Thursday, February 28, 2008


Fresh thread.


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Donnie said...

Hello everyone... Bright and sunny here with Belle.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven, and thanks for the heads up, Jill, but where did you go?

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Donnie!

Donnie said...

Heck, I thought I was late again. Not today....

Donnie said...

morning suzanne

Donnie said...

Why am I getting that word verification everytime today?

Jill said...

Sorry Suzanne. Phone rang.

Donnie it is to prevent spammers from posting.

Harbinger said...

Good morning! Will there be a video cam this year?

Jill said...

Now that the noisy one has left for school, I am going back to bed. I was almost up late enough to say Hi to Suzanne when she came to work this morning.

Jill said...

The camera is up and working. We are waiting on live feed.

Suzanne said...

Not late today, Donnie, but some of us have been here for quite a while. And Candy has come and gone. We have some really early birds!
Word verification is helping to stop this spam we've been getting lately.
Geez, Jill, I'm glad I don't have your hours! At least I know what mine are going to be every day. Mostly!
Morning and welcome, HDC. Yes, but video feed not ready yet, and URL not given out yet.

Suzanne said...

Egg turning at BW, but couldn't see the eggs. Darn. Hope I get to see them one more time before they start hatching.
NBG still down, bummer!

Suzanne said...

Cool, NBG is back!

Suzanne said...

OMG, they are zooming in on the bottom of the nest. Probably looking for the squirrel that lives there. Don't see him/her yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone. I see the sun is shining on our nest and eagles! How great is that! Quite the contrast to the way Bluefield looks this morning. No school here AGAIN TODAY! HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY! Concord University is having school but the roads are too bad to get Andrew there and he is hating it. He really hates to miss school. Still don't know where that kid came from! :)

Right before I woke up this morning, I dreamed I saw an eagle in a tree right in front of me. I was flipping out. The only eagles I have ever seen are Liberty and Belle!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS! DONNIE--You are our #1 EAGLE DAD today & every day!!--HELLO DONNIE--SUZANNE--JILL--HABINGERDC!!---It is a SUNNY--COLD--WINTER a.m. here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"---temp. 18°---SUN is shining on our nest!!---GOING TO BE A GLORIOUS DAY---ENJOY!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---Dreaming of EAGLES---MUST quit 'hittin' that bottle before bed!! ho!----DREAMING OF EAGLES!!!
AAAAW---That's a GOOD thing!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon and Norma! Not bad dreams, Sharon.
Norma, look at the steam coming up on the flamingos!
Eagles both in nest at NBG.

normabyrd said...

I woke up this a.m. with about as much SNOW as they have at the PA SITE!!----

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE!!---PINK FLAMINGOS are just beautiful with the steam in the sunshine!!----LOVE THE DUCKS TOO!----One would think the FLAMINGOS are visiting them!!!

movin said...


Not only are both resident eagles in or at the nest, but the female is setting in the nest cup.



movin said...

Sorry, I meant to say they are in the nest at Norfolk.



normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is ADORABLE this a.m. with his 'REALLY BIG TREE' of bamboo!---Enjoys lifting it up before every bite!!---Then it looks as if the BAMBOO is eating TAI!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!----Have you seen the SKINNY SQUIRREL lately??

Suzanne said...

Mrs NBG just flew off. Think Wanda calls her Nora? Is it Nora and Norman? He sure is standing guard, looking all around.

Suzanne said...

She just came back and is moving sticks.
Good morning, Jim! Feeling any better?

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

AWESOME---to see the PROUD EAGLE at the NORFOLK nest!!----BEAUTIFUL this sunny morning!

movin said...

The Norfolk pair are "looking" very like a normal nesting pair, but they appear to be "daring" the intruder to try to take over, they keep looking around very expectantly, like the big, bad intruder will attack any second.

They look as though they are ready and want her to come now rather than later.



normabyrd said...

WOW! DANA!----There is a PACE of DONKEYS feeding this morning!!-----Hope your back is better!!---We MISS you!!!!

normabyrd said...

MOVIN'JIM----I think "DH" is old news!!---She is GONE!

Suzanne said...

They both are certainly alert this morning, aren't they, Jim? Not missing much, that's for sure! wonder if something is around, they just panned out.

normabyrd said...

CHECK TESORO!!---Two "fuzzy heads" being feed by MOM!!---So funny to watch---they appear to be as large as she is!!----

Suzanne said...

Oh, feeding time at Tesoro. They are almost as big as the parent!
Uh oh, I have a red x for my verification, don't know if this will post.

Ok, try to post, then you'll get the verification.

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, great minds say the same thing at the same time. Too funny.
The flamingos took off, nothing now but a couple ducks in the steam. Pic looks cool.

normabyrd said...

ME--MT---Wind is BLOWING---LOUD!!--& SNOW in nest!!!---Isn't it about time they start nesting!---

Suzanne said...

LOL, NBG poop shoot! Where's Jo? OH, he just took off, no wonder... had to lighten the load.

Suzanne said...

Eagle laying in nest Ft St Vrain.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!---SUZANNE---I missed it!!!!

Suzanne said...

Turkeys, PA.

deb said...

Good morning, Donnie, Suzanne, Jill, Sharon, Norma and Jim. It is a cloudy and windy day here this morning.

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----I checked the CO OWL pixes yesterday---Remember all the SNOW she had the day before---It was all gone & didn't show anyone removing it!!---

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Deb. Windy here too, and very cold.
Norma, I remember those mini drifts in her nest. I saw her this morning, and saw no snow. Looks like she has straw or something there now. Was that there before? I can't imagine her allowing any human near her nest now with eggs!

deb said...

I got the Colorado cam to open this morning. I am so excited to see the nest, Now for the egg.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB---Had to sign in again!!---How COLD is it there!!---I bought groceries yesterday after noon---WINDY---Thought I was going to freeze!!---Have you posted your bird pics from the show yet?---

Suzanne said...

Ok, no wonder eagle was laying on nest in Ft St Vrain. We have an egg! Didn't know that. Watching her turn it, talons tucked in.

Suzanne said...

Deb, do you call the Ft St Vrain nest the Colorado nest? If you do, I have a pic of the egg. I'll be glad to send it to you, but don't have your email.

normabyrd said...

SUZ---I left early yesterday---But yesterday---it was all removed--pixes didn't show the snow removal----or I missed it---(do that every now & then)--ho

Suzanne said...

Deb, don't post your email addr here. Does Jo have it?

normabyrd said...

DEB---CO has always been a favorite of mine too---along with the ME nest!!----WHOA!!---I LOVE 'EM ALL!!!

Suzanne said...

Look at our nest. The way the sun is hitting and putting eagle in shadows, almost looks like a totally black eagle.

IrisF said...

Good Morning Donnie, Suzanne,Jill, HarbingerDC, Sharon, Norma, Jim, & Deb...Looks like a great morning!

Off to the Dr. Appt. to check the eye one more time and then to Circle Meeting. Talk to you all later~~~~

IrisF said...

oops, need to check the box for email follow-up

normabyrd said...

HEY SUZANNE!---When did she lay an EGG at CO?---I didn't know that???

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Iris! Hope you get a good bill of health for your eye! Enjoy your meeting.

Suzanne said...

Norma, are you serious? I thought I was a day late again. Don't know. I know it wasn't there yesterday when I was watching, so maybe she just laid it! I'll send you the pic!!! If you have Deb's email, forward it on to her.

deb said...

It is 28 here, supposed to get to 39, the drifts in my yard are getting smaller. I posted the pictures, Norma. I used photobucket, Suzanne, I think you can look at them. Yes, I call Fort St. Vrain, Colorado, it seems easier to say. I was born in CO, so that will make it a favorite.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' IRIS in 'SUNNY FL'----Best wishes on your Dr. visit!!!

deb said...

Jo has my e-mail address. Morning, Iris.

normabyrd said...

WHOA DEB!!---It's 21° now---was 18°when I logged on---That's hard to believe!!!--WV colder than SD---That makes me feel COLDER! ho!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Deb, I'll check pics in a few.
I sent the first CO egg pic to Norma. If she has your addr, she can forward pic to you. Don't post it here. If she doesn't have it, any momster that does?

normabyrd said...

OH SUZANNE!!---Those word verifications are are getting in your head!!---ho!----

Suzanne said...

Ok, Deb, sent pic to Jo to forward on to you. And Norma, you have a couple emails.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I haven't check my mail today!---Will check!!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma, sometimes those words are hard to read. I ain't as young as I used to be!! When they make very thin letters, I usually mistype it and have to type something again. But the second time around, letters are thicker, so that's easier for me. ya get old, ya get blinder...

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) Beautiful sunny day here, windy and cold. Check the NBG cam page later for an update, there was supposed to be a special chat session with one of the eagle experts today, but that info disapeared, and now it says in the special event chat room- The next scheduled event is 1 pm, Friday, 2/29. SO it must have been resceduled for tomorrow, but that's the only info I found so far.

normabyrd said...


Sunny said...

Good Morning, everyone! My boss is away today and tomorrow, so I may have more time to visit here. Keeping an eye on BWE also, as the time is getting near. THere's nothing cuter than a tiny little eaglet!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

If you can get the Two Harbors cam, they will be exchanging the eggs today!

deb said...

Both eagles, our nest.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---Thanks for the update---take notes --will miss it tomorrow---School levy here & workers get instruct. then!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA---What time?---I love watching that!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan and Sunny! You're right Sunny, time is getting short for BW!!
Squigs is on cam, was sitting chewing bamboo, but now exploring. Ok, so now she's off cam, out and about. Here she comes.
Feeding again in Tesoro. Adult just left.

deb said...

Morning, Paula and Sunny,

I can't get the Two Harbors nest, but know that one of the watchers there will make I video. At least, I can watch them. I saw where they are trying to figure out what to do for Mac users.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know Norma. As soon as I find out, I'll post it here

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. You'll have to give us a commentary, that will be neat.

deb said...

Morning, Megan. Missed your post.

Suzanne said...

Bai and ZZ are back in the hall. ZZ has learrned to get up and down that table, so she likes to do that. She just got down to take a piece of bamboo from mom, and climbed back on the table to chew it. She's adorable!!

normabyrd said...

OH---I can't get that!!---I forgot!

deb said...

I saw the egg in FSV for a quick second. I am trying that instead of typing the whole name.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---She's a 'little imp' too!!----Would love to hold her!!----There are places you can hold or touch the animals---for a small fee---WOULD BE WORTH IT TO ME!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Suz - I won't be able to watch it :( I can't get neokast here at work - it won't work on Windows 2000 - so I am going to have to rely on others taping it, also.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning everyone after to list names I'll miss naming someone.

When I first looked at our nest. I thought would the heck an all "black eagle". It is like you said Suzanne the shadow of the limbs. Making our eagle look that way.

Getting alittle better here.

Glad I read before posting ( :

Suzanne said...

Ok Deb, works for me. Just wanted to be sure we were both talking about the same nest! FSV is quicker to type, too.

Anne-Marie said...

wow this is different. slows things back a bit.

Good Morning all. Just wanted to say Hi and to have a beautiful day.

Suzanne said...

You and me both, Norma! Love to give ZZ a big ol' hug and pet!!

Ok, Paula. Guess I'll see videos or pics sooner or later.

Morning Dana. Glad you're feeling better.

Anne-Marie said...

Does anyone know anything about ticks?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Anne! Stay warm in sunny CA today!

Sunny said...

What about ticks? I got two bites last spring while I was out watching an eagle's nest.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING SUNNY!!---Just saw your post!!--GREAT to have you back---even for a couple of days!!

deb said...

Morning, Dana and Anne. Glad you are back, Dana, we missed you.

floralgirl said...

The latest from NBG-wvec-moderator: To elliminate any confusion, The live eagle chat will be this afternoon at 1:00. It was mistakenly posted for tomorrow afternoon, but that was an error. The chat with the eagle biologist will be at 1:00 today.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I have made fewer mistakes while typing the verifications than typing a message!!----scary! huh!

Anne-Marie said...

I found one on my back this morning.. I guess I got it tromping after eagles. I pulled it out with my fingers and threw it . Now I cant find it. How long can they stay alive?

tfleet01 said...

What's going on with the NCTC camera? When I try to bring it up I get a feed from 2/26 in the evening. Then when it refreshes the nest is snow covered and empty from back in January. What the heck?

Anne-Marie said...

Sunny has been my nick name since high school. I have to read twice to make sure its not me. LOL

deb said...

Between my dogs and me, I have had quite a few ticks, unfortunately.

Anne-Marie said...

got to go and take the hot rollers out. I will be reading from work . Everyone have a beautiful day and make it one with smiles. Hugs.. zbtpzhk

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DANA & ANNE!!---Have missed both of you!!----DANA---you know the DONKEYS are calling for you!--ho!! ---- ANNE---Don't forget your EGG!! ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Setting up cams bbiaw

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got a tick on my foot when I was at the sycamore tree! :)

Sunny said...

Heidigirl (is it Anne?) I can't find your answer, but I don't think they will live very long without a host. Do you have pets?

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONEjust finished yesterdays post, now headed to todays...BBL

Sunny said...

Sunny is my alias. When I got sooo addicted to this blog two years ago, my co-workers read it also, and I didn't want them to see how much time I was obviously spending here!

Hi Norma!!

normabyrd said...

SUNNY--I am answering for ANNE---Yes--She has a dog named---HEIDI"!!
Now you can understand when you talk to her!!---takes awhile!!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow has anyone else got 2H on and it is pink?? Egg turning there..

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN---Wondered where you were----I think these verification words---make good cuss words!! ho!
I thought of you when I first saw them!!---No more --##%%&*)@??!!

wvgal_dana said...

Egg showing at FSV CO.

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---When I first logged on I made a nice comment about WV SEN. BYRD!!!!----Some one let me know that I couldn't talk politics on this BLOG, etc.---thus I became--NORMABYRD!!---

Sunny said...

Norma, I was having a 'duh' moment. I knew Heidi was her dog, but I had a brain cramp. Thanks for straightening me out!

normabyrd said...


Sunny said...

Norma, I always wondered if you were related to that Byrd. Is he stillin the hospital?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Helen. Hope you're feeling better today. It's cold out though, so stay in where it's nice and warm. FSV has their first egg this morning!

normabyrd said...

SUNNY---I thought her name was HEIDI for a long time!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm saying "hey hey out there.....can anyone hear me????
Does anyone else have Two Harbors (2H) up?? If so is it pink??

Eagle back on egg at FSV Co

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dana, I don't have Two Harbors up so I don't know if it is pink or not.

Suzanne said...

Heard you, Dana. Don't have it up. Can't help you.

normabyrd said...

I haven't read the paper this a.m.!!----

deb said...

Me either, Dana.

normabyrd said...

DANA--I can never seem to get it up---sorry---I am no help!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon, Deb, and Suzanne. I'm not sure .... maybe all this typing of code letters in. Has an early affect on a person lol. I am truly seeing pink...well not sure about truly lol

oppps got to type some more letters dang

normabyrd said...

ATLANTA CAM is up---They separated LUN LUN & MEI last night---went well---after breakfast MEI nursed for about 10 min.----The 'LITTLE BEAUTY' is sprawled out on her BACK on the top log of the hammock!!----SHE'S COOL---so far!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like some kind of brunch has arrived. Don't even want to know what it is.

normabyrd said...

CHECK BC NEST!!----MT---But doesn't it look like an egg is in the nest or am I seeing things!--

Suzanne said...

Oh, Squigs is climbing! She's having a blast.

Suzanne said...

CO owl turning eggs. ZZ is having a blast. She sure loves to climb!

paula eagleholic said...

Egg turning and eating time!

Costume Lady said...

Just stopped in for a minute to say GOOD MORNING TO EVERYONE. Busy getting the Eagle Express loaded up and my Mom has a doctor appt. this noon. So this is the last chance I have to take a peek at what is going on.
Belle's lunch looks very much like what Lib brought in the other day.

paula eagleholic said...

What is on today's menu ? :):)

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Dana - TH is Pink today!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Wanda sounds like your busy..Hope you get to check in with us lady. ( :

paula eagleholic said...


The whole FWS website went down yesterday. That is what is causing your funny picture issues. I would suggest refreshing a couple of times, or clearing your history in your browser

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! If I don't talk to you, have a safe and very enjoyable trip! Hope the weather is a lot warmer out there than it is here. But just think, when you get back, Spring will be here. No more snow! You and Gene have a good time. We'll save you pictures of our hatchlings!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, DANA, so good to see you'r back. How are you? Been worried.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Paula

Eagles at NBG

Yummy Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Heidi - you have to learn to flush those suckers!

Suzanne said...

Dana, you have pink, I have blue/purple. The PH site is very very blue.

wvgal_dana said...

Hanging in there Wanda..just happy I can get on the computer..missed everyone and the cams. Be Safe..hugs

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda & Capt

Have a wonderful trip!

Costume Lady said...

Thank you SUZ. We are first headed to New Orleans, then to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and then Ne vada. After that, who knows?

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe we are getting differnt colors (mine pink) Suzanne's (blue/purple) because it is close to Easter hee hee

How many eggs at 2 Habors? please

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Everyone! Full House!

Trying to read before posting..but I'm still not finished. Got a phone
call from gals in Germany - I love hearing from them.

Beautiful day out and

Costume Lady said...

Thank you all. I will miss you as much as my family. Well, you are my family!

Costume Lady said...

Take care of that back DANA.

Suzanne said...

Wow, you guys are making a round robin! That should be a lot of fun! Stay safe. We need you back here in the spring for the nest visit!

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - 2 eggs at TH and PH!!

Mema Jo said...

Norma - I think BC still just has snowballs in the nest! lol
They should be next for the eggs!

Mema Jo said...

Safe Journeys Wanda & Capt Gene

MITS said...

Good Lord, finally caught up, going to look at cams now.....yes, Norma instant cussing:)!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at VA

Suzanne said...

ZZ is on her platform chewing a piece of bamboo.

Good morning, Jo! Hope you feel good today!

paula eagleholic said...

OK so does everyone know now where the Q X Z W V AND J are on the keyboard? HAHA

MITS said...

I do now, Paula:):):)!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

That kind of looks like a possum head in our nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No we don't, Paula! NGRHB!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would not think that opossum would be very good eating, would you?

paula eagleholic said...

Rats, cam has gone down again -


deb said...

If you had forgotten where those keys were, it isn't taking long to remember them!

Wanda, have a good time, sounds like a fun route.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now I don't have a pic?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now it is back!

Suzanne said...

Whoa, did a refresh and lost the whole site... Service Unavailable. Was trying to get a better pic of whatever lunch was. Possum sounds as good as anything. Sure wasn't a fish, and kind of big for a squirrel.
Squigs is having a blast. Siting on her platform and climbing now with the bamboo in her mouth. She better not fall with that stick hanging out of her mouth!

MITS said...

having a hard time getting nest up

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, it's back!

Can;'t type this morning!

MITS said...

ok, it's up

Suzanne said...

She had to take her bamboo "treasure" up to a higher perch. Too cute.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - I would think possum would be just fine - it's meat!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Jill - your name was in my last word verification!

Suzanne said...

Where's Norma? Atlanta girls are play fighting.

Mema Jo said...

Keyboard skills: I always thought my fingers just automatically without thinking hit the correct keys as I thought out the words. Now, I really have to concentrate on the hitting the right letters for the word verification........ lol

Suzanne said...

What a hoot, she sure holds her own. She gives as good as she gets.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too, Mema Jo, and I type at least 8 hours every day!

Mema Jo said...

HO HO Suzanne! Pretty good wrestling match going on! Where is our number 1 Panda fan,

deb said...

I have to get some things done, BBl.

Mema Jo said...

LOLLY - whenever you sign on & read comments Anne (Heidigirl) can't access the blog from work so she emailed me to give you this message:
....please tell Lolly "welcome' for me and please tell her about and the horned owl at CSUB. I love her and her babes should hatch soon. Thank you for helping me. I never think of these things except when I am at work and cant do anything about it. Hugs.

wvgal_dana said...

Finished all catch up on my emails from you all. Have to do other set later...too tiring.

Did not see an email explaining this "word verification"...can't figure out how it will keep spammers away. Anyone care to explain?

wvgal_dana said...

You can send me an email explaining if it's too long for here...

Mema Jo said...

I have an appointment at 12:30pm.
Megan hope you can get in on the live Norfolk chat.... Get your questions ready!

Dana - glad your feeling up to getting back on the computer.

I guess I need to go to IWS forum - seems so early for the egg exchange but I guess not!

DON"T FORGET: BWE hatch date is
quickly coming...

Jill said...

Short Version Dana- Most spammers are auto programs and can't recognize or type the word verification. Those that are humanly operated don't want to take the time to do it.

Mema Jo said...

Megan Could you put up the LINK for the Blog page explaining the
Word verification again?

wvgal_dana said...

Hope to see you back on Jo after your appointment. Praying all goes well..( :

Suzanne said...

The word verification explanation is on top of yesterday's blog, Wednesday Update. Right on the front page.
Before I forget, I will be here tomorrow, but not on the blog or watching cams. If BW hatches, take pics and send to me!!! We have annual training tomorrow, and our duty hours at 9-5! Ugh and double ugh. Person that set this up was not thinking of the shifts we work here, so EVERYBODY is working 9-5. Not sure my body is gonna be awake much after 3, let alone 5. Then that should give me about a 3 hour or more drive home in traffic. And will not be able to use the HOV lane, so that should also add some time. Not looking forward to tomorrow duty day at all. I'm coming in early, but not 4 o'clock early. Closer to 6... still have to park, and our shifts here also help the parking problem.
So if we get a chick, please let me know. But unless we get snow and/or ice tonight I will be in, but don't worry. I'm just not online. I'm gonna miss everybody!

Suzanne said...

BW egg turning now!

Suzanne said...

Paula, I think you're right about the brunch! You can see leftovers pretty good now with the sun finally off of it. Looks like a black and white furry something, so I'm guessing you hit it with possum!

MITS said...

maybe skunk?????

movin said...

Hi, everybody, I'm back again...trouble sleeping, so when I got the urge, I went for it...

That sounds like a real ordeal they have planned for your Friday work day, Suz.

Any place you can snooze or whatever until the rush hour traffic lets up?

Have a safe trip home both days and have a great weekend.



Suzanne said...

Don't know, Jim. Did think of getting a hotel since I'm gonna be tired, but not too sure. I'm bringing extra "go" juice tomorrow, cause I don't want to fall asleep driving home. We'll see how I feel at quitting time. At least I don't have to be here at 4, that's something, I guess. Hope you're feeling better!

MITS said...

I was thinking of a hotel also, Suz, then you could have gotten up and gone to the ZOO

normabyrd said...

I was on the phone so long my "EAR" is warm!---ho!---couldn't get off!!---an old friend!!!

Jill said...

Suzanne, what town do you work in again? I know I have heard it a million times but my brain isn't working

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---POSSUMS aren't black & white----They are a dirty white color!!

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day. If I don't get to talk to anybody tomorrow, have a great weekend. Take pics of our first local baby at BW!!!
Jill, I actually work right on the border of Alexandria and Falls Church. Way too close to downtown, actually.
Mits, never thought of that. I'll have to think about it tonight! Sure isn't much traffic going back on a Saturday, is there. Man, that does seem like a good idea. We'll see.
Ok all, have a great day and weekend, just in case.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - it could be rabbit! Who Knows?!?!

paula eagleholic said...

The Split is coming!!!

LOl zippo hippo

Suzanne said...

Norma, will pet the kids twice for you, just in case I do stay here tomorrow. possums have black on them, don't they? That little bugger that hangs around my house has some. I think.

MITS said...

Suz, probably part skunk:):)

deb said...

No one is on the egg in FSV. It looks like it is sunny, and we know the egg can be left for a time at the beginning.

paula eagleholic said...


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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...