Friday, February 15, 2008


New thread.


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normabyrd said...

PAULA---Not many--kept coming & going----DID STEPHANIE from Parkersburg join!!---That's wonderful!!!---We grew up within 45 miles from each other!!---She learned about us from a 'ROBERT C. "BYRD" high school friend!!---She has been watching for a while---The folks at ROBERT C. BYRD high watch us too!!---They are the 'EAGLES' at their school!!----(team name)!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I survived my exercises!
I am now on Page 2 - hope everyone
comes over.

Carol_in_WV said...

NORMA - I just searched the Charleston Gazette website and there was a short article yesterday which states that the lawyer for the company that owns it said that it was closed because "the business plan was not working".

Carol_in_WV said...

Whoa ...THE SPLIT happened!

Carol_in_WV said...

Jo - I posted towards the end of page one and when I posted again, I was automatically taken to page two. (I had logged out in between the 2 posts - maybe that's why?)

Carol_in_WV said...

Will it SPLIT again at post #401? I wonder...

normabyrd said...

CAROL---After I finished the last blog---I had to answer phone & when I came back---WHAMO--we were on another page---We haven't gotten used to it yet!!--John RAESAE (sp)---owns many things--haven't gotten my mail yet!!--Happy Holiday!!

normabyrd said...

JO--DANELLE was on while you were out & she asked about SANDY--Wanted to know if we had heard from her---Told her if you had you would let her (DANELLE) know---ok?

Jill said...

Norma, Smoke Hole Caverns was having some financial problems but I never heard anything about Seneca. I will check with my friend from Pburg and see what she knows.

paula eagleholic said...

Tesoro chicks are getting their pin feathers in!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at CC1

Mema Jo said...

Carol it does split again at 400..
I think it did the other night..
Don't let that cat have those rubber bands-he could swallow one and then no more kitty! Give him a q-tip to play with!
I have not heard from Sandy - I guess I misunderstood as I thought Danelle would be seeing Sandy - I'll try to find out something.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like that is still Belle in our nest....guess Lib is on night shift!

Mema Jo said...

BBL Company arrived

Danelle said...

Hi all! I'm signing off. Time to head home from work. Hope to stop in sometime over the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon Folks.. WOW alot to catch up on here and my minds kind of in a fog for some reason... Now did Norfolk abandon the nest ? I see Belle on her eggs beautiful sight... Yeah Steven any word on going live soon and sound??? Now Suz thats so funny about your cats also.. My Sugahhh Boogahhh will set at his water dish and hit it til he dumps it on kitchen floor and then set and watch it run over the floor and play in it... Those kittens Sparkles & Smokey follow me every wheres and at night i say "COME ON MOMAS GOING TO BED" They are in the bed before waiting to get nder the covers... Oh yesterday JENNY came to my house with JAZZY and we went shopping... Went to Jennys and finally got Jazzys crib up and her new crib set on and the mobile i bought her to match... Ohhh she is patty cakin now... So i Spent the evening with the love of my life my beautiful grandaughter Jazzy!!! I am feeling better just achey and now having sinus... Geeezzz i hope this goes away soon....

Jill said...

Jo I thought that Danelle said she would be Sandy's in-home therapist or something like that. I thought she would be seeing her too. Maybe she has to do outpatient first then home and Danelle doesn't do outpatient.

NillaWafer said...

Jill you feeling better from your fall? Dana i eat over at Tops also good crab legs... Have you tryd the new chinese in Charles Town down at the old Golden Corral building? I havent?? Suppose to rain i think..

paula eagleholic said...

NOrfolk has new slideshows up - incredible pics...

paula eagleholic said...

They don't think the eggs are viable...

NillaWafer said...

I checked the Sidney eagles nest and before the eagles can do anything in that they will need to bring in an bull dozer to clean out the trees growing in the I like that nest it has sound...

paula eagleholic said...

They have been looking for the adults today...haven't really seen them...they have spotters out looking

NillaWafer said...

Oh thats a shame Paula NOW why couldnt they have climbed that tree to save those eggs and took them to incubator and replaced with wooden eggs like Dr Sharp does.. Sad but hope for the best

NillaWafer said...

Guess they didnt want to fool with Mother Natures sad and cruel ways sometimes...

NillaWafer said...

Im watching the baby elephants rompin and playing with each other out at SanDiego Zoo .. They lost a baby elephant in Febuary.. small Kamile ...

NillaWafer said...

Belles up turning eggs

paula eagleholic said...

Norfolk news

WVEC Tv Report

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Norfolk and PH

gotta go!

floralgirl said...

An eagle ghas just returned to the Norfolk nest, not that it will probably do any good at this point. It got in nest and appears to be sitting on eggs.

NillaWafer said...

Now aint that somethin... The real mom is driven off and appartently the dad has already mated with that hussie.. Geeezzz it must run in all males no matter what

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Belles eating he is working on putting fluff around eggs looks like.. takin pics

NillaWafer said...

I think thats Lib on the eggs she flew off

NillaWafer said...

WOW alot of new fluff in the nest all over it

NillaWafer said...

Remember i said before the guard over at NCTC was telling me about seeing them last year what he thought was killing food since it was sorta jumpin up and down n movement BUT it was actually pulling grass for the nest and flew off with talons full...

Jill said...

STill a little sore. Wrist is well enough to take the brace off tho. Now if I can just not reinjure it. I am bad for that. Which is why I probably should keep the brace on another day or two.

Jill said...

I was just informed by one of Martinsburg finest that my eagle obsession is getting out of control. As I left the station I noticed two large birds soaring over near the quarry, so I tried to follow them. Little did I know that I was being followed. After twisting and turning, I saw them fly into the quarry and pulled over and got out and was peaking through the fence. Then I heard a voice say "Jill, what the h*** are you doing" My response "Quick give me your binoculars, I think I see a juvenile eagle" But I couldn't find it in all the trees. I thought I had seen one last fall but could never get close enough. This time there were 2. So if you are in Martinsburg, keep you eyes out near the quarry in town.

NillaWafer said...

Both in nest

NillaWafer said...

I think Belles tellin him come on git up its my turn

Jill said...

NORMA-My friend can't find out anything about Seneca Caverns. She will keep trying.

NillaWafer said...

which quarry Jill???

NillaWafer said...

Switch Belles on the eggs and Lib flew the coup...

Jill said...

Martin and Kentucky

NillaWafer said...

Im still confused as to where? Thats musta been so funny to see you doin Martin Street & Kentuckey Avenue? Hmmm thinkin

NillaWafer said...

HAHA i just got this joke from a friend on my space................A guy robs a bank and takes hostages. In the course of the robbery his mask slips off.

He asks one of the hostages, "Did you see my face?"

The hostage answers yes, and the robber shoots her.

Then the robber turns to the second hostage. "Did you see my face?"

"No, but my husband did ..."

Mema Jo said...

Hello Buddies! PA wildlife cam had a deer butt blocking the view. That joke has me laughing Nilla - Jokes with simple stupid lines - crack me up! Duhhhhhh. I think that is why I like the Blonde jokes.
Jill put the brace back on for another day - at least when you're out & about & not thinking about being careful not to injure it again.
Like don't crack anyone up beside the head.. Get A Cane!

Mema Jo said...

The Germany gang have all there hhg now and granddaughter's computer is up & running. I am getting pictures galore being downloaded. I love it.
I'll get a web cam this weekend I hope - then I can see them also!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - a webcam would be cool. I am babysitting both grandsons tonight. Son is taking DIL out for dinner.

We are eating chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner. The baby is sleeping.

paula eagleholic said...

Nilla - they think the Dad was driven off, although they aren't sure where

Jill said...

NILLA-The quarry closest to the park. Where are the wildlife lives. Used be a nice fox in there. Everynight when I would come up Race Street he would be standing by the gate to the quarry, then after the shot the fox in the park he was gone, so I assume it was him. I wish I could get permission to get in there but I don't know who to talk too.

Jo-I wore the brace to work earlier today. But it is more of pain when trying to look through paperwork. My right elbow is worse now because I keep putting it on the desk and it hurts.

Mema Jo said...

I am over downloading all the pics from Germany...
Most sweethearts waited until the weekend to go out to dinner. Paula, some of those chicken nuggets are good!! dipped in ranch dressing of course...

Jill - maybe you can get Disability
Compensation! lol They can't do without you!

Costume Lady said...

JILL, did you have your second test today?
The quarry your speaking of must be Lake Thomas? Lot of weird stuff in there!

NillaWafer said...

Jill i swear i have never seen a quarry out that way guess i never looked but i will from now on...especially if eagles might be around....

Costume Lady said...

Crab Legs were Yummy, tonight. Mom had a whole big plate full in addition to other things. She needs to gain some weight and this will help. Grandson came along also. If I am not on here in the morning, it will be because of him.

NillaWafer said...

hahaha Now Wanda is saying Lake Thomas where are those places i been here since 1988 and have not seen them??

Jill said...

Lake Thomas is it. You have to go down Martin Street from Tennessee to see it. If you can't find it, call me, I will take you down there. We can peek through the fence like a couple of crazy people. I have a front row seat. LOL

WANDA-Test is Tuesday. I am getting antsy,just want to know something. I just sent you an email about your mom. Glad you enjoyed the crab legs. We went to Brothers Pizza. Not my favorite but nobody wanted Crab Legs. I think I will have them committed

floralgirl said...

MMm... chicken nuggets and crab legs, now I'm getting hungry.

Jill said...

HUMMM Chicken nuggets. LOL

WANDA-Check your mail again.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Jill i am off this weekend lets say we dawn our investigative trench coats and head out Thank God your a Judge hahaha we can get off with aslap on the wrist if we Jill i like Brothers Pizza alot... Where did you get the crab legs Wanda? Jill you working tomorrow? Maybe we can meet for lunch? I have ahankerin for seafood at the Cheasapeake seafood on Winchester Ave...

NillaWafer said...

Now are you tellin me there is big lake near here and i never seen it?? Or is that what they call the quarry?

NillaWafer said...

Jill i hope your right about eagles or juvies any More like you saw big crows...lolll j/k

Jill said...

I think I would recognize a crow. LOL. Much bigger.

I am working tomorrow. Do you work tomorrow night? Friends band is playing downtown, I am in charge of bringing in fans. LOL

NillaWafer said...

No Jill im off til Thursday before i come back to work... But i dont know if ill have Jazzy ... let ya know... Sounds good to me i need anight out ... Send me e-mail with info...

paula eagleholic said...

Actually, Cohen had chicken nuggets, I had chicken pot pie :)

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are asleep, toy story is still running on the DVD cause I can't get the TV channels on!

Costume Lady said...

Nilla, do I see a toofer in little Jazzy's mouth? She'll be eating corn on the cob this Summer.

Costume Lady said...

NILLA, we got our crab legs at China City Buffet. I forget who was talking about the Chinese restaurant in Charles Town, if not you, Dana or Jill; anyway, we have been there a couple of times. It must be run by the same people as the one here in town because they have the exact same buffet menu.

Costume Lady said...

My grandkid is asleep also, Paula. He is full of crab legs and chinese noodles.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, got the picture at Norfolk now...Mom has been chased off and intruder is a female...that's what we were talking about at Maine yesterday...

paula eagleholic said...

One of mine is full on Mama's milk, the other is full of chicken nuggets, french fries and peaches.

movin said...

Been trying to mull over what happened at Norfolk, but while I did learn more from the pics they have posted, there's so much goes on off camera that I decided I won't be able to understand unless I get more information.... Yesterday, we were all sure that it was a male on male thing????

It's clear that the eggs are history (no eagle incubating them tonight), the intruder has forced the nesting female out ("how" isn't really clear from the few pics), the male and the new female have mated and appear to be trying to start a new clutch...

I hope they have more pictures and accounts than you can find on the site now.



Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Another long day...ending it now.


paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

NillaWafer said...

Wanda no she doesnt have any toofers yet but I did teacher her to Patty Cake and she sets up really good now and plays... Think what your seeing is just I will have her tomorrow so im happy happy while her dad works on cars... Howdy Jim yes strange and unbelieable chain of events at Norfolk.. I think if that happened out at our nest a bunch of us would be there to git rid of that Ok time to say Good Night.. Enjoy your weekend folks... Mits & Sharon hope your both doing better and exspecially Sandra we miss you ... Niters

movin said...




[(~:][:~(] {mixed emotions}

floralgirl said...

raptorman blog with NBG eagle info
check this out,scroll to bottom for summary oftoday's activity at Norfolk and some really interesting slideshows

floralgirl said...

scroll to evening summary by annsva

movin said...

Thanks, Megan...I'll take a look.


movin said...

Megan, the videos, especially of the attack were very informative, although it would be a lot better if the attack series had started earlier and the scenes hadn't stopped and started so confusedly.

I wonder if the resident female survived that attack with talons and beak.

So, basically, the intruder harassed the resident until she couldn't incubate eggs and defend herself too. Then she forced the male off the eggs too.

Wonder if the original eagle ever gets revenge in these situations. Also wonder how old the original resident female is.

Mother nature not only can be cruel, but she can also be very stupid...once the nesting--fledging cycle begins, both parents should absolutely work and fight together against whatever danger to the family group for the good of the year's brood.


wvgal_dana said...

Wanted to check in on Norfolk but all is black.

One eagle in our nest on eggs. Other one comes in. humm might be Belle has arrived. They are looking at our eggs 3. One flew out other turning eggs. Settled down on our eggs.

floralgirl said...

Nest switch, our nest-6:50 am-nice shot of eggs-I took pics. The Norfolk situation is sad to us humans, it is part of what happens in nature, even the biologists there are having a dificult time figuring out exactly what is happens. As the eagles make a comeback, the reality is that us humans occupy a huge bulk of the land, and the places to nest arre limited. NBG is great real estate, and apparently worth fighting over. The resident mom appeared to have tried to regain her nest, perhaps the intruder was just a stronger bird.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok female comes into Washington George and Martha...chases Martha away from nest. It was only after Martha was put down did Dad mate with the new female that caused the problem. Ok we are told "eagles mate for life" they did in the case of George and Martha.

Now female comes into Norfolk...resident female has to chase and fight with intruder female.....resident female is chased off eggs...resident female has NOT died...."why does resident male mate with intruder female when his mate is not dead"??????hummmm nature.....

floralgirl said...

Hey Dana, good, I thought it was my computer, I couldn't get Norfolk up either. Rumor has it they will shut the cam down due to the lack of nesting birds, but I can't imagine they've done that yet. Maybe just technical dificulties. I'm pretty sure those eggs won't be viable, left alone for more than 6 hrs. yesterday, and probably all nite.

floralgirl said...

ask raptorman

floralgirl said...

That is a great site with lots of information on it.

Costume Lady said...

Megan, I just viewed the video that you brought up, and it is so sad to see this happening to that beautiful nest that we have been so fascinated with.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, just goes to show you that male birds are just like human males. Can't trust some of them to be faithful. LOL She must have been a pretty young thing!

floralgirl said...

Norfolk cam is back up-mt nest

normabyrd said...


wvgal_dana said...

Morning Megan, Wanda, Norma and Watchers.

Wanda we went out also but not for crab legs. Had those last week over in Hagerstown at "Topps". We went for yummy steak and lobster tail (steamed better than grilled)...have leftovers for today yummy... ( :

Norfolk is definately a interesting (sad) case. I still feel that yes eagle population has increased. That causes nesting problems. Although if so much of the land for developement of houses and townhouses. Wasn't using up all the land. The increase of eagles would have nesting space.

Remember Steven talking about the "last child in the woods". It is truly happening to humans as well as eagles and other creators. Sad our peoples from low to high places don't see this and make a change. It is always about the money....sad

wvgal_dana said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...