Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday 2



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paula eagleholic said...

Belle is still snoozing...bless her heart!

Costume Lady said...

It sure does do you good to get silly and laugh hard as often as you can. I was laughing at something Mits said one day about how she cleaned out her "mouse" and tried to tell Gene what she said and I laughed so hard, I couldn't tell him. Haven't laughed like that in years! You ladies are sooo good for me.

Costume Lady said...

And besides, Sharon told me it is OK to be silly.

Costume Lady said...

Sorry about your team, Paula. OH. I see 2 pretty little eggs!

Costume Lady said...

I guess she is turning them. No flat spots tonight.

Unknown said...

I am interested in why the eggs are not in the middle of the nest? That is the deepest part of the nest and would make the most sense for protection from weather. My assumption is because the light for the camera shines directly in the middle of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

She was just up turning eggs, and right back with her head tucked in.

paula eagleholic said...

Dion - the egg cup has always been at that end of the nest...since the cam has been on the nest in 2006. The light is an infrared light. The eagles cannot see it, and it doesn't bother them.

Up and looking towards the back of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Or I guess I should say awake and looking off the back. Still on the eggs.

Jill said...

I can't answer your question Dion but I don't think it is the light. Blackwater has their eggs on the side of the nest too.

paula eagleholic said...

Blackwater eagle nest has their egg to the right side of the nest...take a look at it tomorrow..

Jill said...

Wanda you are right, they were ugly little dolls. All I can remember is we were trying to come up with names for my oldest son. Everybody in the family wanted him named after them and my cousin saw this doll named Athol Curt and thought that would be a good name. She was joking of course but one thing led to another and we almost killed ourselves laughing.

Costume Lady said...

JILL, I wouldn't touch that name with a 10ft. pole.LOL

Costume Lady said...

I would guess they have the egg cup at the far end so they will have plenty of room when the chicks hatch to care for them and feed them without stepping on them. It's like putting your bed up against a wall instead in the middle of the room.

Costume Lady said...

Sandman got me again.


Prayers for Helen, Sandra and all our loved ones.

movin said...

Evening, everybody.

Does anyone know (like Paula or someone) how to view all the slides in a slide show at Norfolk if "nothing" but the first picture of the show is visible??

I think I learned a trick last year to at least view the numbers of the other slides and view them manually; however, I can't recall what I learned.



Jill said...

Wanda, there is a very good reason his name is Joseph David. LOL.

movin said...

At Pete's they're looking at Giraffes on a hillside about 3 or 4 miles away.



Jill said...

Jim when I go to the slide shows there are numbers at the bottom and a button that says next page are you not seeing that? Or am I looking at the wrong slideshows?

movin said...

Does anyone else see the GH Owl sitting on the branch at Norfolk again??



paula eagleholic said...

Jim - Dana sent out an email thru momsters about it...let me see if I can find it...

movin said...

Jill, for some reason those numbers do not show on my computer this year....



Jill said...

HUMMM. I did encounter a few that I couldnt' see all the numbers, did you try going to full screen or maximize? Some I couldn't see the next page button.

paula eagleholic said...

This is what she said....

Here is what I did to see the pics for slideshow at NGB: Get the picture up, now see below in right hand corner the 100% then there is an "arrow pointing downward" CLICK on that and it shows at dot beside 100% instead click the 75% and all the page numbers will now show so you can click on each page for that set of pictures. Good Luck

Maybe you will want to email her directly if you don't understand her directions

paula eagleholic said...

No Jim, unless I missed it. I just see and eagle with its head tucked in

paula eagleholic said...

I just noticed they have their own videos of the 1st and 2nd egg laying and owl visit...

Jill said...

I don't see an owl either Jim.

Jill said...

I don't see the little dot Dana is talking about but I do see the little arrow thing you use to enlarge the page, when I do that the copyright I couldn't see before shows. It is almost the same as using the mazimize button you just have control of how big to make it.

movin said...

Incidentally, I noticed I get a different frame at NOrfolk when using Explorer, but in Firefox where I can see farther left on the big branch, I see what could be the Owl on the branch about where it was before the eagles began using the nest at night. I don't know if you can see it in Explorer... look far left on the big branch.



movin said...

I am going to try your suggestion, Paula. Right back.



Jill said...

Jim I see something off to the left near a white looking branch but when I go full screen it doesn't look like an owl anymore, maybe I can't go far enough left.

Jill said...

Jim what I see is the eagle sitting under a triangle of branches. To the left of that is a white stick laying horizontally and what appears to be two things going upwards, near the white stick and in between the two vertical things looks like an owl head is that what you are seeing?

paula eagleholic said...

I see where you are talking about Jill. Just looks like sticks to me, but I see where someone could mistake it for an owl...but it would have to be a miniature owl!

Jill said...

Think it is too early for baby owls? LOL. It does sort of look like an owl head at first but when you go to full screen it looks like a cat.

movin said...

The "Owl" is still in exactly the same position, so I might be making it up out of something else. [:~)]

In Firefox I found no dot or such,

BUT... I did discover that if I hit the "End" key or the down arrow, the whole lower part of the page including the slide numbers comes into view.. oooorah!!


paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk eagle is awake now...

And Jim, that eagle would not be sleeping in the nest if there were an owl on the branch!!

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl Jim...that makes sense...ctrl pg down works on most any page to get to the bottom...

Jill said...

Glad you figured out how to find the numbers Jim. I have never used or seen Firefox so I have no clue how to use it.

movin said...

Yes, Paula, and on mine I can see what looks like its body and feet perched on the large dark branch below the bright branch. It looks a lot like a GHO, but it could be a combination of other things that just look like an owl.

One Firefox I can barely see the eagles head to the right, but I can see much farther to the left?? No idea why.

I found the way to view the slide show, which makes my night. Thanks to you both for your help, Paula, Jill.



Jill said...

I am going to try to sleep now. But I am sure I won't, either I won't go to sleep or as soon as I do they will call me to work. So I will probably check later for one reason or another.

Good Night Paula and Jim

Good Morning early crew.

movin said...

Good night, Jill. I hope you do sleep well.



movin said...

Paula, did I read in your comments that there was an intruder at PH today??

Was it violent?



paula eagleholic said...

Yes, there was an immature eagle that tried to steal K10's fish. K10 did a great job of chasing him/her off. The video is on page 16-18 of today's nest watch. There was lots of wing beating going on for sure!

Mema Jo said...

Woo Hoo! I finally found the secret of the slide show after reading all your remarks. Bring up the pic & hit Ctl = End...... Man I sure was missing all that with Firefox

paula eagleholic said...

Belle was looking to the left, but has tucked her head back in...heading to bed here...have a good night, Jim and Jill.

Good night, all.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed in now.... Tired out!

Good Night Everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Restful sleep & Peaceful dreams
Prayers for everyone of you (and me too)!

Could we be so lucky to get Live Feed on a Friday work day before the weekend begins??

paula eagleholic said...

Glad it helped you too, Jo.


movin said...

Mema Jo, did you see I found how to view the slide shows at Norfolk??

Sleep well.



movin said...

I'll have to read the account, look at videos, Paula. Sounds exciting.

Did everyone see that there is a new Catalina Report this week??



movin said...

Just thinking, Paula. I read somewhere that adults often steal fish from immatures, so maybe K-10 had stolen it in the first place...which caused the immature to follow him to the nest.



movin said...




Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Came in, started glancing at email, got busy, and forgot I hadn't opened anything yet! Just now opened this to say good morning. Cold is coming back, but slowly. It was 32° in PA this am, and 36° here. So it's coming. But no snow, no ice, no wind, and no rain or fog, so not a bad night! Going to have to go open some cams, want to see our babies!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! Oh, HAPPY FRIDAY, we made it!!!

Suzanne said...

Well darn, both BW cams are down. But Lisa did update the eagle gallery!

Suzanne said...

Eagle up and looking at the eggs. Not turning them, just standing there looking at them. These two sure are not acting like they have in the past! Guess each new season brings new stuff to learn. Now the eagle started to get back down on eggs, but now going to turn them. Wiggling butt to get settled down on the eggs.

Suzanne said...

Back up turning eggs again. Clearly still two. Don't know what that was about, but eagle seems settled now. Moving grasses by chest.

Suzanne said...

head on back, maybe going to go to sleep. Sure hope so.

Suzanne said...

Just brought up the PA cam, it is raining like mad there. At least I hope it's rain and not snow! Temp there is 31° so it could be either.

Also just opened the owl hotel! WE HAVE 3 EGGS THIS MORNING! Soon as I opened it, two were in the nest, one left immediately, she got up and stood and there were 3 eggs!! She looked at them, turned around and is now sitting on them. Jo, I'll send you a pic.

Suzanne said...

Glancing back at the blog, I see where Jo posted that we had 3 eggs at the WildWatch hotel. So ok, wasn't news to you guys, just me when I saw them this morning. Day late, dollar short.

Suzanne said...

Not a day late or dollar short for this!


Hope you have a great day, and can at least get some sleep for your birthday!!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning our nest. Still 2 beautiful eggs!

Suzanne said...

For heaven's sake. Eagle just stood there looking at the eggs, now turning them!

Suzanne said...

Eagle also turned around, we see her back now. Still raining in PA! Sometimes it comes down almost horizontally, so it must be windy!

Suzanne said...

Our eagle still asleep on the eggs. Think it may be Belle, but wouldn't swear to it. Looks kinda small for her, but tail is out and not up against the egg wall.

It is snowing in PA. Was hoping it was only rain, but ground just keeps getting whiter and whiter. Hope they're enough north of me that I don't have a surprise when I get home!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Up off the eggs!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning time. That is definately Belle in the nest now, but wasn't watching so don't know if she just came in, or just got up. Think she just came in, but not really sure. Still see 2 eggs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Blogger cop - @@#@%^&^%$&#@

Still 2 eggs, of course, and that is definitely Belle.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As soon as I posted that, poof, she was gone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Liberty (I think) just arrived.

Suzanne said...

Yeah, knew that last pic was Belle for sure, but did you see her get up, or did she fly in and Lib fly out? Thought earlier it was Belle on the eggs, but looked kinda small for her. This is Belle now, and looks kinda small...

carolinabeachmom said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes Suz, she got up off the eggs and stood there a minute and flew off. Then Lib flew in and took over.

Suzanne said...

LOL, or maybe not. Could be Lib, who knows.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Did you get to see the switch and the eggs?

thanks, Sharon!

Hey, Happy Friday!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Tesoro eaglets are standing tall, and evidentally YELLING for breakfast! They grow overnight! Oh, wing flap. Make that a wing stretch, they don't have enough feathers for flappng yet. Little cuties! NBG is light, but still in B&W. Maine is covered in snow, and it looks like it's snowing there again. not as hard as it was a couple days ago, but snowing just the same. Still snowing in PA!

Suzanne said...

Deer in PA in the snow.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just got to school and got the classroom stiuated. No I didn't see the exchange of eagles. Still two eggs, I guess.

carolinabeachmom said...

I didn't get a chance to read last night's blog as I fell asleep early watching tv and never woke up for any length of time. Has anyone heard anymore about MITS?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well we made it through another week. Do you suppose they will have the live feed up today? Poor Steve shouldn't have told anyone when or how. Now we are anxiously waiting, while trying to be patient.

Suzanne said...

There were 2 deer, but now the one with the bad legs is right in front of the cam!

Costume Lady said...

Lib and Belle seem to have settled down and are acting like expectant parents now. No more STAYING OUT ALL NIGHT. Although they still look at those eggs sometimes as if they were Aliens.

carolinabeachmom said...

NBG site is up woth bird in it now.

Costume Lady said...

It is 27° here and going up to 47°, winds are calm.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning WANDA. Hope all is well with you today.

Costume Lady said...

IS FRIDAY. (crableg night)

carolinabeachmom said...

I think I heard that we are going to be in the 60's this weekend still. Was a little chilly coming to work this morning in just a sweater.

NORMA Sorry about Wv loss in Basketball last night. It was a close one and also controversial one. We lost our game to Duke plain and simple.

Costume Lady said...

Yep, Candy, it is all good here.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well kids will be rolling in so I had better get myself settled ddown and smile. :) It is Friday, so that is a good thing. Hope you get your video cam up today before the weekend. Keep your eyes out for the third egg.
Bye for now.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Hope you're right and they settle down! And they do look at those eggs funny. Sure aren't acting like they have in the past! Hope the eggs are alright.
2 deer in PA on cam.

Suzanne said...

Bye Candy, have a great day and a great weekend!!! Stay warm.

Costume Lady said...

CANDY, I didn't watch the game, what was the controversy?

Costume Lady said...

Have a good day and weekend CANDY.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, wait until you see how they act when the eaglet is trying to crack out of the egg. They jump up and look down at the eggs really funny then.

Costume Lady said...

SHARON, I just can't imagine the excitement from them or US when that happens!

Suzanne said...


Costume Lady said...

The two of them together now, what a pretty sight.

Suzanne said...

They're talking about something. Oh, there goes Belle.

Costume Lady said...

Belle gone to stretch her wings.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----HELLO---SUZANNE---SHARON---& CANDY!!!----It's a COLD WINTER a.m. here in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY"---temp. is 30° ----Sun is rising on a slate blue sky!!!----I wonder what beautiful happenings await us on this Friday!! ---ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY!!----& WISH our BEAUTIFUL JILL!!!----A HAPPY---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!----WISHING YOU MANY--MANY MORE JILL!!---LOVE YOU!!!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SHARON & WANDA!!---Do you all think maybe we might see another EGG?----That would be so COOL!!---But I thank God we have two!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Just a tiny dusting of snow in PA!!----Do see a few beautiful birds!!

glo said...

Good Morning all. Happy Birthday Jill

There is a New FeedBlitz this morning check your mail If you are not signed up, you need to be. :)
For the Love of Eagles>

Sign up is on the left sure to verify your subscription in an email which they immediately send to you.

Today is the day...Yep to both Hear and See this gorgeous pair, I can feel it in my bones. Hmmm Maybe its all the cold and snow we are dealing with this year...something going on with these bones LOL. Needing coffee and dog treats here.

normabyrd said...

I can't exactly see the 'LITTLE PRINCE' this morning!!----But I see a long pile of BAMBOO moving!!-----Must be our BOY!!---ADORABLE!!
MEI is having a BAMBOO BREAK too!!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING MISS NORMA...Yes, Norma, I think we will get a third egg and maybe a fourth and fifth. All that Hanky Panky should produce a whole nest full. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning GLO...enjoy your dog treats and coffee. LOL

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO for the reminder!!---ENJOY your 'Coffee Break'!!!!----

normabyrd said...

TESORO EAGLES are working down in the nest!!---Hang in there long enough & a head will POP up!!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma and Glo. Enjoy the treats and coffee Glo and puppies! Yes, not much snow in PA. Hopefully it will be all gone by the time I leave and get home!

Suzanne said...

One HUGE turkey in PA!

Suzanne said...

3 eggs visible in the owl hotel!

normabyrd said...

The regal VA Lady is looking so serene this a.m.!!---Bet she might have another egg too!!---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, that is an interesting position.

Suzanne said...

Norma, are you still watching Orangutan Island? I think tonight may be the last show! That's not good! But they have 2 new shows starting tonight. One starts at 8PM, called Lemur Kingdom. Filmed in Madagascar, 2 groups sorta like Meerkat Manor. Can't wait to see that. Love those Lemurs! They have them at the Cocatin Zoo, and they LOVE their tummies to be rubbed! They are adorable!
The other new show is Escape to Chimp Eden, where some guy rescues chimps and I guess gives them a better home and life. That starts at 9:30PM. Have seen previews, but know nothing about the show. There is a new Orangutan Island between these shows, starts at 9PM, but think that may be the last one. Bummer.

normabyrd said...

WHOA SUZANNE!!---One TURKEY does not a "RAFTER" make!!---ho!!---Hope DANA isn't reading this---She doesn't like that word either!! ho!

Suzanne said...

LOL, Norma! Doesn't make a rafter, but he was standing directly in the center of the cam pic. Was huge!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Both there now, one working on nestorations.

Suzanne said...

Sharon, have you noticed that Lib is not bringing foot in the nest for Belle this year? Lord BW isn't doing it for the Lady BW either! Remember last year? Both males had tons of fish and animals in the nest for the females while they were on the eggs, but I haven't seen either male bring in food for the female yet this year! Strange that both males would stop doing that.

normabyrd said...

I am looking forward to the LEMUR show----I have been watching more news programs & several nature type shows on PBS----LOVE watching those CHIMPS!!---They act more human than we humans do!!---They are COOL!!

normabyrd said...

EASY SUZANNE!----These males have had it with WOMENS' GROUPS!!!!----These MEN are UNITED!! ho!!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, just read back! Sharon, I don't think Lib is gonna bring FOOT into the nest for anybody!!! LOL...meant FOOD!!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Was just gonna say parent in Tesoro, but it took off. Chicks are still standing waiting for it to return. With FOOD no doubt!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suz, I knew what you meant, but you never know, might bring some kind of foot in there! :)

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----GEULA was on the blog yesterday & she remarked she had been caring for some DONKEYS that have been mistreated!!----She loves DONKEYS too!!!---We only disagreed on whether or not they smelled good!!---She is so interesting & very COOL sense of humor!!

Geula said...

Good morning to all! To those WITH and WITHOUT feathers!

I'm preparing for my ds's visit with his wife....
bought out the whole store!

normabyrd said...

SHARON!!---I AGREE!!---I remember the 1st time I went to the nest!!----We found all kinds of bones, etc. under the tree---Remember the turtle shells---Think JO got one!!

SUZ!--don't worry--you spelled "foot" correctly!! ho!

Geula said...

OUCH! my HALO is getting tight!ROTFLMBFJAO!

I cuop and saw that we didn't get the link for the new video feed. I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa to come down the's just so hard to WAIT!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GEULA!!---WHOA!---We can't even say nice things about you---I guess I forget you can "READ"!!---ho!
What are you doing this a.m.??

Suzanne said...

Morning, Geula.
Haven't read everything from yesterday, but think Steven blogged that he was going to be off today? I read that either on the blog, or momsters email. Haven't read much of the email either, but did read a couple. If he's off, he won't give us the URL for the live feed. And he may be off, no new blog yet, so maybe he's sleeping in!

Suzanne said...

Tesoro being fed.

normabyrd said...

GEULA---I think we all are VERY EXCITED!!----Watching for egg #3?--& waiting for the live feed, etc.--
--just enjoy the wait!! I always say----LIFE IS GOOD---ENJOY!!!

Costume Lady said...

Steve said they had the Live Feed working but it was in BLACK AND WHITE, that is all we see anyway with this feed. We could live with black and white til they get it fixed. Come on, give it a try....

normabyrd said...

SUZ!!---STEVEN did say he would be off today---& I 'think' the guys were going to continue working to get all the "bugs" out of the live feed!!

normabyrd said...

I was thinking about the OWL eggs last night----Didn't they have about 5 or 6 last year?---Or did it just seem like that!!!---REMEMBER the tiny one!!

normabyrd said...


Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER****************

grannyblt said...

New thread

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...