Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Ice storm thread.
One has to give great admiration for the dedication of these two birds in protecting their eggs.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 326 of 326
floralgirl said...

Ooh, let's find out... that was a cool video from Norfolk, thanks Jo.

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

From a zoomer at NBG -

I've been out in the Garden a couple of times today and it looks as if they are making their switches off the nest at times. This is why the nest looks as if it is being left alone. I watched one adult swing around the garden for a few minutes, land at the old nest and then transfer to a tree near the current nest. The adult on the nest left and then the other got on the nest with no problem. They seem quite relaxed and circle around the garden before heading out to the lake.

Danelle said...

Hi all! Well, when I went into work this morning, the roads were mostly slushy. Although my development was pure ice. Once I got to work, I had to skate through the parking lot, and believe it or not, almost fell again! I swear, I think I should move to Florida! Has anyone been watching the hummingbirds lately? I saw it was mentioned earlier. Man, I hate this new blogger cop change pages on me.

movin said...

Mine split at 200 comments. I guess it's a feature now.



wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone Hi Jim

Wow I see Megan is having fun with her new connection hee hee So happy for you Megan. I think a lot of us can remember that slow dialup. I feel badly for Karla and Danelle and others that still have to deal with dialup.

Jim I like your military wording "operating a sentinel system".....way to go Jim you de Man

wvgal_dana said...

Oh after awhile we will be so use to it we'll be old props lol

Hi Danelle nice seeing you again.
You at work now?

Geula said...

I guess I'll say good night!
Have a wonderful eagle afternoon!

Geula in Israel!!

wvgal_dana said...

Geula what time is it there?

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest

floralgirl said...

Yeah, having fun, Dana. But I can still relate to the dial up nightmare, I wouldn't even be able to open this page at this point. Just came inside, trying to break up some of the ice so I can get out tomorrow. What a mess.

deb said...


paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Lib dropped off some lunch!

NillaWafer said...


deb said...

I am back from getting stuck! I couldn't tell where the road ended and the ditch started, so, oops, I got stuck. Even with four wheel drive, it took some work to get out, because under the snow is ice.

paula eagleholic said...

BTW - lunch was a nice headless fish!

wvgal_dana said...

Eggs look nice and dry goodie

Danelle said...

Hi Dana, yes, I'm at work. Hoping to leave within 30 minutes. I can totally relate to dial-up as that is what I have at home. My hubby and I are seriously considering cable as DSL is not available in our area. Dial-up is a pain! My husband was on the computer last night for an hour and was still unable to get accomplished what he wanted to do on the internet.

NillaWafer said...

Paula can you take Jazzys picture and maybe put a heart around it for me? I am at work right now and cant... Thats Belle on the eggs now right? I didnt see any food but got busy here...Wonder how IRIS is doin now??

NillaWafer said...

Man she musta gulped it down Something still distrubing Norfolk i think too very watchful...

wvgal_dana said...

Danelle check your mail

Danelle said...

Dana, I'm unable to check my email while at work, but I'll check it as soon as I get home. Thanks!

NillaWafer said...

How you survivin Dana u feeling better?? Ment to asked how that new grandbaby is doin? I cant wait to see Jazzy soon.. I took off work tomorrow...

Danelle said...

alright everyone. Time to head home. Have a good evening!

Carol_in_WV said...

I just realized that the split happened. Did any of you look at the website I listed on the "older" page? It blew my mind. Check it out:
Click on each of the 3 windows when they eventually appear.

wvgal_dana said...

Carol they had been showing that new microsoft for a couple of months on tv.

wvgal_dana said...


floralgirl said...

Ok, Carol, I checked it out, unbelievable.

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - soon to leave again to get dinner - I see the SPLIT -
I guess you chose which page you want to be on by either clicking oldest-older or newer-newest.
Hope we don't lose any bloggers who think we don't exist.. lol

Carol_in_WV said...

Wow - I never saw it on TV - and it's not like I don't watch TV! I'm kinda at both ends of the spectrum - I find all the new technology facinating, but I don't own a computer, cell phone, iPod, GPS thing in my car or any of those new fangled gadgets. Heck - I don't even have a microwave oven, clothes dryer, answering machine/answering service or call-waiting.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - you have mail

Carol_in_WV said...

Jo - One of the first ones on the blog tomorrow morning might want to explain the SPLIT, so we don't loose anyone.

Jill said...

I wonder if there is a way to set it so we get the newest comments first? I didn't see anything last night but I will check again.

NillaWafer said...

That surface thingy is amazing to say the least... Hmmmm most of us remember shared telephone lines and waitng for the other person to hang Now look at this world we live in they can invevnt this BUT cant not get world peace to Come... Ahhhh im just thinkin i wont be around to enjoy the most of it.. BUT i did enjoy the invention of the Hoola

Jill said...

They have listed the division of posts on the main page now. But not if you can put the newest first.

Okay Carol, I understand no computer, no cell, no answering machine but no dryer? Do you hang all your clothes up or go the the laundry to dry them?

floralgirl said...

OOh, I love hula hoops. And I don't think I can survive without a hair dryer. Hey Jill, I had to disconnect daughter's computer last night, cause she was surfing connected to the router and then it was just a matter of reconnecting wirelessy and entering a password and it worked perfectly. Really I just had to look at it for a while to figure out what we were doing wrong, and of course she had no confidence in my ability to fix the problem.

Mema Jo said...

Carol - I marvel at what they will think of next in this world of technology... I forwarded the link to my techie grandkids - They can explain it to me after they conquer it!

Thanks for that suggestion Carol about explaining the split pages...
I am wondering if Steve is aware of it or if it is just a google thingy. Email from Momsters' group may reach everyone plus a comment on the blog.

If any of you read about what is going on with google please email Paula or myself so the word can go out to all...... thanks

floralgirl said...

Good grief, I didn't mean hair dryer, I meant clothes dryer...

NillaWafer said...

Thanksssss Paula im happy now... Lok at that beautiful grandaughter Oh i do love her so much... Psst son was hintin around ya know he got married in Nov 2 about what i thought of another grandchild... Whoaaaa not ready for that yet!!!

Jill said...

Of course Megan, what would you know about a computer. They kill me. Sometimes I just get frustrated and walk away until the figure out they can't fix it themselves then they ask for help. Glad you got it working. Sometimes it just takes a shut down, restart and relog to get it working. Mine does it all the time.

What is up with Google? I get the blog thing but I must have missed the Google problems

Carol_in_WV said...

Nilla - you are so funny! I am so uncoordinated, I never could get the hang of the hoola hoop. When I first moved to this part of WV (in 1968), we had one of the last "ring-down" phone systems in the country in the western half of Pendleton County. Everyone had their own individual ring - like: one short ring and 2 long rings. The phones rang in everyone's house and everyone knew everyone's ring. Me and my hubby didn't have a phone, so we used a neighbor's phone. (The phone company told us we could have a phone if we put up the telephone poles and ran the wire.) Once, we rang the operator to call my family in the DC area and while talking we could hear a rooster crowing in the background, so we knew someone else was on there listening. We were always what we said on the phine!

Mema Jo said...

OK If you want the first post of this morning click on oldest=======
Once over on pg 1 if you want the last post made just click on newest==

Is that simple or what...
then why did it take me so long to figure it out. lol

NillaWafer said...

I waited 18 years (grandson Nathan is 18) for Jazzy and want to enjoy her as long as i can,,, Is that selfish of me??? Ahhh i got alot of love to spread around i silly me... hey Megan i still have my roller skate

Carol_in_WV said...

Meant to say "we were always careful what we said on the phone"! I wash my clothes at home (no, not by hand - I have a washing machine - and, no, not a wringer washer - although I did have one of them when I was married) and then I hang them up outside in the summer and in a spare room in the house the rest of the time. Not so bad for one person's laundry.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my both eagles at Norfolk n dad looks like hes been thru the mill all dirty ... sad.. on gaurd toooo on the limb

NillaWafer said...

Well now we know both parents are ok at Norfolk... He is soppin wet and filthy dirty.. but still magnificent!!! moms on eggs

paula eagleholic said...

Both our nest

NillaWafer said...


paula eagleholic said...

Think Lib is seeing if Belle wants a break..

floralgirl said...

Nilla, now I got that old song stuck in my head, I got a brand new pair of roller skates, you got a brand new key... Jill, she kept telling me call Geek Squad and ask them, I told her, just get off the computer and let me look at it for a while. Sure enough, as soon as she left me alone I figured it out.

Carol_in_WV said...

When I had the ringer washer, we lived on the road going to Spruce Knob. It got really cold up there in the winter. We had a clothes line strung-up on the front porch, which has a roof over it. Sometimes when I took the basket of clothes out to hang them up, they would become frozen between the time I put the first clothes pin on and when I put the second one on. They would hang there frozen for a couple of days, but would eventually get dry (even if the temp never went above 20 degrees) especially if it was a little breezy.

Mema Jo said...

Nice to see both our eagles at the nest.

NillaWafer said...

LQQK there feet is like they been in mud.. Bet she will tell himt to wipe his feet Bossy

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl- is that the eggs at Norfolk??

NillaWafer said...


Mema Jo said...

Wind is picking up - wild hairdo day

Really raining down at BWE
I think it may be headed up this way
I need to check out weather report

NillaWafer said...

YES my gracious they lloked like BIG eggs Geeez or the egg cup isnt deep at all

Mema Jo said...

I missed the eggs at NBG
Did you get a pic Paula?

floralgirl said...

Darn, our power just went out, then luckily came back on. Hope it lasts. It's really windy here and all the trees are still covered with ice.

Mema Jo said...

They have put up 10 new slides from today 2/13 on the NBG site

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, here's the pics...

Maine Forum

Carol_in_WV said...

Time to go - see you all tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

I wonder if the place on the beak of the one at Norfolk on the limb. Is from fighting the intruder???

Mema Jo said...

Cloudy with a chance of snow showers this evening...then partly cloudy with occasional flurries after midnight. Lows in the lower 20s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of snow 50 percent.

floralgirl said...

Did they switch at the WV nest? I had to restart computer and there was only one there when I got the screen back up.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - I don't think they switched....Looked like Lib was checking on her...

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...CU later!

wvgal_dana said...

Poor eagle at BWE is still tenting

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic picture Paula. The eggs look as though they Glow in the Dark!

Mema Jo said...

I am hoping that

Sandra Helen Iris Vicky Sharon

are all watching the cams &

looking at us on this blog

because we are all thinking

about you gals!


wvgal_dana said...

echoing Jo's comment above

Mema Jo said...

What is the small black item right in front of our eagle?

NillaWafer said...

Awww male at Norfolk must be staying by her tonight .. Steven is so right these birds are so dedicated and loving for each other if people were that way... Belle is eating looks like

IrisF said...

Surgery was later than anticipated as one of the patients before me had a serious problem with bloodpressure... So, I infact didn't get to go into surgery until 4pm. I got home about 5:20pm but typing is a hoot with one eye bandaged.

Dr. will take the bandage off tomorrow morning at 8:40 give or take a few... Will keep you posted when I get back from that appointment. He said all went well though and not to worry!!! Yippee!!! it is over and I know your prayers helped as I was very very calm through out the whole proceedure!!!

Thanks again, everyone!

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ streakin across the blog nekkid wavin Hiiiiiiiiiii TO EVERYONE!!! HEY HEY HEY Thelmaaaaaa...

wvgal_dana said...

I can't believe with eggs under them. That Norfolk did the hanky panky today. Maybe the male was telling female. Look you belong to ME we MATED FOR LIFE....since other eagles are coming around her.

Mema Jo said...

lol I've got an old bird sticking by me and he has been for the past 50 yrs! Believe me - there are good guys out there! Just have to be careful where you "throw that stick"
as to the right one catching it!

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know Jo I took a pic and enlarged.Can't till what it is or if it is anything in front of our eagle.

Nilla Jazzy look cute with hearts around her.

Iris you just peck away lady..whippeeeee glad things went well.

Mema Jo said...


So you did good! Now don't
strain the good eye! So glad you
came on & let us know how things went. (((HUGS TO YOU)))

Mema Jo said...

Dinner is late but is on the table..


NillaWafer said...

HAHAA Was that what i was suppose to throw Jo a stick??? Well if was to throw astick for my 3 husbands it would have been in the road and j/k of course...Yeah my Fathr and step mother will be married 60 years in afew days...

glo said...

Joe has just posted on Norfolk of maine forum that the Male intruder has jsut taken over the nest

NillaWafer said...

? Glo??? I am at work please say what went on here ok!!!

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Cam is zoomed right in on who ever is setting in the nest...

wvgal_dana said...


NillaWafer said...

NBC Nightly news is about to show about the beagle who won the prize...

glo said...

well i think it is Mom on the nest but I think that the intruder male attempted to have his way with her and may or may not have succeeded. In addition the video posted this morning then of one eagle pushing another off the nest would not have been dad removing the intruder it would have been the intruder removing Dad from the nest. That is sickening to me to think actually. Of course there is a lot of emotion and confusion but it doens't any of it sound real good to me but then it hasn't sounded real good to me all day. Yuck. its just aout time fo rme to find a more relaxing hobby I'm afraid.

NillaWafer said...

Hmmmm didnt someone say earlier today they HANKEY Panked?? Maybe it was not dad?? Good Heavens this is like watching a soap But such is Mother Nature Glo....

glo said...

It was such a relaxing beautiful nest to watch last year. It is high stress and multiple confusion this year. I need to eat.

deb said...

We watched the two males and female today. The two males flew off together away from the nest and now I see only the one male which is definately not the mate as he looks and acts differently and she has been screaming for help. I will watch and look for him tomorrow.

This is what Joe just posted at maine.

Mema Jo said...

Guess I am going over to the Maine Forum... Joe is one of the zoomers and has a good eye for what is happening.........

NillaWafer said...

Now wouldnt that be something... Out in Cali we have 2 females n 1 male who share in raising.. and now this going on at Norfolk... I say doesnt matter as long as those egg are kept safe and hatch..

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb! I am tempted to just concentrate on our eagles until NBG gets it all together. Darn shame they didn't band them so we could be sure what was happening..... I like K10 & K26! lol Unless there is a marking on the eagle I just don't know how when you get 3which is which. I do agree though with Joe when he said.. "acts differently"- they do have their own personality!

paula eagleholic said...

Joe clarified what he said earlier about the Norfolk nest.

We watched the two males and female today. The two males flew off together away from the nest and now I see only the one male which is definately not the mate as he looks and acts differently and she has been screaming for help. I will watch and look for him tomorrow.

WOW - what a turn of events...

paula eagleholic said...

The HP occured after the intruder male returned to the nest after this episode that Joe talked about.

So those pics I posted earlier at the Maine forum are of the new male.

Jill said...

Megan, tell her Geek Squad cost $100 per hour, you work much cheaper. LOL

glo said...

I'm with you MeMa Joe so I will let the other roving reporters watch and report for a while . I may or may not even read it for a bit. I will focus on NCTC and cheer them on to a successful season. This is a little bit more than a satisfying fun hoby anymore..its turnign into Wild Kingdom LOL. I am thankful for what I have learned but not sure how much more I actually want to know. Ignorance is bliss LOL . I am off to bury my head int eh sand for a while.

Mema Jo said...

Both our eagles at the nest

Mema Jo said...

Very quick turning of eggs - Didn't even get a picture it went so fast!

Mema Jo said...

You think this page will go to 401?

Mema Jo said...

Caught the egg roll this time

deb said...

Jo and Glo, I decided to go with you two and turned off all NBG stuff. We aren't going to know anything until daylight now anyway. Too nerve racking!!

glo said...

well it appears our eagle is tucked in now for a nice little nap. Is it done raining snowing sleeting icing or whatever on that nest for a while?

OK MeMa Jo I will go to the link you gave me and read the forecast lol.

paula eagleholic said...

I think it is something to watch and learn from....I am saddened by the thought that one or both of the Norfolk eagles may have suffered some sort of injury as a result of this....but this is Mother Nature...not always what we want it to be.

Mema Jo said...

Going to place some photos from today on Momsters & other forums. BBL

glo said...

Yep Paula Wild Kingdom is something to watch and learn from too but it was never for me either. What is my problem LOL. I am such a woos(sp) when it comes to suffering for any living thing.

ok head back in the sand for me for a while.

Mema Jo said...

Visit the Momster Album that Geula made today.......

Safe Haven for Donkeys in the Holy Land

Then look at the VISITOR TO THE NEST
album..... pic from Jan.

IrisF said...

Geula - I just love your donkey photos!!1 Thanks for sharing them with all of us! Wish we had a place like that here.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my our Norma will be in heaven when she sees those donkey Sure is alot of them... Wonder how Burnie got burnt? Sad.. Thats ONE thing for Mother Natures cruelity BUT at the hands of humans is a totally different thing!!!! Off with their heads!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Geula thank you for the pictures of the donkeys. Yes Norma is going to flip over them. ( : I think it is great there is someplace to help donkeys that people should have taken care of. I think what you are doing is great!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Jo I looked at the picture it has interloper listed.....what is in the nest?

Mema Jo said...

I can't ID the bird in our nest in that photo back in Jan 2008..
Interloper means: one that intrudes in a place.... I don't think the email address for bluemtncheryl is a good one...

Mema Jo said...



NillaWafer said...

Maybe its big pigeon Jo the barns right there.. Someone will know thats for sure.. I only know

Mema Jo said...

Helen aka Mits emailed me & said
I'm doing well. I have been reading the blogs today and am very concerned about Norfolk, but it is what it is.
Tell everyone I said hello.

paula eagleholic said...

So, did we have a switch a little while ago?

Mema Jo said...

Both our eagles were at the nest at 7:30 but a switch didn't take place that I saw. However, I have been over at some other forums putting in some of our pictures for today so everyone could see our well behaved NCTC eagles!!! And they best better stay well-behaved!

Paula - can you click on the link a couple comments up and try to ID that bird in OUR nest? Thanks

wvgal_dana said...

Night folks

IrisF said...

Night night everyone, see you all tomorrw - hopefully LOUD and CLEAR!!!

Prayers to all, glad to see Mits reading the blog .... hope you are feeling much better each day Mits...

Prayers for all who need them tonight...Hugs

Mema Jo said...

Good night Dana & Iris..
I won't be far behind

Costume Lady said...

Iris, glad you feel well enough to chat a bit. You will have to tell us how it went tomorrow. Rest easy.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

I don't know Jo, I looked...might be able to get some help elsewhere

Costume Lady said...

I have asked my grandson if he knows what the mysterious bird is. He pretty well versed on birds, so we'll see when he gets home.

Costume Lady said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 326 of 326   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...