Thursday, February 14, 2008


New thread. I fixed the pictures on Randy's fantastic post below.


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Carol_in_WV said...

This office cat is driving me nuts. All her other "office mommies" left early today - so she keeps bugging me. She likes to play with the curser on the monitor and also likes to walk on my keyboard. She loves to play with rubberbands. Two days ago, she discovered the box of rubberbands on the supply shelf. Now if she wants one to play with, she jumps up on the shelf, snags one out of the box and carries it to the floor in her mouth and plays with it. Too funny!!

deb said...

One eagle gone from Maine, the other is doing a little nestoration.

deb said...

Eagle gone from Maine, I think eagle at NBG is male, his head looks smaller. Zooming looking for something.

Carol, sounds like she keeps you entertained!!

Carol_in_WV said...

Entertained sometimes - annoyed other times, like when I'm trying to get some work done.

deb said...

Oh, one of the little hummers is on the side of the nest! They are growing so fast!!

deb said...

Eagle back at Barton Cove! That is a pretty nest.

Carol_in_WV said...

I guess everyone else is having Valentine's dinner with their sweetheart - so it's just you and me, Deb! What's the password for that hummer site?

deb said...

The password is guest in both lines. I had to go look, I have my computer set so it remembers it for me.

deb said...

We must be the only ones here. I had my Valentines last Friday, so nothing to do today but watch cams and shovel snow!

Carol_in_WV said...

Thanks - I'll go check it out. I need to do something to remember it.

Wow! They barely fit in that nest now.

deb said...

They are starting to get color in their feathers, now, too. They are so cute. I think it was Jim who found this site, sure glad he did!

Carol_in_WV said...

Well, it's time for me to go home - so you'll have it all to yourself til the sweethearts finish dinner ;-)


deb said...

Bye, Carol.

floralgirl said...

Aw, don't worry, DEb, you are not alone. I had to take my kid to get a haircut after school.

deb said...

I'm glad I am not alone, Megan. Almost everyone is out and about today.

movin said...

Take a look at ZZ now.



deb said...

I don't understand what is wrong with our society that some people just start shooting at others. Another shooting today at Northern Illinois University, with at least 15 injuries.


movin said...

Have you looked at the new Channel Island cam setups??

I had to download a "NeoKast" software, but I'm getting WE with a good picture (shimmers when the wind blows though).

PH is up and working well too.



Mema Jo said...



deb said...

That only works on Windows, not on Mac!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Deb so glad you're watching

deb said...

Jo, now let's get them rebuilding it!!! Mits are you watching!

floralgirl said...

I can't keep track of all these cams, and my computer is freaking out and the screen goes all crazy when I try to watch certain pages.

deb said...

I hope Mits is, too, otherwise we will have to let her know, she will be happy!

deb said...

Dog needs out, watch for me!

movin said...

I think you put your finger on part of it, Deb. "Wrong with our society." There is something petty and destructive in society today, which is driving more and more people insane and causing them to behave destructively and murderously.

When I was a kid it was a big national thing if there was one such shooting or killing per decade. But now it's almost a daily thing.

Whatever is causing it is becoming more efficient at it.



deb said...

It is sad that is becoming so common place, just this month there have been so many.

Eagle moved up to camera 2 at Kent.

deb said...

Sorry, I meant camera 1.

AJ said...

Happy Valentine day everyone including Bell and Lib

movin said...

There is a preliminary DGIF Report on the Norfolk site of the happenings today.



deb said...

Hi, AJ. Thanks for the heads up, Jim.

floralgirl said...

There's an update posted about the Norfolk cam on their blog.

movin said...

ZZ is playing on cam again at SD...



deb said...

Kent eagles are gone for now, but it was sure good to see them there.

Mema Jo said...

It sure was Deb. Sent some of my shots out through Momster's email for our group and then sent it up to the Kent Forum group.

After the turmoil in Norfolk

Kent was like a breath of fresh air!

Mema Jo said...



I guess it doesn't start until the 201. I just noticed it when I came
back on

Mema Jo said...

DEB: I did let Mits know & her reply was.....
Star looks like she is saying, "what the h#%* happened"? So glad to see them, had read Deb's comment on blog, and got there to see one on the tree trunk, Thanks.

Jill said...

Did you all see the Westminister Kennel Club winner has ties to the Hagerstown/Frederick Area? I think it was NBC 25 that reported his owner used to live in the area?

New page every 200 posts.

Mema Jo said...

Hi AJ - Megan - Sunshine was great today! They say we're getting more of it tomorrow!

Ok Jim I'll go read the report from Norfolk......

deb said...

Good, Jo, I am glad she got to see one. I was just looking at the pictures I took, will compare to yours!

floralgirl said...

The report from Norfolk is a little distressing. So glad our nest is nice and quiet.

Mema Jo said...

Link to the VDGIF/NBG Report

floralgirl said...

Well hello, Jo:) Oh, that sun felt so good today, melted most of that ice away.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - You'll need your shades on tomorrow. Then the next day you'll need your ear muffs again! It is staying light out longer as each day goes by so Spring isn't that far away. Crazy robin in my yard was happy today - flying from tree to tree. But the day before he huddled under my car trying to eat the outdoor cats hard food... I was fearful the outdoor cats were going to eat him!

IrisF said...

Thanks for the link Jo, golly if the Biologists are confused, is there any reason we should NOT be confused as to who is who in Norfolk...It seems absolutely like a soap opera at this point. Sure hope those eggs are still good. On the other hand if they don't have the right parents they may not get treated as well as we are used to seeing them be. Those parents were very like ours at NCTC as far as being attentive to their young...
SO VERY SAD that this had to happen.

deb said...

I'd better get some dinner before Survivor. BBL.

paula eagleholic said...


floralgirl said...

Why are we whispering??

paula eagleholic said...

Don't want to jinx the "nice and quiet" keep our mouths shut and our fingers crossed!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks to whomever posted that the Barton's Cove cam is up...hadn't checked it in a couple of days!

floralgirl said...

You are right, it's nice to see our eagle sleeping soundly.

paula eagleholic said...

I did see a head peek up and look around a little while ago...

Costume Lady said...

Where did everyone go?

Costume Lady said...

Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. Calling it a day.


Anne-Marie said...

Is anybody home?. Wake up you guys I finally have my computer working and I want to celebrate...Hurray!

Anne-Marie said...

You guys are no fun..... Here I was ready to party and everybody went to bed..

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle now facing the cam

Hope everyone had a nice day.

Good night, and pleasant dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Yay Heidigirl!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, missed the eagle turn a minute ago....facing 3 now

Mema Jo said...

Was really busy this evening passing the word to others about the 6 eggs of Ms Owl and the return of Spirit & Star to Kent nest. I think their nestorations have begun!

Good Night everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers going up for everyone's needs and requests!

Enjoy tomorrows' SUNSHINE!

deb said...

Six eggs, wow. I don't think I will watch until I hear it is safe to see the owlets being nice to each other. It is so nice to have seen Star and Spirit.

Night all, no snow in my Forecast Tomorrow!!

movin said...






Suzanne said...

Good morning, world! Happy Friday! Still some black ice in spots, so be careful if you have to go out. 30° in PA, 35° here, but no wind, so not so bad. Got home yesterday and it was 27° at my house. Guess we didn't hit our 40! Ice was still on the trees, and they were sparkling! Just beautiful. Naturally didn't bring my camera, so it wasn't in the car, but I have it today. Hopefully, ice will still be there, unless we get a heat wave today to melt it. Ice was still there this morning, could see it glistening in the dark.
See BW cams are up again! Glad of that. Looks like the boys have the night shift! Looks like Lord BW on the eggs in BW, and Lib on the eggs in NCTC! Just like the flightless birds, Osterichs! The males do the night shift on their eggs too! Darker colors blend with the night better.
Ok, have to go see what I missed. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

OH wow! Bai is sleeping curled up in a hallway. Don't know where our little Precious is, but it's LIGHT in the hallway! You can actually see a panda at this hour in SD!!! Cool.

Suzanne said...

Awww, Squiggles was under Bai's arm, they're snuggling! how cute is that!
Norfolk eagle turning eggs. They have some awesome shots on their site from the 13th. Beautiful, if you get a chance to view them. (Slideshow)

Suzanne said...

Lib now turning eggs!

Suzanne said...

Oh, both parent owls in the CO nest! How cool, 2nd one just came in.

Suzanne said...

Darn, lost BW eagle. Osprey cam appears to be still working, but the eagle cam is just black with that dreaded little red x!

Suzanne said...

BW Eagle is back, but sometimes has wiggly lines.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne. Balmy 31° heree, actually felt warm when I took the dog out just now. Most of the ice is gone here, only remains in hte shady spots.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan! Ice was on the trees in my area coming down, but not sure it will still be there when I go home this afternoon. At least it's not on the streets! If you get a chance, go look at NBG photos from the 13th. The eagles are beautiful in the icy trees! How you liking your fast connection, now????

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning suzanne it seems that
everything is quiet here.The
weather here is cold and cloudy
but it's going to become sunny
later today.I hope that everyone
is ok.


floralgirl said...

I saw them Suzanne. Love this fast connection, BUT... all of a sudden yesterday my computer started going haywire, when I try to watch the Norfolk cam, the screen jumps around like crazy, can't figure it ou. Hello Dave.

Suzanne said...

WE HAVE 6 EGGS IN THE OWL HOTEL!!! Jo, I'll send you a pic. Mom left a little while ago, and they're still visible. She's at the entrance, can see her shadow. Never mind, she's back.

floralgirl said...

Both birds, our nest

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Megan, wasn't watching!

Suzanne said...

Wonder if Belle is gonna push Lib outta the nest cup again this morning! Too funny yesterday, he was comfy and warm and didn't want to move.

Suzanne said...

BW eagle turning eggs.

Suzanne said...

Well, and there went Belle poof.

Suzanne said...

Deer in PA, and the CO owl is off her two eggs.

Suzanne said...

Oh, eagle just took off from a branch at NBG. Was on eggs earlier, not eggs are alone.

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne, Megan.

Got to sleep, got up for mother nature, couldn't get back to sleep....

I think Belle is on the eggs here, and then Liberty just flew in. Guess he left again as I was writing.

Have either of you seen Liberty bring fish or other foods in to feed Belle lately. I can see she is well fed and happy on the eggs, but I haven't seen the feeding going on this season.



Suzanne said...

Looks like Lib is gonna go back to sleep!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Jim. Think that may be Lib, but wouldn't swear to it. But just had first visitor of the day when second eagle just came in and left. No, haven't seen Lib bring much food, but he has brought some, they've talked about the fish and squirrels here on the blog. What I haven't seen, is Lord BW bring ANYTHING for Lady BW to eat! Last year I remember one time he had 2 huge fish and a duck(?) in the nest at the same time. Haven't seen him bring in any food at all for her yet.

floralgirl said...

Hey Jim:) I was watching NBG nest, looks like same female got up and then sat back down. Wish that nest had sound, she was yelling, perhaps looking for her mate.

Suzanne said...

Hello, Dave, sorry I missed you! Megan, that jumping around yesterday may have been the NBG nest! Either the wind or the cam really blows around there!
Still one in our nest, parent in BW, eagle in BWO, eagle in sunrise in NGB, and several deer in PA.

Suzanne said...

Maine nest is back up and MT, and parent in Tesoro.

carolinabeachmom said...


movin said...

Hi, Suz and Megan,
Looks like "Lord BW" is perched in the middle of a windstorm right now.

I don't recall what he brought the Lady while incubating last year, but he did keep them fed with a constant gift of fish after the chicks hatched.. Didn't they have a final family dinner on the nest with about a half dozen fish?

I have trouble telling the pair apart at WV too in the "fish-eye" lens, but Belle stood up sideways to the camera just before he arrived, and she looked LARGE at the far end of the nest (Lib never looks large at the far end), so I'm pretty sure it's her. I guess Lib went to "russle up some breakfast" ... hahaha.



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6 1 other nest/in nest nightly

 I spent the night in the nest naturally here's them flying in Here's the latest of the Little Hawk named Chance this was today'...