Wednesday, February 20, 2008


New thread.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 384 of 384
normabyrd said...

MEGAN---We have passed 2in.----Still SNOWING!---

movin said...

ZZ seems to be descending from her napping area.



deb said...

We are all too trusting, I clicked on Jon, but computer stopped it for me. I just finished watching a news conference from Cottonwood, MN. That is where the tragic bus accident happened yesterday. Two brothers, 9 and 13, one girl, 9 and one boy 12. It is so hard on the community and on the officials who responded.

movin said...

PH pair still building.

Single female on nest at WE now.

Nobody at Twin Rocks yet.



movin said...

I didn't click on "Jon" before the warnings came... what did Win XP tell you??



movin said...

Now both eagles off the PH nest.



deb said...

I don't have Windows XP, but it came up and said not to open it and then it shut down. It looked like it was trying to download something. It may have shut down since I don't have XP.

movin said...

You've gotta see ZZ now!!



paula eagleholic said...

Don't click on his blog either.....

Not sure if he is a spammer or loading a virus onto your system

deb said...

The last little hummer just tried to take off.

deb said...

He is trying hard to fly, he won't be there much longer.

movin said...

Just saw the second Hummer chick hovering a little way from the nest. Is that a fledge?



paula eagleholic said...

BTW - That is why it is good to read the blog from the bottom up after you refresh! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle turned our nest...

paula eagleholic said...

I sent blogger an email about our spammer/virus guy. Hopefully they will remove this one.

deb said...

I looked for a way to report that Jon comment, but didn't find one. The only thing I saw was how to report objectionable blogs, not comments. There must be a way to do it, so I will keep searching.

deb said...

Thanks, Paula, I was just reading how to do that!

deb said...

First hummer baby is back!

floralgirl said...

Oh my gosh- that nest is gonna collapse, those babies are too big

Danelle said...

Both hummingbirds back in nest!

Mema Jo said...

It is time for our eagle to do a
"shake off"!

Zoomers at NBG are looking around big time. The slideshows are great pics.
I just hope they have searched the grounds original female in case injured. Anyone know?

deb said...

The eagles in Maine are vocal right now. There was one in the nest for a short time.

deb said...

They had people out with binoculars quite a few times trying to figure out what was going on. They were searching for all the eagles involved.

deb said...

Eagle back in Maine.

Danelle said...

Hey everyone! Burrowing owl is out!

Mema Jo said...

Feeding at Tesoro

BC MT nest

Around the noon hr the Fort St. Vrain Station, Platteville, CO eagles were at their nest.
All owls sleeping
Saw 2 Burrowing owls yesterday outside their burrow......

Mema Jo said...

He is a fat little guy isn't he?

Mema Jo said...

Deb Tell me on the photo I just sent to your email that you can see 2 owls-one on the right very visible & one on the left up against the burrow. I hope I am not wishfully seeing things.

deb said...

I saw two owls also. I will look again to make sure.

deb said...

Jo, I enlarged it and even though it is fuzzy, I am quite sure the one on the left is an owl and not something in the dirt. If you look at today's live cam I think there are two again, one on top and one fight in the entrance. I will watch and see if it moves.

deb said...

Never mind, I think it is dirt in today's picture.

floralgirl said...

Jo-check out the new pics they posteed under 2008 on Norfok cam site- original female returns- they are thinking the original female visited this am, right before the new female did.

IrisF said...

My Goodness, Norfolk could end up with a situation like West End... Two females and one male??? Wouldn't that be something to try to explain to your classroom full of kids?

However, I agree with Mit's husband - it is what it is!!!

movin said...

Someone is "zooming" and testing the PH/SC cam right now.



IrisF said...

No one asked for our approval either.

movin said...

Both Hummer chicks are back on the nest ... temporarily.

Check the BW male leaning into the wind at BWO nest.

ZZ is playing in the mud and whatever on the ground today.



Mema Jo said...

Megan, I did go through all of those. I wonder if they'll ever know for certain if it was her... At least they know it wasn't the new female & they could probably tell it was our old female from her size compared to the male.
Anyway - I was being too human in my thoughts watching the slides of the original female return to her nest!

I am wondering if the new female will pick the old nest or the new nest or will want a totally new nest of her own!... this will be interesting to watch.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Did you see that eagle of ours
spread those wings and flip that
snow right off! Egg Roll....

Mema Jo said...

Can't find the fluff!!

Mema Jo said...

OK tomorrow sunshine in the am & that should dry out the nest BUT then
more snow, sleet & freezing rain on Friday & maybe Saturday that we have to get through to get to Sunday with temps up in the 40's........

Say prayers for Belle & Liberty!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Steve gave that nasty virus guy the boot!

Thank You!

paula eagleholic said...

With 3 you get agg roll!

paula eagleholic said...

Darn it - EGG ROLL! :)

deb said...

One eagle in Maine nest.

deb said...

They are talking to each other.

deb said...

Gone again. I thought they both might visit the nest. Thanks, Steve, for getting rid of Jon.

Jill said...

Glad Jon is gone. I didn't see the link and I am glad. Took me 1 hour 15 minutes to get to Hagerstown. Hour was on the interstate. Then coming back it looked clear so I got on. 5 miles later I got off and came down 11. The roads aren't bad, it's the stupid people flying down them that cause a problem.

Mema Jo said...

lol I was reading your remark Paula and trying to figure out "With 3 you get agg roll!" I was relating it to JON's punishment if he did that for the third time! lol
I didn't take your earlier advice to

Read last comment first after

Mema Jo said...

DEB Do you have a pic for our album of snow covered eagle or of the shake off? I have some others of the recent egg roll but would want yours in first.

deb said...

No, I don't, I have been in and out so haven't seen everything happen.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - I found a pic of our snow covered bird. That Maine forum is really on the ball!!!

glo said...

MeMa Jo there are a couple of pictures of our snow covered bird on the forum under obsevations.

glo said...

Is the snow letting up there any yet. Gosh I surely hope so. I do NOT find snow pretty at all anymore this year BUT especially in Shepherdstown.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is starting to get pretty white in Bluefield now.

deb said...

My maine cam, just went to black and white.

deb said...

I don't have your webcam on this computer, Sharon, can you give the url.

Both baby hummers were practicing flying. Eagle at BC.

Mema Jo said...

I just found them GLO & I also read your SNOW REMARKS! I'll add some pics of the first Shake Off & Egg Roll to maybe make you feel a little better.


and pray hard for our 3 eggs' safety under the awesome wings of their parents.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Deb, that is the link but it is not showing the picture for me. Let me know if you can get it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, so I guess I am out of the loop. When did we start going to different pages on the blog?

movin said...

All 3 IWS cams are up now, and they are looking pretty clear....



deb said...

I got the site, no picture for me either, so it must be down. Thank you.

I checked and I didn't go black and white, I went to infrared at Maine. Cool, know we can watch at night.

movin said...

Talk to you all later. Have a nice day.



Jill said...

Sharon I believe it was late last week we started dividing pages. Every 200 we get a new page. We are still getting used to it.

Jill said...

I believe the snow has stopped for now. Tomorrow night into Friday is going to be much worse. Hope they are ready.

wvgal_dana said...

I got back from errands. Town is a mess with tractor trailers due to accident on I 81. Been home about 1 1/2 had to catch up on comments. Wow a lot since this morning. Thank you all. Kept me up-to-date.

Snow has laid on Rt 11 and other back roads as I came home. Terrible backups.

I said on the Norfolk blog this morning. "That is the original Mom in the nest". When they were saying that was DAD in nest. "Way back pages on there they had said Dad's white was straight under chin and Mom (originial) was uneven under chin. Then later the 4 yr. female flew into nest. Seems I got that one right. I said what do I know lol

Jill said...

I came down 11 on the way back from the vets because of traffic, Brad came down 81 about 1/2 hour later and it was fine. People just can't drive. Instead of slowing down they see how fast they can go.

glo said...

LOL OK MeMa Jo Thanks. I don't like the snow there. AND I especially do NOT like to see Jills comments about Fri oH NO. Make it all just go away. It is time for spring.

Mema Jo said...

Hey Now - Eagle-Eyed Sharon

I don't believe that you missed
seeing something! loL

One evening we noticed it happening when we hit 200 comments. We see Oldest-Older or we see Newest-newer.
We assume if we reach 400 that 401 would create a new page.
It just happened one day - no forewarning whatsoever!I guess they know we can figure out anything!!!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Dana & Jill
We are glad you both got home safely.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And egg cup looked good and dry!

IrisF said...

Why is our picture time 6 minutes off??? or is it my computer time that is off. I seem to match the BW cam and the Norfolk cam with time, but not NCTC. Anyone else have this?

Mema Jo said...

Iris - I'm right with you! I don't bother changing my computer's time.

The cam has always been behind my time

IrisF said...

well, it is a relief to know that I'm not the only one Jo...Thanks

wvgal_dana said...

I don't bother changing my computer time either. I'll just get to some other cam and it would be different if I changed.

Yep Jill people can't just slow down. Rt 11 is 45mph I was going 40mph and this guy just had to ride my bumper.

wvgal_dana said...

They are showing through the limbs on the Norfolk cam an eagle sitting on a limb.

wvgal_dana said...

Ours is tucked in with head over back awwwwww warming blankie please

Mema Jo said...

Link to Pictures of the Day in the Eaglet Momster photo album

Jill said...

Dana when they ride my rear like that I just slow down more til they back off. They get the hint real quick.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Eagle was on his way home from Hagerstown when he also was delayed due to the I81 wreck. It took him 1 hour to get from Williamsport to Martinsburg on route 11. There was no snow on the roads, just wet. You don't travel 70mph when the roads are wet! We have traveled many highways in the Eagle Express and I81 seems to be the most dangerous and has the most stupid drivers!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Jo for the PHOTOS OF THE DAY. I can't keep up any more and those LINKS really help out. SHARON. I loved the photo of Belle and Lib "beak to beak" and the line up of the 3 eggs like bowling balls, I believe, by Deb. Thanks Ladies.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good evening eagle momsters and dadsters. I don't like seeing that snow on the nest and hearing that it might be worse on the weekend. Poor Liberty and Belle. Maybe this weekend will be the last storm they have to get through. Let's all hope.

carolinabeachmom said...

I have the hummer nest up and those birds have about wrecked their nest.. I read where one fledged yesterday, but there are two of them still in the nest today. They are something else.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA You must be getting excited about your upcoming trip to Vegas. Lucky duck. I hope you have a safe and fun time.

paula eagleholic said...

I see a snow-less eagle with his head tucked under his wing...

carolinabeachmom said...

Did I read where we had a problem on the blog today with a JON. I have been worrying about something like this happening as we get new people coming on. Isn't it a shame that it has to be like that.

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Has it finally stopped snowing up at the nest? I just wish I could come up there and hold an umbrella over the nest for the time being. They just have to have a family this year.

Costume Lady said...

HI CANDY, Are you still water logged? There will be a break in the weather for a day or so before we get another front coming through. That will give Belle and Lib a bit of a breather before they have to batten down the hatches again. They will be just fine.

Mema Jo said...

I-81 Allows large trucks in the left lane (which to most of us is the Fast lane) Well I remember the whole way thru PA when driving up to NY I had those semi's by my side!

Costume Lady said...

The snow has stopped here. We got about 1 inch is 24° right now, going down to 16° tonight. 34° tomorrow with a wintry mix on Friday.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes WANDA our standing water has sunk in in most places here now. I'll take it any day over the snow!!!!

Both eagles at the PH nest looking around, doing a little nestoration and such. They look like they are getting ready to start. Sure hope their chick makes it this year and doesn't get hit by a car.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Candy, I am sooo excited. I just can't tell you how much. I feel like a little kid.

carolinabeachmom said...

People had wanted me to take I 81 to Winchester, and I told them I would rather go on 95 for a half hour or so and then off on 17 to 66 to a short trip on 81. Too many trucks on there even in good weather.

Costume Lady said...

I guess you don't have a rain deficite like we do up here?

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - the virus guy has over 1000 posts, think he is doing that on all the blogs he can.

carolinabeachmom said...

We aren't as dry as the middle of the state of NC is. This rain was what we needed here tho.

WANDA When I was one or two, and my Dad was in the army, we lived on Fremont St. in Las Vegas. I don't remember it at all. My mother said she could put out her wash at one end of the line and when she got to the end, the first part of the laundry was dry.

Costume Lady said...

I had a "JON" on my personal blog a while back, advertising his blog. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I didn't think it was right for him to do that, so I deleted him. He never came back. How do they get on here? Don't they need some sort of clearance? Maybe we need to go PAY PER COMMENT! LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Was he posting on here or on our email. I haven't been in there yet.

Mema Jo said...

1000 Posts! Nothing better to do
What A Shame!
Paula is that info from Blogger...

Costume Lady said...

Oh, Candy, Fremont St. is the most interesting part of Las Vegas now. They have what is called "The Fremont Experience". They have put a huge canopy from one end to the other of the street and there are millions of lights which put on a light show...fabulous. I'll bring you back some photos.

Costume Lady said...

The last time we were in Vegas, it was 116° at night. We were in a campground and parked on asphalt. It was so hot it melted our electrical hook-up cable.

Costume Lady said...

By the way, that was in July. You have to be crazy to go to Vegas in July. Just call us CRAZY! I can believe the wash would dry before you get it all up.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'd love to see some of your pics from there. Our old house has been gone for years now as I was there in 1944or45 and as I said I was only 1 or 2.

normabyrd said...

I just read that STEVEN had taken the "JON" character off!!----That was at least 2 hours after I opened it & MEGAN told us about it!!!!--Hope no one else opened it!!!!

normabyrd said...

JILL---I am glad you are safely back home---I always worry about driving when it's snowing!!---BUT YOU ARE TOUGH!!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma
I was out back with the broom & sweeping the snow from the deck. I was really making a Cat Path to the steps..

deb said...

I just noticed the BWE nest is covered in snow. When I went to watch the news, it wasn't that way.

Mema Jo said...

I would swear that I can see Spideys web at our nest..

Something has disturbed our wide awake eagle........

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully the system is moving out to the coast line now.... Hadn't watched the weather yet.

EGG ROLL finished in our nest.

normabyrd said...

WANDA---I just read about your "JON" visit!!----I was so surprised---I didn't know what to do---Turned it off as soon as I could!!---I was just baffled!!---Then I read it had been reported---But was on there at least 2 hrs. more!!----HOW DID HE DO GET ON OUR BLOG?---It took me FOREVER to get back on after I closed down!!

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone heard from Nilla? Remember she was taking her sister to Baltimore to have stitches out. Then they were going to Blackwater.

Jill said...

Norma, I got my learners permit 30 years ago this month and of course we had one of the worst winters ever in Grant County. So I learned to drive in this crap. And in March when I took the final test, they were just building the new barracks on the straight stretch. (The old one now). The mud was so bad, my car got stuck and I had to get it out before I could take the test. He told me afterwards he would have passed me anyway after I got the car out of the mud so well.

normabyrd said...

HELLO CANDY!!---We have at least 3 inches or more of SNOW!!!---I don't think SHEPHERDSTOWN got that much!!!----But more BAD WEATHER predicted for FRI.--- SAT.---Pray he is WRONG again!!!----Don't open anything with the name "JON"!!--He was on a long time!!

Mema Jo said...

WOW You'll never guess what I have!
No, there aren't any turkeys but
I can see the snow in the woods!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - what had you told us about traveling to Vegas - Was it that your mom was not going this year?

Mema Jo said...

Dana The last comment on the blog was waiting for her sister to come so they could go over to Nilla's daughter and eat slippy pot pie.
Then the next day take her sister to DR & head for BW. No comments since then that I am aware of.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - No pay per comment! We would all be broke!

You can set your blog to review comments before posting. That way you have to ok them before they go through.

normabyrd said...

JILL--They must have snow up in GRANT now!---One of the 1st this evening to announce--2 hr. delay!!
---I got so tickled when you got the DOGS' leash & wonder how they knew you were taking them some where!!---DOGS ARE SO COOL!!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, I think that guy had over 1000 views, not posts...

Candy, he had posted a link on the blog, don't worry, it's gone now.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - I saw spideys web too. One strand across the top right.

Norma - anyone can post on the blog as long as they are registered. Guess no one had reported that idiot yet, or blogger is slow in removing him.

Mema Jo said...

Head tucked under wing. I think our precipitation has slowed or hopefully stopped for this evening.


paula eagleholic said...

They finally have the TH cam working - beatiful views. The neokast pics are should really try it!

paula eagleholic said...

I will warn you that it will slow your computer down somewhat...

normabyrd said...

I guess it has stopped snowing at the nest!!---No SNOW on BELLE---That's a GOOD THING!!

Costume Lady said...

JO, my Mom doesn't want to go on this trip. She wears out so quickly and can't get around to sight-see. She manages to enjoy a short trip, such as Va. Beach, but has no desire to go with us this time. Our two daughters will look in on her and we bought her 20 novels to read.

normabyrd said...

I must have misread!---I thought I read it had been reported to STEVEN!----SORRY!---Need to fix dinner!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Maine

normabyrd said...

JO---Have you heard from HELEN??--Didn't she have appt. with her Dr. today----Also any news about MAULEY'S daughter----Will keep them in my prayers!!

floralgirl said...

Clouds are clearing here, can see the moon now.

wvgal_dana said...


Jill said...

NORMA-The dogs knew before they saw the leashes. They are so bad. When Brad and Zach go to PA each month the bigger one just lays around and won't eat or go out. And if she finds one of Zach's shoes, she takes it all over the house with her. But only Zach's shoes. And they can't be black. She hates black shoes. Chased a police offier right out the door one night because of his shoes.

Mema Jo said...

around 10 pm tonight!
The moon will turn a delightful shade of red. The last one until Dec. 2010
I thought it wouldn't happen but the snow has stopped and that old moon is shinning so brightly!
I bet Megan is happy about this!

** has more info

Hey There Megan1

Jill said...

Norma, Zach saw your comment about Grant County and said "YES, we are next". Just saw Hampshire is closed. Berkeley and Jefferson should come up soon.

floralgirl said...

Doing happy dance...clouds stay away!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Just went out to see if I could see the moon and we have very fast moving clouds in the sky down here. Hopefully I'll be able to catch some of the action inbetween the clouds.

Mema Jo said...

I have had an email from Helen
She did GOOD! The Dr is pleased with her progress.

No word yet from Sandra/Tom

Emailed Donna (Mauley) and her daughter is holding on to that baby!!
No birthing yet. I'm sure Mauley would want me to share with you----

My husband is home with three of her children who are recovering from the flu. The other two went home and are going to school this week. The two girls we have ran fevers yesterday. The baby we have (18 months old) seems to be doing well now. They are all on medication. Son in law still sick, daughter still with the pneumonia and now her mother in law (who was keeping the two girls until today) has the flu. Send up prayers. Thanks donna

You know "things can get worse before then get better" saying - Mauley is living proof!
Big Prayers for Mauley & Family

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Head tucked under wing
That was a fast one..........

Mema Jo said...

Megan - you going to snap any pictures? Aaron (Jenny's son) said they had their cameras ready - He said, I'm excited!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy Mauley surely is having her problems. You are right JO, Prayers go up for Mauley, the sick children she is watching and her daughter and the unborn baby. They sure have their hands full.

So glad that you heard from Mits that things are going well for her.

I do worry about SANDRA. Hoping that once she got home, she didn't go into a funk, but is doing her best to get better. It is hard to believe that you haven't heard from Tom either. If you do hear anything, please let us know.

floralgirl said...

Both hummers are out of the nest, see one nearby on a branch

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone have the Maine nest up?

Something going on up there
Lots of noise & eagle chatter......

deb said...

No hummers in the nest! I missed it, so I hope Joe got in recorded. I am ready for the eclipse. I will try to get some pictures, I just practiced a few and they came out ok, nothing special.

deb said...

i just reopened it, quiet right now, Jo. There was a call.

Mema Jo said...

Maine Forum saying about the commotion at the nest././././.

Another Male is out there...probably the same one from today.the same one Dad was fighting off today...

Not yet confirmed
Waiting for a video..

Eclipse is starting
Going to front door.............

normabyrd said...

Thanks for the update JO!---GREAT NEWS from HELEN!!---I have kept MAULEY and her family in my prayers!!---GOD BLESS----SHARON'S family has 2 little ones with flu!!---Prayers for her too!

Mema Jo said...

Norma Have you looked at the moon up there in your neck of the woods? Won't be here again until 2010 -- Ed is taking pictures every 5 minutes. It is cold out there but it isn't snowing! The snow on the ground is just shinning like diamonds!

floralgirl said...

Isn't it cool, Jo?

normabyrd said...

WOW!--ECLIPSE has started!!!

normabyrd said...


floralgirl said...

I think that's Saturn to the lower left of the moon

Jill said...

Thanks Megan. Zach asked me what it was, I had no idea. Guess I need to find my coat and go outside. BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Mema Jo said...

If I had a high powered telescope I would be able to see Saturn's rings!

floralgirl said...

I tried with my binoculars, they said it wouldn't take a very powerful telescope to be able to see rings. Look at the moon with binoculars, it's beautiful.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, how lucky we are to have such a clear view. Yes, Megan, it is beautiful!

paula eagleholic said...

The Eclipse is awesome!

Moon Pic

Mema Jo said...

What is the planet that is now visible ABOVE the moon?

Jill said...

My moon pics came out crappy. Too cold to stand still while shutter was open.

Mema Jo said...

Just looked at moon with binoculars -
BEAUTIFUL! However, the camera is
not picking it up....don't understand.
I couldn't see Saturn's rings..

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle is sleeping through all
this excitement!

floralgirl said...

It got so dark outside now..

carolinabeachmom said...

Finally got a peek at it as clouds just cleared a bit down here.

I'm going to call it a night; work tomorrow. Too cold to stand outside too long with wind blowing.

You all have a good peaceful and restful night. Tomorrow brings a new day with new things. GOOD NIGHT ALL.

paula eagleholic said...

I have been running in and out - it is 18° here! My hands are cold now!

Mema Jo said...


Just had an incoming phone call from
our friend Sandra! She surprised me and as soon as I heard her voice I knew who it was! She sounded so good
She has a home therapist and will maybe start to go to Hospital for outpatient rehab within a week or so.
She still feels she has a ways to go - meaning her left arm. She walked with her cane & therapist the entire way around her yard the other day! Her biggest complaint is that she tires so easily. She has hopes of cleaning out all her emails soon. Sandra really wants you all to know how much she appreciates your thoughts, cards & prayers. All those things have helped her so much she said.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update Jo. I'm so glad she is improving and was able to call you!

The news guy said it wasn't that cold out! HA!

Mema Jo said...

Let's get those candles glowing!

Candles for Sandra

Jill said...

JO-Please tell Sandra if she needs anything at all to call me. I am just a few minutes away.

PAULA-What weather man were you listening to? Texas? It is freezing out there. I run out on the step, take a quick peak and run back in.

Jill said...

JO-I sent Donna's (Mauley) update to the prayer list she belongs too. I am sure she won't mind. She had sent a prayer request earlier about her daughter's pregnancy.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Jill. I know she won't mind.

Candles starting to glow - still need many many more....

deb said...

I just got back home from watching the eclipse in the country, even in my pick-up with heavy boots on, I got cold!! It is -8 here right now. I wanted to wait for it to come up on the other side, but gave up. I will get some shots here in town.

Mema Jo said...

Just announced that the Navy shot down that satellite over the Pacific!

Mema Jo said...

Man it is almost my bedtime. Evening has really gone by fast! Guess it was because we were all having fun!!

paula eagleholic said...

Jill - the weatherman was one of those DC guys...

IrisF said...

And our sweet eagle just sleeps through it all. Lunar Eclipse, Shooting down a satelite, snow, cold, only one thought - keep these beautiful eggs warm!!!! Now that is devotion!!

Prayers for Mauleys Family, and all the rest who need them.. night night

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Iris.... down there in WARM FLORIDA!

Mema Jo said...

This evening I received an error when I tried to bring up Blackwater
because ......
Lisa Said..
Also, note that our site will go down briefly on Wednesday night as we upgrade our server in preparation for the hatching on March 1.

I'd say it has been upgraded!
Nest is snow covered but Lady/Lord Blackwater looks ok!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all. Gonna go crawl under the warm covers....

deb said...

We came so close to 400 tonight. The early morning team will have to see if we get another new page then.

Night all, warmer weather coming for me for at least 1 week!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams and restful sleep
Prayers going up for all our needs

Good Morning Early Birders

Costume Lady said...

It was so nice to share that little bit of Mother Nature up in the sky with friends. Thanks to Megan for bringing it to our attention.


movin said...



Thanks for the report Mema Jo.


wvgal_dana said...


Costume Lady said...
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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while