Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday Update

We have been seeing a small number of comment spams recently. While there have been less than five in the past several days, that's way more than we ever have had in the past couple of years.

So, I'm going to turn on word verification for a time to see if that stops the spam. This will require that you type in a code that blogger will randomly generate before you are able to submit your comment. We'll do this for a few days and see how it goes.

The next step would be a requirement that folks register with the blog in order to comment. I'd like to not have to do that right now.

You regulars know my email, so feel free to let me know what you think of this. If it turns out to be just a pain for everyone, I can turn it back off.

Sorry for this.


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paula eagleholic said...

Am I first on the new page :)

MITS said...

yes, you are, Paula:)

MITS said...

where is WANDA???

Mema Jo said...

I wonder if we lost karenincali?

paula eagleholic said...

Rolling those 3 pretty eggs, and back to snoozing...

KarenInCali said...

Hey, my eagle pic worked :-) Very cool!

paula eagleholic said...

And where is Deb?

MITS said...

I'm exhausted from the word verification and the splitting,


Mema Jo said...

Hello Karen Beautiful eagle pic

paula eagleholic said...

It is a nice pic...and you are not the only one who had a heart attack seeing that old snowy nest pic!

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Night Mits

I won't be too far behind......

Karen - thankful you saw the SPLIT
I wasn't sure you were aware of it happening.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Mits

Yes, they test your typing skills and eyes...hey my word pic isn't there!

Try #3

KarenInCali said...

Night, Mits! Sweet dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like gobbelydegook when you press that handicap button !

KarenInCali said...

Thanks, Paula..I love your eagle crossing sign pic, too. I have some other eagle ones, too, but this one is my fave.

deb said...

I am trying one more time

deb said...

Ok, I finally made it on. How frustrating. I can't get on at all on Safari, made it on in Firefox, then couldn't post.

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Deb - You're back.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Look at PA wildlife cam

deb said...

I was just going to give up, when I got in. that is the first time I had that problem, hope it is the last.

deb said...

It is really coming down. If that keeps up, Suzanne won't be in to work in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Karen - I also have a 3yr old in my life - Great Granddaughter- Alexis.
She keeps me hopping!

deb said...

Buck on the PA cam now

Jill said...

I don't think it is supposed to snow that far east in PA

Mema Jo said...

Big Buck is back!

Mema Jo said...

I think that Murrysville PA is up in the western part of the state..
It wouldn't be close to Suzanne as she is right up Rt 81 on the east side of PA.. I think.. PA is a pretty big state!

deb said...

That's good. I didn't know where the cam is compared to where Suzanne is.

Mema Jo said...

Road are really snow covered in Bluefield and it's still coming down!

Jill said...

Murrysville is just east of Pittsburgh. Suzanne is near Emmitsburg isnt' she?

KarenInCali said...

mema jo...boy, that is the truth! my granddaughter lives with us and she wears me out LOL! I have so learned why God gave babies to young women and not old ones like me LOL!

Welcome back deb!

deb said...

Thanks, Karen. Where in So. Cal. are you? My sister is in Huntington Beach.

paula eagleholic said...

Suz is nearer to Waynesboro...

Jill said...

Couldn't think of it Paula. Thanks.

deb said...

I map googled her, so now I see where she is. That is a long drive she does everyday to get to work.

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne is up above Chambersburg - Greencastle that area.

Yes, Karen! She is one intelligent little gal & remembers everything & will remind you of what you said in case you forget! She is like a breath of fresh air! One day I'll tell you about the other 4 grt-grandkids... Ages 6, 4, 3, 1.
Love them all!

deb said...

I am going to bed early tonight, I am tired. TTYT

Mema Jo said...

Early for you Deb but right on time for me to close down.

Good Night!
Pleasant dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all our needs being said

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, she is right between Waynesboro and Chambersburg...I won't name the town...

KarenInCali said...

deb, I am about an hr. south of Huntington Beach, 40 mins. north of San Diego...don't ask me miles LOL...HB is a very nice place...used to go to the beach there in the summer with my cousins who live up that way.

mema jo..would love to hear about your others. You must have started very young to have great-grands ;-) I tell you I can't even imagine what life with be like now without my granddaughter.

KarenInCali said...

Have a good night mema jo...sweet dreams :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, Karen and Jill...gonna let ya'll close it down...

Bad blogger making me type 8 letters this late at night :)

KarenInCali said...

Night, Paula...sweet dreams :-)

KarenInCali said...

It's quiet here and so I am going to watch tv. Night to those of you still reading. Sweet dreams :) Will be back tmrw.

Costume Lady said...

I have been sooo busy this afternoon and watched Idol and Brothers on TV, so I didn't get a chance to chat and find out what all was going on. I guess I will catch up tomorrow.
Karen must live near JIM?? Tell us JIM...

(Extra prayer for Dana)

movin said...

I was just reading Karenincali's comments about her location, and that sounds about where my sister lives and 10-15 miles north of where I grew up ... near Del Mar.

What town do you live in, or near, Karen? How long in the area?



Jill said...

JIM. How hard is it to put a new hard drive into a computer? I have put in modems and memory. My sons hard drive went out and he is getting a new computer so I thought I would put a new HD in his old one for my youngest

movin said...




By the way, there's an excellent Catalina Report posted today... a lot of new action, new pics.


movin said...

Hi, Jill,
I believe it's pretty easy. Get advice where you buy it to make sure it's compatible with your machine.

Make sure you get one with thorough instructions...physically you just unplug the old one (a couple of screws maybe) and plug the new one in. But you might have to format the drive and I don't know what before you load your operating system etc.

On the other hand, it might all be taken care of on your installation CD these days. Then all you would have to do is follow its instructions.

I've done CD drives and such, but I've never had a hard disk drive fail (Knockin on my noggin).


Jill said...

I went to look for the latest Santa Cruz update and found this. I don't know if any of you have seen it but it is so wonderful what these two ladies did for our Limuw.

Jill said...

Thanks Jim.

Did you check out the link I sent about Limuw. There is also a post about the trip the ladies took. I just sent it out in an email

movin said...

Jill, is that the complete link? I get an error message.

Jill said...

Should be. It is included in the email I just sent, did you get that?

IrisF said...

Good Night Jill and Jim, that was a wonderful tribute to Limuw!!! I'm so glad they made that trip!

Good Morning Suzanne and early birds!!!

Prayers being said for all....
Sweet dreams

Jill said...

Here it is again Jim. Doesn't look like it copied right the first time

Jill said...

Yes Iris, I had tears in my eyes. But we would probably do the same for Liberty and Belle if we could track them and their offspring.

movin said...

Is the email on the momsters site, Jill?


Jill said...

I reused an email Jo sent me. Does that automatically post to Momsters.

If you go to the discusions page where you found the Catalina Update, there is another is on called A-63. Go to around page 16 or 17 and you will find it.

IrisF said...

Jim, Jill's mail is on Momsters mail... but just in case you don't find it here is another link...this one is to Glo's For The Love of Eagles Forum, but it takes you to the same place.
Take some kleenex with you...

movin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
movin said...

OK, Jill, here's a clickable link that works... got it from momster's site.


Limuw’s grave site

movin said...

Thanks, Jill, that is a very touching tribute to Limuw.


Jill said...

Thank you. I went looking for the Catalina report that you mentioned. Found this instead. Went back and found the report tho.

movin said...

Well, Jill, Iris,
I think I will say good night.


Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Blogger didn't ask any questions, so think I'll save my post before I attempt to post it just in case!
Very cold, and wind down here, and some flurries coming down. 20° in PA, down to 15 enroute here, and up to a big whopping 21° here with wind. Bundle up!
Gotta see what is going on. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Our eagle is sound asleep on the eggs, and it's snowing in Maine. That looks really wierd in the IR, snow is coming down right in front of cam, and looks like bugs flying by the cam. Looks like tree has quite a bit of snow, but in the light, can't really tell. Can't see anyone in NBG either, but that doesn't mean anything. I see they have mating pics up from yesterday, but they wouldn't load this morning. I'll try later. BW eagle is also sound asleep.

Suzanne said...

Not sure our pic is updating. Eagle should have been up and turned the eggs by now, cam has been up about an hour. Very unusual to still be sleeping in same position. I'll have to go back and read to see if it went down yesterday sometime.
Looks like it stopped snowing in Maine, but still looks like flurries in PA.

Suzanne said...

Well, glancing back at the blogs, I see the cam was up and down yesterday. Right now, it's down.
Also saw the comments about where I live. Paula, you got it exactly right, and I want to THANK YOU for NOT naming the town. After looking at the new counters here on the blog, and some of the details, I really don't want to post any personal information on the blog anymore. Just way too many eyes are reading this blog! Which is good....but NOTHING is private. REMEMBER THAT WHEN POSTING.

Suzanne said...

Still glancing back, Jill I went to your link for the memorial for Limuw, and that was very touching. Brought me to tears, but what a wonderful thing they did! Aren't eagle people amazing??? Thanks for posting the link... And Jim for the tiny URL.

Suzanne said...

I feel like I'm working in the Twilight Zone! 2 of my other 4 o'clock co-workers called in this morning, so I was alone till about 5. Then finally figured out our cam wasn't updating. Now, finally figuring out the BWE cam isn't updating either! Good grief, how wierd. Least the pandas are working, AND MAINE EAGLE!!!

There is an eagle laying in the nest, and one on the branch. NOW HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Oh my, AND both eagles in NBG nest! Rennovating, looks like. Ok, gonna be a good day. Gonna be a better day when our cam gets back up, tho.

Suzanne said...

Eagle that was in nest in Maine is up and trying to get comfy again. Still quite a bit of snow on the nest. Now standing there thinking about it. Oh, never mind, flew off. And there goes the other one right behind her.

carolinabeachmom said...


Got up a little ahead of time to see if our cam was back working and to say hi to everyone, since I am blocked from blogging from school now.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is a windy 29' here this morning at the Outer Banks. Brrrrrr. I had better bundle up for recess duty today.

carolinabeachmom said...

Both eagles sitting side by side on a branch in NBG. I guess they have made up. Read where there were more nestorations going on and HP. I'm glad the other female finally left them alone. They make a cute couple. One just flew away; hopefully maybe making the gesture of getting breadfast for both. Hmmmmm? :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Well my NBG cam went black for now, eagle nest in Maine is MT with snow like Suzanne said. BWE seems to be working fine. I just saw the parent eagle turning it's head on screen. Now if only ours would move, Must be still sleeping. At least if it is going to freeze now, it is showing a nice pic without snow and a bird in nest over eggs. :) Everything seems to be working.

Suzanne said...

Good mornnig, Candy. I had minimized our cam, but see it is up now. Eagle has moved, and it's getting daylight, so glad to see that! But did bring up NBG, and nothing but a white screen there. Good grief, guess I'm not gonna be looking at too many eagles today! BW is also back on, so that's a good thing!
You better bundle up, it's very cold out there! Don't want you getting sick!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, SUZANNE, you have a wonderful day chatting with all the others. Had better head out the door and get to school. Wanda should be getting up soon, with Mits, Dana, Sharon, PAULA, Jill, Norma, Chrissy, Jim, Deb , Iris, JO and all the rest of your crew. You all and all I have missed have a good eagle blogging day. IBoth eagles Just in our nest. It is still working and must be a change of guard. One there now.

Suzanne said...

Switch, Lib left and Belle is checking eggs before getting on them. They must be alright, cause she didn't waste any time sitting on them! Pulling grasses in around her now to keep her warm.

Suzanne said...

Candy, you have a great day at school! Stay warm during recess!! Blog at you tomorrow.
Glad you saw the switch.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good to see you are feeling better too SUZANNE. Gotto go for now. Miss talking to the gang in the PJ club in the morning. I can go now knowing that our nest is still in business. Have a good day and a safe trip home to Gypsy and her friends.

Later gators.

Suzanne said...

About 5 deer,including the BUCK in the snow in PA!!!! How cool is that!

Suzanne said...

You too, Candy, have a good one!

Suzanne said...

My gosh, there are 7 deer in PA, including the buck. Wow, have never seen that many at this hour.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I went to bed very early with a sick headache so I am now up very early but the headaches is gone. I do think I will actually have some time for breakfast before coffee and dog treats AND I don't think I will start the day out close to a computer screen. I will catch up on the bLOG comments mid morning or so. Hope there's lots to see and enjoy for each of you.

Suzanne said...

Wow, something spooked the deer, they all took off running. Neat to watch for this long, tho!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Glo. Hope you continue to feel better! Our cam is working and there were 7 deer on the PA cam, including the buck. They all took off, but they're back now, including the buck! Have a great day, Glo.

Jill said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 288 of 288   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...