a week on the Allagash River. I'll preset some daily threads for the period that I am gone.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All!
Thanks for all those comments Steve and hope that your week is enjoyable!

I'll go to the other thread and let everyone know to come over.

Mits said...

thanks Jo, have a good trip Steve

Mits said...

funny I never noticed anything about Hidey looking unusual, looked normal to me.:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't notice anything either. Wonder who the calls were from?

Mits said...

and why would they bother them with calls.

Mits said...

Sharon, I did not see any plastic.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Whatever it was, she carried it across the nest to about the 6-7 o'clock position and was picking at it.

Mits said...

lol, wish she would do her practice flapping in the middle of the nest

normabyrd said...

PLEASE---TELL ME!---what's wrong with 'big bird'?

Mits said...

Mei cracks me up, when she brings a big bamboo stick into the den and then cuts it down to size

Mits said...

adult just flew into the nest

magpie said...

* Hi * -
I just got up to go visit the "loo" -
almost had heart failure watching that last wing action !

Friend says saw one adult and one juvenile bald eagle, down near Back Creek at McCoy's Ferry area here (a part of Hedgesville) -
this is a first that I know of.

Well, back to bed now. Catch you later.

Hi Everyone....and Bye again....

EAGLE UDDIES - I LOVE IT! HI ORMA, I MEAN NORMA ! XO ☺ Oh, there is the parent !

movin said...

Thanks for the thread, Steve. Thanks for the heads up, Mema Jo and Norma.

I've not noticed anything strange about the way Hidey has been behaving...???



Mits said...

poof out of the nest

movin said...

Atlanta's on cam, but not a sign of a Panda yet.



normabyrd said...

SLEEP TIGHT 'APIE'!!---I was trying to find out what was wrong with our BABY!----Had to go off & come back on --- got excited!!---ho!!

normabyrd said...

THANKS STEVE!---Don't worry!---I'll handle your job while you are on vacation!!---I have always told you----I WILL PAY YOU to have your job!! --- ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!!

Mits said...

nothing is wrong with Big Bird Norma, she is fine

Mema Jo said...

Maybe it is because we called Hidey a
I have never noticed that she had anything wrong with her posture.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEMA JO!---I think I have said hello to everyone else!!---I don't have study group this am---so I am good till lunch!---ho!

Mits said...

I know she likes to stretch:)

Mema Jo said...

Smudge (condensation I guess) on the Hornby lens. Little Hope hoping around with Mon/Dad.

Mema Jo said...

BWE cam adjustment really lets you see the left edge of the nest! That's cool

Mema Jo said...

I do have lunch with past co-workers today! I best be getting it all together.

Mits said...

Chess and Chop did a good job of adjusting the cam

normabyrd said...

I thought CHESS had fledged yesterday??---

Mits said...

she did, Norma, but I'm sure she has not gone to far from nest, they were both sleeping in it last night

Mits said...

Mei has the itchies this a.m.

normabyrd said...

The PA PEREGRINE FALCON CHICKS are alone at the site!!---Very hard to see them!---wish we could have a larger pic!!!---But it's COOL to see them in mass!!---ho!

hedgie said...

Morning all!
I haven't noticed anything strange aobut Hidey's posture or anything....wonder who these callers were....and why nothing was ever mentioned even a note from someone at NCTC asking us to watch/look for something particular....???? Very strange.
Cool about the eagle spotting at McCoy's Ferry, Margy.....when shall we make a trip down the road??
Sorry, Mits, that you didn't sleep well...couldn't get comfortable because of pain????

normabyrd said...

LARRY'S LOON---sitting sideways on the nest!---She is doing a lot of head turning!!---SUCH AN AWESOME BIRD!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!---Wonderful you live close to MAGPIE!---she seems to know where to find all sorts of beautiful creatures & flowers!!

Mits said...

sorta, Lynn, just could not get comfy

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---Forgot to ask---do you know if DANA is home & if she is feeling better!!

Mits said...

the callers could have come on the blog and asked us.

normabyrd said...

I think the camera person at the ATLANTA ZOO --- must be asleep on the job!---Would so love to get just one GOOD LOOK!---ho!---Then I am hooked again!!

hedgie said...

How cool that Chessie has fledged! Time is racing on and it won't be long before all the eaglets are soaring high!

Mits said...

Norma, pretty sure Atlanta does not have a cam person, think when the keepers have time, they move the cams

normabyrd said...

STORK sitting alone on the nest!---Expecting first hatching May 24th--Last time I saw her standing---I saw 2 eggs---but probably more now!!

normabyrd said...

YEP!---HEDGIE---Won't be long---All these nests will be empty---

hedgie said...

No idea about Dana, Norma. Think the baby's funeral is today. Imagine we'll hear from in tomorrow.
Someone was asking about Wanda's knee---she just got another injection...not really disabling in any way---sore for a couple of days but then much relief.

Costume Lady said...

It looks like none of us on here noticed anything unusual about Hidey. It must have been a call from the same person who thought that eagles have a 16ft. wing span!:)

Norma,my knee is great! Taking GeeGee shopping shortly...couldn't have done this with the "Old Knee"!
One of these days I will get a REALLY NEW KNEE...but don't have time to do it now:(

Mits said...

roflmbo, Wanda

Mits said...

turkey at snowman cam

hedgie said...

Fixing a fried egg sandwich for brunch. Gotta head out early this afternoon for eye apptmt. Will be blind for a few hours....don't do well with the dilation. Daughter meeting me and we'll kill time until I can see to drive home.

Mits said...

turkeys at pix too.

Mits said...

kestrel babes alone

normabyrd said...

lunch date---later!

paula eagleholic said...

Might have been a newbie eagle watcher or two...remember how we thought something was wrong when they were laying down...then we learned it was normal...

paula eagleholic said...

Have a great week Steve..thanks for taking care of us!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Chessie fledged...they are pretty advanced!

Oh, and Hope got the lens at HI with a poop shoot!

hedgie said...

Any word from Nightengale on Goldilocks, Mits? Love those monikers!!! Hope both had a good night.

Lolly said...

Good morning Paula, Norma, Mits, Lynn and Wanda! Miss any one? Jo?

Have read the paper, drinking my coffee.

So glad we all had the same thoughts about Hidey. I was thinking "WHAT?"

Lolly said...

Very windy at the nest. Wonder...did Megan have frost this morning?

Lolly said...

Wish Hidey would not get on the very edge of the nest to do those hops and wing flaps!! Especially on windy days!

GA-GIRL said...

OMG, my heart just fell. Hidey 'flew' from one side to the other edge... OH MY WHEW....

Lolly said...

Hope really did a number on the lens at HI. She just got a good brunch! I am late eating my breakfast so guess, I best go eat.


Mits said...

just talked to MM and Ceil, things are going ok, said she felt better yesterday than today....

hedgie said...

Not too unexpected....anesthesia is all out of her system now!!

Mits said...

yep, Lynn that is what I told her

Mits said...

good Lord, mom just pulled XL down from the tee-pee, and dumped him on the floor

hedgie said...

That wasn't very mice of XL!
Well, I will talk to you fine fowl friends later. Think it's going to be a longer outing than planned. Going to have to take eldest daughter to ER after eye apptmt. Her Dr. can't fit her in---dumb child (almost 37!!) got a stupid tattoo on her foot 10 days ago, and now it's either infected or she's having some kind of allergic reaction. Would like to say it serves her right, but I won't! Duh! TTFN.

Mits said...

zip the lip, Lynn

deb said...

I have read this thread, but haven't caught up on the old one yet. Need to grab some lunch.

GA-GIRL said...

Hey ya'll, need some help here. On the Hancock site under Delta 1, it says the nest was damaged this past winter. They is an eagle sitting on the nest.Reported one egg rolled out.. Can someone tell me what is likely to happen here?? the nest looks sooo small. I dont want to watch if trouble is expected...tx

deb said...

Wow, that is a small nest, isn't it? I haven't watched that nest before. Hopefully someone else can help you out. I will check with the Maine forum and see what they say.

deb said...

What a surprise to see two eggs!! I wonder if the previous report of an egg falling out of the nest was really accurate. Oh well, since we know the egg/s were laid at least by Saturday, April 4, that would make the first egg due to hatch around May 9th, with the 2nd egg around the 11th or 12th. We've been told that Ma Delta 1 was sitting on the nest at least a day before we spotted her there. So we'll be looking for eggs as early as next Friday, the 8th!! Stay tuned!!

Then, I also read that one egg has hatched and the second is in process of hatching.

deb said...

That is the info I got at the Maine forum. There is a rehab center about 2 blocks away! I wonder if this is close to the Delta nest we watched last year. I think it was called Delta 2.

GA-GIRL said...

I have watched it a couple of times. When I tuned in today.A parent was just beginning to sit down and I think I saw a fuzzy little head. But there is a stick there and lots of, what looks like feathers around the nest. So I cant be sure. I am going to watch it awhile longer. Thanks for the info

deb said...

Back to work for me.

GA-GIRL said...

Dad flew in a few ago. The landing was very shakey and didnt stay but a min.There isnt much room for two.Mom didnt budge. He 'disturbed' some straw there and she had to 'arrange' everything.. that was fun to watch!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just saw something in the upper left hand corner of our cam. Don't know if maybe a parent is there or not.

GA-GIRL said...

HELLOOOOO where did everyone go???

Mits said...

Nest Cam - San Jose

The San Jose eyasses will be banded on Friday, 5/15, starting around 7:30 AM. We anticipate that there will be large numbers of people viewing during this time which may result in server overload. If you have problems viewing please try again in a few minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Which will be 10:30a.m. east coast time

GA-GIRL said...


Ms Bookworm said...

GOOD AFTERNOON, GA-GIRL, is it just you and me? I think Deb had to go back to work, but will be back later tonight. My, looks like one of the parents dropped some food off for Hidey! She sure is being vocal-- one of the parents must be above her in the tree. Looks like she's going to work on that fish all by herself. I haven't had time to catch up on all the blogs, but I noticed earlier that someone thought Hidey wasn't acting normally. She's looked fine to me! Always has liked to sprawl in the nest, with one foot stretched out. Seems to be totally normal for this character! Nothing wrong with Hidey's appetite, that's for sure. Sorry I haven't been on the blog as much lately-- having to look for a job. Boy, it's getting REALLY windy there at the nest! Hope Hidey doesn't flap those wings too much. Makes me crazy. How are you, GA-Girl? Seen any new songbirds in your neighborhood lately? I'm keeping an eye on the black-crowned night herons in our huge ficus tree in the back yard. Sounds like a Pterodactyl convention! They go fishing at night, and then sleep almost all day. They've had a few "discussions" with the Goshawks nesting in our front yard tree, but so far have decided to coexist. My mockingbirds have been near a nervous breakdown over both of those families, poor things. Constant alarm calls all over this end of the neighborhood! Never a dull moment. Well, think I'll grab a little lunch-- be back shortly. Take care! (Hidey, don't forget to chew your food well!) :o]

GA-GIRL said...

wow, i was beginning to think this site had turned into a ghost town, we mostly have red birds. bunches of them, we have some finches from time to time and a couple of years ago we had indigo bunting. i was just on line trying to find out how to attract the bunting and finches again. there is so much building going on in our area. i have a hard time getting hummers to stay.. they just fly by..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just had a beautiful oriole fly over the house. You have to look up to see orioles cause they like to stay up high.

RRA said...

Whats wrong the eagle, she was active last night hopping around testing her wings????????

Mits said...

she's resting after are the hopping around today

Mema Jo said...

Well, like Steve quoted Joe "If the bird is Pooping, it's likely healthy!"
And that is what I just saw - One healthy Poop Shoot!
Our Hidey is good to go!

Mema Jo said...

Hidey is still working on removing those Soft White Downy feathers on her breast.

Mits said...

practing wing flaps

Mema Jo said...

Hello RRA and Welcome!
Hidey seems to be showing off for you
with all her wing exercises and jumping!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! I went out to lunch with friends and blew my carb count! Oh but it was good Chinese sesame chicken & rice.

Mema Jo said...

Checking on Mei. Panda napping.

Mits said...

was just going to ask how lunch was....

Mits said...

egg turning at BWO

Mits said...

she plopped back down on the eggs

Mits said...

WW bluebirds have hatched.

Mema Jo said...

I don't see the dud egg in the OK nest anymore.

Mema Jo said...

The bluebirds must hatch all at one time!

Takes the heron cam a while to open but
they are there!

Osprey still incubating eggs.

Mits said...

I've noticed, alot of the WW take a long time to download

Mits said...


deb said...

I am home. My sister decided it was time to update the family info and I have been working on that. Not sure why it has to be done this week, but I am almost there.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb - Hope your day at work went well
I need to go to get some photos processed and some grad. cards!

I'll check back in when I return.


Mits said...

hidey sounds like she knows a parent is nearby.....

Mits said...

I think she may be a tad hungry

Mits said...

here come the geese

deb said...

Yes, Jo, it was a good day at work. A lot of logical thought involved, so that makes it easy for me! At first I was worried I would be bored, then I was a little overwhelmed on the systems you have to use, now I am okay with just about everything. I still don't know why there are so many different systems, one that was all inclusive would be logical to me!

Mits said...

arrrggghhh, Caps are already down 2 to 0

Bibee said...

Hey to all! Have surely missed you and that little birdie of ours. I have been without power since Friday, May 8th. Been going stir crazy here. Someone tell me all the news about our animals. Did we get a new panda cub? Has Hidey left the nest? What else is new? Please let me know. I am so glad to have power again.

Mits said...

I cannot keep our nest up, when I want to watch the panda cam

Mits said...

Hi, B, Hidey won't fledged for another 4 weeks, no panda cub yet

deb said...

No Panda cub, it is too early for Hidey to leave the nest--that won't happen for a couple more weeks!

Mits said...

you are a very logical person Deb, and they are lucky to have you

deb said...

At eight weeks, the appetites of the young birds are at their greatest. While parents hunt almost continuous to feed them, back at the nest the eaglets are beginning to stretch their wings in response to gusts of wind and may even be lifted off their feet for short periods.

deb said...

At three or four weeks, this eaglet is covered in its secondary coat of gray down. In another two weeks or so, black juvenile feathers will begin to grow in. While downy feathers are excellent insulators, they are useless as air foils, and must be replaced with juvenile feathers before an eaglet can take its first flight, some 10 to 13 weeks after hatching.

Mits said...

Tai Shan is honking, have never really heard him doing that, he is getting to be a big boy

Mits said...

off to eat some dinner...bbl.

Mits said...

never mind that is Tian Tian...honking

Mits said...

was wondering why the voice sounded so deep, then checked the cam #

deb said...

Sometimes too logical--today they had us searching for info and said be detailed. I got to laughing at myself, I searched for what to do for Mrs. Smith by name, the person in the example. Of course, then I had to confess what I had done, because everyone wanted to know why I was laughing. At least it lightened the mood. Some of the trainees are making it too hard.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - Some Hallmark greeting cards can really be high priced! I'd rather give that amount within a gift!

magpie said...

Incoming Parent !

magpie said...

Outgoing Parent !

magpie said...

Hi Mema:

You got that right! Prices went up on those as well as food and everything else!

magpie said...

Baby Eaglet looks precious lying down the way he is. Or she is.

magpie said...

The nights sounds precede the night light...

little eaglet whimpers, needs a parent back to comfort

Hi Everyone

magpie said...

Your work stories are entertaining, Deb -
sure you can lighten up ANY crowd !

magpie said...

Nice story on the life of Betty Puleston :

Long Island Advance Excerpt

Mema Jo said...

I got caught up in a TV show hubby wanted me to see if I liked. It's ok but not too worth my valuable time! lol
I'll be watching Criminal Minds at 9:00.

If I have a 42 cent stamp on some cards
how many more cents do I need to add? I am too electronic minded in sending ecards!

magpie said...

Two More Cents, Jo...

magpie said...

I can send you some if you need them! ☺

Mema Jo said...

I only need a few and can get them from the post office just across the street.

magpie said...

Geese, Crows, Cardinals...and Spidey Web gracing the site tonight !
And Hidey too of course ♥

magpie said...

One Mema, One Magpie, and a lot of wind also !

magpie said...

Going over to Momsters album to add a few daily pictures.
Back in a little while.

Mits said...

light at Finney's nest 3:37a.m.

Mits said...

dawn breaking at Finland nest....Finney's must be farther east

deb said...

I just got sad news from some friends I made during the Osprey project--they were just here and we had dinner together. Their daughter in Lincoln, NE, had an aneurysm on Saturday and passed away on Tuesday. How horrible for them.

I feel so bad for them. From what I gathered she had a tough life and had recently straightened herself out, Sondra had told me how proud they were of her for making those changes. She had returned to college and would have graduated with her Masters in December.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, Deb, that is so sad! My heart goes out to her family. It is so hard when somebody goes through really tough things in their life, come through to the other side and getting a better life and then that happens! That truly sucks!

Mits said...

oh Deb, that is so TRAGIC, will often up many prayers for your friend of my best friends, daughter had a miscarriage the other day it would have been her 1st baby.....prayers for your friends

Bibee said...

Which stork came do you all watch? Speaking of stamps- I bought over 200 of the forever stamps the other day.

deb said...

And for yours, Helen. I don't even know how to find them in Lincoln, other than their cell phone. They are permanent RV'ers and just have a PO box for an address.

magpie said...

So very sad, both Deb, and Mits, for your friends. I am so sorry for the families, and share your prayers for them. Also, prayers for you too, for strength and comfort in receiving this news and to be there for your friends. Hope you can find a way to make contact, Deb.

deb said...

Margie, I can get with them through cell and
e-mail. I just would like to send something to the house and the only address I have for them is their PO Box that forwards mail to wherever they are. I will call them tomorrow and let them have tonight for family.

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes words just can't come to mind when such sad news is told. Prayers and faith is what gets me through these happenings. Death of children is the hardest thing for me to accept. I really can't imagine the heartbreaking feelings that would be experienced.
Prayers for all of you - Deb, Mits, Dana
and all the immediate families.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - you could send your friends one of your very special Osprey pictures as a
good memory & for them to know they are in your thoughts!

Mema Jo said...

Bibee - we lost your question - sorry!

I haven't been watching the storks - I think Lynn has. Go to
and check out the Stork links - NOTICE that they are all in darkness right now.

Link to Storchennest - one I used to watch

Mema Jo said...

Big Time Raccoon Party in the PA woods

deb said...

That is a good idea, Jo. Sondra loves to take pictures and receive pictures.

Mits said...

or make a donation to maybe Mary and her work with osprey

Mits said...

bear cubbie at snowman cam

Mits said...

Capitols lost 6-2:(

Lolly said...

Hi all! Watching Amer.Idol while keeping an eye on a few cams.

Mema Jo said...

I am reading about Vitamin D
I need some more of it in my body...

magpie said...

Yes, Deb and Jo - sometimes a personal thing like a picture and the touch and sight of someone's handwriting can mean so much.
May God's comfort and blessings help to bring strength for the loss and the grieving. So many, in need these last few weeks, months, and forever, really.

Mema Jo said...

I missed the bear cube at Snowman

I'll keep checking - I bet he'll return with the rest of his family...

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! I see that little cub!

Lolly said...

Deb, my heart goes out to your friends, How tragic and so totally unexpeced. Prayers for her family to find comfort.

magpie said...

Good Night Every One. Hope comfort and peace will ease the sadness and illness there is amongst us. God Bless Us, Every One. xo ♥

Mits said...

hope I don't remember this episode of Criminal Minds the next time I ride the Red Line of the Meto.

hedgie said...

Evening all. Long day. ER visit was 3 1/2 hrs.+ and then wait at CVS for Rx. Staph infection in her foot.

New glasses on order. No change in cataract, no glaucoma or macular degeneration!

Bibee, I seem to be having trouble w/ some of the stork cams...of course, it's dark now...will check them out tomrorrow and see what's up. Here is link to one of the stork cams:

AktionPfalzStorch Cam

Lolly said...

I worked in the yard this afternoon. Tomorrow I go to Denton to babysit. Daughter and SIL have a dinner to go to. Friday morning I get to play "Mommy" and go to a Mother's Day Tea with Jacob. Poor Laurel can not get away from school to go. I'll spend the nite with them and come on home after the "Tea".

hedgie said...

Deb and Mits, prayers and condolences for your friends. So very sad.

Lolly said...

Sorry your daughter has that infection Lynn. Also, glad your cataract has not grown. I had the very same eye report this week. I hate to have my eyes dialated, but for some reason Monday it was not as bad as usual. I drove home with less problem seeing and it wore off quicker. Wonder why?

Mema Jo said...

I was reading Lisa's remarks over on the
BWE log She has the link to one of my most favorite videos of the White-tailed eagle's branching and then first flight.

Link to ARKive from BWE Eagle Cam Web Log

magpie said...

I'm pulling a Margy :

Lynn was waiting to see you return, good report for you, tough stuff for the daughter.

Good Night again, and Ceil and Mary Margaret:
Hope things are going okay at YOUR ROOST xo

Again, prayers for all for wellness and comfort, hope Dana is doing okay, very tough couple of days for her and her family.

Mits said...

I remember that video, Jo, one of my all-time faves

hedgie said...

Too bad for the Caps. Thought maybe it would be their year.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Went to son's for dinner, had a nice evening...have to go pay bills now.

Sorry I haven't been on very much, I've had some changes at work, and am working out of 2 different locations I am basically off the computer all afternoon. That plus trying to get Mom's estate in order has kept me busy in the evenings.

Will try to catch up later.

hedgie said...

Saw two geese browsing in the grass at pics, with a lovely (NOT) guardrail in the background. Will try to crop and will post tomorrow.

Mits said...

ferry going by

Lolly said...

Great video, Jo. Enjoyed it, thanks. Did it land in water?

hedgie said...

Lolly, I lucked dilation. Dr. said that dilation is rarely necessary anymore. Instruments have become so very sophiticated that dilation only is used for very specific reasons...and cataracts and glaucoma aren't any of the reasons! Suited me just fine!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Margy. Are you off tonight?

Mema Jo said...

MITS - has MM gotten her appetite yet?
I hope she is comfortable - few days after surgery are not so great as we all know.

Paula - we will be right here when you get all caught up. Take care.

Mits said...

her friends are bringing food to the house.........

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - not sure about the Swimming Eagle. They just assume it was taken when he landed unsuccessfully and missed the tree.
I think there are more videos on YouTube of eagles in the water swimming.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it a Good day!

Good Night All
Peace to you and yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said

(((hugs))) ♥

Lolly said...

That is interesting Lynn. Will be glad when my eye comes up with that as well. I have a cataract in my left eye and they have to check carefully for the macular degeneration as my Mother had it.

Lolly said...

Nite Jo! Sweet dreams!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Everyone.
Steve, have a great trip!

Haven't been on here today. I never noticed anything unusual about Hidey. We watched Idol after dinner. BOO--my fave got canned.
And BOO--Caps lost.

Costume Lady said...

Lowreeda, Danny was my fav too!
While I have you on here...I sent you a sympathy card and It was returned to me due to incomplete address. I will remail tomorrow. So sorry ....just got in too big a hurry and didn't put town or state.

hedgie said...

Bibee, were you without power due to the flooding? That's was alot of days without it! Hope the flooding damage itself did not affect you.

hedgie said...

Danny was my fav, too, Wanda and Lowreeda (love that misnomer!!). His backgorund story was so bittersweet.

deb said...

I just talked to Mary. She asked me if I lost a lens cap, yes I did! (figured it was in her car or Roger's) I asked her if she lost a cap, yes she had!

We are pathetic. I don't think we go many trips with out leaving something in each other's vehicle.

Lolly said...

Welcome to the club, Deb. Has nothing to do with being pathetic! More like...human! LOL

Mits said...

Deb, that is why I have 10,000 reading glasses all over the house:)

deb said...

The bad thing is we know we usually forget stuff, so we double check and still miss things! Oh well, we get to laugh at ourselves after every car ride. :)

Nice to know we aren't alone!

SC Eagle Lover said...

Hi all, was just watching Delta 1 cam and mom stood up to stretch. Saw two little balls of gray down flopping around and raising their heads a little. Someone today was wondering if there were babies under there. I saw two - may be old news but someone asked earlier.

NatureNut said...

Had to check Snoman --no bear I don't think--one small dark animal w/long tail. Racketty coon I guess.
Gonna catch some news....

Thoughts and prayers for all those enduring sadness at this time.

paula eagleholic said...

Delta nest is the same one as last year, I believe.

Deb- sorry about your friends daughter, that's a shame.

And Mits, sorry for your friends daughter also.

Ouch, Caps really lost!

Lolly, that's nice you are able to do those things w/ your grandkids when your kids can't attend.

Margy pulling a Margy, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, I am finding 10,000 pairs of reading glasses at my Mom's house....and scissors, too!

Mits said...

your Mom and I must have been related:), Paula

Lolly said...

Never can you have enough scissors!

Mits said...

Bluebirds still on view at WW

Mits said...

I use them to cut up my old reading glasses.......kidding:)

Lolly said...

Ferry is here! Hop aboard! OK nest is getting storms again. Poor OK!

Mits said...

was just watching the App-Art opsrey cam, perch view, osprey in the nest and one on the perch and a jet plane flew by, and boy are those osprey loud...

Costume Lady said...

It seems to me that we must ALL be related on here. We all have the same diseases, some worse than others!:) I think that is why we feel so close because we understand each other. I is good to know that you are not alone in your shortcomings!

Took GeeGee shopping today and she found one pair of black slacks that fit her to a T and a pretty sage green 2 piece top. Went to Golden Corrall for dinner. Nice day!


Mits said...

good night Wanda, hold the door open, I'm right behind you....good night everyone.

deb said...

Me three! Night everyone,

hedgie said...

And I'm following!!! Sleep well everyone. Prayers for all. I am so thankful that I have all of you in my life....agree with Wanda that we MUST be related!! Everyone is so supportive. I've said it before and don't mind repeating, that finding you all saved my life! Thank you, dear people. Goodnight.

paula eagleholic said...

Me two or three or four...

Hugs to all ♥

Lolly said...

Wait....wait.....I going too! Eyes keep closing sitting here!

Ditto to the all above! You all are the greatest.....caring and loving. God bless all of you!

Good night all! Sweet dreams!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle lovers everywhere!! Birds are singing outside, it is a beautiful day!! Hidey is getting her exercise in this morning. It is not for lack of want to that she isn't flying. I think she will be fledging pretty soon, maybe while ya'll are there for your nest visit. Wouldn't that be a hoot! I hate I am not gonna get to come, but IT IS WHAT IT IS!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!----It is partly cloudy-- grey skies--temp is 57°--here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!---Our FAVORITE 'EAGLET' is awake & wide eyed this am!!---sounds a bit windy in her nest!----Rain & thunder showers predicted this am!!----BIRDS ARE SINGING---flowers blooming --- It is a wonderful am to be alive!!---Let us all sing & dance on this GLORIOUS am----Wishing STEVE & family a wonderful vacation!!!---ENJOY THIS DAY EVERY ONE!!--LIFE IS GOOD!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SISSY!----WHOA!!---That would be just too cool!! ho!

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...