Tuesday, March 11, 2025

3/11/25 PM

 12:39 PM scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her duties He has a nice load of betdding with him.Bella greets him as he enters the nest she chortles She slowly gets up out of the cup. Does it quickly fly over to the rail beautiful wings? And as soon as she hit the rail, she takes off.12:43 .She flies off to the left.He hops over to the cup area.Looks down into the cup.Does a little roll wiggle wiggle wiggle down he goes. 

3 PM Bella flies in and lands on the lop. Scout greats her a couple of times..

  3:01 PM She sets on the lop amost loses her ballance. 3:02 a pitiful call from Scout. 3:03 p m Bella hops down from a lop. He is watching her as she comes down toward him. She carries a stick over with her talons but drops it as she gets near him. He gets up out of the cup right away.

 I guess you I guess she doesn't need to stick LOL he exits the nest at 3:03 PM right toward the camera ducks 😉 

536 and rolls5:36 19 PM here comes Scout back.Relieve Bella for a little bit before.She has to have the late night shift again 

Bella greets him as he arrives and lands on the lock. They have a conversation back-and-forth with one another. I think she is the lead of the conversation as always. He flies down to the nest and lands at 11. She starts getting up immedslowly. She stretches those legs. Flap your wings up to. 5 she goes and stands on the rail. He walks over slowly to the cup. She exits from 5 at an angle to the camera. How much of this will it get right?

5 36 36 he returns to the nest for she returns and lands on the lap. That was a quick change, the talk to each other real briefly little squeaky. Hey, wiggle wiggles down into the cup. Thinking, why isn't that? She takes off immediately at 5 36 50 name no.

 At 5:37 PM firm the lock to the corner toward the Grove.

 Maybe he should forgot to tell him something.

7:16 PM Bella comes in and lands on the lop She drop down to the nest, and she starts moving nesting material. Looks like a cornstark scout gets the message. It's time to go. He exits and Bella goes to the egg cup where she gets a roll. Then wiggle wiggle down. Chi'm sure she can hear Her baby's peeping.


Egg rolls 1223 2 o'clock 258 407 503 509 607 701 714 721 736 756 825 838 915 953 1004 11 o'clock 1119 1120 12 1229 1229 1240 1256 109 118 222 303 323 437 510 536 606 610 628 657 709 714 717 41 rolls so far 



1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

Please be respectful if you decide to make a comment. Any advertisement will be deleted. Thank you, Steven Chase for allowing me to continue the blog, but in a different manner than he intended. As a conversation piece, it is now for a videos and blogging.

3/11/25 CAM #1h

 Eggrolls. Cog.  🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ Eggrolls cog 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ eggroll cog SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️